isbn 978-602-50037-8-3


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ISBN 978-602-50037-8-3

The Economic Optimism 2021 Perspectives:

Education, Business, Health, Engineering and Technologi,

Productive Enterprises and Law


Perkumpulan Ahli & Dosen Republik Indonesia (ADRI)



ADRI International Conference

Hybrid System (Online and Offline from Surabaya)

March 9 to 11, 2021


ISBN 978-602-50037-8-3

The Economic Optimism 2021 Perspectives:

Education, Business, Health, Engineering and Technologi,

Productive Enterprises and Law

Publication Collaboration:

Perkumpulan Ahli & Dosen Republik Indonesia (ADRI)

STKIP Singkawang (Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Singkawang

Publisher Address:

Alamat : Jalan STKIP Kelurahan Naram, Singkawagm Kalimantan Barat,

Indonesia - 79151

Surel : [email protected]

Proceding Link:



ADRI International Conference

Hybrid System (Online and Offline from Surabaya)

March 9 to 11, 2021


The Economic Optimism 2021 Perspectives:

Education, Business, Health, Engineering and Technologi,

Productive Enterprises and Law

383 pages, 28 cm Copyright Reserved Copyright @ 2021 ADRI ISBN 978-602-50037-8-3

Editor-in-Chief : Dr. Andi Mursidi, M.Si. (STKIP Singkawang, Indonesia)


Dr. H. Achmad Farhoni Rodli, M.Pd, (President ADRI, Indonesia)

Prof. Peter Newcombe, Ph.D. (University of Queensland Australia).

Prof. Seung Wook Kim. (Korea University, Korea Selatan).

Prof. Assoc. Dr. I-Hsien Ting. (National University of Kaohsiung, Taiwan).

Dr. Mohammad Dayij Alqomoul, Tafila Technical University, Jordan

Dr, osé Lisandro Aguilar Castro, Universidad EAFIT, Medellin, Colombia

Dr. Stephen Ball, University of London, United Kingdom

Dr, Jeremiah Sullins, Harding University, United States

Dr, Michael Vallance, Future University Hakodate, Japan

Dr, Juan Carlos Matos Franco, University of Salamanca, Spain

Dr. Hadi Susanto, United Kingdom, United Kingdom

Prof. Dr. R. Partino (Universitas Cendrawasih, Irian Jaya).

Prof. Dr. Endry Boeriswati, M.Pd. (UNJ, Jakarta).

Prof. Dr. Eri Sarimanah, M.Pd. (Universitas Pakuan, Bogor)

Prof. Dr. Dominggus Malle, M.Sc. (Universitas Pattimura, Ambon)

Prof. Apriana Toding, S.T., M.Eng.Sc., Ph.D. (Universitas Kristen Indonesia Paulus, Makasar)

Dr. Rini Mastuti, MP. (Universitas Samudera, Langsa)

Dr. Wresni Pujiyati, M.Pd. (Universitas Wiralodra, Indramayu)

Dr. Golan Hasan, SE., M.S.i. (Universitas Internasional Batam)

Dr. Febrianty, S.E., M.Si. (Politeknik Palcomtech, Palembang)

Dr. Fitri April Yanti, M.Pd. (Universitas Nahdatul Ulama, Lampung)

Dr. Wiwik Handayani, SE, M.Si. (Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur)

Dr. Abdul Razak Munir, SE, M.Si, M.Mktg. (Universitas Hasanudin, Makasar)

Dr. E. Rusiadi, SE, MSi, CIQaR, CIQnR. (Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi, Medan)

Dr. Ir. Achmad Daengs GS,SE.MM.CPPM.CPE. (Universitas 45, Surabaya)

Dr. Farikah, M.Pd (Universitas Tidar, Magelang)

Dr. Chandra Kartika,SE.,MM.BNLP.NFLP.CNNLP.CMNLP.CMA.HC. (Universitas Wijaya

Putra, Surabaya)

