islam s3 life of muhammad i

Islam – Life of Muhammad I Birth - Hijira MI 396 Dr. Robert Patton

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Islam – Life of Muhammad I

Birth - Hijira

MI 396

Dr. Robert Patton

Evaluation of Muhammad

Prophet, politician, powerful warrior

Not divine, but the model for all Muslims

Deeply loved and respected

The ka’aba

Building with many idols; tradition said that Abraham built it

There was a well called Zam Zam; drink from it

Throw stones at pillars – at the devil

Ritual prayers, circling the Ka’aba while praying all preceded Islam

Black stone was key – probably a meteorite

Ka’aba rebuilt

They decided to place a roof to prevent theft

They were afraid to demolish the walls, but one man did without problem. A Greek ship had run aground nearby and they used the timber for the roof.

The black stone was installed by the clan members lifting up a cloth with the stone inside


No nation in Arabia – everyone was in a clan, and blood ties were important

Your value came from your tribe

Quraysh were leaders in Mecca for 5 generations, and also the priestly group

Mecca small – ¼ mile x 1/8 mile

Early life

Abdullah died while his wife was pregnant His mother died when he was 5 years old His grandfather raised him, but died. He had

called him Muhammed (Praised One) at birth Finally, his uncle Abu Talib raised him, who was

chief of the Quraysh All from the Quraysh clan


His mother claimed that light from her womb lighted Syrian palaces

Abbysinian Christians wanted to have the infant, and claimed he would be great


Traveled to Syria as a young boy on caravan.

Young Muhammad was bonded with a Christian monk Bahira, who invoked the goddesses al-Latand al-Uzza, but Muhammad would have none of it. He was warned to look out for the Jews


Bahira told Abu Talib to guard him; the Jews will be jealous of him

Another saw a mole and fainted. He said that the prophethood had left the Jews and he will kill their scholars

There is no historical record to support these contentions about a tradition of an Arabian prophet

Early life

Supposedly conception, birth, pregnancy and early life were miraculous

Supposedly Jews and Christians as well as others knew Muhammad was coming

Raised by Abu Talib age 8. Taken to Syria, very sophisticated with writing (Arabic only for business), many Christians there


Hired by distant cousin, a wealthy widow called Khadija, as her trading agent.

He was known for good character and business sense

Tradition: a slave boy going with him saw 2 angels shielding Muhammad and told Khadija, who saw that he had doubled her fortune.


She proposed to him; apparently beautiful still as well as wealthy.

She was 40; he was 25.

They had 6 children; two sons died in childhood, and of 4 daughters, only Fatima outlived her father.


Khadija had a Christian cousin, Waraqa, a convert from Judaism, who believed that a prophet would arise from this people.

Waraqa was not an orthodox believing Christian

The Qur’an said that the Jews rejected the prophecied messiah.


The Jews were strong monotheists – and of course killed Jesus for shirk – claiming to be one with God

Christians were unorthodox – believed in a trinity of God, Jesus, and Mary

People of the book – the Scriptures,

Arabians were polytheists with oral traditions

Monotheism in Mecca

Hanifs were intelligent and dissatisfied with polytheism

Muhammed may have met with them

He began to walk 3 miles to Mt. Hira for meditation

Monotheism in Mecca

Very few Christians in Mecca

Zayd was a precursor, a monotheist fusing their religion with tribal gods, praying to the Ka’aba, and taught on heaven and hell

Muhammad’s visions

Muhammad would have month long retreats, and circle the Kaaba in prayer

He would go into the wilderness to pray – starting about age 40

Not uncommon to do so

He had visions, trances, and convulsions – called demon-possessed, a poet, a soothsayer, madman

Muhammad’s visions

About 40, he was confronted with a vision and commanded to read, and then to recite while in the cave Hira.

He complained that he could not read. The angel pressed on him 3 times and finally Gabriel recited the first verse of the Qur’an 96:1-5

He was going to kill himself, but Gabriel revealed himself and called him a prophet of God

Muhammad called a prophet

He told Khadija, as he was afraid of being crazy or a poet,

She told her Christian cousin, who met him, and pronounced that he was a prophet for his people.

