ios application development using swift - eact techios application development using swift ios app...

4 iOS Application Development using Swift iOS App Development Basics, the second course in the iOS App Development with Swift specialization, expands your programming skills and applies them to authentic app development projects. The topics covered in this course include Xcode basics, Core iOS and Cocoa Touch frameworks, simple user interface creation, MVC Architecture and much more. With a focus on using Apple’s components to access sensors like camera, microphone and GPS, by the end of this course you will be able to create a basic App according to specified parameters and guidelines. iOS App Development with Swift specialization, you will be developing foundational programming skills to support graphical element presentation and data manipulation from basic functions through to advanced processing. You will continue to build your skill set to use and apply core graphics, touch handling and gestures, animations and transitions, alerts and actions as well as advanced algorithms, threading and more. Course Outline * 1. iOS Development Environment 1.1. Introduction to iOS SDK 1.2. What’s new in iOS 9 1.3. SDK Tools 1.3.1.What’s new in Xcode 7 1.3.2.Using XCode 1.3.3.Using Interface Builder 1.3.4.Using iPhone Simulator 2. Swift Fundamentals 2.1. Hello Swift 2.2. Swift Playground

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Page 1: iOS Application Development using Swift - eACT TechiOS Application Development using Swift iOS App Development Basics, the second course in the iOS App Development with Swift specialization,


iOS App Development Basics, the second course in the iOS App Development with Swift specialization, expands your programming skills and applies them to authentic app development projects. The topics covered in this course include Xcode basics, Core iOS and Cocoa Touch frameworks, simple user interface creation, MVC Architecture and much more. With a focus on using Apple’s components to access sensors like camera, microphone and GPS, by the end of this course you will be able to create a basic App according to specified parameters and guidelines. iOS App Development with Swift specialization, you will be developing foundational programming skills to support graphical element presentation and data manipulation from basic functions through to advanced processing. You will continue to build your skill set to use and apply core graphics, touch handling and gestures, animations and transitions, alerts and actions as well as advanced algorithms, threading and more.


1. iOSDevelopmentEnvironment

1.1. IntroductiontoiOSSDK

1.2. What’snewiniOS9

1.3. SDKTools

1.3.1. What’snewinXcode7

1.3.2. UsingXCode

1.3.3. UsingInterfaceBuilder

1.3.4. UsingiPhoneSimulator

2. SwiftFundamentals

2.1. HelloSwift

2.2. SwiftPlayground

Page 2: iOS Application Development using Swift - eACT TechiOS Application Development using Swift iOS App Development Basics, the second course in the iOS App Development with Swift specialization,

3. SwiftLanguageBasics

3.1. CoreDataTypes

3.2. StringType

3.3. Tuples&Optionals

3.4. Constants&Variables

3.5. Statements&Operators

3.6. ControlFlow&Decisions

3.7. Functions

4. BasicObjectOrientedProgrammingusingSwift

4.1. Structs

4.2. Typesversusinstances

4.3. Memberandstaticmethods

4.4. Custominitialization&De-initialization

4.5. Classes

4.6. Initialization

4.7. Methods

4.8. Properties

5. AdvancedObjectOrientedProgrammingusingSwift

5.1. Optionals

5.1.1. Introducingoptionals

5.1.2. Unwrappinganoptional

5.1.3. Optionalbinding

5.2. NestedTypes

5.3. GenericTypes

5.4. Protocol

6. MemoryManagement

6.1. ReferenceCountingBasics

6.2. AutomaticReferenceCount

6.3. RetainCycles

7. iPhoneApplicationBasics

7.1. AnatomyofaniPhoneapplication

7.2. ApplicationLifecycleandStates

Page 3: iOS Application Development using Swift - eACT TechiOS Application Development using Swift iOS App Development Basics, the second course in the iOS App Development with Swift specialization,

8. UserInterfaceProgramming–Basics

8.1. UIKitFramework

8.2. XIBandInterfaceBuilder

8.3. Window&View

8.4. BasicUserControls

8.4.1. Labels,TextFields,Buttons,Sliders,Pickeretc.

8.4.2. Buildingapplicationscreens

8.4.3. AlertsandActionSheets

9. Auto-layoutandConstraints

10. ViewControllers

10.1. Basics

10.2. CreatingViewControllers

10.3. ContentvsContainerViewControllers

10.4. OrientationManagement

11. UserInterface–SpecialViews

11.1. ImageView

11.2. ScrollView

11.3. TableViews

11.3.1. PopulatingandconfiguringTableView

11.3.2. DataSourceandDelegate

11.3.3. TableViewCells

11.3.4. CustomCells

11.3.5. EditingTableView

11.4. CollectionView

12. MultipleViewControllers

12.1. ApplicationswithMultipleViews

12.2. PresentingViewControllers

12.3. AnimatingViewSwitching

12.4. Tabbasedapplications(TabBarController)

12.4.1. ConfiguringtheTabBar

12.5. Navigationbasedapplications(NavigationController)

12.5.1. WorkingwiththeNavigationBar

Page 4: iOS Application Development using Swift - eACT TechiOS Application Development using Swift iOS App Development Basics, the second course in the iOS App Development with Swift specialization,

13. Storyboards

13.1. StoryboardFile

13.2. ViewControllerandScene

13.3. Segue

13.4. InvokingaSegue

13.5. XIBandStoryboards

13.6. TableViewCellPrototype

14. MultiTouchandGesturesAPI

14.1. EventsandTouches

14.2. GestureRecognition

15. DataPersistence-1

15.1. FileSystem

15.2. SQLite

16. DataPersistence-2

16.1. CoreData

16.2. NSUserDefaults

17. ConcurrencyandBackgroundExecution

17.1. GCDandClosures

17.2. NSOperationandNSOperationQueue

17.3. Backgroundexecution

18. Networking,Connectivityetc.

18.1. Makingwebrequest

18.2. Restfulservices

18.3. JSON

18.4. ApplePushNotificationService

19. Multimedia

19.1. AudioandVideo

20. BestPractices,ProfilingandPerformanceTuning