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media pack2210v3.qxp 25/10/12 08:11 Page 1

Advanced Television Limited’s

mission is to bring business

leaders in the Digital Media

Delivery sector news and

analysis in a user friendly and

timely fashion.

Content management and

transmission, network

management, home gateway and

TV Everywhere; we cover the

technology, the regulation and

the business models.

The Digital Media landscape is

set for further significant

evolution in the year ahead as

social media adds a new

dimension to the marketing and

consumption of content.

With a truly international

perspective, our daily email

news, research monitors and

long form features ensure no

significant event or trend

escapes our radar – or yours.

Whether you want to reach busy

executives at the beginning of the

working day with our eDaily

News or reinforce your message

on paper at a major event, we

provide an engaged, inquisitive

and qualified audience for your



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In 2013, Euromedia will

continue its in-depth coverage of

the international digital media

industry. For broadcasters,

content producers, technology

providers, network operators,

service providers and

professional advisors,

Euromedia’s six issues per

annum are essential reading.

Its BPA-certified readership is

made up of senior executives

across the sectors it spotlights

and the magazine is also

accessed by thousands of

industry delegates to the world’s

biggest and most important

trade shows and conferences

throughout the year.

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January/FebruaryMiddle East Special. Newbroadcasters, new channels, new networks,new production; the MiddleEast remains a hotbed ofmedia growth and activity.Euromedia talks to the keyplayers for an update on theworld’s most exciting mediascene.

Previews: Cabsat MENA(Dubai) and CSTB(Moscow).

March/AprilTV News Channels mustfight for their audience withthe big Internet and socialmedia providers. How arethey extending their content,reach and brands onto mul-tiple devices and via socialmedia?

Preview: NAB (Las Vegas),MIPTV (Cannes)

May/June Home Gateway Survey.Defining the Home Gatewayand its role in managing andsecuring content distribu-tion to multiple devices;what are vendors offering toservice providers in cable,OTT, DTH and DTT?Social Media: We survey theimpact of social networks oncontent interactivity andmarketing.

Preview: ANGA (Cologne),Broadcast Asia (Singapore)

July/AugustSTB and Smart TV Survey.With DSO complete acrossdeveloped markets STBs orSmart TVs feature in mosthomes. How is the Europeanmarket made up, from basicDTT tuners to sophisticatedhybrid PVRs? What developments are on thehorizon for STBs and SmartTVs?

Preview: IBC (Amsterdam)

September/October3D and Ultra HD. 3D hasbeen a very slow burn so farand only the introduction ofglasses-free will see it take-off as first envisaged. Howclose is the introduction of glasses-free in a functionaland affordable form?Meanwhile Ultra HD is gaining traction among CEmanufacturers and contentproducers, how fast will themarket grow?

Previews: IBC (Amsterdam),MIPCOM (Cannes)

November/DecemberTest & Monitor Survey.What new techniques arebeing brought to bear to preserve QoE for the subscriber as TVEverywhere becomes commonplace and network traffic continues togrow at a compound rate.

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Month and Date Event Euromedia IPTV

January 8-11 CES International, Las Vegas 400 400

January 16-18 Convergence India, New Delhi 400 300

January 29-31 CSTB, Moscow 700 200

February 25-28 Broadcast Video Expo, London 500

March 5-7 Cable Congress, London 400

March 5-8 CeBIT, Hanover 500 400

March 6-7 Media Summit, New York 250

March 11-13 DVB World, Madrid 200

March 12-14 Cabsat MENA, Dubai 800 400

March 18-21 Satellite Summit, Washington 300

March 19-21 TV Connect, London 300 1,000

March 21-23 CCBN, Beijing 700 300

April 6-11 NAB, Las Vegas 1,500 1,000

April 8-11 MIP TV, Cannes 600

April 9-10 Broadband World Forum, HK 200 600

April 25-26 FT Digital Media Conference, London 300 300

June 4-6 ANGA COM, Cologne 1,500 500

June 10-12 The Cable Show, Washington 500

June 18-21 BroadcastAsia, Singapore 700 300

June 19-21 Digital Home Summit, London 500 300

September 6-11 IFA, Berlin 500 500

September 12-17 IBC, Amsterdam 2,000 2,000

September TBC CTAM Europe Cable Marketing 300

September 18-20 SCTE Cable-Tec Expo, New Orleans

October 7-10 MIPCOM, Cannes 500 500

October CDN World Summit 400

October 22-24 Broadband World Forum Europe 1,000

October 23-25 TelcoVision Las Vegas 1,000

October EEBC, Kiev 400

October CASBAA 400 200

October SCTE Cable-Tec Expo 400

October TV Connect Middle East and Africa 750

November OTT World Summit 750

November IDATE DigiWorld, Montpellier 400 300


media pack2210v3.qxp 5/11/12 11:47 Page 5

Display ad rates

Advertising rates:


Full page trimPrint area

182 x 273 mm

210 x297mm4-colour£3,200


216 x 303mm

420 x 297mm4-colour£5,400


mono £4,200

426 x 303mm



Mono £1,350

4-colour£1,1002-colour£900Mono £800

Full pagebleed

Double page spread

1/2 Verticalpage

Print area 91 x 273mm


pagePrint area

182 x 136mm


Print area91 x 136mm

Double page spread bleed

105 x297mm

210 x148mm


Series of 6 insertions: 10% discount oneach insertionSeries of 12 insertions: 20% discount oneach insertion

Please supply ad as a high resolution pdf (optimised forAcrobat 4), jpg or eps.Please do not supply as Quark orAdobe InDesign

105 x148mm

4-colour£1,1002-colour£900Mono £800


pagePrint area

182 x 62 mm

210 x74mm


Full page 4-colour £3,400Full page 2-colour £2,800Full page mono £2,400Double page spread 4-colour £5,400Double page spread 2-colour £4,800Double page spread mono £4,200Half page 4-colour £1,750Half page 2-colour £1,550Half page mono £1,350Quarter page 4-colour £1,100Quarter page 2-colour £900Quarter page mono £800

media pack2210v3.qxp 25/10/12 07:35 Page 6

Classified Marketplace rates:

15 ads to a page3 columns to a pageColumn width 6cms

Cost: £375 per unit withissue

1 unit - 4 issues £1,000One year’s advertising


Units can be grouped to givea unique ad tailored exactly to

your own needs and budget.

