ion i i^th e c tw i[n favaa.s td a h ·...

_ First Section I^THE f VOL. 10. N O. es. " I 8T:.llSraiS- QEraiir^ h RD llS IG ffPT i ^ Missouri MciropoiisiiivesvyorKi ~ j. Famous Flisr Tremendous Ovation; Airman Comments - on-Ordcrly-Demonstratlon. <By Tlie Asaoclalwl Prwsi i I BT. LOUIS, June IS-Sl. Louis give f I Coloiid Charles A. Lliiilbcnili n (rc- f I mtnOom ovation loday'In lu public acclaim of lU i ’oullilul traiu-AUftnllc ): filer wlio camc lionie yesterday to an Informally, virtually, private rtccpllon. T h e most cnWiiulastlc. yet m « t or- . JlcrlY._dttnatmraUaiiXitaverfttn,iliict _ * •'iny lantllnj In JMrb," u id Undl)crj;li _ after he had rlddvii two honrs llirougli T cijiht mllcn of unbroken chccrlng mtn, u-omcn and children, tncked two to 20 _______ (Iccn on aldfwalka along the route.______ n itr Attends nail Game ____________Illil rfcention at Sportaman's park ^ - - -tJils ttftenioon lacESTTiKin'un'Wrrtff ' i-(liial Uiat of the parade. Even then nn esllmated 37.000 pemoiu. lhe Breat* est regular aeoion throng ever to attend “ a Gt. Loula baseball kb'I'C. Jammed ” (heir wny In to sec'ttie young filer aa- \ sUi Rogers Hornsby. prc\'lously St. , Louis' greatest Individual hero, raise (tie world Aeries pennant won lasl year when he managed the Cardinals. at. Louis former lUndarda for out- iwurlngs. the amilsllce day celebration. ets. and the return of Uie victorioui ^ Cardinals after U>ey Jjad. defeated Uie New York Yankee In Amerlia'a an- ^ nual baseball classic last fall, all went by the board today In utlmatea of the number whp cheered Lindbergh., Thonsandi Shout praise Prom Uie Ume he emerged from Uie Congress hotel until he left the line of 7' ' march for a private luncheon before ^ going to the ball pork, probably lialf of St. Louis' popuIaUon and possibly a ^ quarter of a million vlsltors'thouled hit ? praise. Tlie downtown district was ono ''' . vast roar and the nlr was filled wIUj „ .(■ confetti. Jtrramer* and. tarn m i p a p - ?; y rn and Itlephone booU ^ ■■ To the honor* and’dtcoraUoni be* u sto»fcd in Parli. BnuseU. London, Washington and New York. St. Loiils liad lltUe to give except public adula- tion. The parade paused once while 1 Colonel Lindbergh waa Inducted Into Uc the Boy Scouts, nnd presented a Koiit pr _________ biKc-flndJlylngJrwignia^A t the bail un park John !!eydler. president of Uie tn National league, gave Lindbergh an as* loi nual In Uie form of a small, gold pocket ch _________ piece, properly Inscribed for admls*lon te< to the bairgames and In commemnra-' ~ lion of his epochal New York to Parts du solo flight. ........... be Tonight, at a banquet of ISOO nf fit. I» louls and Missouri notables at Chase Pli hotel, additional praise and honor» ™ (ConUnued on Page Six) , piiiiflifsi ■ - tic FOI n i l on Baldridge, Commissioners and ^ ............... Twin Falls-Man to Discuis ^ Publicity tif Wahf'-Spudj.’’ ', :i ; /•I DOISE. June IB for na- ] I tlonal campaign to furUier advertise 1 W--~*-Jdalio-potatoc».«mj>e discussed-Uon* -• day by Oovcmor H. C, Baldridge. John j 8. Welch, commlcssioner of agriculture: M. L. Dean, director of the plant In* | iwinto shipper "Bna~gRIWZrrnie~l|isy6n" nor announced today following a ^ * '( ference wlUi Mr. Delong who d e c l a ^ t many growers had agreed to an assess* ment of one*half cent per bag to pay ni tli^ cosl of the advertlfing campaign. ^ rrodaetlon laerease* . V ' Mf. Delong declared Idaho's poUto I producUon Uils year would be approxl* I maiely 30MO carloads or lOAOO more ' cars'Uian vere shipped last year. To furUier sUmulate markets u to the Jo' excellence of Uie Idaho product g m - j ers believe-an advertising campaign Is , nrecssary. Mr. Delong said. Ho be- ' the qiuOlly of Idaho bakliig potatoes ^ but that advantages of Idaho polatoes ^ ------------- for~g«neiat“ coniumpUon-shouId'be sUtssed likewise. Sixty per cent rcducUon of acreage onlinarily phuited to seed peat in Uie ^ upper Snake river valley and the plant- Ing of Uiese lands to potatoes was a t-|f “ uibuted by-Mr.-Delong aa bne or .Uie causea for Increased poUto produellon ______________ • - hij ....... — WOBKEB8-BOIUSO - .................J' - BOGOTA. Columbia. June IB (/p)- One hundred texUle vorken »«ts ^ . . burled. In t^ie a tex* ^ life plant a t Rosellon. near MedeUla tun A . AtAY OBQANUS LOAN CONCBBNB P«r - BALT^LAKB-CITy,-J|ia«-JB-M^ pW OrganlnUoa of tereral addlUontl ag* fiJ] rleultura] credit coiponUo&t and Ure* OrJ stock loan companies in rartotu'parti An of the tUle viU probably reault from Fal a tour of Uu a g ^ tu r a l dUtiiet< of rat Utah, jiut coapleted. ^ - ' . pal ( . . ion I C TWI I BASKD WlflB UKUnnn OP. . ASHOClATi:H I'ilUHa . __________ 50-year-01d Cake Will _ _Be Cut st Celebration —1— TACO^tAr^^'a3tIT-Ju^I^l8arr•^ A cake baked 60 years ago will be . ....... cul. litre Monday when Mr. and 1 , Mn. IL'A Hards cclebraie Uielr ||l golden wedding. Mra. Hards, who IU will cut the great fruit cake, baked ’ ■■ It for Uie wedding- In Ordnd Rapids. Michigan. It was a lutndsomcly decsraled r id '• cake, oiid UU .(tUC -Sg - Umt^tniU '' bride to keep U for ^ler wooden |,.g weddlnu. Before this Uie couple moved westward, carrying Uie cake to hornet in Soulh Dakota. C«lo- radi fnd Waslilnglon. Some of . Uio 8<\sU a l -Uie wedding haU-a- Jn. cenlrjyW o will receive a piece ot the cak(. riallftlTES i 11 oiii[ii[ Piici S Representatives From United States to Naval Parley Will SefFortlrBroad Sujgestions; irk _____ •tff 1 I ................ .... en GENEVA.' June 18 (-Pi-IndlcaUora are that the American delegation al the luval parley which opens here ^ .J Monday nol only will ouUlne broaU proposals for Uie llmlUUon of Uie , g. total tonnage of cruisers, destroyers , nnd submarines, but will accompany Uils with a definite plan treating the problem In all of Its technical dcUills. ^ Jt. -Meanwhile, considerable uncertainty ,n and confusion exists concerning Uie j / nriUsli mtaTiK|atlon of Uie agenda. W. C. ■ Bridgeman. first lord of Uw’ ‘ ' admiralty, said' Uiat he understood | that Uie conference "would treat nil "• quesUons ccncemlns the limitations of ships." Agenda Not Restrltleil Receiving BriUsh correspondence .r Uils afternoon, be gave Uie Imprmlon ’ . . lo some -of Uiem Uiat the agenda was not restricted^to matters which had “ not been covered In tha Wathlngton conference, a.polnt of vlsar Uut ts not shared by lhe American delegaUon. ^ The Japancte.m iltUng tight and ^ terdays anneuneement ‘ when it <was clsftrly slikted (Iiat they have no in* '** (enllon of taking up the question of naval bases, SeroDd CcnTerence In IMI ' Ot Should Uie BrlUsh raise Uie ques- ts tion of Uie tlu cf batUeshlps, It is ut presumed lhai the American delegn* •II Uun^'m-polnt-Uiat lhe, Washington. - le treaty provides lor a second Washing* 1* ton parley In 1031 lo consider wh^t rt change. U any. U neceaiary to meet „ in technical and scienUflc developmenlt. ^ r |' H Blifl u ' fiiii u m u ip 'UMinimB Is ducUon In the size of heavy ships musl ^ * be • reserveu for Uiat occasion when I' It. boU> Prancc and Italy will be fu a K pledged parUclpanU raUier Uian- rep* ■> n resented merely by obsen'en u at f' - Ui4 forthcoming ui-porUte conference. Ji A decision was reached today to . open Uie conference nt 3 o'cI«k In Uie afternoon Instead of nt 4 o'clock as had hitherto been planned. Hugh Olbson, head of Uie American ’• delegation, will hold a recepUon' to- [) morrow for all delegates to Uie con* L Iercnce.:.Uiiii.glvlng Uiem an oppor- J lunlly to bccome acquainted wiUi one another. d Widow of First Idaho . . Governor.Goes to Rest •I 'SALAlON.-Idahor^dhe'lB (/P )-'' , Mrs. Lena I^amuther Shoup, S3, widow of Senator Oeorge L. Shoup. the first governor of Uie state of '■ Idaho. Uie last territortal governor. and one of Uie first United SUtes >* —senators from ldaho.-dled here to* - - n day following a long Illness. >: .. Scoator Shoup wa* appointed >' governor of the territory of Idaho “Idaho liTISSHnic'VlurtHcted tot------ >• 'emor. In December, 1690, he wm d elccted to Uie United State.Knate. I* , I , 'SMDEPmilENTlL ; WFIEIITflNCUIlilS 0 e John LoUor of Twin F oUb, U o m - ber of Scouting: Party OhoBon . to Start Fight on Hoat Planta. " BOISE. June i T ^ - T h e tUte de* “ 1 parunent of agriculture, coopenUng * *lUi-Ui«-offlce-o£_bU*ter-ruU control. United SUtes department ot agricul* . ture, will continue Uie campaign Uils summer for complete eradication In , . Idaho of English black currants, most ■tuscepUble host planU to white pine . blister nut. M. U .Dean, dlreetor-oT . plant Industry, announced tod*y.< The disease Is a rust fungus which It . highly destrucUve of white pine. _A1I of. the counties In ths tUte have ■ bM Wuted In'U ie'^t Uiree leaioni , einpt louUieastem Uaho counties . bordetlna Wyoming where Intenilve I. eradication vcffk will be conducted thli tummtr. Memben of Uie tcouUny ) party who tlarl work'Monday on com* . pleta covenge of Uie terrifao' before ’* . tiai. »n.J£na“NtirTrea.nobmton; r ' * ofBolte! Ed Stuart. I Ameriean Falls: R. L. 'Wolcott, Idaho • I FaSs: Devey Briscoe. Burley; Ernest ( Fateh. Paiyrtte. and John Leber, Tirin * » . 'E ONLY ASSOCIATED I [N FA ____ TWIN FALI^, IDA S iip iir liiramiE; iPTOjms “ Cniel txecutlve Hequests As- " sociatlon Head to Clear Way lor United States Secretary’s Air” Journey^r Magic Cftyr (By Tlie Aawlated Prewi BOISE, June IB-Oovcmor H. C. Baldridee today conferred wlUi W. B. MUchell, Parma, president of the 1 Diirymen't Cooprrativr Crcamrrlea os- sociaUom'and Robert Urovn. Caldwell, manager, on obUlnln^ Secretary o( Agriculture William Jnrdlne nt the I Secretary Jardlne already has been in- vited to apeak al Twin Palls In July I end the governor hopes the .cfcreiory will be able to visit both Bols: and : CdJdw i'II. ---------------- : ----- :— Aiks for Arrangemmbf : —QovetnnrTBaldridtt-hBj-atikrt“Oyrll- - ‘ C. Tliompson. Boise, prcskleni of the Idaho Airways association, lo nrrg,pse (Continued on Page Six) Etundreds of Mil Begin Trekking PROHIBITION OFFICIALS M , MAY PE FORCED TO QUIT WASHINGTON, June IB «■)-. Severa] prolilbltlon ndmlnlsuutora probably will be forced to reajgn by ' a requirement of Uie Uw rtorganl> in( Uie enforcement tm lce which r e g r e t alz years' execuUve exper-, lence for those holding Uie poals. Prohibition' Commissioner Doran aald today. . - His'kutesieot wu'prompted by,';'^ adililnlsirator for norUiem and western New York, who asserted *, (he law would'-knock oul nil but J“ three ndmlnlslmlora In the serv- Ice.- . ^ Mr.-Domn said ."only a feW men" " wquld be aifccted. The situation ^ .will b( discvased at a conference _ to be held here July H.___________ J* ' ' ' ' ~ ~ "be -GUILTY OF MANSLAUGHTEB Hi PLEMINOTON; N. j .. June 18 (/PJ- The man wl» predpltated Uie alUtck ^ land bn December 21T whleh resulted . In Uie death of Miss Beatrice Meaney. and the lleutenanl who commanded 21 ~ ■Ute trooper* in Uie alege. today were ^ found RUllty of manslaughler by a ~ Jury In county lourt. ^ WHAT I / D PRESS newspaper I vaa.s PAHO, SUNDAY MQRNIN Ten (Gallon Hats and I^u^^_irb in^tyle ProridcaHftl Stamp of Approval 8 of Weatera_ Apparol^StarlB _ Ru'nonLoooI Hnbcrdashcrios. RAPID'-CITVp b- Dlk-, June 18 T T f l i i r l T l J rrf"1 r. dcnilal approval. iu-i;aUon hats. lu loud checked' Uiiri’ other ^ western wearinj aiiiurel arr bud- V dinx on all aides amoii;! lhe mem- ^ bera of President Cwlidnc'.n iiarty. __ y. Mr. 'Coolldge diil tiai oxsctly ' (.tnrl Uie votftie uhrn in- a|i|)»rL'(l icday wearing Uir Im ui'iiu- cow- boy*.