iran cosmetic profile

Iran Cosmetic market overview

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Post on 15-Apr-2017




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Iran Cosmetic marketoverview

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Iran: Market overview

6th largest global market for color cosmetics. ( source: Euro monitor)

Largest consumer market in the Middle East Population more than 70,000,000 70% of population between the age of 16 to 40 15 million women aged 20-39 European brands are gradually becoming dominant

because of strong global and local advertising Iranian demographics shows that three areas are

resistant to economic downturn food, medication and color cosmetics.

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The problem faced by importers is that the grey market imports of unregistered brands, counterfeit products , grey market imports by UAE distributer and most important a lack of coherent advertising

Growth of cosmetics and toiletries spurred by satellite TV

Offshore and “Exile” channels broadcast via satellite have highest viewership and have an impact not comparable to other markets

Fragmented market requiring local presence and co-ordination

Iran: Market overview

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Point of SalesType Tehran

(The capital)Other cities

Accessory shops* 200 300

Beauty Salons/Hair dresser** 500 N/A

Cosmetic shops/ Perfumeries 500 2500

Department stores 12 5

Pharmacies 1500 8000

Hypermarkets 30 25

Online sales It’s not common for selling cosmetic products in Iran

* Accessory shops: Due to high demand and good sell of accessory items, and also expensive price of estates, more than 90% of cosmetic shops sell accessories too. So there are fewer shops selling accessories solely. ** Beauty Salons: Because of financial and credential concerns, most of the cosmetic companies in Iran prefer to work with salons “indirectly” through wholesalers and cosmetic shops.

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Technical details

Below you may find some useful information. Studying these items will give you a more accurate look about cosmetic market:

•Advertising limitations: Due to religious limitations, it is not allowed for cosmetic products to have TV Ads or Bill boards. So our advertising department focuses on paper Ads like magazines, internet Ads, SMS based Ads, holding seasonal festivals or competitions, designing shop windows (showcase) and etc.•Customers (Shops) classification: cosmetic shops are classified into 4 groups from A , B, C and D. (A groups are the best sellers with good store position). Certainly selection of customers and the distribution policy is based on brand position ( including price, quality and competitors), package of products, advertising budget and materials, display stands appearance and expected purchasing amounts. •Customer selection strategy: Our Company has a watchful procedure for selecting customers. We consider different parameters, such as: financial credibility, store reputation, store decoration, store size, systematic product assortment and the available selling brands.

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other points• Small but strong! : Due to expensive price of estate in the country, there are several small stores who have

good sales of cosmetics. If you check the photos in next slides, you may see some stores that they don’t have modern designs, but they are good sellers.

• Foreign exchange rate: Since January 2012, Iran has experienced high fluctuation in foreign currency price. As a result, price of products (Specially imported products) became doubled or even tripled. For your information, in September 2013, EUR 1= IRR 45.000.

• Cooperation with professional make-up institutes: Our advertising department has direct communication with professional make-up institutes. They introduce them new products by sending “beauty advisors”. They give samples of new products or gifts to these institutes, put sales displays, banners, posters, product catalogs and any advertising materials which helps to introduce and distinct the brand.

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Sample photos of Iran cosmetic market

CustomersDepartment StoreCosmetic shopDrugstore

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