ironbark ridge public school

Ironbark Ridge Public School P&C Meeting Minutes for meeting held on 20 February 2019 in the school library 1. Welcome: Start 19h07 2. Apologies: Kelly Jenkinson 3. Minutes of last meeting Accepted: Mishelle Young, Seconded: Felicity Donnelly 4. Business arising from last meeting: None 5. President’s report Refer to Appendix A 6. Principal’s report Refer to Annexure B 7. Treasurer’s report Refer to Appendix C MOTION: To increase the P&C annual levy to $30 per child All in favour Motion passed 8. Events report Refer to Appendix D 9. Uniform Shop Report Refer to Appendix E 10. Student Banking Report Refer to Appendix F 11. Traffic Report Refer to Appendix G 12. Canteen Doris was congratulated on her achievements in receiving an award for being a healthy canteen. 13. $50 000 building fund Members voted in favour of the reallocation of this fund to other building projects which may include an outdoor sensory play hub. 14. General business Garden Club and Grants Report – refer to Appendix H Bus proposal – refer to Appendix I Top Gate pathway – this will be modified to be less steep. The work will hopefully be done in school holidays. Class Contacts – it will be communicated that email is the preferred communication tool for class contacts. Nick also added that the class contact role is not to include organising a group gift for the teacher at the end of the year. 15. End 21:12

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Ironbark Ridge Public School P&C Meeting Minutes for meeting held

on 20 February 2019 in the school library 1. Welcome:

Start 19h07

2. Apologies: Kelly Jenkinson

3. Minutes of last meeting Accepted: Mishelle Young, Seconded: Felicity Donnelly

4. Business arising from last meeting: None

5. President’s report

Refer to Appendix A

6. Principal’s report Refer to Annexure B

7. Treasurer’s report

Refer to Appendix C MOTION: To increase the P&C annual levy to $30 per child All in favour

Motion passed

8. Events report Refer to Appendix D

9. Uniform Shop Report Refer to Appendix E

10. Student Banking Report

Refer to Appendix F

11. Traffic Report Refer to Appendix G

12. Canteen

Doris was congratulated on her achievements in receiving an award for being a healthy canteen.

13. $50 000 building fund Members voted in favour of the reallocation of this fund to other building projects which may include an outdoor sensory play hub.

14. General business

Garden Club and Grants Report – refer to Appendix H

Bus proposal – refer to Appendix I

Top Gate pathway – this will be modified to be less steep. The work will hopefully be done in school holidays.

Class Contacts – it will be communicated that email is the preferred communication tool for class contacts. Nick also added that the class contact role is not to include organising a group gift for the teacher at the end of the year.

15. End 21:12

Appendix A - Presidents Report

I would like to welcome Mr Thomson, Mrs Pho, Mrs De Jager, P&C Committee Members and parents to our very

first meeting for 2019. Firstly, I would also like to introduce your P&C team for this year:

Vice President 1 – Adriana Andrades (New)

Vice President 2 – Vacant

Secretary – Gail Hurter

Treasurer – Felicity Donnelly

Uniform Shop Coordinator – Deanne Baronoff

Events Committee – Emma Andrews & Deanne Baronoff

Student Banking Committee – Amanda Allen

Grant Committee – Kelly Jenkinson & Bronwyn Wright

Traffic Committee – Vacant

Thank you to our P&C Committee Members that have returned for another year – Felicity, Gail, Emma, Deanne,

Amanda, Kelly and Bronwyn. Without your commitment and dedication we would not have a P&C and would

not be able to offer the services and opportunities to our kids, parents and school that we do.

This year we welcome Adriana to the team as our first Vice President. You’ve only been on the team for a few

weeks and in such a short time we have accomplished so much. With your energy and enthusiasm we are glad

to have you on the P&C and are excited about we will achieve this year.

It is important for the continuity of our P&C that new parents join the team each year. It allows us to train these

members who will then continue to run the P&C for years to come. It also allows existing committee members

to take a break and recoup from year to year and with every new person comes new and fresh ideas. We

currently have a second Vice President and Traffic Committee role to fill. At the moment these roles are being

shared amongst this year’s team and we could really do with your help.

