is it important to keep promises made?

 Article ap peared Frid ay, Janu ary 3rd, 20 14 in The News Tod ay, Bang ladesh The Reelation !30"# yousu$ %ah&u&ul 'sla%, (h) 'n our day*to*day actiities, we o$ten %a+e pro%ises, ie gie our word to do so%ething 's it i%portant to consider the pro%ise %ade and +eep one-s word. '&rahi% A%ini !&1"2/# {1}, in his &oo+ The Codes of Training  points out that +eeping pro%ises is the &asis o$ a well organied and properly $unctioning hu%an society '$ a society has people who constantly &rea+ their pro%ises, then the society will su$$er $ro% perpetual con$lict and eentually wipe the%seles out e says, The hu%an society cannot $unction without the institution o$ pro%ises and assurances o$ their $ul$ill%ent (eople %a+e agree%ents and coenants with one another that go towards &uilding $a%ilies and clans There will &e agree%ents &etween cities that &ond the% together (eople gie great i%portance to these coenants &ecause they are the &asis o$ their collectie lies Keeping promises is an important aspect of the human life and every person considers it evil to break a promise.  ery person who enters into a coenant !agree%ent# with another epects that the ter%s o$ the contract will &e adhered to i%plicitly hicheer group a&ides &y the ter%s o$ their coenant will &e ter%ed as a well*organied unit The reason $or their well*&eing is that they will hae trust on one another without any reason $or con$lict The lies o$ their people will &e success$ul and contented To the contrary the people of an area that doesn’t abide by its covenants with others will suffer from a feeling of uncertainty and unrest. They will be victims of  perpetua l conflict. ery indiidual or society who respects the agree%ents %ade with others will hae the respect and con$idence o$ others   p.200 , {2} 'n other words, without %a+ing and +eeping pro%ises, a hu%an society cannot $unction %eaning$ully en in today-s co%%ercial world, the word pro%ise has ta+en a new %eaning 5ason 6ooley {3} eplains that  A rand i s a !romise 7 a &rand product sets an epectation in the person who purchases the product 5eeting the epectation sets the alue o$ the product 8i+ewise, $or intelligent hu%an &eings, &ro+en pro%ises ruin reputations and degrade the alue placed upon the person As created &eings, our 6reator accordingly guides us in the 9ur-an, the %ost recent Reelation: Those who $aith$ully o&sere their trust and their coenants; and who "strictly# guard their prayers$ those will &e the heirs who will inherit (aradise: they will dwell therein !$oreer#  <23= 7 2311>  Again, in another place in th e 9ur-an :  And tho se who re spect thei r trusts and coenants; and those who stand $ir% in their testi%onies; and those who guard "the sacredness# of their worship%  such will &e the honored ones in the ?ardens o$ !Bliss#  <@032 7 @03/> 'n &oth these places in the 9ur-an, sincerity in prayer and worship o$ the 6reator has &een tied together with +eeping trusts and coenants hy. hat has prayer and worship got to do with +eeping pro%ises The $ollowing erse $ro% the 9ur-an proides us with the answer  And !%en tion# when your 8ord t oo+ $ro% t he child ren o$ Ada % 7 $ro% th eir loins 7 t heir descendants, e %ade the% testi$y concerning the%seles !as+ing#, A% ' not your 8ord !who cherishes and sustains you#. They replied: CesD e testi$yD !This# 7 lest you should say on the )ay o$ Judg%ent, 'ndeed, we were unaware o$ this  <@1@2> The erse in$or%s us that we testi$ied to the truth o$ the 6reator the %o%ent we were created To adhere to the testi%ony we need to &e grate$ul to our 6reator $or giing us eistence By &eing ungrate$ul, we essentially &rea+ the coenant we hae %ade with the 6reatorD hile our physical &rains %ay &e una&le to trace &ac+ to the ti%e o$ creation, each o$ us inherently +nows a&out the 6reator hat is the proo$. The $ollowing erse $ro% the 9ur-an proides the proo$:

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Page 1: Is it important to keep promises made?

8/13/2019 Is it important to keep promises made? 1/2

 Article appeared Friday, January 3rd, 2014 in The News Today, Bangladesh

The Reelation !30"# yousu$ %ah&u&ul 'sla%, (h)

'n our day*to*day actiities, we o$ten %a+e pro%ises, ie gie our word to do so%ething 's iti%portant to consider the pro%ise %ade and +eep one-s word. '&rahi% A%ini !&1"2/# {1}, inhis &oo+ The Codes of Training  points out that +eeping pro%ises is the &asis o$ a well organied

and properly $unctioning hu%an society '$ a society has people who constantly &rea+ theirpro%ises, then the society will su$$er $ro% perpetual con$lict and eentually wipe the%seles oute says,

“The hu%an society cannot $unction without the institution o$ pro%ises and assuranceso$ their $ul$ill%ent (eople %a+e agree%ents and coenants with one another that gotowards &uilding $a%ilies and clans There will &e agree%ents &etween cities that &ondthe% together (eople gie great i%portance to these coenants &ecause they are the&asis o$ their collectie lies Keeping promises is an important aspect of the human lifeand every person considers it evil to break a promise. ery person who enters into acoenant !agree%ent# with another epects that the ter%s o$ the contract will &e adheredto i%plicitly hicheer group a&ides &y the ter%s o$ their coenant will &e ter%ed as awell*organied unit The reason $or their well*&eing is that they will hae trust on one

another without any reason $or con$lict The lies o$ their people will &e success$ul andcontented To the contrary the people of an area that doesn’t abide by its covenants withothers will suffer from a feeling of uncertainty and unrest. They will be victims of

 perpetual conflict. ery indiidual or society who respects the agree%ents %ade withothers will hae the respect and con$idence o$ others”  p.200 , {2}

