ios essential notes

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  • 7/24/2019 IOS Essential Notes


    IOS Essential Notes - IOS Course

    -------------- @Property@interface Myclass: NSObject {}

    @property (nonatomic) int score;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------atomic - thread safe : Its the defaultnonatomic - fast but not thread safe------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Strong (we own it, strong reference) and weak (weak reference)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    @Synthesize (older code use this to generate getter and setters but not requirednow)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    bob.score = 100; [dot syntax works only for getter and setter methods]

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MVC:====Model : text files, DB, Image files etcController : Objective C [ .m & .h Xcode files]View : storyboard and .xib files

    Action : Flows from View to Controller (method) ex: button click calls a method.This methos is the actionOutlet : From Controller(IBOutlet* deiniftion) to ViewA single UI element (Text field etc) can be both Outlet and Action

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------UI elementsView --> Utilities --> Show object lib------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IBAction - When the view element is dropped into the view Controller.m1. Drag a button in the implementation - IBAction2. Drag a text into the @interface - IBOutlet

    pointing to the margin next to the Outlet Code in the View Controller shows thelink on the Storyboard

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dismissing Delegation:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------First Responder : [textfield resignFirstResponder]----------------

    touchesBegan: (NSet*)touches withEvent (UIEvent *) event{

  • 7/24/2019 IOS Essential Notes


    [self view endEditing:YES]}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Video 4_4_DismissDelegation:Make the ViewController the 'delegate' for the text field.Events from Text field which the delegate handles: When the text field is beginning editing, Clear field

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Delegate Protocol : Delegate class adheres to this.Use brackets to implement

    1. Read the Delegate Protocol2. Delegate class defined.3. Implement the required methods4. Connect the delegate class to the delegated object.

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Video 04_06:Show Message Window:UIALertView : initWithTitle

    [myAlert show]

    Hit Home Button : then app is not killed, but paused?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------main.m

    UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, delegate); //delegate is AppDelegate.mUIApplicationMain() : Pass Delegate

    ----> UIApplication----> Calls Primary UI file (Storyboard/xib) : n

    othing is visible yet

    ----> Calls your app delegate----> UIWindow : transparent, exists for the lifespan of the app

    ----> Loads View Controller into the UIWindow---->

    While app is loading:# applicationDidFinishLoadingWithOptions() (LifeCycle methods in AppDelegate)# viewDidLoad & viewWillAppear (LifeCycle methods in viewController)

    After App loads# applicationDidBecomeActive()# viewDidAppear() (viewController)

    # Go through AppDelegate.

    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IOS Project Templates:Single ViewMultiple ViewPage ViewTabbed Application : Clock App

  • 7/24/2019 IOS Essential Notes


    Utility App : With a flip view : IOS 7 moved away from this styleEmpty Appl.OpenGL & SpriteKit--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do a SingleViewApplication first. Check out the Exercise files--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DatePicker or Picket : Connect a DataSource and Delegate for handling the selectRow etcUse UIDatePicker Protocols for defining these.- Connect--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DatePicker example :Connect DatePicker as Outlet and Button as ActionAn Outlet also lets you access to a control(read, write)NSDate *Chosen = [self.datePicker date];// EEEE represents date of the week in full ie., Monday etcNSDateFormatter has setDateFormatter:@"EEEE" //100s of different formats--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- define a property in .h and it becomes a public variable- define a property in .m and it becomes a private variable

    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Practice arrays and different ways to use them--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TableView Notes:Using Plist file and load the values into the table view.Copy the plist from mac dir to the Xcode Project Supporting files.Loading the Plist into runtime use:

    In viewDidLoad:NSDictionary* : It is not a 0 based data structure.NSURL and NSBundle

    - urlForResource- Use the URL to make the NSDictionary??

    NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfURLNSDictionary allKeys

    Protocoal Methods to Implement :- numberOfRowsInSection()- cellForRowAtIndexPath()

    declare variable of type UITAbleViewCellCall dequeueCellForReuseCellWithIdentifier

    - Efficient way to dequeue any cell- Provide one cell to implement scrolling and resuing cells. Utilities Panel. Attribute details inspector on RHS. In 'Prototype Cell' usevalue 1

    Identifier : 'cell' (same as in code)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Default Multi View template app has both Nav. Controller and- Every method has a description method.

  • 7/24/2019 IOS Essential Notes
