isaiah 2:22

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  • 7/27/2019 Isaiah 2:22


  • 7/27/2019 Isaiah 2:22


    ISAIAH 2:22

    Brothers and Sisters, we need to ascertain clearly unto whom the warning given in Isaiah 2:22 is directly

    pointed out. Inspiration declared:

    2 SR 289 Find your explanations in the Bowl, and you will have no trouble in knowing the truth, or ofavoiding the ever ready trap of deception. Thus the difficulty in knowing the difference between truth and error

    is eliminated. (2 SR 289)

    11 TR 12 All present truth believers should now see the necessity of shunning every wind of doctrine

    regardless how plausible or reasonable it might appear to be. Remember the words: Behold, those that go

    toward the north country have quieted My Spirit in the north country. (See p. 27 of Tract No. 2, The Warning

    Paradox, -- Zech. 6:1-8.) Get your doctrine, Brother, Sister, only from the golden bowl (see The Shepherds

    Rod, Vol. 2), and be not like the waves of the sea, driven with the wind and tossed -- be not carried about by the

    many winds of doctrine that are blowing wildly from every direction to cause you to lose your way to the

    everlasting kingdom. (11 TR 12)

    As we dare not follow in such a path of private interpretation, we must therefore teach Isaiah 2:22 only in the

    light of the Rod this prophetic verse. (5 Ans. 55, 56)Now, let us read2 TG 45:7 Did you mark what Inspiration says? It plainly declares that the Scriptures are not privately

    interpreted -- not without the Spirit of God in the man, not by the man alone, and not without Gods own

    appointment. And the reason given, you note, is the very fact that prophecy did not come by the will of man, but

    by the will of the Spirit, through holy men of God. This, brethren, is Heavens law and order. And who are we

    to change it? To put your trust in private interpretation is therefore to barter your soul to man. Concerning such a

    perilous practice, the Lord commands:

    Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of? Isa. 2:22. (2 TG


    Private interpretation is a perilous practice, according to our reading. For an example, as the Pharisees of old

    rejected the Inspired interpretation of the Scriptures, and as they feared that the common people might see their

    mistakes, they killed the prophets to silence them.Consequently, they were left in spiritual darkness, and as they

    privately--without Inspiration--interpreted the Scriptures, they misunderstood and misapplied even the most

    simple portions of the Word of God, with the result that they crucified the very One for Whom they had

    expended millions of dollars in sacrifices, and served hundreds of years in ceremonial services. (4 SC 10-12:3)

    Thats how detrimental private interpretation is, the SROD called it as the great evil. (5 Ans. 55)

    If we really fully believe that the entire SROD publications are written by Inspiration, then it can be

    interpreted by men only and when Gods Spirit decrees. (1 Ans. 39) The SROD are not privately interpreted notwithout the Spirit of God in the man, not by the man alone, and not without Gods own appointment. (2 TG 45:7)

    And since God controls the Scriptures and reveals them only at the divinely appointed time (5 TR 5), we need

    to wait it patiently. For we of ourselves can never discover hidden truths of the Bible, but on the contrary, that we

    should wait for the Spirit of Truth to come to teach us, which teaching is called Inspiration. (2 SC 12:6) For

    example, in Feb. 5, 1955 when the gift of Inspiration ceased, none of us are allowed to meddle the works of

    Inspiration particularly to the prophetic doctrines. But what happened? When they began to meddle the prophecy,

    brought to a tragic result, embarrassment, and confusion.

    Christ hates the sin, but loves the sinner. But men hate the sinner, while they love the sin. (DA 462) For

    example: Many Davidians hated Flourence Houteff but at the same time they are doing what Flourence Houteffhath done engaging in private interpretation. Inspiration declared: Then shall men fully realize that though

    they could be taught by men to keep cattle, yet no man could teach them to prophesy; that this office is restricted

    to the Spirit of Prophecy, that no prophecy of the Scriptures is of private interpretation. (2 TG 44:48, 49)

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    Cattle means laity or church membership. (2 TG 2:19) Obviously therefore, at the time when there is no

    gift of prophecy everyone is allowed and permitted to keep the membership of churches. Inspiration declared:

    And while you may choose to keep the Sabbath commandment, you cannot inspire yourself with the Spirit of

    Prophecy -- this Gift is bestowed upon the remnant by God Himself. (2 TG 34:23)

