iron man 3

Iron Man 3 When producing a film the producers will think a lot about their target audience as a films target audience affects the films popularity and success. This is why different audiences are targeted depending on the film it is for. Then when they have chosen the type of audience they are going to target they will bare them in mind when making all the other decisions involved such as release dates and who will star in the film this helps because for example if the target audience are young teenagers then statistics show that for this audience films are more popular and successful when they come out during school holidays as that is when they have more time ad go to the cinema more. So if that was the target audience it would be a good decision if the producer was to have the film distributed during the school holidays and choose actors that are a similar age to them so that they can relate more to them and stars increase the popularity of a film. The 2013 film Iron Man 3 starring Robert Downey Jr and Gwyneth Paltrow directed by Shane Black, produced by Kevin Fiege and distributed by Walt Disney and Motion Pictures, doesn’t really target a specific audience as it has a very large audience range, as it is suitable for both genders and for any age range as their fans start from a young age to an old age. The reason it doesn’t really need to target a particular audience is due it covering a lot of genres, there are elements from

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Page 1: Iron man 3

Iron Man 3

When producing a film the producers will think a lot about their target audience as a films target audience affects the films popularity and success. This is why different audiences are targeted depending on the film it is for. Then when they have chosen the type of audience they are going to target they will bare them in mind when making all the other decisions involved such as release dates and who will star in the film this helps because for example if the target audience are young teenagers then statistics show that for this audience films are more popular and successful when they come out during school holidays as that is when they have more time ad go to the cinema more. So if that was the target audience it would be a good decision if the producer was to have the film distributed during the school holidays and choose actors that are a similar age to them so that they can relate more to them and stars increase the popularity of a film. The 2013 film Iron Man 3 starring Robert Downey Jr and Gwyneth Paltrow directed by Shane

Black, produced by Kevin Fiege and distributed by Walt Disney and Motion Pictures, doesn’t really target a specific audience as it has a very large audience range, as it is suitable for both genders and for any age range as their fans start from a young age to an old age. The reason it doesn’t really need to target a particular audience is due it covering a lot of genres, there are elements from most genres in this film however I would say that the main ones are action and fantasy.

Marvels “Iron Man 3” shows Tony Stark - Iron man against an enemy whose reach knows no bounds. When Stark finds his personal life has been destroyed at his enemy’s hands he begins a quest to find all those responsible. This journey tests him every step of the way Stark is left to survive by his own devices, relying on his ingenuity and instincts to protect those closest to him. As he fights his way back, Stark discovers the answer to the question that has secretly haunted him: does the man make the suit or does the suit make the man?

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Marketing is very important when bringing a film out to make sure everyone knows it is coming out. Iron Man 3 had a huge marketing campaign. There’s the trailer for the film that has been advertised quite a lot on television. The trailer is also shown at the cinema before films start, to show what will be coming out soon. It has also been done through the web such as on file sharing and social networking sites like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter as film advertisements will come up at the side of the page. Another way this is done is by merchandise, Iron man have a lot of this, the one I have seen the most of are the iron man t-shirts and jumpers. I have also seen lots of iron man posters on sides of busses and phone boxes and billboards. As iron man targets a wide audience range of men and women, old and young. The producers have to make sure that they have things that at points will appeal to each of them. Like the poster for example as it targets quite a young audience as well as an older one, the producers of Iron Man need to ensure that there young audience will see the poster and will straight away know what it means.

I think that this poster definitely does that as it is very simple but powerful. It has a picture of Iron Man so that it will instantly attract there audience even the young ones so that they will know what it’s for and that the film is coming out soon. So this poster uses anchorage in the way I uses a large image of just Iron Man alone to portray and represent what is being advertised as we can tell what this poster means without even having to read the text because they have used powerful imagery of somebody iconic to ensure he will be recognised by everyone.

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It is very crucial that research is carried out before a film goes into production there are five types of production that they carry out, Primary Research, Secondary Research, Quantative research, Qualitative research and Post-production research. Primary and Secondary research are all part of the pre-production research. Primary research is new research; this is when the producers carry out the research themselves to get the answers to specific questions. Usually this will be done through questionnaires, surveys or interviews with small individual groups. Secondary research makes use of information that is already there, this includes published research such as books, reports and information available on the internet. A time secondary research is used is for Location. For example if a film is being made in a foreign country, it is important that they find out about their culture and beliefs to avoid any problems such as, if they go to a country that have to pray at certain times of the day then they will have to leave so they will have to look into this to make sure they don’t lose out on any money if they have to go in the middle of shooting. They should also look at weather reports depending on what they want when they are filming and they will have to do it on days where the weather is the same so that the film doesn’t have any continuity errors.

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Research Methods used by producers:

Pre-production Research

Secondary research – where the film is going to be set, read the script, if they are going to foreign countries they will find out about the culture and their beliefs. Far east- have to pray, could lose money if they have to go off in the middle of the day.Find out this through a location manager get them to do a report, internet, books, news programmes, weather reports. Find out about target audience, questionnaires surveys – all primary research techniques. Ask about stars – star theory, genres, story – narrative, special effect. Find out what they want next to make sure they do it right.

Quantative research – Ratios, it is where you can measure things so you get statistics. Qualitative Research – finds out about people’s opinions allows them to write them down so that they can find out what they think. Find out the public’s opinions.

Post Production research – when the film has finished, find out if the audience like what has been done – test screening. Get people from where it has been done UK production company they will ask them, get them to watch the first draft of the film. 100 people – intimate screening – post production test screening. When they have watched the film they get a questionnaire where they will rate it and give their opinions- what was good what was bad, how to make it better. Take the results and if they have to re-edit the film, re-shoot so that they don’t lose money so they will use more money to make the film better. Then after this they will do a full scale screening where 400 will be in – full scale post production screening, given a questionnaire so they can get their statistics.

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Questions asked mainly around marketing of the film, who was your favourite actor? If they liked the soundtrack the artist will go in the charts and release a cd to promote the film. Liked a line from the film – become a t-shirt. If they responded most to one particular character they will go on the poster, t-shirts, etc.