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Nov/Dec issue of IQ Idaho business and lifestyle magazine





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PG.26IQ PREMIERGoing Green

contentsVOLUME 5 ISSUE 9

12•07 | IQ Idaho 03

LIVE & WORK INTELLIGENTLYVolume 5, Issue 9, 2007

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EDITOR CHeryl BeesoN

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ACCOUNT ExECUTIvE Janie farlow

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at©2006-2007. All rights reserved. material published in IQ Idaho may not be republished, resold, recorded or used in any manner, in whole or in part, without the publisher’s express written consent. reprints of articles are available by emailing [email protected]. IQ Idaho is published ten times annually by Business IQ, llC. The editorial or advertising content of this publication are the opinions of the authors or advertisers and do not necessarily represent or reflect the policies or opinions of IQ Idaho. IQ Idaho does not provide tax, investment, or legal advice. IQ Idaho, Business IQ, success IQ, Biz IQ, rising leader, live & Work Intelligently, IQ Business, and The Parks, are trademarks of Business IQ, llC. Printed in the united states.

Letterfrom the editor

By the time you read this, I will officially be the new editor in chief of IQ Idaho Mag-azine. After nearly 11 years of owning, leading, growing and recently transitioning

out of my own international design and manufacturing company, I enthusiastically greet this new chapter of life and career with the excitement of any long-wished-for opportunity, but also with the nail-biting anxiety of entering into new territory where such an excellent precedence has been set.

As a fourth-generation Idaho native, I have seen grit and determination of every variety in the business culture of our state, combined with the unique Idaho culture of deeply valuing the balance of career and personal life. As a child, I watched my grandfather and my father as they built their own brands of entrepreneurial success. As a business owner, a wife of 17 years and a mother of five, I have enjoyed and endured all of the big-time wins, the big-time losses, the terrific successes and the massive failures that can be a part of any business that is fused with a cherished personal life. At the same time, I have enjoyed and endured the learning and growth that these years have afforded my overall life and career experience. My hope is to culminate these experiences into the collaboration of thought-provoking, life-enhancing magazine content that is pertinent to the lives of Idahoans who, like myself, are balancing and merging career with home life, community life and personal life… which is no small or unimportant task.

The American Dream - the Idaho Dream - is alive and well inside the pages of IQ Idaho. I am thrilled and exhilarated to be part of this dynamic team and feel deeply grateful to join forces with something wonderful and growing. And I am excited to collaborate with a group of like-minded winners who care deeply about the issues that the readers of our magazine face.

I am looking forward to the coming issues and know you’ll continue to enjoy and appreciate what you will find inside each new copy.

Happy holidays and all the best for a fabulous 2008!

Melody RossEditor in Chief

04 12•07 | IQ Idaho

Nov/Dec • 07






















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12•07 | IQ Idaho 05


06 12•07 | IQ Idaho

Cover illustration by Joshua Pratt, inspired by the pho-tography of Monte Stiles.

Monte is a federal drug prosecutor who is also an avid outdoor photographer. He has won a

number of awards for his Idaho photos and has pub-lished photos in several magazines. Monte attended college and law school at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. One of his proudest personal and career achieve-ments was helping organize and implement the state-wide “enough is enough” anti-drug campaign. This statewide effort produced community coalitions in many areas of the state. These coalitions formed in order to fight crime at the local level, with every part of the community being involved. He enjoys shooting scenes of the American West and wildlife. Monte and his wife Sandy are the proud parents of five children and four grandchildren.

Pulsepeople • politics • entertainment

Josh Wheeler is a down-to-earth kind of guy. He exudes confi-dence, compassion and determination, but is also polite, funny

and easily likable. His Treasure Valley Gold’s Gym franchises have taken Southwest Idaho by storm, yet it’s clearly obvious that his professional accomplishments never come at the sacrifice to his home and family lives. “Once I get home it’s all about the family,” he said, ex-plaining that his family eats dinner together every night re-gardless of the circumstances at the office. While at the table, he and his wife, Heidi, and their children, Cody, 12, and Lexie Rae, 10 each share five things about their day. Sundays are dedicated to Church (he attends Boise First Church of the Nazarene) and family activities. Many of those family activities involve fitness. Whether it’s taking the kids to sports practice or participating in organized sporting events himself, fitness plays a big role in Wheeler’s fam-ily life. But that’s probably to be expected from a former college football player, power lifting competitor and the face of Gold’s Gym throughout the Treasure Valley. In fact, his kids’ sport-ing events are what eventually got him back out on the grid-

iron – but not in a football uniform; at least not in an American football uniform, but rather the sport internationally known as “Football”: Soccer. The speed of the game, skills involved and overall competitiveness hooked the former Pacific University running back immediately. “I was coaching (my son’s) indoor team and it looked like fun,” he said. So three years ago he put together a team and found out just how physical the game is. “In all my years playing football, I’ve never been injured as much as I have with soccer.” Wheeler has recently taken up another activity that re-quires constant improvement, focus and perfection: Flying. As a student pilot he has racked up about 40 hours and is working towards a private pilot license. The hobby is the ultimate com-bination of freedom and pure concentration, he said. Before moving here permanently, the Wheeler fam-ily bounced from town to town during Josh’s early years with Gold’s. “During our first 10 years of marriage we moved 15 times,” he said. “As soon as we moved here we knew this was where we wanted to be.”

Family, Faith and Fitness:Gold’s Gym’s Josh Wheeler by Lee Vander Boegh

08 12•07 | IQ Idaho

JUst the FaCtsHobbies:- Indoor soccer- Golf- Skiing- Studying to become a private pilot- Fantasy Football

12•07 | IQ Idaho 09

Photo by Media Marketing Group of Boise

Jimmy Demers may not have a house-hold name, but he’s got a house-hold voice. He has backed up mega stars like Cher and

Garth Brooks, and sang Coca Cola’s advertising jingles for ten years. As a solo artist he has sang in front of royal families, na-tional sporting events and charity galas. Though his career takes him to all corners of the world, the velvet-voiced singer holds Idaho in special regards.

IQ: You mentioned that the Boise radio market played a big role in your singing success. Would you elaborate on this a little?

JIMMY: Years ago I was in a group called “Truth Inc” on Inter-scope records. We had a single called “The Very Best of Me” that was test marketed in about a dozen markets across America. We tested really high in certain places, and even went number one

in a few of them, including Boise. So I have always carried this warm affinity for Boise because I felt like they were one of the first places in America to embrace my voice.

IQ: What got you into music to begin with? And what made you decide to make a career out of it?

JIMMY: I’d have to say it was my brother, Donnie, who first got me into music. When we were little we would spend most of our time learning songs he would write. Donnie taught himself how to play the piano, and he basically had me by his side everyday teaching me what to sing and how to sing it. As for your second question, I’m not sure if I’ve made a career out of it yet or not. What I am sure of is that I’ve made a life out of it. And that has been more rewarding than I could have ever imagined.

You know the voice, now know the man

jimmy demerSBy Lee Vander Boegh

10 12•07 | IQ Idaho

IQ: You were recently in Boise supporting the Special Olym-pics, how did you get involved in this organization and what do you enjoy most about it?

JIMMY: My friend Chantal Westerman moved to Sun Valley several years ago and told the people at the Special Olympics about me when they were discussing singers for one of their events. In fact, she had them visit my Web site and listen to “Over the Rainbow.” I can’t really put into words what I enjoy most about it. Let me just say that I was not fully pre-pared for what I was to experience. I didn’t expect to be so moved. However, the spirit of the Special Olympic athletes and the spirit of those who work behind the scenes to sup-port them is simply indescribable.

IQ: Do you enjoy visiting Idaho? Do you get a chance to enjoy the state or are you normally here for business/perfor-mance purposes?

JIMMY: You mean, did I fall in love with Idaho? It’s with-out question one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been. There’s still a great deal I haven’t seen, so I’m accepting all

invitations for any future games, barbecues and weddings. For the record, I think Idaho should adopt my brother Donnie’s song “Save Your Love For Me” as the official wedding song of the state. That way we’ll be married to Idaho forever.

IQ: What is your favorite song to sing? Why do you like it?

JIMMY: Interestingly, my favorite song to sing is actually my least favorite song, and I’ll tell you why without giving you the name of the song, because it’s an all time classic and I’ll just look stupid. Since my brother Donnie loves to play it, I usually succumb to singing it. Every time I do it, I discover something new about the song, about my voice and about what it means to be a singer. Sometimes, it’s not about singing your favorite song, sometimes it’s about doing something for someone else. In this case, singing my brother’s favorite song. So in doing that, I always find I receive something powerful and extraordi-nary after performing it. So much so that I can honestly say my least favorite song to sing has probably been the most reward-ing because of what it has taught me. Not so much because of what it has taught me about being singer, but because of what it has given me, in terms of being a brother.

jimmy demerS

12•07 | IQ Idaho 11

• Centrally located with convenient freeway access, in the luxurious setting of El Dorado Business Campus

• Near dining, shopping, lodging and other amenities

• Free on-site parkingin the ratio of 5.4 stalls per 1,000 SF.

GrANAdA SQUAreOffice Space for Lease

What do gut-busting one-liners, hilarious parodies and crude sexual innuendos have in common? They’re all par for the course on the Bob and Tom Show, a syndicated radio show out of Indiana that is relayed on the 96.9 FM in the Treasure Val-ley. In fact, early morning commuters are likely to hear all three within seconds of tuning in – and the vast majority will be com-ing from the mouth of Chick McGee, the quick-witted, crude-talking funny man that has the God-given talent to transform the most innocent comments into potently vulgar, yet laugh-out-loud hilarious suggestions. His coarseness is balanced by fellow co-host Kristi Lee, who serves as the program’s news di-rector and the group’s lone female – and who many consider the show’s voice of reason. Fans of the show know McGee and

Lee for their back-and-forth banter, which ranges from ‘mostly harmless’ to ‘any normal person would have broke down in tears after hearing that.’ McGee and Lee were re-cently in Idaho for a comic tour (as McGee said, “We hosted a couple of shows, we ate at a couple of res-taurants with some people, I remember that. And I had a very nice time. Very clean

air (makes the sniffing sound), very outdoorsie.”). IQ had the chance to catch up with these syndicated funnyfolk to discuss the Gem State, life as a radio personality and Larry Craig.

Chick mcGee

IQ: You were in Idaho recently, what brought you here and what kind of time did you have?Chick McGee: Why was I there... oh yeah, they paid me. But I was excited to go to Idaho, I had never been. There’s a lot of beautiful country, lots of rolling green, uh, stuff – oh yeah, grass. Clean air and streets. It’s gorgeous.IQ: When someone calls the show and says he or she is from Ida-ho, what is the first thing that comes to your mind?CM: Potatoes! Actually, beautiful country – a well-hidden se-cret I think, because a lot of people do think of potatoes and don’t know that much about Idaho. I think they get it con-fused with Iowa.IQ: Henry Winkler mentioned to us a few months back that if he were to retire or leave the business, he would buy a place in Idaho...CM: I’ve heard some other rich people say that.IQ: Of course what they’re not saying is that they’re buying hous-es in every other state too, right?CM: Of course.CM: I’m a season guy, I like the seasons. I live in Indiana, another

An iQ discussion with: Chick McGee & Kristi Lee of the Bob & Tom radio show.

Riding the IQ airwaves By Cheryl Beeson and Lee Vander Boegh

12 12•07 | IQ Idaho

state that’s missunderstood, but it’s beautiful here, low property values, it’s basically a wasteland of poverty.IQ: But it has top level professional sports teams.CM: The hell with the sports teams.IQ: Speaking of that you have touched on BSU a few times, what’s your projection on how they’re going to finish out this season?CM: Oddly enough, the same exact thing is going to happen against Oklahoma. Same bowl game, same everything, same statue of liberty play, only it’ll be a different player proposing to a cheerleader. Someone sent me a hunk of the blue turf three or four years ago.IQ: We’ve featured the Boise State Broncos in a past issue, we could send you a back copy if you’d like.CM: I’m going to hold you to that.IQ: We’ll swap it out for that piece of turf that’s been missing from the (BSU) 30 yard line for the past three or four years.IQ: If you and Christi were trapped on a desert island together, how long would it take before one of you killed the other, and who would come out the victor? CM: I would guess she’d kill me first because she’s meaner than me. Then she’d probably have some biceps or a thigh, she’d prob-ably fry me right up.IQ: What’s are the first five things that come to your mind when someone says the word “Idaho?”CM: I gotta go with potatoes and Boise State Broncos, that guy that won the big lottery and brought us a t-shirt, that t-shirt is actually something else I think of when I think of Idaho. And Demi Moore. And one more... the Snake River and Evil Knievel. Hillbilly white-trash just like the Chickster.IQ: Finish this sentence: Larry Craig...CM: Shoes. I like shoes. A lot of people are forgetting that yeah, he was in the restroom tapping his foot but what kind of shoes was he wearing? That’s what I’d like to know.IQ: That’s a good point, he could get a sponsor-ship deal out of that, couldn’t he?CM: Heck yeah. That’d be a great commercial. A guy tapping his foot in a pair of Reeboks or Nikes underneath the door. That’s a million dollar idea right there.

