ipdf.phillipian.net/1910/04201910.pdf · the p of the nend game. aular squad. 912 and 911 will week...

l_ - I .lli , VOL. XXXII NO. 46 PHILLIPS- ACADEMY ANDOVER. MASS., WEDNESDAY APRIL 20, 1910 PRICE 5 CENTS BOWDOIN WINS CLASS BASEBALL DARTMOUTH' TODAY CALENDAR AND NOTICES BaseballTamefatd in Loosely The ass baseball Shift to Be Made, in Team's Lineup ,I5- ck Squad reportAY Played Game open Friday, 1912 playing 1911, it iI ack Squad report and 1910 playing 913. No predic- The baseball team will meet I2 .35-Trak squennis Class C. In a very poorly played game tion as to the outcome can be made Dartmouth College this afternoon 3.-Baseball game. Andover Andover was defeated by Bowdoin at this time, for a large part of the on Brothers Field. Dartmouth has vs eball. Dartmouth. ColeDlst n Brothrs ie. s Darout has vs. Darmouth . Collge last Saturday afternoon by teams will be made up of new men, a strong team, and Andover will 5oo-Gym. make up. the score of 6 to 8. After securing or men who are playing for the have to play her best to win. In 7.00-Mr. Stackpole's discussion a lead of eight runs in the second first time. The games this year their first game, they defeated the group. 189 Main street inning, the home team allowed the should be very interesting, as there Lavrence team of t h e Ne Eug- - THUSDAY visitors to tie the score in the fourth are many men playing who, except land League in an extra innin -Tenis. Class A. and-to make eight more runs before for conditions, might be on the reg- game. Dartmouth .practiced for a ?.15-Baseball squad report. the p nend of the game. Aular squad. 912 and 911 will week during the Academy's vaca- 2. I 5-Class Baseball squads re- The playing of the Andover play on the old campus, and tn n the ld campus. On account port. team was ragged throughout the and 1913 on Brothers Field. The of the rain, Andover did not have 2.-I5-I93 track class. game, and the nly man who played games xvill start at 2.15, and it is any practice on Ionday. This has .- G class. consistent baseball was Reilly at hoped that a large number will sei the team back, as they have had .o-Track sq clasd report. third. Captain Burdett was in the turn out to support their class only one day of phad -Trac squad report. game for the'first time this season tm only one day of practice since th e 3.o-Tennis Class D. a e eteams.i The probable line-ups will- Bowdoin game. 3.o- 9 gio -Track- class. and played acreditable, game-in be as follows: the field, but was weak at the bat. 9 A shift will bemade in the line- FR IDAY Boles at first was also weak in his j. M. Dupont, 3b c. Smith up as Dougherty wil a25- i2 Track Class batting, but had seven put-outs to Foley, Coover, ss. p. Brown, Rich Boles will 'go to short, and Captain 2.15- Class baseball games. II' his credit, without an error. Good- Hunt, 2b ib, Wilson Burdett will play second. Gile and vs. 913, Brothers Field. I9I1 ell playedna poor game at second, Harlow, 2b 2b, Ottley Thompson also may play. The vs. I912, old campus. -a - -Stc-rnbcrgcr, Craig, 3b- - c-S; R ' line-up will probably be as follows: 2.3o--Gym. class. Broomfield, p. ss, D. A. Reed DOVER DARTMOUTH 2.40-191 track class. L. H. Dupont, c. If, Slater and made a fine a one-handed catch Boles, ss. ss. Conway 3-o-Track squad report. of Grant's liner in the ninth. B lack , Loeb,. cf. Head rtt b (cap 3o- io track class. Wright played a rather weak game - > o Dougherty, ib ib, Brady 7.15-Philo,-Pearson Hall. behind the bat. His throws to the ,913 Wright, c. c. Chadbourne 7.15-Forum, Archaeology build- bases ere uncertain, although at Burnham, cF c. Hathaway Reilly, 3b 3b, Orr ng. times he-was effective. His hand- Foster Freyfogle, p. Jonson Welles, cf. cf. Daly Tennis Tournament ling of flies at critical momentsS. K. Smith, Wheeler, ib Ib, Eyre Thompson, Middlebrook, rf. O'Brien, b 2b, Wood , Hobern anager Killam has made the however, was a strong point in his r, Hobern sanager Killam has made the favor.-, a a , ss. McCormick Kresser, lf. If. Emerson drawings for the singles in the com- Reilly played his usual fast ss.- Abbot, Cormick York, Gile, Ripley, p. p. Mitchell g tennis turnament, T. Torrey, 3b 3b, Steas ing te nn s tou rn am en t and the fol- game, making six-assists and two B.C. Look, f. If. Thompson Important Nloiing men will play together: put-outs. At the bat he hit safely Arnold, cf. cf. Watson Important Notice three times, making one three-bag- Hardy, Hazlewood, rf. The collections takenlaFIRST ROUND in eftfeld id nt H ar d y , Ha zl ewood , rf . The collections taken last term ' ger. Kresser in left field did not Barker s. Shannon r- have a chance to show hisf. Robinson, Brown for Dr. Grenfell are now being G H Nue vs. Williamson have a chance to how' his ability G.H. Nute s. Williamson in handling flies, but at the ba,' he Collection Given packed, and those fellows who de- Keyes vs. Bradford made a triple in the second inning. sire to help should hand their names Ocumpaugh vs S Morrison sireey to rtedOcumpaugh vs. S. Morrison Ripley started the game for And6- The Department of Archaeology to William'Gould at ClemenE. Robinson vs. W. L. Nute ver, pitching the first five innings. has recently received a fine collec- once. Any fellow who has any C. R. Lord vs. H. Harbison -He struck out five men, but was tion of minerals from Mr. F. P. spare time is urged to help, and his W.E. Palmer vs. L. H. Bayne rather freely hit, Bowdoin making Graves, Doe Run, Missouri. The Chael Speakers Bushnell vs. J. K. McCormick seven hits off his delivery. York collection consists of beautiful spec- ' W. Griffith vs. K. F. Warren was put in in the' sixth inning, but imens of crystals, turquoises, ores, The preacher at both services A. M. Miller vs. Smeltzer did not fare much better, the col- eic.' Since there is no room in the last Sunday was the Rev. Samuel Champlin vs. Dickinson legians finding, him for eight hits, museum to exhibit them, at present C. Bushnell of Arlington, Mass. E. H. Hall vs. K. L. Moore which resulted in as many runs. they are stored in Mr. Moorehead's Mr. Stackpole will speak at both Baxter vs. C. A. Bowles leans' pitched very well for Bow- office. There is a large collection services next Sunday. H; H. Nute vs. Kastor doin, except in the second inning, of minerals belonging to the school S. Coffin vs. W. M. Fiske en:-- :-w-e'ight^I--w.,.-scorcd:-:-e: qnithe- basement -of - the-Science - -- Debate at Worcester -- -Randal-vs.-Ehich - -- - struck out seven men and allowed Building, and at some future time " D. Hemingway vs. Watson seven hits. Clifford played well on all of these will be placed on ex- Mr. Hinman recently officiated Perlman'vs. H. Hemingway first base, making twelve put-outs 'hibition. The collection sent by as judge of a debate held at Wor- L. M. Nute vs. W. G. Rice without an. error. He, made two Mr.. Graves- contains aboutsixti: -ester Acadey by the two ival Milne.vs. H. A. Morris :"-' its~-ls.'"-":Wil "bittedirel foi'- large specimens.' * debating 'socfieties, Sigma Zeta Tolies vs. Kelley Bowdoin, making two singles-anid Kappa. and Legomathenian, the H. C. Greene vs. Page a triple. Teflnis Notice former- corresponding to Forum W. F. Miller vs. Cohn All of Andover's runs were ' and the latter to Philo. There is a Price vs. Eggleston made in the second inning. Reilly Theannouncement in the last is- great deal- of interest taken in de- opened with a single, Burdett was sue of the Phillipian that the run- bating at-Worcester, and a fine sil- SECON D ROUND safe on an error,-and stole second. ers-up in the two tournaments ver cup is put up. The society French vs. Corey Wells singled- to 'center, s this spring would, receive cups was winning it three times will obtain Noyes vs. W. G. Dickey Wells sngd Burdett, adscoring a"'istake. -The winners wil cox vs. J. P. Gifford Reilly-and Burdett, and went to permanent possession.Fox vs. J.P. Gifford pose th school team. Randolph vs. J. H. Gridley - (Continued on Page 6) , '' - -~~ '' d