Waraqa warned Muhammad that his people would reject him, probably after Waraqa’s death

Khadija became the first convert

One mark described

One tradition states that Khadijah asked Muhammad to look and he saw the angel when sitting on her left thigh, right thigh, and lap –but no more when she removed her veil

Some Muslims contend that even angels cannot look on an unveiled woman – too sinful

Repeated visions over years distress

He would sweat, fall to the ground, hear a bell, foam at the mouth – dreams, visions and thoughts in his mind; even spoke to the dead

Muhammad became suicidal on several occasions when the angel did not reappear for some time.

Many were skeptical of the source of his revelations

Sources of inspiration There are many references to the prophets in


At first, Muhammad respected the Jews and sought their approval.

He felt that he was the seal of the prophets, and that he was sent to the Arabs as Moses was to the Jews.

Abraham, Moses, David, and Jesus had incomplete revelation – his was complete & ultimately for everyone

Extra-biblical sources of inspiration

Some Biblical materials came from the Talmud

the killing of Abel is that of a whole people

God saved Abraham from being burned when they threw him into a fire for burning their gods

Muhammad & others

But especially the Jews recognized that Muhammad did not meet Biblical criteria as their prophet

Muhammad becomes furious at those who reject him..

Tradition states that a man questioning his authority could not be buried – the ground rejected his dead body repeatedly

Muhammad & others

The Qur’an is in Arabic, and not in Hebrew or Persian from another source.

Muhammad can ask the people of the Book if his prophecies are true.

Other sources for the Qur’an

There was a Arabic Infancy Gospel that taught that Jesus spoke from the cradle, and made clay animals and gave them life.

The parents told the children not to play with Jesus, because he was a wizard.

The Qur’an refers to this: 5:110

Gnostic views also influential

Gnostics believe that the physical matter is evil, and that Jesus did not have a physical body and could not have been crucified.

Muslims are not worried about this, as the Qur’an was supposed to correct earlier errors, so influence would be expected.

Zoroastrian beliefs make a contribution

Many of the descriptions of heaven, including the houris (virgins), and the delights of the food, drink, and weather are similar

First prayers

He learned that he should prostrate himself four times when at home, twice traveling

Gabriel showed him about ritual cleansing

Convert #2 - Ali

Abu Talib fell on hard times, and Muhammad took Ali to raise;

He became the second convert after Khadijah

Private preaching, conflict with his clan

Worship only Allah and not al-Lat and al-’Uzza, the daughters of Allah

Opposed by his uncle Abu Lahab – who either Muhammad or Allah said was doomed

The tribe asked for a miracle, or for Gabriel to speak to them

Once some interrupted their prayers, and one hit a polytheist with a camel jawbone, drawing blood

Public preaching

After 3 years, he preached to about 40 publically, and a small group, including Uthman, joined

They were mocked by the Quraysh tribe (his own tribe).

This became much more severe when he preached against idols, and especially the daughers of Allah.

Public preaching

.The tribe’s finances was built on idols, and made money from visits to the Ka’ba.

A fight came during prayers, and one of the clan injured an Islam man.

The tribe offered Abu Talib to give him a man in exchange for killing Muhammad.

Preaching at the fair

The Quraysh tried to warn others that he was a sorcerer, especially at a yearly fair

This only made others curious, and a number of men from Medina were attracted to his preaching

Medina had many Jews, and were used to hearing about monotheism

Fight with Quraysh

More opposition – about 12 converts, and some from another tribe

Muhammad suggested going to Ethiopia or Medina. Fifteen families fled there

Allah gives permission for defensive war. They will then establish a poor tax and Islamic law

New support from Hamza

Muhammad could have religion, but they wanted tolerance and they threatened him.

Hamza, the strongest man in Mecca, supported Muhammad

One offered him money or power, but he refused, and recited the Qur’an

Many arguments at Mecca

There were many arguments then

The Meccans demanded a sign or miracle from Muhammad, who said that Allah sent him as a messenger, not a miracle-worker.

Many arguments at Mecca

Men from Medina were giving 3 questions for Muhammad to answer.

His answers, given in places in the Qur’an, were also followed by many others

Abu Bakr saves Bilal

Some of the Quraysh tried to make a slave renounce Islam, but he refused and they tortured him.