    The fourth commandment being the grand fulcrum of the moral law, there is no escaping the conclusion that

    the term Sabbath commandment points out to the entire commandment of God. For he that offends in onepoint, manifests contempt for the whole law; his influence and example are on the side of transgression; he

    becomes guilty of all. James 2:10 (GC 582)

    Therefore the statement And while you may choose to keep the Sabbath commandment and the statement

    that though they could be taught by men to keep cattle simply means that, at the time when the gift of

    prophecy disappear everyone is allowed and permitted by God to voluntarily keep the church and guide them

    by teaching Gods commandments. But the statement you cannot inspire yourself with the Spirit of Prophecy

    this Gift is bestowed upon the remnant by God Himself, simply means that

    1.Since God controls the Scriptures and, reveals them only at the divinely appointed time ( 5 TR 5), we need

    to patiently wait that divinely appointed time.

    2.Christ controls the Scriptures and the timesWhile Christ is liberal, He is also careful, and therefore has

    nothing to waste. (1 SR 15) The principle that governs over human physical body, the same principle will govern

    our spiritual body. The voice of prophecy declared:

    CDF 173 The stomach must have careful attention. It must not be kept in continual operation. Give this

    misused and much-abused organ some peace and quiet and rest. After the stomach has done its work for one

    meal, do not crowd more work upon it before it has had a chance to rest and before a sufficient supply of gastric

    juice is provided by nature to care for more food. Five hours at least should elapse between each meal, (CDF


    CDF 179 After the regular meal is eaten, the stomach should be allowed to rest for five hours. Not a

    particle of food should be introduced into the stomach till the next meal. In this interval the stomach will perform

    its work, and will then be in a condition to receive more food. (CDF 179)

    The transgression of physical law is the transgression of Gods law. Our Creator is Jesus Christ. He is the

    author of our being. He has created the human structure. He is the author of physical laws, as He is the author of

    the moral law. (CDF 43)

    Since Christ controls the Scriptures (the storehouse of Spiritual food) and the times, He distributed present

    Truth (food meat in due season) for that particular time, that Gods people could possibly assimilate. ( 1 SR 15)

    And according to Gods divine pattern, there would be 40 years without refilling as the period of digestion. (1

    Ans. 93)Now let us read

    2 TG 11:8, 9 In this parable it is made known that in the closing hours of probationary time (at supper

    time, about the end of the day), Heaven is to send a message to them that are bidden, to them that already know

    the Gospel of Christ, to the members of the Church. The servant is to inform them that everything is now ready,

    that they should now come in for the great and long expected supper, -- a supper which they are to eat in the

    Masters mansion (the Kingdom), not in their own. (2 TG 11:8, 9)

    This reading definitely implies that there are three spiritual meals, breakfast, lunch and supper time.


    Question No. 13:

  • 7/27/2019 Isaiah 2:22


    The period of Spiritual


    The period of assimilation

    of the Spiritual food.

    The period of Spiritual


    From 1955 up to 1995 the period of

    assimilation or digesting the spiritual food

    already eaten (given).

    Since Gods people, in 1955 began eating

    between meals denatured food (private

    interpretation) God sent first liquid diet to

    detoxify all the foreign substance (error)

    entered into the spiritual BODY.

    This 15 years perfectly typify, from the time

    the gift of Inspiration closed unto its


    How can it be true that no progressive truth was given to the church during the forty-year period from 1890 to

    1930, when so many of Sister Whites writings were published from 1890 to 1915?

    Answer:Though many of Sister Whites manuscripts were published during the period of time stated above, yet a

    careful check will reveal that if any new revelation of timely Bible truth, meat in due season, was published

    therein, it was revealed to her before 1890. In fact, as early as 1871, she herself announced this cessation of light

    through the Testimonies: I am authorized from God to tell you that not another ray of light through theTestimonies will shine upon your pathway, until you make a practical use of the light already given.--Testimonies, Vol. 2, p. 606.

    So whatever Testimonies she wrote between the dates in question (1890 and 1915) were not expressly to

    reveal timely Bible truth, but primarily to furnish counsel, admonition, reproof, and instruction in righteousness

    in an endeavor to save the Laodiceans from being spued out. Any other of her writings remained, in their

    prophetic aspects, a mystery until the forty years expired with the arrival of The Shepherds Rod.