Everyone on this year’s P&C Executive and Subcommittees work either part time or full time so we understand it

is hard to volunteer while juggling work and family commitments but there are other ways that you can help

your School and the P&C.

Working parents can help by:

● Supporting by participating in P&C events like the Mother’s Day and Father’s Day Stalls, School Banking, the upcoming Events.

● Donating services or products through your business or work.

● Paying the annual P&C Levy.

● Donating to the second-hand uniform pool.

● Donating gifts or items when requested.

● Attending P&C meetings held outside of work hours.

● Coming up with suggestions or ideas for Events

● Assisting Grants with submissions or voting for your school when required

Ironbark Ridge Public School

P&C Presidents Report

Wednesday, 20th February 2019

● Keeping in touch via our Facebook page and School Newsletters for when we require special skills like website building and graphic design work which can be done after work.

Other ways you can help include:

● A parent or grandparent can help in the canteen for a few hours a day

● Helping in the Uniform Shop or with Student Banking

● Sorting lost property

● Attending P&C meetings or participate on P&C sub-committees

● Helping with Event planning or volunteering on the day

This is only a short list of ways you can help. The P&C values the rich diversity of skills and experiences that each

family brings to the school. We appreciate any help that families are able to offer.

We are constantly looking for ways to connect with our parents and community. If you have any ideas or would

like to get involved please email us or contact us via our Facebook page.

P&C Emails:

P&C Executive Team - [email protected]

Secretary – [email protected]

Treasurer – [email protected]

Events Committee - [email protected]

Uniform Shop - [email protected]

Student Banking - [email protected]

Grants – [email protected]

Many programs and resources have been made possible because of the School’s P&C Association since the School’s opening in 2005. In 2018 we committed almost $40,000 to the school each year to be used towards Maths, Literacy and Teacher resources. In addition to this, we contributed a further $55,000 towards a number of other projects/initiatives undertaken by the School, including the electronic sign board, concrete stencilling, concrete footpath, bike rack and storage container to name a few. Looking forward to 2019 we are focused on supporting the School’s 21st Century learning programs with in-class collaborative work stations, student welfare resources, outdoor learning areas with new gardens and more.

The IRPS P&C looks forward to working with the parents, the community and the School in 2019.

Together we can make a difference.

Mishelle Young

P&C President

Ironbark Ridge Public School P&C Association

Appendix B – Principal’s Report

Principal’s Report to P&C Assoc. Term 1 Week 4, 2019

Welcome The year has begun with the expected and usual manic rush. The only constant in our world is change, and we’ve ensured that life at Ironbark Ridge Public School is no different! Within that context however, our staff remains relatively unaltered for 2019… an indicator that our school is a positive, professionally engaging and supportive place to work as an educator.

Classes for 2019, class names As 2019 is the UN International Year for Indigenous Languages we decided to name all classes after Australian Aboriginal placenames… however soon found that some beginning letters for teacher surnames are not used much (if at all) in Aboriginal languages. Last week’s newsletter, and the recently released Stage Information packages list each class name and corresponding teacher.

Successful Learner Habits What does a successful learner look like, sound like? What do effective students do when confronted with new learning or difficult challenges? We’ll be using the narrative framework of an adventurer exploring the jungle of learning, carrying a backpack full of tools to help along the way. The Ironbark Ridge Successful Learner Habits framework includes 13 behaviours and skills

(that will become Habits over time), arranged under our three school aspirations:

- Strength (Courageous, Focused, Persistent, Self-reliant)

- Respect (Collaborative, Empathic, Interdependent)

- Excellence (Seeking/Giving and Using Feedback, Questioner, Observer, Growth mindset, Knowledge-linker, Goal-setter) Our teaching team are now trialling and developing lessons, posters and ‘progressions’

to describe these habits from elementary to highly skilled. 2019 will be an exciting year for the development of this framework and as we all learn to be learners! *Term 1 focus habits.