Kristi Lee

IQ: You were in Boise recently, what did you think of it?Kristi Lee: I love Boise, it’s beautiful there. It’s my third or fourth time there.IQ: How long have you and Chick worked together?KL: About 20 years.IQ: And you’re both still alive? We would have figured you’d have killed each other after that long.KL: I don’t think I’d have to kill him, I think I could just talk him to death and he would end up killing himself.IQ: Speaking of which, if you and Chick were trapped on a deserted island, how long would it take before one of you killed the other and who would come out the victor?

KL: I don’t know how long it would take, but I know I would come out the victor because I’m in much better shape than he is, I could outrun him in a heart-beat. I would say it probably wouldn’t take long – a couple of days tops.IQ: Finish this sentence: Larry Craig...KL:... He was in Boise the weekend I was there and I was so afraid I’d run into him on the street.IQ: Did you send him tickets to your show?KL: I doubt he would show up. He doesn’t strike me as a guy with a big sense of humor.IQ: When you think of Idaho, is he what you think of?KL: No. I have a real positive view of Idaho and Larry Craig isn’t going to spoil that for me. I just enjoy your state so much. I think it’s one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been. It’s one of the few cities where I’ve walked off the plane and said, “I could live here in a heartbeat.”IQ: We told Chick that Henry Winkler basically told us the same thing a few months back.KL: You’ve got the most beautiful mountains and beautiful air – I know that sounds crazy but the air just seems so clean, the people seem so healthy. It was a great vibe.IQ: You’re the only female on what most people consider a male- oriented show. How hard is it to get along with those guys?

KL: It’s not hard at all. What comes across on the air is certainly not the way it is off the air. We are very

close. I have sat in that room with those three guys longer than any of my marriages – in fact, all of my marriages. So it’s probably the healthiest male relationship I have. It’s frus-

trating some times, but for the most part I know they mean no harm.IQ: What’s the one question you’re dying to ask Chick?KL: Can I have your credit card?IQ: Okay, if you could interview Larry Craig, what’s the one question you’d ask him?KL: What were you really thinking? Did you think people would really buy the story that if you ignore it it will go away? Things don’t happen that way in the year

2007, especially in politics. You can’t stick your head in the sand and hope things go

away – that’s what reporters do (dig up sto-ries), that’s why you guys have jobs.

IQ: Chick said Larry Craig should market his own line of shoes.KL: Yeah, and then everyone would know “Hey, I’m gay, because I’m wearing the Larry Craigs.”IQ: They’re designed specifically for a wider stance.KL: There you go.

12•07 | IQ Idaho 13

Lee Vander BoeghThe funny thing about Christ-mas is that it combines the two things that drive perfectly rational people bonkers (fam-ily and untangling Christmas lights) and puts them under the guise of wholesome tradi-tion. Take my family’s “signa-ture wrap,” for instance. Each year, my immediate family and I wrap our gifts to each other in our own specific wrapping paper. This insures that the re-cipients know who their gifts are from based solely on the packaging appearance. “This one is haphazardly wrapped in what could either be hid-eous wrapping paper or an old pair of pants... It must be from Lee.”

Corey ChristensenChristmas is definitely my fa-vorite time of the year. It is a time to reflect on what mat-ters most like family, friends and my faith. I can’t recall any gifts per say, but what I do re-call is how wonderful it was to be surrounded by the people that I love. It is also a time to contemplate the true meaning of Christmas and the miracle that took place in a manger. I hope everyone has a wonder-ful Christmas and an exciting new year.

jeffery BoyleMy wife Angela and I want teach our children the impor-tance of this holiday season. First, we give thanks for all the blessings we have – most of us are VERY fortunate. Then, we serve. We serve those who are in need – of shelter, of food, of clothing, of love. Our hope in the holiday season is that you serve, and serve often, so that you may feel buoyed up by your giving. Then YOU will have the spirit of Christmas.


Staff TalksChristmas

14 12•07 | IQ Idaho

dennis CarlsonMy favorite tradition is reach-ing out to some needy individ-ual or family each Christmas who probably wouldn’t have one otherwise. My wife Dani and I like to find some deserv-ing family and anonymously give them some money or gifts depending on the situa-tion. It’s always such a joy to secretly bless someone on Christmas Day.

joshua PrattMore than gifts, food or any-thing tangible, Christmas is, to me, a feeling. Christmas is a mood you find yourself in when you feel the cold, sharp December morning air. Or see the steam climbing up off the ground, twisting through the icy branches of the dormant trees. It is also the warm feeling that fills you up when you rush into a fire-lit home filled with the fragrance of spiced candles and a sweet pine Christmas tree from the snow flurries and brisk night sky. So I guess Christmas is really just the way everything around you awak-ens your senses and stimulates your spirit making you aware of the special times we are for-tunate to enjoy.

Cheryl BeesonWhat does Christmas mean to me? Of course the obvi-ous, which is so often lost in the materialistic ambi-ance, the birth of our Christ. BUT… Christmas just would not be Christmas if God had not given us grandchildren. In addition to being beside my daughters, and a daughter-in-law, when my 6 grandchildren were born, nothing is more of a miracle to a parent then to be involved in the lives of your grandchildren. Just when I thought Christmas would be a little less expensive, my very first granddaughter was born. To see the wonder in their eyes when they see Santa, (who happens to be a slightly uncooperative Uncle), is just one of the many wonders in a grandchild’s world. Christmas really is for the children.

melody rossComing from an enormous family with 8 married siblings, my favorite part of the holidays is that we miraculously find time to get everyone together in one place. Whatever location we choose, there are multitudes of babies being passed from one adoring aunt or uncle to anoth-er, a giggling pack of elementary age cousins running wild, a fun-loving bunch of laughing teen-agers piled around some crazy game, newly married nieces and nephews celebrating first Christmas’s together, and five brothers, four sisters and two parents trying to catch up on each other’s lives while absorb-ing the whole miracle of just how cool it is to have such a fan-tastic, huge and close family.

12•07 | IQ Idaho 15




Livia Niu

Lily Transtrum

Piper Jordyn

Ella Jackey

iQ Photo ContestIQ Idaho’s first photo contest received many awesome entries from all over the state of Ida-ho. Our panel of judges, Monte Stiles, David Marr and Tyler Cazier - who are all professional photographers themselves - had a difficult time choosing the best pictures. But when the dust settled, they had chosen the above photos:

16 12•07 | IQ Idaho

Saturn Sky: Mixing power, economy and style,

the Sky's standard 2.4 liter, four cylinder engine sends 173

horsepower to the rear wheels while churning out up to 25 miles per gallon. But if you want really peel your eyelids back, drop the top on the Sky Red Line,

which features a supercharged, 260 horsepower VVT engine capable of

accelerating the car from 0 to 60 miles-per-hour in about

5.5 seconds.

Red One: Bridging the gap between the features of

digital video cameras and the image quality of traditional film, the One video

system by Red records 60 frames per second with more than three times the amount of pixels on each one than the

amount of people living in Los Angeles. It's easily fitted to tripod, crane, rail and long

lens configurations, making it quite capable of producing Hollywood-quality features or the best footage

of the kids' piano recital on the block.

BMW R 1200 S: With 122 horsepower and

weighing 22 pounds less than its predecessor, this asphalt

demon was the same model that won the Moto ST Eight Hour Daytona

race in 2006 – which means it isn't just oozing with performance, it's also designed for comfort. If only

Evil Knievel would have had this bike...

Gibson 1979 Les Paul Reissue: Rock out like the

guitar god you are with this reissued version of one of rock 'n roll's

classic axes. This one features a one-piece mahogany neck, a carved

maple top and a mahogany body for that sought-after warm Les Paul tone. The 490

and 498 Gibson humbucking pickups yield fat rhythm and searing lead tones. Doing the Pete Townshend

windmill is optional.

Nikon D3: Shoot photos like the pros with

the camera that nearly eradicates digit noise at even the

highest ISO settings (ISO is basically the digital equivalent of film speed).

This 12.1-megapixel-monster can shoot up to nine frames per second and accepts the best of Nikon's lenses,

and is a staple of sideline photographers in nearly

every sport.

Apple MacBook Pro: These hot rod laptop

computers compliment upgraded 15 and 17-inch displays

with lightning-fast processing options that range up to a 2.6GHz Intel Core 2 Duo system. It's more than enough horsepower to run

some of the most intense programs, like Final Cut

Pro (shown).

66Styleexperience living • design • reside

18 12•07 | IQ Idaho

Saturn Sky: Mixing power, economy and style,

the Sky's standard 2.4 liter, four cylinder engine sends 173

horsepower to the rear wheels while churning out up to 25 miles per gallon. But if you want really peel your eyelids back, drop the top on the Sky Red Line,

which features a supercharged, 260 horsepower VVT engine capable of

accelerating the car from 0 to 60 miles-per-hour in about

5.5 seconds.

Red One: Bridging the gap between the features of

digital video cameras and the image quality of traditional film, the One video

system by Red records 60 frames per second with more than three times the amount of pixels on each one than the

amount of people living in Los Angeles. It's easily fitted to tripod, crane, rail and long

lens configurations, making it quite capable of producing Hollywood-quality features or the best footage

of the kids' piano recital on the block.

BMW R 1200 S: With 122 horsepower and

weighing 22 pounds less than its predecessor, this asphalt

demon was the same model that won the Moto ST Eight Hour Daytona

race in 2006 – which means it isn't just oozing with performance, it's also designed for comfort. If only

Evil Knievel would have had this bike...

Gibson 1979 Les Paul Reissue: Rock out like the

guitar god you are with this reissued version of one of rock 'n roll's

classic axes. This one features a one-piece mahogany neck, a carved

maple top and a mahogany body for that sought-after warm Les Paul tone. The 490

and 498 Gibson humbucking pickups yield fat rhythm and searing lead tones. Doing the Pete Townshend

windmill is optional.

Nikon D3: Shoot photos like the pros with

the camera that nearly eradicates digit noise at even the

highest ISO settings (ISO is basically the digital equivalent of film speed).

This 12.1-megapixel-monster can shoot up to nine frames per second and accepts the best of Nikon's lenses,

and is a staple of sideline photographers in nearly

every sport.

Apple MacBook Pro: These hot rod laptop

computers compliment upgraded 15 and 17-inch displays

with lightning-fast processing options that range up to a 2.6GHz Intel Core 2 Duo system. It's more than enough horsepower to run

some of the most intense programs, like Final Cut

Pro (shown).


12•07 | IQ Idaho 19

Paint Job:What's a magical sleigh without a

custom paint job? A complete paint, trim and finish job from No Coast

Customs in Idaho Falls should do the trick. $6,000 to $12,000.

Night Vision Goggles:When Rudolph's nose doesn't cut through the night sky, the

ATN PVS7-3 should work nicely. $3,599.99 at Cabela's.

Times sure have changed since Kris Kringle first used his magic sleigh

and reindeer to deliver presents to good boys and girls all over the

world. Even though his equipment and attire were quite advanced back

then, they pale in comparison to today's technology and fashion. It's only fitting that Father Christmas' modern day Holiday run be com-

plete with the most elaborate duds and equipment available in Idaho.

Animal Identification Chip:Many Idaho vets could positively identify the

reindeer should they wonder off. Kindness Animal Hospital in Nampa can surgically

implant them for $35 to $60.

Boots:Who says Santa can't sport some fashion?

Mark Nason shoes are worn by some of the world’s biggest celebrities. The Threat model

is available at Shoez in Boise for $429.

Aviation Technology:Santa's sleigh will keep him on coarse with a digital flight deck from Alliant. Some installations can cost

up to $250,000 at Turbo Air in Boise.

Watch:When you've only got one

night to deliver presents all over the world, time isn't on your side. Stay on

time with a Tissot T-Touch watch, which combines classic lines with touch

technology. $600 to $900 at Lee Read Jewelers.

20 12•07 | IQ Idaho

Paint Job:What's a magical sleigh without a

custom paint job? A complete paint, trim and finish job from No Coast

Customs in Idaho Falls should do the trick. $6,000 to $12,000.

Night Vision Goggles:When Rudolph's nose doesn't cut through the night sky, the

ATN PVS7-3 should work nicely. $3,599.99 at Cabela's.

Times sure have changed since Kris Kringle first used his magic sleigh

and reindeer to deliver presents to good boys and girls all over the

world. Even though his equipment and attire were quite advanced back

then, they pale in comparison to today's technology and fashion. It's only fitting that Father Christmas' modern day Holiday run be com-

plete with the most elaborate duds and equipment available in Idaho.

Animal Identification Chip:Many Idaho vets could positively identify the

reindeer should they wonder off. Kindness Animal Hospital in Nampa can surgically

implant them for $35 to $60.

Boots:Who says Santa can't sport some fashion?

Mark Nason shoes are worn by some of the world’s biggest celebrities. The Threat model

is available at Shoez in Boise for $429.

Aviation Technology:Santa's sleigh will keep him on coarse with a digital flight deck from Alliant. Some installations can cost

up to $250,000 at Turbo Air in Boise.

Watch:When you've only got one

night to deliver presents all over the world, time isn't on your side. Stay on

time with a Tissot T-Touch watch, which combines classic lines with touch

technology. $600 to $900 at Lee Read Jewelers.

12•07 | IQ Idaho 21

Kitchens with a Heart

If the heart of the holiday season is spending time with loved ones, then the central location of the season is likely in the kitchen.