    So long without spiritual oil, the churchs Truth-containing vessel needed to be refilled with fresh oil, that her

    lamp might lighten her path all the way to the Kingdom, lest she fall from the strait and narrow road at the very

    end of her long pilgrimage. So in His great love and mercy, the Lord has sent The Shepherds Rod to gather upand make a practical use of the light already given. Therefore, now, commands the Lord, Hear ye the Rod, and

    Who hath appointed it. Mic. 6:9. (1 Ans. 93, 94)

    The SROD made it so plain, that there would be 40 years without refilling. We can easily comprehend,

    through the aid of Inspiration, that from 1844 up to 1890 is the period of the spiritual breakfast. And from 1890

    up to 1930 would be the period of digesting (understanding) of the food already eaten (given). And on 1930, the

    spiritual food for lunch is arrived.Heres a little diagram:

    1844 A.D. 1890 A.D. 1930 A.D. 1955 A.D.

    1955 A.D. 1995 A.D. - 1996 A.D. 2011 A.D.

    46 Years 40 Years 25 Years

    40 Years

    15 Years

    15 Years

    1915 A.D. 1930 A.D.

  • 7/27/2019 Isaiah 2:22


    In 2011 A.D., the final outpouring of the present Truth (1 Ans. 90), the present Truth under the last seal the

    seventh seal begun to unfold. (2 SR 164, 220) Now let us read

    2 SR 275 You will also note on page 222, that the 430 prophetic years originally applied to Abraham and

    his seed, overlap the 430 ofEzekiel 4. The 430 years of Ezekiel should terminate in 1929, or1930 but the perfect

    fulfillment of the prophetic period of Abraham in its anti-type is yet in the future (going out of Egypt). The chart

    on page 112, 113, shows its termination in 1930, for as we stated before, it is outlined by the coincidences which

    perfectly fit the prophecy of Ezekiel. As it is impossible to make a time chart without any date to go by, we haveused these coincidences, and it is stated that the date is indefinite. (See chart on page 133.) Ezekiels prophecy is

    intended to point forward to the announcement of the predicted reformation, and the one through Abraham, to its

    completion (Ezekiel nine). (2 SR 275)

    1 Ans. 94, 95 DOES THE SHEPHERDS ROD SET PROPHETIC DATES?Question No. 14:In the following statement, While God clears the way for the seven last plagues by laying some of His people

    to sleep in the grave, He has done the same for the event to take place in 1931 (if that date be correct), does

    The Shepherds Rod, Vol. 1, p. 219, mean to teach that the judgment of the dead closed in 1931 orthereabouts?

    Answer:In the statement in question, the Rod has no reference to the Investigative Judgment. The message sets no

    date, either exact or approximate, for the closing of the judgment of the dead, or for the beginning of the

    Judgment of the living. The time of the cessation of the one event and the beginning of the other, is not to be

    known until the one is past and the other begun.

    As to the 1931 date and the event connected with it, we have no further light at the present time than is to be

    found in The Shepherds Rod, Vol. 1, pp. 108-

    114, and Vol. 2, p. 275. It was at the close of 1930 and thebeginning of1931 that the publication of the message in the Rod took place, revealing the truth of the 144,000

    calling for a reformation. So, while it was not exactly understood beforehand what the nature of the event would

    be, yet when the fullness of the time came and no other event occurred but this one, it was thereby identified as

    the one predicted in Ezekiel 4 in connection with the end of the 430 prophetic years when the scroll was to

    unroll another turn. (1 Ans. 94, 95)

    1 SC 7:8 Question: Does the SRod mean to teach that the Judgment for the righteous dead closed in 1931,

    or thereabouts, by the following statement? While God clears the way for the seven last plagues by laying some

    of His people to sleep in the grave, He has done the same for the event to take place in 1931 (if that date be

    correct). Those who cannot undergo the trial are laid in their graves, while the 144,000 remain and will escape,

    but the balance in the church (now) shall perish in the ruin. (SRod, Vol. 1, p. 219.) Please explain.

    The date 1931 and the statement in question have no reference to the investigative judgment.The SRod sets

    no date either exact or approximate for the closing of the judgment of the dead or for the beginning of the

    judgment of the living.The time of these events is not to be known until the one is past and the other begun.