Collective Efficacy During 2019 teachers will be developing meeting practices to enhance the effect of teaching in every classroom – through collective analysis of student assessment data, collective planning of learning experiences to target student needs, development of knowledge about ‘Visible Learning’ techniques (learning intentions, success criteria, feedback, clarity, etc.) The effect on student learning of teachers achieving ‘collective efficacy’ is one of the highest evidenced educational practices, according to John Hattie – educational researcher. When we get it right, it can multiply student growth by far more than a year for every year in the classroom!

Tech Levy As begun in 2018 we are collecting an annual levy from all families to cover the additional costs associated with ensuring high numbers of new tech devices. We have, as a minimum, 10 laptops and 10 iPads for students to use as tools for learning in each classroom, and these devices unfortunately require upkeep and cyclical replacement. Teachers in 2019 rely heavily on these devices to implement a range of learning activities… and they are a large part of the world we now live in.

Traffic, Parking and Drop-offs! Student safety always remains our #1 priority, and if that means patrolling our street frontages several times a week, calling the council rangers and police to assist, and current issues include:

Parents dropping students while in a line of traffic on Ironbark Ridge Rd. One parent recently drove off while their own child had only one leg out of the car!

Waiting too long for an afternoon park to appear directly in front of the school in the parking bay despite a long line of traffic backed up. This forces other cars to cross double lines illegally to proceed up Ironbark Ridge Rd. More parents need to meet their children in surrounding streets for a far easier pickup. Kim can get students safely across Ironbark Ridge Rd

Dangerous driving out of Caballo St, right turning into Ironbark Ridge Rd to escape through Spur St. A student was almost hit yesterday crossing Caballo St!

Drop offs outside Rouse Hill HS on Withers Rd in the bus bay!

Parking on the wrong side of narrow local streets with one set of wheels up on the kerb.

School Shades… sunglasses & sun safety School Shades has approached us to offer parents the opportunity to purchase eye protection for students to wear at school – letter and information package shown to meeting. As ordering appears to be in bulk only, the P&C might consider co-ordinating through the uniform store or other means. I will investigate with School Shades whether individual purchases can be made by families on the internet and details will be forwarded if it is possible.

Homework Ongoing use of online tools/sites to practice reading, maths skills, etc. in 2019. Teachers will guide and direct this process however families will choose the level of their involvement, as in 2018. Class Contacts 2019. Teachers will adopt a parent ASAP and a meeting to share ideas and restrictions/expectations from the school will be held. Please stay tuned. Updates

Healthy Canteen! After a range of alterations and upgrades to our canteen menu, ingredients, portion sizing, advertising, etc. we have been awarded the certification of ‘Great Choice’ Healthy School Canteen. We are only the third school in Western Sydney to achieve this rating! Congratulations all go to Doris, our Canteen Manager for ensuring we get on the healthy track with: The Ridgy Didge Kids’ Fridge 2.0

Bike rack shelter approved but now awaiting final quoted price and schedule for installation.

Traffic signals at Withers-Ironbark Ridge Rds progress

Star Awards, Excellence, and a focus instead on learning behaviours, personal goal-setting, measuring personal growth, and the resultant intrinsic motivation to grow some more!

School Star app introduction and trial, sentral Parent Portal also to be opened in the next few weeks for parents to note student absences, access student reports, give permission for excursions, etc. in future.

Questions and query time… Swimming pool supervision… discussion outlining current school procedures and possible

future‘additions’ to ensure student safety even further. Bus route alterations 605/603 – community request supported by the school… and P&C? Caballo St & private section of road… Uniform committee - addition of culottes (in summer uniform) for female students is being

investigated. Cullottes are essentially a pair of shorts with front pleated to appear like a school uniform skirt. Concerns being addressed are equity-related… both cost and function.

‘Got-a-pen’ fundraiser discussed. School SRC will investigate and vote on annual fundraiser events to support over the next few weeks.

