isi 2009: august 16-22, durban, south africa

ISI 2009: August 16-22, Durban, South Africa Consumer-based market segmantation based on Association Rule and RFM JongHoo Choi, ChunKyung Cha* (Korea University)

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ISI 2009: August 16-22, Durban, South Africa. Consumer-based market segmantation based on Association Rule and RFM. JongHoo Choi, ChunKyung Cha * (Korea University). 1. Background and Purpose. 2. Analyzed Dataset. 3. RFM. 4. Association Rule. 5. Association Rule based on the RFM. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: ISI 2009: August 16-22, Durban, South Africa

ISI 2009: August 16-22, Durban, South Africa

Consumer-based market segmantation based on Association Rule and RFM

JongHoo Choi, ChunKyung Cha*

(Korea University)

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1. Background and Purpose

2. Analyzed Dataset

3. RFM

4. Association Rule

5. Association Rule based on the RFM

6. Conclusion and discussion

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1. Background and Purpose

Recently, statistical approaches are required to set up marketing strategies founded

on the database of buying history

Customer segmentation is necessary for CRM(Consumer Relationship Management)

Association rules based on RFM method can give good strategies of differentiated

marketing along with segment’s characteristics

The purpose of this study is to give a new method based on RFM(Recency-

Frequency-Monetary) and association rules for customer segmentation marketing.

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Dataset used for this study is the buying history of solution products which are

manufactured by company ‘I’ from 2003 to 2005

Dataset is composed of ‘information of buying company’ and ‘product list of purchase’

Information of buying company consists of ‘recent buying quarter’, ‘sales’ and

‘frequency of buying item’

Total size of dataset is 3,886

The 6 variables, buying items list of each company, and 12 buying items list used for

analysis is represented in the table 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3, respectively

2. Analyzed dataset

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Variables Description

ID Identification number

Emp_count Number of employee of a company


Region of a company1: Seoul 2: KangWon 3: Daejeon, ChungCheong 4: Incheon, KyungGi5: Kwangju, JeonLa 6: Pusan ,Ulsan, KyungNam, JeJu 7: Daegu, KyungBuk

Recency Buying quarter of 12 items

Revenue Buying amount from 2003 to 2005

Product Buying frequency of 12 items

Table 2.1: 6 Variables used for analysis

2. Analyzed dataset

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Table 2.2: Buying items list of each company (part of a list)

2. Analyzed dataset

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Information Management Data management and integrationLotus Portal/Cooperation/Business Messaging

Rational Software developmentTivoli Secure/System/Storage management

WebSphereApplication server and business integration

DB2 Database managementITS System environment optimization serviceAIM Infra software for e-Business


pSeries Unix serveriSeries Integration serverxSeries Intel based serverStorage Storage

Table 2.3: 12 Buying items

2. Analyzed dataset

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3. RFM

RFM is the most generalized method for customer segmentation

Scoring for customer segmentation in the RFM is proceeded by linear combination

of three indicators, which are ‘Recency’, ‘Frequency’ and ‘Monetary’

We quantify the ‘Recency’, ‘Frequency’, ‘Monetary’, respectively and then add up the

three indicators weighting R, F and M values

where A,B,C are weighted value

It is a critical for assigning weighted values in the RFM

RFM = A×Recency + B×Frequency + C×Monetary

3.1 Scoring

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We use the Pareto’s rule 1) , to solve the assigning problem of weighted values to RFM

We obtain the weighted values from the R,F and M ratios of the upper 20% customers

in the sense of total sales amount

1) Pareto rule : Customers belonging to the upper 20% are theoretical that we gained 80% of total sales

3. RFM

3.1 Scoring

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Customer’s score = 0.3×Recency + 0.2×Frequency + 0.5×Monetary

The weights according to ratios of R, F and M values using the upper 20% customers based on the buying amount of money

Upper 20%

Remainder 80%

The buying period of upper 20% customers

Total buying period

The buying frequency of upper 20% customers

Total buying frequencyThe buying amount of upper 20% customers

Total buying amount


53.6+37.2+90.2= 0.3• Weight of R value =


53.6+37.2+90.2= 0.2• Weight of F value =


53.6+37.2+90.2= 0.5• Weight of R value =

3. RFM

3.1 Scoring

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The RFM model is not to induce new customers but to efficiently operate by

segmenting existed customers

The RFM supports that we can execute a concentrative marketing action to the loyal


Basically, the RFM method is more useful for creating profits than increasing sales


3. RFM

3.1 Scoring

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3.2 Set up R,F and M values

Recent buying period R-value Freq % Cum.%

1, 2, 3Q 1 203 5.2 5.2

4, 5, 6Q 2 349 9.0 14.2

7, 8Q 3 408 10.5 24.7

9, 10Q 4 894 23.0 47.7

11Q 5 551 14.2 61.9

12Q 6 1,481 38.1 100.0

Total 3,886 100.0

Table 4.2: Set up R-value and distribution based on the recent buying period(Q:Quarter)

3. RFM

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Total buying frequency F-value Freq % Cum.%

1 times 1 1,344 34.6 34.6

2 times 2 821 21.1 55.7

3 times 3 502 12.9 68.6

4 times 4 347 8.9 77.6

5~7 times 5 642 16.5 94.1

more than 8 times 6 230 5.9 100.0

Total 3,886 100.0

Table 4.3: Set up F-value and distribution based on the recent buying frequency

3. RFM

3.2 Set up R,F and M values

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Total buying amount M-value Freq % Cum.%