*bu( he has iTivni.Snch wmill- K anc» decided favor »iid a run un •L ' the local l)aberdi\:i,-rU':; Is well ,“ ■ under way. lie V ' »( 3. Pracdcally the ciiitn- »«rei n-r* rr. 11, la fully <;|iil|i|)va from ca o( boots to broad brim:, and ns tnall m, lie iKriloii of the newtjuiirr crriv, c:;- g( ,'j iKcially thOM 'stati’jni-d a l thn rjii 5- ^ m e —lOdc<g*m g ~'t w c u m b n l - t o ~ ^ dreM which fcrmerly was udnilrcd ly only In the mcvlca. f,,, ry Earlier In the dav Uie [urjldent !i donned a broad-brimiiu’d ",10,-gnlr____ - lon‘''lmt wliicfi tJie ii.itlve cowboy* . wear, aiiolher flshliin iwny wlUi E. ,„ \V. SL-vrlliig aiid fctfll oitlfon, who *' ter he relumed with luur nootl* sltfd fish. ^ lississippi Valley ig Home from R Men, Women and Children Re- SI ^ turning to Residences De- spoiled by Muddy Torrent in Spirit bf Post-War Days. | (By The Aopclated Press) ' BATON ROUaa La.. June IB-By ' Korea and by hundnfdt. men. women . * ... o^.'chUdreni-fOTtW lo flee from the •; " r now setUnf forUi from th»TtliigK camp) for the homeu-ard trek—back ,to homes 1 despoiled by the muddy ibrrent, to .1 Unds lelt waste, and rolled crops. < They go wlUi Uie spirit of Uie souili* emers. of recenstnjcUon dsys. to build 1 again, plant anew. 1 In Uie camps Uiey havo been resUess, They have bten ImpaUeiii to go. not - 1)ccBuwrHig y wpn!~j »t~satt3flcd~Tytth the iroalmenl accorded. Uiem by the Red Crtta and by Uie clilaav-bm t Uiiy are a practical people, and ihey Irnnu, u,hM 11 m h.fnr^ ^ ? • They crowd the boat* when Uie dsy ; to return anlvcs, and Uiey chatter of ; what Uiey will find a t home. The boat u Ukes Uiem up the river. Iwves Uicm (ConUnued on Page Six) -. gn \T MAKES THE WILD WEST WILI , - • ' —Oopj^ht, 1937,1 Z IN TWIN FALLS COVNl t DAH t [ING, JUNE 19,1927. fttiwriGifi ■-rifiiiiiis ? fu : ------- . ab " m iH T O 'P io t' io"siTtpT/ninMs of Dollars Worth ol Arms, Z Ammunition and Supplies to Z Southern Country, Broken lUy Tlie Associated rtP SAN I'liDno, Cal.. June 18-A lum- L urnl plot lu ship millions of dollars ( jL worth uf war nmnlUons to some souUi* iTM counlry waj bcJlffitl fruslrairtj early loday with the *el:ure by depari- iiiciit of Justlcc Bgeiila ot 4i0,000 worth of arms, ammunlUon and other supplies pimhasrd In San PrancUco and to* 1ii;ihritackrd-mi a dock here awalUng (. fxiwtcd arrival of u ship to transport rOH them south. , . .Munlllans Taken Daek ‘G ‘Ilie eapiurtj wmmade M miles north c, of SanU Barbara and the four Mexi- ' ' csiis on the truck and trailer carrying - JliKrantcttflU-Hllciordci'fd'tO'proeet.'d . In accordancc wllh Uielr inilructlons. TliMnunltlons wcre_brouglil on lo Los (^ntiiiued on Page 81x1 ~ inicr ■■—■ to es y Flood Victims Refugee Camps - ............. ----------------- ------------------leagi - STEAMER IN PORT hFtER £ , SAVING FOURTEEN LIVES [ TAMPA. Fla, June IB (/P)-Re»*- Wl cue of U men from Uie French vulg« , schooner Boree during n violent wUI: storm 111 Uie Bay of Biscay. May 10, lates was reported today hy Uie Ameri- mud can steamer Aquarius; which limp- ttnu , rd Into port from Hamburg badly , crippled from the tame’tlorm, _ ( .Ttie-c/ew wai picked off Uie dl*> i. ~ # aWed achocnef and.Uken to Un J Aiores, afltt •fol» titlpi iMd failed I to nolUfl Uie distress ilgnalt. Cap- m i,, ) Uln William JI. Slone of the of „ I, Aquarius, a aid. The Aquarius It a tlilpplng board piani 1 vessel operated by Lykes Brollieri have Steamship company. that 1 , ------------------- and, \ _____ aJErtICS_OEENJCIIDOL________ Ta BALT LAKE CITY. June IB Koen Membert of Uie Ul&h SUle Medical as* for t ; sociatlon will open Uieir annual post want graduate course and convention here now ■ Moimay momrng. Meetings will be Uie i held Uiroughout Uie week, the posl JB. I graudate course belns given during Iho lattei , >lr*t three days and convention stsslons Ing < being held during the last three. Bo* hbwe ' tween 200 and 2S0 physicians and sur* pilot . geons are expected to attend. pant Indui ' ing t VILD? _________________________________ no -Glr " I I s A - Uils rr^v 11 ton > ion .......— —Wll I “ ** A— ***” ME) pm \ Ecco f SS v\\\i \\y . W i'iir^ A r *nUM V etfecti /I \ \ / ///'/^ The !i\i fi\h^/r—-V . Ar ' Amen. m iliuH \ X ' \\\m a^ \ 1 foreig: .) j Uiat.C Vi/Av V boyoot Y y\ ____, __ eon ta : . s CT. by Np. Tak Ino. INTY------- . pi MlCUimit 'AliniT IlIIIinAU . OK CMU;(I1.AT10NH Company Announces [ New Gas for Airplan^ l i3Afvr'LSvilLE..0kla...Jmic IB. T l/^O-Tlu' phllllpa peirolfuin com- pany announced here (udsy-ihat It had perfected on lilrjilanc saio* line which weighs cne iwund Im ' lo the gallon than the standard fuel. 'Pic standard gasoline welgln about ti-wn pounds to Uie Rallon. Charles Lindbergh. New YorU to ^ Purls nier. used Uio new puollnc, lie would have had an addltloniil ■upply ot aboul GO galloiu at the fAme wuight which h r. carrled- “ TJlliy I'lirKer. a company avialiir. hi In the east demonstratliiK Uie new Kasollnc. GEillfR! . TOl F in 0< Former War Aviator Will Af- S tempt Longest Non-Stop Trip “ Froiir Bcrim~to~Calllornla. “ • BEfiLiNranmnB-t/n^i^iiTd^ ^ Uir tui;cMm ' of the trant-Atlanilc *'? fllghU of-Undbergh and Chsniberlln Interesta In Germany arc now planning to esublisli a new world's record cro-u. ^ Ing to Uie west, to San Francisco and return, with Uie name Of Antom Koen* ,, nrcke. German World war ace, dell* nltely linked up wllh the projcet. I t developed today Uiat Koennfeke ly wa* quietly given a leave of ab.ience a /rrjn l.iiKhnn-in. th f n r r;uan .Aerial league, recently for Uiree nionllurdur* ui Ing whlcli he bi expecled to orginlte a be Berlin-New York-San Pranelsco non* hi slop lllght. U Baeken Not Known While his backeni have nol been dl- ov vulged. It It generally assumed Uut he tli will fly for the Roh»ach works whose m latest three motored models attracted much attenUon at Uie Copenhagen In* tematlonal avlaUon exhlblUon. sh All UeUI Macbloe Tho plane In which Koennecke hopes to reach Ban -Francisco In'OO-houn |o making 39 hours too the croktlng ta N ^ fork, anu nu7> lurflclent fiiel Tor T 70 h o u n u id 11 b hoped will be capable of maintaining an average t p ^ of slightly OYtr 134 miles u i hour. The phine. whleh n il bs all meu) and wUl nave three motort, will be to equipped q], that It can sUift and land on both land u, and water. ag iCoennecke quIeUy tlipped from Berlin co for the week end during which he wi wants to formulate furtlier plans which now call for a hop off on July 25 wlUi Ui Uie ar^ivtl IH' blUl m iimui'ui Julyi» 2B. The plane would remain’In Uie ^ latter city only four days before sUrt* -ng on a relum flight. ' Tlie dales, ^ however, may be advanced. A reliefi"*' pilot will be curried as well aa twol^. jacscngcra, one ot them an'unnamed|p, IndusifUIUt who Is said lo be flnanfi* ” ' ng the venture. •> BCOtrr TEAMS MEET [ nOCK SPRINGS. Wyo.. June'IB (/P) ^ -G irl and boV scout team of Rock Springs. WInton, Reliance. Cumber- and, Superior, and Hanna, met here this morning -In a flnt aid contest ponsored by a local coal company. Accident in Salt Lake Ci .iiTakesSmall^oy’flXife •vj' -------- * - •=>. SALT LAKE C m '. June IB (,?) —Lynn Saunders. B. son of Lyman Saundera. of UiU city, n-at killed tonight when he was hll by an au* l lomoblle operated by G. E. Berg, {ff ..Wltneases.say.the-iioy.watdraggod— bl( a dlsunce of some 30 feet. mi Berg told Uie police that he had ha turned out sliarjily to avoid strik- It* inn another ear apnroachlng trom Ihi the child. ' on The boy was rushed to the einer- gency hotplui but no signs of life ______ op' 1 i £ FIIODUGISIMHA^ or .• ------- 1 KccontDecrooof PrcaidonlCM- we ^ o a_DonTing-BprchaBca From d‘5 United States, Is Effoctivo. ME3ncO CITY. June 18 tfi-The tecnl decree ot President Calles for- >lddlng the Mexican government to rurehase American producU directly 5^ n Uis Onltod Bute.-* became officially ifecUve loday by publlutlon In Uie ^ ) t o oIIlcM, J" Ther# litd been some apceulatlon'ia' unerlcan ■circles whether the decree , iver would, be otflclally public, “nie orelpi office already had declared hat. tho decree was not-Intended as a ^ oyoott o f American goods which tUU “ I an^pwchased_through_%_Mw_lcto • . . OFTER BIO'&EWAJIO ^ 0?t4JfQMiV C^Y, 0 1 ^ June U N“ poiUni t reward of iW ’eadi or-Uatthsw lUmca tod Riy TtonU, Bjri c^uch fetred OUahomi ouUivi. tbs Tta )Uaboms.-B«i>ksr»- usodatlon'.today ax lUfittsnted the peleo on Mtli dcspit* p p First Section '. PRICE !) cents ; : j iiilip -l w sEefiiiiB TJation's Chief txecuiivc tx* ; presses the Hope That United i States and Other fJations May____ ! .be Benefited by Conference, ji iBy Tlie A.iiOclaled Prr»s) RAPID CITY. S. Dak., June IB-' Siimiunded by projectin« mounUln* || far Irom Uie m-j President Coulldgo li tcduy forusrd Bllrnlloij cai Uie cen- fl tereiicr uhlch will auemble Monday in r Geneva to corjlder furUier llmlUUonlt il of nai-al anr.amenl. Tlir president expre»cd Uie hope I um “oitrootmtiy and the oUier da* tlons ~Ihrercslcd'"iiiay receli'c'Trtat------ p benetlt from ll" at he called ailenUou lo the conference In a brief talk to I* memben ot the Nallonal Editorial as*. soclallon as.iembled-on-the-;lawn-or-^----- the summer White House. Pralte* Surroondlngs •' =lLailahlr.ipralsln«Mito-oeaL>mrniund.* Ingt, Mr.'Coolidge told Uie ■tdltoi*'^- nlihough far from “home base,” he. / was In at close touch wlUi It as If he ; were In BalUmore and he told how u! today he had received reports on Uie fl! naval parley In which Great Britain. ]]| Japan and the United Sutes will poj<. . ] ticipate. "I am watching Uie conference dote* ly," President Coolldge emphasired ih a serious lone. ^ n eagle, Anieri»^bW.^«gedow before Uie president who ilood ba^^- I headed under a bright sun. At tie J Ulked to Uie attentive group w ii^ . M spread aaou the lau-n, the blrd,-at E it by coincidence, circled lower d l n ^ fl o « r Uie Ull polo from whlcli Uio nO',. M tlonal colon' fluttered gently In Uio mounUIn breeie. , H Shakes Hand* With Editor* , Preriously he and Mr*. Coolldge hod n shaken hands wllh Uie editor* and , I their families who had corns Into thO ’ jj Bhuk'hUU froni.thslr.iuuiujd'conTen* tion la OmahL .At Uis last of Uto J long Unr 11M.IM, Uie president step* ] p«4 bock /or :i%na(l»r vlsv of hit 1 guots.' " I -I want 10 tell you." lie*'began In i.; what was one of Uie few Informal-ad* *.'j dresses ho has made alnee eatertnc. '.i Uie White House, "that It b a great pleasure to meei your assoclaUon In ,i4 Uils region. II Is ,true. Mrs. Coolldge (Ij and I have been hero only two or UiretjlAr»._tui^from,Uie hearty wel-____ifl come extended to us we feel as ITire »] were one of Uiose who live here. y “I doubt If one went to any part ot ((1 Uie counwy Uut he would find It W fflfir» -lnl<irw tlng nrrt mfire...laaililM----- J Uian Uils locality and regloa OUiar- } places are more developed Industrially ill and have'longer history, but none U j'l more romantic. None hat had such • Pi wonderful development In so short a . (It Ume as Uiese regions bordering on tho |j| Rocky mounUlna." <I iiln i HVlFLieilf| Commander Richard E. Byrd, I Umd^Tlfeo- Coiiipanjons,^ S till-If Waiting lor Better Weather, 'j ROOSEVELT FIELD. N. Y . Juno IB ij (/P)-Llke a race horse groomed for a I' big-derby.-lhe-giant--Uiree-motored— j|;. monoplane "America'* rested In 1£* t'' hangar here tonight, ready to mako • its dasli eoitword to Paris, as soon u t the weather nun, unofficial starter. pres' me' word-tt«>t-^iyintrConai^5=ti= on .Uie AtlanUc are favorable. . May Carry Fcori'Ien. Indications were that Uie huge mon* , oplane ahicli may carry a fourth man < In addKton. 10 Commander RlchanJ E. - ‘':- Byrd, leader of Uie expedition. Bert jj . Aeosu, pilot, and Lieutenant Georto (i. 0, Novllle. radio engineer and alter-. ; nate pilot, will be unable to «art lU : haxardous flight before tomorrow n ig h t. or Monday morning. '* • ,. Today's report showed - unfavorabls weaUicr on the AUanUc and Uie pre« dlcUon was that It will be no bettec -• Wall en WeaUier ; While Commander Bynl and .hla— — flight companions are ImpaUimtl/ iw^Ung favorable condlUont, oburr> na at Uie hangar are speculaUng oh ^ lhe posslblo fourth member ot Uio America'* crew. Commander Byrf h a i .- .. laid Uiat "If Uiere Is a fourth meJn*. 1 ' Der. It will ko »-maa.':Lbut.ho.lW.tiott_. M Usclosed.hlt name.--..- _ •* . . k . - Lieutenant-Bemdt Balcl'in. ^arv^iannaral-offlMr. w holtaao* ' ?ert t^otiknd.mochanlo aa well u«n-'. .jj ixperieoctd navigator, w u iald-to,.b« ^ £ I ukdy eholcc^ ■ , . i.'-; 4^ lie AieUo wutct 'in aureb of % unundten w ho)ra m l^ ouk' , S <gU i p o i « y n ^ t o iB»,-n m etottii;n }yrd^r^from th«.K^pal«,Uii''':! v tar.'B sU 'tc^M endof.ttoim k':'' I oandff^ U d W {-be«D.'‘«cUv»!tSX;< ^ rrt* ^ ni^t.,; 3 • - ■ - ^ ?- J-.i

