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revolutionising business support

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about winning moves


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revolutionising business support

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our vision is to be...

DIFFERENTchallenging conventions – exploring new perspectives –

stimulating and inspiring – building trust – living innovation – guiding clients – stretching peoples,

minds and possibilities

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our vision is to be...

striving for real impact and results – adding value – exceeding expectations – exceptional quality –

prepared for the future – enough is never enough


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our vision is to be...

bold, confident, decisive – quick to start, quick to stop – responsive and future focused – flexible and agile –

empowering – performance without limits


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what we do...

enterprise:enterprise culture, business start-up, social enterprise, strategic change

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what we do: enterprise

everyone is aware of enterprise, however very few have made the connection between enterprise, their life, and their future!

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what we do: enterprise



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what we do: enterprise

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what we do: enterprise

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what we do: enterprise

enterprise is a journey - everyone has the potential to move along the continuum...

aware aspire believe develop act

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what we do: enterprise

supporting the transformational shift to becoming a social enterprise

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what we do: enterprise

helping Business Link support social enterprise

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what we do...

innovation:knowledge transfer, culture change, leadership

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what we do: innovation

“The problem is never how to get new, innovative thoughts into your mind, but how to get the old ones out!”Dee Hock, Founder of Visa

old idea old ideaold ideaold id


old idea

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what we do: innovation


Once a quarter the whole company goes away forwhat director, Marcel Schreuder, somewhatstrangely, calls their ‘Hepatitis Days’, “I read a bookby a Brazilian businessman who had a key memberof staff go down with hepatitis. Clearly, this personwas unable to continue to work at the company’spremises, but was able to work from home; thisturned out to be a big plus for the business as thekey man was able to look at the business from theoutside and suggest many new ideas that were putinto action. So, with this in mind, we set up ourown Hepatitis Days”. During their days away, thewhole company brainstorms new ideas for newmarkets and new products. But it’s not ahaphazard affair, existing markets and products arechallenged to reveal gaps and opportunities for thecompany to exploit. One problem is prioritising thewealth of ideas that are generated.

When not on their Hepatitis Days, thecompany is split between two sites, oneoverlooking a major waterway in Amsterdam,the other in New York (a recent development inpartnership with an established NY designer).They also have a close relationship with acompany in Taiwan who help to sourcemanufacturing facilities in the Far East.

The Amsterdam studio is open plan and spaciouswith a clearly relaxed atmosphere, “culture is reallyimportant for us, people have to have to rightenvironment to be at their most creative”,explains Marcel.

The business has an interesting approach toproduct design, believing that the productsthemselves are an integral part of thecommunications mix for any brand. “Too manycompanies treat marketing communications andproduct development as two separate disciplines,we believe that a holistic approach that integratesboth can deliver much more powerful solutions”says Marcel. This approach is evident in the Coca-Cola Cruiser, a funky drinks dispenser,advertising sign and motorised skateboard vehicledesigned by Springtime and then taken to Coca-Cola.This novel approach is helping Coca-Cola tocommunicate their brand to a younger audiencewhilst providing a fun and practical way of gettingaround crowds at large events.Springtime have a fresh and pro-active approachto creating exciting and innovative new products.They are not afraid of taking calculated risks andthis approach looks set to guarantee their successfor a long time to come.

The Roodrunner was developed for Holland’snational post office as an aid to postmen ontheir delivery rounds. To date, the post officehave taken delivery of over a 1000 units and thelaunch of the product made the front page ofevery dutch national newspaper.

The Coca-Cola Cruiser can carry upto 120 ice cold cans and weave itsway effortlessly through crowds atlarge events. It made its grandentrance at the Athens Olympics.

The Big-O came about from aloose brief from Nike to thinkaround ‘wheels, fun and extremesports’. A cross between a skateand a bicycle wheel, it’s set toattract interest from extremesports enthusiasts everywhere.You never know, we could all betravelling to work on one of thesein the near future!

culture is reallyimportant for us,people have to havethe right environmentto operate at theirmost creativemarcel schreuderspringtime

innovation cultures case studyspringtime - holland

Springtime are anunusual company.Based in Amsterdam,they employ just 16people, yet they have aclient list that looks likea who’s who of majorbrands - Coca-Cola,Nike and Heineken toname just a few.