Holiday dinners are a special expression of the cook’s heart, and kitchens play a vital role in gathering people together. According to Fine Kitchens and Baths owner Patricia Dunlop, kitchens that have heart take into consideration the needs of the people living in them and their guests. These are what nurture experiences with loved ones that are truly unique.

Kitchens with a Heartby Kelli Russell

J im and Stephanie White’s red-accented motif makes associating this kitchen with heart even easier. The

Warm Springs Avenue residents regularly host their children and grandchildren in an inviting cooking area that welcomes all members of the household to come and enjoy. The kitchen is the heart of the home and a very cen-tral area, Stephanie said. A remodel by Patricia Dunlop opened the space from the kitchen all the way to the liv-ing room and even added a larger dining room area. A center island, supported at one end by a piece of salvaged staircase from the Alexander building in downtown Boi-

se, seats guests at bar stools. An upholstered chair sits off to the side, a perfect location to read a young child a book after dinner. Large French windows look out into the garden, while heated cork floors are great for crawl-ing babies, Stephanie said. Everyone is welcome to hang around the White’s kitchen during meal preparation. And at Christmas time the entire family helps cook a traditional Swed-ish family dish called Krub Crocker. The heart of the family is in this room, as three generations of the White family gather for holiday meals and enjoy one another.

The Heart of the Family

22 12•07 | IQ Idaho

photo by Jason Ropp

For Mark Baradziej and his partner Darin Anderson, cooking for guests and providing them with pleasurable experiences

through meals comprises the heart of their kitchen. The room’s design and the duo’s culinary menus combine to entertain friends and, like a theater, guests can view what is happening and share the experiences of meals. “The kitchen is real important to me. Everyone gathers there,” Baradziej said. Since hiring Patricia Dunlop to remodel the space in his home near Warm Springs Avenue in Boise he has not shied away from utilizing the room for hosting small and intimate meals, large dinner parties and everything in between. This kitchen’s open design is a big part of it’s heart. “The dining room is seamlessly connected to the kitchen,” he said. Guests can sit at the table or stand next to the cement coun-ter and taste samples of Baradziej’s cooking. This design allows him to interact with friends during preparation and provides the guests with plenty of space to hang out before a meal. “It’s all about not being hidden away,” Dunlop said about new kitchen designs like the one in Baradziej’s home. In fact, as guests walk through the front door, their eyes are drawn to the staircase leading up to the kitchen. An Italian-made table that seats twelve people sits in the dining room only a few feet from a cook top island. Equipment in the kitchen is meant to last, and with durable, name-brand appliances like the GE Monogram stove and two KitchenAid ovens. Stainless steel counter tops on the island are clean but lasting. Lighting from local hardware stores was one of the biggest design-ele-ments, from overhead track lighting to glass blocks built into the island that slowly change colors as the lighting mechanism inside them alternate hues. Baradziej will cook Christmas dinner this season while his out-of-town friends gather in his home, mostly

congregating in the kitchen for what he calls his “tra-ditional cooking with a contemporary twist,” such as a brined turkey with a fennel-based rub to give a classic meal a new flavor. The kitchen is modern but warm, he says, where meals that last for several hours are shared with loved ones.

Cooking is a part of Bob Henry’s daily routine. Now retired, Bob loves to cook meals for his wife, Connie, with whom

he shares a home in Idaho Falls. The Henrys hired Julia Barr of Kitchen Tune-Up in Idaho Falls to remodel the room, giving Bob a more ideal space to make heart-felt meals for friends and fam-ily, including children and grandchildren. His favorite kitchen feature is an island on wheels, which allows him plenty of workspace for preparing big meals. Light-

colored cup-boards and warm brown counter tops brighten up the room that was once dominated by dark wood. Glass built into the cupboard doors gives the feeling of transparency and openness. The

Henrys went for top-of-the-line appliances like their Kenmore refrigerator, Kohler sink and ceramic top burner. Bob and Connie host meals on a regular basis for friends and family and welcome them in the kitchen during prepara-tion. “If my youngest son is around, he’ll be my taster,” Bob said. Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners will be prepared at the Henry’s home, as children and grandchildren have come to enjoy the holidays in his kitchen. Traditional foods, like hen turkey and ham with mashed potatoes and vegetables are on the menu for the Henry’s guests. Much of the heart of Bob’s kitchen comes from the choice of food he prepares for guests. “You know how important traditional food can be,” he said. As a child in Phoenix, his mother learned to make tamales and for several years it was part of his family’s Christmas dinner tradition. Food plays a big role in his holiday memories, and the kitchen is where it all originates. He puts hours into the food he serves, like his slow-cooked ribs and steamed vegetables. “If you put good things into the food, good things come from the people,” Bob said.

Tradition blended With Love For The Final Dish

The Experience Is Key

12•07 | IQ Idaho 23

photo by Jason Ropp

courtesy of Julia Barr

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24 12•07 | IQ Idaho

The Dream - Steve Sommer and his brother/business partner Lee Sommer own and manage their own successful construction company. With just under 100 employees they often find themselves working long hours to maintain their current income level. Steve does not know if he will ever completely retire, but he and his wife, Nancy, have the dream to travel the world. Steve and Nancy’s retirement dream is to have the flexibility to travel without Steve’s business suffering from his absence.

The Reality – Travel is not inexpensive, and although Sommer Con-struction continues to prosper, it still requires considerable hours from Steve and Lee. Stepping away from his business requires dedicated and committed employees so the owners can enjoy retirement while visiting the office less frequently.

The Plan – Find the right financial planner to organize and plan Steve’s retirement while also investing in his employees’ retirement, which will build loyalty and dedication to Sommer Construction.

The Right Financial Coach - Working with a 401(k) con-sulting firm, Steve has been carefully monitoring his retirement assets. He and Lee also help their employees start planning for their own retirement and make matching payments to their employees’ 401(k)s.

Employees’ Needs – When it comes to recruiting and retain-ing the right employees, planning their future has been “EVERYTHING,” Steve said.

How has Steve’s financial planning put him in the position to achieve his dream?

Increased employee retention

Helped attract high-quality, dedicated employees

Created the right mindset for his employees to invest in their

own future.


Steve & Nancy Sommer, Nampa, Idaho“For my retirement, I want to travel when I want to, not when my work let’s me.”


Do you want to retire rich, record your own music album or dedicate your life to unearthing ancient artifacts? Whatever your dream may be, IQ wants to hear about them along with how you’re working towards making them a reality. We might even feature you in a future issue.Contact IQ at [email protected] and tell us what you are doing to make your dreams a reality.

12•07 | IQ Idaho 25

IQindexbusiness • experts • industry

1Switch to ethanol blended auto fuels. Ethanol burns cleaner and runs cooler than gasoline, won’t leave as many harmful deposits in your engine or the environment and is

made from agricultural products rather than petroleum which makes it a renewable resource. All gasoline-powered auto en-gines are capable of burning a 10 percent ethanol blend, and some newer models can burn even higher ratios. Stinker Stations throughout Idaho offer 10 and 85 percent ethanol blend.

2 Switch to Biodiesel. Biodiesel is produced from fat or vegetable oil. Like ethanol is to gasoline, biodiesel burns cleaner than oil-based diesel, which means less

impact on the environment and the inside of your engine. High Road Biodiesel in Driggs sells 100 percent biodiesel,

which customers can mix with traditional petroleum-based diesel fuel or run the 100 percent mix on its own.

3 join the Treasure Valley Clean Cities Coalition. The co-alition is a mixture of Treasure Valley businesses, city of-ficials and Idaho environmental officials that are trying

to increase the awareness and usage of alternative vehicle fuels. Large, vehicle-laden companies like Sanitary Services, Baird Oil, the Valley Regional Transit, Idaho Power, BFI/Allied Waste and the cities of Boise, Nampa, Kuna and Eagle are just some of the members.. Call Leonard Herr at the Department of Environ-mental Quality at 373-0457.

4 Turn waste odors into electricity. The Ada County Land-fill recently entered into an agreement with Atlanta, Geor-gia-based G2 Energy to route landfill gas into an electricity

generation facility. The system collects roughly 1,100 standard cubic feet of gas per minutes and will turn it into enough electric-ity to power 2,400 homes while reducing a nuisance gas odor.

5 reuse used motor oil. Sanitary Services of Meridian takes the used motor oil from its large trash and recy-cling collection fleet and uses it to heat the company’s

maintenance facilities.

6 Buy energy Star products. The Energy Star mark indicates the highest lev-els of efficiency. The

Energy Star mark is found

by Lee Vander Boegh43WAYS TO GO GREEN

Thanks to technological advances and growing partnerships, opportunities to protect and conserve Earth’s resources

are plentiful – especially for businesses. In the spirit of Idaho – which was the 43rd state to officially join the Union – we at IQ Idaho have compiled a list of 43 ways businesses can go green. Not only do these ideas help protect the environment, they don’t necessarily cost an arm and a leg. In fact several of these tips don’t cost a single penny. And several more actu-ally pay for themselves over a short period of time, typically through energy savings.

26 12•07 | IQ Idaho

on products ranging from office and kitchen appliances, win-dows, television sets and much more.

7 Change the light bulbs. Switching to a 13-watt compact fluorescent light bulb will produce the same amount of light as the standard 60-watt incandescent variety but can

save up to $30 in electricity during the course of its lifetime. The fluorescent bulb also lasts eight to 10 times longer than conven-tional ones, thus reducing waste. They even burn 70 percent cooler, making them safer and reducing climate control costs. Wal-Mart’s “Change a light, Change the World” program states that if every Wal-Mart customer bought just one such bulb, it would have the environmental equivalent of removing 700,000 cars worth of greenhouse gases from the air.

8 Buy an energy Star home. An Energy Star rated home uses 30 to 40 percent less energy for heating and cooling than non-Energy Star homes. That equates to an approximate

$200 to $400 savings each year. Energy Star denotes improved insulation, energy-efficient windows, tightly sealed air ducts and highly efficiency heating and cooling appliances. Idaho Energy Star maintains an impressive data-base of Energy Star compliant builders, Realtors, contractors and suppliers at

9 Harness the wind. Wind turbines like those along Interstate 84 between Boi-se and Mountain Home convert wind

into electricity, which is obviously cleaner and doesn’t impact the environment the same way burning fossil fuels does. The turbines were erected by The Lewandowski Wind Farm, and were recently bought by G3, a Boise company. The three 150-foot towers can provide enough electricity to power more than 60 Idaho homes.

10 Get paid to upgrade. The Easy Upgrades program ran by Idaho Power offers up to $100,000 in incentives for efficiency proj-

ects in commercial and industrial buildings. Eligible projects cover typical improvements to lighting, air condi-tioning systems, motors, motor controls, the building shell, plug loads and more.

11 recycle consumer electronics. In addition to pow-ering its fleet with biodiesel, Sanitary Services has partnered with the City of Meridian to institute a

curb-side recycling program to collect used electronics like MP3 players, calculators and cellular phones.

12 recycle and reuse printer cartridges. Refilling printer cartridges with new toner rather than throw-ing the empty unit away not only cuts down on land-

fill waste, it’s often cheaper than buying new ones. Companies like Cartridge World offer re-

fill services for business and personal printer cartridges.

And if a cartridge can’t be refilled, Cartridge World can send it through the recycling process – which impacts the environment less then sending it out in the trash.

13 Bring your roof to life. Some businesses, like Hotel McCall in McCall, have skipped traditional shin-gles and shakes for a living garden of grass and

plants. This “Green Roof ” sits on an 8 inch bed of dirt and gravel, thus filtering rain and storm water before it hits the city storm sewer system. In fact, most of the water and snow is completely absorbed. The roof also helps keep the building cooler in the summer and replaces the plant life lost by the building’s original footprint.

14 encourage carpooling. Carpools put fewer cars on the road, thus reducing exhaust emissions and traf-fic congestion. Less cars also means less stress on

roads and bridges, which has the potential to domino effect into lower tax burdens. And with modern fuel prices, the savings at

the pump is significant. To further encourage carpooling, Best Bath Systems in Boise offers financial incentives like

savings bonds and assigned parking spaces to those who make their commutes a team effort.

15 Consider “Green” building mate-rials. When building or remodeling your office, remember that there

are often green alternative to common build-ing materials. Green products occasionally cost

a little more, but often last longer, reduce utility bills and even boost the building’s overall value.

Companies like Terra Building Supply in McCall specialize exclusively in green building materials.

16 Put your pants between the walls. Fiber-glass isn’t the only material that makes good insulation, many businesses are cut-

ting their heating and cooling costs by using alterna-tive materials. For instance, Resort Property Specialists in Donnelly used old, shredded blue jeans as insula-

tion when the company built its office, thus giving a new meaning to the term “hot pants.”

17 Calculate what you could save. Justifying the initial expense to go green can be difficult, that’s why the Energy Star program developed an Web-based sav-

ings calculator. The program predicts energy savings based spe-cifically on the size of your office. As a bonus, the Web pages are chalk full of energy-saving tips and statistics. Follow the calcula-tor links at

18 Keep your cool. Many industrial refrigeration units, particularly in the grocery and food service indus-tries, run at or near full power all day long. While it is

important to keep such areas cool, the constant-running motors might be overkill, especially during non-peak hours when the doors are opening (thus letting the cold air out) less frequently. Homedale-based Paul’s Markets uses computer controlled re-



12•07 | IQ Idaho 27

frigerators and freezers that automatically spool down when not needed, similar to a sophisticated thermostat. The food stays cool, the environment is impacted less and Paul’s’ power bills are lowered.

