is there an integrative center in the vertebrate brain-stem (2005)

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  • 8/9/2019 Is There an Integrative Center in the Vertebrate Brain-stem (2005)



    Is there an integrative center in the vertebrate brain-stem? A robotic

    evaluation of a model of the reticular formation viewed as an action

    selection device

    Mark D. Humphries, Kevin Gurney, and Tony J. Prescott{m.d.humphries, k.gurney, a.j.prescott}

    Adaptive Behavior Research Group, Department of Psychology, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, S102TP, UK.

    Corresponding author: Tony Prescott. Phone: +44 (0)114 222 6547. Fax: +44 (0)114 276 6515

    Neurobehavioral data from intact, decerebrate, and neonatal rats, suggests that the reticular formation providesa brainstem substrate for action selection in the vertebrate central nervous system. In this article, Kilmer,McCulloch and Blums (1969, 1997) landmark reticular formation model is described and re-evaluated, both insimulation and, for the first time, as a mobile robot controller. Particular model configurations are found toprovide effective action selection mechanisms in a robot survival task using either simulated or physical robots.The models competence is dependent on the organization of afferents from model sensory systems, and a geneticalgorithm search identified a class of afferent configurations which have long survival times. The results supportour proposal that the reticular formation evolved to provide effective arbitration between innate behaviorsand, with the forebrain basal ganglia, may constitute the integrative, centrencephalic core of vertebrate brainarchitecture. Additionally, the results demonstrate that the Kilmer et al. model provides an alternative form ofrobot controller to those usually considered in the adaptive behavior literature.

    Keywords: Action selection, reticular formation, genetic algorithms, robot

    1 Introduction

    A functioning, mortal, autonomous agent withina stimulating environment must choose and co-ordinate behaviors appropriate to both the receivedstimulus data (via its external sensory systems) andits current internal state if it is to survive. For ananimal, inappropriate selection and co-ordinationmay lead to death via, for example, starvation orattack from a predator. For a mobile robot, thesame errors may lead to damage or loss of power.The problem may be framed as one of action selec-

    tion: given all available pertinent information, anda repertoire of potential actions, what mechanismshould the agent employ to select the most appro-priate action(s)?

    If we wish to build agents (particularly animats)which adaptively and robustly function in a com-plex environment, a generally effective strategy isto reverse-engineer biological control systems thathave already solved the problem. The process ofevolution has produced animals that embody a setof competent solutions to the action selection prob-lem; their competency is demonstrated by the in-dividual animals continued survival in the short-term, and the perseveration of the species in thelong-term.

    Ethological models of action selection are reverse-engineered from observations of animal behavior inresponse to varying contexts and stimuli (for ex-ample Baerends, 1970). They postulate abstractcontrol systems coordinating elementary behaviorsand thus have a strict hierarchy of control. Robotcontrol implementations of this form of ethologi-cal model are able to perform moderately well in asimulated environment (Tyrell, 1993), but are typi-cally restricted by their inflexibility. Control archi-tectures based on ethological principles and usingless-rigid hierarchical structures can overcome this

    problem (Tyrell, 1993; Blumberg, 1994).

    The level of hierarchical structure necessary for arobot control system is a continuing debate in theadaptive behavior literature (Bryson, 2000; Maes,1995; Blumberg, 1994; Tyrell, 1993). There is a cor-responding debate on the necessity for a specializedselection device as opposed to selection emergingfrom the architecture, what we may call central-ized versus distributed selection. Fully heterarchi-cal (flat) control systems necessarily contain emer-gent selection. Thus, adaptive behavior researchersproposing robot control systems are compelled toaddress both these issues in the design of their sys-tems.

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    Our approach has been to create robot control ar-chitectures by reverse-engineering the animals cen-tral nervous system: key components of the con-troller are accurate models of neural systems known

    to be involved in action selection. By examiningthe functional architecture of neural systems in-volved in action selection, we can determine howa particular successful solution to the action selec-tion problem works, and state with some confidencehow the mechanism is organized. The degree of hi-erarchical or heterarchical structure and of central-ized or distributed selection within our robot con-trollers is specified by the biology rather than bythe search for some optimally-operating controller(in turn, the performance of our robots will con-tribute data on the appropriateness of these design

    choices for control architectures). Thus, the neural-based approach gives us a starting point for candi-date robot control systems. Moreover, implement-ing our neural models of action selection systems ascontrol architectures is also a strong test of thoseunderlying models: if the robot performs poorly,then our model is likely to be incorrect. This pa-per reports work which continues our investigationof the functional architecture of action selection inthe vertebrate brain.

    2 Layered architecture, cen-tralized control

    A review of the vertebrate central nervous systemsglobal organization and evolution led us to pro-pose that there is strong evidence for a neural sub-strate of a layered control architecture (for detailssee Prescott, Redgrave, & Gurney, 1999). The ratsdefense system illustrates just such a layered archi-tecture in that the reactions to increasingly complexclasses of stimuli are determined by brain structureswhich are higher up the neuraxis. This implies a

    distributed control system in which multiple stim-uli from more than one class can be processed inparallel. A constraint is that any given animal hasa final common motor pathway: the connections ofthe spinal cord and the number of muscle groupslimit the set of actions that can be expressed simul-taneously. Therefore, some mechanism is requiredto reduce the actions represented by the outputs ofthe layers to just those actions capable of simulta-neous expression. In terms of the centralized versusdistributed selection question, there are three alter-native mechanisms: the higher layers may suppressthe responses of the lower layers given appropriatestimuli, there may be competition between layers,or there may be a central selection device.

    2.1 The vertebrate basal ganglia as

    an action selection device

    We have proposed that, given the constraints of bi-

    ological tissue, a central rather than distributed se-lection system would be the preferred solution im-plemented by a neural substrate (Prescott et al.,1999). Briefly, our argument runs as follows. Typ-ically, distributed selection mechanisms, formed byreciprocally inhibitory links between n behaviour-representing nodes, contain n(n1) links and growas 2n for every additional node. By contrast, acentral selection device which is reciprocally con-nected with all n nodes (thus allowing control overthe expression of each nodes represented behavior)requires just 2n links, and grows by 2 for each addi-

    tional node. Thus, a central selection device is moreeconomical in both the number of connections re-quired and the cost of adding nodes. Such economyof wiring appears to be a priority for the centralnervous system (Cherniak, 1994).

