iredj uni tudyingi tnss tis - university of ·...

puIlIuI14S r- YIII Established 1887 VOLUME XVII MT VERNON ROCKCASTLE COUNTY KY FRIDAY APRIL j 1904 UMLlR i III BILLS PASSED BY LEGISLA PURE Thes ° Are Ttit Bills Which Origi natel in The Senate That Vere Passed By Henry Gorge to submvoc question of returning to voting at election in 1905 J C Can trill uniform school hnok bill N A Porter appropriating revi ooo for two eats ears to State geologicalstrvey Brent Speuce jurors to fill pan to be drawn from wheel save three who may be selected from bystand ersJ W Gilbert to pay jurors f first days attendance even thoug not accepted for service VG roll edition of Kentucky statute- as the law of the State J F Porter extending common school term to six months- J Emery Allen appropriatin 25000 for improvement at State Col1 geI appropriating 15000 an Dually in addition to the present sum to pay expenses at State Col legeCharles Carroll unifiorm negoti- able ¬ instruments J Embry Allen increase ann appropriation from 7500 to 10 500 for State Experiment Statio- pure food analising Same 15650 for improvements at Lexington asylumI Charles Carroll allowing 10 cts for indexing namesI G W Hickman providing tha mandate of the Court of Appeals shall not issue in criminal cases unI til 30 days havetx iredJ H S McNutt allowing Jvffer son circuit clerk a fee of 5 in khI ny cases as other clerks are aUowrt- W B Whitt creating the coun- ty of Beckbam out of Cartcr Ieist and Elliott counties J Wheeler Campbell allowing auditor 3000 annually for addition lc1 rks G W Hickman giving Com ¬ monwealth right to appeal in mis ¬ demeanor cases when imprisonment is inflicted H ° Qlawful in local option districts exce that distillers can sell their oft make W A Byron requiring national banks to report to auditor their shares of stock for assessment- S E Dehaven forbiddine auto- mobiles to run faster than 15 mil an hour R H Fleming authorizing fig ¬ cal courts to refund old bonds G W Hickman providing f sale of franchises which have only 2o years to run J Embry Allen requiring th all deeds shall show where grant obtained his title C F Burnham extending term- of Jibrarianr J Campbell Cantrill creating the office of game warden to be ap pointed by county judges 4- L1oun1 t r- r t T Ttnnii igIIJ = ¬ Charles Carroll allowivig the ad1 jnUuit general two assistants at 3000 and noo each G T Farris requiring non res ident individuate to designate resi- dent agent upon whom process may be served eCaswell Prewitt making it a fel- ony to steal chickens to the value ofrJ CinipiHI Canlrill ppropria tng 12357 64 for deficit at House Reformve Nat A Porter giving osteopaths Statel e I i taxiof and 25 ecu Is on portions of j barrelsh I A Byron appropriating 20000 for statute of Goebel I countys I to e of property for benefit of school district- C I D Sublett providing for per j petuation of testimony relative to title to ICharles Carroll directing that county seminaries be reimbursed t for over pavment of taxes I W B What assigning county of Beckham to Ninth district i I J Embry Allen Making it a fel ony to steal properly being tran ferred by common carrier IlA I S Bennett making bank rob byn j I from tw to twenty years imprison j menteI of turnpikes and gravel roads I that t o crs and men of State Guard be acII 1 C Pilchard authorizing con femnatiou of land for water worksI ad water pipes 1C H Cox making uppropra I avall11aW ompan11es Ittbat tbeYIJllay clerkpt s tn o assessment lists that be long to Beckham county N A Porter authorizing to the quarterly court without tli execution of bond for the costs rees ¬ by railroads of preferres- Lock at market price instead of at paLj misdemeanor on to avoid testifying before legislative committees or grandjuries assessnsenat t aor te Railroad Commissionj France Perry an L N watch killed himself because his fe low workingmen laughedat him for breaking his pledge to stop drinking I i I W C SWINFORD Livingstons spendid barber 0 11 ILl 1alISB RU 1S It is reported that another n bank will he established here in the- near future Dr J W McGarvey of Lexin g ton will preach at the Christian church here next Sunday Last Friday a three y earold chi of Mr and Mrs Ben Taylor climb ofI there then told its mother that it butI il octet spoke afterwards and di the next day in great agony Last Saturday the of this county held mass meetin gs in every voting precinct to elect- precinct chairmen A hot contest was waged ash over the county Money was mod freely as it tv really a Hunter and Edwards con test It is said that a great deal of money was sent here from London n F Steely and Geo W Park who have beeen attending a me cal school in Louisville are now at home for the spring and sumo There are about twenty young men tudyingI e or So there will be no delay in having teeth and graves filled on short noticeAbout ten oclock Monday night- the depot at this place burned with nearly all its contents A few things in the express office were saved The origin of the fire is a mystery asit began on the back of the freight room where- there was no stove but it is belie v that some one had dropped R live