is it time to discuss universal basic income? - gerard santinelli


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Post on 20-Feb-2017



Economy & Finance

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Page 2: Is It Time To Discuss Universal Basic Income? - Gerard Santinelli

Every now and then you come across an article

that pulls you up short, forcing you to stop dead

in your tracks and pay full attention to the matter

at hand. Scott Santen’s recent piece over right

here on Medium is very much one of them.

It hones in on a couple of themes that have

been occupying my mind of late.

The first is a controversial theory that has been

floating around the periphery of my attention for

some time now but that Scott’s article brings into

much sharper focus — the subject of universal

basic income.

Page 3: Is It Time To Discuss Universal Basic Income? - Gerard Santinelli

I’d previously come across the topic via sporadic mentions online and in The

New York Times. Reports of academic mutterings on the subject here, news of

an astonishingly radical sounding referendum in Switzerland there.

To be honest, the whole area struck me as fanciful to begin with, the product of

sophomoric wishful thinking rather than a serious economic idea. I’m beginning

to change my mind however.

The second theme is the subject of autonomous transport.

Page 4: Is It Time To Discuss Universal Basic Income? - Gerard Santinelli

I’ve mentioned previously how the big beasts of the current online jungle are

increasingly going after the same pieces of the same pie. Google’s recent

announcement of the imminent integration of a Buy Button on its pages is a

classic case in point here.

One area where this is even more apparent is in the field of self-driving vehicles.

Google is working on one. Apple is rumored to be. Amazon has its own ongoing

interests in this area and a slew of other companies such as Uber are sniffing

around the space. That’s before you even factor in Tesla who are set to

announce a consumer solution for this within the month.

Santen’s compellingly argued premise is that the imminent arrival of self-driving

technology is effectively going to wipe out an entire tier of middle-income jobs

across America along with the businesses and services that those jobs indirectly support.

Page 5: Is It Time To Discuss Universal Basic Income? - Gerard Santinelli

He goes on to suggest that offering some kind

of basic universal income could be the only way of cushioning this impending blow.

I have to admit, it’s not a concept that sits

easily with me and many aspects of it seem to

be practically verging on un-American at first glance. As I read through his excellently

reasoned piece though, I began to seriously

consider it. As I read through his excellently reasoned piece though, I began to seriously

consider it. It’s truly eye-opening stuff.

Check it out yourself and let me know what you think in the comments. Are we

heading towards a fully automated, robot-driven future? Will or even should Uncle Sam have to step in to pick up the tab in communities across this great

nation of ours? I’m curious to hear your thoughts on the matter.