Nick Thomson, Principal

Appendix C – Treasurer’s Report

As there hasn’t been a lot of activity so far this year, I have provided below an Income & Expenses Summary

for the full 2018 calendar year. I have also included a current Cash Balances report and details of our funding


The total P&C Levy we collected for the 2018 calendar year was $21,635 (Term 4’s was deposited in early

January). This equated to approx. 84-85% of students paying the levy. We are committed to $23,600 in funding

to the school each year for resources, plus any additional special projects. We need to determine how much

the levy should be for 2019, and which term it should be included on the fees notices.

Point of Sale (POS) System for the Uniform Shop – Deanne & I have been looking at options to replace the

existing POS, as the software is no longer supported. There are a number of options in the market (e.g. Kounta,

Square), however most will either have an upfront cost or a monthly subscription cost. We would likely need

to upgrade the old laptop to an iPad. In addition, most software of this nature is cloud based, so we would

need to discuss getting access to Wi-Fi from the school. If anyone in the school community has any experience

with any POS systems that would be suitable for the uniform shop, please get in touch.


Felicity Donnelly

[email protected]


Income & Expenses Statement

1 January 2018 to 31 December 2018

31/12/2018 31/12/2017

Uniform Shop

Income $170,248 $149,329

Expenses ($138,679) ($136,681)

$31,570 $12,648


Income $54,798 $30,762

Sponsorship $11,000 $0

Expenses ($36,795) ($16,176)

$29,003 $14,585

Other Income

P&C Levy $21,053 $0

Grants $2,000 $0

Interest $604 $763

Student Banking Commission $2,291 $1,871

P&C Membership $54 $24

Athletes Foot Commission $57 $0

Donations $15 $0

Other Expenses

School Resources ($24,200) ($32,400)

School Projects ($14,916) ($3,000)

P&C Overhead Costs ($3,347) ($9,585)

Net Profit / (Loss) Year to Date $44,184 ($15,094)


Cash Balances

As At 19 February 2019

19/02/2019 19/02/2018

P&C Main Account 1,089.83 634.16

Uniform Shop 42,091.96 46,158.62

Student Banking 1,318.37 195.63

Investment Account 135,858.49 97,128.56

$ 180,358.65 $ 144,116.97

Funding Commitments

Uniform Shop Invoices (goods received) 5,298.02

Uniform Shop Invoices (ordered, not yet received) 42,187.20

Electronic Sign 10,000.00

IRPS Learning Hub 50,000.00

IRPS Commitments - Semester 1 & 2 16,000.00

Teacher Resources - $200/classroom x 38 7,600.00

$ 131,085.22

Approved Commitments - Amounts TBC

Concrete path to back gate - approx. $4,600

Other Possible Funding Requirements - Not Yet Approved

Shelter for bike racks - quotes of $12K plus installation

Portable Stage - cost TBA

Garden Club project - approx. $3,800

Appendix D – Events Report


Movie night

We are proposing a movie night for Saturday 30/3/19. We have a tentative booking with “Outdoor Movies

Australia”. We also have secured a booking with Youpizza and Magic melts to attend as food trucks on the

night. All food trucks who attended our fete have been invited to attend. Mr Thomson is to choose the movie.


The State election is on the 23/3/19 and Ironbark is a polling booth. We propose the P&C organise a cake stall

and book stall (to sell of left over books from the fete). BBQ to be discussed with Mr Thomson


Order forms are being sent home within the week. Pavers are on sale until 12/4/19 (end of term 1) $40 single

paver, $65 double paver. Flexischools only, NO CASH ACCEPTED.


Mother’s day stall – Thursday 9/5/19

Wrapping gifts – pupil free day 29/4/19

Flexischools to purchase vouchers will open 1/4/19 – gifts $10 each & capped at 1,000 gifts.

Flexischools will automatically close once 1,000 vouchers are sold


Father’s day stall/ Dad’s hot dog day – Thursday 29/8/19

Wrapping gifts – pupil free day 22/7/19

Flexischools to purchase vouchers will open: TBA – gifts $10 each & capped at 800 gifts.