cigar stub or cigarette Nellie aged five had her pho graph taken recently and wnen t proof was sent horne her mother- said she looked too solemn and askedwhy she did not smile ss fore g ot to put it down erd e3sel together and until the lust few years Siimjuiseil to he incurable Kora great niaiy years doctors pronounced it a local diseage- JIul prescribed local remedies and by con Muntly failing to cure with local t3tmentll- rollouneecl it incurable Science has p en calnrrh to be a constitutional disease therefore requires constitutional treatment SLdIa Catarrh Cure manufactured by F j a Co Toledo Ohio is the constitutional cure on the market taken internally in doses from 10 drops teaspoon ful It nets directly on the 1andmnroussurfaces of the system 1001hey for any case it to cure Send for circulars and teslimon OSfllc Stalls family Pills tire the best r SPRING GOODS J Our Spring Goods- Are about all in and we are now thehandsomest todate line of Ladies and Gents Furnishings Ever Brought To This Section of The State Our Line is Complete and our goods the very Latest Styles Come visit our store and be convinced that we are right Watch this space eaeh week for we have 19tsj of good news for the buying public v J C HOCKER CO LIVINGSTON KYo r f XI t ent imuted for the peach crop which had promised to- i 1e so abundant only now and then we get a crop but apple are thj- hest anyway I j Well I see Thorne County is dead and all suchi should die in the shell and Beeklimi enmity should hi relegated ioth c shad ofeternal silence lint the S I preia Court Such empty hono j cost too much Our Inwmafceis I too often strin out Jie gnats and swallow whole canoe in order to I rile supeifluiiies on sonic one no more deserving than hundreds of Vothers who arc nevr thought about onlnt taxpaying It indeed makes much difference as to whose ox is gored and whose hors eats at the public crib This forcibly re- minds me of an eccehtrii uncle I I I2td gone down to the church where preachers and everybody else have Presidented Congress and other rulers and big Awnra Althoughwe are professed Christ ians principally in Kentucky yet lots of Phariseeism remains in j eta ¬ It does seem that is our party is not badly enough disorganized in national issues that such men a S Wattersou Bryan John Whalcn r Nonds j men to of our patty will just shut ertip until after the St Louis con greatng j 11tbrongbout well just give us one chance we could only get out a large IfI ber of candidates for Congress roof the n districts at an early day this would help mightily also in the way of harmony Aint the repnbs having a big time in the nth Gum Shoe is waiting pa- tiently for Parker Edwards and White to shake down the simmons and then hell step in pick it upi and quietly tote it otTolhree ofI finishht run s thought and believed that his can didacy will help Hunterjust wait and note my prediction Why aidsir you had as well try to stop the waves of the deep blue sea as to try to beat Gummy Hell get the nomination Didnt John D BustI Somei10 We are indeed pleased to see a column from the pen of the former brilliant writer from Crab Orchard regad many GalS in that little city and formed whomh we espeIO ially among the children but many of those whom I knew and loved failsto be with yea many indeed both old and young in the short space of four years have crossed the dark tsream How sad it makes me feel to think this over But death has done a powerful work in this part sicce then also There is but one man living near us who was born here that has lived out the allotted three score au ten How fast the population of our cemeteries does increase We should all remember tb but one thing is necessary and that Mary chose the better part Very respectfullyBOCK April was named from APRIERE the open the season when buds d ushers into life all that 0takes the world beautiful A CURE FOR HEADACHE I Any man woman or child suffer ing from headache billiousness or I a dull drowsy feeling should take EarlyRisers a bi e a pill While they cleanse the sysa bby and bowels aDavis t I ti NEWGOODSR- I I i I 1 IComang Every Day 1I111 = l 1I = ljAIi rci = > c I at per LL we still continue to LOW PRICES witIlI 20 percent 0 percent i CostI kinds best and f Sat Hock ilotttau PIjct Dont ffiil to mfike 0111 stOIf I wlwll in Lhin n ton lliltpt 0111 going Ion Yours for DAVISi 3 = JOHN D t 0 A FOR APPKU VTE JUDGE OF THIS D1STRICTI Hon John D Carroll of New- Castle i one of the best known law yers in tho State has announced as a candidate for Judge i this District subject to the III of the party Mr Car rolls friendsespecially in the leg have for a long time desired to see him on the bench of the highest court in the State H has held several offices of trust and honor and in all of them acquitted himself with credit When quite a young man he served two terms I in the was a member of the Convention and one of the throe appointed by the Governor to revise I the statute laws of the State to con- form to the changes made by the and was for three I years chairman of the Democratic State Central Committee He the editor of Carrolls entuck Codes of Practice