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Page 1: Ipdf.phillipian.net/1910/04201910.pdf · the p of the nend game. Aular squad. 912 and 911 will week during the Academy's vaca- 2.I5-Class Baseball squads re-The playing of the Andover



BaseballTamefatd in Loosely The ass baseball Shift to Be Made, in Team's Lineup ,I5- ck Squad reportAYPlayed Game open Friday, 1912 playing 1911, it iI ack Squad report

and 1910 playing 913. No predic- The baseball team will meet I2.35-Trak squennis Class C.In a very poorly played game tion as to the outcome can be made Dartmouth College this afternoon 3.-Baseball game. Andover

Andover was defeated by Bowdoin at this time, for a large part of the on Brothers Field. Dartmouth has vs eball. Dartmouth.ColeDlst nBrothrs ie. s Darout has vs. Darmouth .Collge last Saturday afternoon by teams will be made up of new men, a strong team, and Andover will 5oo-Gym. make up.

the score of 6 to 8. After securing or men who are playing for the have to play her best to win. In 7.00-Mr. Stackpole's discussiona lead of eight runs in the second first time. The games this year their first game, they defeated the group. 189 Main streetinning, the home team allowed the should be very interesting, as there Lavrence team of the Ne Eug- - THUSDAYvisitors to tie the score in the fourth are many men playing who, except land League in an extra innin -Tenis. Class A.and-to make eight more runs before for conditions, might be on the reg- game. Dartmouth .practiced for a ?.15-Baseball squad report.

the p nend of the game. Aular squad. 912 and 911 will week during the Academy's vaca- 2.I 5-Class Baseball squads re-The playing of the Andover play on the old campus, and tn n the ld campus. On account port.

team was ragged throughout the and 1913 on Brothers Field. The of the rain, Andover did not have 2.-I5-I93 track class.game, and the nly man who played games xvill start at 2.15, and it is any practice on Ionday. This has .- G class.consistent baseball was Reilly at hoped that a large number will sei the team back, as they have had .o-Track sq clasd report.third. Captain Burdett was in the turn out to support their class only one day of phad -Trac squad report.game for the'first time this season tm only one day of practice since the 3.o-Tennis Class D.a e eteams.i The probable line-ups will- Bowdoin game. 3.o- 9gio -Track- class.and played acreditable, game-in be as follows:the field, but was weak at the bat. 9 A shift will bemade in the line- F RIDAY

Boles at first was also weak in his j. M. Dupont, 3b c. Smith up as Dougherty wil a25- i2 Track Classbatting, but had seven put-outs to Foley, Coover, ss. p. Brown, Rich Boles will 'go to short, and Captain 2.15- Class baseball games. II' his credit, without an error. Good- Hunt, 2b ib, Wilson Burdett will play second. Gile and vs. 913, Brothers Field. I9I1ell playedna poor game at second, Harlow, 2b 2b, Ottley Thompson also may play. The vs. I912, old campus.