Flexischools will automatically close once 800 vouchers are sold


Scavenger Hunt- Date TBA

Appendix E – Uniforms Report

Pupil free day before Term 1 was busy & hot with quite a few new families visiting us. This term has also had steady sales so far. We have most items in stock except for small hats (ordered just waiting on delivery). This term saw a few new Mums helping out in the shop & a few experienced Mums waving good bye as they moved, went back to work or had babies. Winter orders have been placed and are hopefully due to arrive at the end of T1.

Appendix F – School Banking Report


School Banking is a fun, interactive and engaging way for young Australians to learn about money and develop good savings habits.

For every deposit made at school, students will receive a silver Dollarmites token. Once students have individually collected 10 tokens they can redeem them for exclusive School Banking reward items in recognition of their regular savings habits. There are two new items released each term so be sure to keep an eye out for them!

Exciting new Term 1 Polar Savers rewards are now available, while stocks last!

Scented Stackable Highlighters Snowy Origami Set

Our number of student bankers is currently at 115. So far this year we’ve signed up 14 new students whereas previous years the number of new student bankers has been around 50 – 80, with the majority being new Kindy students. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks once everyone settles in these numbers will increase. For those student bankers that have move on to High School but still have siblings at IRPS, you can continue to bank at IRPS each week. Simply send in your deposit book with your sibling on banking day.

Our goal for 2019 is to build our regular student bankers to 200 by the end of this year and with 975 students at Ironbark Ridge I know we can do!

School Banking is also a great fundraiser for our school as well as teaching your kids how to save. Our school receives a Regular Savers Contribution of $5 for every 10 deposits processed per student as well as an Annual Contribution which is based on the number of students who made at least one School Banking deposit in the prior year. This year our Annual Contribution is $300.

This year we are so excited to have Jess Yan helping in the mornings with student banking. Jess has 2 kids at IRPS – one in Kindy and one in year 3. She has been a valuable asset to our banking team by taking some of the load off Amanda and I and also being able to communicate with many of our non-English speaking parents.

There has have been a number of changes to the CBA School Banking Program due to new regulations brought in late last year. Because of these changes new accounts being opened online may require you to go into your local branch to be identified. If you are having any issues opening up a new account online please come and see us at School Banking on Tuesday’s between 8:15am and 9am.

If you would like to know more about School Banking visit or come see us on Tuesday morning. Once again thank you for supporting the School Banking program, and remember School Banking runs every Tuesday during term outside the Uniform Shop from 8:15am to 9am.

Appendix G – Traffic Report


Traffic Lights

The P&C Traffic Committee have been working with the School, Council and RMS since June 2016 to find a safer solution for our kids and their family to cross over Ironbark Ridge Road and Withers Road. Before I give you the latest update I received from Council, I’ll just recap a bit of the background on this issue so that everyone can appreciate that it hasn’t been an easy process to get to where we are today. When Lend Lease started subdividing this area a few years ago, they were required to submit a $200,000 bond to Council for a set of traffic lights to be installed at the intersection of Withers Road and Ironbark Ridge Road due to the increased traffic that would affect the area. On 15th November 2017 Lend Lease requested this bond back on the basis that they felt there was no need for the traffic lights. Our P&C with the help of the parents and community petitioned against this but we were unsuccessful as we failed the traffic count. After several attempts we finally passed both the RMS and the Council traffic count halfway through 2018, but then Lend Lease objected and requested their bond be returned. Thanks to the help of the Council and Ray Williams MP, we were able to overturn this objection as the safety of our kids took precedence and by that stage the traffic had increased significantly and certainly warranted the a set of traffic lights. So almost 12 months to the day, on the 26th November 2018 we got approval from the RMS and Council to have a set of traffic lights installed at Withers and Ironbark Ridge Road to help with the flow of traffic as well as allowing pedestrians to cross over Ironbark Ridge Road and Withers Road safely. Since then the Council and the RMS have been working on the design of the lights and drawing up the plans etc. Due to the size of the project it has had to go to tender which has added an extra step to the process. From communication with Council they feel that we are very close to getting a start date and below is the latest update that we received from their Road & Safety Officer, Angela Vernicos this week. “As discussed, regarding the proposed traffic signals at Ironbark Ridge Rd/Withers Road the following is an update:

1. Tenders for the installation of the traffic signals closed last week and the tenders will now be evaluated

2. A tender evaluation panel will meet later this week to determine the preferred tenderer/s for this work

3. Depending on the total cost of this work, approval of the preferred tenderer/s will then be determined by the General Manager or Council

4. The approved tenderer will then be offered the contract and a timetable for the works will be determined

At this stage it is hoped we will have a timeframe for the works in approximately 3 weeks assuming all of the above goes to plan.” It has been a long a daunting process for those involved, but believe us as we are doing everything in our power to make our streets safer for our families and the local residents. We will keep you updated via our Facebook page once we get any further updates. In the meantime, take care when driving during school times. Expect the unexpected with young children around. Come early so you don’t have to rush, and speak to your kids about being safe around traffic and when crossing the road.

I would like to say a HUGE thank you to our parent volunteers that spent their mornings ensuring that everyone was aware of the “kiss and drop” rules and ensuring that kids arrive safely to school. Thank you to Ash Vale, Gary Blunden, Adriana Andrades, Anna Maria Patsalia, Vanessa Edwards, Trish Aldred and Sarah Zammit for keeping the traffic under control. Thank you to all the parents and residents that are doing the right thing and keeping our streets safe. Caballo Street Residents In anticipation of the additional congestion due to the lights, we also approached the Strata Managers for the Eastern Residential Precinct to see if they would reverse the one-way sign on the Caballo Private Road (PR) which will help improve the traffic flow on Ironbark Ridge Road by allowing those car entering Caballo Street from the roundabout to continue straight ahead onto the Caballo Street (PR) and exit onto Spurs Road. We’ve been advised to present the proposal to the residents of Caballo Street as it is ultimately up to them to accept the proposal before it can go ahead. This week I will drop a copy of the proposal into each of their letterboxes asking them to contact us to. In light of Tuesday’s incident at the Caballo Street roundabout I will continue to petition to make this happen. The Council and the School have reviewed our proposal and support it but it would be great to get a few of the residents in Caballo Street to support us as well. I have attached a copy of the proposal if anyone would like to contact us in relation to this and any other traffic matters please email us at [email protected].

Ironbark Ridge Public School P&C Association

Withers Road, Rouse Hill NSW 2155

Telephone: 02 8814 568

Fax: 02 8814 5698

Email: [email protected]

ABN : 13 563 185 237

To the Residents of Caballo Street

Re: Caballo Street Precinct, Rouse Hill, NSW 2155

I am writing to you on behalf of the Ironbark Ridge Public School P&C Association to advise you of some upcoming changes in your area.

As you are probably aware, the Hills Shire Council and the RMS have approved a set of traffic lights to be installed at the intersection of Withers Road and Ironbark Ridge Road to provide a safe passage for both our students, the Rouse Hill High School Students and local residents across both Withers Road and Ironbark Ridge Road. As a result, it is possible that there may be extra traffic congestion on Ironbark Ridge Road, especially during the peak morning and afternoon drop-off/pick-up times. In addition to this, the School has now opened the back gate to the school which backs onto Caballo Street, to provide easier access for the large number of students who walk from the Rouse Hill Town Centre side and Caballo Street in the mornings and afternoons. Since opening this back gate more parents are choosing to drop-off and pick-up their children in Caballo Street, which has added to the congestion in this area. We currently have just under 1,000 students enrolled this year, and with the continuing development in the Rouse Hill area, we anticipate that our student numbers may stay at this level for the next year or two before starting to gradually decrease. Consequently, we are actively trying to find a way to enable the students to have safe access to the school, while minimizing the impact of traffic for the local residents and parents dropping their kids off. With the current setup of Caballo Street and Caballo Street Private Road (PR), cars entering either of these streets have only one exit for both residents and school traffic which forces them back on to the already congested Ironbark Ridge Road due to the “No Entry” sign at the end of Caballo Street One solution we would like to propose that could potentially improve the traffic flow on Ironbark Ridge Road, and also provide Caballo St Residents an alternate way out, would be to reverse the one-way flow of traffic on Caballo Street (PR), and provide entry into Caballo Street (PR) from Caballo Street instead of Spur Street. This would effectively mean that all traffic would enter Caballo Street from the roundabout on Ironbark Ridge Road and continue down onto Caballo Street (PR) and exit right onto Spur Street or left on to Ironbark Ridge Road. Please see the diagram below showing the affected streets. During peak times, this would seem to provide a much better solution for the residents, and it would also provide better traffic management for parents doing the school drop-off/pick-up.