Eventually Abu Bakr freed him by offering a strong black slave in his place; he did the same with 6 other Muslim slaves

Later this becomes a common practice

Muslims go to Ethiopia during this time

A number of Muslims left for Ethiopia

One man actually shifted to Islam


A very strong man, originally hassled Muhammad and everyone feared him

His brother-in-law and sister had converted

He read some of the Qur’an and was impressed and converted to Islam

Boycott food & intermarriage

For 2-3 years, the Quraysh boycotted the Muslims – no selling food or intermarriage

Several strong verses in the Qur’an came against the opponents.

The Quraysh ridiculed and offered to switch worship to see which worship was the best.

Satanic verses

Muhammad compromises briefly

Muhammad decided just to hold three of the gods of the Quraysh tribe along with Allah.

These were idols, the “daughters of Allah.

The tribe was happy and everyone worshipped together with Muhammad leading.

Satanic verses – Muhammad tested

Gabriel showed Muhammad that he was wrong, and Muhammad realized that the suggestion was from Satan.

No more worshiip of al-Lat, al-’Uzza and Manat, the “daughters of Allah.”

Allah showed that there was no way that the Muslims would have sons and he only have daughters. He nullified Satan’s attempt

Satanic verses


His conscience bothered him, and Muhammad realized that this was an attack from Satan.

This is spoken in the Qur’an as a deceit from Satan, and Muhammad retracted

His relationship with his tribe deteriorated further

Satanic verses debated

Many Muslims deny this ever happened

However, the Qur’an does mention one occasion when both believers and unbelievers prayed together

Muhammad and a Christian slave

Muhammad showed interest in a Christian slave.

His tribe ridiculed him and said that this was the source of his inspiration

Two difficult deaths

Abu Talib, who had raised him and protected him, died;

He did not accept Islam though Muhammad asked him to do so

Khadija, who was a great support, died age 65. Muhammad is now age 50

The Night Journey

Muhammed was awakened 3 times at night by Gabriel

The third time he was placed on a beast –Burraq, a winged animal between a donkey and a mule, and brought to Jerusalem.

The Night Journey

He was taken to the first heaven, and greeted by Adam.

Later he went to other levels, and met others, including Moses and Abraham

He was to choose between drinking a bowl of milk and wine, and chose milk, the correct choice.

The Night Journey

He was told to have Muslims pray 50 times a day but Moses said it was too much.

It was gradually reduced to 5, the Muhammad refused to ask for more reduction

He was ridiculed by his tribe

The night journey

This is outlined considerable detail in the Sira from Ishaq.

He describes many who were tortured to go to hell, the fire of hell, and how the angels greeted Muhammad with a smile.

He also saw a beautiful woman there, who was the wife of his adopted son Zaid

A time of trouble

Muhammad sought help from 3 brothers in the town of Taif, but they rejected him

A visiting tribe came to the fair, but wanted to be boss of Muhammad if he protected him

Medina comes to the fair

Tension between rich Jews, who were getting weaker, and Arabs in Medina

The Jews predicted that a prophet would come and lead them to victory

One Arab tribe the Khazraj, decided to join Muhammad before the Jews – he was probably the predicted prophet, and made the oath (first) at Aqaba

Medina interested in Muhammad blood oath

The first visit and oath was not a blood oath

A year later, they did make a blood oath to protect Muhammad to the death – second oath at Aqaba. – about 70 men

12 men asked Muhammad to come to Medina as ruler (10 were Jews)

Medina blood oath

When they went back to Medina, the city was split.

The Muslims continued Islam; the rest of the Arabs continued with their animism.

The Muslims desecrated some of their animism totem items.

Tensions increased at Mecca

Thus far there had been insults between Muhammad and his tribe.

They had thrown dust on him.

One threw shoes at the other, and the Muslim kept the shoes as a token of war

The Medinans returned; the Quraysh were not looking for a war

An attempt to kill Muhammad

The Muslims left Mecca except Muhammad, Abu Bakr, and Ali

The tribe decided that every clan would work together to kill Muhammad together.

Tradition: Muhammad had Ali sleep in his bed, confronted a group, they were blinded and he threw dust on their heads and departed

Leaving for Medina - Hijra

Muhammad and Abu Bakr left for Medina;

Ali stayed behind to finish up business.

They hid for three days and then made a 10 day trip

This is the beginning of the Muslim calendar


An attempt to kill Muhammad culminates in the Hijra – flight to Medina 622 AD

Abu Bakr & Muhammad went 280 miles to Yathrib (Medina) on camel

622 – called the Hijra

There was religious freedom, but with Muhammad settling all disputes