    As to the 1931 date and the event connected with it, we have no further light at the present time than is to be

    found in Vol. 1, pp. 108-114 and Vol. 2, p. 275.It was at that time (the close of1930 and the beginning of1931)

    that the event of publishing the message in the SRod, Vol. 1 took place, revealing the truth of the 144,000 and

    calling for a reformation.Therefore, though it was not beforehand correctly understood just what the nature of

    the event would be, when the fullness of time came and no other event transpired but this identical one, it was

    thereby identified as the one predicted in Ezekiel 4; that is, the time at the end of the 430 prophetic years when

    the scroll was to make another turn. (1 SC 7:8)

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    The question is concerning when will the judgment of the dead will closed, by saying does the Shepherds

    Rod, Vol. 1 p. 219, mean to teach that the judgment of the dead closed in 1931 or thereabouts? (1 Ans. 94) And

    then declared: The date 1931 and the statement in question have no reference to the investigative judgment. (1

    SC 7:8) The message sets no date, either exact or approximate, for the closing of the judgment of the dead, or for

    the beginning of the judgment of the living. (1 Ans. 94)But Inspiration declared clearlyUnless the close of the judgment for the dead and the commencement for the living be made known to us, we

    would have no present truth while the judgment for the living is in session. (2 SR 164)

    This reading concretely builds the impregnable Truth, that the revelation of the close of the judgment of the

    dead, and the commencement for the judgment of the living is of as great importance as the revelation of the

    gospel Itself. (2 SR 220) The SROD declared: So while it was not exactly understood beforehand (the close

    of the judgment of the dead, and the beginning for the living) what the nature of the event would be, yet when the

    fullness of the time came and no other event occurred but this one, it was thereby identified as the one predicted

    in Ezekiel 4 in connection with the end of the 430 prophetic years when the scroll was to unroll another turn.

    (1 Ans. 95) Such unrolling of the scroll is identical to that of1930, according to 1 SC 7:8.

    What does it mean by the word identical? The word identical is an adjective, meaning absolutely the

    same, the very same. Uniform with something else in quality, condition and appearance. Heres a diagram toshow how identical such unrolling of the scroll.

    26 + 14 = 40. 40 years without refilling. (1 Ans. 93)

    1885 A.D. 1929 - 1930 A.D.

    1966 A.D. 2010 - 2011 A.D.

    In 1929V.T. Houteff was 44 years old. 19291930

    would be the ending of the 430 years on its primary


    45 Years



    was born.

    In 2010-2011 A.D.,the 430 years mentioned in 2 SR 275 which was

    future in the days of V.T. Houteff occurred. The scroll began to

    unroll, the present Truth under the seventh seal began to unfold.

    45 Years



    was born.

    1885 A.D. = 1 + 8 + 8 + 5 = 22

    1966 A.D. = 1 + 9 + 6 + 6 = 22

    44 In 1929 V.T. Houteff was 44 years old.And in 2010 A.D. Gods servant was 44

    years old.1929 A.D. = 1 + 9 + 2 + 9 = 21, then 2 + 1 = 3

    2010 A.D. = 2 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 31930 A.D. = 1 + 9 + 3 + 0 = 13, then 1 + 3 = 4

    2011 A.D. = 2 + 0 + 1 + 1 = 4


    3 X 3 = 945 years, 4 + 5 = 9

    4 + 4 = 8


  • 7/27/2019 Isaiah 2:22


    From 1929 A.D. up to 2017 A.D., there would be 88 years, then

    on 2017 A.D. the investigative judgment of the dead will close.

    From 1885 A.D. up to 1929 V.T. Houteff was 44 years old.

    From 1966 A.D. up to 2010 Gods servant was 44 years old.


    8 + 8 = 16.

    Now lets turn back to our main subjectISAIAH 2:22

    1 TR 44 As never before, we should pray not only that laborers may be sent forth into the great harvest-

    field but that we may have a clear conception of truth so that when the messengers of truth shall come, we may

    accept the message and respect the messenger.--

    Testimonies, Vol. 6, p. 420. Let us, therefore, sanctify theLord of hosts Himself, and


    As you will find yourself under severe trial if you obey your inner convictions and take hold of the truth, you

    must therefore let the Lord alone be your guide, and Inspiration your only teacher. Do not value your salvation so

    little as to trust to the wisdom of another. Be wise: obey the word of the Lord, investigate for yourself, and do not

    delay, for you know not the narrow margin of time between you and heaven! Trust ye not in a friend, put ye not

    confidence in a guide: keep the doors of thy mouth from her that lieth in thy bosom. Mic. 7:5. (1 TR 44)