Dr. M. Zamroni, S.H., M.Hum. (Universitas Maarif Hasyim Latif, Sidoarjo)

Dr. Lilik Huriyah, M.Pd.I. (UIN Sunan Ampel, Surabaya)

Dr. Nurfadilah Siregar, M.Pd. (Universitas Siliwangi, Tasikmalaya)

Abdul Rahman, M.Pd.I. (IAIN Curup, Bengkulu)


Agata Iwan Candra, ST., MT. (Universitas Kadiri, Kediri)

Ayu Wita Sari, S.Si., M.Sc. (STIKES Guna Bangsa, Yogyakarta)

Dra. Lusy Tunik Muharlisiani, M.Pd. (Universitas Wijaya Kusuma, Surabaya)

Eka Apriani, M.Pd. (IAIN Curup, Bengkulu)

Kalzum R. Jumiyanti, SE., M.Si. (Universitas Gorontalo)

Mikkey Anggara Suganda, M.Or. (Universitas Nahdatul Ulama, Cirebon)

Wiwiek Kusumaning Asmoro, SE., MM. (Politeknik Negeri Malang)

Joli Afriany, SS., MM. (Universitas Nahdatul Ulama Sumatera Utara)

Editor Team:

Eka Murdani, S.Si., M.PFis. (STKIP Singkawang)

Abd.Basith, M.Pd., Ph.D. (STKIP Singkawang)

Dr. Muhammad Ikhsan Setiawan. (Universitas Narotama, Surabaya)

Dr. Wardani Dwi Wihastyanang, S.Pd., M.Pd. (STKIP PGRI Jombang)

Dr. Dian Aswita, S.Pd., M.Pd. (Universitas Serambi Mekkah, Aceh)

Dr. Teuku Hasan Basri, S.Pd., M.Pd. (Universitas Samudra, Aceh)

Insan Suwanto, S.Pd., M.Pd. (STKIP Singkawang)

Heru Susanto, S.Pd., M.Pd. (STKIP Singkawang)

Buyung, S.Pd., M.Pd. (STKIP Singkawang)

Slamat Fitriyadi, S.Pd., M.Pd. (STKIP Singkawang)

Erdi Guna Utama, S.Pd.Si., M.Pd. (STKIP Singkawang)

Ari Riswanto, M.Pd., MM. (STKIP PGRI Sukabumi)

Novan Andrianto, M.I.Kom. (Uiniversitas Dinamika, Surabaya)

Dina Chamidah, S.Pd., SH., M.Si., M.Kn. (Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya)

Muh Ilham Bakhtiar, S.Pd., M.Pd. (STKIP Andi Mattappa, Pangkep-Sulawesi Selatan)

Mustasyfa Thabib Kariadi, M.Pd. (Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Purwokerto)

apt. Mohammad Rizki Fadhil Pratama, M.Si. (Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangka Raya)

Anik Vega Vitianingsih, S.Kom., MT. (Universitas Dr Soetomo, Surabaya)

Ir. Muhammad Nurtanto, M.Pd. (Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Serang-Banten)

Machrus Ali, ST., MT., IPM. (Universitas Darul Ulum, Jombang)

Dra. Nurtyasih Wibawanti R Amina, M.Si. (Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komunikasi Almameter

Wartawan Surabaya)

IT Support Team

Agus Kurniawan, S.Kom. (STKIP Singkawang)

Ade Setiawanm S.T. (STKIP Singkawang)

Publication Collaboration:

Perkumpulan Ahli & Dosen Republik Indonesia (ADRI)

STKIP Singkawang (Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan) Singkawang

Publisher Address:

Alamat : Jalan STKIP Kelurahan Naram, Singkawang Kalimantan Barat,

Indonesia - 79151

Surel : [email protected]

Proceding Link:



Praise be uttered to the presence of Allah SWT. Thanks to His grace and grace, the 27th

ADRI International Conference can be held successfully on March 9 to 11, 2021 with the

theme: The Economic Optimism 2021 Perspectives: Education, Business, Health, Engineering

and Technology,Productive Enterprises and Law, the 27th ADRI International Conference was

held in conjunction with the 3rd ADRI National Work Conference in 2021 which was held in

a Hybeid system, namely online and offline from Surabaya.