    There exists a group of structures in the verte-brate brain, the basal ganglia, that have the nec-essary inputs, outputs, and internal connectivityto function as just such a central switching sys-tem and which are intimately involved in behav-ioral control (Redgrave, Prescott, & Gurney, 1999).Computational modeling of the intrinsic basal gan-glia circuitry has demonstrated that it is capable of

    resolving competition between action-representingsignals (saliences) such that the basal ganglia out-put expresses the selection of the most appropri-ate action(s) and suppresses the others (Gurney,Prescott, & Redgrave, 2001). We refer to this asthe GPR model hereafter. Using the GPR model asa control architecture for mobile robots has demon-strated that the ability to resolve individual selec-tion competitions results in coherent sequencing ofbehavior in both a foraging task (Montes-Gonzalez,Prescott, Gurney, Humphries, & Redgrave, 2001)and a survival task (Girard, Cuzin, Guillot, Gur-

    ney, & Prescott, 2003).

    2.2 Central control does not extend

    to lower levels of the neural sub-


    We know that the basal ganglia cannot be the onlyaction selection system operating in the vertebratebrain. Altricial1 neonates and decerebrate rats andcats have a limited behavioral repertoire that canbe expressed in the absence of basal ganglia (in al-tricial neonates it is not connected; in decerebrates

    it has been lesioned). For example, neonatal rats1helpless at birth

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    have a complete set of ingestive behaviors, such aslapping, by postnatal day three (Hall, 1979) andcan spontaneously groom by two weeks postnatal(Berridge, 1994); decerebrate rats can also spon-

    taneously groom, locomote, feed in a coordinatedmanner, and have intact fear, escape, and defensiveresponses (Berntson & Micco, 1976). Thus, someneural structures within the intact brainstem mustalso be capable of functioning as a limited actionselection system.

    Neuroscientists have long suspected this to betrue. The eminent neurobiologist and cyberneticspioneer Warren McCulloch proposed the mode se-lection2 hypothesis of brainstem function: he iden-tified 25 or so incompatible general modes of be-havior common to all vertebrate animals, such as

    sleeping, fighting, grooming, and fleeing. An ani-mal could be considered in a particular mode if itscentral nervous system was primarily focused on ex-ecuting components of that mode. McCulloch pro-posed that the core of the reticular formation (RF),the neural structure at the center of the brainstem,was the substrate of the mode selector. As we de-tail below, his justifications for this proposal remainvalid and, therefore, we agree that the RF is the po-tential neural structure for a selection mechanism inthe brainstem.

    In a landmark paper, Kilmer, McCulloch, and

    Blum (1969) presented a computational model ofRF function which demonstrated mode selection insimulation. This was the first computational modelexplicitly constrained by the known anatomy andphysiology of a neural structure, and its importanceis reflected in the continued citation of the model tothe present day (Leibetseder & Kamolz, 2004; Del-gado, Mira, & Moreno-Diaz, 1989; Barto, 1985).Remarkably, the general structure of the model isstill consistent with more modern data on RF orga-nization and neuron morphology. Moreover, therehave been no alternative quantitative models of theRF published in the interim. Indeed, the model has

    been recently revised by Kilmer himself (Kilmer,1997). Thus, this model is of more than historicalinterest: it remains a valid model of the RF, anda valid selection mechanism. Given the existenceof this computational model (which we shall referto as the Kilmer-McCulloch model) of RF function,we propose to replicate and test it to assess its suit-ability to form the action selection mechanism forthe lower levels of the layered-architecture.

    To recap, our primary hypothesis is that theRF and basal ganglia form separate action selec-tion mechanisms, which must interact in the intact

    2Mode selection is synonymous with what adaptive be-

    havior researchers now term action selection

    vertebrate brain to generate coherent sequences ofbehaviors. Indeed, these structures together formwhat has been termed the brains centrencephaliccore, a network of centralized brain structures

    that co-ordinate and integrate the activity of neu-ral centers throughout the brain (Penfield, 1958;Thompson, 1993). The exact form of the inter-action is open to investigation, given the paucityof data on the relationship between behavior andbasal gangliaRF connectivity. However, before im-plementing a complete neural model which containsboth basal ganglia and RF components, we mustfirst assess the hypothesis of RF as action selector.

    2.3 Objectives

    The aims of this study were: (1) to assess the func-tional capabilities of the Kilmer-McCulloch modelin simulation as a guide to subsequent robot ex-periments; (2) to implement the Kilmer-McCullochmodel as a robot control architecture, and compareits performance to that of alternative controllers.We would thus be able to assess both the hypoth-esis of action selection by the RF, and the generalsuitability of the model as a robot controller; (3) todetermine if any versions of the Kilmer-McCullochmodel could perform well as a robot controller in-dependent of any neural-modeling constraints (we

    use here a genetic algorithm to search the space ofKilmer-McCulloch model variants).

    On an historical note, McCulloch and his col-leagues were keen to emphasize that the model ofRF could be used as a robot controller, an idea thatwas echoed in Kilmers recent paper. Thus, thetesting of this model as a robot control architectureallows us to fulfill McCullochs original hope for themodel for the first time.

    3 The Kilmer-McCulloch


    3.1 Anatomy of the RF

    We briefly outline the anatomical features of the RF(summarized in Figure 1), predominantly based onthe Scheibels neuron-staining studies (Scheibel &Scheibel, 1967), which led McCulloch to proposethis region as the substrate for a plausible selec-tion mechanism. These anatomical findings havebeen repeatedly replicated using a variety of stain-ing and microscopic techniques (Jones, 1995; New-man, 1985; Bowsher & Westman, 1970).

    The predominant neuron type in the medial coreof the RF has a giant body and undifferentiated

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    radially symmetric dendrites which do not signif-icantly extend in the anterior-posterior direction.Their axons bifurcate, extending posteriorly to thespinal cord and anteriorly to the midbrain, giv-

    ing off numerous collaterals along their trajectories.The collaterals form synapses in the extensive den-dritic trees of other giant cells. These giant neuronsthus form discrete discs or modules of overlappingdendritic fields which are connected by far-reachingaxons.