and Carroll thz a are in general use and that may found in the office of every lawyer s ¬ inI ¬ knowledgeu of lifnt his large circle of friends helices he would make a splendid judge GREAT was a big sensation in Leesville Indiana when W H Brown of that place who was ex- pected to die had his life saved b Dr Kings New Discovery for Con ump ion He writes I endured insufferable agonies from Asthma but your New gave me immediate relief and soon there dafter effecteda complete cure Similar cures of bronchitis and grip are Its the peerless remedy for all throat and ring troubles Price Soc and 100 by all druggists Trial bottles freef Quite a High Priced you a position as clerk to start with said the merchant and pay you what you arewort Is that perfectly replied the cot leas graduate y think the firm can afford it MAKES A CLEAN SWEEP Theres nothing like doing thing orall the Salves you ever heard of Bucklens Arnica Salve is the best It sweeps and cures burns sores cuts boil ulcers skin and piles Its only 250 to give byall j Shoes I on I CLOTHING Manufacturers STAPLE FANCY GPOCEIU 111i1ltI elsewhere bargains CA1U10LL CANDIDATE Appellate Democratic profession Legislature Constitutional commissioners constitution IA Discovery pneumonia Guaranteed buterdo thoroughly guaranteed satisfaction druggists QUAIL slowlyt ago John Cress was in this section last week hunting cattle and pur chased only two of Tart Proctor The storm of Friday night blew the roof from Lee S BroughtonV sawmill together with the smoke I stack Corn iswcrtb 300 iu this par- e hogs from 3c to 40 and plenty for sale cattle low several to sell ns sole a mare at 55 Lee Mortis sold a horse to LarKin Hicks for 8oVm Dowel sold Ito George Hicks 5 i iolt hogs at cents Winfred Sweeney arrived Mon day from Indiana We expect to have more to tell about him next week as he has been expected in our section for some time I Craig is the sickT C tis GW Brown is now reported very lowMri Willis Sow er continues to grow worse This report shows a great deal of sickness in the vicinity of Stringer Jr and Elmer Logsdon both about 16 years old left their homes a few days ago and went into the mountains Souu Strings has returned hut Logsdon has not made his appearance up to this time We think the boys j would do well to settle down at home and cease running about for leasti Well we see there is to be a very hard examination this year and s that he followed up in years t come together with the 6 month term the common schools un donbtedly will be placed on a higer degree All the schools of this section are under promise fa the year which we think is a tvis act upon the part of the truste- es they are relieved of the of being harrassed by teachers an 1the teachers know just what to depend upon so you see its best for all I BEST FAMILY SALVE De Wilts Witch Hazel gives in ¬ onstout relief from burns cures cuts i oruises ores eczeon tltter and all abrasions of the skin In hu in Witch Hazel Salve it is only necesI j gela ana a cure certain- There are many cheap counterfeits on the market allof which are worthless and quite a few are dang- erous ¬ while DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve is perfectly harmless an cures Sold at Chas C Davi drugstore = R riais r Published Every Friday z ND Lead Democrate Cut on all Cut all Hats AL Best Flour hldflnfiltf Ky SENSATION consumption atnumerous lfanIIIg- ive satisfactory- Oh buyersI sGillis numberedwith beproviugslotvlyfirs Quailjohn 1iTHE C 0 X W A V Measles are still raging in this neighborhoodRev of Lexington preach- ed to a rather small lint apprecia- tive audience here this week I Farmers are very much behind with their work on account of the wet weather J J Wood has returned from the cities where he has been to purchase a spring stock of dry p goods and notions Judge Chenault of Richmond was here this week on business We had a severe wind and rain lastI treesI icJim Wood received a letter from Col Geo H Dobinson of Balti more Md this week making some inquiries about his oil field here Col Dobinson jet believes there is oil in this section and we hope he may return soon and look fur ter for the valuable grease The storm of last week broke the telephone line between this place and Wild so we can not get a message out now The General Manager Mr Bostiu of Lancaster promises to put the wire on poles instead of trees in course of 60 days and probably run on from Conway to Mr R E Moyes store in Scaf whenb Mr Bastin and Jim Maret get the time fixed to their notion this time will be no more break downs there In London there is one tic ned drinking place to every 436 JUdah itauts Plantss Every farmer knows that iome plants grow better than samer samee nit some are others strong witha are young plants Same food same home bigand small and weak Scotts Emulsion offers an easy way out of the difficulty Child weakness cften means starvation not because of lack of food but because the food does not feed Scotts Emulsion rcallyfeeds tnd gives the childgrowing strength Whatever the cause of weak ¬ growScotts rightS ee Scott Borne Chemists 409 Pearl St New York Sac anQ jtooall graggists f