    V.T. Houteff is dead and unable to defend himself, the living multitude, asleep under the covers of their sins,

    are unable to detect the snares of the devil. What a lesson to take the Lords advice, to trust His Word even toone jot or one title (Matt. 5:18), and if necessary to distrust every mortal being (Isa. 2:22). (5 TR 17, 18) The

    Lord alone moreover, is responsible for your salvation, and to Him alone are you accountable for your sins.

    Cease ye hereafter from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of? Isa. 2:22.

    Do not become an invalid by letting others think for you, but make use of the Gift of Mind and Reason. ( 13 TR

    30, 31)

    1 TG 5:7, 8 The Lords concern, that the church walk in the light of the Lord (in Inspirations light for

    today) definitely implies that she is not now walking in His light; and His command, found in the last verse of

    Isaiahs chapter, clearly reveals that she is walking in the sparks of uninspired men. The Lord, therefore,


    Isa. 2:22 -- Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of? (1

    TG 5:7, 8)

    1929 A.D. 2017 A.D.

    1955 A.D. 1995 A.D. 2011 A.D.

  • 7/27/2019 Isaiah 2:22


    Thus adding evidence to evidence, the passages overwhelmingly show that Isaiah 2:22 directly points out to

    those uninspired men, but yet they prophesy. God declared: I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied

    (Jer. 23:21) 3 TR 102. These self-appointed leaders who avowedly laying no claim to Inspiration are thereby

    unwittingly crying out that the Lord has not sent them. (6 TR 71)

    These self-appointed leaders, like the Jewish leaders they lead Gods people to worship the dead prophet, but

    at the same time killing the living ones. (6 TR 7) For the devil knoweth, that the dead prophet cannot reprimand

    them while lying unconcious in his grave. Worshipping the dead prophets and killing the living ones is a brutaleffort to block the progress of Truth, to deceive self and others. (2 TG 26:23)

    2 TG 27:9 To glory in man, whether it be in self or in another, is to cheat yourself of everything. Take for

    example the Jews: They were determined to be of Moses, and as they saw it, to accept the prophets, or even

    Christ, to them it meant to give up Moses! As a result, rather than all things being theirs, they lost everything,

    even Moses, and where are they today? The wood, hay, and stubble which they piled upon the structure of Truth

    after Moses left them, has long been swept away by the Fire of Truth, the Holy Spirit. (2 TG 27:9)

    If only through the channel of Inspiration can our God communicate His people, interpret the Scriptures

    reveal the Truth and unmask error then, if there is no channel of Inspiration unto whom we are communicating?

    Assuredly, not from God. Therefore, such preaching and teaching that V.T. Houteff is the last manifestation of thegift of Inspiration is to completely cut off all communications from God. The SROD declared clearly, that it is an

    attempt to put God out of sight, and to bring uninspired men to the front. (3 Ans. 30) Satans subversives have

    sought to sever the lines of communication between the Spirit of Truth and the people of God. (WHR 54)

    When the prophet died, the church is thus cut off from the very source of its life, as was the Jewish church

    from the death of the prophet Malachi to the rise of John the Baptist, how could it maintain its vitality and

    growth? (3 Ans. 60) The line of communication between her and God is cut off as it was in Joshuas time. She

    can no more now serve her members meat in due season than could the Jews without the prophets. Her

    blindness to this fact and her assumption that she is in need of nothing make her wound incurable. (7 JL 4) The

    same spirit of Laodiceanism in the days of V.T. Houteff, existed among Davidia today. they feel no need of

    Gods help through Inspiration, expect none, are prejudiced, suspicious, and fearful of everyone that disagrees

    with their preconceived idea. They are therefore even harder to reach with the saving Truth for today than were

    the Jews of yesterday. (2 TG 24:22) Because they have the Bible, E.G. White writings and the SROD is what

    make them rich. (1 TG 8:18) Not knowing, that without the human channel Gods Written Word is as Inactive as

    though It were but ink and paper. (2 TG 24:23)

    For all, there exists in this connection one great need: the Spirit of Truth, Whose right alone it is to interpret

    the Scriptures. (3 TR 91) So he who would have true religion, must pray for the Spirit of Truth. (5 Ans. 22)