This procedure contains the results of research by academics from various scientific

disciplines, however the process is still carried out by using related fields of science; such as

the review process to the manuscript presentation.

For the first time, the ADRI process was published and indexed by Crosreff so that

every manuscript published had a Digital Object Identifier (DOI). The DOI was given in

collaboration with STKIP Singkawang.

On this occasion I would like to express my appreciation and high appreciation to the

President of ADRI, all parties, especially the Editors, reviewers, committees, and the

Management Team of STKIP Singkawang who have worked hard so that this process can be

published and published.Hopefully this proceeding can be useful for the campus academic

environment in particular and all Indonesian people in particular and internationally in general

and be able to generate a culture of research and writing.

Thank you very much.

Surabaya, March 9, 2021

Chairman of the committee

Dr. Andi Mursidi, M.Si.


Table of Contents


Author Page

Students’ Cognitive Learning Achievement on Vertebrate Topic using Mind

Mapping Learning Material

S S Lathifah, S A Ulfah


Enhancing Student’s Reading Ability by Translating Arabic Sentences through

Look and Say Technique

Reza Indrawan


Guidance and Counseling Service for Improving The Mental Health and Well-

Being of Early Childhood

Desni Yuniarni


The Difficulties Factors on Anatomy Learning of Physiotherapy Students


Ari Sapti Mei Leni, Nasri


Sexual Violence against Indonesia Children in The Era of Globalization

Rahmawati, Hartiwiningsih, Muhammad Rustamaji, Sulistiyanta


Effect of Investment Decisions and Financial Decisions on Firm Value in

Registered Islamic Banking on The Indonesia Stock Exchange

Zainal Abidin


Face Tonic Formulation from Ethanol Extract of Maranta Arundinacea L. with

Variety of Cosolvent and Surfactant: Propylene Glycol and Polysorbate 80

Dina Yuspita Sari, Syamsul Ariansyah, Sharnaz Shinta, Wahyudin Beniardi


Management of Child-Friendly Schools Development in Educator Admission

Systems in Extraordinary Schools

Widyatmike Gede Mulawarman, Elisabet BR Manik


Developing Business Model in Rice Production: Case in the Subaks System in

Bali, Indonesia

Gede Sedana


Management Strategy for Community Mining Areas (WPR) and Community

Mining Permits (IPR) to Increase Community Income in Sepang District,

Gunung Mas Regency, Central Kalimantan Province

Lelo Sintani, Tresia Kristiana, Frederical


Effect of Role Stress on Auditor Performance with The Psychology Well-Being

Aspect as A Moderating Variables (Empirical Study at The Representative Audit

Board of Central Kalimantan Province)