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Page 1: iredJ unI tudyingI tnss tis - University of · sale of franchises which have only 2o years to run J Embry Allen requiring th all







Thes° Are Ttit Bills Which Originatel in The Senate That

Vere Passed

By Henry Gorge tosubmvoc

question of returning tovoting at election in 1905

J C Can trill uniform schoolhnok bill

N A Porter appropriatingreviooo for two eats ears to

State geologicalstrvey

Brent Speuce jurors to fill panto be drawn from wheel save threewho may be selected from bystand

ersJW Gilbert to pay jurors f

first days attendance even thougnot accepted for serviceVGroll edition of Kentucky statute-

as the law of the State

J F Porter extending commonschool term to six months-

J Emery Allen appropriatin25000 for improvement at State

Col1geIappropriating 15000 anDually in addition to the presentsum to pay expenses at State Col

legeCharlesCarroll unifiorm negoti-


instrumentsJ Embry Allen increase ann

appropriation from 7500 to 10

500 for State Experiment Statio-

pure food analising

Same 15650 for improvementsat Lexington asylumI

Charles Carroll allowing 10 ctsfor indexing namesIG W Hickman providing thamandate of the Court of Appealsshall not issue in criminal cases unItil 30 days havetx iredJH S McNutt allowing Jvfferson circuit clerk a fee of 5 in khIny cases as other clerks are aUowrt-

W B Whitt creating the coun-ty of Beckbam out of Cartcr Ieistand Elliott counties

J Wheeler Campbell allowingauditor 3000 annually for addition

lc1 rksG W Hickman giving Com ¬

monwealth right to appeal in mis ¬

demeanor cases when imprisonmentis inflicted

H °Qlawfulin local option districts excethat distillers can sell their oftmake

W A Byron requiring nationalbanks to report to auditor theirshares of stock for assessment-