19 Update your kitchen spray nozzle. Older model pre-rinse spray nozzles found in commercial kitchens can spit out as much as three gallons per

minute, but newer ones are capable of achieving the same re-sults with only 1.6 gallons per minute. In 2008, United Water will replace older nozzles with newer ones free of charge for its commercial customers.

20 Visit the Office of energy resources. This organiza-tion promotes and supports cost-effective conserva-tion and utilization of renewable resources, and runs

team specializing in energy efficiency; agricultural and industri-al; renewable resources and alternative fuels; and financial assis-tance. In fact, the organization even has loan programs available specifically for going green projects. Visit for more information; while you’re there, browse the site’s Tips section for even more green ideas.

21 rethink your landscape. Traditional lawn-type grasses hog water, especially during the hottest sum-mer months. Save big bucks on the water bill while

also conserving water by instead opting for a landscape featuring either native plants that tolerate the natural amount of precipi-tation in your area or drought-tolerant grasses. Twisted Pines Landscape Design and Construction in Post Falls can design and install such landscapes to look just as good – if not better than – the usual lawn designs.

22 reuse the water. Speaking of water, another way to save bucks at the meter is to reuse and recycle rinse water. Companies like EquipRent and EventRent in

Meridian use quite a bit of water when washing and rinsing off rental equipment, but rather than sending the waste water down the sewer, the combined companies send it through a series of physical, chemical and electrical filtration systems. Not only does this result in clean, reusable water, it reduces water and sewer bills. The businesses only tops the system up from time to time to account for evaporation, rather than cranking the city water valve open every time they clean their equipment.

23 Seal doors and win-dows. Properly sealing doors

and windows

c a n q u i c k l y

produce util-ity bill savings that

more than offset the

original investment. In fact, a simple $50 investment can nearly instantly yield a $150 savings.

24 Tire the floor. No, that isn’t a typo, some compa-nies have discovered that tires make great f loor-ing material. In addition to reusing water, Equi-

pRent and EventRent in Meridian have a shop f loor made out of recycled tires. Not only does the f loor keep tires out of landfills, it looks great, has tremendous sound-dampen-ing qualities and, according to the company, looks great. The rubber-like f loor costs a little more than other types, but is ultra durable and absorbs the impact of falling parts, which means no chips in the f loor or in the products.

25 Water the lawn properly. Watering can be one of the most confusing aspects of maintaining a grass lawn. While many people underwater, there are many who

over water too. TruGreen, a lawn service company that has offices throughout Idaho, suggests the following rule of thumb: Water three times per week or every other day, and use enough water to permeate three to four inches below the surface. It’s also a good idea to use a well designed sprinkler system that covers the entire lawn area without too much overlap, and keep the system tuned up for optimal performance.

26 Use irrigation water. Many areas in Idaho offer ir-rigation water specifically for the purpose of land-scape watering. Though using this water doesn’t

necessarily create a net water savings, it does put less pressure on the area’s water purification system or your business’ well pump. That means less wear and tear, less maintenance and less associated overhead costs. But use caution, irrigation water is usually untreated and unsafe for consumption. Contact your city, county or irrigation district office for more information.

27 Use the earth’s heat. Water doesn’t always come out of the ground cold. In fact, some places in Idaho boast well water that can top 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

Express Farms, located between Marsing and Melba, harnesses this heat and transfers it into its greenhouses. The process signif-icantly cuts down on fuel and power consumption, thus keep- ing the environment

cleaner while keeping costs down.

28 Visit the G r e e n P o w e r

Network. The U.S. Department of Energy-backed database lists green power options avail-

able in each state, including Idaho. It lists businesses that are located or do business directly in Idaho, such as Avista Utilities, Idaho Power, PacifCorp and Vigi-lante Electric Cooperative, in addition to national retailers. Visit for more information.



28 12•07 | IQ Idaho



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call 208-888-3999

SSC’s Environmental Commitment

SSC was the first entity in Idaho to use B20 Biodiesel as an alternative fuel

SSC uses 12,000 gallons of B20 a month, pumped from its own fueling facility

SSC has used 400,000 gallons of B20 to date, saving 80,000 gallons of diesel and reducing air pollution

SSC is committed to alternative fuels to reduce air pollution, support local agriculture, and decrease dependence on foreign oil

29 Keep vehicles tuned up. It doesn’t matter if you company uses heavy machinery, fleet vehicles or personal cars, a properly tuned rig can improve fuel

economy, thus reducing emissions and producing considerable savings at the pump. Consider this: Under-inflated tires can cut fuel economy by as much as two percent per pound pressure be-low the recommended level. At 5 pounds low, a vehicle that nor-mally gets 23 miles per gallon will waste $7.74 per tank when gas averages $3.00. And a clogged air filter can stifle efficiency by as much as ten percent. For more maintenance tips, contact AAA Idaho at

30 drive smart. Proper maintenance is only half of the story. To further boost fuel economy, lower emissions and savings at the pump, remember to stay light on

your feet. AAA Idaho reminds Idaho businesses and drivers that for every five miles per hour driven over 60, you’ll pay roughly $0.20 more per gallon of fuel. And don’t speed, brake hard or ac-celerate quickly, at $3.00 a gallon, you’ll spend the equivalent of 15 to 99 cents more per gallon.

31 Choose the correct octane. Unless your owner’s manual specifically calls for high octane fuel, using anything other than the regular blend serves no func-

tional purpose other than draining the company checkbook. And since premium blends usually cost about $0.20 more per gallon than regular, you’ll find a $3 savings on every 15 gallon fill up.

32 Fix the fixtures. More water runs through the bath-room than nearly any other part of your office. Be-tween toilets, urinals, sinks and sometimes even

showers – and considering how many times they are used every day – the water usage becomes obvious. Investing

in lower ca- pacity toilets and fixtures can save gallons per day (and in some cases, a low flow toilet

can save gallons per flush).

It’s also a good idea to check for leaks and runs, as a dripping sink can mean wasted water and a higher bill, and the fix is sometimes as simple as a cheap rubber washer.

33 Get a high efficiency “exit” sign. Installing an En-ergy Star qualified Exit sign can dramatically reduce maintenance by eliminating lamp replacement and

can save up to $10 each year in energy savings per year. That en-ergy savings also translates into 500 pounds of greenhouse gases that don’t enter the atmosphere.

34 recharge your electronics while you walk. The tech-nology hasn’t hit the streets just yet, but M2E Power in Boise has developed a system that uses kinetic en-

ergy generated by body movement to charge personal electronic devices. That means you can charge you cellular phone while you walk to the water cooler without plugging a charger into the wall. That means lower power grid consumption, thus less impact on the environment due to power generation.

35 dim the lights. Lighting accounts for a significant chunk of any business’s power bill (up to 30 per-cent of an office’s total power consumption), and

subsequently contribute to dangerous greenhouse gases. Us-ing lower wattage bulbs, or even by turning on fewer lamps or lighting fixtures can add up to significant environment and power bill savings.

36 incorporate natural light. When building a new of-fice or residence, consider designs that permit natu-ral light to enter the work/living spaces. Skylights and

well-placed windows can reduce the need for artificial light, while also providing several noted health benefits of sunlight.

37 Pull the shades. Pulling the shades down over windows in the summer prevents some of the Sun’s rays from heating up the office,

thus lowering the air conditioner’s load. Conversely, keeping the shades open in the winter assists heating

12•07 | IQ Idaho 29



43Hire john Bernardo: Bernardo makes a living helping businesses like yours increase efficiency and find those hidden dollars. Through his company, Sustainable Innova-tions, he has worked with compa-nies like Albertsons, SuperValu, St. Luke’s, Giant Eagle, and the City of Boise. His business philosophy is: in business, as in nature, all wastes are assets in disguise. Bernardo has helped more than 300 business in the fields of pollution prevention, energy conservation, greenhouse gas emission trading and waste minimi-zation throughout his 13 years in the industry. For more information, or to find out how Sustainable Innova-tions can help your business, visit

appliances. Expect to save 20 to 30 percent of heating and cooling costs in the affected areas.

38 Use occupancy sensors. Electronic occupancy sensors automatically shut lights off when a room becomes vacant, and turn them on again when someone reen-

ters. These devices ensure lights aren’t left on unnecessarily .

39 Keep the thermostat at the recommended tempera-ture point. As a general rule, it takes a 5 percent in-crease in power to heat or cool a room by an additional

degree. If the temperature is uncomfortable, try making wardrobe adjustments before cranking the thermostat.

40 Use fans. By circulating the air, fans can make rooms feel cooler than a thermometer would indi-cate. In fact, this affect can produce a differential of

three to five degrees. By adjusting the air conditioning system three to five degrees higher, a business can save power without sacrificing a noticeable change in climate.

41 Change the filters. Heating, air conditioning and ventilation filters are cheap and easy to replace (some are even cleanable and reusable). Dirty filters cost

more to use, over stress equipment and lower air quality.

42 recycle. It’s cheap, easy and the environmental ben-efits have been well stated. Some communities have services that will pick up sorted recyclable products

directly from your business – and many of them are incorporated into the communities property tax system, meaning you’re paying for the service whether you use it or not. Speaking of pay, certain types of recyclable goods like metals and building materials actu-ally have a cash value. Search your local phone book for compa-nies that buy such materials in your community.

30 12•07 | IQ Idaho


Human ResouRces management IndustRy outlookHuman ResouRces management IndusHuman ResouRces management IndustRy outlook

PaRtIcIPants:moderator: kurt Williams - ameriben/Iec group

carol day - Washington group InternationalVincent kituku - kituku & associates

angie spence - account tempsAmanda Emerick - Office Team

Jim dale - stoel Rives

32 12•07 | IQ Idaho

mR. WIllIams: What we would like to do today is talk a little bit about human resources. What do you think are the biggest people-management issues facing organizations?

ms. day: Well, mine is kind of away from that in the fact that ours is just getting the people. We are growing so fast and have so many upcoming jobs that we are actually beefing up our staffing department. So just getting people is probably our biggest one right now.

mR. WIllIams: I think that is typical of what we see as we consult with the organizations throughout the country. Prob-ably the biggest thing that I see is the actual attraction and re-tention of employees. And qualified, talented, skilled people are limited. We are now competing with each other. Although we may be in different industries, this is probably one of the first times we are actually competing with people outside of our in-dustry for talent.

ms. emeRIck: I think retention is probably the hugest issue. Like you mentioned, with the unemployment rate so extremely low, when we find a candidate to place in a position, we see sev-eral counteroffers going back and forth. And it is not always just a salary. It’s different benefits that a company can offer. It’s really important to keep your best people, as we all know. But it is really difficult in these times.

ms. sPence: Especially in finance and accounting. As compa-nies grow (they begin) looking for that audit specialist. They are no longer looking for the staff accountant. It is the tax accoun-tants, the audit accountants, the cost accountants. And my role is purely educating our candidates. Why they are looking? What they are looking for? And like Amanda said it is keeping them where they are at if they are happy.

mR. WIllIams: It is probably five times easier to keep a cus-tomer than to get a new one. And I think the same is with em-ployees. And your line of business, Vincent, is you are going out into organizations to stimulate them so they have a connection back to that organization.

mR. kItuku: Actually, it is interesting that you put it that way. Because before I give presentations I do interviews. And the basic interviews are like: What are the challenges your orga-nization is facing? What are their expectations? What are their hopes? One of the things that many organizations are trying to do right now is build ownership to the point where each em-ployee knows that what they do matters. And when people value what they do, and they see how what they do fits in the future, they are more likely to stay.

mR. WIllIams: As I look at some of the topics centered around human resources, one of the big topics is the multi gen-erational workforce we have now. How do you go out and re-cruit different generations? How do you retain them? How do you train them? How do you motivate them? And how do you

build your organization that leverages the values and talents of the multi-generational workforce?

mR. dale: One of the things that you’ve got to do, as Vincent pointed out, is make sure that despite these differences they can work together as a team. Putting a 55-year-old employee next to a 24-year-old employee presents challenges in and of itself. But they are all working for the same business at the end of the day. You need to understand the people-management side. Let them know that they are all working for the same organization. Then they do have a share for common interest in the organization.

mR. WIllIams: Are others seeing these multi genera-tional challenges?

ms. emeRIck: I definitely see it. Especially on temporary assignments.

mR. WIllIams: Most CEOs in larger organizations are Baby Boomers. Yet we are trying to attract and grow those generation X and Y individuals into the organization. What advice would we give executives and leaders in organizations to help them be better on the people management side when we look at multi-generations?

mR. kItuku: Some organizations are actually training people how to work with the different generations. They have courses. A few years ago when someone was called to come in and talk about diversity, or living and working with the different cultures, they were talking about agenda. They were talking about race. They were talking about religion. But now generational differences are the main thing.

mR. WIllIams: What advice would you give leaders?

ms. day: I’m not sure if it is advice, but I go along with Vincent in the fact that the companies are looking more at generations. The kids have a different view of how they do things. They are out for the challenge. But they are also really good at team working. And they look at the world differently.

mR. dale: One of the problems that we have is rules. The whole issue of incentive compensation comes to mind. There are lots of things that employers would re-ally like to do. But, unfortunately, they’re limited. And I do think what some of the CEOs ought to be doing is putting a lit-tle bit more pressure on Congress to allow them some more freedom in that regard. It really kind of cribs the