Apriana Barus, Maureen Marsenne


Factors Affecting Analysis of the Production of Sweet Corn (Zea Mays L.) in

Rasau Jaya 1 Village, Kubu Raya Regency

Donna Youlla, Eggie Buana Putra, Agusalim Masulili


Media Innovation in Online Learning Text Opinion Class XII SMK Nusantara

02 Health Ciputat

Rerin Maulinda


Analysis of The Relationship Between Water Quality, Sanitation and Hygiene on

Environmental Health on The Edge of The Kahayan River

Dileli Dharma Astoeti, Sulmin Gumiri, Liswara Neneng, Ardianoor


MSMEs Development Strategy in the Free Trade Era in Kampung Batik Laweyan


Dede Bayu Aji Santoso,Shidiq Kurniawan, Muhalits Rangga Maszaid



Analysis of Consumer Behavior in Buying Vegetables at Cemani Traditional


Apif Sofyan, Annisa Vini Fitria, Indah Wahyu Utami,Tri Purwani, Diana Novira


Urgency for The Establishment of Regional Regulations about Village Tour in

Efforts to Build A Border Society Economy in Sanggau Regency

Syarifah Arabiyah, Rahmad Satria, M Fahmi Hazdan, Ivan Wagner


The Role of The Village Government in Sustaining The Ritual Miwit Abeh in

Dayu Village-Karusen Janang District-Barito Timur District



Teacher Strategies in Improving Communication Abilities among Children

I Made Sutika, I Nengah Sudiarta, I Made Kartika, I Made Astra Winaya, Anita

Putri Irmawati


Participatory Approach in Developing Ecotourism: Case within The Area of Lake

Buyan, Bali, Indonesia

I Made Sila, I Nengah Yastini, dan I Made Astra


The Influence of Principal’s Academic Supervision Implementation, Teacher

Pedagogic Competence and Teacher Professional Competency Against Student

Achievement: Survey on SMA Negeri In Kuningan Regency

Pupu Saeful Rahmat


Mailing Yunior High School based Humanist in The Perspective of Character

Education in During The Pandemic Covid 19 in Sukoharjo District



The Effect of Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) Cooperative

Learning Model on Students 'Understanding Levels (Experimental Study on

Atmospheric Materials in Class X SMA Negeri 1 Cigudeg, Cigudeg District,

Bogor Regency)

Fuziawati, Siti Fadjarajani, Ely Satiyasih Rosali


Positive Accounting Theory’s Hypotheses Testing on Indonesian Banks

Wita Ramadhanti


Development of Audio-Visual based Learning Media in Improving Student

Presentation Ability in Retorics Courses

Dwi Septiani


Detection of Sharp Weapons on X-Ray Image Using Supervised SVM Learning

Agung Santoso, Fitri Nurhidayati, Sehman


Analysis of Psychological Focus of Education to Conduct Learning During

Pandemic Covid-19 in Bogor

Wawat Srinawati


Effect of Financial Ratio to Financial Performance on Telecommunication

Companies Registered in IDX Period 2013-2017

Ainur Rokhmawati, Mitha Otik Wiraswati


Application of Augmented Reality Application to Determine Shoes according to

User Size using Markerless Method

Bayu Charisma Putra, Yunita Nur Afifah


Highlighting The Law of Associated Administration among Youngs in

Perspective Legal Philosophy

Dhofirul Yahya


Role of Cotton Oil Fatty Acid and Distance to The Characteristics of The Fire

Burning Droplet

Dony Perdana


Analysis of the Application of Accounting Information Systems for Honor and

Salary in Improving Corporate Internal Control (Case Study at PT. XYZBM)



Eko Purwanto, Darno, Andre Brata, Jaya Adigama Tengtarto, Kuswana Rama


Creation of Interactive Learning Media through Animation in PAUD Al-Hayyat

Ernawati, Rizki Ayu Nur Rohmah, Septianti, Heri Kiswanto


Analysis of The Influence of Work Motivation, Leadership Style, Work

Discipline on The Work Performance of CV Employees Premier Wood

Manufacturing Wonoayu-Sidoarjo



Chatbot Learning Application Android based by using Natural Language

Processing (Case Study: Object-Oriented Design Analysis Course)

Khairil Anam, Isturom Arif


The Ability of Jengkol Peels (Pithecellobium Jiringa) to Reduce Pb Levels in

Well Water

Lilla Puji Lestari, Sudaryo


The Influence of Brand Awareness and Perceived Value on Purchase Decisions

at McDonald's Sidoarjo East Java Indonesia

M. Eddy Rosidi


A Study of Renewable Energy and Hydroelectric Literature through Bibliometric

Positioning during Four Decades

Mochamad Choifin, Achmad Fathoni Rodli, Anita Kartika Sari, Abdul Aziz, Tri



The Effect of Brand Awareness, Quality Perception, Brand Association on

Customer Loyalty

Nikma Yucha, Michael Gatot, Dian Novita


The Mechanism of With Holding Tax Income Article 23 for Oustsourching

Service in PT Wira Buana Arum Sukodono

Niswatur Rusuliyah, Siti Mahmudah


Analysis of The Influence of Motivation, Perception and Social Class of

Consumers on City Car Purchase Decisions (Case Study on The Sukapucing City

Car Community)