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Page 1: ion I I^TH E C TW I[N FAvaa.s tD A H · iwurlngs. the amilsllce day celebration. ets. and the return of Uie victorioui ^ Cardinals

_ First Section

I ^ T H Ef VOL. 10. NO. es. "

I 8T:.llSraiS-Q E ra iir^ h RDllSIGffPTi^ Missouri MciropoiisiiivesvyorKi ~

j . Famous Flisr Tremendous

Ovation; Airman Comments - on-Ordcrly-Demonstratlon.

<By Tlie Asaoclalwl Prwsi i I BT. LOUIS, June IS -S l. Louis give fI Coloiid Charles A. Lliiilbcnili n (rc- fI mtnOom ovation loday'In lu public

acclaim of lU i ’oullilul traiu-AUftnllc ) : filer wlio camc lionie yesterday to an

Informally, virtually, private rtccpllon.T h e most cnWiiulastlc. yet m « t or-

■ . JlcrlY._dttnatmraUaiiXitaverfttn,iliict _ * •'iny lantllnj In JMrb," u id Undl)crj;li _

after he had rlddvii two honrs llirougli T cijiht mllcn of unbroken chccrlng mtn, u-omcn and children, tncked two to 20

_______ (Iccn on aldfwalka along the route.______n i t r Attends nail Game

____________Illil rfcention a t Sportaman's park - - -tJils ttftenioon lacESTTiKin'un'Wrrtff

' i-(liial Uiat of the parade. Even thennn esllmated 37.000 pemoiu. lhe Breat* est regular aeoion throng ever to attend “ a Gt. Loula baseball kb'I'C. Jammed ” (heir wny In to sec'ttie young filer aa-

\ sUi Rogers Hornsby. prc\'lously St. , Louis' greatest Individual hero, raise (tie world Aeries pennant won lasl year when he managed the Cardinals.

a t. Louis former lUndarda for out- ■ iwurlngs. the amilsllce day celebration.

ets. and the return of Uie victorioui ^ Cardinals after U>ey Jjad. defeated Uie New York Yankee In Amerlia'a an- ^ nual baseball classic last fall, all went by the board today In utlmatea of the number whp cheered Lindbergh.,

Thonsandi Shout praise Prom Uie Ume he emerged from Uie

Congress hotel until he left the line of 7 ' ' march for a private luncheon before ^

going to the ball pork, probably lialf of St. Louis' popuIaUon and possibly a ^ quarter of a million vlsltors'thouled h it ? praise. Tlie downtown district was ono ' ' '

. vast roar and the nlr was filled wIUj „ .(■ confetti. Jtrramer* and. tarn m i p a p - ?; y r n and Itlephone booU ^

■ ■ To the honor* and’ dtcoraUoni be* u sto»fcd in Parli. BnuseU. London, Washington and New York. St. Loiils liad lltUe to give except public adula­tion. The parade paused once while 1 Colonel Lindbergh waa Inducted Into Uc the Boy Scouts, nnd presented a Koiit pr

_________ biKc-flndJlylngJrwign ia ^A t the bail unpark John !!eydler. president of Uie tn National league, gave Lindbergh an as* loi nual In Uie form of a small, gold pocket ch

_________ piece, properly Inscribed for admls*lon te<to the bairgames and In commemnra-' ~ lion of his epochal New York to Parts dusolo flight. ........... be

Tonight, a t a banquet of ISOO nf fit. I» louls and Missouri notables a t Chase Pli hotel, additional praise and honor» ™

(ConUnued on Page Six) ,

piiiiflifsi ■- t i c F O I n i l


Baldridge, Commissioners and ^...............Twin Falls-Man to Discuis ^

Publicity t i f Wahf'-Spudj.’ ’ ' ,:i — ;

/ • I DOISE. June IB for na- ] I tlonal campaign to furUier advertise 1 W --~*-Jdalio-potatoc».«m j>e discussed-Uon* - •

day by Oovcmor H. C, Baldridge. John j 8 . Welch, commlcssioner of agriculture:M. L. Dean, director of the plant In* |

iwinto shipper "Bna~gRIWZrrnie~l|isy6n" nor announced today following a ^ * '( ference wlUi Mr. Delong who d e c la ^ t many growers had agreed to an assess* ment of one*half cent per bag to pay n i tli^ cosl of the advertlfing campaign. ^

rrodaetlon laerease* . V ' Mf. Delong declared Idaho's poUto I

producUon Uils year would be approxl* I maiely 30MO carloads or lOAOO more ' cars'Uian vere shipped last year. To furUier sUmulate markets u to the Jo ' excellence of Uie Idaho product g m - j ers believe-an advertising campaign Is , nrecssary. Mr. Delong said. Ho be- '

the qiuOlly of Idaho bakliig potatoes but that advantages of Idaho polatoes ^

------------- for~g«neiat“ coniumpUon-shouId'besUtssed likewise.

Sixty per cent rcducUon of acreage onlinarily phuited to seed peat in Uie ^ upper Snake river valley and the plant- Ing of Uiese lands to potatoes was a t - | f “ uibuted by-Mr.-Delong aa bne or .Uie causea for Increased poUto produellon

______________ ■ • - h ij....... — WOBKEB8-BOIUSO - .................J'

- BOGOTA. Columbia. June IB (/p )- One hundred texUle vorken »«ts ^

. . burled. In t^ie a tex* ^ life plant a t Rosellon. near MedeUla


- BA LT^LAKB-CITy,-J|ia«-JB-M ^ pWOrganlnUoa of te reral addlUontl ag* fiJ] rleultura] credit coiponUo&t and Ure* OrJ stock loan companies in rarto tu 'parti An of the tUle viU probably reault from Fal a tour of U u a g ^ t u r a l dUtiiet< of ra t Utah, jiu t coapleted. - ' . pal

( . ■ .

ion I ™


. ASHOClATi:H I'ilUHa .__________

5 0 - y e a r - 0 1 d C a k e W i l l

_ _ B e C u t s t C e l e b r a t i o n

—1— TACO ^tAr^^'a3tIT-Ju^I^l8arr•^ A cake baked 60 years ago will be .