S E Dehaven forbiddine auto-mobiles to run faster than 15 milan hour

R H Fleming authorizing fig ¬

cal courts to refund old bondsG W Hickman providing f

sale of franchises which have only2o years to run

J Embry Allen requiring thall deeds shall show where grantobtained his title

C F Burnham extending term-ofJibrarianrJ Campbell Cantrill creatingthe office of game warden to be appointed by county judges



t r-rt


Ttnnii igIIJ =

¬ Charles Carroll allowivig the ad1jnUuit general two assistants at

3000 and noo eachG T Farris requiring non res

ident individuate to designate resi-

dent agent upon whom processmay be served

eCaswell Prewitt making it a fel-

ony to steal chickens to the value

ofrJ CinipiHI Canlrill ppropriatng 12357 64 for deficit at House

ReformveNat A Porter giving osteopathsStatel e


itaxiofand 25 ecu Is on portions of j

barrelsh I

A Byron appropriating20000 for statute of Goebel Icountys I

to e of propertyfor benefit of school district-



D Sublett providing for per j

petuation of testimony relative totitle to

ICharles Carroll directing thatcounty seminaries be reimbursed

tfor over pavment of taxes I

W B What assigning countyof Beckham to Ninth district i


J Embry Allen Making it a felony to steal properly being tranferred by common carrier


S Bennett making bank robbyn j

Ifrom tw to twenty years imprison j

menteIof turnpikes and gravel roads

Ithat to crs and men of State Guard beacII1 C Pilchard authorizing confemnatiou of land for water worksIad water pipes

1C H Cox making uppropra

I avall11aWompan11esIttbattbeYIJllayclerkpt stn o

assessment lists that belong to Beckham county

N A Porter authorizingto the quarterly court without tliexecution of bond for the costsrees ¬

by railroads of preferres-Lock at market price instead of atpaLjmisdemeanor onto avoid testifying before legislativecommittees or grandjuries

assessnsenat taorte Railroad CommissionjFrance Perry an L N watch

killed himself because his felow workingmen laughedat himfor breaking his pledge to stopdrinking I


I W C SWINFORDLivingstons spendid barber


11 ILl 1alISB RU1SIt is reported that another nbank will he established here in the-

near future

Dr J W McGarvey of Lexin gton will preach at the Christianchurch here next Sunday

Last Friday a three y earold chiof Mr and Mrs Ben Taylor climbofIthere then told its mother that itbutIil octet spoke afterwards and dithe next day in great agony

Last Saturday theof this county held mass meetin gsin every voting precinct to elect-precinct chairmen A hot contestwas waged ash over the countyMoney was mod freely as it tv

really a Hunter and Edwards contest It is said that a great deal ofmoney was sent here from London

n F Steely and Geo W Parkwho have beeen attending a mecal school in Louisville are now athome for the spring and sumoThere are about twenty young mentudyingIe or Sothere will be no delay in havingteeth and graves filled on short

noticeAboutten oclock Monday night-

the depot at this place burned withnearly all its contents A fewthings in the express office weresaved The origin of the fire is amystery asit began on the back

of the freight room where-there was no stove but it is belie v

that some one had dropped R

live cigar stub or cigarette

Nellie aged five had her phograph taken recently and wnen t

proof was sent horne her mother-said she looked too solemn andaskedwhy she did not smilessfore g otto put it down

erde3seltogether and until the lust few yearsSiimjuiseil to he incurable Kora great niaiyyears doctors pronounced it a local diseage-JIul prescribed local remedies and by conMuntly failing to cure with local t3tmentll-rollouneecl it incurable Science has pen calnrrh to be a constitutional diseasetherefore requires constitutional treatmentSLdIa Catarrh Cure manufactured by F j

a Co Toledo Ohio is theconstitutional cure on the markettaken internally in doses from 10 dropsteaspoon ful It nets directly on the

1andmnroussurfaces of the system1001hey

for any case itto cure Send for circulars and teslimonOSfllcStalls family Pills tire the best



Our Spring Goods-Are about all in and we are now

thehandsomesttodate line ofLadies and Gents Furnishings

Ever Brought To This Section of The StateOur Line is Complete and our goods the very Latest Styles Come visit our storeand be convinced that we are right Watch this space eaeh week for we have 19tsjof good news for the buying publicv J C HOCKER CO