Nurul Laili Fittriya, Rd. Nurainiyah Hawa


Analysis of Purchase Decision Factors Rivanol Compress Medicine

Ratna Ekasari, Rezki Aulia Pramudita


Analysis of The Effect of Liquidity, Solvability and Leverage on Profitability of

Food and Beverage Companies on The IDX 2016-2018

Varid Martah


Independence of The Auditor’s Consideration in The Public Accounting Firm in


Rezki Bachtiar Yuliansyah


Detection of LoG Edge X-Ray Image at Juanda Airport with Supervised SVM

Learning for Sharp Weapons Identification

M. Syarif Hadayatullah, Agung Santoso


The Relationship between Learning Discipline and Learning Outcomes in The

Sub-Theme of Animal Movement Organs

R. Teti Rostikawati, Yuli Mulyawati, Angelia Ma’wah


The Influence of Organizational Culture, Leadership and Motivation on

Employee Performance in Yayasan Paramitra Jawa Timur

Rudi Wibowo, Nuning Nurna Dewi


Analysis of Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability Seen from Self-Efficacy in

Solving Problem in The Matter of Social Arithmetic

Buyung, Mariyam, Debi Melianti, Yudi Kurniawan



Analysis of Students' Number Sense Ability on Fraction Number Material in

Class VII of SMP Negeri 8 Singkawang

Citra Utami, Muhammad Arya, Rika Wahyuni, Ahmad Yani


Key Figure Social Conflicts in Novel Birds of Rantau karya Y.B. Mangunwijaya

Eti Sunarsih, Zulfahita, Ratna, Andi Mursidi


The Moral Value of The Pantun in The Traditional Marriage of The Malay

Community in Sambas Regency

Fitri, Hasannudin, Heru Susanto, Eti Sunarsih


The Psychological Conflict of The Main Character in The Drupadi Novel by Seno

Gumira Ajidarma

Heru Susanto, Saddam Husein, Fitri, Andi Mursidi


How The Traditional Game of Jumping Rope Affects Students' Cooperative


Iip Istirahayu, Insan Suwanto, Wiwit Hayu Ningrum, Andi Mursidi


Structure, Function, and Meaning of Mantra Paga Ramin Dayak Bakati in Tainam

Village, Bengkayang Regency

Lili Yanti, Robiyanto, Susan Neni Triani, Andi Mursidi


Application of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) Model of Students'

Mathematical Literacy Ability in Relation and Function Material

Rika Wahyuni, Ruslaila,Citra Utami, Yudi Kurniawan


The Meaning of Home Appliances in the Madurese Language

Susan Neni Triani, Radini Khoirunnisa, Fitri, Andi Mursidi


Analysis of The Use of The Madura Language Level in the Singkawang Islamic

Boarding School

Sri Mulyani, Shakia Septiana, Eti Sunarsih, Sri Dewi Yanti


Cultural Values in The Myth on The Ketapang Community

Zulfahita, Rino Biantoro, Eti Sunarsih, Nanang Heryana


The Role of Counseling Teachers in Preventing Verbal Bullying at SMPN 4


Dewi Mariana, Fitri Ningsih, Dian Mayasari


Character Education through Functional and Religious Approaches (Case Study

of Middle/High School Students in Sumedang Regency)



Education Intelligent The Nation (The Nation Clever is Along Educated)



Proceeding of 27th International Conference ADRI

ISBN : 978-602-50037-8-3


DOI: 10.26737/adri27 125 | Page



Case within the Area of Lake Buyan, Bali, Indonesia

I Made Sila1, I Nengah Yastini2, dan I Made Astra3

Dwijendra University, Indonesia


Background: The potential of natural resources and ecosystems can be developed and utilized maximally for the welfare

of the people while still paying attention to conservation efforts. The objective of this paper is to describe the roles of

subak in supporting rice production. The objective of this study is to describe the participation of local people in

supporting the development of ecotourism.