12•07 | IQ Idaho 33

employer in their ability to develop some features to their com-pensation. Which will make the employees feel as though they are getting their worth..

mR. WIllIams: Do you see anything on the horizon with laws and legislative activities that are going to either enhance or impede organizations’ ability to attract, retain, and manage their people?

mR. dale: I’m not sure that I see anything. When I think about that particular issue I think about the fact that it’s been since the

early 1990’s that we have had a major piece of federal legisla-tion that impacts the workforce. The last large piece of legislation was the Family Medical Leave Act. Sure, there have been some changes in court decisions and the like, but we haven’t seen that for a long time. I think every employer and human resource of-ficer needs to be keeping their eyes on the elections coming up in 2008. Because as you saw earlier this year with the change in Congress, one of the first pieces of legislation to come forward was the Employee Free Choice Act, which would radically change how unions organize their employees. I think you’ll see again, if there is a change in administration, a big change in the time off that employees get.

ms. emeRIck: We also saw the minimum wage go up.

mR. kItuku: Our generation knows 8 to 5 Monday through Friday. But now you are dealing with a workforce where work is just one of the many things that they do in life - but not

the only thing.

mR. WIllIams: Idaho is fairly em-ployer friendly. Neighboring states have different laws that are much more restricted. As human resources do we provide that type of counsel, guidance,

and direction to organiza-tions that go across state and national boundaries?

mR. dale: Let’s face it, it is getting more and

more expensive to buy health insurance for your employees. So I guess I’m curious from Angie and Amanda, are they seeing that sort of thinking as driving a lot of their business? Whereas, the employer being responsible for the cost of the benefit.

ms. sPence: I think that it’s absolutely something we address with our clients. It is not just about salary anymore. It is not just about vacation time. And it is not just about medical. Benefits include gym memberships, technology bonuses and all different things. But it has become part of the package. It is a big overall piece to what our candidates are looking for.

mR. WIllIams: One question I have is: If you get your healthy people selecting the higher -

ms. day: Adverse selection.

mR. WIllIams: You get your adverse selection and the least healthy are in the most expensive plan. There is writings hap-pening now to penalize them if they have chosen less healthy lifestyles and activities, that they are having to pay more of their premiums, higher premiums or more of their health care. What are you seeing?

ms. day: What we have been doing this year, too, is reaching back out to the employees and saying, “Okay, remember you took this high deductible plan. It feels like it is coming out of first dol-lar. And it seems like it is expensive. But let’s stop and go back and think what it is you have gained.” You have to stop and think about that. What we are anxious to see if we can see the trend on the total health care cost come down because people are taking a more active role in their health care. So we’ll see if consumer behavior is modified because of these changes in a few years.

mR. dale: Legally, I don’t know that we have seen much in this area yet. I think when you look at various disabil-ity/discrimination laws and things of that nature as po-tentially impacting a class of people who are not able to take advantage of the healthy lifestyles, there may be is-sues. But I think the key is education. But make sure that people are following through.

mR. kItuku: Some organizations are bringing in educators/instructors to teach people how to stop smoking. I know some-one who takes some of his employees who have challenges with substance abuse and helps them get through it.

...It is not just about salary anymore. It is not just about vacation time. and it is not just about medical. Benefits include gym memberships, technology bonuses and all different things. But it has become part of the package. It is a big overall piece to what our candidates are looking for. -MS. SPENCE

34 12•07 | IQ Idaho

mR. WIllIams: I want to shift gears just a little. It kind of loops back into what we were talking about earlier with attraction/retention with the announcement of Idaho’s largest employer going through a reduction of force. How has that impacted the economy of attracting and retaining people locally and statewide.

ms. sPence: Number one, it is freeing up people with special-ized skills. And there is such a demand for that in the workforce. Even the candidates I’m meeting with - their jobs aren’t in jeop-ardy. But they have been told there is a good chance. They are

starting to be more proactive versus reactive to the fact that the company is going through change. They are not being told by a corporation, “Your last day is today. Here is your pink slip.” They are taking ownership and are prepared to go to their em-ployer and say, “Today is my last day. I found something more stable.” I think it is really the stability factor within our cor-porations and being able to show our candidates that there are stable clients out there. And that there are economically strong corporations that are going to be around in the market for a long time to come that are still hiring.

mR. WIllIams: With the changes we have seen with Albert-sons and Micron, has that created any issues relative to loyalty?

mR. kItuku: Let’s assume we are members of the same family and we always eat together. One day our father comes and takes away your plate just before dinner. What is going through my mind? Is my plate next? And if my dad can take away a plate, why should I trust him tomorrow. And what did I even do to make my plate be taken? We are talking about the psychological aspect of it. So people are thinking, “My plate is going to be taken anytime. What can I do? Do I devote my at-tention here? Or do I start being aware what is going on that when mine is taken I can go elsewhere?” So loyalty is not an issue people talk about anymore. One of the greatest pay you can get today is not the paycheck or even the benefits, it is the benefit of being employed.

ms. day: I think companies are training employees to be re-sponsible for their own growth, and then providing that train-ing by offering classes or money for seminars. In fact, when it comes time for that once-a-year review with your manager, the employee is responsible to set up the meeting with their boss, which puts the ownership back on the person.

mR. dale: The interesting thing about loyalty as I see it is I see employers oftentimes trying to instill loyalty through the means of a restrictive covenant. So the employee is kind of on the front end being told that you will be loyal because you agree you won’t compete or go to another business that competes with us for a year or six months after you leave. I have always found that to be somewhat interesting in the way some managers look to building loyalty. But employers do have legitimate concerns about maintaining their workforce. They make a big investment in the workforce. So I think they do have rights to look at imposing some restrictions that will

protect their investment. And correct me if I’m wrong, but the investment an employer makes is huge.

mR. WIllIams: Absolutely. Not only the financial, but the emotional investments that employers can and should be making in their employees. Right now it is driven by the econ-omy. They have to do that competitively in order to attract and retain. I guess a litmus task force of better employers are the ones that continue to do that investment when they are not forced by competition. And there is the demonstration of reciprocating loyalty of employer/employee. Just a question to Jim, will we see any changes in enthusiasm on the part of organized labor, not only at more blue collar positions, but white collar positions, with some of the employment chal-lenges facing employers and organizations?

mR. dale: Nationally, some unions are certainly finding them-selves on life support these days. So you have to question whether or not that is going to be the organizational vehicle that workers will turn to as they did many years ago. As far as Idaho is con-cerned, however, most of the workforce here is pretty independent, and prides itself on being so. As a consequence, when they are asked to consider third-party representation, they tend to shun away. In addition, I think most Idahoans are not used to that model, so we are probably not going to see

I guess a litmus task force of better employers are the ones that continue to do that invest-ment (in employees) when they are not forced by competition. -MR. WILLIAMS

12•07 | IQ Idaho 35

tremendous growth. But one thing I preach to employers is the fact that while we look at and tend to focus on the Idaho employer we lose sight of the fact that there are lots of people coming in from areas of the country that are more familiar with that model. Again, I’ll go back and say be on the look out, too, for what changes take place politically. If there are going to be changes politically. I’m not say-ing there will be. But if there are changes politically, I think that will certainly impact the equation, as well.

mR. WIllIams: It seems like most of our topics still end up with attraction and reten-tion being the largest issue facing Idaho em-ployers and employers. As we look at the Treasure Valley, as we look at Idaho, what are some things that organizations can do as they try to attract and retain people here? What are some of the challenges of trying to get skilled candidates into our state? What are the opportunities and challenges of attracting and retaining skilled employees in this market geographically?

mR. kItuku: I will say attracting and retaining diversified workforce. Most of you have been here for the last 15 years

or so. You have seen the Black History Mu-seum - they have never had a director stay

for more than one year there. Then I checked with HP, they have a turnover of 60 percent of people who don’t fit with the majority in the community. And they spend a lot of resources try-

ing to attract these people. The challenges I see is not dealing with employment, but

more so in the commu-nity at large. It’s the social support.

mR. WIllIams: So what you are saying is that the opportu-nities are great here. And the organizations tend to do their part. But sometimes that part is not supported by the com-munity at large.

mR. dale: Vincent raised a good point with respect to diversity. In other words, a company that has a diverse workforce doesn’t have the challenge in attracting new employees. They can go out in the recruiting community and say they have a diverse work-force and attract a greater and more diverse group of candidates who will feel comfortable working there. So diversity, from my perspective, attracts a diverse workforce to begin with. That is a challenge I think employers continue to face.

mR. WIllIams: Working in some of the rural areas of this state, and other states, we find that a huge challenge. Especially as organizations get bigger and start being vendors or suppliers to major companies throughout the world. They are being asked, “What is your workforce like?” And many of them, especially in the rural areas, are saying, “Well, all of our leaders and executives are white males over the age of 45.” And they are saying, “That is not exactly what we need.” I think our opportunity is to help not only within the organization, but within the communities. We can become leaders in the community. I agree with Vincent, you can usually attract them in, but if our society doesn’t sup-port what they are all about, it is a lot easier to go somewhere else where they have the family or personal support. Is anybody seeing things differently?

ms. sPence: We have connections all over the country. That is something we utilize in this local market. I have clients call me when they need someone. My first job is go out and evaluate what environment I’m going to be placing this candidate in. And then decide if I have a person here locally or if I need to go across the United States or internationally. And then the biggest educa-tion piece for me when I’m looking at candidates from exterior is, number one, listening to why they want to come to Boise. When they look here it is because they want to raise their fami-lies here. Or they like the great outdoors. Or they like the space. It is not usually because oh, I found this great job. And I’m trying to convince my family this is a great place to live. And once we have that piece it is educating our client that the reason they are moving here is X, Y, Z. So how are you going to incorporate that? How do you look at that within your company? Is that something we value? Can we make this happen?

ms. emeRIck: As a matter of fact, I have a new staffing manager that is starting on Monday. She has been living in Hong Kong for the last four or five years. She wanted to come back to the United States. I got in touch with her and I said, “You’ve got to come check out Boise.” And we had her come out and visit. She actually stayed with a friend out here. And unlike some other people that are wanting to relocate to Boise, she didn’t know anything about it. She hadn’t read all of the articles. The cat is out of the bag about Boise. So she was kind

We are all moti-vated by something different... I think direct managers have to know their employees well enough to know what really gets them motivated.


36 12•07 | IQ Idaho

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We have to have the mindset that the best job security is commitment to the services we provide. We can never give the best without getting the best. -MR. KITUKU

of standoffish about it. But fell in love with it in two days. I think there is something charming about Boise.

mR. WIllIams: As we look at the challenges of people management and human resource management within or-ganizations, what are some final thoughts that you may have on those subjects?

ms. emeRIck: I think on an individual, direct supervi-sor-to-employee level, you’ve really got to figure out what makes that employee tick. We are all motivated by some-thing different. Something that is most important to us. And I think direct managers have to know their employees well enough to know what really gets them motivated. You can retain them better by focusing on that.

ms. sPence: I think it is remaining open to change. If I’m doing business the same way I was three months ago I wouldn’t be retaining the amount of employees I am today. We have to be prepared to look for that next best idea. And help our employees accept change and move forward with it. It is really educating them and showing them the benefit of moving forward.

ms. day: This is taking off your idea, Angie, but constantly looking at how to help the employees. And bringing them educa-tion about things that we can do to help them as they help us.

mR. dale: I think employers would really benefit by sitting down with one another. So many good ideas come from the per-son that you sit next to on the airplane. The other thing is making sure that the message is getting out from senior management. To have senior management kind of locked away in the executive suite is not going to work anymore, they’ve got to be out there. They have got to know who their employees are on a first-name basis. Because those are the organizations that will really benefit from having that sense of community that I think we have kind of identified here today.

mR. kItuku: I’m looking at this employer/employee relation-ship as literally symbolic. The employee has to have some person-al responsibility and loyalty knowing that they are responsible for their own productivity. They have to be the CEO of their actions and decisions on a consistent basis. And then the employer has to understand he has a family. The other thing I think is important is providing services, whether it is in the community or for the employees. We have to have the mindset that the best job security is commitment to the services we provide. We can never give the best without getting the best.

12•07 | IQ Idaho 37


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41. BUSINESS ETHICS Vitruvian Investments


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Understanding Consultants

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Our world is full of outsourcing. As a child, going to a restaurant was an event that occurred no more than once or twice a year

for me (okay, so I’m dating myself). We never dreamed of having someone else mow our lawn. We changed our own oil, washed our own car, did our own plumbing, sometimes we even pulled our own teeth. Today, I don’t do any of those things - I outsource them. The same is true in business. As a business owner, I engaged my first consultant in the mid-seventies. He helped me learn how to work “on” my business, not just “in” my business. As our world becomes more complex and competitive it often makes sense to ask for help from experts. That is what a good con-sultant is - an expert who can save you time and money by bringing know-how to your business that you couldn’t afford and don’t need to hire in an employee. Management consultants perform at four different levels. Let’s refer to the first level as a Good Soldier. Usually, this is an enthusias-tic manager who has chosen to become a consultant because of pas-sion, the freedom that a consulting career provides, and sometimes the hope of earning more money. Good Soldiers usually provide training or expertise at an operational or tactical level. The second level of management consulting is the Competent

Warrior. These consultants have usually developed a formula in their specialty that works more often than not. Once again, their ex-pertise is primarily tactical. They have developed a reputation that makes their business look more like a practice, similar to accoun-tants or lawyers (who often pose as consultants also). It normally takes several years for a consultant to reach this level of expertise, reputation and financial stability. The third level is the Competent Statesman. This is the final level of excellence for most consultants and it is usually marked by a strong reputation in a niche market. Because of their reputation, the market is loyal to them, resulting in an above-average personal income comparable to many executives. The final level is the master Practitioner. Less than 5% of con-sultants achieve this level of mastery. They are trusted advisors to top executives and board members and they have a strategic, long-term impact on the businesses they serve. Master Practitioners have usually spent over 10,000 hours honing their skills and their insights often trigger results far beyond their fees. Understanding the four levels of management consulting can help you find the match that works best for you. Or, if you prefer the old-fashioned way, you can continue to “change your own oil.”