    Thus putting aside your own thoughts and your own ways, and availing yourselves of the Lords (Isa. 55:8, 9), in

    exclusive devotion to the Spirit of Truth, you will see eye to eye, and speak the same thing. Then only will you be

    able to dispel the spirit of confusion and to retain the Spirit of love and unity. (7 SC 7-12:18) That we should not

    meddle the works of Inspiration (1 Ans. 47) but wait for the Spirit of Truth to come to teach us, which teaching is

    called Inspiration. (2 SC 12:6) Forever cease from all uninspired men, let the Lord alone be your guide andInspiration your only teacher. (1 TR 44)

    The following quotation plainly shows that only Inspiration (a man called of God) can declare the Truth

    and nothing but the Truth. (2 SC 3, 4:13) In Its Scriptural sense, Inspiration is defined as a divine influence

    directly and immediately exerted upon the mind or soul of man. ( 1 Ans. 40) It is not the words of the Bible that

    are inspired, but the men that were inspired. Inspiration acts not on the mans words or his expressions but on the

    man himself, who, under the influence of the Holy Ghost, is imbued with thoughts. But the words receive the

    impress of the individual mind. The divine mind is diffused. The divine mind and will is combined with the

    human mind and will; thus the utterances of the man are the word of God. (1 SM 21)

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    2 SR 97 It is a most wonderful thing to note how the old enemy has succeeded in defiling the church in

    every age through its leadership. The highest human intellect has been continually led into error and thus have

    served Satan to their own downfall. Will Gods people never profit by these historical and biblical facts? Are not

    these things written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the world are come? God, by His Holy Word,

    commands: Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of? ( Isa.

    2:22.) (2 SR 97)

    This reading definitely implied that Isaiah 2:22, that we need to forever cease are those self-appointed

    leaders who took over the Movement, after such heaven called founder died the Movement fall into the hands

    of uninspired men. (1 Ans. 65) Although, Sacred history is repetitious with the tragic lesson that when a

    people go wrong, as did Israel in Elijahs and again in Christs time, they are no longer sensible of their being

    wrong. Likewise repetitious is the even more tragic lesson that such a people have always misconstrued Gods

    efforts to bring them to a realization of their errors. So once they are led astray from the teachings of the

    prophets, and captivated by new and magnetic human leadership, their liberation and correction become almost

    impossible. (1 Ans. 69, 70) Being determined, though, to bring the Reformation to naught, Satan has from its

    beginning constantly worked to cause every church member to revel in private interpretation of the Scriptures

    and in extra Biblical theories. (1 Ans. 64, 65)

    2 TG 24:26, 27 Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of?Isa. 2:22. Inspired Truth, Brother, Sister, is the only thing that counts, and only when you yourself investigate and

    personally decide to take your stand for it though the whole world rejects it and takes issue with you. Let us

    therefore no longer drift with the tide as a pebble with the waves of the sea. We must be men and women of

    stamina and stability if we are to follow God and His Truth. (2 TG 24:26, 27)

    The statement, Inspired Truth, Brother, Sister, is the only thing that counts definitely implied that only

    an inspired messenger we need to turn to. But the prophets of Baal successfully instilled deeply into the minds of

    Davidia, to object against Inspiration, instead of against uninspired ones. (2 SC 3, 4:11) Remember, whatever

    doctrines and interpretations which did not come through the channel of Inspiration they were only devisings of

    men. (1 TG 4:20)

    2 TG 27:8 Here we are told that the theories -- wood, hay, stubble -- brought in by men whom God has

    not sent, not inspired, such as I called your attention to at the beginning, theories which appear to arise from a

    great store of knowledge, but which are devoid of the Spirit, are as you already see rubbish on which the fire of

    God thrives and the souls of men starve. (2 TG 27:8)

    5 JL 11, 12 Shun uninspired interpretations of the Scriptures lest you be led not by the Spirit of all

    Truth, but by the spirit of the Devil that is working through everyone who engages in private interpretations of

    the Scriptures to keep himself and others in darkness and away from the Spirit of Truth for this very time.

    Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of? (Isa. 2:22), but do

    something to save them. (5 JL 11, 12)

    Yours in Christ Jesus,ARIEL PEREZ DACUTANAN