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What is Islam?

• An Abrahamic religion, not a form of government

• Followers are called Muslims

• Their Holy book is called the Qur’an

• Not all Muslims are Arab, not all Arabs are


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The “Arab” World

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Where do Muslims live?

• Everywhere!

• Islam started in the Middle East

• It has spread all over the world

• 20% of all Muslims live in Arab countries

• 12.7% of all Muslims live in Indonesia

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Respectful Academic Discourse

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The foundations of Islam• Muhammad- the founder of Islam– According to the Qur’an Muhammad received a

message from an angel in a cave in 610 AD• Muhammad moved his followers to Medina in

622 AD • In 630AD Mecca was ready to accept Islam• Muhammad dies in 632 AD

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The Spread of Islam

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• Medina• Mecca• Mediterranean Sea• Black Sea• Caspian Sea• Arabian Sea• Tangier• Nile River• Pyrenees Mountains• Arabian Peninsula• Jerusalem

• Tripoli• Persian Gulf• Red Sea• Cairo• Africa• Asia• Europe• Mesopotamia• Constantinople– Use Pg. 16, 20 and

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Sunni and Shiite Muslims

• After Muhammad's successor's death a disagreement arose

• Most Muslims thought that any devout and committed Muslim could rise to lead the Islamic faith- these people became Sunni Muslims

• A smaller group thought the leader of Islam should be a direct descendant of Muhammad- these people became Shiite Muslims

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Islam Today

• Over 1.6 Billion Muslims living in the world in 2015

• About 90% of Muslims are Sunni and the remainder are mostly Shiite

• The 35th and 37th richest people in the world are Muslims

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Additional Vocabulary for Extra Practice

• Prophet• Khadijah• Muezzin• Mosque• Ramadan• Hajj

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Review Game!

• Divide into teams• Choose one designated team representative

to answer questions• Take turns answering questions from Greece,

Rome, and Islam!

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• What two major forms of government did the Romans have?– Republic and Empire

• Name one thing Athens was famous for?

– Democracy, the Acropolis, the Parthenon, Art, it’s navy

• Who founded Islam?– Muhammad

• What body of water surrounds the Italic peninsula?– The Mediterranean Sea

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• Where was Muhammad from?

– Mecca

• According to myth, who founded Rome?– Romulus and Remus

• What two groups were created out of the disagreement of succession after Muhammad’s death?– Shiites and Sunnis

• What peninsula did Islam start in?

– The Arabian Peninsula

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• How many Muslims are there today?

– Around 1.6 Billion

• What is the Islamic Holy Book called?

– The Qur’an

• Where would Greeks flee to if their city was under attack?

– The Acropolis

• Why did the Western Roman Empire Fall?

– Barbarian attacks, crumbling infrastructure, scarce resources

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• Which modern country has the most Muslims?– Indonesia

• When was the Roman Republic founded?– 509 B.C.

• What does Abrahamic mean?– A religion that recognizes the same god, and shares the same

creation stories and myths, Christianity, Judaism, Islam

• Which Islamic sect do about 90% of Muslims follow?– Sunni Islam

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• How many modern nations were once controlled or influenced by the Romans?– 47

• When was Islam started?– 610 A.D.

• What city did Muhammad move his followers to?

– Medina

• Name one barbarian group responsible for attacks on Roman territory?– Vandals, Goths, Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Huns, Franks,


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• Name one thing that aided Roman Expansion?

– Uniform Coinage, city planning, strong professional army, inclusion of conquered people, infrastructure

• Which Greek city state was renowned for its soldiers?

– Sparta

• Name one language based in Latin?– Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian, Romanian

• Name one modern “Arab” nation?

– Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Yemen, U.A.E., Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Oman, Qatar, Sudan, Somalia, Tunisia, Kuwait, Lebanon