irwa chapter 74 board meeting...irwa chapter 74 board meeting meeting called to order at 12:01 pm by...

IRWA CHAPTER 74 BOARD MEETING Meeting Minutes 2019‐2020 Meeting No. 10 Date: May 5, 2020 Time: 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm Location: Conference call only, no in person meeting Conference Call: 1 669 900 6833, Meeting ID: 912 8411 0746, Password: 023247 Board Members: Lori Bible, President | Tara O’Neal, Vice President | Barbara Price, Treasurer | Richard Scholtz, Secretary Virginia Anderson, Director 1 Year | Alex Gale, Director 2 Year

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Page 1: IRWA CHAPTER 74 BOARD MEETING...IRWA CHAPTER 74 BOARD MEETING Meeting called to order at 12:01 pm by Lori Bible. A. Monthly Business 1. Treasurer Report – Barbara Price Checking:



Meeting Minutes 

2019‐2020 Meeting No. 10 Date: May 5, 2020 Time: 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm Location: Conference call only, no in person meeting Conference Call: 1 669 900 6833, Meeting ID: 912 8411 0746, Password: 023247  Board Members: Lori Bible, President | Tara O’Neal, Vice President | Barbara Price, Treasurer | Richard Scholtz, Secretary Virginia Anderson, Director 1 Year | Alex Gale, Director 2 Year  


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Officers    Chairs    Committee Members   

Lori Bible – Pres.  ☒  Randy Williams, Nominations  ☒  Ron Olderog  ☒ 

Tara O’Neal – VP  ☒      Virginia Anderson  ☐ 

Barbara Price – Treas.  ☒        ☐ 

Richard Scholtz – Sec.  ☒  John Campbell, Pro. Dev.  ☒  Kimberly McClung  ☐ 

Alex Gale – 2Yr. Dir.  ☒  Alexis Vanzura, Edu.  ☒  Laurie Miller  ☐ 

Virginia Anderson – 1Yr. 



  Laura Nelson  ☐ 

        Jaylia Travis  ☐ 

    Leslie Persia, Membership  ☒  Laura Nelson  ☐ 

    David Baylor, Programs  ☒  Max Roach  ☒ 

        Lisa Thompson  ☐ 

        Shannon Gray  ☐    

Jaylia Travis, YP  ☒  Stephanie Ferraris  ☒ 

        Pierce DeMarco  ☐ 

        Nichole Hebert  ☐ 

    Laura Nelson, Comm.  ☒  Ray Rials  ☒ 

    Kimberly McClung, Bylaws  ☐  Tanner Taylor  ☐ 

        Shannon Gray  ☐ 

        Virginia Anderson  ☐ 

        Don Toner  ☐ 

    Cathy Thomas, Val.  ☒    ☐ 

    Kimberly McClung, Legal  ☐    ☐ 

    Liz Norris, Sept. Sem.  ☒    ☐ 




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Meeting called to order at 12:01 pm by Lori Bible. 

A. Monthly Business 

1. Treasurer Report – Barbara Price 

Checking:   $41,528.59 

YP:     $15,656.86 

MM:     $3,670.39 

All reimbursements are up to date. 

2. Approval of April Board Meeting Minutes – Richard Scholtz and Lori Bible 

Action Item: Motion to Approve April Board Meeting Minutes 

Richard Scholtz moved to approve the April Board Meeting Minutes.  Cathy Thomas 

seconded.  Motion carried. 

B. Old Business 1. Update on Officer Elections – Randy Williams, Ron Olderog, Virginia Anderson 

The email for the officer elections has been distributed, and there are two candidates for 

secretary: David Baylor and Laura Nelson. All other officer positions are unopposed. Richard 

and Cathy noted they had not received the email, so it was being resent.  Elections will close on 

May 12th.  

2. Chapter Officer Installation Event – Tara O’Neal 

The installation event has been cancelled, but the issue remains as to what to do with the 

deposit and possibly hold another event. The venue is not in a rush to rebook but would like to 

know what the Chapter plans to do.  Richard Scholtz moved that the Chapter apply the deposit 

for the 2020 Chapter Officer Installation Event to the 2021 Chapter Officer Installation Event, 

to be held in May 2021.  David Baylor seconded.  Motion carried. 

3. IRWA/AI Joint Luncheon – Cathy Thomas 

The joint luncheon was planned for July before the shelter‐in‐place orders were issued. Topic is 

“Water Rights in Texas.” The committee has concerns that the shelter‐in‐place orders may not 

be lifted in time, the facility possibly being unable to hold enough people to make the event 

feasible, and people being uncomfortable getting together in large groups at that time. The 

consensus of the board was to recommend cancelling the event, and Cathy will convey our 

wishes to the Austin AI Chapter. No action by the board is needed. 