This week we unfortunately had an incident in which one of our students was almost hit by a car (driven by a parent at our school) exiting Caballo Street during school pick-up simply due to driver being impatient. Unfortunately, with only one exit out of Caballo Street and the congestion on Ironbark Ridge Road it is often difficult to negotiate this roundabout during peak times. By making the top end of Caballo Street a one-way “entry only”, it would also make our students more visible to drivers and avoid any potential accidents. Caballo Street (PR), would be made a one-way “exit only”, and all traffic would then enter Caballo Street, turn left into Caballo Street (PR) and then exit either right or left into Spur Street. In terms of work required, it would be simply a matter of swapping the existing “One Way” and “No Entry” signs around and adding an additional “One Way” sign at the corner of Caballo & Ironbark Ridge Road. This change should not impact the parking spaces on the Caballo Street (PR). Late last year we approached the strata manager, Dynamic Property Services with this proposal, however it is ultimately up to the residents that live at Caballo Street to agree to the proposal for it to go ahead. We the P&C and the School would appreciate your support on this proposal as it will help keep out kids safe and also improve the traffic flow in the area. If you would like to discuss this further or show your support for our proposal please contact Mr Nick Thomas (Ironbark Ridge Public School Principal) on (02) 8814 5687 or email [email protected]. We would like to find a workable solution prior to your next strata meeting in March 2019 so we are happy to meet or contact you at your convenience. Kind regards

Mishelle Young

P&C President

Ironbark Ridge Public School P&C Association

Appendix H – Grants Report and Garden Club Request

Mrs Weekley has submitted a proposal on behalf of the Garden Club to refurbish the gardens between the

oval and the handball courts/assembly area. See project details below.

At the moment there are no gardening grants in the pipeline so we have discussed the P&C organising a

working bee where families can donate time or materials. For this reason the labour component has not been

including in the costing below.

The Grants Committee are happy to assist Mrs Weekley by helping with volunteers and approaching the local

community for help with materials. Keep an eye out on our Facebook page for more information.

For the first stage of the project we are urgently looking for a parent or parents to help draw up the plans so

that we can submit them to Axiom Education for approval. Given the timeframe below we will need to start

this process quite soon.

Once the plan is complete, approved and we have a list of what we require we’re hoping that between our

parents and the community we can help the Garden Club complete their project. The project will span over go

over several weeks and it will be a great project to work on together with family and friends.

If anyone can help or have any suggestion please contact [email protected].

Item Explanation Amount Cost Total

Top soil Turtle Landscape Supplies Vegie Mix has fertilizer in it.

7 m3 $68 m3 $476

Mulch 7 m3 $74 m3 $518

Sandstone Ballast (or something similar like bush rock or sandstone boulders)

Turtle Landscape Supplies There is some retaining of sorts to be done around a stormwater drain. We also would like to terrace parts of the garden for retaining as well as creating nice spaces for planting. Run off is also a problem in heavy rain.

5 m3 $80 m2 $400

Watering system

We would need to get a quote for this. ?

Plants This part depends on the final design of the garden. We would like to buy several more established trees ($50-$100 price range) and about 30 other plants ($20 price range).

Established trees x 5 Plants x 30

$375 - $500 $600



Appendix I – Bus Proposal

Proposed letter from a parent to Hills Bus, which the Ironbark Ridge Public School P&C intends to support:

“For the attention of Hillsbus: [email protected]

This email is to request appropriate bus services to and from Ironbark Ridge Public School and Rouse Hill High School and the Barry Rd/Stringer Rd section of North Kellyville.