    The giant neurons receive extensive primaryand secondary afferent ascending sensory input viathe spinothalamic tract, sensory trigeminal nuclei,vestibular nuclei, and other brainstem relay nuclei.Thus, the modules are in a position to sample fromevery sensory system available to an animal. This

    array of inputs has led to the medial RF beingtermed the integrative core of the brainstem.

    3.2 The computational model

    We shall detail the recent revision (Kilmer, 1997) ofthe Kilmer-McCulloch model as it is more amenableto replication than the original version. Theanatomical features reviewed above form the ba-sis of the model design shown in Figure 2. Eachof the U modules of the model corresponds to ananatomical module of the RF described above; theinternal computations of a module are detailed be-low. Sensory input to the RF is represented by Ssensory systems, where the kth output of each Sjrepresents that systems estimate of the probabilityof behavior k being selected (and is therefore in therange (0,1)). The model has M behaviors repre-sented by M descending and M ascending connec-tions from each module and M outputs from eachSj . Each module Uj receives M inputs, each in-put being from the corresponding mode output ofa randomly selected (with equal probability) sen-sory system: for example, input k = 1 to moduleU1 comes from output k = 1 of a randomly selected

    Sj .The ascending/descending connections are analo-

    gous to the far-reaching bifurcating axons from thegiant cells in each module. The probability of amodule receiving an ascending or descending con-nection from a particular module was specified by apower law: for any given pair of modules (i, j), theprobability Pij of a connection from j to i was givenby Pij = d

    rij , where dij is the distance between the


    dij = (U + |i j|)mod U, (1)

    and the exponent r is some positive integer (we user = 2 throughout). For each module connection, a

    Figure 1: Schematic summary of the vertebrate reticu-lar formations anatomical organization. A Sagittal sec-tion through the brainstem; the dendritic trees (blacklines) of the giant cells (single cell body shown) ex-tend throughout the RF core along the dorso-ventralaxis but extend little along the posterior-anterior axis.These dendritic trees contact axon collaterals of bothascending sensory systems (grey dashed line) and far-reaching axons of the giant cells (the axon of the de-picted cell body is shown by the solid grey line). BCross-section through the brainstem (dash-dot line in-dicates the midline). Left: dendrites extend radiallyabout the giant cells bodies, often preferentially di-

    rected to the axon collaterals extending from the passingsensory fiber tracts. Right: the giant cells radial den-dritic fields and passing sensory fiber tracts axon col-lateralisation create overlapping fields of synaptic con-tact. C The Scheibels summary of RF organization:the RF core is comprised of stacked disc-like modulescontaining giant cells, with limits defined by the den-dritic extension from the cell bodies. The radial den-dritic fields allow sampling of ascending and descendinginput from both other modules (solid grey line) and sen-sory systems (dashed grey line). Abbreviations: PT -pyramidal tract; Vest - vestibular complex; V - sensorytrigeminal system; ST - spinothalamic tract.

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    Figure 2: Schematic diagram of a version of the Kilmer-McCulloch model. This particular version has S = 5sensory input systems, U = 12 modules, and parallelascending/descending connections representing M = 4modes. Only the connections to and from a single mod-ule are shown (from Kilmer, 1997).

    source module was randomly selected and Pij as-sessed; this was repeated until a connection wasmade.

    The output Wi of each module Ui contributes itskth element to the vector Yk (and thus each Yk hasU components); selection of behavior k (or conver-gence on that behavior) is signaled by the followingconditions: at least U(1 ) of Yks componentshave high values (H) and at least U(1 ) of allother Yj s components have low values (L), whereH 1 and L . In all that follows, we fol-low Kilmer and use values = 1/6 and = 0.49.With these specific values, convergence on behaviork would occur if more than 5/6 of the output vectorYks components were greater than 0.51 and if morethan 5/6 of the components in each of the other Yvectors were less than 0.49.

    3.2.1 Module design

    We have abstracted a single artificial neuron fromthe module description of the Kilmer-McCulloch

    model so that it may be more easily compared toartificial neurons in general use. There are M ofthese units in each module, one for each behavior,and their only point of interaction is at the nor-malization step (equation 3 below). Formally, theoutput pk of the kth unit of module Ui can be ex-pressed as

    qik =X2sk + (A


    dk + B2


    1 + 2(2)

    pik = qik/



    qij (3)

    where is the coupling co-efficient, Xsk is sensoryinput from the kth component of the sth sensorysystem, Adk is the descending input from the kthcomponent of the dth module, and, similarly, Bakis the ascending input from the kth componentof the ath module.

    3.2.2 Operation of the Kilmer-McCulloch


    At t = 0 a new set of inputs are presented at thesensory systems S and a new set of S-U (sensory-

    system-to-module) and U-U (module-to-module)connections are created. The modules then com-pute their outputs for each behavior using the com-putations given by equations (2) and (3). is setto zero at this first time-step. At each successivetime-step the modules compute their outputs (the Svalues remain fixed) following two changes: first, increases by 0.25 up to a limit of 2, where it remainsthereafter; second, every Ui is randomly assigned anew module to receive each of its kth descendingand ascending inputs from. When the convergencecriteria are met the time-step T is recorded: the

    elapsed number of steps from t = 0 to t = T istermed an epoch.

    3.3 Simulation results

    Our initial task was to run computer simulationsof the Kilmer-McCulloch model and investigateKilmers (1997) claims for its dynamical proper-ties. Specifically, he stated that the model wouldalways converge (as defined above) within 30 time-steps: a value he claimed to be sufficiently rapid todemonstrate that the RF could support mode se-lection. We replicated the model version which heinvestigated, with S = 5, U = 12, and M = 4,and simulated it for 10000 epochs. Inputs from the

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    five sensory systems were sampled from a uniformrandom distribution within the range (0,1).

    The four modes were each selected in roughlyequal proportion ( 2100 times each), as would be

    expected when assigning the input values using auniform random distribution. However, no conver-gence on any mode within the 30 time-steps oc-curred for 1501 epochs, which is roughly 15% of thetotal set of simulations. Therefore, Kilmers claimthat the model always converges is not entirely cor-rect: there are some inputs for which the modeldoes not quickly converge (which is not to say thatit never converges).