Materials and Methods: The study was conducted within the area of Lake Buyan located in Buleleng regency, Bali

Province. The respondents interviewed in this study were the officials of The Tourism Service and 40 villagers were also

drawn by using simple random sampling. Data collected were primary and secondary data in the site of study. The

techniques of data collection were survey, interview, focus group discussion, observation and documentation. Data was

analyzed by employing descriptive method.

Results:The results of the study pointed out that ecotourism is the eco-friendly tourism activities which has many aspects

of nature conservation, socio-cultural and economic empowerment of local communities as well as aspects of learning

and education. The development of ecotourism should have some principles, such as: (i) having a concern, responsibility

and commitment; (ii) ecology; (iii) providing benefits to the local community; (iv) being sensitive and (v) paying

attention. The important values to consider in the development of Buyan ecotourism are: (i) ecological value; (ii)

commercial value; (iii) social and cultural values; (iv) recreational values; (v) the value of research and education.

Key words: Production, subak, , agribusiness, market, profit

I. Introduction Presently, the tourism development which is oriented on the developing mass tourism products is slowly starting

to shift towards development that focuses on sustainability issues. Indonesia has the potential for natural resources and

huge historical, artistic and cultural heritage as a world tourism attraction. Living natural resources and their ecosystems

in the form of diversity of flora, fauna and natural phenomena with the beauty of their natural landscapes are a gift from

God Almighty. The potential of natural resources and their ecosystems can be developed and utilized maximally for the

welfare of the people while still paying attention to conservation efforts. Natural resources that can be used as nature

conservation and at the same time as natural tourism objects are: mountains, marine parks, rivers, beaches, flora including

forests, fauna, waterfalls, lakes and natural landscapes [1, 2, 3].

It is approximately 59% of Indonesia's land area is tropical rain forest or about 10% of the total forest area in

the world. It is about 100 million hectares of which are classified as protected forest, of which 18.7 million hectares have

been designated as conservation areas. This has big potential to be developed as a tourism destination. Therefore, it

should be realized by the government, so that Indonesia could formulate a productive policy and make a different

approach in the tourism development. This might manage a sustainable system for developing biological diversity,

especially policies in the tourism development that directly utilize natural resources as assets [4,5]. The development of

non-extractive, non-consumptive and sustainable natural resources needs to be prioritized and in the field of tourism

development such as ecotourism must be the main choice. Ecotourism is one of the eco-friendly tourism activities by

prioritizing aspects of nature conservation, aspects of socio-cultural and economic empowerment of local communities

as well as aspects of learning and education.

The increase in natural tourism activities is expected to result in changes in the lifestyle of the community, an

increase in the standard of life, an increase in free time and an increase in facilities and infrastructure so that they can

reach places wherever tourist sites are located. In general it has been realized that in supporting the development of the

tourism sector which has a variety of objects and attractions, levels of relationships, location and availability of funds

and various other determining factors, the level of development is not uniform. Therefore, in handling, developing and

fostering it, it is necessary to have cross-sectoral integration both at the regional and central levels. In case of Bali, the

trend of visiting ecotourism has increased by the domestic and international tourists. One of the destinations is Lake

Buyan located in the mountainous area. The involvement of local people is very important to support the ecotourism

development. The objective of this study is to describe the participation of local people in supporting the development

of ecotourism.

Proceeding of 27th International Conference ADRI

ISBN : 978-602-50037-8-3


DOI: 10.26737/adri27 126 | Page

II. Methods The study was conducted within the area of Lake Buyan located in Buleleng regency, Bali Province. This location

was selected by using purposive sampling with some reasons as follows. Lake Buyan has been developed to be a new

destination of tourists. Besides, the Lake Buyan has big potential to the tourist attraction or activities relating to the

ecotourism (views of lake, mountain, botanical garden, horticultural crops, and others). The respondents interviewed in

this study were the officials of The Tourism Service at the Bali province and Buleleng regency, the head of village, the

local leaders who were purposively selected. Meanwhile, 40 villagers were also drawn by using simple random sampling.