4. Reimbursements, International Conference – Lori Bible 

Lori has sent her reimbursement to Barbara Price.  Virginia Anderson and Jaylia Travis have sent 

theirs as well. 

5. Status of Free Registrations, International Conference – Lori Bible 

Per Headquarters, free registrations will roll over to the 2021 International Conference being 

held in San Antonio, Texas. No action by the board is needed. 


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C. New Business 

1. Discussion and Action, May 12 meeting – David Baylor 

Maggiano’s is currently closed and will not be open for the May 12 meeting. The options in our 

contract are to cancel the meeting or add the meeting on to the end of the contract, which 

would require an amendment to the contract.  There would be no penalty to the chapter for 

cancelling the meeting.  Virginia Anderson moved to cancel the May Meeting.  Richard Scholtz 

seconded.  Motion carried. 

2. Approve Website Privacy Policy – Ray Rials 

The privacy policy was distributed in mid‐April, and no feedback was received.  If edits are 

necessary or there are questions about the privacy policy, they can be directed to Ray via the 

link on the Chapter website. 

3. Discussion and Action, Postpone C504 – Alexis Vanzura 

Course 504 had one person signed up, and the JLL office would not be available to hold the 

class due to spacing requirements. The course is being postponed, with the possibility of 

transitioning the course to a virtual class.  There is interest from the Board in holding a virtual 

class, and Lori Bible mentioned that Headquarters and the new CEO is being proactive in 

helping the Chapters put on virtual classes.  Alexis will get with Headquarters staff to make this 

course a virtual class. 

D. Officer Reports 1. Vice President (Tara O’Neal) – No report. 

2. Treasurer (Barbara Price) – See Treasurer’s report. 

3. Secretary (Richard Scholtz) – No report. 

4. Director 2 Year (Alex Gale) – No report. 

5. Director 1 Year (Virginia Anderson) – No report. 

E. Committee Reports 

1.  Membership (Leslie Persia) – See attached report. 

2. Education (Alexis Vanzura) – See attached report and New Business item #3. 

3. Programs (David Baylor) – See attached report. 

4. Professional Development (John Campbell) – See attached report.  Seventeen emails were sent 

to those who need recertifications, with eleven responses.  Several have already been 

remedied.  Tanner Taylor with O.R. Colan received his R/W‐RAC.  Laura Nelson will announce it 

in the newsletter. 

5. Young Professionals (Jaylia Travis) – See attached report. 

6. Communications (Laura Nelson/Ray Rials) – See attached report.  Ray mentioned that there are 

new best practices on Zoom to help increase meeting security.  Ray can assist anyone in using 


7. Legal (Kimberly McClung) – No report. 

8. Valuation (Cathy Thomas) ‐ See Old Business item #3. 

9. Nominations (Ron Olderog/Randy Williams) – See Old Business item #1. 

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10. September Seminar (Liz Norris) – The September Seminar is planning on moving forward. 

Agenda needs to be finalized and submitted for continuing education approvals.  Liz will update 

if there are any changes. 

F. Adjourn 

Action Item: Motion to Adjourn 

Richard Scholtz moved that we adjourn.  Alex Gale seconded.  Motion carried. 

Meeting adjourned at 1:00 pm. 

The next board meeting will be held on June 2, 2020, via Zoom meeting. 

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12:02:17  From  Laura A. Nelson : Laura Nelson is online.  12:04:12  From  john.campbell : John Campbell is on line 12:04:27  From  Max Roach : max roach is here 12:04:30  From  Tara O'Neal : Yes 12:04:39  From  dbaylor : David Baylor is on 12:04:40  From  Virginia_Mark : Yes 12:05:08  From  Virginia_Mark : I 12:05:13  From  Stephanie.Ferraris : Stephanie Ferraris is here 12:10:40  From  Laura A. Nelson : That is correct, 6:52 the email was sent 12:10:49  From  Laura A. Nelson : Please check your spam 12:10:55  From  Laura A. Nelson : or your junk email 12:11:12  From  Laura A. Nelson : Yes  12:12:04  From  Alex Gale : Alex Gale is here 12:12:48  From  Laura A. Nelson : Yes 12:16:16  From  Virginia_Mark : We don’t want to loose the money, therefore 

we should utilize it for rebooking 12:17:23  From  Virginia_Mark : The event didn’t fall under the COVID order 

like the others? 12:20:15  From  Virginia_Mark : Have you given notice that IRWA would not be