....... cul. litre Monday when Mr. and

1 , M n. IL 'A Hards cclebraie Uielr | | l golden wedding. Mra. Hards, who IU will cut the great fruit cake, baked ’

■■ It for Uie wedding- In Ordnd Rapids. Michigan.

It was a lutndsomcly decsraled r id '• cake, oiid UU .(tUC-Sg - Umt^tniU' '

bride to keep U for ^ler wooden |,.g weddlnu. Before this Uie couple

moved westward, carrying Uie cake to hornet in Soulh Dakota. C«lo- radi fn d Waslilnglon. Some of

. Uio 8<\sU a l -Uie wedding haU-a- Jn. cenlrjyW o will receive a piece ot

the cak(.

r i a l l f t l T E S i 11 o iii[ ii[ PiiciS R e p re se n ta t iv e s F rom U nited

S t a te s to N ava l P a r le y W ill

S e f F o r t l r B r o a d S u jg e s t io n s ;irk _____•tff 1 I ■ ................ ....en GENEVA.' June 18 (-Pi-IndlcaUora

are tha t the American delegation al the luval parley which opens here

. J Monday nol only will ouUlne broaU proposals for Uie llmlUUon of Uie ,

g. total tonnage of cruisers, destroyers , nnd submarines, but will accompany

Uils with a definite plan treating the problem In all of Its technical dcUills.

Jt. -Meanwhile, considerable uncertainty ,n and confusion exists concerning Uie j / nriUsli mtaTiK|atlon of Uie agenda.

W. C. ■ Bridgeman. first lord of Uw’ ‘ ' admiralty, said' Uiat he understood |

that Uie conference "would treat nil " • quesUons ccncemlns the limitations

of ships."Agenda Not Restrltleil

Receiving BriUsh correspondence . r Uils afternoon, be gave Uie Imprmlon ’ . . lo some -of Uiem Uiat the agenda was

not restricted^to matters which had “ not been covered In tha Wathlngton

conference, a.polnt of vlsar U ut ts not shared by lhe American delegaUon.

^ The Ja p a n c te .m iltUng tight and

^ terdays anneuneement ‘ when it < was clsftrly slikted (Iiat they have no in*

'** (enllon of taking up the question of naval bases, •

SeroDd CcnTerence In IMI 'Ot Should Uie BrlUsh raise Uie ques­ts tion of Uie t l u cf batUeshlps, It is ut presumed lhai the American delegn*•II U un^'m -polnt-U iat lhe, Washington. - le treaty provides lor a second Washing*1* ton parley In 1031 lo consider wh^t r t change. U any. U neceaiary to meet „ in technical and scienUflc developmenlt. ^ r | ' H Blifl u ' fiiii u m u ip ' UMinimB Is ducUon In the size of heavy ships musl ^* be • reserveu for Uiat occasion when I' It. boU> Prancc and Italy will be fu a K pledged parUclpanU raUier Uian- rep* ■> n resented merely by obsen'en u a t f' - Ui4 forthcoming ui-porUte conference. Ji

A decision was reached today to . open Uie conference n t 3 o'cI«k In Uie afternoon Instead of nt 4 o'clock as had hitherto been planned.

Hugh Olbson, head of Uie American ’• delegation, will hold a recepUon' to- [) morrow for all delegates to Uie con*L Iercnce.:.Uiiii.glvlng Uiem an oppor- J lunlly to bccome acquainted wiUi one


d W i d o w o f F i r s t I d a h o .

. G o v e r n o r . G o e s t o R e s t

•I 'SALAlON.-Idahor^dhe'lB ( /P ) - ' ' , Mrs. Lena I^amuther Shoup, S3, widow of Senator Oeorge L. Shoup. the first governor of Uie state of

'■ Idaho. Uie last territortal governor.and one of Uie first United SUtes

>* —senators from ldaho.-dled here to* - - n day following a long Illness.>: . . Scoator Shoup wa* appointed >' governor of the territory of Idaho

“Id ah o liTISSHnic'VlurtHcted tot‘------>• 'em or. In December, 1690, he wm d elccted to Uie United State.Knate.I* , I ,

'SMDEPmilENTlL ; WFIEIITflNCUIlilS0 e Jo h n L oU or o f T w in F oUb, U om -■ b e r o f Scouting: P a r ty OhoBon . to S t a r t F ig h t on H o at P lan ta .

" BOISE. June i T ^ - T h e tU te de* “1 parunent of agriculture, coopenUng* *lUi-Ui«-offlce-o£_bU*ter-ruU control.

United SUtes department ot agricul*. ture, will continue Uie campaign Uils

summer for complete eradication In ,. Idaho of English black currants, most

■tuscepUble host planU to white pine . blister nu t. M. U .Dean, dlreetor-oT . plant Industry, announced tod*y.<

The disease Is a rust fungus which It . highly destrucUve of white pine._A1I of. the counties In ths tU te have

■ b M W uted I n 'U ie '^ t Uiree leaioni , e in p t louUieastem Uaho counties . bordetlna Wyoming where Intenilve I. eradication vcffk will be conducted thli

tummtr. Memben of Uie tcouUny ) party who tla rl work'Monday on com*. pleta covenge of Uie terrifao' before ’* . tiai. » n . J £ n a “N tirT re a .n o b m to n ; r '* ofBolte! Ed Stuart.I Ameriean Falls: R. L. 'Wolcott, Idaho •I FaSs: Devey Briscoe. Burley; Ernest ( Fateh. Paiyrtte. and John Leber, Tirin *

» . ■



S iip iirliiramiE;

i P T O j m s“ Cniel txecutlve Hequests As- "

sociatlon Head to Clear Way lor United States Secretary’s

Air” Journey^r Magic Cftyr

(By Tlie A awlated Prewi BOISE, June IB-Oovcmor H. C.

Baldridee today conferred wlUi W. B. MUchell, Parma, president of the

1 Diirymen't Cooprrativr Crcamrrlea os- sociaUom'and Robert Urovn. Caldwell, manager, on obUlnln^ Secretary o( Agriculture William Jnrdlne nt the

I Secretary Jardlne already has been in­vited to apeak a l Twin Palls In July

I end the governor hopes the .cfcreiory will be able to visit both Bols: and

: CdJdwi'II.---------------- :----- :—Aiks for Arrangemmbf

: —QovetnnrTBaldridtt-hBj-atikrt“Oyrll- - ‘ C. Tliompson. Boise, prcskleni of the■ Idaho Airways association, lo nrrg,pse

(Continued on Page Six)

Etundreds of Mil Begin TrekkingPROHIBITION OFFICIALS M


WASHINGTON, June IB «■)-. Severa] prolilbltlon ndmlnlsuutora probably will be forced to reajgn by

' a requirement of Uie Uw rtorganl>■ in( Uie enforcement tm lce which

r e g r e t alz years' execuUve exper-, lence for those holding Uie poals. Prohibition' Commissioner Doran aald today. . -

H is'kutesieot w u'prompted b y , '; '^

adililnlsirator for norUiem and “ western New York, who asserted *, (he law would'-knock oul nil but J“ three ndmlnlslmlora In the serv- “ Ice.- . ^

Mr.-Domn said ."only a feW men" " wquld be aifccted. The situation ^ .will b( discvased a t a conference _to be held here July H.___________ J*' ■ ■ ■ ' ■ ' ' ~ ~ "be-GUILTY OF MANSLAUGHTEB Hi PLEMINOTON; N. j .. June 18 (/PJ-

The man w l» predpltated Uie alUtck ^

land bn December 21T whleh resulted . In Uie death of Miss Beatrice Meaney. and the lleutenanl who commanded 21 ~ ■Ute trooper* in Uie alege. today were ^ found RUllty of manslaughler by a ~ Jury In county lourt.



D PRESS n e w s p a p e r I


Ten (Gallon Hats and I ^ u ^ ^_ irb i n ^ tyle

P ro rid c aH ftl S tam p o f A pproval

8 o f W ea te ra _ A p p aro l^ S ta r lB _ R u 'n o n L o o o I H n b crd ash crio s .

RAPID'-CITVp b- Dlk-, June 18 T T f l i i r l T l J r r f "1 r.

dcnilal approval. iu-i;aUon hats. lu loud checked' Uiiri’ other^ western wearinj aiiiurel arr bud-

V dinx on all aides amoii;! lhe mem- ^ bera of Presiden t Cwlidnc'.n iiarty. __

y. Mr. 'Coolldge diil tiai oxsctly ' (.tnrl Uie votftie uhrn in- a|i|)»rL'(l

icday wearing Uir Im ui'iiu- cow- boy*.*bu( he has iTivni.Snch wmill-

K anc» decided favor »iid a run un •L' the local l)aberdi\:i,-rU':; Is well ,“ ■ under way.lie V ' »(3. Pracdcally the ciiitn- »«rei n-r* rr. 11, la fully <;|iil|i|)va from ca o( boots to broad brim:, and ns tn a ll m, lie iKriloii of the newtjuiirr crriv, c:;- g( ,'j iKcially thOM 'stati’jni-d a l thn rjii 5- ^ m e —lOdc<g*m g~'tw c u m b n l- to ~ ^

dreM which fcrmerly was udnilrcd ly only In the mcvlca. f,,,ry Earlier In the dav Uie [urjldent! i donned a broad-brimiiu’d ",10,-gnlr____ -

lon‘''lm t wliicfi tJie ii.itlve cowboy* . wear, aiiolher flshliin iwny wlUi E. ‘

,„ \V. SL-vrlliig aiid fctfll oitlfon, who

*' ter he relumed with luur nootl* sltfd fish. ^

lississippi Valley ig Home from R

Men, Women and Children Re- SI turning to Residences De­

spoiled by Muddy Torrent

in Spirit bf Post-War Days. |

(By The Aopclated Press) 'BATON R O U aa La.. June IB-By '

Korea and by hundnfdt. men. women . * ... o^.'chUdreni-fOTtW lo flee from the•; " r now ‘

setUnf forUi from th»TtliigK camp) ‘ for the homeu-ard trek—back ,to homes 1 despoiled by the muddy ibrrent, to .1 Unds lelt waste, and rolled crops. < They go wlUi Uie spirit of Uie souili* emers. of recenstnjcUon dsys. to build 1 again, plant anew. 1

In Uie camps Uiey havo been resUess, They have bten ImpaUeiii to go. not

- 1)ccBuwrHig y wpn!~j »t~satt3flcd~Tytth the iroalmenl accorded. Uiem by the Red Crtta and by Uie clilaav-bm

t Uiiy are a practical people, and iheyIrnnu, u,hM 11m h.fnr^ ^

? • They crowd the boat* when Uie dsy ; to return anlvcs, and Uiey chatter of ; what Uiey will find a t home. The boat u Ukes Uiem up the river. Iwves Uicm

(ConUnued on Page Six) -. gn


, - • ' — O o p j^ h t, 1937,1


tD A H t’[ I N G , J U N E 1 9 , 1 9 2 7 .

fttiwriGifi ■-rifiiiiiis ?

fu:------- . ab

" m iH TO 'P io t' io"siTtpT/ninMs of Dollars Worth ol Arms, Z Ammunition and Supplies to Z Southern Country, Broken

lUy Tlie Associated r t PSAN I'liDno, Cal.. June 18-A lum- L

urnl plot lu ship millions of dollars ( jL worth uf war nmnlUons to some souUi* iTM counlry waj bcJlffitl fruslrairtj early loday with the *el:ure by depari- iiiciit of Justlcc Bgeiila ot 4i0,000 worth of arms, ammunlUon and other supplies pimhasrd In San PrancUco and to* 1ii;ihritackrd-mi a dock here awalUng (. fxiwtcd arrival of u ship to transport rOH them south. , .