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12•07 | IQ Idaho 39


When a marriage ends in divorce, the lives of those involved are changed forever. During this time of upheaval, one thing

that shouldn’t have to change is the credit status you’ve worked so hard to achieve. Unfortunately, for many, the experience is the exact oppo-site. Unfulfilled promises to pay bills, the maxing out of credit cards, and a total breakdown in communication frequently lead to the annihilation of at least one spouse’s credit. Depending upon how finances are structured, it can sometimes have a neg-ative impact on both parties. The good news is it doesn’t have to be this way. By taking a proactive approach and creating a specific plan to maintain one’s credit status, anyone can ensure that “starting over” doesn’t have to mean rebuilding credit. The first step for anyone going through a divorce is to obtain copies of your credit report from the 3 major agencies: Equifax, Experian®, and TransUnion®. It’s impossible to formulate a plan without having a complete understanding of the situation. (Once a year, you may obtain a free credit report by visiting Once you’ve gathered the facts, you can begin to address what’s most important. Create a spreadsheet, and list all of the accounts that are currently open. For each entry, fill in columns with the fol-lowing information: creditor name, contact number, the account number, type of account (e.g. credit card, car loan, etc.), account status (e.g. current, past due), account balance, minimum monthly payment amount, and who is vested in the account (joint/individu-al/authorized signer).

Now that you have this information at your fingertips, it’s time to make a plan.

There are two types of credit accounts, and each is handled differ-ently during a divorce. The first type is a secured account, meaning it’s attached to an asset. The most common secured accounts are car loans and home mortgages. The second type is an unsecured account. These accounts are typically credit cards and charge cards, and they have no assets attached. When it comes to a secured account, one option is to sell the asset. This way the loan is likely paid off and your name is no lon-

ger attached. The second option is to refinance the loan. In other words, one spouse buys out the other. This only works, however, if the purchasing spouse can qualify for a loan by themselves and can assume payments on their own. Your last option is to keep your name on the loan. This is the most risky option because if you’re not the one making the payment, your credit is truly vulnerable. If you decide to keep your name on the loan, make sure your name is also kept on the title. The worst case scenario is being stuck paying for something that you do not legally own. In the case of a mortgage, enlisting the aid of a qualified mort-gage professional is extremely important. This individual will re-view your existing home loan along with the equity you’ve built up and help you to determine the best course of action. When it comes to unsecured accounts, you will need to act quickly. It’s important to know which spouse (if not both) is vested. If you are merely a signer on the account, have your name removed immediately. If you are the vested party and your spouse is a signer, have their name removed. Any joint ac-counts (both parties vested) that do not carry a balance should be closed immediately. If there are jointly vested accounts which carry a balance, your best option is to have them frozen. This will ensure that no future charges can be made to the accounts. When an account is frozen, however, it is frozen for both parties. If you do not have any credit cards in your name, it is recommended you obtain one before freez-ing all of your jointly vested accounts. By having a card in your own name, you now have the option of transferring any joint balances into your account, guaranteeing they’ll get paid. Ensuring payment on a debt which carries your name is para-mount when it comes to preserving credit. Keep in mind that one 30-day late payment can drop your credit score as much as 75 points. It is also important to know that a divorce decree does not override any agreement you have with a creditor. So, regardless of which spouse is ordered to pay by the judge, not doing so will af-fect the credit score of both parties. The message here is to not only eliminate all joint accounts, but to do it quickly.

Divorce is difficult for everyone involved. By taking these steps, you can ensure that your credit remains intact.

Protecting Your Credit During Divorce


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I have received many questions about the potential risks of an-other “Black Monday” and questions as to what I have done to

protect my clients in our soft market. But these are questions that we already know the answers to, “this too shall pass”. We just need to relax, make conservative business decisions and keep a close eye on our own ethical responsibilities. Let me say that one more time, ethical responsibilities, this is a phrase that is weighing heavily on my mind lately. I have come to the disappointing conclusion that ethics are now a ques-tion in business today rather than a moral statement of right or wrong conduct. That somehow our society has made the term “Business Ethics” an oxymoron (a conjoining of contradictory terms). I have found that rarely do you stumble upon someone that stands beside you in a time of need without asking “What’s in this for me?” My Irish Immigrant Grandfather made deals on a handshake every day – a man’s (or woman’s) word was considered as good as gold. Perhaps I have become jaded and maybe a little pessimistic over the last year as I watch so many of my colleagues and other businesses struggle through the frustration of a soft market. But I was raised to believe that if you can help someone in need, you should, and you should do so without the expectation of repayment or reward. I also believe that if you are the person that is in need, you should do everything you can to recognize and appreciate that helping hand. I find it is interesting that society has created three separate defined areas of Ethics – metaethics (religious based moral eth-ics), normative ethics (practical), and applied ethics (examining ethical behavior). But honestly, as a human being, whether you

define your morality through metaethics or normative ethics, the result should be the same.

Ethics are moral principles and values relating to human conduct, with respect to the right-ness and wrongness of certain actions and to the goodness and badness of the motives and ends of such actions.

I asked my husband (a police officer) how he felt about the strength of ethics in our society – he simply stated that every day he sees a disturbing decline of moral and ethical behavior in his job; and he is disappointed that he feels that he has come to expect less from the average human being. I am sure that I have felt the same decline in business ethics as well; in the last year I have seen or been the victim of colleagues that have a blurred definition of morality. I have observed attempts at “hostile take-over’s”, a gen-eral lack of fiduciary responsibility, bribery, constant requests for “kick-backs”, fraudulent or “creative” accounting practices, and finally the ever favorite and over used “bait and switch”. My disappointment is that I am not the first person to label business ethics as an oxymoron, and that I will not be the last. I can only tell you how I define my personal ethics (in bold above) and I can say with conviction that I do not have a blurred line between my moral ethics and my business ethics. My first priority will always be my family and my clients – both of which trust me implicitly to do the right thing every day and I refuse to disappoint.

Business Ethics – An Oxymoron?

special advertising section




12•07 | IQ Idaho 41

TIME. And who doesn’t in our quick-paced, work-harder, work-smarter, get-the-kids-to-soccer, make-an-appearance-at-the

networking-event, pay-your-bills, help-with-homework, make dinner… (sigh)... check-e-mails-on-your-BlackBerry world.

So many things pull at that valuable intan-gible. Your banking relationship shouldn’t be one of those.

Online Bill Pay is the banking world’s most well-known, yet least-used time-saving service, and some banks offer it for free. Once you’ve entered your bills into your bank’s online system, with the click of a button, you control the amount to be paid, and when the money is sent. An electronic payment is actually a safer, quicker and more cost effective way to get the money from point A to point B than a paper check.

Other great tools to consider:

Gift Cards – With a ViSA logo, the recipient can enjoy a gift from a store of their choice that accepts ViSA, and you don’t have to spend time shopping

Travel Cards – The plastic replacement of Travelers Cheques are great not only for you, but for a traveling child.

Direct Deposit Payroll – Avoid trips to the bank and standing in line.

Online Banking – Balance weekly versus monthly. you’ll find mistakes or items that you forgot to record sooner.

Debit Cards – Check acceptance is becoming less attrac-tive to some merchants. Save the time of writing out that check and the cost of the check itself.

Remote Deposit Capture – Scan checks from your desktop to make a same day deposit.

What do you need more of?

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Mobile Technology and Today’s Real Estate Market.

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As a Realtor, how can I get a competitive ad-vantage in today’s Real Estate market?

There’s no doubt we’ve seen shifts in the real estate market over the past year, and things may be more competitive than ever.

Getting your clients the answers they need quickly could win or lose a deal. But not only has the market changed, the customer expec-tations have changed as well. We live in an ‘always on’ world now, where we expect information to be at our fingertips. The prolifera-tion of mobile technology has only fueled customer expectations. Many of us are trading in our traditional cell phones for smart phones. A smart phone really can provide a competitive advantage by giving you access to your phone, e-mail, contacts, and the web all in one device. Here’s a typical example of how mobile technology gives you a competitive advantage. You are showing clients homes on a Saturday afternoon and they have questions, lots of questions. Mobile Web sites can quickly get you the answers you need. Several online calculators are available to answer important questions like: Can we afford this house? What will our payment be? What will the property taxes be? You can answer all of those questions immedi-ately without going back to the office.

What other mobile real estate tools are out there?

We are seeing more and more services become mobile-en-abled. Many online services for real estate professionals including those offered by electronic forms provider Zip-Forms and customer relationship management company TopProducer, can be accessed via a mobile device. The popu-lar property-search also has a mobile version. There are several other sites available, all of which provide state-of-the-art technology for the sophisticated real estate professional to provide superb service and technology to the consumer. The possibilities really are endless.

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44 12•07 | IQ Idaho

The shrinking dollar is making U.S. goods, services and real estate cheaper in terms of foreign currencies. The dollar’s slide is constraining imports, boosting exports and begin-ning to rein in the trade deficit. The transition has been orderly though not without negative side effects includ-ing the possibility that our trading partners could become less willing to hold dollars, which could drive up interest rates and inflation in the U.S. Foreign inflows of capital into commercial real estate year-to-date through the third quarter rose 63 percent from the same period in 2006.

Source: Federal Reserve

Robert Bach, Senior Vice President, Chief Economist, has 30 years of professional experience in real estate market re-search, consulting and city planning.

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Trade Weighted Exchange IndexDollar Versus Major Currencies

00 01 02 03 04 05 0570






March 1973=100

From the desk

of Tim Reid


ron SaliA self-described ranch-er, sand and gravel miner, private devel-oper and conserva-tionist. His philosophy

is to “Create spaces where people can harmonize and coexist with nature.” Among Ron’s developments are Three Rivers Ranch and Moon Lake subdivisions along the Boise River. When he devel-ops properties, Ron recommends wetland banking and pollution banking, which reduce pollution caused by cattle and increases harmony with nature.

Situated near the heart of one of Idaho’s fastest-growing cities, Ron Sali’s Eagle home blends elements of the traditional Idaho ranch with features usually reserved for moun-

tain lodges. Nestled alongside a 100-acre lake, the Sali residence also strikes balances between natural and man-made, big city and quaint country and even massive size and cozy. IQ first featured Sali’s vision of what could become the Western tip of Eagle Island in our July 2005 issue. Sali purchased the property, which was a cattle ranch at the time, in 1989. He spent the past twelve years leveling the land, creating two lakes and restoring Island Creek, which had originally run through the property. Even when IQ originally toured the property two years ago, it was still looked very much a work in progress. But now it stands as one of the most unique and environmentally-advanced domiciles in the state. IQ recently revisited Sali’s property and personally saw the fruits of his labors. What we saw was a true sanctuary where people truly coexist with nature in the midst of the biggest metropolitan area in the state. In fact, it’s hard to imagine this development exists at all, even as you drive right past it on Highway 12, as it is almost entirely hidden from the road’s view by an otherwise unassuming berm. The larger of two lakes is 35 to 60 feet deep and spans 100 acres and was recently stocked with 4,000 hatchery rainbow trout. The smaller lake covers 40 acres and was recently stocked with 100 small mouth bass weighing at least five pounds. The crown jewel, Sali’s personal residence, is situated on a small peninsula along the larger lake. The home is surrounded by a mixture of sand and boulder beaches. To ensure that the home complimented rather than overpowered the grandeur of its surroundings, Sali consulted Architect Jim Ruscitto from the Sun Valley firm Ruscitto/Latham/Blanton. Together, Ruscitto and Sali assembled a team of experts such as builder Brian Visser of Visser Construction in Boise; landscapers Gerhart Borbonus for the stone work; and Loring Evans for the planting of the vast riparian areas and the landscaping around his home. Although he carefully budgeted for the project, Sali ensured that everyone put the quality and goals of the project ahead of the bottom line. Ruscitto said the design took several concepts into consideration, particularly how the floor plan was engineered around the movement of the sun, ensuring good views and great natural lighting all day long. Speaking of views, the home was specifically designed in such a way to take advantage of the natural views available at all angles. “I think we met our design goals,” Ruscitto said. “The house has a unique characteristics.” When asked what gives him the most pride, Sali responds, “I took 240 acres of a cattle ranch that was harming the rivers and environment around it, and turned it into over 200 acres of partnership with nature. As more and more farms turn into neighborhoods, this property will become even more unique.”