- a - -Stc-rnbcrgcr, Craig, 3b- - c-S; R ' line-up will probably be as follows: 2.3o--Gym. class.Broomfield, p. ss, D. A. Reed DOVER DARTMOUTH 2.40-191 track class.L. H. Dupont, c. If, Slaterand made a fine a one-handed catch Boles, ss. ss. Conway 3-o-Track squad report.

of Grant's liner in the ninth. B lack , Loeb,. cf. H ea d rtt b (cap 3o- io track class.Wright played a rather weak game -

> o Dougherty, ib ib, Brady 7.15-Philo,-Pearson Hall.behind the bat. His throws to the ,913 Wright, c. c. Chadbourne 7.15-Forum, Archaeology build-bases ere uncertain, although at Burnham, cF c. Hathaway Reilly, 3b 3b, Orr ng.times he-was effective. His hand- Foster Freyfogle, p. Jonson Welles, cf. cf. Daly Tennis Tournamentling of flies at critical momentsS. K. Smith, Wheeler, ib Ib, Eyre Thompson, Middlebrook, rf.

O'Brien, b 2b, Wood , Hobern anager Killam has made thehowever, was a strong point in his r, Hobern sanager Killam has made thefavor.-, a a , ss. McCormick Kresser, lf. If. Emerson drawings for the singles in the com-

Reilly played his usual fast ss.- Abbot, Cormick York, Gile, Ripley, p. p. Mitchell g tennis turnament, T. Torrey, 3b 3b, Steas ing ten n s t o u rn am en t a n d the fol-

game, making six-assists and two B.C. Look, f. If. Thompson Important Nloiing men will play together:put-outs. At the bat he hit safely Arnold, cf. cf. Watson Important Notice three times, making one three-bag- Hardy, Hazlewood, rf. The collections takenlaFIRST ROUND

in eftfeld id ntH ar d y , H azle w o o d, r f . The collections taken last term 'ger. Kresser in left field did not Barker s. Shannonr- have a chance to show hisf. Robinson, Brown for Dr. Grenfell are now being G H Nue vs. Williamsonhave a chance to how' his ability G.H. Nute s. Williamsonin handling flies, but at the ba,' he Collection Given packed, and those fellows who de- Keyes vs. Bradfordmade a triple in the second inning. sire to help should hand their names Ocumpaugh vs S Morrisonsireey to rtedOcumpaugh vs. S. MorrisonRipley started the game for And6- The Department of Archaeology to William'Gould at ClemenE. Robinson vs. W. L. Nutever, pitching the first five innings. has recently received a fine collec- once. Any fellow who has any C. R. Lord vs. H. Harbison

-He struck out five men, but was tion of minerals from Mr. F. P. spare time is urged to help, and his W.E. Palmer vs. L. H. Baynerather freely hit, Bowdoin making Graves, Doe Run, Missouri. The Chael Speakers Bushnell vs. J. K. McCormickseven hits off his delivery. York collection consists of beautiful spec- ' W. Griffith vs. K. F. Warrenwas put in in the' sixth inning, but imens of crystals, turquoises, ores, The preacher at both services A. M. Miller vs. Smeltzerdid not fare much better, the col- eic.' Since there is no room in the last Sunday was the Rev. Samuel Champlin vs. Dickinsonlegians finding, him for eight hits, museum to exhibit them, at present C. Bushnell of Arlington, Mass. E. H. Hall vs. K. L. Moorewhich resulted in as many runs. they are stored in Mr. Moorehead's Mr. Stackpole will speak at both Baxter vs. C. A. Bowlesleans' pitched very well for Bow- office. There is a large collection services next Sunday. H; H. Nute vs. Kastor

doin, except in the second inning, of minerals belonging to the school S. Coffin vs. W. M. Fiskeen:-- :-w-e'ight^I--w.,.-scorcd:-:-e: qnithe- basement -of - the-Science - -- Debate at Worcester - - -Randal-vs.-Ehich - -- -struck out seven men and allowed Building, and at some future time " D. Hemingway vs. Watsonseven hits. Clifford played well on all of these will be placed on ex- Mr. Hinman recently officiated Perlman'vs. H. Hemingwayfirst base, making twelve put-outs 'hibition. The collection sent by as judge of a debate held at Wor- L. M. Nute vs. W. G. Ricewithout an. error. He, made two Mr.. Graves- contains aboutsixti: -ester Acadey by the two ival Milne.vs. H. A. Morris

:"-' its~-ls.'"-":Wil "bittedirel foi'- large specimens.' * debating 'socfieties, Sigma Zeta Tolies vs. KelleyBowdoin, making two singles-anid Kappa. and Legomathenian, the H. C. Greene vs. Pagea triple. Teflnis Notice former- corresponding to Forum W. F. Miller vs. Cohn

All of Andover's runs were ' and the latter to Philo. There is a Price vs. Egglestonmade in the second inning. Reilly Theannouncement in the last is- great deal- of interest taken in de-opened with a single, Burdett was sue of the Phillipian that the run- bating at-Worcester, and a fine sil- SECOND ROUNDsafe on an error,-and stole second. ers-up in the two tournaments ver cup is put up. The society French vs. CoreyWells singled- to 'center, s this spring would, receive cups was winning it three times will obtain Noyes vs. W. G. DickeyWells sngd Burdett, adscoring a"'istake. -The winners wil cox vs. J. P. GiffordReilly-and Burdett, and went to permanent possession.Fox vs. J.P. Gifford

pose th school team. Randolph vs. J. H. Gridley

- (Continued on Page 6) , '' -

-~~ '' d

Page 2: Ipdf.phillipian.net/1910/04201910.pdf · the p of the nend game. Aular squad. 912 and 911 will week during the Academy's vaca- 2.I5-Class Baseball squads re-The playing of the Andover


tCbe Pbi~~tpi. "oil o-paldying-ganmes with wakr- Well Dr e ssed And4over Me/i have their____ o l_'____________ titns: for moliths after(¥ards. : Clothes i deb

BoaP oPg xjreo~i - The, too, he says that their gamC! othes i' 6j is tnuch more open in ifs character : MANAGING EDITOR , than even our present modified

J. H., GRIDLEY . .form.. Where, we send other.play-BUSINESS MANAGER ers to defend the man who is carry- ' ' BD. G. RAYkuoND .