Data collected were primary and secondary data in the site of study. The techniques of data collection were survey,

interview, focus group discussion, observation and documentation. Data was analyzed by employing descriptive method.

III. Result

3.1 Developing ecotourism in the area of Lake Buyan . Lake Buyan is located in the Northern part of Bali which is about 60 km from Denpasar city. The location is

very easy to access due to the good transportation. The facilities of communication, finance, transportation, electricity

and others in the area of Lake Buyan are well managed. Therefore, the development of ecotourism tends not to have

problem. Human resource development should be improved in supporting the ecotourism. Ecotourism development

opportunities in the area should not be placed only to solve economic problems, but ecotourism should be placed as a

means/tool to support sustainability in accordance with the way local communities apply environmental conservation,

cultural preservation and economic prosperity. An economic benefit could be an incentive for the local people in making

sustainability of the program [

Conceptually, according to [6], there are several basic principles and criteria that can become a common

reference and foundation in developing eco-tourism in an area. The concept of sustainable tourism development which

aims to support efforts to conserve the environment (nature and culture) should increase community participation in

management, thus providing economic benefits to the local community. In terms of management, ecotourism can be

defined as the implementation of responsible tourism activities in natural places and/or areas based on natural principles,

which are economically sustainable and support efforts to conserve the environment (nature and culture) and improve

the welfare of local communities. In general, ecotourism can be defined as a trip by a tourist to a remote area with the

aim of enjoying and learning about the nature, history and culture of an area, where the tourism patterns help the local

economy and support the preservation of nature [7] Ecotourism can be seen from three perspectives, namely (i) as a

product; (ii) as a market; and (iii) as a development approach [8]

The development of ecotourism in the Lake Buyan area might be successful in an integrated and sustainable manner

if it applies several principles and criteria which include the following.

1. The principle of having a concern, responsibility and commitment to the preservation of the natural and cultural

environment, implementing responsible business principles and a sustainable economy with criteria including paying

attention to the quality of the environmental carrying capacity of the destination area through a zoning system,

managing the level of tourist visits, as well as increasing awareness and appreciation of actors for the natural and

cultural environment.

2. The principle of development must follow ecological principles and on the basis of deliberation and consensus of the

local community with criteria including building a partnership with the community in the planning and management

process of ecotourism, giving freedom to the community to accept or reject ecotourism development, and to inform

clearly and correctly the concept and purpose of developing the area to the local community.

3. The principle of providing benefits to the local community with criteria, including opening opportunities for the

community in the ecotourism business, empowering the community in efforts to increase ecotourism business, and

improving the skills of the local community in fields related to supporting ecotourism development.

4. The principle of being sensitive to and respecting the socio-cultural values and religious traditions of the local

community, with criteria including implementing an ecotourism code of ethics for stakeholders, involving local

communities, and conducting research and introducing the socio-cultural aspects of the local community in an

integrated manner; and

5. The principle of paying attention to treaties, regulations, legislation both at the national and international levels with

criteria including paying attention to and consistently implementing a binding national and international agenda,

compiling new necessary regulations, and forming cooperation with local communities to carry out supervision and

prevention against violation of applicable regulations

Some of the values that are important to consider in the development of Buyan ecotourism are as follows.