I am a parent of 2 children at Ironbark Ridge Public School and a resident of North Kellyville.

The bus that is currently designated as a morning school bus from North Kellyville to IRPS according to the Hillsbus timetable is the 605 public bus which stops at the school at 8:01am. Playground supervision begins at 8:30am and school begins at 9am. The school does not permit children to arrive at school at 8:01am as it is against the school's own rules! So in practice, this is not a school bus.

There is no afternoon school bus from the school to North Kellyville. This is inadequate considering numerous families have been residing in the Barry Rd/Stringer Rd part of North Kellyville and attending Ironbark Ridge and Rouse Hill High in numbers since the area became developed from 2014-2015.

The only current available option is the 605 which requires crossing Withers Rd from Ironbark Ridge PS and walking 600m to a bus stop where the bus comes at 3:41pm. This is 41 mins after school finishes and across a busy road. This is not safe or feasible for primary school students.

I have been in contact with other families from North Kellyville with students at Ironbark Ridge Public and Rouse Hill High. This has not been an exhaustive search, but despite that I have identified approximately 80 children who would catch buses to and from the IRPS/RHHS and North Kellyville.

I have attached a map identifying their locations by street only and a table of the family names and numbers of children and the school they attend.

It is worth noting that the majority of children living in this part of North Kellyville, currently at IRPS or other local primary schools, will go on to attend RHHS. Likewise many have younger siblings who have not yet started at IRPS, so the need for these bus services exists well into the future.

I have the support of the Principal of Ironbark Ridge Public School, the Ironbark Ridge P&C and North Kellyville Advocacy Group (letters attached) as well as the support of the Principal of Our Lady of the Angels Catholic Primary School, Eva La Rocca (across the road from IRPS/RHHS).

I will be copying this correspondence to: Ray Williams, MLA, local member Andrew Constance, Minister for Transport Anthony Roberts, Minister for Planning Hills Shire Council

The current 605 bus is a short route of 15 mins duration each way from Celia Rd North Kellyville to Rouse Hill Town Centre and return. The 605 route: Rouse Hill High bus bay/Withers Rd opp Rouse Hill High and Celia Rd after Ross Pl is practical for most of the families I have been in contact with.

Only small alternations would have to be made to make the 605 an effective school bus.

An additional morning 605 bus on a half hourly frequency from Celia Rd at 8:01 am would serve IRPS and RHHS appropriately.

An altered afternoon 605 route to turn down Ironbark Ridge Rd and loop back up to Withers Rd and continue on the standard 605 route to Celia Rd would be required. Again, an additional 605 bus at a half hourly interval would match the school timings and serve the school appropriately. If this altered public route is not possible,

there are more than enough numbers to warrant a dedicated school route. The 605 is not a well patronised route in terms of numbers using it and is effectively a shuttle service between North Kellyville and Rouse Hill Town Centre. It would make sense to alter this route to better serve the needs of the community.

School bell times: IRPS: 9:00am, 3:00 pm RHHS: 8:45 am; 2:57 pm

Establishing these buses would go a long way to easing considerable congestion around Ironbark Ridge PS in the afternoons; Hills Council and Police are well aware of these issues as they attend regularly. These buses could potentially take 40 cars off the road each afternoon around these schools.

Additionally, I have been contacted by parents of William Clarke College students who live in North Kellyville. The closest their students can get to the Barry Rd/Stringer Rd section of North Kellyville in the afternoons is Samantha Riley Dr, 5 kilometers from the far end of the Barry Rd/Stringer Rd section of North Kellyville. Morning transport involves multiple buses and a walk. This is clearly not adequate and only further highlights the fact that school bus infrastructure has not been provided to North Kellyville north of Withers Rd. Please also look into providing a new route or adapting an existing route from William Clarke College to North Kellyville.

I hope to hear from you at your earliest convenience.”