ASST. BUSINESS MANAGER ing the ball against the other side,W. W. BuTTrs, they send the man.alone to get

ASSOCIATE EDITORS through as best he can. WhenF. K DouAss TEWA their runner is attacked by the op- The Phillips Academy

S. MORRISON posing side, he may throw-the-ball.R. G. HAY to any member ofhis own team to 1 ailO- and Outfitter, - Elm SqiireSENIOR EDITORS . . ....

J. T. ODEN be- carried forward. In starting .Q. REYNOLDS each rush, the forwards of each KOBAKS PHOTO SUPPUESL. BrnFor,

G. G. JONES side stand facing each other in sin-W. D. HOLEN gle lines. The ball is then thrown

K. ToUSs Fo CHASEE. S. BETLEY in between them, and each side

H. R. HAWLEY strives to kick the ball back throughrublished every Wednesday and Satur- their line to the backs who are v erytHog for

day during the school year. waiting to receive it. This being mNotice to Advertisera the case, there can in no case be BaseballTo insure change of advertisement, definite p

copy must be received for Wednesday any definite plan of procedure as P Onot later than Tuesday noon; for Satur- with us, but they must act as chance ENGUSH mSCOTCH day not tlater than Friday noon. may direct. While this does not UaNO S

All Alumni communications should beaddressed to, the managing editor, J. T. place such a premium on strategy Ogden, 57 Main Street, Andover, Mass. and generalship, it does favor the OP HAMTONPLACE SoSTON.Terms:$aperYear. SingleCopie, Sets. display of personal 'courage and Outfitter to all P. A. teams

Pau.LPIANS will be distributed from cleverness of the single runner.the Aichaeology Building Wednesdays This is where the English game Arco Building,and Saturdays from 30 until i.S upon is considered superior to the Amer- ANDOVER, - MAss.presentption of subscription carl. ANDOV R, - MASS.

-r____ifsusrton er. ican, in that it gives the opportun- EP ONE CON ECT. -l. ajIHIj will be devotea to matters ity for: individual brillancy, while iewins & 1ollis

of interest to the members of the Academy the American surpasses th& HollisEngand fbe graduatea. the-Ame:ican surpasses th Eng--Al matters intended for publiication lish in its chance to show good gen- a Men's Furnishing -Goods Highest cash price paid for

must be signed by the writer eralship and team work. a OO Cast-off Clothes. Leave ordersEntered at the Andover Post OfficeHAMILTON PLACE, BOSTON at French's. In Andover everyas second clt mail-matter. Important Notice Monday, Wednesday and Satur-as second cast mhail-matter.usica -clubs

THE ANDOVER PRESS The picture of -the-musical-clubs F--andRstLUEnchR X: :-::':s: ZE -SJ E -:= -.THE ANDOVER PR will be taken at Sherman's to-mor- 125 Main Street 125 St., - - Andover

April 2, XIgo row at two o'clock. All members a e t__________________

- of the clubs must be present. Andover, Massachusetts

Coach Lillard on New Football OPEN SUNDAYSPhilo

W. H. Lillard,-who coached theAndover football team in 1907 and The regular meeting of the Phil- ... H V /'V=A N...1908, and was the head coach at omathean Society will be held Fri- successor to id ~ claytonDartmouth during the season just day night in Pearson Hall. The Military and' Civic Tailor --closed, has been spending the past selected reading will be given by 4 tate treet, oton SPECL RATES FR STU MTfew months at an English univer- Butler. Quinn will report uponsity. While there, he has had an the topics' of the week. The ques- Telephone -aIn 034.1opportunity of studying the Eng- tion for debate is: "Resolved, That 6a noyiston strqtp Bostonlish game of Rugby at closer range the Philippines be immediately MR. EDWARD L UNDERWOODthan the majority of American granted their independence." The PU'moAT TUTORcoaches, and he compares it some- affirmative will be upheld by Bayne McBMI LLA BR 08 College Preparatorywhat more favorably with the and Bruce, and the negative by MsC SL LAN , l reparaioyAnmerican game than others have Phillips and Randolph. Mr. Stack- auon, Jly E l. nbeen in the habit of doing. pole will deliver the critique. T ailor d ad Ten

He reports that were an Englishteam of thirty years ago to be AND IMPORTERS OFpitted against a modern team, they Woolen Novelties EFDwould have no difficulty in playingunne a oothe game. But on the other hand, o for Young Men .an American team of even 190o3 or1904 would be hopelessly at a loss 10 Tremont St., Boston CHAPEL AND TEMPLE STREETSwere they to try to play an Ameri- Mr. A. Mchlilaa at French's evey weecan team of to-day, such have been TRANSCRIPT BLDG. NEW HAVEN, CONN.

---;. -- he_-changessmadeintherulesa-. ... ..While our game was originally

the same as the English, so; great BOSTONhave been the changes made in the S I h o e We ke a specialty of room andrules and methods, that today it is AND

-hard~treaiz~ethat ~they are, or - personal furnishings for College men.ever were the same.The Englishmen, he states, dis- NEW YORK WHITEHOUSE & HARDY We've been doing it for fifty years.

play much less spirit and enthusi-asm in the game than our players, 297 FFTH AVE.ot ndb u Satisfactioand they do not make a single im- NEW HAVEN, CONN.portant game the objective point of Near 31St St.a season's work. When Oxford NEW YORK: 1142 B1oradway -and Cambridge meet the season isnot ver,'as it would be, with us, FINE CLOTHES near 2th street T H A Tbut, on the other hand, they keep AT PIFENC'S EVERY TWO WTIEEKs -


Page 3: Ipdf.phillipian.net/1910/04201910.pdf · the p of the nend game. Aular squad. 912 and 911 will week during the Academy's vaca- 2.I5-Class Baseball squads re-The playing of the Andover


ANDOVER NATIONAL BANK --. .- .-Exeter 7, Boston College 6. Wesleyan 2, Springfield . rHE NEW DRUG STORE0 , Pennsylvania 5, Swarthmore 2.