.Munlllans Taken Daek ‘ G— ‘Ilie eapiurtj wm made M miles north c,

of SanU Barbara and the four Mexi- ' ' csiis on the truck and trailer carrying

- JliKrantcttflU-Hllciordci'fd'tO'proeet.'d .In accordancc wllh Uielr inilructlons. TliMnunltlons wcre_brouglil on lo Los

(^n tiiiued on Page 81x1 ~ inicr ■ ■ — ■ ■■ ■ — ■ to es

y F l o o d Victims Refugee Camps- ............. ----------------- ------------------leagi


[ TAMPA. F la, June IB (/P)-Re»*- Wlcue of U men from Uie French vulg«

, schooner Boree during n violent wUI:storm 111 Uie Bay of Biscay. May 10, lateswas reported today hy Uie Ameri- mudcan steamer Aquarius; which limp- t tn u

, rd Into port from Hamburg badly, crippled from the tame’tlorm, _( .Ttie-c/ew wai picked off Uie dl*> i . ~ # aWed achocnef and.U ken to Un J Aiores, a flt t •fol» titlpi iMd failedI to nolUfl Uie distress ilgnalt. Cap- m i,,) Uln William JI. Slone of the of „ I, Aquarius, a aid.

The Aquarius It a tlilpplng board piani1 vessel operated by Lykes Brollieri have

Steamship company. that1, ------------------- a n d ,

\ _____ aJErtICS_OEENJCIIDOL________ T a‘ BALT LAKE CITY. June IB Koen

Membert of Uie Ul&h SUle Medical as* for t ; sociatlon will open Uieir annual post want

graduate course and convention here now ■ Moimay momrng. Meetings will be Uie i

held Uiroughout Uie week, the posl JB.I graudate course belns given during Iho lattei , >lr*t three days and convention stsslons Ing <

being held during the last three. Bo* hbwe ' tween 200 and 2S0 physicians and sur* pilot . geons are expected to attend. pan t

Indui' ing t

VILD?_________________________________ n o

-G lr

" • I I sA • - Uils

r r ^ v 11ton

— > ion.......— —Wll

I “ **

A— ***”


\ E cc o

f S S

v \\\i \ \y . W i ' i i r ^ A r *nUM

V etfecti/ I \ \ // / / ' / ^ The!i\i fi\h^/r—-V. A r ' Amen.m iliuH \ X '\ \ \m a ^ \ 1 foreig:

. ) j Uiat.CVi/Av V boyootY y \ ____, __ eon ta

: . sCT. by N p . T a k Ino.

INTY------- . pi

MlCUimit 'AliniT IlIIIinAU . OK CMU;(I1.AT10NH

Company Announces [ New Gas for Airplan^ l

i3Afvr'LSvilLE..0kla...Jmic IB. T l/^O-Tlu' phllllpa peirolfuin com­pany announced here (udsy-ihat It had perfected on lilrjilanc saio* line which weighs cne iwund Im ' lo the gallon than the standard fuel. 'Pic standard gasoline welgln about ti-wn pounds to Uie Rallon.

Charles Lindbergh. New YorU to ^ Purls nier. used Uio new puollnc, lie would have had an addltloniil ■upply ot aboul GO galloiu at the fAme wuight which hr. carrled-

“ TJlliy I'lirKer. a company avialiir. hi In the east demonstratliiK Uie new Kasollnc.

GEillfR! . T O l F i n


Former War Aviator Will Af- S tempt Longest Non-Stop Trip “

Froiir Bcrim~to~Calllornla. “

• B E f iL iN r a n m n B - t /n ^ i^ i iT d ^ ^ Uir tui;cMm ' of the trant-Atlanilc *'? fllghU of-Undbergh and Chsniberlln Interesta In Germany arc now planningto esublisli a new world's record cro-u. ^ Ing to Uie west, to San Francisco and return, with Uie name Of Antom Koen* ,, nrcke. German World war ace, dell* nltely linked up wllh the projcet.

I t developed today Uiat Koennfeke ly wa* quietly given a leave of ab.ience a /rrjn l.iiKhnn-in. th f n r r;uan .Aerial league, recently for Uiree nionllurdur* ui Ing whlcli he bi expecled to orginlte a be Berlin-New York-San Pranelsco non* hi slop lllght. U

Baeken Not Known While his backeni have nol been dl- ov

vulged. It It generally assumed Uut he tli will fly for the Roh»ach works whose m latest three motored models attracted much attenUon at Uie Copenhagen In* tematlonal avlaUon exhlblUon. sh

All UeUI Macbloe Tho plane In which Koennecke hopes

to reach Ban -Francisco In'OO-houn |o making 39 hours too the croktlng ta N ^ fork , anu nu7> lurflclent fiiel Tor T 70 houn u id 11 b hoped will be capable of maintaining an average t p ^ of slightly OYtr 134 miles u i hour. The phine. whleh n i l bs all meu) and wUl nave three motort, will be to equipped q], th a t It can sUift and land on both land u, and water. ag

iCoennecke quIeUy tlipped from Berlin co for the week end during which he wi wants to formulate furtlier plans which now call for a hop off on July 25 wlUi Ui Uie ar^ivtl IH' blUl m iim u i' u i Julyi » 2B. The plane would remain’ In Uie ^ latter city only four days before sUrt*-ng on a relum flight. ' Tlie dales, ^ however, may be advanced. A reliefi"*' pilot will be curried as well aa twol^. jacscngcra, one ot them an'unnam ed|p, IndusifUIUt who Is said lo be flnanfi* ” ' ng the venture. •>

BCOtrr TEAMS MEET [ nOCK SPRINGS. Wyo.. June'IB (/P) ^

- G i r l and boV scout team of Rock Springs. WInton, Reliance. Cumber- and, Superior, and Hanna, met here this morning -In a f ln t aid contest ponsored by a local coal company.

Accident in Salt Lake Ci .iiTakesSm all^oy’flXife

• v j ' -------- * - ■ •=>. •SALT LAKE C m '. June IB (,?)

—Lynn Saunders. B. son of Lyman Saundera. of UiU city, n-at killedtonight when he was hll by an au* llomoblle operated by G. E. Berg, {ff

..Wltneases.say.the-iioy.watdraggod— bl(a dlsunce of some 30 feet. mi

Berg told Uie police that he had haturned out sliarjily to avoid strik- It*inn another ear apnroachlng trom Ihi

the child. ' onThe boy was rushed to the einer-

gency hotplui but no signs of life

______ ■ op'


■ .• ------- 1K c c o n tD e c ro o o f P rcaidon lC M - we ^ o a_ D o n Ting -B p rc h a Bca F ro m d‘5

U n ite d S ta te s , Is E ffoctivo.

ME3ncO CITY. June 18 tf i-T h e te c n l decree ot President Calles for- >lddlng the Mexican government to rurehase American producU directly 5^ n Uis Onltod Bute.-* became officially ifecUve loday by publlutlon In Uie ^ ) t o oIIlcM, J "

Ther# litd been some apceulatlon'ia' unerlcan ■ circles whether the decree , iver would, be otflclally public, “n ie ‘ orelpi office already had declared hat. tho decree was not-Intended as a ^ oyoott o f American goods which tUU “ I an^pwchased_through_%_Mw_lcto

• . . OFTER BIO'&EWAJIO ^ 0?t4JfQM iV C ^ Y , 0 1 ^ June U N“

poiUni t reward of iW ’eadi or-U atthsw lUmca to d R iy TtonU, Bjri c^uch fetred OUahomi ouUivi. tbs Tta )Uaboms.-B«i>ksr»- usodatlon'.today ax lUfittsnted the peleo on M tli dcspit* p p

First Section '.

■ PRICE !) ce n t s ; : j

i i i l i p - lw s E e f i i i i B

T Jation 's C hief tx e c u iiv c t x * ;

p re s se s th e H ope T h a t U nited i

S ta te s a n d O th e r fJa tions M ay____ !

.b e B e n ef ite d by C onfe rence , ji

iBy Tlie A.iiOclaled Prr»s)RAPID CITY. S. Dak., June IB-'

Siimiunded by projectin« mounUln* || far Irom Uie m-j President Coulldgo li tcduy forusrd Bllrnlloij cai Uie cen- fl tereiicr uhlch will auemble Monday in r Geneva to corjlder furUier llmlUUonlt il of nai-al anr.amenl.

Tlir president expre»cd Uie hope I u m “oitrootmtiy and the oUier da*tlons ~Ihrercslcd'"iiiay receli'c 'T rtat------ pbenetlt from ll" a t he called ailenUou lo the conference In a brief talk to I* memben ot the Nallonal Editorial as*.soclallon as.iembled-on-the-;lawn-or-^-----the summer White House.

Pralte* Surroondlngs • ' =lLailahlr.ipralsln«Mito-oeaL>mrniund.*Ingt, Mr.'Coolidge told Uie ■ td lto i* '^ - nlihough far from “home base,” he. / was In a t close touch wlUi It as If he ; were In BalUmore and he told how u! today he had received reports on Uie fl! naval parley In which Great Britain. ]]| Japan and the United Sutes will poj<. . ] ticipate.

"I am watching Uie conference dote* ly," President Coolldge emphasired ih a serious lone.^ n eagle, A n ie ri» ^ b W .^ « g e d o w

before Uie president who ilood ba^^- Iheaded under a bright sun. At tie JUlked to Uie attentive group w ii^ . Mspread a a o u the lau-n, the blrd,-at Eit by coincidence, circled lower d l n ^ flo « r Uie Ull polo from whlcli Uio nO',. M tlonal colon' fluttered gently In UiomounUIn breeie. , H

Shakes Hand* With Editor* ,Preriously he and Mr*. Coolldge hod n

shaken hands wllh Uie editor* and , Itheir families who had corns Into thO ’ j j Bhuk'hUU froni.thslr.iuuiujd'conTen*tion la OmahL .At Uis last of Uto Jlong Unr 11M .IM , Uie president step* ]p«4 bock /or :i% na(l» r vlsv of h it 1guots.' " I

-I want 10 tell you." lie*'began In i.;what was one of Uie few Informal-ad* *.'j dresses ho has made alnee eatertnc. '.i Uie White House, " that It b a greatpleasure to meei your assoclaUon In ,i4Uils region. II Is ,true. Mrs. Coolldge (Ij and I have been hero only two orUiretjlAr»._tui^from,Uie hearty wel-____iflcome extended to us we feel as ITire »]were one of Uiose who live here. y

“I doubt If one went to any part ot ((1Uie counwy U ut he would find It Wfflfir» - lnl<irw tlng nrrt mfire...laaililM----- JUian Uils locality and regloa OUiar- }places are more developed Industrially illand have'longer history, but none U j'lmore romantic. None hat had such • Piwonderful development In so short a . (ItUme as Uiese regions bordering on tho |j |Rocky mounUlna." ’ < I

i i l n iHVlFLieilf|

Commander Richard E. Byrd, I

Umd^Tlfeo- Coiiipanjons, S t i l l - I f

Waiting lor Better Weather, 'j

ROOSEVELT FIELD. N. Y . Juno IB ij (/P)-Llke a race horse groomed for a I' big-derby.-lhe-giant--Uiree-motored— j|; . monoplane "America'* rested In 1£* t ' ' hangar here tonight, ready to mako • its dasli eoitword to Paris, as soon u t the weather nun, unofficial starter. ■ pres ' me' word- tt« > t-^ iy in trC o n a i^ 5 = ti= on .Uie AtlanUc are favorable. .