    3.3.1 Using fixed module-to-module con-


    We have investigated many aspects of the Kilmer-McCulloch model in simulation (Humphries, 2003),but have space only to report the most pertinentresults for the use of the model in the robot (seesection 5). In particular, we wished to know if therandom re-assignment of module-to-module connec-tions at every time-step was necessary because (a)this operation was difficult to reconcile with plau-sible biological operations and (b) it made analy-sis of the models dynamics impossible. Thus, themodel was simulated for a further 10000 epochs,with the module-to-module connections randomly

    specified at the beginning of each epoch and thennot changed. We found that the lack of moduleconnection reassignment did not change the con-vergence proportions.

    4 Embodying the Kilmer-

    McCulloch model

    Given the failure of the Kilmer-McCulloch modelto converge for all input sets, we may ask why weshould continue to investigate it in an embodied

    form. The simple answer is that we cannot trulyprobe a models capabilities using random noise:the inputs it receives when embodied in a real-worldenvironment are not just noise, and thus may neverstray into the regions of input-space which resultin the non-convergence of the model. Moreover, wedo not know a priori whether the non-convergenceof the model is sufficiently great to prevent it fromsuccessfully coordinating actions in the long-term.Thus, we proceeded to test the Kilmer-McCullochmodel as a robot controller.

    Our GPR model of basal ganglia function (Gur-ney et al., 2001) performed well in a robot survivaltask in which the robots goal was to survive by con-tinually storing and recharging energy from specific

    locations indicated by colored squares (Girard et al.,2003). It is this task which we chose to assess theKilmer-McCulloch model on, because it provides aset of quantitative measures, such as survival time,

    that can be used to assess the relative merits ofdifferent models. A simple winner-takes-all (WTA)selector and a random controller are also assessedon this task as control conditions against which theperformance of the Kilmer-McCulloch model imple-mentation may be compared.

    4.1 The task

    The form of the task is as described in Girard etal. (2003): a mobile robot explores an arena with agrey colored floor (representing neutral) upon which

    are laid two white and two black tiles. The robotcontinually consumes energy, and may recharge itfrom a separate energy store while stopped on awhite tile; it may recharge the energy store whenstopped on a black tile. When all energy has beenused, the robot expires. The aim of the task is tomaximize the lifetime of the robot.

    We used a Hemisson robot (K-Team, Switzer-land) for the real-world experiments and a We-bots (Cyberbotics, Switzerland) simulation of thesame robot and arena combination to both speedup data collection and allow us to test in an entirely

    noise-free environment, thus ensuring optimal per-formance from the WTA selector. From the robotsarray of sensors we have used the two downward fir-ing infrared sensors for determining floor color andthe front-left and front-right infrared sensors to rep-resent bumpers for compatibility with Girard et alssensory variables.

    4.2 The robots state variables and

    action repertoire

    The robot controller has six state variables avail-

    able to it, four external and two internal: BL andBR represent the binary state of the left and rightbumpers (a value of 1 represents contact); LB andLD, the Brightness and Darkness values (derivedfrom the infrared floor sensors) are also binary andrepresent the floor color (LB = 1 on white, LD = 1on black; LB = LD = 0 on neutral); PE representsthe potential energy (which is recharged on blacktiles); and E represents the robots energy (whichis recharged on white tiles by consuming potentialenergy). Both the internal variables PE and E werelimited to the range (0,1).

    Girard et al. (2003) specified the following equa-tions for E and PE changes. The change PE inpotential energy when recharging on a black tile for

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    Teat seconds is

    PE = 0.027 Teat LD.

    The change E in energy when recharging fromstored potential energy on a white tile for Tdigestseconds is

    E = 0.027 Tdigest LB

    and the corresponding decrease in PE is

    PE = 0.027 Tdigest LB.

    The robot has four selectable actions available toit, each of which take a fixed number of time-steps(one time-step is one second):

    Wander: a random walk in the environment,formed by forward movement at a fixed speed

    followed by a turn of a randomly selected angle(2 time-steps).

    Avoid Obstacles: a maneuver to re-enter openspace; the robot moves backwards followed byeither, if both bumpers activated, a turn of180o or, if one bumper activated, a turn of45o in the opposite direction to the activatedbumper (2 time-steps).

    Reload On Dark: stop on a black tile andcharge potential energy (1 time-step).

    Reload On Light: stop on a white tile andcharge energy by consuming potential energy(1 time-step).

    Regardless of the action selected, energy E is con-sumed at a constant rate of 0.002 unit/s. At thecompletion of the currently selected action, the con-troller uses the current sensory data to select a newaction (we call this the behavioral update). If thecontroller is unable to resolve the selection com-petition to one of the above actions, then Rest isselected for 1 time-step, during which the robot isstationary but consumes energy at the same rate.

    4.3 Implementing the controllers

    In the original implementation of the task (Girardet al., 2003), the selection of the four actions wasbased on their saliences: values which indicate thelevel of urgency or motivation to perform that ac-tion. To calculate the saliences Girard et al. hand-crafted the following equations

    SW = BL BR + 0.8(1 PE) + 0.9(1 E)

    SA = 3BL + 3BR

    SD = 2LB BL BR + 3LD(1 PE)

    SL = 2LD BL BR +3LB(1 E)[1 (1 PE)


    which are, respectively, the salience calculations forWander (SW), Avoid Obstacle (SA), Reload OnDark (SD), and Reload On Light (SL).

    These salience values are calculated at each be-

    havioral update. The WTA controller thus simplyselects the action with the highest salience valueas the winner, and the robot executes that action.The random controller simply randomly selects oneof the five possible actions with equal probability ateach behavioral update.

    For direct comparison with the WTA controller,and for ease of comparison with the previouswork using the GPR basal ganglia model, we usedthe salience equations with the Kilmer-McCullochmodel. Given that there are 4 actions, we requiredM = 4 mode lines to represent them. Thus, we used

    S = 4 sensory systems for which the correspondingoutput carried the salience value. That is, for S1output 1 had value SW, for S2 output 2 had valueSA, and so on. We used U = 12 modules to enabledirect comparison with the simulated version usedin section 3.

    The squaring operation (equation 2) performedby the modules on their sensory inputs means thatnegative salience values would be incorrectly used.Thus, we threshold the salience equations using theHeaviside step function, so that the salience valuesare either positive or zero. In addition, we foundin simulation that convergence often failed if therewere zero-valued inputs; thus we added a smallamount of noise to the sensory systems outputs ateach behavioral update, sampled from a Gaussiandistribution with variance of 0.001.