-. OU=r-g 'to alm, to 3 p.m. . r . , New York University 2, Trinity . CROWLEY & CO.-Close Saturday at . . - -. :'r Rutgers 5, Stevens 3. 33 MAIN ST., ANDOVER

SMITH & MANNING qu Haveyour"E'iB' / : The speaker at Inquiry last Sun- TOGR APHS

Dry Goods and Groceries l (lay night was the Rev. Dr. Bush- P 10A lEssex Street ... ANDOVER nell of Arlington. Dr. Bushnell made at thespoke of his traveis tehrbfgh- India,

China and Japan. e compared .... SHERMAN STUDIO....J. H. P LAYDON .- ' the different religions from every

... z ~'Florist 1'. ... r'.">

"^P^ standpoint, and showed how great Pictures of all P. A. Groups may be... Fori Ast... *n'..^.g Telep' oae 2 w as the need of missionaries in obtained at short notice

Store, Arco Building Telephone 105-3 these countries. Dr. Bushnell said Main Street, Near Morton· e:"~ that the orientals were reat think-Fresh Cut Flowers for.all Occasions e that the orientals w ere great think-

Give_________: us--a-Ca-- own way, more so than people of WONV0 DE[RLANDBANJO, 1MVANDOLIN, VIOLIN civilized 'countries. I-Ie then de-

AN UIMTASOL~IN .DIIC OLII Nscribed the terrible way in whichand GITAR STRINGS. the H-indus go rid of the bodies of Miss Viola Mcintosh

T their dead, and the filthy appear-Lowe's Drug Store ance of the Ganges river. Many

PRESS BUILDING opeople in South India, he said, were from Keith's circuit will singdevil worshippers, and made hu-

W. A. ALLEN, Ph.G. . man sacrifices; this the missionaries at WONDERLAND next weekare trying to stop, but the religion

Prescription Druggist is still widespread. Dr. Bushnell FOR THE EARLY SPRINGB. B. B. Pipes Fudge Sundae C. C CLOUGH closed his talk by saying that God'sAppollo Chocolates -- Coach-of-this year's Baseball TeamNoflCat dPnts___ AppolloChocolates g-- - ____ __

c__:_ _ greatest need for the missionary- orfoCots Pants

MUSGROVEBUDING -.. ANDOVER *Scorew of Ball Games .was to make everything advance, Raglan Overcoats[MIUSGROVE BUILDING . - ANDOVER Score- of Ball Games OMUSGRV and to n2ake all classes of people Outing Flannels

FRIDAY " equal.-- p R IDAY' --r-Fe. r -deof the best foreign and do-DR. ABBOTT Tufts II, MI. A. C. 2. Mcmorial Concert mestic woolens, and in our ownPhysician and Surgeon Pennsylvania 3. Swarthmore o. worksh M epreseted atNoyesFrench's, March 14th and 1th by

-_ ::- ";;:Qrurs: Till9-aim. -= ntlrhit T l ch: [inliversitv . A concert in memory of the late Mr. Wandless.t." 3 and 6 to 8 p m. SATURD.\ i Professor Samuel Morse Downs of > \ ,G m -

Office and Residence, 70 Main St. Princeton 12, Columbia 3. Abbot Academy will be held atTelephone 179 Fordham 5' Yale i. I Davis Hall to-morrow afternoon atTele_____p__o___ Cornell 9, Vermont 2. four o'clock. The program will be 3" WASHmGoN 6T.. BOSTO

Brown 7, Penn. State 5. i given by Mr. Perabo, pianist; Mr.i J. E. WHITING Amherst 9. Holy Cross I. . Mahn, violinist; and Mr. Barth, J. N L A N DE R 5

Jeweler and Optician Tufts 4, West Point 3. 'cellist, all of Boston. RESTAURANT

V PHILLIPS SEALS = --- ------- - -- _ 695 Washington Street, BostonRESERVED FORAndover, Mass. RD '

F K E. Harvard Dormitories Noyes E. FrenchFRANK E. GLEASONCoal and Wood . _ DINING ROOMS

Fte - Plaoo Wood Delivered In RoomsOFFICE - MAIN STREET MR. MLEAN,- CAMBRIDGE MASS. Students' supplies of all kinds.

" . ,, ,___.-_____-________-___________-_ __.________._______ B. B. B. Pipes and pipe repairs.College Ices and Sundae.


9 Main Street . . Andover S. W. Cor. Broadway and 54th StreetNear scth St. Subway Station and 3d St. Elevated TO BUY OR SELL


BENJAMIN BROWN W Shoes of all Kinds s E

~ANDOVER ; :. -: MASS , Headquarters for College MenANDOVER -- - MASS E, .. RblotASSU -.- Mf'b . Tg^;ihz':-' PIdeal [.ocation. Near Theatre, Shops. and- I-_ J._WNSEANIARRYPSTIMSNQ_1.__________________ BIsCentral Park.

T/ui.e . r~ Lan-t New, Modern and Absolutely Fireproof KNOWN TO EVERYBODYLouise I. Goldsmith & Co. lost Attractive Hole in New YorA.

"_ " -...... _Transient Rates, $2.50 with bath, and up. WORN ALL OVER:-e:~'ill,-t-derooms THE WORLD.Picture Frae and ift Shop ; IAlloideSpecial Rates for College Teams

Loumsa S. GoEMurr ArTHuS G. ._,,,

FULL LlE Or... Send for oolets CLASPMen's Furnishing Goods o _A __O EALER, AI IWHEBE

Olothing Made to Order and Repairing - neaonRoGEFtiOTca O


. .,' ._ . | . ' .... *. «.AL W EASY - .