holding the event on the date selected? 12:20:55  From  Tara O'Neal : Yes, I have notified the venue 12:21:36  From  Tara O'Neal : Right, I agree and it is hard to schedule 12:24:02  From  Virginia_Mark : I 12:24:05  From  Tara O'Neal : Great, thank y'all, I will contact the venue 12:27:32  From  Tara O'Neal : That's a hard one 12:27:54  From  Virginia_Mark : I agree 12:28:05  From  JayliaTravis : I agree 12:30:04  From  Virginia_Mark : No vote neccessary 12:30:09  From  Alex Gale : agree 12:31:42  From  Virginia_Mark : I sent reimbursement 12:31:55  From  JayliaTravis : I mailed my reimbursement yesterday 12:34:26  From  Catherine Thomas : I agree‐‐cancel it 12:35:12  From  Tara O'Neal : I would say cancel...  12:35:19  From  Tara O'Neal : I DO TOO! 12:35:56  From  Virginia_Mark : agree to cancel 12:36:10  From  Leslie Persia : cancel 12:36:18  From  Randy.Williams : cancel 12:36:23  From  Virginia_Mark : I make a motion to cancel the May meeting 12:37:09  From  Virginia_Mark : I 12:37:10  From  Randy.Williams : Aye 12:37:11  From  Tara O'Neal : Aye 12:38:55  From  Virginia_Mark : I think it looks great! 12:40:04  From  Virginia_Mark : Good Job Ray! 12:41:09  From  Tara O'Neal : Yes 12:42:17  From  Virginia_Mark : That would be great! I need to re‐certify my

RAC 12:42:58  From  Virginia_Mark : Is it possible to have a virtual class> 12:43:03  From  Tara O'Neal : There's not much we can do about that... 12:44:15  From  Virginia_Mark : or digital in summer? 12:46:07  From  Virginia_Mark : My RAC expires in July

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12:48:23  From  Catherine Thomas : that's great news, and an opportunity to perhaps get folks from outside our chapter/region to register for 504

12:49:12  From  Laura A. Nelson : Nothing from the communications committee  12:51:59  From  Richard Scholtz : before we adjourn, can I call the roll to 

make sure I have an accurate number 12:53:50  From  Laura A. Nelson : Yes 12:53:52  From  Virginia_Mark : Thanks John! 12:54:45  From  JayliaTravis : nothing to report sorry 12:56:45  From  Virginia_Mark : Please remember to vote! 12:59:38  From  Laura A. Nelson : I fixed ir 12:59:44  From  Laura A. Nelson : I fixed it 13:00:02  From  Tara O'Neal : None, Great job Lori 13:00:22  From  Virginia_Mark : I 13:00:25  From  Tara O'Neal : Aye 13:00:37  From  BPrice : aye 13:00:40  From  Tara O'Neal : Thank y'all. 

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TREASURER REPORT MAY 2020 Treasurer Barbara Price

The Checking Account Balance is $ The Money Market Account Balance is: $

The YP Account Balance is: $

All requested reimbursements are up to date.

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Leslie Persia

Laura Nelson


Increase membership by 5% and retain current members.


2020 Membership Renewal is complete. It is estimated that ±16% of

our members did not renew. Official results provided by HQ during

summer (usually late June, early July).

New Members since last board meeting: 0


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COMMITTEE Alexis Vanzura (Chair) Laura Nelson Laurie Miller Jaylia Travis

GOAL Host ten (10) days of courses this year. (This will need to reschedule several to make this happen at this point.)

We have had some interest in becoming coordinators and instructors. I will reach out to these individuals and send them certification course.

COURSES HELD 2020 February – 102 –13 attendees present.

UPCOMING COURSES April – Postponed

May – 504 Need to post pone. – 19th and 20th, Lisa Harrison to teach, Laura Nelson to coordinate at JLL. Look into what we need to do to do this digitally. Reach out to Nathan Cruzado and Eric Alley to coordinate this.

June – 801 – “United States Land Titles”. – Need to look into this being a digital class.

October – 403 – Easement Valuation –


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200 - Principles of Real Estate Negotiation – Georgia Snodgrass agreed to teach. At CobbFendley. Lex to Coordinate. Check and see if we can do this digitally this summer.

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May 5, 2020





UPCOMING ACTIVITIES May luncheon is cancelled. Next Luncheon is not until October. Maggiano’s wants us to consider moving the committed luncheon to another month. We have November booked at Maggiano’s as well. We have two options:

1) Cancel and not reschedule for a later month 2) Move May’s luncheon to 2021 and make a contractual change

Joint AI/IRWA Luncheon is still scheduled for July but is to be discussed in this month’s Board Meeting.