    At each behavioral update the salience values arecalculated from the state variables and presentedat the appropriate outputs of the sensory systems,as described above. The model is then run for 30time-steps or to convergence, whichever is sooner. Ifconvergence is not reached, then the Rest behavioris selected. Otherwise, the behavior on which themodel converged is executed, where behavior 1 is

    Wander, behavior 2 is Avoid Obstacle, and so on.

    4.4 Results

    At the beginning of each run (whether simulationor real-world) the robot was initialized with E = 1and PE = 0.5 and placed at a random location inthe arena. Therefore, if no recharging of energyoccurred then the minimum survival time was 500seconds.

    We tested two different forms of the Kilmer-McCulloch model. The first was the original model:a new set of connections was created at each behav-ioral update in an identical manner to the simulatedmodel described in section 3. The second was the

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    Figure 3: Mean survival times on the energy task for the robot controllers, expressed as multiples of the minimum

    possible time. Left: simulated task; robots using the winner-takes-all (WTA) controller survived for substantiallylonger than all other robot-and-controller combinations. Right: using the real robot; the relative performances ofthe controllers is the same as that for the simulated version. Error bars are 1 S.E.

    fixed model: a new set of connections was ran-domly created at the start of each run of the robotand then not altered at the start of each behav-ioral update so that the sensory-system-to-moduleand module-to-module connections were the samethroughout. Thus, the fixed models created aset of random samples from the Kilmer-McCullochmodel configuration space.

    The majority of robot experiments were con-ducted in the Webots simulation environment, withconfirming tests run on the Hemisson robot. Wepresent first the major simulation results.

    4.4.1 The Webots simulation of the energy


    We tested the random, WTA, original Kilmer-McCulloch model, and 5 different realizations of thefixed Kilmer-McCulloch model based controllers20 times each. The robot started from a different

    position in the arena on each of the 20 tests, the se-quence of positions being initially randomly chosenand then repeated for each controller. In the fol-lowing, we denote the original Kilmer-McCullochmodel as KM, and the five fixed models as KMF1, KMF 2, and so on.

    The robot consistently survived longest using theWTA controller, with a mean time of 18972 sec-onds; using the random and KM controller, therobot survived little longer than the minimum pos-sible time (Figure 3). Using most variants ofthe fixed Kilmer-McCulloch model as the con-troller also resulted in comparatively low survivaltimes. However, for one version (KMF 5) the robotsurvived considerably longer (mean 2937 seconds;

    maximum 7953 seconds) than all controllers otherthen WTA, and than the minimum survival time.Thus, some fixed configuration of connections forthe Kilmer-McCulloch model can result in improvedrobot performance compared to the original Kilmer-McCulloch model.

    We compared the robots behavior patterns from

    the tests using the WTA, KM, and KMF 5 con-trollers, to determine what differentiated their per-formances. Specifically, we measured the meanduration (period of consecutive selection) and themean frequency (per 100 seconds thus providinga basis for comparing frequencies between simula-tions which lasted different periods) of each actionsselection, averaged over all 20 simulations. Figure4 summarizes these measures. The WTA controllerselected the reloading actions (Reload On Dark andReload On Light) for longer than the other con-trollers, with a correspondingly lower frequency of

    selection. By contrast, the KMF 5 controller se-lected the reloading actions for considerably lesstime, but far more frequently. The KM controllerdid not select the reloading actions for long peri-ods nor did it select them frequently. These char-acterizations of behavior patterns are borne outby the sequences of behavior shown by the robot(Figure 5). Thus, the failure of the KM controllermay be attributed to it not selecting the reload-ing actions frequently enough to compensate for theshort duration of their selections. We note fromthe behavior analysis (Figure 4) that Rest is neverselected by either the original or fixed Kilmer-McCulloch model versions. Therefore, convergenceof the model always occurs given real-world sensory

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    Figure 4: Mean frequency per 100 seconds (left) and mean duration (right) of each behavior for three controller

    types: the winner-takes-all (WTA) controller, the original Kilmer-McCulloch (KM) model based controller, andthe fixed KM model controller KMF 5 (the version which survived the longest). Error bars are 1 S.E.

    data, rather than inputs of pure noise. This resultemphasizes the importance of testing neural mod-els in embodied systems as well as in simulation, forthe results of section 3.3 may have led a researcherto immediately abandon the model.

    4.4.2 Real-world experiments

    We used the real robot and arena to repeat a subsetof the experiments described above, using the ran-dom, WTA, KM, KMF 1, and KMF 5 controllers.Each controller was tested three times, the robotstarting from a random location in the arena on ev-ery test. To keep the experiment times reasonable,we removed the black and white tiles after 5000 sec-onds and allowed the robot to expire; this only oc-curred for the WTA controller. Nevertheless, therelative performance of the controllers is the sameas for the simulated robot (Figure 3).

    4.5 Summary

    Our results were consistent across the simulated andreal robot tests; we base our comments on the simu-lated versions as they were repeated more often. Weused a random controller to demonstrate that thedesign of the arena is a sufficient test of the othercontrollers. If a random selection of actions wassufficient for the robot to survive for considerablylonger than the minimum time, then we would notbe able to compare the other controllers on the ba-sis of survival time, as their performance would beindistinguishable from chance. Therefore, becausethe robot using the random controller survived nolonger then the minimum time, we are able to com-pare the other controllers performances.

    The implementation of the original Kilmer-McCulloch model as a robot controller failed as anaction selection mechanism on the simple behav-ioral task we used. This is evidence that the orig-inal model is not an adequate model of the actionselection capabilities of the RF, assuming that theRF is the action selection mechanism of the brain-stem. Moreover, as it performed no better than

    the random controller yet, unlike that controller,had information-carrying inputs (saliences), we con-clude that the computations of the original modelactually degraded the input information.

    However, given that we found fixed versions(KMF 5) of the model which resulted in consider-ably greater survival times than the minimum time,it is an open question whether or not there are otherconfigurations of the model which could perform aswell as the WTA algorithm when used as a robotcontroller. If these configurations exist, we wouldlike to know what structural features make themsuccessful (and how these map onto the behaviorpatterns described above), and how easy it is tofind them.