Page 4: Ipdf.phillipian.net/1910/04201910.pdf · the p of the nend game. Aular squad. 912 and 911 will week during the Academy's vaca- 2.I5-Class Baseball squads re-The playing of the Andover

PAGE FOUR T.':,. '· .1...<'- ~ .HEPHILLIPIAN ' /. -

of _ ..b COLLEGE ,NOTES'' ,Day. 'Last year' the' game was

,You-can pay the,priceof' , played in NeW- Yoirk- -.-HARVARD. , , CORNELL E .

u'ilty of the law school and Tapnp-b-t - rackl mcet swith tle Pennsylvania ., -ed by the President arin Fellows of -';reslmei at Ithaca during the last A - OY

and not get Fownes tle, - the college, and lby the Board of 'wcekin May; - .' ,. -" 1S` '

fit nor service. Overseers, the degree: of "Juris The ' Musical clubs 'will.probably Doctor," J.D., lia been established. accept -the ivitation of the iar- BENT & BSHCOThis degree will be granted to ,the vard Clubs ,to give'a joint concert .

*B_________________ graduates, of approved colleges for -in Boston dn M.ay.28th.' If they 15 Soh0o'SlSret, Boston

o=- ne-year's work in the Law Schol do, o they, will stay over.-and se the

gOBn .BA ?n fBnSER-XI provided they have already re- boat races 'Nitlh Harvard vwhich ,

ceived the degree of L.S.B. from will be 'rowed on'the 3oth. * _ ._the Law School; if their degree i' WILLIAMS. received from any .other law school The chess team beat Amherst at B . A P A Ira two years' course at thle -Harvardl Willianistown, 7 to2, astwceek. BUC iA F A lLaw School is necessary for the - Uphol and iiurDalers:. ,ree.<, Upholsterers anFitureDealers

*Ilew~~ "^^g 1 -^ . ', , - rto PARK STREET, -. ANDOVER

Fa*r]in M - The university crew lit lfor 'tAn- PAiIC STREET, - ANDOVEGr00me s '- S'tudent-' Trade i Specially.SCri6S napolis Thursday. where a two- 4' t


mile race will e rowed 'on eo le S uareriver Sverl ith the US. avaluae:\cademy on April 2. - ' -L. C Torrey, P.-A. 'o8,'tied for i'j '0

second place in the hanicap' gani,.held in the stadium Thursday.'

BOSTON, - - MASS.' Percy Duncan aughtoni H. 9. Bostorn .'99 - Mass.has' made an agreement wit h te'CAthletic Association to coachl th'il

P URDY 7 _ tlUniversity football team during * HO -- CO.ie easoins oif 9Io. 19 i. and 1912. - ELEiN

...-----.- TelM P~t/ . _'_er _ During the past two seasons,: Mr.1n45 TREMONT STREET -Houghton has given his scrvice. -Dry G(oods and Groceries

.BOSTON without compensation, but he wvil OL .. l. Al.S AIN

Eli Square, . Andoer Damatic Club.O 1 ark. .Coy,, Wyo n ear-

receThiversit a las sel fcrtu- ood fihin and an n e

work durig-them next year.

- inate- in securing a footbal1l gami s euiDICiR aoRoTTt g a .country. -

it Carlisle Indians, to be playe FormerAndover . 3H, RAVES PN A '

_' ;_ __ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ w_______ior, G Za', A 08aERY .


t ... sta.tement that comnes up toward theiact, - ' - ..... ..... wap 78 .n St.. Bosto

ro S I- iWe are not gioen o to claim sueriority, but if yhave looked into th atter, _: _-_ youow_ that befop re s set bason, the stock in our storeof linen, madras .FRANe BROTHERS

FA~' Square, . " Andover.Damatic Club. ' - -'te Park...Cody,..Wyomin, ,er-

--. -- ~------ -' - silk, flaaellroa poale, batite, cheviot, and ascor o other trials,ad

'b ^E lR ^ exceeded by something like Universine hasdred per ent, ay similar aGssemd fishing andan el eni ''

'* i^ -wi better of the knd anywhere, to in corye playedt to learn of it. .

:. .EY'RE- -- - HNWHAVEN " - "- ' T ; ' *

stateme that comeup owird the.fact.S ,

R "i . -. N'~'_. " v '

. .Uv-Qa mp * -' r> '' ' t-h ms ,3 Ag ent , t >nS ' ." .' ' ' ''t.r.H -N Y.,-W,"" :We are no .ven tjo oclai superiity, but if u ihal eaooked EinSto th matter, e

yo kno thatbefore this season, the stock in our stor, of linen, madras .A " YB,.OttEIS

silk fannel,perale, baiste, cheviot, nd iTse'orhof other hiteials,,had .maU ' a'- -( TIO- Ek | S Pt An tT, , R~Q exceeded by som thingJ.ikeone hudredpe i--e n,'oaChy s imil E- N e 'l I

. ......... ~~~~~: ' "ing. of material inthe New England State. f'there is'td.,;nore and better of the kind nywhere, inthte hwaeyet to lean of t.

.. :We can send you samples, if 'ou do nothappen to see ourrepre sdntative.''

' ::' '""" . ' Goldba ;m DP

A m'-~~ :: _%~i~"~~ ' , t ~.~ _ ,: -w";,; ,:-7~~i~~,.

]~ .': - ..- " ~,''. ~'. . , j ' 'k.,.- ; ;t; ... -,, ' % ~ '.i.(h.q,, ,~ ' ~';'..%, ,.*,2, ,, BLAC ; .. ,.'S*; .-.. 7 J ~?.T'

Page 5: Ipdf.phillipian.net/1910/04201910.pdf · the p of the nend game. Aular squad. 912 and 911 will week during the Academy's vaca- 2.I5-Class Baseball squads re-The playing of the Andover

eatimate upon.your W I. ', P. o A l. I. I -, .i. .... ' AS-d Su ESr ' ' .. s.C I . '- .. -2, .. . . ; , Stone Age manuscript, on which

..;. Md~f~LS: .. ......::hra tr- RINGS,. MEDALS,,' ETC.; . & I i OJI 1 oler, ioeran te Curator has been at work ior a'~~r~ ^UOC~fc PbM 6 .a ' '.Pol, oTild Tennis lt '.- lohgtime, will b ent 'fthe pU-SAREtVE, U d & LOW UCO. 0G.t^ CATALOGUE OF '"/" " Wi!hington and lishers:ini about thirty dys. I.is