XIt ent imuted for thepeach crop which had promised to-

i 1e so abundant only now and thenwe get a crop but apple are thj-

hest anywayI

j Well I see Thorne County isdead and all suchishould die inthe shell and Beeklimi enmityshould hi relegated ioth c shadofeternal silence lint the S


preia Court Such empty honoj cost too much Our InwmafceisItoo often strin out Jie gnats andswallow whole canoe in order to

I rile supeifluiiies on sonic one nomore deserving than hundreds of

Vothers who arc nevr thought aboutonlnt taxpaying It indeed makesmuch difference as to whose oxis gored and whose hors eats atthe public crib This forcibly re-minds me of an eccehtrii uncle I

II2tdgone down to the church wherepreachers and everybody else have

PresidentedCongress and other rulers and bigAwnraAlthoughwe are professed Christians principally in Kentuckyyet lots of Phariseeism remains in


eta¬ It does seem that is our party isnot badly enough disorganized innational issues that such men a S

Wattersou Bryan John Whalcn rNonds j

men to of our patty will just shutertip until after the St Louis congreatng j

11tbrongboutwell just give us one chancewe could only get out a large IfIber of candidates for Congressroof the n districts at an earlyday this would help mightily alsoin the way of harmony Aint therepnbs having a big time in thenth Gum Shoe is waiting pa-tiently for Parker Edwards andWhite to shake down the simmonsand then hell step in pick it upiand quietly tote it otTolhree ofIfinishhtrun s

thought and believed that his candidacy will help Hunterjustwait and note my prediction Why

aidsir you had as well try to stop thewaves of the deep blue sea as totry to beat Gummy Hell get thenomination Didnt John D BustI

Somei10We are indeed pleased to see a

column from the pen of the formerbrilliant writer from Crab OrchardregadmanyGalS in that little city and formedwhomh weespeIOially among the children but manyof those whom I knew and loved

failsto be with yea many indeed bothold and young in the short spaceof four years have crossed the darktsream How sad it makes me feelto think this over

But death has done a powerfulwork in this part sicce then alsoThere is but one man living nearus who was born here that has livedout the allotted three score au

ten How fast the population ofour cemeteries does increase

We should all remember tbbut one thing is necessary and

that Mary chose the better partVery


April was named from APRIEREthe open the season when buds

d ushers into life all that0takes the world beautiful


Any man woman or child suffering from headache billiousness or


a dull drowsy feeling should take

EarlyRisersabi e

apill While they cleanse the sysabbyand bowelsaDavis









IComang Every Day1I111= l 1I=ljAIi

rci= > c




we still continue toLOW PRICES witIlI

20 percent0 percenti

CostIkinds best and fSat Hock ilotttau PIjct Dontffiil to mfike 0111 stOIf I wlwll in Lhin n ton lliltpt 0111

going Ion

Yours for






Hon John D Carroll of New-Castle


one of the best known lawyers in tho State has announced asa candidate for Judge i

this District subject to theIII

of the party Mr Carrolls friendsespecially in the leg

have for a long timedesired to see him on the bench ofthe highest court in the State Hhas held several offices of trust andhonor and in all of them acquittedhimself with credit When quitea young man he served two terms I

in the was a memberof the Conventionand one of the throeappointed by the Governor to revise


the statute laws of the State to con-

form to the changes made by theand was for three I

years chairman of the DemocraticState Central Committee Hethe editor of Carrolls entuckCodes of Practice and Carrollthzaare in general use and that mayfound in the office of every lawyer

s ¬inI ¬

knowledgeu oflifnthis large circle of friends helices hewould make a splendid judge

GREATwas a big sensation in

Leesville Indiana when W HBrown of that place who was ex-

pected to die had his life saved bDr Kings New Discovery for Conump ion He writes I endured

insufferable agonies from Asthmabut your New gave meimmediate relief and soon there

dafter effecteda complete cureSimilar cures of

bronchitis and grip areIts the peerless remedy

for all throat and ring troublesPrice Soc and 100by all druggists Trial bottles freef

