iot applications based on lorawan

IoT Applications based on LoRaWan Daniel Koller, @dakoller

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Post on 11-Apr-2017




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Page 1: IoT Applications based on LoRaWan

IoT Applications based on LoRaWan

Daniel Koller, @dakoller

Page 2: IoT Applications based on LoRaWan

0.3-22 kbps2-3 km in urban areas,6-10 km in rural areas

A battery can live 3 years, while sending every 5


What is LoRaWan?Low-Power Wide-Area Network (LPWAN) or Low-Power Network (LPN) is a unlicensed wireless telecommunication network designed to allow long range communications at a low bit rate among low power things (connected objects), such as sensors operated on a battery.[1][2]

This allows for long-lived & cheap sensors, which cost ~ 25 EUR.Suitable where Wifi, Bluetooth or *G networks are not available.

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What is the TheThingsNetwork?A Layer on top of LoRaWan, which allows your application to work with sensors without needing to worry about the infrastructure.• Consists of

Nodes, Gateways & the backend

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How can you interact with it?• You receive your data encoded in JSON (TTN helps with decoding data

into JSON)• You can subscribe to incoming data via MQTT/HTTP Push.• There is an API to even send data back to the sensors (turning them

into actors as well)• SAP IoT can consume data from TheThingsNetwork. ( see )

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Our motivation: how would it be, if… If citizen could easily support data collection about their own living environment, such as

ozone, fine dust, traffic or noise in the city? Active & constructive participation options

If everybody can get help with building his/her sensors? Use the maker culture to foster understanding of technology

If everybody could learn to process his own data? Show people, how they can make use of big data & algorithms

If this results in public open data sets

Demand data-driven decisions

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How do we start?• We‘ll establish a regular IoT workshop in a local makerspace.

• We want to capture real-time data, which influence quality of living.• We aim towards a group of sensors, which everybody can build on

his/her own.(which send standardized data with repeatable quality)• This will be consolidated & interpreted in an Index on Quality of

Living.• This index can be enriched with data from open data sets.

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Takeaways for your public IoT effort• Don‘t focus on technology & infrastructure, but treat it as a side activity

look for a practical usecases, knowing that other usecases will follow

• Try to get validation of your efforts from experts avoid to spread just numbers, which can be easily neglected

• Find a local issue in the beginning, which allows you to get inital attention

• Find partners! (e.g. a makerspace, sponsors, research partners)

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