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Professional Development Committee Report

COMMITTEE MEMBERS John P. Campbell, PE, SR/WA, M ASCE [email protected] (512) 767-3066 Kimberly Diana McClung, Attorney, Broker, SR/WA [email protected] (512) 289-3346

GOAL Administer, monitor, mentor and facilitate member efforts in pursuit of IRWA designations and certifications for the 2020/2021 Fiscal year.

Recent activities

Completed review of CH74 certification status to identify past due certifications as of 04/01/20. Distributed 17 notification emails on 04/14/20 and have received 11 responses to date. UPCOMING ACTIVITIES Identify CH74 members that are coming up for Re-certifications through the end of CY 2020 and provide to Membership and Education Committees. 2020 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT MILESTONES 04.01.20 Tanner Taylor, RWA, R/W-RAC with O.R. Colan Associates, LLC has received notification of having successfully completed the education, experience, course requirements and examination necessary to achieve his Right of Way Relocation Assistance specialty certification, R/W-RAC.

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03.03.20: Enrique Perez with HDR, Inc. was advised of having successfully passed the Relocation Assistance capstone examination and now has five years within which to complete the application and requirements for the R/W-RAC specialty certification. 02.13.20: Catherine Velasquez, RWA with HDR, Inc. was advised of having successfully passed the Negotiation/Acquisition capstone examination and now has five years within which to complete the application and requirements for the R/W-NAC specialty certification.

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May 5, 2020


GOAL Plan networking and community involvement events for chapter members.

RECENT ACTIVITIES • Working with the Heart of Texas Chapter of Women

Transportation Seminar (WTS) to plan a joint YP networking event.


• Benefit Yoga lead by Nickie Hebert will be rescheduled in the fall.

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What 3rd Party Analytics do we collect, and how it this information used?

IRWA Chapter 74 – Bluebonnet

Last Updated: 4/30/2020 IRWA Chapter 74 website ( uses Google Analytics for internally measuring the following:

• Number of Daily Sessions • Number of Daily Active Users • Type of Devices (per session) • Location of users accessing the website • Unique user paths per session to identify user behavior with our website

If you wish to opt-out of Google Analytics users can optionally install the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-On which can be found at LinkedIn Page ( uses LinkedIn Analytics for internally measuring the following:

• Unique visitors • Followers • Post Impressions

End of Document

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Privacy Policy IRWA Chapter 74 – Bluebonnet

Last Updated 4/19/2020 IRWA Chapter 74 (“Company,” “we,” “our,” and/or “us”) value the privacy of individuals who use our social news application, website, and related services (collectively, our “Services”). This privacy policy (the “Privacy Policy”) explains how we collect, use, and share information from users of our Services (“Users,” “you,” and/or “your”) to facilitate your commenting, social news, and influencer networking experience. By using our Services, you agree to the collection, use, disclosure, and procedures this Privacy Policy describes. Beyond the Privacy Policy, your use of our Services is also subject to our User Agreement privacy-policy/ We process and store your information on servers hosted in the U.S., servers hosted in Chicago, IL. We do not sell your information to third parties or share your information with foreign governments except in the limited circumstances described in this Privacy Policy (see “How We Share the Information We Collect” below for more detail).

Information We Collect We may collect a variety of information from or about you or your devices from various sources, as described below. A. Information You Provide to Us. Luncheon Registration. When you register for a monthly luncheon, we may collect information such as your name, address, phone number, email address. Sponsorship Payments. When you pay annual sponsorship dues, we may collect information such as your organization name, contact information, address, contact email, and invoice number. User Content. The only user content users are able to provide are emails sent through the site. Posts and other content are posted by the Communications committee. Payment Information. If you make a purchase through our Services, your payment-related information, such as your credit and debit card or automated clearing house (ACH) information, is collected and stored by our third-party payment processor on our behalf. In addition to supporting payment issues we also store Credit/Debit card type (e.g., MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express), last four digits of card number stored as (XXXXXXXXXXXX1234), and Transaction ID provided by the third-party payment processor.