Quite a High Pricedyou a position as clerk to

start with said the merchantand pay you what you arewort

Is thatperfectly replied the cot

leas graduate ythink the firm can afford it

MAKES A CLEAN SWEEPTheres nothing like doingthing orall the

Salves you ever heard of BucklensArnica Salve is the best It sweeps

and cures burns sorescuts boil ulcers skinand piles Its only 250

to givebyall


Shoes Ion ICLOTHING Manufacturers

















guaranteed satisfactiondruggists



John Cress was in this sectionlast week hunting cattle and purchased only two of Tart Proctor

The storm of Friday night blewthe roof from Lee S BroughtonVsawmill together with the smoke

I stack

Corn iswcrtb 300 iu this par-e hogs from 3c to 40 and plenty

for sale cattle low several to sell

ns sole a mare at 55Lee Mortis sold a horse to LarKin

Hicks for 8oVm Dowel sold

ItoGeorge Hicks 5 i iolt hogs at

centsWinfred Sweeney arrived Mon

day from Indiana We expect tohave more to tell about him nextweek as he has been expected inour section for some time I

Craig isthe sickT CtisGW Brownis now reported very lowMriWillis Sow er continues to growworse This report shows a greatdeal of sickness in the vicinity of

Stringer Jr and ElmerLogsdon both about 16 years oldleft their homes a few days ago andwent into the mountains SouuStrings has returned hut Logsdonhas not made his appearance up tothis time We think the boys j

would do well to settle down athome and cease running about for

leastiWell we see there is to be a veryhard examination this year and s

that he followed up in years t

come together with the 6 monthterm the common schools undonbtedly will be placed on ahiger degree All the schools ofthis section are under promise fathe year which we think is a tvisact upon the part of the truste-es they are relieved of theof being harrassed by teachers an

1the teachers know just what todepend upon so you see its best forall I

BEST FAMILY SALVEDe Wilts Witch Hazel gives in ¬

onstout relief from burns cures cuts i

oruises ores eczeon tltter and allabrasions of the skin In hu inWitch Hazel Salve it is only necesI

jgelaana a cure certain-There are many cheap counterfeitson the market allof which areworthless and quite a few are dang-erous


while DeWitts Witch HazelSalve is perfectly harmless ancures Sold at Chas C Davidrugstore =


riais r

Published EveryFriday


ND Lead


Cut on all

Cut all HatsAL

Best Flourhldflnfiltf








sGillis numberedwith




C 0 X W A V

Measles are still raging in this


of Lexington preach-ed to a rather small lint apprecia-tive audience here this week

I Farmers are very much behindwith their work on account of thewet weather

J J Wood has returned fromthe cities where he has been topurchase a spring stock of dry pgoods and notions

Judge Chenault of Richmondwas here this week on business

We had a severe wind and rainlastItreesIicJim Wood received a letter fromCol Geo H Dobinson of Baltimore Md this week making someinquiries about his oil field hereCol Dobinson jet believes thereis oil in this section and we hopehe may return soon and look fur

ter for the valuable grease

The storm of last week brokethe telephone line between thisplace and Wild so we can not geta message out now The GeneralManager Mr Bostiu of Lancasterpromises to put the wire on polesinstead of trees in course of 60 daysand probably run on from Conwayto Mr R E Moyes store in ScafwhenbMr Bastin and Jim Maret get thetime fixed to their notion this timewill be no more break downs there

In London there is one tic neddrinking place to every 436 JUdahitauts

PlantssEvery farmer knows that

iome plants grow better thansamersameenit some areothers strongwithaare youngplants Same food same homebigandsmall and weak

Scotts Emulsion offers aneasy way out of the difficultyChild weakness cften meansstarvation not because of lackof food but because the fooddoes not feed

Scotts Emulsion rcallyfeedstnd gives the childgrowingstrength

Whatever the cause of weak ¬

growScottsrightSeeScott Borne Chemists 409 Pearl St New York

Sac anQ jtooall graggists
