isaak yakovlevich postovskii (on his 70th birthday)

CHEMISTRY OF HETEROCYCLIC COMPOUNDS 145 ISAAK YAKOVLEVICH POSTOVSKII (on his 70th Birthday) Khimiya Geterotsiklicheskikh Soedinenii, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 186-188, 1968 On March 17, 1968, seventy years had elapsed from the birth of Honored Scientist and Technologist of the Russian Socialist Federated Soviet Republic, Profes- sor Doctor of Chemical Sciences Isaak Yakovlevich Postovskii, Director of the Department of Organic Chemistry of the Kirov Urals Polytechnic Institute. I. Ya. Postovskii obtained his higher education at Myunkhensk Technical College and carried out his first scientific investigations on the structure of nat- ural pigments and porphyrins in the laboratory of G. Fisher. Since 1926, I. Ya. Postovskii has worked contin- uously as the Director of the Department of Organic Chemistry of the Urals Polytechnic Institute. The requirements of Iife itself, connected with the devel- opment of coal chemistry and the discovery of petro- leum in the Urals, have determined his scientific investigations, tn the first period, they were devoted to a study of these types of raw materials. In 1929, while on a short scientific missionabroad, Isaak Yakovlevich together with F. Keglo studied the chemical structure of the bacterial pigment chloro- rafin, which proved to be a derivative of phenazine. At that time he developed a deep interest in the chemistry of nitrogen-containing heterocyclic com- pounds and in his work investigations of theoretical questions and practical problems of this important andinterestingfield of organic chemistrywere strongly developed and closely intertwined. With the enthusi- asm characteristic of him, I. Ya. Postovskii has studied thione-thiol tautomerism, azide-tetrazole transformations, the influence of steric factors on the reactivity of compounds, and other theoretical questions. His studies have made a significant con- tribution to the development of the theory of organic chemistry, particularly in connection with questions of the structure and properties of nitrogen-containing heterocycles. In the early periods of his scientific activity, I. Ya. Postovskii successfully dealt with problems of great practical importance. In the thir- ties, together with the lecturer L. N. Goldyrev, he synthesized a number of new sulfanilamide compounds which have subsequently found wide practical applica- tion. Among them was the first representative of the heterocyclic derivatives of the sulfanilamides, sulfa- pyridine. During World War II, I. Ya. Postovskii and his pupils worked on the creation of a scientific foundation at the Sverdlovsk Chemical and Pharmaceutical Fac- tory and introduced into industry sulfonamide prepa- rations which Russian medicine needed. In the post- war years, Isaak Yakovlevich and B. N. Lundin took an active part in the organization of the production of organofluorine compounds. For many years, I. Ya. Postovskii and his pupils have devoted themselves to a search for physiolog- ically active compounds. The great purposefulness of his work on the synthesis and study of antituber- cular materials led him into close contact with sci- entific medical institutions. The new antitubercular substance "Larusan", created in the department, has found use in medical practice. Successes have been achieved in the synthesis of compounds for eliminat- ing heavy and radiocative metals from the organism, and a search is being carried out for materials with an antitumeral activiW. I. Ya. Postovskii has published more than 220 papers and has obtained 18 Authors' Certificates. Pedagogic activity and the setting up of scientific departments have occupied a large part in the life of Professor I. Ya. Postovskii. He created the Urals school of organic chemists and under his direction 44 students have defended their candidate's theses. Young scientific pupils of I. Ya. Postovskii are working in Sverdlovsk, Ufa, Tyumeni, Omsk, Riga, Kiev, ]~'vov, Kemerovo, and other towns of the Union. Among I. Ya. Postovskii's pupils are Docotor of Chemical Sciences Z. V. Pushkareva, V. G. Plyusnin, R. O. Matevo- syan, and S. V. Sokolov. In addition to this, I. Ya. Postovskii, as the cre- ator of the Urals school of chemistry, has done much for the organization of scientific chemical groups in the Urals. He is one of the founders of the Eastern Institute of Coal Chemistry and also of the Chemical Institute of the Urals Branch of the Academy of Sci- ences of the USSR. In the war years, I. Ya. Postovskii actively participated in the creation of a chemical and pharmaceutical scientific research institute, the Urals Branch of VNIKhFI [All-Union Chemical and Pharma- ceutical Scientific Research Institute]. I. Ya. Postovskii's great organizing work has also been carried out in his own institute, where, in the course of years, he has become Dean of the Chemical and Technological Faculty and Pro-Rector for Science. In 1947 a Department of Organic Synthesis was split off from the Department of Organic Chemistry, and at the present time more than 800 engineers are work- ing in this and a large amount of scientific work is being carried out. Professor I. Ya. Postovskii is also known as a public figure. At the present time he is Chairman of the Organic Chemistry Section of the Sverdlovsk Di- vision of the Mendeleev All-Union Chemical Society and a member of the Editoral Board of the Journal "Khimiya Geterotsiklicheskikh Soedinenii" [Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds]. Professor I. Ya. Postovskii's scientific advancer have twice been marked by a state prize.