147Tremot Street, ' Bostoi, M eIss.s . . , S-. " ''t Noyes Bros. - mer Street, liopedto have the book i the handsSt,, -s--t o . ~ thleIC ic Goods J . Boston, U. S.,A of the subscribers in July. Much

The METROPOLITAN isou, and shouldbelnthehands of-- interest has been manifested in this.An t. TuB eryonf intmerICeted o, publicatin and letters regarding it

~ANDOVER'S CANDY STORE : Wrigtt S DUitont Base Ball Ahomellke,tilrst-lIshotelt, - have been received from all partsHome-made Food, Ice Cream, Soda Lawn. Tennis, ol, Field prd of Newof the nited States.

and Candies Hocke aad Track Sup- tradlUons, dating *rom m of th~ United States.ocke, a Track up-flcl CoGen. Warren, yctifn The Smithsonian Institute hasa2 MariI STRlEETpls arTe offic. newlyfurnishe .a arranged an exchange with the de-

42 MAIN deupE the est modeLs and brt stook with every.i__- ----- Erwyoneadmc i that the wrftOeesam on comlort &s' W',* partment whereby an articulated

H1I NT rT.0 M 4 J6 Cr0 aoiolr», r»ya, OJr<, re.* anda conven- s^e^l'nwil"0 skeleton will be sent to Andover, oesae Supe(or in 011 0ay. Our lice .rd i lsl anee

g camods are w otten up by epert fnhuo .nw_ : pfhoneand for Dr. Page to use in the Physiol-Ice Creams- -Sherbets and oto use them otandoold ogy class.Caikes*.- Lunches to order W R T &"DlITlSO roemKep.S tcot There will also be numerous du-

Residence, HIDDEN ROAD WRIGHT & .ITSN ., 'stantlyclean by our plicate specimens sent'to Andovere CT nWasblngton St., Boston, Wass; '

' vacuum plint. Rooms when the Sithsonian,roVes intoephoe Connection Take Readlin Car. , Warren St., New York t 1.00 a day and up te tn, moves into

H____arvya-rd- " squareaAad Cadmbrige, M.: its hew building, which, by the way," ....~- 84 Wabah Ave., Chlcago, 11.

- -' , ~ 76 Weybossel St., Providence, R. . cost $3,ooo00 oo,' and is the finest

FRESHMAN ROW at New Haven. JOHN ITEWART museum building in the world.

Mostpopular house for Sheff. men. Al THE PHILLIPS INN - Trade Ads.

-'ays patronized y Andovergrads. OPPOSITE CAMPUS ,lotoI P. Calledforand ,o" ° ae grads.·Clothes Pressed_______

MRS. J. J. 'BRIEN, Open throughout the year. Rates $3.00 The Phillipian has the followingRR423 Templper day. Banquets served to Post Office Avenue, - Andover trade ads which can be obtained

'423 Temple St - Clubs and Societies. -__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

at o per cent discount at 6 Draper.J. M:STEWART - Propietor. Harvard Dental Schoo McMillan,. tailor $x8.o0

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute J. A. HANDLEY A Department of HanardUnlhersIj Hotel Cumberland, N. Y., 40.00

HOL f -TEACHUER OF- L school ad mitted without examna tones 2.50~SCHo~ TEACRER OF- a gradu== .oL...,o..,.. oldbaum &Rappport,

Ebliahed NflIN . Pvears' course. leading to the degree, Doctor alors .. 8.oo^WnWc h l61NEEIN BANJO, GUITAR an aMANDOLI Tnn Beru:tluesor:tplcatiT:al r A treee Goldbaum & Rappoport,_Mt~~~ .I~Z¢ nstaroments for aleo o' Rent Dental Medlcioe. New buildings. Modern

cMll; Mechanial; -Ele:tial -8,, Basement,,& C~lft&;OILOGY BXILDDIIO 'equipmealt. Large oinlcn, L Write orCatalogue. Van'Neste, tailor 27,00' - echianicai . ectrial Basement, ARCHAAoY;OnY tUILD IINO EUGENE H. SMITH DM.D ,ta 27,00Sendtior-catiogue. TROY N.Y. Monday.s Thasd.ay. a irlay - - Longwood Ave., Boston, Mass.- At the Theatres

' :' '"^/,_-j ..... ^---'^ ^g ^'^ .." . . . -Co lonial-"The Third Degree."

i , ,c , I, -' NIF'A : ¥ ,/White Sister." Iu",m.=.. ..... V- . .. . . . . . c ^ql Park-William Hodge in "The

-" '~..-- '·~ ': ,-Man fr6rm.Home."

Hollis-Fritzi Scheff in "The10 Prima Donna."'

Tremont-Raymond Hitchcock

y -R C3EDL O C CADSL1GN in " The Man Who Owns Broad-way.

Boston-"Follies of I9o9."

'"-_____ ________" '__ . . '"*- * ' - . *" pany in repertoire.

' W. . Whol ey .. - epreeti...... S YEAR


- ' a. K IZNeE . T-'.THE LEADINGCOLLEGE SHOE HOUSE «. HOTEL LENOXHigh Grader Furnihings 14 School Street, Boso Bostnon and Exetr Sts

'At French's Friday,, BOSTON

'. - " " '; _____ SUITS AND OVERCOATS, __ i i i I , _ iii

V:.7"AN IT N i^ .Arsr' -i 5 ' , Newest Patterns for Spring. and

AN N T The Andover Press S Summer. -BOSTON L- .. _ ._,_' . _ .___________ [ DERBIES AND SOFT HATS

__________-________""_ ':= -___i. -'o'fiOi:- and- .-the-- Continent '-


· [,~, ~:,:/ :,-,:' '">'-: :3':-," '; '1[IpHILLIpS QUALITY SHoES'' ::,'; ". 5 -:- L- ' SCHLOL BOOKS and SCHOOL SUPPLIES safroNillustCtedCalog :.