May Carry F co ri'Ien .Indications were that Uie huge mon* ,

oplane ahicli may carry a fourth man <In addKton. 10 Commander RlchanJ E. - ‘':- Byrd, leader of Uie expedition. Bert jj . Aeosu, pilot, and Lieutenant Georto (i. 0, Novllle. radio engineer and a lte r - . ; nate pilot, will be unable to « a rt lU : haxardous flight before tomorrow n igh t. or Monday morning. '* • , .

Today's report showed - unfavorabls weaUicr on the AUanUc and Uie pre« dlcUon was that It will be no bettec

-•Wall en WeaUier ;

While Commander Bynl and .hla— — flight companions are ImpaUimtl/ iw^Ung favorable condlUont, oburr> na a t Uie hangar are speculaUng oh ^ lhe posslblo fourth member ot Uio America'* crew. Commander Byrf h a i .- . . laid Uiat "If Uiere Is a fourth meJn*. 1 ' Der. It will ko »-maa.':Lbut.ho.lW.tiott_. M Usclosed.hlt name.--..- _ •* . . k .-

Lieutenant-Bemdt Balcl'in. ^arv^iannaral-offlM r. w h o l ta a o * '?ert t^otiknd.mochanlo aa well u « n - '. .jj ixperieoctd navigator, w u iald-to,.b« £ I ukdy eholcc ■ , ■ . i . '- ; 4^

lie AieUo w u tc t 'in a u re b of %unundten w h o ) r a m l ^ o u k ' , S <gU i p o i « y n ^ t o iB»,-n m e t o t t i i ; n

} y r d ^ r ^ f r o m th « .K ^ p a l« ,U ii ''':! vt a r . 'B s U 't c ^ M e n d o f . t t o i m k ' : ' ' Ioandff^ U d W {-be«D.'‘«cUv»!tSX;< ^

r r t * ^ n i ^ t . , ; 3

• - ■ - ^ ? - J-.i

Page 2: ion I I^TH E C TW I[N FAvaa.s tD A H · iwurlngs. the amilsllce day celebration. ets. and the return of Uie victorioui ^ Cardinals

P a g o 'T w o

r f - & P - 0 - R

: ' i I T 5 I B 1 E i t “ 4 i : ; W i S l l l, . T — --------------------- —

Fislic'Exliibition Fcaiiircs

. . j i c n ; Sliorlslop Leaves on.;;;, f'”',;

Strclclicr: Catclicr BanislisiI.ji'S “11cm lo I

. ------- j)iuljill-;

bnUSfcr(2(, maiiaKiV -'’iil ;-l'< i ' ' ' ’P »' -I’' i

___m ssc i.. --------------------------------QPIjjincroft wus rniiJi-int uiinjii.iioir.liy J [ j

f. I>lo»v to tlic Ja«- iiiul a;u. ciin ml Iruiii j (li< rwi! liy li'i-MoM 'Ilinr]Mluhfs wm- iiM i! la Hu- ciil. • MoVClll

•nic ntlack occurrcil In tlir r.rviiilh jintiinK nlUT Mtxir.' and llaiicroli h;ul _ , Kitwl on rilflilxmn;'r. r.lnulc. 'Ilic ilu-'- “loiCmanuKcr iioiiptil a l llic ii!aic anilj made a ranark to Vmi»rr MVConiiick. siimii in KO wllli Ills tiM to um icroia f jiiw a iid llic Urnvf-' kadiT The Pirate cnldirr was IwtiWird fiom |'"^. I nllk'A kiU

amith mill ‘u■ — la S w r-a iKl SniltlvOoocli. - ' - ■ 1,,^ ,?.

r ]n i .A n i : i ,n I u T chic auii ;CIIICAOO. June 10 (,V,-llol> O .Uoni Lee. uml

___liltj ' w lJ n J l 'l /J s h ili iniiint: I'firr rn- propOKir— raaiiii: Aif.t

dud and riitladciplila bunelial HircclAltlioiiRh ]iltl kltli im error and iwo 'v.xlk.s nnd conicll a two (touWr Rlwls In wlildi Wllwn miilltn alwyai n»mivs each .itoli; home In llic rllllillrrfplj-, liiiflni! to rain nn even break In Itifj Tlic 01 fo ij camc tcrles wllh Clilcafio by tik-jitK- nftrc liifU ic tinal name 7 to 'i. fluckeyi-s

Tlie &cor< — H 11 Eliiic withI’liSndcliiliia . 7 8 11 iliounht :

, Clllcaco . . . . . . , 2 6 2!nnl]P.oi)c Huitfrtw-Kcr((iu.oii.‘lbean and wii-jpHncipie

t c i t Oibonii’ and Hftniicti: • isaw Olili;------- IcsachM c

' .HT. LOU/S C! NKW YOUK i (Imvc h it arr. l o u ih , jimc ib cn.-di- \

iia& nL'cd tlieir world elianiplon.itilp *flnir thls'oftemoon *1lli Colonel Lind- *L-ecrh lookK ' cn imd tUfii celcbrBlcd ‘"'ji' 111? dny turtlicr by rtcfca'.lnK the Olnnis In .the third game cf the -K:rlct by C “lo • 4 coaclic.i a

The sco rc - • U tl BN el Y ork .................................. H 10 0 « » '“ "=»••S U la u l: ........................... CIO 0

Oatlerlrs-nu^lnuaM U.. Henry anu ^Taylor: .Mexantlcr .n T s n y k - . , i jT jO lS a

{irooklyn-Ctnclmiall Kuine iwipDnrd cn;B«oum r.t wrt rroim di

; . s o r r w .« t ;n sHAMi‘0 0 ’ A '" ' jcrvlcc irQlven {rcc of cliartie wiih cvco' :niir- In llcii ci

ecl» Mciidsy, Tuesday nnd Wedncr^lny, coiniiaiiy __ ncr..WJM Hcau.Hliop.. Call £I07.-Adv. Ford to I

t -------------- (Ijlly jp,yKcw Brunnrlck Rrrsnli di'cry Tliura-

• day at Umbougirs.-Adv. i SUBSC

- -i---- Ever see the G= ■ scmbtheDe

H T h r (k'ck;: o f it iml(li.'slii|i a re :i' - In il .vdti iivvcr ,“Po llic ca jila in ; * l i t rav e s lii.s tim u fo r tlii' miiri* i

o f t;iii<iinK ‘.lie j<liii).

l! W o’ll li-jivf i t In .viiii w liulhfi' Z 01' f i r .4 m a le o f tliu iViniily v iw t “ ciisc. y o u ’re I'lo im tio rta iil .a n

Iq^tli'o s iT ub liitij ' a iui riililiiiiK ii

-------2--—j (1(» .nil y o u r u-a«hin(r iind llic iro:

- f liit u w k n'. th e low rati-o f 'l icvw 2 <ir f if tc i'ii poiiiiilrf fo r a tiollar. 0 <* .ippai-el i.H le f t fo r you lo jitar

• j ’b i i r cdiivoiiierice.

! . . Ju .s i .say. Uw. w ord n iu i wc'li c'.il! ----- Ing . . . . . '■-------------- :--------— —

; Vhonem

- J. ■ ' . ‘ ■ ' ‘ir i/c S d r iij Sfitln; ' J R uss'C liailcd '

•i « ■ , .


y:L |E F — F O R - ^ - W E A L T H Y . .„ _ .

,oK^o^^ Jiiiiv III (,v.-MI!lionalres \n;jn(J'iild nn; nc('i'''.i';'iv i)"'<ivcfchnrved 'I’.rtcl. boiiKlit ly Uecautc Ihey Cyp ucalihy. li :u^_^--.-;i.OKlflcd.Dy .

■ 'Em.-ll'.h t- iiK 11 111" caw o( S. • jne‘ .iQTl. cne- ol iiii>-l,.i->.L-omicf»-of- — 'V-°

w'i'i.;ii'c! Tlc:Vn v'. u Readlnic ',■ and ccrii dru'T, :'iul wm award- i • J'*l Jmlauiriit 1 r IV') !...;nid3 .ilcrllhB. i Athlellrriiirmlf<l-iln’ h id piaieU four Dbnlxv. Ul llll inMliniialre'f. agent Whit? oiik-r.i. and ;lui ;inimillt.i .I'Qiilva* tcdny I

I lo tli-:.r iiriiii ■ v.i ri' tackrd onto ncnip i hill-; 111 Ul.' "■: of the

__ - . . — ---------JOJ^lU.



vcm eiils UnilcTtiiken by Y a le The .nd P r in c c to n U n iv e rs i ty A ro '’o rg ingA lic iiil : P n c t Ren^-.ved jjangli

illNCKTON. N’ .1.. JUIII- IB TOx-iaci■ cni'.adc to i ltininalo Koiitinn , j > itiun <rn cnIlrKr nrlii clfcle*. uponsor ‘ . ^,n fall by I’rlii-.TH.n nnd Ynk- unlver- ; g,

■A kidnrd ni'tt' linin-'iiis today wltli ja lo n uiinnuiia'ineiii lli ii tlieir pact had ,

■r clevcin un thr Tuer i-cliedule hadcd Iho non-.woiiiinK movemfnt. • jjaUpLan.lkiiry U. t-iiii', nctliiK tlm lm nn Lundu;iua’jiiie£laii.b!mtLiiLatlileUC-toiu________

In dUclL' iii); cxli'iulon nt the r:iunt to Amhrr.-l. Wftihlniitoii and "'Af und William nnd Mary, said the WAS?

kimI’ had berii siibniltlrd to nit |ni>icu S i iL im U ia z m c it ta x n h tt r la lk - lOiiRh four rrT.ixjiidcd lavombly „.n icll ukK l Ihnt the matter be (wld ;ilieyancc and Ohio Statu d id 'ho i>•. ---------1C Ohio eleven probably tell thal af[recm.-nt would handicap Ihe

keyw In lliclr Inlertcciloniil iitriic- wlih tlip TlKprs next tall. It wa.i icht at t’rlncelon. While Coach P.oucr. cu-uiilhor nl Uie K'out>Irx.ic'IplealonK wW< W l'Jones of Vdlc, ----------

Ohio State in ocllon fall.■liM of the mldwc.ileni utilversltlc.i ; had no opiwrlunlty to obscn's iceion iBcilcs (or w vent yean. u‘ Yl\Ic^Prlncr[nll ({anie, b.irrini: rlies or Irnlntd observer* from prc- nary name* fur the puriKae of nins the opiwncm's ctylc of playi

n fitonii of controvcray amoiin :lie.i nnd crltlcj alien (Irut announc-1 ScKTal wiiallcr New England In-i

itlori:. adopted the same principle. |

)l.<rONTINt1E IlO.^T-.SEUVICE OISB. June u:(;}>)-1|]aho’« public Ile.i eommUitoi)'.today*Rront^ thK :on •Wasliliistdh Railroad &'NaW- un compnny permlftion to dl*con- c boat -icrvlce between Ford. Idaho.AmwacD. WMhlnjtoii. and .train

Ice from Dell. Waidilnaton to Ford.Icii ct the dlscontlnurd scrvicc the pany U to opentte a truin fromI to ncU on fiaturday'a.wid.rcBUlivr,!_____y tervlcc during Itie lofiRlns imiMii.