    5 Optimising the Kilmer-

    McCulloch model

    5.1 Possible modifications

    We know that some aspect of the Kilmer-McCullochmodels structure can be fixed so that a robot con-trolled by such a model performs competently dur-ing the energy task (section 4.4.1). In addition, weknow that the randomization of module-to-module

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    Figure 5: Example b ehavioral sequences from the simulated Hemisson, showing the selected actions and theirdurations for the first 500 seconds of the robot test. Left: the winner-takes-all (WTA) controller. The robothas infrequent but long selections of the reloading actions; Middle: the original Kilmer-McCulloch model; Right:the best performing fixed Kilmer-McCulloch model (KMF 5). The robot has frequent short selections of thereloading actions. The robot started at the same position and orientation in the arena for the tests which generated

    these sequences.

    connections made no difference to the ability ofthe model to converge (section 3.3). Therefore,we hypothesize that it is only the particular con-figuration of sensory-system-to-module connectionswhich crucially determine the selection capabilitiesof the Kilmer-McCulloch model.

    The following describes how we searched the con-figuration space using the Webots simulation of therobot task (carrying out such a search using the He-

    misson would have been too time-intensive). For allthe robot tests, the module-to-module connectionswere randomly but evenly distributed, such that ev-ery mode output from a module contacts exactlytwo other modules (one an ascending, and one adescending connection). Thus, the outputs of eachmodule were evenly sampled by the other modules.This connection set was maintained across all therobot experiments discussed below.

    5.2 Evolving structure using a ge-

    netic algorithm

    The model used for the robot has S = 4, U =12, M = 4. There are MU = 48 sensory-system-to-module connections to specify, where each con-nection takes an integer value specifying its origi-nating sensory system. Therefore, there are 448 =7.9928 1028 possible combinations of connections.We cannot reasonably explore such a large param-eter space through random search, so our strategyis to evolve the connections using a genetic algo-rithm (GA) and examine the structure of the mod-els which have the greatest genetic fitness. Thefollowing describes our design choices for the chro-mosome, measurement of fitness, and form of algo-rithm.

    The chromosome for the GA is straightforward:it has 48 elements, one for each sensory-system-to-module connection, which can take integer values inthe range (1,4) specifying the sensory system fromwhich the connection is made. The first four ele-ments specify the connections to module 1, the nextfour elements specify the connections to module 2,and so on.

    The key design choice for a GA is the measure-

    ment of genetic fitness which is used to rank thechromosomes in order of performance and to decidewhich produce offspring and which are removed.For this study, we are applying the GA to a problemwhich has a direct biological parallel, that of evolv-ing an action selection mechanism. Therefore, theobvious choice for measure of genetic fitness wouldbe survival time. However, as we have seen in sec-tion 4.4.1, it is possible for a robot to survive inexcess of 20000 seconds and so such a GA would inpractice take many days, even in simulation; more-over, given that survival time is unbounded, it is

    possible that a robot will never expire and, there-fore, will not be assigned a fitness value.

    As an alternative to survival, it seems reasonableto suppose that a biological controller could be at-tempting to maximize the agents (or animals) en-ergy in the short-term thus ensuring that the agentis able to reproduce. In other words, the selec-tion pressure is exerted on the evolution of con-trollers which maximize energy rather than survivaltime (as the latter subsumes the former: a con-troller which minimizes energy will inevitably leadto short survival times). Therefore, we measuremean E over a fixed time window of 3000 seconds;we demonstrate below that this fitness measure-ment is viable. (The time window was chosen to be

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    considerably greater than the best survival time ofthe original Kilmer-McCulloch model, thus heavilypenalizing any controllers which allowed the robotto expire). Our resulting fitness function naturally

    falls in the range (0,1), with 1 indicating maximumfitness.

    The algorithm was specified as follows. An ini-tial population of 20 chromosomes was created, eachelement chosen randomly from the possible inte-ger range (1,4). For every chromosome population,each chromosome in turn was converted into a setof sensory-system-to-module connections, and theresulting model evaluated on the energy task.

    The population was then ranked by fitness level,and the best 10 chromosomes retained. From thisremaining population, 10 pairs of chromosomes

    were randomly chosen for mating: from each pair,a new chromosome is created by conjoining thetwo chromosomes at a randomly chosen split point.Thus, a new population of 20 chromosomes results(10 parents, 10 offspring).

    The new population is subjected to mutation,where each element is changed to one of the otherpossible integer values with a probability of 0.05.The top chromosome of the parent population isnever mutated, so that the most fit parent is alwaysretained intact (elitism).

    Once all pairings and mutations have been car-

    ried out, the resulting population is again evaluatedon the energy task. This process was iterated untilthe termination condition was reached, that the topchromosome was unchanged for 10 consecutive gen-erations (iterations of evaluation-ranking-selecting-mating-mutating).

    5.3 Results

    5.3.1 Fitness of the other controllers

    As a basis for comparison, it was necessary to de-termine representative fitness measurements for the

    WTA, original Kilmer-McCulloch model, and ran-dom controllers. These were computed by averag-ing the fitness measurement (defined above) over20 runs of the robot test used in section 4, eachrun again starting from a randomly selected posi-tion in the arena. The resulting mean fitness val-ues were: WTA, 0.6669; original Kilmer-McCullochmodel, 0.1006; random, 0.0852.

    5.3.2 Using normal inputs

    For the first GA test we used the inputs definedin section 4.3, with salience values on the appro-priate mode output from the sensory system andlow-valued noise on the others. The GA terminated

    after 24 generations with the best chromosome hav-ing a fitness of 0.9203 (found on generation 14),which was considerably more than all other con-trollers. Moreover, from the total population, over

    all generations, 52 (out of 480) chromosomes pro-duced Kilmer-McCulloch controllers with higher fit-ness then the WTA controller. Repeated runs of theGA produced similar results. Thus, the GA foundnumerous versions of the Kilmer-McCulloch modelwhich had greater fitness than the WTA controller.

    5.3.3 Using probabilistic inputs

    We wished to see if the model could be evolved tohandle a harder version of the task, using noisierinputs to the model than those tried previously. If

    a successful model could be evolved, this would fur-ther demonstrate its capabilities as a general archi-tecture for robot action selection.