Post on 08-Aug-2016




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Khimiya Getero ts ik l ichesk ikh Soedinenii, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 186-188, 1968

On March 17, 1968, seventy y e a r s had e lapsed from the b i r th of Honored Scient is t and Technologist of the Russian Socia l i s t Fede ra t ed Soviet Republic, P r o f e s - sor Doctor of Chemical Sciences Isaak Yakovlevich Postovski i , Di rec to r of the Depar tment of Organic Chemis t ry of the Kirov Urals Polytechnic Insti tute.

I. Ya. Pos tovski i obtained his h igher education at Myunkhensk Technical College and c a r r i e d out his f i r s t scient i f ic invest igat ions on the s t ruc tu re of na t - ural pigments and porphyr ins in the l abo ra to ry of G. F i she r .

Since 1926, I. Ya. Pos tovski i has worked cont in- uously as the Di rec tor of the Depar tment of Organic Chemis t ry of the Urals Polytechnic Insti tute. The requ i rements of Iife i tself , connected with the deve l - opment of coal chemis t ry and the d i scovery of p e t r o - leum in the Urals, have de te rmined his sc ient i f ic invest igat ions , tn the f i r s t period, they were devoted to a study of these types of raw m a t e r i a l s .

In 1929, while on a shor t scient i f ic mi s s ionab road , Isaak Yakovlevich together with F. Keglo studied the chemical s t ruc tu re of the bac t e r i a l pigment ch lo ro - rafin, which proved to be a der iva t ive of phenazine.

At that t ime he developed a deep in te res t in the chemis t ry of n i t rogen-conta in ing he te rocyc l ic com- pounds and in his work invest igat ions of theore t ica l quest ions and p rac t i ca l p rob lems of this impor tant and in t e r e s t i ng f i e ld of organic c h e m i s t r y w e r e s t rongly developed and c lose ly intertwined. With the enthusi - asm c h a r a c t e r i s t i c of him, I. Ya. Pos tovski i has studied thione-thiol t au tomer i sm, a z i d e - t e t r a z o l e t ransformat ions , the influence of s t e r i c fac tors on the r eac t iv i ty of compounds, and other theore t ica l questions. His s tudies have made a s ignif icant con- tr ibution to the development of the theory of organic chemis t ry , pa r t i cu l a r l y in connection with quest ions of the s t ruc tu re and p r o p e r t i e s of n i t rogen-conta in ing he te rocyc les . In the ea r ly per iods of his scient i f ic activity, I. Ya. Pos tovski i success fu l ly deal t with p rob lems of g rea t p r ac t i ca l impor tance . In the t h i r - t ies, together with the l e c t u r e r L. N. Goldyrev, he synthesized a number of new sulfani lamide compounds which have subsequently found wide p rac t i ca l app l i ca - tion. Among them was the f i r s t r ep re sen t a t i ve of the he te rocyc l ic de r iva t ives of the sul fani lamides , su l fa - pyr idine.

During World War II, I. Ya. Postovski i and his pupils worked on the creat ion of a scient i f ic foundation at the Sverdlovsk Chemical and Pharmaceu t i ca l F a c - tory and introduced into indust ry sulfonamide p r e p a - ra t ions which Russian medic ine needed. In the pos t - war yea r s , Isaak Yakovlevich and B. N. Lundin took an active par t in the organizat ion of the production of organofluor ine compounds.