'n other words, without %a+ing and +eeping pro%ises, a hu%an society cannot $unction%eaning$ully en in today-s co%%ercial world, the word pro%ise has ta+en a new %eaning5ason 6ooley {3} eplains that A rand is a !romise 7 a &rand product sets an epectation inthe person who purchases the product 5eeting the epectation sets the alue o$ the product8i+ewise, $or intelligent hu%an &eings, &ro+en pro%ises ruin reputations and degrade the alueplaced upon the person As created &eings, our 6reator accordingly guides us in the 9ur-an, the

%ost recent Reelation:“Those who $aith$ully o&sere their trust and their coenants; and who "strictly# guardtheir prayers$ those will &e the heirs who will inherit (aradise: they will dwell therein!$oreer#” <23= 7 2311>

 Again, in another place in the 9ur-an:“ And those who respect their trusts and coenants; and those who stand $ir% in theirtesti%onies; and those who guard "the sacredness# of their worship% such will &e thehonored ones in the ?ardens o$ !Bliss#” <@032 7 @03/>

'n &oth these places in the 9ur-an, sincerity in prayer and worship o$ the 6reator has &een tiedtogether with +eeping trusts and coenants hy. hat has prayer and worship got to do with

+eeping pro%ises The $ollowing erse $ro% the 9ur-an proides us with the answer“ And !%ention# when your 8ord too+ $ro% the children o$ Ada% 7 $ro% their loins 7 theirdescendants, e %ade the% testi$y concerning the%seles !as+ing#, A% ' not your 8ord!who cherishes and sustains you#. They replied: CesD e testi$yD !This# 7 lest youshould say on the )ay o$ Judg%ent, 'ndeed, we were unaware o$ this” <@1@2>

The erse in$or%s us that we testi$ied to the truth o$ the 6reator the %o%ent we were createdTo adhere to the testi%ony we need to &e grate$ul to our 6reator $or giing us eistence By&eing ungrate$ul, we essentially &rea+ the coenant we hae %ade with the 6reatorD hile ourphysical &rains %ay &e una&le to trace &ac+ to the ti%e o$ creation, each o$ us inherently +nowsa&out the 6reator hat is the proo$. The $ollowing erse $ro% the 9ur-an proides the proo$:

Page 2: Is it important to keep promises made?

8/13/2019 Is it important to keep promises made? 2/2

“ And when a$$liction touches %an, he calls upon Es !in all postures# whether lying downon his side or sitting or standing; &ut when e re%oe $ro% hi% his a$$liction, hecontinues !in diso&edience and ungrate$ulness# as i$ he had neer called upon Es tore%oe the a$$liction that touched hi%D Thus do the deeds of transgressors seem fair intheir eyes&”   <1012>

Regardless o$ the religion one pro$esses, we all approach the 6reator directly in the hour o$

need 7 this %eans we all inherently +now a&out the All (ower$ul 6reator; we +now that it is onlye ho can sole our pro&le%s hen the pro&le% is soled, it is su&seuently le$t to hu%anintelligence and Gudg%ent whether or not to &e grate$ul directly to the 6reatorD 't is this Gudg%entthat is &eing tested '$ we do not use our intelligence and proper Gudg%ent, our 6reator issuesthe $ollowing warning:

“ And i$ e had so willed, e could hae gien eery soul its guidance, &ut the ord$ro% 5e will co%e true, ' will surely $ill ell with Ginn and people all together ” <3213>

By &eing ungrate$ul, we in e$$ect reGect the 6reator and proe our dis&elie$“For the worst o$ &easts in the sight o$ Allah are those who reGect i%: they will not&eliee” <=//>

 Allah points out that it is such people that also &rea+ coenants that they %a+e, while on earth,with other hu%an &eings

8.56 “They are those with whom you made a covenant but they brea theircovenant every time and they do not !ear "##ah.”

8.5$ “%! you &ain the mastery over them '(, )uhammad* in war dis+erse withthem, 'so that* those who !o##ow them may remember 'i.e. be discoura&ed !rom!o##owin& their ways*.”'n this erse, the (rophet !p&uh# is &eing as+ed not to show %ercy to such people during theti%e o$ declared war Hn the other hand i$ a coenant eists with such people, and they showsigns o$ &rea+ing it, the (rophet is gien per%ission to declare the treaty annulled or dissoled

8.58 “%! you 'have reason to* !ear betraya# !rom any &rou+, throw 'their covenant*bac to them '+uttin& you* on eua# terms. %ndeed, "##ah does not #ie traitors.”

 As Allah wants to teach such people a lesson, e says in the 9ur-an:

8.5- “et not the unbe#ievers thin that they can &et the better 'o! "##ah*/ they wi##never !rustrate '"##ah*.”ence, the $ollowing instructions are to those who are grate$ul and hae de%onstrated their $ir%&elie$ or coniction in Allah using their intelligence

8.60 “"nd +re+are a&ainst them whatever you are ab#e o! +ower and steeds o! warby which you may strie terror into 'the heart o!* the enemy o! "##ah and yourenemy and others besides them whom you do not now but whom "##ah nows."nd whatever you s+end in the cause o! "##ah sha## be !u##y re+aid to you, andyou sha## not be treated unust#y.”*****{otes}:{1} http:IIwwwnaGa$orgIenglishI&oo+I1I2ht%{2}  http:IIwwwcoiradioco%Ili&raryIli&raryIethicsItheKcodesKo$KtrainingI4=ht%{3}  http:IIstrengthening&randa%ericaco%I&logI2010I0"I+eeping*your*pro%ise*is*i%portantI