    The GA proceeded as described above. To createnoisier inputs to the model in a consistent manner,the output of a sensory system was interpreted asa probability vector: every output value indicatedthe probability of that action being selected. Thesalience values were calculated as before (section4.3), then normalized with respect to their maxi-mum value. The other 3 outputs for each sensorysystem were then randomly assigned values thatwould make the total output for each sensory sys-

    tem equal one.Using this input scheme, the GA terminated after

    25 generations, with the best chromosome having afitness of 0.7099 (found on generation 15). This isbetter than (random, original Kilmer-McCulloch),or roughly equal to (WTA), the fitness that theother controllers were able to achieve on the simplernormal-input task. Again, repeated runs of the GAproduced similar results.

    5.3.4 Energy-based fitness translates to

    survival time

    To justify the comparison between the fitness ofthe previously tested controllers (in section 4) andthe evolved versions, we must demonstrate that themean-energy based fitness measurement is a suit-able alternative to measuring survival time directly.We do this by assessing the survival times of therobot controlled by Kilmer-McCulloch models de-coded from the most-fit chromosomes.

    The most-fit chromosome evolved for the normal-and probabilistic-input GAs were tested on therobot experiments described in section 4: theKilmer-McCulloch model structure was decoded,the robot started from 20 random locations in thearena, and run each time until expiration. The

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    mean survival times (S.E.) for the three con-trollers were: WTA 18972 4461 s; from the most-fit normal-input chromosome 105023 20465 s;from the most-fit probabilistic-input chromosome

    3023382 s. Thus, the greater fitness of the normal-input evolved Kilmer-McCulloch model is reflectedin its survival time. Its maximum survival time was307841 seconds, which is roughly 85 hours (or fiveand a half days), demonstrating the necessity of us-ing a fitness measurement other than survival time

    To verify that the GA was finding a generally-useful model, the above test was repeated once onthe real Hemisson robot, using the most-fit chro-mosome from the normal-input GA as the basis forthe model. The robot survived in excess of 6000 sec-onds, thus demonstrating that the evolved model-

    based controller was at least equivalent to the WTAcontroller when used on the real robot. (We couldnot, of course, verify that the robot was able to sur-vive to the same extent that it did in simulation).Therefore, using a simulation-based GA produceda controller that could be successfully used by thereal robot.

    5.3.5 Structure of the model from the best


    The pertinent structural feature for the normal in-puts (and, as it turns out, for the probabilistic in-

    puts) is the mapping of the salience-carrying out-puts of the sensory systems to the appropriate in-puts on the modules. To illustrate, consider a chro-mosome for which the first four elements are [3 12 4]. Figure 6 demonstrates the decoding of thispart of the chromosome, with module U1s inputsmapped thus: the first output of S3 connects to in-put 1; the second output of S1 connects to input 2;the third output of S2 connects to input 3; and thefourth output of S4 connects to input 4. It is onlythis last connection which carries a salience value(for Reload On Light). We may thus characterize

    a chromosome-encoded structure by the number ofsuch salience connections from each sensory systemNs, where s is the number of that sensory system.

    For the most-fit chromosomes from both thenormal- and probabilistic-input GAs, we find thatN1 < N2 < N3 < N4. That is, the sampling ofReload On Light salience is greater than the sam-pling of Reload On Dark, which in turn is greaterthan that for Avoid Obstacle, which in turn isgreater than that for Wander. Thus, it appearsthat the GA has produced a mapping of connec-tions which favors the reloading behaviors.

    Yet, the behavioral patterns of the robot whenassessing the most-fit chromosomes (Figure 7) showthat, for both input types, this mapping of input

    Figure 6: Decoding a chromosome into a Kilmer-McCulloch model structure. The first four elements ofthis chromosome are [3 1 2 4], which code the sensory

    system inputs to the first module U1. Only the fourthelement specifies a connection which carries a saliencevalue, the others specify connections with noise (N).

    connections results in a behavior pattern roughlysimilar to that resulting from the WTA controller.The main difference, compared to WTA, is a muchshorter duration of Reload On Dark.

    The behavioral analysis also shows that both ofthe most-fit chromosomes encoded models which

    did not always converge. Robots using controllersbased on these models enacted the Rest behaviorat least once during each of the 20 runs. For theprobabilistic-input evolved model-based controller,the frequency of occurrence was roughly the sameas that of the reloading behaviors. These resultsare evidence that fixed Kilmer-McCulloch modelswhich do not always converge may actually be op-timal for real-world tasks.

    5.3.6 Summary

    For both input forms, the comparatively few gen-erations (14 for normal, 15 for probabilistic) thatwere required to find the best chromosome, and thenumber of chromosomes better than WTA indicatesthat, although the configuration space is massive,many configurations work as robot controllers. Re-peated robot tests using the best evolved chromo-somes demonstrated the flexibility of the Kilmer-McCulloch model, as the analysis showed that itcould cause a WTA-like behavior pattern as well asthe frequent-selection behavior pattern seen in theprevious robot test (section 4).

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    Figure 7: Behavioral statistics of the most-fit Kilmer-McCulloch models. Left: mean duration of behaviors. Right:mean frequency of b ehaviors. These statistics show that the most-fit Kilmer-McCulloch models on both input

    tests caused a behavior pattern roughly similar to that caused by the winner-takes-all (WTA) controller, thoughwith considerably shorter durations of Reload On Dark. Error bars are 1 S.E.

    6 Discussion

    The preceding results have demonstrated that: (1)in simulation, the original Kilmer-McCulloch modeloften, but not always, rapidly converges on a par-ticular selection, and convergence does not dependon the continual random re-connection of module-to-module connections; (2) in a robotic evaluation

    of action selection capability, the original Kilmer-McCulloch model is inferior to a simple winner-takes-all algorithm. Random sampling of the spaceof possible fixed Kilmer-McCulloch architecturesprovides an existence proof that fixed versions canperform better than the original version; (3) usinga genetic algorithm, the space of possible Kilmer-McCulloch architectures can be rapidly searched tofind versions which out-perform the winner-takes-all algorithm; (4) even when using a noisier inputrepresentation, the genetic algorithm can still findKilmer-McCulloch model architectures which per-

    form competently; (5) robots using the best evolvedarchitectures as controllers have very different be-havioral patterns to those using the best randomly-generated architectures as controllers, evidence ofthe flexibility of the general Kilmer-McCulloch ar-chitecture.