The example on the rightshows how your ad will look

in the BroadbandMarketplace - all you have to

do is e-mail your copy andlogo and we will create your

ad, with no extra charge

Distribution and classified rates

Broadband equipment

Leading technologysolutions that spanthe total high-speedbroadband network. Technetix Ltd. Communications House,Edward Way, Burgess Hill, West Sussex,RH15 9TZ, UK Tel: +44 (0) 1444 251200 [email protected] www.technetix.com

media pack2210v3.qxp 25/10/12 08:15 Page 7

Advanced Television is first and

foremost a news site and is dedicated to

ensuring users are always up to speed on

any breaking stories in the sector. And

there are now well over 15,000 news items

stored on the site and all searchable by

keyword and / or date range - a

remarkable resource for quickly accessing

key information on any topic. Divided into

15 categories and over 40 subcategories,

the Archive is the most comprehensive


In 2013, we will be adding our industry

research Monitor service, an at-a-glance

way to spot and consider new analysis and

surveys relevant to your business.


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Site Statistics

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Advertising options

media pack2210v3.qxp 25/10/12 07:37 Page 10

Positions and Rates

Masthead banner £3,500 Per MonthNotes: Standard banner 468 x 60px. Sold as exclusive position unless otherwiseagreed. Appears on all pages of site.

MPU £3,000 Per MonthStandard size 300 x 250px. Sold as exclusive position unless otherwise agreed.Appears on Home Page and News Landing Pages.

Button £2,750 Per MonthStandard size 125 x 125px. Position: top right of Home Page.

Top Banner £2,750 Per MonthStandard size 468 x 60px. Sold as rotating with maximum two others unless otherwise agreed. Appears on Home Page below first editorial story.

Mid banner £2,500 Per MonthStandard size 468 x 60px. Sold as rotating with maximum two others unless otherwise agreed. Appears on Home Page below third editorial story.

Tower £2,750 Per MonthStandard size 125 x 500px. Sold as rotating with maximum two others unless otherwise agreed. Appears on Home Page.


Daily NewsTop banner £1,495 Mon – ThursdayStandard 468 x 60px. Standard gif or jpeg preferred. *If animated, opening frameshould contain key information as Outlook email client 2007 onwards does notanimate.

Mid banner £1,195 Mon-ThursdayStandard 468 x 60px. Standard gif or jpeg preferred.

Tower £1,495 Mon-ThursdayStandard size 125 x 500px.

Friday FileTop banner £1,375 FridayStandard 468 x 60px. Standard gif or jpeg preferred.

Mid banner £1,150 FridayStandard 468 x 60px. Standard gif or jpeg preferred.Tower £1,375 FridayStandard size 125 x 500px. NB: All insertions to newsletter also appear on the news landing pages for thesame day.

media pack2210v3.qxp 25/10/12 07:37 Page 11

We have been holdingroundtables for four yearsnow and you will find over80 video chapters in ourlibrary, featuring over 40participating companies.

In 2013 we will conveningRoundtables on:

�� STB sector update�� VoD ��Home Gateways�� Content Security�� OTT Services�� 3D and Ultra HD

We will keep you in touchwith details and updatesthroughout the year.

Round Tables

media pack2210v3.qxp 25/10/12 07:37 Page 12

IP TELEVISIONInternational

Covers both IPTV managed service

players and Over The Top providers,

and the complex relationship

between the two. Fast access will

continue to offer opportunities for Over The

Top services from third party aggregators

and content owners. In 2013, we will

continue to focus on how these services may

lead to ‘cord shaving’ but also the customer

relationship and QoS advantages managed

service providers can bring to bear.

A vital part of the battle ground is the User

Interface and an important element for

many viewers will be how usefully social

network tools are embedded, and again this

will be a key service differentiator.

This quarterly journal coincides with

the main sector events worldwide in

spring and autumn.

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We have designed specific advertising packages to allow vendorsto expand on their regular promotion by adding a more in-depthreview of the challenges and opportunities in IPTV and how their products or services fit in. Editorial contributed by advertisers isalways clearly signposted as such.O


OPTION ONEPart 1. A full page colour advertise-ment in a premium position:Outside back cover, inside backcover or inside front cover.

Part 2. A two-page client contributed editorial (1,500 words + images).

An opportunity for companies tocontribute their own views or towrite company profiles, case studies etc.

Contributed editorial will bedesigned and edited in the style ofIP Television and a pre-press version submitted to the client forapproval.

Reprint opportunities will be madeavailable after publication of issue.Any reproduction must be with thepermission of the publisher. Cost = £3,500

OPTION 2Part 1. As above, but the full pagecolour advertisement will be on aregular right hand page and NOT apremium position.

Part 2. Two A4 page client-con-tributed editorial as above. Cost = £3,000

OPTION 3A full-page colour advertisement ina premium position. Cost = £3,000

OPTION 4A regular full-page colour adver-tisement on a regular right-handpage positionCost = £2,000

OPTION 5A two A4 page client-contributededitorial in the journal. Cost = £2,500

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