1. Ecological Value, because the lake area and its hills are natural resources that can function as protectors for water

management and soil fertility. An animal species can be a key species that is the key to natural balance;

2. Commercial Value, because human life which is absolutely dependent on living natural resources can become a

commodity to be bought and sold to visitors or tourists;

Proceeding of 27th International Conference ADRI

ISBN : 978-602-50037-8-3


DOI: 10.26737/adri27 127 | Page

3. Social and Cultural Values, because the diversity of values or norms prevailing in the community as well as the existing

behavior or traditions in the Buyan Ecotourism area or area will continue to be the foundation of community life;

4. Recreational Value, because the diversity of biological natural resources in the Buyan ecotourism area has the beauty

and attractiveness of visitors; and

5. The value of research and education, because the natural environment can develop human ideas and ideas on

observations of the natural environment in the Buyan ecotourism area itself.

3.3 Participation of local people in supporting ecotourism Buyan ecotourism has created economic value for areas, namely by doing several ways, including: (i) improving

and adding supporting infrastructure and encouraging open and connected access to/from and between ecotourism

destination areas without damaging the main asset of ecotourism, namely nature through the improvement and

optimization of transportation routes.

Community-based Buyan ecotourism is an ecotourism business that focuses on the active role of the local

community (Buyan and its surroundings). This condition is based on the fact that the community has knowledge of nature

and culture which are potential and selling points as a tourist attraction, so that community involvement is absolute.

Community-based ecotourism recognizes the rights of local communities in managing tourism activities in the Buyan

area that they "own" traditionally or as managers. It is hoped that in the future that community-based ecotourism can

create job opportunities for local people, and reduce poverty, where the income of ecotourism is from tourism services

for tourists: guide fees; transportation costs; home stay; and so forth [9, 10, 11, 12, 13].

In the Buyan Ecotourism area, several efforts can be made, including the following: (i) opening up opportunities

for local communities to open ecotourism businesses and become economic actors in ecotourism activities both actively

and passively; (ii) empowering the community in efforts to increase ecotourism efforts to improve the welfare of the

local population; (iii) enhancing the skills of local communities in fields related to and supporting ecotourism

development; and (iv) reduce the level of leakage of income (leakage) to the lowest possible.

Based on the interview, it has pointed out that the participation of local people toward the development of

ecotourism is in the high category. The indicators measured in participation variable are: (i) economic benefits of

ecotourism; (ii) social benefits of ecotourism; (iii) environmental benefits of ecotourism; and (iv) contribution. The

participation of local people is indicated from the statement of local people as presented in Table 1.

Table 1

Participation of local people

No Category Frequency









Very high




Very low











Total 40 100.00

Source: Analysis of primary data, 2019

Regarding data cited in Table 1, it could be said that the participation of local people should be managed by

local government (province and regency). There is a need for synergistic efforts between local communities, government

at the village, sub-district, district and provincial levels to develop a culture of Sapta Pesona. Sapta Pesona is the name

for the seven elements of the development and management of tourist attractions in Indonesia. Sapta Pesona consists of:

safe; orderly; clean; cool; beautiful; friendly; memories. Safe culture (security) has the aim of creating a safe

environment for tourists and tourism activities to take place, so that tourists do not feel anxious and can enjoy their visit.

Therefore, society needs actions or actions such as: (i) do not disturb tourists; (ii) help and protect tourists; (iii) friendly

towards tourists; (iv) maintain environmental safety; (v) help provide information to tourists; (vi) maintain an

environment free from the dangers of infectious diseases; (vii) minimizing the risk of accidents in the use of public


4 Conclusion

Ecotourism is one of the eco-friendly tourism activities by prioritizing aspects of nature conservation, aspects of

socio-cultural and economic empowerment of local communities as well as aspects of learning and education. The

development of ecotourism should applies several principles, such as: (i) principle of having a concern, responsibility

and commitment; (ii) principle of ecology; (iii) principle of providing benefits to the local community; (iv) principle of

being sensitive and (v) principle of paying attention. The important values to consider in the development of Buyan

Proceeding of 27th International Conference ADRI

ISBN : 978-602-50037-8-3


DOI: 10.26737/adri27 128 | Page

ecotourism are: (i) ecological value; (ii) commercial value; (iii) social and cultural values; (iv) recreational values; (v)

the value of research and education.

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