    6.1 The reticular formation as action


    By our own criteria, the performance of the origi-nal Kilmer-McCulloch model as a robot controlleris evidence that either it is not an accurate modelof the RF or that the RF is not the action selectionmechanism of the vertebrate brainstem. We be-

    lieve the former to be true: a simple modificationof the model stopping all random re-assignmentof connections was able to produce competentrobot controllers. Yet this modification increasesthe biological plausibility of the model: it is un-likely that such a neural structure, with indirectcontrol over such basic physiological processes asrespiration and heartbeat (Yates & Stocker, 1998),

    has a place for large degrees of randomness in itsstructure. Thus, we argue that it is the operationalfeatures of the Kilmer-McCulloch model that arenot accurate, whereas the architectural features areaccurate to the extent that we have tested them.The tentative conclusion therefore must be thatthe reticular formation, as conceptualized by theKilmer-McCulloch model architecture, is a candi-date for the action selection mechanism of the ver-tebrate brainstem.

    6.2 Implications for the model of

    vertebrate action selection

    How then to proceed with the development of thegeneral model of the vertebrate action selection sys-tem? If we accept that the RF is the candidateaction selection mechanism of the brainstem, wemust address the issue of how the basal ganglia andRF interact to produce coherent sequences of be-havior. From the available neuroanatomical data,it appears that the basal ganglia outputs do di-rectly contact regions of the medial RF (Schneider,Manetto, & Lidsky, 1985), but are principally re-layed via the pedunculopontine nucleus, a structurewhich is not represented in the Kilmer-McCullochmodel (Delwaide, Pepin, De Pasqua, & Noordhout,

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    2000). Thus, we wish to extend the model to incor-porate the necessary neural structures to test theform of interaction.

    In doing so, we may incorporate more recent dataon the medial reticular formation that has addeddetail to the Scheibels studies which formed thebasis for the Kilmer-McCulloch model. The ex-istence of small- and medium-size neurons (New-man, 1985), and of neuromodulator (noradrenalineand serotonin) receptors in the giant cells den-dritic fields (Stevens, McCarley, & Greene, 1994;Kobayashi, Matsuyama, & Mori, 1994), has beendemonstrated and these may add to the compu-tational capabilities of an RF model. In addi-tion, it must be admitted that the operations per-formed by the Kilmer-McCulloch model are some-

    what removed from the now-traditional forms ofneural modeling, particularly in the model neu-ron as we have abstracted it. A replication ofthe selection results using more realistic model neu-rons would provide further evidence for the RF-as-action-selector. Thus, we propose to construct amore directly biologically-constrained model of me-dial reticular formation function, with the hypothe-sis that such a model would show the same basic se-lection operations as the Kilmer-McCulloch model.

    6.3 General action selection mecha-


    Our robots performance demonstrates that theKilmer-McCulloch model can form an action selec-tion mechanism for artificial agents. Finding thebest models using the GA required only a quicksearch of the space of all possible model configura-tions; and, even then, the GA found many config-urations which performed better than the alterna-tive controller types. We conjecture that such rapidoptimization makes the fixed Kilmer-McCullochmodel suitable for a wide range of robot tasks. It

    remains to be seen if the model can adapt to achanging environment using a continuous learningmethod rather than a GA.

    We are not claiming that the Kilmer-McCullochmodel will always perform better than the WTAalgorithm. To fully demonstrate such a claim, wewould have to optimize the salience equations to de-termine what their maximal possible fitness wouldbe: for example, we could replace the salience equa-tions constants with variables that can be opti-mized using a GA, evaluating the fitness with arobot using the WTA controller. However, this doesnot alter our finding that the Kilmer-McCullochmodel has potential as general action selectionmechanism.

    6.3.1 Potential advantages of Kilmer-

    McCulloch type architectures

    It is worth noting how the Kilmer-McCulloch model

    fits into the adaptive behavior debates on hierarchyand centralized control. The model is a distributedselection architecture, but does not require inhibi-tion: for the purposes of simulation, the mode deci-sion was made by summing over output vectors. Fora model with U modules and M modes, there are3UM links. Adding a new mode requires an addi-tional 3U links. However, this is a constant rate fora given model, whereas global reciprocal inhibitionnets grow at an increasing rate with each additionalnode.

    Most, if not all, current models of action selectionin the adaptive behavior literature have some formof modular decomposition of the agents behavioralrepertoire (Bryson, 2000). That is, they have dis-crete functional modules which each represent anaction or group of actions. The Kilmer-McCullochmodel offers an alternative to modular representa-tions: the behaviors are distributedly representedby connections rather than functional units withinthe selection mechanism. This offers a great ad-vantage over a modular representation to hardwareor biological implementations as damage to part ofthe system does not result in the loss of ability torepresent an action in the selection mechanism.

    6.4 Conclusions

    What general lessons may we take from this study?Certainly there is a reaffirmation of the importanceof embodying neural models. The simulated ver-sion of the Kilmer-McCulloch model did not alwaysconverge on a selection. Yet the initial robot testsdemonstrated that real-world inputs are sufficientlylimited (or structured) to ensure convergence forsome versions of the model. And, as it turned out,the optimally-performing versions determined by

    a genetic algorithm did not require the model toalways converge. The occasional inability to make adecision seems to have been a worthwhile trade-offfor ensuring consistently high levels of energy.

    Unintuitive results such as these demonstrate theusefulness of reverse-engineering robot controllerfrom biological substrates. The biological actionselection mechanisms may have built-in featuresthat solve problems we are unable to anticipate, ormay demonstrate the efficiency or utility of a de-sign methodology that we had not considered. TheKilmer-McCulloch models take on the reticular for-mation anatomy has provided both of these, by notalways requiring a decision, and by demonstratinga modular architecture without modular represen-

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    tation.We have yet to determine whether the evolution

    of the modern vertebrate brain has deemed thebrainstem selection mechanism sufficiently useful

    to build upon, or if it has found a better solutionwithin the structures of the basal ganglia. How-ever, given that functions supported by other lowerneural structures, such as the superior colliculussrole in vision, are maintained in the modern verte-brate brain it is likely that the reticular formationcontinues to form a crucial part of the vertebrateaction selection mechanism.


    We thank Jonathan Chambers for writing the initialgenetic algorithm code, and Nathan Boddy for run-

    ning pilot tests of the robot. This work was fundedby the EPSRC under grant GR/R95722/01.


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