~ $10,000 1 824 21.2 21.2

$10,000 ~ $30,000 2 583 15.0 36.2

$30,000 ~ $70,000 3 554 14.3 50.5

$70,000 ~ $150,000 4 536 13.8 64.3

$150,000 ~ $500,000 5 706 18.2 82.4

$500,000 ~ 6 683 17.6 100.0

Total 3,886 100.0

Table 4.4: Set up M-value and distribution based on the recent buying amount

3. RFM

3.2 Set up R,F and M values

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As we see from table 4.2 to table 4.4, R,F and M-values are classified with 6 egments

based on the ‘Recency’ of customers’ buying data, ‘Frequency’ of customers’ buying

frequency and ‘Monetary’ of customers’ buying amount, respectively

Consequently, R,F and M values can be quantified numeric values between 1 to 6

It can be converted into standardized value and finally figured out as RFM score.

More general equation is presented as follows.

3. RFM

3.3 Customer segmentation using RFM

Customer’s score = 0.3×Recency + 0.2×Frequency + 0.5×Monetary

RFM score = (Customer’s score×100)/6

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ex> If R=6, F=6, M=6 (R,F,M)=(6,6,6)

then Customer’s score = 0.3×Recency + 0.2×Frequency + 0.5×Monetary

= 0.3×6 + 0.2×6 + 0.5×6 = 6

RFM score = (Customer’s score×100)/6

= (6×100)/6 = 100

, (R,F,M) = (1,1,1) ~ (6,6,6)

3. RFM

3.3 Customer segmentation using RFM

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RFM score Frequency % Cum.%

42 77 2.0 17.7

: : : :

50 120 3.1 23.7

52 21 0.5 23.8

: : : :

60 90 2.3 49.2

62 85 2.2 49.4

: : : :

70 92 2.4 64.3

72 86 2.2 64.5

: : : :

80 84 2.2 79.5

82 13 0.3 79.6

: : : :

90 28 0.7 84.9

92 42 1.1 86.0

: : : :

98 14 0.4 97.1

100 112 2.9 100

The cutoff point of a best group

The cutoff point of a better group of the upper 20% customer

3. RFM

3.3` Customer segmentation using RFM

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Support(%) Confidence(%) Frequency Association rule

23.91 71.89 931 ITS → ITS → ITS

15.79 75.37 615 AIM → ITS → ITS

13.59 76.56 529 Storage → ITS → ITS

12.33 76.92 480 ITS & AIM → ITS → ITS

Table 4.1: Output of the association rule

4. Association Rule

Table 4.1 shows the results of the first 4 association rules

They are selected by the ‘support’ value which is an evaluation criteria of association rule(Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber, 2006)

Association rule is a data mining technique for finding interesting association, pattern and/or relationships from sequential and replicative events

Therefore, it is useful to discover relationships such as arrangement of product and promotions

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Support : Pr(A∩B)

The number of total transaction

(The number of transaction including A and B)Support of 'A→B’=

Confidence : Pr(B|A)

The number of total transaction including A

(The number of transaction including A and B)Confidence of 'A→B’=

4. Association Rule

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5. Association rule based on the RFM method

Support(%) Confidence(%) Frequency Association rule

59.48 75.26 295 ITS → ITS → pSeries

56.05 82.74 278 AIM → ITS → ITS

54.84 80.00 272 Storage → ITS → pSeries

Table 5.1: Association rule for best group

Table 5.1 shows the result of best group.

Table 5.1 shows the first 3 association rule that are selected by ‘Support’

From the table 5.1, we can find that the company buy an ‘ITS’ also purchase an ‘ITS’ and then buy a ‘pSeries’

The company buy an ‘AIM’ also purchase an ‘ITS’ and then buy an ‘ITS’ and so on…

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Support(%) Confidence(%) Frequency Association rule

23.38 48.70 94 ITS → ITS → xSeries

23.13 71.54 93 Storage → ITS → ITS

20.90 67.74 84 AIM → AIM → ITS

Table 5.2: Association rule for better group

Table 5.2 represents the result about better group’s products

From the table 5.2, we can find that the company buy an ‘ITS’ also purchase an ‘ITS’

and then buy a ‘xSeries’

The company buy a ‘Storage’ also purchase an ‘ITS’ and then buy an ‘ITS’

5. Association rule based on the RFM method

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6. Conclusion and discussion

Customer segmentation using the RFM method and association rule is helpful to

construct the differentiated marketing strategies for segmented customers

As we see in the previous chapter, buying patterns are represented by segmented


It becomes an useful information to establish marketing strategies and consumer

relationship management

In the further research, we can proceed the customer segment specified marketing

strategies and identify new customers with similar buying patterns, selectively and


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[1] Don Peppers and Martha Rogers (1999). Enterprise One to One, First Edition, New York : Currency Doubleday.

[2] Jiaewi Han and Micheline Kamber (2006). Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, Second Edition, San Francisco : Morgan Kaufmann.


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upper 20% customers









Cum.%%Freq.Total buying amount

Cutoff point of the upper 20%

The number of the upper 20% customers is 799 companies among 3886 companiesTotal buying amounts is all the 90.2% occupancy

420,000 20.0

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

2003.01 ~ 2005.12 36 Months 12 Quarters

ID Buying period Upper 20% customer

0001 12 O

0002 1 O

0003 4 X

0004 6 O

0005 3 O

0006 6 X

… … …

3886 9 O

Total 23312 O = 799

Sum of the period of upper 20% customers

Total buying period• Weight of R value =