F o r many yea r s , I. Ya. Pos tovski i and his pupils have devoted themse lves to a s ea r ch for phys io log- ical ly active compounds. The g r e a t purposefulness of his work on the synthes is and study of an t i t ube r - cu lar m a t e r i a l s led him into close contact with s c i - entific medica l inst i tut ions. The new an t i tubercu la r substance "Larusan" , c rea ted in the depar tment , has found use in medica l p rac t i ce . Successes have been achieved in the synthes is of compounds for e l im ina t - ing heavy and rad ioca t ive meta l s f rom the organism, and a sea rch is being c a r r i e d out for m a t e r i a l s with an ant i tumera l activiW.

I. Ya. Pos tovski i has published more than 220 papers and has obtained 18 Authors ' Cer t i f i ca tes .

Pedagogic act ivi ty and the set t ing up of sc ient i f ic depar tments have occupied a l a rge par t in the life of P r o f e s s o r I. Ya. Postovski i . He c rea ted the Ura ls school of organic chemis t s and under his d i rec t ion 44 students have defended the i r candida te ' s theses . Young scientif ic pupils of I. Ya. Pos tovski i a re working in Sverdlovsk, Ufa, Tyumeni, Omsk, Riga, Kiev, ]~'vov, Kemerovo, and other towns of the Union. Among I. Ya. Pos tovsk i i ' s pupils a re Docotor of Chemical Sciences Z. V. Pushkareva, V. G. Plyusnin, R. O. Matevo- syan, and S. V. Sokolov.

In addition to this, I. Ya. Postovskii , as the c r e - a tor of the Urals school of chemis t ry , has done much for the organizat ion of scient i f ic chemical groups in the Urals . He is one of the founders of the Eas te rn Institute of Coal Chemis t ry and a lso of the Chemical Institute of the Ura ls Branch of the Academy of Sc i - ences of the USSR. In the war yea r s , I. Ya. Pos tovski i ac t ively pa r t i c ipa ted in the c rea t ion of a chemical and pharmaceut ica l sc ient i f ic r e s e a r c h insti tute, the Urals Branch of VNIKhFI [All-Union Chemical and P h a r m a - ceutical Scientific Resea rch Institute].

I. Ya. Pos tovsk i i ' s g rea t organiz ing work has also been c a r r i e d out in his own insti tute, where, in the course of yea r s , he has become Dean of the Chemical and Technological Facul ty and P r o - R e c t o r for Science. In 1947 a Depar tment of Organic Synthesis was spl i t off from the Depar tment of Organic Chemis t ry , and at the p resen t t ime more than 800 engineers a r e work- ing in this and a l a rge amount of scient i f ic work is being c a r r i e d out.

P ro fe s so r I. Ya. Postovski i is a lso known as a public f igure. At the p resen t t ime he is Chai rman of the Organic Chemis t ry Section of the Sverdlovsk Di- vision of the Mendeleev All-Union Chemical Society and a m e m b e r of the Edi tora l Board of the Journal "Khimiya Getero ts ik l ichesk ikh Soedinenii" [Chemis t ry of Heterocyc l ic Compounds].

P r o f e s s o r I. Ya. Pos tovsk i i ' s sc ient i f ic advancer have twice been marked by a s ta te p r i ze .


F o r h is d i s t i n g u i s h e d ac t iv i ty , I. Ya. P o s t o v s k i i ha s b e e n a w a r d e d the O r d e r of Lenin, two O r d e r s of the Red Banne r of Labo r , and the O r d e r of the Medal of Honor .

The g r e a t l e ad ing Sovie t s c i en t i s t , the e n t h u s i a s t i c h ighly e r u d i t e m a n y s i d e d chemis t , ou t s tand ing p e d a - gogue and tu tor Of s c i e n t i f i c youth, e x c e l l e n t o r g a n i z e r

and no t a b l e p e r s o n a g e , l o v e r of h i s fe l low men, a r t , and m u s i c , I. Ya. P o s t o v s k i i , s t i l l full of c r e a t i v e f o r c e and p r o j e c t s , now d i r e c t s a l a r g e s c i e n t i f i c g roup which is m a k i n g a so l id c on t r i bu t i on to the d e - ve lopmen t of o r g a n i c c h e m i s t r y . On h i s b i r t hday , we wish I s a a k Yakovlev ich many y e a r s of c r e a t i v e w o r k and new s u c c e s s e s for the bene f i t of Sovie t s c i e n c e .