12•07 | IQ Idaho 47

Do know of a home we should feature in IQ Idaho’s Executive Living? E-mail [email protected] and tell us all about it.

photo by Steven Hatch

Many professionals have a single question on their minds: Is now a good time to look for a new job? The answer is yes. Looking

ahead to 2008, demand for experienced accounting and finance talent is expected to remain steady, and starting salaries for administrative professionals across the country are expected to rise an average of 3.2 percent, according to the 2008 Salary Guides from Robert Half Interna-tional. Employers hoping to secure the best practitioners available are moving swiftly with an offer and are thinking creatively when assem-bling compensation packages for top candidates. In addition, employ-ers are shoring up their ranks in preparation for the anticipated de-parture of veteran employees. Millions of baby boomers are expected to leave the workforce for retirement by the end of this decade, and managers are realizing there is no time to waste in locating and training their staff of the future. Despite the optimistic outlook, you’ll need to consider a number of key factors before you make the leap into the job market, including:

Is Now the Time to Look for a Job?By Amanda Emerick

48 12•07 | IQ Idaho

What you want.

What are your professional goals? Take the time to review where you are in your career and what you would like to be doing in the future. Are you on the right track? Evaluating your progress toward your career objectives can help you determine whether to begin a job search or identify weaknesses that need to be ad-dressed before launching one.

What your employer has to offer.

Before looking for a new job, consider if opportunities exist with-in your current organization. Most companies evolve over time, adding new positions and even departments to meet changing needs. What job at your firm is most suited to your current skill set and future career path?

Who you know.

Networking is one of the most effective ways to hear of job leads. Make sure you stay in touch with your professional contacts – whether it’s meeting for breakfast once a quarter or sending a quick e-mail – so you stay top of their minds should they learn of openings that match your skills and interests. Also strive to add to your base of connections by attending association meetings, getting involved in community activities or visiting sites such as LinkedIn, which allow you to network with other professionals on the Internet. You never know who might open the door to your next career opportunity.

Where you might go.

Always be on the lookout for new career opportunities. That’s not to say you should job-hop the way many did during the dot-com era, but rather you should pay attention when you hear of interesting openings, even if you’re not actively seeking employ-ment. The perfect match to your professional goals may turn up at a time when you are not scanning the job boards.


Keep in mind that job searches should be guided by your ambi-tions, not the business climate. Make sure you know your career objectives and consider what it will take to achieve them. If you boost your marketability, maintain an active network and remain open to new job possibilities, you will increase your chances of finding the right position at the right time.

12•07 | IQ Idaho 49

How to survive a bully bossin the conference room:

It’s 7:00 a.m., you stand in front of the mirror, teeth brushed, hair combed, tie straight. You reach behind you, put on

your breastplate and helmet, grab your medieval battle axe, jump into your Land Cruiser and head to work. No, this isn’t a belated Halloween party; it’s how you mentally face your scary boss. Besides, who needs goblins when there are scary bosses on the loose. When I was a little kid I was scared of all kinds of things: My dad, the boogie man, spiders, monsters under the bed, ghosts in the closet, you name it. Now I’m a grown up and I’m not scared of anything...except spiders and heights and small spaces, well, you get the idea. But it wasn’t that long ago that someone scared me even more than a huge hairy spider in the bathtub: My boss. Actu-ally, I’ve had a string of scary bosses. I once had a boss who could put my stomach in knots just by walking past my desk. This person was so scary that I still get chills just thinking about his reign of terror. So what makes someone a scary boss? Are you one of them? Here are a few of the things that tend to foster that impression. Default emotion: Rage. Extremely inconsistent, vast emotional swings depending on mood, often seemingly unrelated to exter-

nal circumstances. Extremely insensitive about feelings of others while at the same time extremely solicitous of his or her own. Manipulative, highly aggressive personality that has no prob-lem asserting his or her priorities over those of others. Requires enemies in order to function properly; if none are handy is not averse to creating them. Level of difficulty: 100. In her article “How to Defuse an Unreasonable Boss,” Kathy Gurchiek says bad bosses usually fall into one of four types: Controller, analyzer, promoter, or supporter. Controllers de-mand things are done his way, wanting what he wants, when he wants it. Analyzers are overly detail conscious and can’t make a decision, continually demanding more facts and figures. Pro-moters have a salesperson mentality, always excited about the next big task and getting it going. He dislikes detail, likes to make quick decisions and often lacks follow-up. The supporter is a people person, often putting employees first to the detriment of the organization. She is hesitant about asking employees to work late for important deadlines and ends up causing subordinates to become even more stressed because they have to work double hard to meet the next deadline. Managers definitely have a way of being intimidating, and there’s a very good reason for that. It’s because they can. Bosses

By Mollie Sweet

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can bully you, scream at you, threaten you, and even terrorize you. Most importantly, they can fire you or even worse - make your life so miserable you wish they’d fire you. In fact, at-will employment gives bosses the power to do almost anything they want, as long as it’s legal. What can you do about it? Well, you can do anything you want; it’s a free country. You can quit, yell at your spouse, kick the cat, or punch a hole in the wall. But all that’s likely to get you is divorced, bitten, and a broken hand. What if you could sue? Strangely enough, lawmakers across the country are considering legislation that would give workers grounds to sue their superiors for being, basically, jerks. I wonder how the reasonable person standard will hold up in these situations? Your devil of a boss may wear Calvin Klein instead of Prada to walk all over you, but that‘s just a technicality. But, are relations between workers and management really in such an awful state? In all fairness, bosses aren’t as evil as pop culture describes them. Most Americans (58 percent) who work for someone else say they like their boss, according to a new MSN-Zogby poll. In addition, 14 percent even consider their boss a personal friend. But not everyone has such warm feelings for their workplace supervisor – 18 percent said they just tolerate their boss, while 5 percent say they just can’t stand who they work for. Even if you’ve got a great boss now, chances are you’ve reported to someone who has made your life miserable or made work days unbearable. Like the su-pervisor who made an employee write the supervisor’s papers for her MBA classes, then turned around and wrote the employee up for doing it on company time. Or the executive vice president who addressed an employee’s weight rather than performance in an annual review. Back to the question of what can you do? There’s really nothing consequential - like getting satisfaction, getting him or her fired, or getting your job back - that you can do. Well, maybe someday soon, you can sue. That’s precisely what makes working for an abusive boss one of the most stressful things in an already stressful life. On the other hand, you can accept the situation and learn to deal with it as best you can. There are ways to handle and maybe even outlast an abusive boss. Steve Tobak spent years trying to figure it out and finally came up with a process that he says actually works. Understanding what makes these people the way they are is important. The one thing abusive, dysfunctional managers seem to have in common is that they’re acting out on you because of their own issues that have absolutely nothing to do with you. Re-member that he is human and has faults, just like everyone else. Moreover, you just work for him. You can quit. He has to live with himself every day for the rest of his life.

There’s an old Japanese proverb: If you wait by the river long enough, you’ll see the body of your enemy float by. One way of handling an abusive boss is to wait her out. On the other hand, “long enough” can be a mighty long time. While you’re waiting by the river, you should use what you learned previously, understand-ing so that you can gain some perspective. Instead of harboring negative feelings toward your boss, which will leak out from time to time, try to find a way to respect your boss for what she does well and use your strengths to complement her weaknesses. Whether she’s willing to admit it or not, she needs you or you wouldn’t be there. It’s hard at first, but with practice, it gets easier and eventually becomes sec-ond nature. Using this method, Tobak sur-vived an abusive CEO for two years until the board canned him. It really works. If you end up los-ing the war and be-ing terminated, be sure to remember my favorite part-ing line, “I’ve been fired by better people.”



towalkalloveryou, butthat‘sjustatechnicality.



better people”

12•07 | IQ Idaho 51

?As companies

grow, business

leaders face the

inevitable question:

Should we

hire third-party


RxElite of Boise develops, manufac-tures and markets prescription medi-

cines throughout the generic market. In other words, its a pharmaceutical compa-ny. And that is what the business has fo-cused on since its inception. But now that RxElite has gone public and is building a bigger facility near Nampa, it’s finding out that it takes more than drug specialists to run a growing drug company. Take the IT department, for instance. During the company’s early stages, one man more-or-less handled all the com-pany’s computer and communication systems, data storage, hardware, software and federal compliance issues. This ap-proach worked fine while the company was in its infancy, but as its footprint wid-ened, so too did the IT workload. Eventu-ally the company faced a fork in the road: Assemble a larger IT staff, or hire a third-party vendor. RxElite chose the latter. The Treasure Valley company eventu-ally settled on the Technology Integration Group, or TIG for short. The 25-year-old, world-wide tech company stepped in to fill the gaps created by RxElite’s growth. And because TIG has a local office in the Treasure Valley, both companies are able to work hand-in-hand with each other. RxElite’s situation isn’t unique, ac-cording to TIG account executive Jeff Parrish. He said it’s not unusual for com-panies to experience “Growing pains” as they become more and more established and successful. As a vendor, TIG provides the support necessary to allow companies like RxElite to focus on the company’s pri-mary mission – in this case, developing, manufacturing and marketing medicine. “We want to have solutions, but we also want to be a part of our clients’ growth and success,” Parrish said.

52 12•07 | IQ Idaho

Parent’s aren’t usually thinking about accidents as their children scamper down the stairs to brightly colored packages neatly laid

under the tree on Christmas morning. But an unnecessary injury sustained from one of those new Christmas toys could devastate the holidays with a trip to the emergency room. Children love to play with toys. Toys can be a great way for chil-dren to learn about themselves and their world while they develop important skills. As parents, we are responsible for ensuring that our children’s toys are safe and appropriate for their ages. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission requires toy manufacturers to meet stringent safety standards and to label cer-tain toys that could be a hazard for younger children. Regardless of this measure, toy-related injuries send thousands of children to emergency rooms each year. Most often, the injured children were playing with toys that weren’t appropriate for their age.

Things to take into consideration:

uAge-appropriate: Select toys to suit a child’s age, abilities, skills and interest level. Toys that are too advanced can pose safety hazards.uSmall parts: Don’t give toys with small parts to infants or toddlers. These youngsters tend to put things in their mouths, which increases the risk of choking. Choking is the most common cause of toy-related deaths.uRead and pay attention to labels: If there’s a warning, there’s a reason.uLook for standards: Look for the letters “ASTM,” which indicate a product meets the national safety standards set by the American Society for Testing and Materials.uHobby kits: Airplane models, chemistry sets and other hobby kits are not appropriate for children younger than 12. And for those old enough, proper supervision is recommended. uActionable toys: Avoid toys that shoot or have parts that fly off. Slingshots and high-powered water guns can injure children and BB guns shouldn’t be considered toys.uStay informed of toy recalls.

Report a dangerous toy by calling (800) 638-2772, going to or via mail at: Office of the Clearinghouse, U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, Washington, DC 20207

Here are some tips from the National Safe Kids Cam-paign for buying safe toys for children:

uWhen selecting toys, consider the child’s age, interests and skill level. Look for quality design and construction, and follow age and safety recommendations on labels.

uConsider purchasing a small parts tester to determine whether small toys may present a choking hazard to children under age 3. Small parts testers can be purchased at toy or baby specialty stores. uToys are frequently re-called for safety reasons. Check the National Safe Kids Campaign web- s i t e for up-dates and information on recent toy recalls. uUse mylar balloons in-stead of latex to eliminate the risk of choking or latex allergy reaction. uAvoid toys with sharp points or edges, toys that pro-duce loud noises, and projectiles (such as darts). uAvoid toys with strings, straps or cords longer than seven inches that may pose a strangulation risk for young children. uAvoid electrical toys with heating elements for children under age eight. uAvoid cap guns that use caps that can be ignited by the slightest friction and can cause serious burns. uRemember, you can still enjoy the holiday season with its festivities, foods and gifts while keeping off the extra pounds through informed choices. Wish-ing you a happy and healthy holiday season and New Year!

Source: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture & Dept. of Health and Human Services, Check the National Safe Kids Campaign website for up-dates and information on recent toy recalls. For additional information about safe toys, visit

Safe ChriStmaS gift giving



12•07 | IQ Idaho 53

Traditional methods of treatment are relevant to today’s modern health land-scape through ginseng. Mental clarity, stress relief, and energy are all ben-efits to the root, although it has been said that wisdom and enlightenment come through taking ginseng as well, although this has never been scientifi-cally proven. However, antioxidants in ginseng are believed to be beneficial to anti-aging and disease prevention.

For years, cranberries have been a known natural cleanser and effective in the detoxification of the body. Highly recommended as a treatment for urinary tract infections, it has also been studied as a means of prevention for goliath diseases like cancer and small yet harmful molecules that we come into contact with every day. Cranber-ries contain more antioxidants than many of the most of the more com-monly consumed fruits.

free the radicals?


Mysterious and mythical, the man-gosteen fruit is often called a “super fruit”. The Asian fruit is relatively new to the American diet, but a high-pow-ered source of Xanthones, a powerful antioxidant that helps combat many ailments including inflammation and infections. While it may look like something from another world, the mangosteen is rich in dietary fiber, Vitamin C and folic acid.



What is a “free radical?”Scientifically speaking, free radicals are small molecules broken off of bigger molecules. If you are scratching your head in confusion after reading that statement, allow us to break it down even fur-ther: They make you sick and look old. These highly reactive molecules have been indicted as agents not merely of disease, but also of the aging process itself. Scientists are trying to understand how free radicals cause destruction as well as how antioxidants protect cells from damage, which could provide clues to treat or prevent disease and perhaps even aging.

recommendationsuFollow a balanced training program that emphasizes regular exercise and eat 5 servings of fruit or vegetables per day. This will ensure that you are develop-ing your inherent antioxidant systems and that your diet is providing the necessary components. uWeekend warriors should strongly consider a more balanced approach to exercise. Failing that, consider supplementation. uDo not over supplement.