'- " ji~i ~ « *' ~ -" " ' "ir11'' '1- ' II ' I '11 Til l " 1' ' 11 1 1 ~ i 1' 1 , , i r i i ' ' '. - 'Se i -lttA

" i* ,.^.0 .ge41s»€ i ,,if", ;.: -:- :\- ,: ; . * :* T. -TAU. TAU. 1 la Callor -;:t" L: h:,?f :r;; ., s ''. PROPRIETORSOF' ,

'I'1 iT'h, An'',CSdS..iid dover 'Bookstore, ' ; ,porttng and - - dC:U2LDDIN MAIN STREET . . ii¥

- -* -U ,_

Page 6: Ipdf.phillipian.net/1910/04201910.pdf · the p of the nend game. Aular squad. 912 and 911 will week during the Academy's vaca- 2.I5-Class Baseball squads re-The playing of the Andover


(Continued from Page ) balls, off Ripley 2, off York 3, off u . -l. -Means, 7; struck out, by Ripley 5, Begin Right on your Clothes. - ANNON

second on the throw to the plate. by Means 7; hits off Riley, 7 in has made clothes for P. A Boys f overMiddlbrook struck out. Kresser innings; off York, 8 in 4 innings;S scored Wells with a three-bagger, off eans, 7 in 9 innings; lefton twenty years He is still making them forand came in himself on Ripley's bases, Andover 5, Bowdoin 7; time . ll single. Boles received a base on 2h i5m. Umpire, J. Read. many of his firstcustomers. A H nt to theballs. Goodell singled, scoring .Ripley, and Wright received a pass. Forum New Boys atPhi llips.Reilly singled to center, scoring Goodell and Wright. Reilly out, The regular meeting of Forum A TPurington to Wandkte. Burdett will be held Friday night in the See IA NNO N on your Clothes Problemflied out to Purington, retiring the Archaeology Building. Tupper will MAIN STREET, ANDOVERside after eight runs had been give-the select-reading--Tiltonr-a - . --- --- - ...- --

made. - declamation, and the topics of the ASK ANY COLLEGE DIAN ABOUTBowdoin went out in order until week will be rendered by Warren. f0 S * aa A ftdH1

the fourth, when Clifford got his The question for debate is, "Re- |E S a il YOUSHIbase on balls and went to third on solved, That possible benefits to be . 11l |t

a wild throw. Wilson singled to derived, justify the United States right, scoring Clifford. Lawlas in constructing the Panama canal."' ) -(I O Un fL n ITflI was safe on Goodell's error, and A. W. Bell and A. R. Gordon will LU U L- B BUO IUGrant singled to center, scoring uphold the affirmative, and S. J. Wilson. Purington hit to fight, Brady and L. H. Brown, the nega- At French's evey Fridayscoring Lawlas and Grant. Scho- tive. The critique-has not yet been -field struck but. Means singled to decided upon.left. Smith hit to center, scoring Purington and Means. Wandkte College Gamesfouled to Wright. Clifford up for L . P I N KO the second time was safe on a poor- TO-DAY ..:.ly handled bunt, and Wilson tripled Harvard vs. Virginia. C o l ge Tai lorto left, scoring Smith and Clifford. Yale vs. Bushnell. 'HARVAR

Lawlas out, Reilly to Boles. Ando- Pri"eto n vs. Wiliams. Rep.,.. L. Biea su CAMBRIDGE.

ver 8, Bowdoin 8. Fordham vs. Columbia. Every Thursday at French'sBowdoin- scored two runs in the Brown. vs.-Vermont.

sixth on-two bases on balls and a Army vs. Lafayette. '_.. - -triple, and four more in the eighth. Springfield vs. Amherst. zar maLeaillmyaeeeona 4uti~Snmtsuilotatleor ft ¢e e. o,Clifford and Wilson singled, Clif- ___ford going to third. Wilson stolesecond. Lawlas got a base on balls.Grant was safe when Reilly threw i

. out Clifford'to Wrightf.-- Puringtontripled to left, clearing the bases,and scored. on Schofield's. out.

ninth, two singles and a triple re-sulted in two more runs for the vis-itors. This ended the scoring.

The Summary: da

ANDOVERab r hpo a e y

Boles,ib 41070 0Goodell, 2b 3 I I I 2Beedy, 2b 2oo3 o -0i io~Wright, c. 31 0II4 IReilly, 3b 4 I 326 ISBurdett, ss. 5 1 0 0 3 IWells, cf. 4 5 4 1R 1200hliddlebrook, rf. 3 o o I 1 LKresser, If. 3 I I o o o0ETY ft EMDALS,Ripley, p. 2 I00York, p.' I 0 000 0 P-%1ZZ9,TANTP

Totals 34 8 7 27 4 6 PO5TERS, GoE |BOWDOIN A-

a od S qrSmith, If. 6 2 3 00- So'UMoDA L gatWandkte, ss. 5 2 } 2 3 2 ZE&ThERMRTASClifford, If 4 2 2 12 0 0

Wilson, c. 6 3 3 7 0e

Lawlas, 3b 4 2 -1 I 0

Grant, 2b -. 6 2-1 0 2 O'-'-' I : =:'-vPurington, cf. 5 2 2 3 - 0

Cchofield, rf 5 I P0r i t et n lo0, 0l ve 0othe Mains p. I 0ec20ion

Torals 46 6i5 27- i' 2

Runs, Boles, Goodell, Wright, Reilly, Burdett, Wells, Kresser,Ripley, Smith 2, Wandkte 2, Clif-ford 2, Wilson 3, Lawlas 2, Grant2, Purington 2, Means; :three-basehits, Kresser, Reilly, Wilson, Law-las, Purington, Wandkte; stolen bases, Wandkte, Wilson, BurdettWells, Kresser, Reilly;'bases -on