Captain—^ — Decksl. .____,1-L' alw ay.s spotle.-’s— ail) s c ru b b in g them , ure imi>orUu)t (liitios

U licr y iiu’re ciip ta iii a w c l , l in t in 'c itl ic r■ an o f f ic c r to teiiilUK o f w ash d ay . • •

! ironiiiK o f a ll y o u r licveiTceiiU ft pound , I r. Only th e w m in K :<tarc)i an il iro n u t

II ca ll .M om lnym orn-


f jC le a i i i i i iX o i . -

■ S hoes,R cpnircd-


S W E E l T i

p t l l f f l iid j Cily Agoregation Earns

ren Split in Four Game Scr- nr,” ™

s‘ jiy Winning Final ciasli^ ™"’. ^

^ wlio illlS IILADELPIIIA, June* 10 /y ll-T lic Ttie k-Ilf. taniKl an even cplil hi thrir s t . I-oul

oarnc wrle* with the Ctilcs-.(0 New Vo.? Knx by fflmilnj Ihs final eloili —Ustterr 8 10 1. A1plion:e Ttionia*, run- Tlinmas, [) lo Ted Lyon:; as Ihe alar hurlcr c White Sox ?.!_?.» W2J bumped for

■ft the l»x [It the riid cf the wv-At Lo.'

c w o re - II It E Uan FrniiKU . . 2 U 0 r.;t. AngdeJphla ... - ...................... CIO 0 .Ualterl

_____ . Cr;s;-P«IlOSTON S; a,KVKI.ASl) 0 e iUd Hex icduy ^hut out CIvve- Seattle . S to 0 and Ivcned the four Ksme Oakland

Eaeh tqantitnildc Mvcn lilU but Batterl ill hit llurkeye when men were on laney nn

Thn-e double pluyii Includins a ncular one iilartcd by PisRilrad At Sac art tliflit eonter helped turn back I’orllnnd liidfiiu^ |,T 4 ^ it, u youtli from Sracruinc 81 ^ i j ^ ' I p i H ^ left' field for Battcri 11 ffl made u kuh) .nhowlnK. and 6«ve' » ..lU H -B -------[ a i j ? ' ; f i 4 ! . •• 0 7- D A iS»nn Y l-^ ' - ; . . 6 7 1 Ho’lywoole fs-Biiekeyc a iid -L . Sewell:'Mlsaloniij i i i mid tliirlluy..................... Baiti'rli—H — \ ;________cri.a iu lJAHIUNOyoS’ C; UCTKOIT 4 j j , j j S»INOTO.*4. June .10 M'l—Wwdi. 0|[d:n an I defenti^. Detroit 0 to 4 todiiy 27lli. Un D iw .rc -> v ri1 irf li l£ y irM til- i^ p = z = rr : vlth 'the Nalloiuilii. tioldlnit the Cliaula s lit four hli>; Ali:of Uiem v.'ere July 8.—^

i d i i i i i M W B i i i i r w i i i i w i r

l o w P R I C E SQ ni invite you lo save mosey o

ii- ( 'c d ;ir I’olii:1 9 c 3 S < I

lN 3 a E l f e nOc O -C cdar

t sE ) Chiimii

o i l la iincd .i

| o ^ p l ’ R) su n n . Cliiiniui:1 = ^ ^ I Bkin. la r

' £ \ 'c l v d Sijonr.^ I ji r re .s iz e . . .

W h ile k in g W nsliinK M nchinc Soup .......................................... •••■

S ! '. ! '™ : . ............ 5 IDT hrcc*ln-O nc O il Hnrtily H om eO u l f i i .................... ...........................

.iBo O lcan- l A r t S a c r , V f o r . . . . - X l/ i / . l

ch 1 Q C 8 t r , J f o r .............. .. X « 7 v j

'''w tn inK ' I Q r ' i l

Vftc'u'un "H o t-,q | U f, t ' l n l Size .................

a M f c s i . 2 .> T T ibm bs ilo llle , ^ B t > i h t .siir.c . . . . . . . . . . . .

Therm o;! jin tllc , if^ H | Q u n r t 6ti:c ...................4^ ■ s d c \y li .^ ^ H l l r o o m ................ .............

. ■ ■ r r l E i c f o I d j m h ^ ^‘. l i i‘i)ulnc U a lH e t

E lm Cilj- W n ld i. QJA rclinblc t im e k e e p e r ............« f

f3;G0 Tijj-Top W ris t W atch . T r

......................$2.i$4,110 T ip-T pp V /rW l J W ntch ., R ad iuh i d i a l . . . .

| f e ; ^ w ^ $l.i>0 l’o c l tc t_ f _ I ^ ^ ^ ^ P B c n '.W n lc h

. | f l ^ 9 S ^ & ^ f a | ^ - k o t c 3packs

.H ospipstih'c

SOc K le in e i lV S S ii im ^ j • J l ' i S i a e f o r t ’i ' S a n i a i

. i i h m c 1 1 » . 1 1 l l ' . : :

, I . S , . I O A H O , S U N D A Y M O f

ntd In thr.laii^4iirrc Intilno ghlthT Playrdln thera ln . PORTlliC K ore^ R n E Wilhelm.r r t t - r r — TT—tt:-------r----- 4 -* champioi^hlnBton ........... ......0 fl' 0 wiuj twolatterlei—WhiUhlll. Hankins and about Jl.^ilcr: Croncttr and Ruel. oral coui

' J — . . migrator-m nrY O R tC -Sf 8T.-LOU18 4----- l i i» lr i- t:mv Yomc. June iff M',-Lou Ocli- <!»>■» afw waa llif bljt iioUe In the Yankees' January M^i atmlBhC victory over the ww loday, driving out t»o home i-d s St.;:uuiiv*a!i >.el Bict-Dy 8 v - j -- 1. geW ff U 'n o r hut fivc.liomers

I iiuTifl’ilu a far this .'.canan.,

I'OUls •• ■ I ....... * 1* ‘ quarter*; Vcrk ........................ B 12 3sltericti—Vsnsllder and - SchaOi;;------------mias, Moore and Onibowskl. BtTOSC

ftST , . L E A G U E _ l i E S U L I S ^ E

t 1.0.'. AnKelK—' U U E vFrnnclsed ' . . . . . J O IAngelM ........... 4 fl 0 J

m erits—Malls,".Turiiin a n d - M c '------ r—irP e le n and Sandbrn;. . ~ ---------

: O akland- R H E jtie . ................... ■I 5 Ol (land .............. , 5 3 0itterles-MllJutt and i^chmldt; De- Sy and Bool.

. Sacramento— R U E ^land .................................. 4 7 0 7ramcnto .............................. 1 8 5 O o a .ittcrics-French and Kuher; Kalllo m nde8«vere ld^__ . pprfecl

San F nuicbco- ' H U E 'vnves►■' 'ood............ -11 M 7 po in tmlonii .............. .............. IJ Ifl 2 '■Iti'rlci—Jacob* nnd ARiiew: Wclniiiul-Wliltney-j_________________ L_

.75 to Bull Lake City. tS.OS torn and relum Jime 2llli, limit June .' ^h'Oh Hy:.lem.-Adv. I

lautauiiiia ::tnrLi July 3 and closu 8,-Adv, . .

E S ' /eyon .


’o lid i

.‘d a r g g n S' : 3 cum i'l;; S k in .

hin t: R oynl I’urple G rape Ju i

ilDr19iiA i(a Club G inger

•n'e 2 3 c

n M nitcd Mill 37c 73c 5

f . H | S ^ ”“ ':I.53c$L' K 5 ^ ph iH ips 'M llfcb r i n -

[ L r . ’l h - M a g n w ia ............ . I 3 lCaU fojn in S yrii p j i f —

'*°'; 98c siiHtp.iiifa

‘i'. "98c I9t: 38c 73c ^i i i B Q N U i t t l . . 6 9 c I f

: j 7 ;A iiaigesiqiie k i lm

I j S ^ g O -------- BeiiAuc..............................

■ iP l ° ........

>Zi30 C lab S Iv li P i p e r N a t

» 3 .4 9 @ Sc'l,.a'u“S n ,e Vn a i a ’ d rin k in g 'ctips, nnphli

t _ ® 1 . n Q _ • P ic n ic P n d r tg e ,. . y l i i l J _ | i pleirca

dip Bwicd;Electric St .TwblRIaie;....

■ EiectncHot PlateG

S ‘::" ." 3 5 c :3 :t$ 1 ;0 0 T

a ;?i^!""^■ 3!^clfpr$1 ,0MDc H lc k o o ’ S a n ltn iy B e l l s ' , . ; . .3 7 ^

i M ^ i i O r d e..............

M O N D M i . T U E S I

P R N I N G , J U N E 1 9 ,1 9 2 7 .. '

iJ)aEQ0.N_aOULCUAMr._,__ I— I I3RTLAND.-. June 18 (fll-Riiaie ' lelm. of Portland, amateur.KoWnpion-ofOrt^onrhajrbeen-crrtlted ----- § —itwoblrdlet, bul he bi not happy A li ll. IU tuu been cliarsed In fed- / ■ coun hero wllh vlolallon of tiic IJm

ratory bird act, two mallard duclti . / ■jij-becn-found-In-tu* Ice boj-10 - ....> after the cjow of Uie duck season an ai. . il, i„

JERRIES imjlly grW cyouiint. wiy ariibunt you "I, ony limp you wiint.- Ptrrle# rtt i -?•ictr p c se -Dgn-t wBH.'iiin n ty ie K -----------.1 and 90ft. If you want the best. | ' buty, Wc have been berry head- ten (or 20 yeara. We ireai you :. Ed Vance. Public Market.-Adv.

IBSCRIBli FOR THE NEWS. «............................................. H onci

- ....... I - Q im li i

Special II irntwi

Permanenjt !" ■ W a v i - . "

O f f e r

$ 1 0 t o $ 1 5

t i l l J u l y 3 . 1 1

ytmrii. o f experience has X I de it.po8.siblu to produce J ’ccLptttroaHentrAvav*}t*r-All — — ' ves gufiranlecd— Mnkc fip- ntmenU early or you will

, be disnvpoMiTed."

B e r W i n d B e a i i . ^ ----------

' I'honc a s f ' , 1 Celil

a ■■77 If ”

E ssJa ^ ’if Fountain Blend Coffw. A d a l klehdlne olU he nlghntl'grade cofi Koastcd nnd packcd- /IQ h frcNh dnily, ^ u n d .........l i | i

Tree Tea. Gr««n Q lp K | f l • i 'p o u n d .............| | | |

Tree Tea. Bktdc, QCn B B■1 r " '— * B B

Upton’s Tea, , i.. OflA m f l pound.,,:,.. . . . . . . k...,.

.............. . . ; . . . 2 7 c „ a 4 (

! l 9 c J f o i - B (

............ 1 7 c 3 f o r 4 i

! c $ 2 . 6 9 ..............;c $ i B 9 .........I 2 c

1 9 c 3 8 c ...............;i9c

A Q r I Aspirin Tablets

........S 1 . . . 1 H c i r f l i

l ' 2 5 c 4 5 i

h e e y e s ...................... ; . ________4 3 l

.......... .....................Ipiilie Set; :17 pieccs, plai'es, Hpoons, I Q - ipkliw, ctc. ................. ; ............ ..■.. ! « «

............ . . - . 1 5 c: I'npcr} jUo io6l roll; 9 7 ^ s ' . ' . . . . , . . ' . j . . . . .....................

S to v e s , O h e - P i a l e ................S 3

. . . . . . . . . . 5 6

r f e s _____9 8 e S I

0"! ~ ' '--r '75 c “tnlon^s'C^


n S ' ^ l i ^ f a p a i ^ e C i i i i t r ^ , \ V i

« e r s

3 S D A Y - i A N D . W E D N E s b A i ’

U m MIj, Ao/)crfs jvishcs to arinoiiriei

mjh-y biinincsa forincAy condii'd

117 Shoshoiu'he atorc jwlicn tinll bc the «amc t 'oncst Ffliiicfl, Couytcoiis Trcapttcn 'tialitU. Mr.rr.hiiuILir...Jf.u:r.lrv. .Dii i7i‘cnt»(iir.'. Mr. C. I). Andenon tvi ■ntmi. / ■•’c i7ii.'iic you to vmrTt^wc' Tvi

voitr oc^Hainfflii

R L. ROE----------- — — ---------T E I V E L E li

(i'l/c cm o r Ul Chas. L 17 ShoHhonc Norih

leift a W b ra -M B Iu I iE

H i g l i S l a

/- “ • 'jj I * - — th T it 'a f ts t tre ’

I I L u t m o s t i n p i

NatlomilMazdaGk) f home sizes, 1516 -10 watt, cach

£:ureka Hubber '^ Gloves ................................