Their reputation is built onpro-active design solutions; inother words, they don’t wait forthe phone to ring, they designinnovative new products and go andknock on the door of the companythey think is right to take it.A philosophy that clearly hasin-built risk, but also one thatfocuses the mind and drives thecompany to come up withinspirational solutions.


promoting innovation

2000businesses engaged in less than 2 years

98%satisfaction rate from participating businesses

7%average increase in profit by participating businesses

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what we do: innovation

Is your vision for the future a bit like this?


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what we do: innovation


We’re going to have to re-think innovation strategy across London as a result of what’s happened here tonight. This event has raised the bar considerably.Andy Chisholm : LDA

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what we do: innovation

that’s how much more high performing businesses spend on research & development compared to their less successful counterparts.* Food for thought!


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what we do: innovation

helping London’s businesses grow & prosper by connecting them to the Capital’s knowledgebase

inspiration preparation matching collaborating

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what we do: innovation

old thinkingnew thinking

leaders should manage & govern

enterprise needs stability

continuous improvement is key

leaders are responsible for strategy

being different is high risk

leaders should inspire & enable

enterprise needs restlessness

continuous re-invention is key

everyone is responsible for strategy

being the same is high risk

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what we do...

diagnostics:winning measures for... business support, finance, consultants

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what we do: diagnostics

the future of public sector benchmarking is here...

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what we do: diagnostics

Our online winningmeasures

performance benchmarking system

is used in over 13 countries and is

arguably the most sophisticated

tool of its kind. winningmeasures

is a proven methodology in helping

small businesses dramatically

enhance their competitiveness.

winningmeasures is currently helping to stimulate economic growth in Australia • South Korea • Poland • Portugal • Czech Republic • Slovakia • Germany • India • Ireland • Scotland • England

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what we do: diagnostics

A Financial benchmark report for

James Bolton and Sons LtdUndertaken by

ABC Accounting Ltd

Created 17:03:35 on 01.06.06Reference: 55697Accounting year: 2006/07

winningmeasures for finance

Financial benchmark report

Powered by: winningmeasures ©2008. (V1)


winningmeasuresJames Bolton and Sons LtdCreated 17:03:35 on 01.06.06. © winningmoves 2008.


How does your performance compare over time?Financial ratios, considered in isolation, are of limited information value. This section of the report, therefore, demonstrates how your business’s financial results have changed over time, relative to other businesses in your comparator group. This trend analysis will help you to identify areas of improvement and, more importantly, those areas which require management attention. Discuss the results with your accountant/ chosen financial adviser, who will help you interpret the information and decide what action is required to manage your business more effectively.

1 Sales (GBP K)

3844.03 2429.98 3514.86 2398.8 3628.23 2463.79 3741.22 2514.31 2552.35 2089

2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06

Ratio definitionSales (GBP K): this illustrates the increase/decrease in total sales of your business over time. It provides an indication of the ability of your business to grow sales in the future. Q3

Your performance

Average performanceKEY


winningmeasuresJames Bolton and Sons LtdCreated 17:03:35 on 01.06.06. © winningmoves 2008.
















4 Gross Profit Margin (%) 52 1.19 0.57 0.95 1.19 1.60 3.97 97

5 Operating Profit Margin (%) 45 0.72 0.15 0.54 0.80 1.15 3.26 93

6 Pre Tax Profit / Total Turnover (%) 80 355.14 17.17 92.86 125.53 191.62 858.93 144

7 Profit Per Employee (#) 59 77.31 126.10 92.14 78.25 65.03 37.51 136

8 Fixed Costs as Percentage of Sales (%) 89 13.57 -51.53 -4.43 3.62 8.74 46.27 93

Headline ratio

Are you profitable enough?This section will allow you to determine the relative profitability of your business. It will focus your attention on sales performance, cost control, operating efficiency and staffmanagement. With the assistance of your adviser, it will help you prioritise furtherinvestigations, which will generate ideas to improve profitability.


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what we do: diagnostics

what gets measured gets managed and what gets managed gets done!

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At Winning Moves the kettle is always on and we’re always open to to discuss the opportunities for us to work together in the future.