54 12•07 | IQ Idaho

MangoxanMade from the whole fruit of the mangosteen, and artfully blended with a symphony of other healthful juices.

Exfuse Seven+Ingredients supported with over 1600 Clinical Studies, which are loaded with anti-oxidants, amino acids, xanthones, polyphenols, vita-mins & omega oils. Acai, Fucoidan, Goji Berry, Seabuckthorn, GAC Fruit, Noni Fruit, Mango-steen Fruit, Pomegranate,

Pom WonderfulPom Wonderful is 100% Pomegranate Juice.

JUSThe ingredient list includes Acai Berries, Apple Concentrate, Acerola berries, Aronia Berries, Lycium Berries, Noni Fruit, Seabuckthorn, Pomegranate, Aloe Vera juice, Wolfberry juice, Mangosteen juice, Grape seed and skin extract, Raspberry seed extract, Wild Blueberry ex-tract, Cranberry extract, Wild Bilberry extract, Strawberry extract and Prune extract. Anti-oxidative blend includes Reishi Mushroom, Green Tea, White Tea and

free the radicals?

GREEN TEA The value of tea is evident in the world’s history, but modern science has proven the health value of the all natural product. The ancient tea con-tains a powerful but safe antioxidant that inhibits cancerous cell growth but does not damage healthy tissue. Another encouraging feature of the tea is its ability to encourage weight loss, making it an all-around beneficial ad-dition to a daily health routine.

POMEGRANATEExotic and sweet, there is more to the pomegranate than just good looks. The antioxidant levels in pomegranate juice surpass many other juices, like blueberry and orange or the popular red wine. Benefits from eating this fruit include lowering bad cholesterol, promotion of cardiovascular health and cancer prevention.

Do not underestimate the power behind the tiny blueberry. It has the highest antioxidant levels among its peers, and can play a big role in day-to-day life. High in Vitamin C, B6 and A, this bite-sized fruit is effective in fighting oxidative stress which can damage cells and tissues in the body. It has been shown not only to prevent disease but to reverse harm done to the body with anti-aging qualities. Good things definitely come in small packages.




12•07 | IQ Idaho 55

In Search of Mountain Goats in God’s Country

by Monte Stiles

Explore56 12•07 | IQ Idaho

I remember that summers lasted forever when I was a child. Growing up on a small farm in the Emmett valley with my

parents, two brothers, two sisters, two sets of grandparents, and one set of great grandparents around me, a summer’s day was enough time to build a fort, climb a tree, catch a frog, go over the hill, wrestle the dog, water the calves, climb another tree, play Roy Rogers, eat warm cookies, pick tomato worms, pick black-berries with the same fingers, lick the purple off, lay in the shade, find shapes in clouds and dream of being Jacques Cousteau, who I thought was really cool even though I couldn’t understand a word he said. Being an oceanographer like Jacques was my dream at age 6. Unfortunately, after realizing that Emmett was NOT bordering the ocean, and that it was too far away for my mom to drive me there every day, I abandoned the idea in favor of being Roy Rogers. Although I didn’t like the whole Dale Evans mushy thing, the prospect of packing a “piece”, fighting the bad guys and riding Trigger all day seemed like a perfect career choice for me (and not that far off from what I actually do now, without a horse of course). Unfortunately, my Roy Rogers plan didn’t work either. I cried on the day that I realized this would never happen. When my mom asked me what was wrong, I told her that I wanted to be Roy Rogers but I couldn’t. She patted me on the head and sent me out to play. Now at 52, I’m lucky if I have time to catch a single frog. Time goes so fast. Everyone says it. Older people for certain, but also my adult kids and even teenagers. Either the nature of time is changing, or our CNN/MTV/iPod world has our brains so tuned to a life-by-the-second existence that moments fly by without ever becoming a summer’s day again. Although we all receive a blessing of 24 hours every day, it seems that I go from my house to my car to my office to my car to my house to my bed, a total of 18 hours of non-stop action, and then just lay there, un-able to sleep, wondering where the day went. At this time of my life, the closest I come to an endless sum-mer’s day is when I have a camera in my hand. After hectic weeks full of projects and deadlines, looking through a camera lens in-spires me in ways that are hard to explain. Instead of my normal day of rushing through life, a camera coaxes me to slow down and enjoy life more, to see the smile on a child’s face, the beauty of a budding flower, the grace of a bird in flight, the majesty of an elk silhouetted against a setting sun, the grandeur of sunrise on granite peaks. More than anything, photography allows me to recapture the sense of wonder I experienced every day as a child, when my mind was endlessly inquisitive and impression-able, eager to learn new things, a time when I could find magic in

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everything, and before my mind was marinated in the culture of television, computers, cell phones and honest work. It is the quest to renew my childhood sense of wonder that drives me into the mountains where I can be surrounded by God’s natural creations. Camera in hand, I go to look and expe-rience, to smell, to feel, to touch. Hearing the sound of my own footsteps on a carpet of pine needles is the best medicine for my sometimes tired soul. It was the search for one of these experiences that led me to Goat Lake at the end of August. As I wrote in the last issue, my younger brothers Jeff and Lonnie, two nephews Jacob and Brian, my youngest son Chris and I hiked into Goat Lake in the Saw-tooth Mountains at the end of the summer. Goat Lake is a beau-tiful body of water cradled by majestic peaks on the north end of the Sawtooth range. Getting there was an adventure, with a very steep 800 foot trail-less rise in elevation just prior to reaching the lake. Finally at lake’s edge, with packs unpacked, tents set up, and lunch eaten, the boys fished out their fishing poles and headed for the water. My goal in the meantime was to hike far above the shore to look for mountain goats to photograph. Now, as I sit and remember the experience, it is cold and dark outside. The colors of fall have slowly fluttered away as each leaf singly has drifted to earth. Daylight savings has robbed me of sunshine as I drive home from work. A dusting of snow is on the mountains. Frost will be on the flowers in the front yard in the morning. But on that day, along the shores of Goat Lake, the sky was blue, the sun was warm, the trees were green, the water emerald. Making a brief stop by the lake before my hike, I sat on a cliff and watched Chris, Brian, and Jacob in their obsession of catching and releasing the brightly colored trout that cruised the banks in search of a meal. The clarity of the water allowed me to observe these creatures swim lazily by, seemingly uncon-cerned about anything, but then in a flash, rise like a rocket, breaking the still surface of the lake in order to snatch a tasty morsel that had unwisely come into contact with the water. These lake inhabitants were also happy to follow a lure, a deci-sion that often brought them briefly to the bank at the end of a line, gasping, thrashing, but thankfully released quickly back to the depths where they rejoined the fish cruise.

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I noticed that every once in a while a grasshopper or other bug would launch themselves skyward from the bank, only to plop on top of the water, sounding the dinner bell for the rain-bows below. As I watched the occasional insect trapped and flail-ing on top of the water, I remembered my endless fascination with “water skippers” as a child. Water skippers are insects that have the uncanny ability to stand on top of the water on their widely spaced feet, like the pads of a lunar lander, each pad creat-ing a small depression in the water’s surface. This was magical in my young mind, and I spent many summer hours catching and releasing them along the ditch that ran through our pasture. Only later did I learn about “surface tension”, a curious phe-nomenon which allows a water skipper, or unfortunate grasshop-per, to be suspended above the water. I now know that water molecules located under the surface attract, and are attracted to, other water molecules in a kind of atomic tug-of-war. At the sur-face however, each molecule is pulled from the bottom and sides, but not from the top. Consequently, the surface molecules pull harder to the sides, thus creating a “skin” which allows water skip-pers to skip across the top. Knowing these facts makes it no less magical to me now. I eventually left my perch on the cliff. Nephew Brian and I climbed to 9,300 feet where we could see six emerald lakes at once. Back in camp by dusk, our descriptions of high cliffs, majestic peaks, lakes, and meadows resulted in others joining us the next morning along a similar route, where it was even sweeter because it was shared. Back on top of the mountains, and for a moment, it was an endless summer’s day. For a while, the clocks stopped tick-

ing. My heart beated slower. Colors seemed brighter. The setting sun was far in the future. “Life is good” I thought. And in the end, it was magical. My hike into Goat Lake did not result in an encounter with a mountain goat, a picture of a goat, the smell of a goat, or even the sighting of goat droppings. In fact, it didn’t result in any amazing wildlife pictures at all. My brothers, nephews, son and I just had fun. We laughed a lot, we got lost, we ex-plored, and I came home reborn, grateful for family, friends and faith. Isn’t that what it’s all about anyway?

12•07 | IQ Idaho 59

The buck picked up his head and looked back down the can-yon towards the road. Something had piqued his interest.

And then I heard it – the faint rumbling drone of an ATV as it negotiated the 4-wheel drive road in the valley bottom. The buck heard it before I did; I was watching him through my spot-ting scope, him and his three companions as they fed in a high basin. But he quickly resumed picking at the ceonothus bush in front of him, unconcerned with the road hunters two miles down the mountain, well below his Sawtooth Mountain hang-out. The buck must have known from experience that he and his cohorts were safe from hunters in the bottom, who rarely ven-tured off the road or away from their ATVs. As I watched these bucks and several other groups of deer, in addition to countless numbers of elk on opening morning of deer season last week, I felt extremely fortunate that we still have country wild enough and with few enough roads to provide security bucks like these need to grow big and old. Buck vulnerability, or how susceptible a buck is to harvest during the hunting season, is not a new concept, and many situ-ations lead to increased vulnerability, including: habitat frag-mentation, decreased hiding cover, liberal seasons, hunting during the rut, advances in weapon and equipment technology, and gentle terrain. However, the most significant factor lead-ing to increased vulnerability is increasing densities of roads open to traffic. More roads mean more hunters which means less chance for a buck to make it through the hunting season. In heavily roaded areas, bucks have little chance to escape hunt-

ing pressure and have little chance to grow old. In areas with few roads, bucks can elude hunters and have a better chance of reaching maturity. It’s that simple. In recent years, we’ve seen a dramatic increase in the use of ATVs. And because of little regulation on their use, many areas are now riddled with illegal trails, significantly reducing impor-tant security habitat for deer and increasing hunter access into areas that were previously difficult to get to. Not surprisingly, we have noticed reduced buck numbers and fewer mature bucks in many deer herds. To combat the issue of increased access and ATV use and to address buck vulnerability, Idaho Fish and Game has reduced permit levels, shortened seasons, eliminated some hunting opportunity during the rut, and implemented a motor-ized vehicle regulation in some units. In the coming months, hunters are going to have to make some hard decisions regarding mule deer manage-ment. If hunters want the opportunity to pursue large bucks, they are going to have to make some trade-offs. Here’s a tough question; which would you, the hunter, rather give up: your ATV or your opportunity to hunt every year? Hunters can’t have it both ways – big bucks just aren’t found in areas with lots of roads and trails and lots of ATV access. Chris LeDoux said it best when he sang about real cowboys, because they are still out there, “you just can’t see him from the road.” The same principle is true for big muley bucks, and the ones in my spotting scope that day seemed to know it.

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Roads/ATVs Increase Buck Vulnerability By Jake Powell, Wildlife BiologistIdaho Department of Fish and Game – Southwest Region

What holiday celebration would be complete without some delicious, home-made food?

When you plan your meals this holiday season, con-sider the following dishes submitted by Melissa Pratt:

Ingredients:1 3/4 Cups canned pumpkin1 3/4 Cups sweetened condensed milk2 Large eggs, beaten2/3 Cup firmly packed light brown sugar2 Tbsp. sugar1 1/4 Tsp. ground cinnamon1/2 Tsp. salt1/2 Tsp. ground ginger1/2 Tsp. pumpkin pie spice1/4 Tsp. ground cloves9 Inches graham cracker crust

Preparation:1. Combine pumpkin and remaining ingredients in a large bowl; beat at medium speed with an electric mixer for 2 minutes.2. Pour over prepared graham cracker crust.3. Cover the edges with tin foil to prevent from burning.4. Bake at 425 degrees for 15 minutes.5. Reduce heat to 350 degrees; bake for 50 additional minutes or until a knife inserted in center comes out clean.6. Cool on a wire rack.7. Refrigerate after completely cooled.

Better than your mom’s pumpkin pie

Tastelunch time • atmospheric dine • fine cuisine

62 12•07 | IQ Idaho

Ingredients:1 Can Mountain Dew soda1 1/2 Cup sugar2 Sticks butter1 Tsp. cinnamon2 Granny Smith apples (peeled, cored, and cut into quarters)8 Triangles of refrigerator crescent rolesVanilla ice cream (optional)

Preparation:1. Spray 9x13 inch baking dish with non stick.

2. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.3. Melt butter in a sauce pan over medium heat.

4. Add sugar and cinnamon until dissolved.5. Roll each apple piece into crescent triangle dough

and place in pan, pour sugar-butter mixture over the dumplings then pour the soda over everything.

6. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Serve warm with ice cream if desired.

Grandma’s Simple Apple DumplingsGrandma’s Simple Apple Dumplings

12•07 | IQ Idaho 63


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