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Communications. If you contact us directly, we may receive additional information about you. For example, if you contact us for customer support, we may collect your name, email address, phone number, the contents of any message or attachments you may send to us, and any other information you choose to provide. B. Information We Collect When You Use Our Services. Location Information. When you use our Services, we infer your general location information, for example, by using your internet protocol (IP) address. Device Information. We receive information about the device and software you use to access our Services, including IP address, device type, web browser type, operating system version, phone carrier and manufacturer, user agents, application installations, device identifiers, mobile advertising identifiers, and push notification tokens. Usage Information. To help us understand how you use our Services and to help us improve them, we automatically collect pages visited, dates, and times of these visits. Information from Cookies and Similar Technologies. We and our third-party partners, such as analytics partners, collect data using cookies, pixel tags, and similar technologies. Cookies are small text files containing a string of alphanumeric characters. We may use both session cookies and persistent cookies. A session cookie disappears after you close your browser. A persistent cookie remains after you close your browser and may be used by your browser on subsequent visits to our Services. Please review your web browser’s “Help” file to learn the proper way to modify your cookie settings. Please note that if you delete or choose not to accept cookies from our Services, you may not be able to utilize the features of our Services to their fullest potential.

How We Use the Information We Collect We may use the information we collect: ● To provide, maintain, and improve our Services; ● To understand and analyze how you use our Services and develop new products, services, features, and/or functionality; ● To communicate with you, provide you with updates and other information relating to our Services, provide information that you request, respond to comments and questions, and otherwise provide support; ● To facilitate transactions, redemptions, and payments; ● To find and prevent fraud and respond to trust and safety issues;

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● For compliance purposes, including enforcing our User Agreement or other legal rights, or as may be required by applicable laws and regulations or requested by any judicial process or governmental agency; and ● For other purposes for which we provide specific notice at the time the information is collected.

How We Share the Information We Collect Vendors and Service Providers. We do not share information with any Vendors and Service Providers collected from users of our services. We do not share any personal identifying information (PII) such as email, phone numbers, or addresses with third-party Vendors and Service Providers. User Content. Marketing. We do not rent, sell, or share information about you with nonaffiliated third parties for their direct marketing purposes unless we have your express affirmative consent. Analytics Partners. We may use 3rd party analytics services to collect and process specific application analytics data. You can learn about our most up-to-date 3rd party programs on this page: privacy-policy-analytics. As Required By Law and Similar Disclosures. We may access, preserve, and disclose your information, if we believe doing so, is required or appropriate to:

(a) comply with law enforcement requests and legal processes, such as a court order or subpoena;

(b) respond to your requests; or (c) protect your, our, or others’ rights, property, or safety. For the avoidance of doubt, the disclosure of your information may occur if you post any objectionable content on or through our Services.

Merger, Sale, or Other Asset Transfers. As our organization is a non-profit affiliate of Internation Right of Way Association the following describes how your information is to be

• Merger – This scenario may exist in the case where IRWA Chapter 74 members may merge with another chapter based on IRWA International Governance.

Not Feasible As a non-profit chapter of the International Right of Way Association(IRWA), these potential scenarios are not deemed feasible based on our organization structure:

• Sale • Other Asset Transfers

Consent. We may also disclose your information with your permission.

Page 21: IRWA CHAPTER 74 BOARD MEETING...IRWA CHAPTER 74 BOARD MEETING Meeting called to order at 12:01 pm by Lori Bible. A. Monthly Business 1. Treasurer Report – Barbara Price Checking:

Your Choices

Third Parties Our Services may contain links to other websites, products, or services that we do not own or operate. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of these third parties. Please be aware that this Privacy Policy does not apply to your activities on these third party services or any information you disclose to these third parties. We encourage you to read their privacy policies before providing any data to them.

Security We make reasonable efforts to protect your information by using physical and electronic Safeguards designed to improve the security of the information we maintain. However, as our Services are hosted electronically; we can make no guarantees as to the security or privacy of your information.

Protection of Social Security Numbers We do not collect any Social Security Numbers. Any request for social security numbers should be considered phishing. If you get these request please notify us at [email protected].

Children We do not knowingly collect, maintain, or use personal information from children under 13 years of age and no part of our Services is directed to children. If you learn that a child has provided us with personal information in violation of this Privacy Policy, then you may alert us at [email protected].

International Transfers of Data Our Services are hosted in the United States and intended for visitors located within the United States. If you choose to use our Services from the European Union or other regions of the world with laws governing data collection and use that may differ from U.S. law, then please note that you are transferring your personal information outside of those regions to the United States for storage and processing. By providing any information, including personal information, on or to our Services, you consent to such transfer, storage, and processing.

Update Your Information or Pose a Question You can delete any emails, registration, or sponsorship information emailing us your request at [email protected]. If you have questions about your privacy on the Services or this privacy policy, please contact us at [email protected].

Changes to the Privacy Policy We will post any adjustments to the Privacy Policy on this page, and the revised version will be useful when it is published. If we materially change how we use or share personal information previously collected from you through our Services, we will notify you through our

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Services, by email, or other communication.

Contact Information & Effective Date If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about our processing activities, please email us at [email protected].

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