1 „oe. I’hlladelphln Mixed If i:coffcVs. Bird Seed ....................l i

Phlbdciphla Bird Grav

J .......... .....IS

| | B ^ H Ivory Sosp, Guest ^

1 2 ( o r 4 9 c | j^ — Ivory—S n n p ,M e - ^ mS ^ H dium ^

3 f o r 1 9 c ^^mmL- Ivnrv Rftnp. ’’

J D p Large ------------.............. CoTjfaft’fl Colco Soap

rB8c -3 for 25c 1 2 1f 4 5 c Coigatc’B k f Bath Soa

3 fo r2 5 c1 2 lJa p R o s

^ r ^ i 9 c 7 3 i :. 4 l C Hinkle’s , i Q p |k

U t I s P lU s ;1 0 0 'f l . .. .‘l 5 k f

,...79c ’ a ......... 19c,^' S ledw an's Teething

-^ O p — i ^ y-—Powdert w. u I I * T T McCoy’s Cod Liver

Bide Jay Corn4 3 c P la s te rs .................1 7 ^ bobeii’s Soluttori;IDc f : iin t.....,,.........I Q m l-r^^iS Atlfta Atomizer.- ' . Cbiitiniious Spmy .

I S c > C y i t c x G o m p b u n i-------- One~Wcck*r^------ T I 7

3*C S u p p ly ......... .........J lnudflrr wcBkn»(( la ortcn r

TsTso’te 'JC Illll)'.'Cy«iox t!«ini)MUnti n. 'S w i l u r(llfT« . ihlH comlliloni IrZ. pr«»tm<-nt n^tn' In 5 <l»r* ■‘ 9 1 ; 3 9 you.f.'wemy^tacV- '

V C W n d rc m c 'S lh l lo i ic f r i 'l l— •

f ‘, ! t . . . . . ; . . . . : . '4 9 c L h .r ' i H i i i a i i i a c S i i ' i i y g j | T ^

» B b T J f S m ! 5 n J ^ _ E i « < ; * . ^ E a c h j i

; ^ c k e i l i l i r a t l o i t i o i i r ^ . . . ' . . . . . . . . ; .

e m e l tICC th e p u rc /iaso o f the ctt’rf bii- Chda. D . H u n t,

ie NorthI n« b e fo re : F n f r P n c M ,- f lit, offeri7i{i a t «/! I’m w .

Wnlrhi' nnd ■ t , 'v ill rcn ia iit in th e onjan-,

I W be p lc i im l '3IICC.

5ERTS 10 . H u n t)

P h o n u IIC-J

S N e S f W a n r a i s l

a n d a r d s

p u r i t y a n d

1‘l y o

llobcfi; A

23c m

37c I I

1 9 c / \

I 5 c \ . j /

- 2 # :2 3 i!^ --- ------------

I for 95c i ?0«p

1 for 95c 0 1;

“ '.Bfor42c<

" p 4for25c'■ds’ Olivc/gfijg , s . . ...... 1

i 3 r “ n i

j | ........

i l9 r .

J 9 c

’ ..i19c. ■' *

" 3 7 c .

. . . . . . ..:69c

. . ...' ■: • \ \


Page 3: ion I I^TH E C TW I[N FAvaa.s tD A H · iwurlngs. the amilsllce day celebration. ets. and the return of Uie victorioui ^ Cardinals

/ V -

•jo iK L ILm m um

______ D an O’L e a r y 's S p u d s T a k c T w ir

I F a lls In to C am p by a n 8 to

- T -----------“— 3 -S C T re ^ B ra il^ H it8 •6 o m e ^ o o

; ' . L a te to O v e r ta k e B ig L ead,

IDAHO FAU.S, June 18 ISjw:'' rial to Tlie NruT.)—Tlit Urultin loit ttirir fuurlli cnmr to Iilalm

. • f'alli. )) Ib 3, h frr (oclay. rlulilrr.\iliu rr|iUcriI llurluii In tlir Kniln lineup. U’a i Uir Ir.-villlit liUlrr. :rl>

I lin f tJirrr safrllrs Iti four IrlpvHyim pllclicd Mraay liall, bul Uur

i ull Uruin tnoundsmrii I.r was »JUL-' r ..u-atklnf-rljtht-inrn.------

" liu d r . Hniin cfnirrfitlder, wat' ' uvrrcomc bjr ihr lirat In Die diiC'

uul and «rai rrplacrd by illrkak In the ilxlh.

Itruln pllchtni hai bcrn uniilraily durlni llic MTif«. loo many frrr

-tU heU ' tu - lin t -Uair m ulllns In tam ri loil.

__________ ____ I'h fk nt mnlmLiiMJiail l(*rffrrl on llic rnllrc <lub anil tliry a rr tx-tlnnlne to pUy rm llc Imll.

. Mal ll Plowing.. Ihr p flf tl_cL - -------------- " " -'rantinnoOT-pbylnrJn-mfHifm* ~‘ to kcrond boK. tic allouril tour

Motrn baK« today. Uounbrrc vlll Ite a t thort Sunday. Allouay ulll ratch and Farrrll » | | | be on Ihr mound.

IDAHO FALLS. Junc 18 M ^-Dnn O'Leary'* Spuils looi: n JlrmiT hold Dti lop plftce III ttie leosiie Iierc IhL-i

' nflcnioon when they look tlw TwinKalis Bruins Into eamji by an fl lo 3

"* ■' H'ufp. i^hnuucii iiii'y 'i(iiUiti«i'"UM>more h it llmii the Spudv the Bnilnr, didn't get them a t tho rl;:ht llmc to ovrrtakc Ihe Iwd ot the locals.

; Twin FalL-i A» II H PO A K’ HoaB. If ..................... 4 0 1 2 0 0‘ Apjienon, rf ............ H 0 0 0 It 0I Gardner. Ib ............. 3 0 0 10 0 0' . Allovkny. iw .............. . 4 2 2 2 3 1

Hodue. cf ................. 2 '0 0 .2 0 0‘ Knuovlch. 3 b ...............4 1 1 0 2 0

Pfahler. 2b .................. 4 0 3 0 2 0LInl. c ........................ 3 0 0 (! I 0nyiVl. P ............ ........ 4 0 2 1 2 0

I Illckok X ..................... 2 0 a Oi'O 0

I .i Tolals ...... 3 7 tV .^ S 10 I

Idnlio Falb AD R H POA E

Hutton. 2b ...... , ..........4 p 0 0 2 0Collllli. M ................... 2 2 1 1 4 0Burke, tf . ........... s ..4 I 1 .1 0 0Coloman. rf .. .............4 0 ,0 l 0 0Crcnlii. 3b ................. 4 1 1 2 1 0TIiDnipMn. c ..............3 1 1 7 0 0Tadevleh. c f ................3 2 2 2 1 0

___________ CttllnBhttn. lb .......... 3 l 1 11 tl 0

TotaLl ........ .......... 30 8 '7 27 11 0X—nickok balled for Ilodcc In rev-

----------------- enlh. s-<Jroiiln oUl 111 WVl'lllli. Mrierhit him.

Score by Innlnp:Idaho Palls .............. 010 000 002-3

Idalio Falls ................. 211 110 200-fi.Sunimarj-; ITome run. Cronin: llirot-

( base hits. Colllna. Todcvlch. Hook. rfahtcr 2; tu-o>ba.'4 hit. Hynii; Mcrl> fice h lu . Mutton. Tliomi»!.on: double plays, Tndcvlct) to Ttiompwn. Iliillon lo Collltis to Callashan. Alloaay to

^ Qardnrr; slruelc out. by Kelson G, byI Flynn 4: boK on balls, ott Flynn 6. off1 ScUon 2; h it by pitched ball, Cronin

1............ ................

a' '. / "

M i..-.

______ ■________ / . J

>• • /K y & ■ /.

L . ' vM

p q r t ¥ c

L .iailSSBi r n u w c 't io y o o V ’ 'vrc.MAM'. , h j I Hum i rJl OGftM-i IfJ , ) -rURCUCiHTHC

■ o/sovfc m iik W M W

P i

'pr-’ j ‘ ■ - —uliix Flyim; earned riii;%. Waho I'?!!!!

;-n-.ln ruIN 3; time of >:nmc n a : u i ,l"^ 'I ’lrK'.. tlcinhlcii untl McQullUn. •

rOCATKM.O G: OfillKS ■IP' «jC5DKN. Junr 13 (,V)-l’(»ciiU'Ilg ir

iiiiii'.hcd ovir Ocilrn In thi- fw rih fnii foi-thT-TTnrrTnrrTii^ny. o ia 'S 'iii-: ; lii:'.li',i;.i. Slmiiioivi' il:.ublc ’inil itnit

wat [by OCrnni'll c)ia»cU :n ihc wiiwii: uc* iiuii, I’oriman ivorkud ih t riitlrc roui1 In ;ior till- Uanncckf. and out thr<

Oiittiiilic.i in the lentil. Ucnicr hit ady licuin lun fcr the vl lli.r;. lii’*llic fill trrr wllli Ench cm

In r r c a iu lb - Al! It II PO A Di'i'ijnmln. 2b ... 4 1 1 2 0

|(« ‘DivyiT. ........ i 0 l> 2 2h n " t t i c i n i T ----- — 2— :’ 11 ( ; " t i -„li. llJiTKir. r t .. . 1 I 2 ■ 0

„ r jSancri, rf . .. J u '1 /l . O _ T "

0'Coiini-!l, c .......4 II I fl 1will Obnn. ; ib .......... 5 0 1 2 0„l)l Portm,i:i, p . 4 1 0 0 3

, 'l'(,tal . , ........3C C 0 30 7' O«don-' AlJ It n I’D A ;

-Dnn CoaK'?!, I f ........... 4 O 1 2 0hold Dm ii, m ..............3 0 0 . 1 5lliLilMi-Cnulcy. cf .. 5 0 2 1 0

Twin I Murphy, lb .... 4 l o ll lto 3|Cox. rt . . . 4 1 1 1 1 )

nilnr,!wn;rs, ab 4 2 1 1 21C to I Lombardi, c . 5 I 4 D 3

^McCiir. p ............ I '0 0 0 0IA KlMlctuirlJ, p 3 , (I 0 0 ' 2 0 0 ‘Wlkcn . . . .1 U 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 xoUib ...........38 5 10 30 17 '•"* ' •Ualiecl for Mlcliarh. In icnlh; f.tnicl 0 0■ ? Score by Imilnni—' ? Pocatdlu ................. 0«0 230 000 1 -* ” OKdm . . 030 110 000 0 -

-n n Summnr>': Heme run. Hcrsfr; thrc _ _ Ua-ie hit, Lnmiie: two bi.'e hit.'. Sim ,n 1 iiionj. ViTKes. Lombardi: mcrlflw hll;

Lninpe. Coatrii. ^fcCue. Erleli: rtolei lAEbiLsi-a. Dwyer, fjlmmon^. McCaiilry2 0 Vcniw: wild plicli. McCiie: hit b; 4 0 plichcd bnll. rsrtinan. by McCiie 0 0 .iinich out. by ^ lchal•!-i 7. by I’orlmai0 0i7. by Mlcliacl.'. 2; niiw rrponaiblc for1 0 ImcCup 5. Mlclmel.1 1.1’ortnmn 5; iloubli0 0 play. O'Connell to Drnjamln: time o1 Kanip. 2:10; uinplrtM. DavM and Ware

0 Twcniy nt bnl. 1 run. 4 hll2 otf Mllimtnfi- IS til hai. !

“ “ ruiir. 4 h lu olf McCuu In 41-3 Inning* I* ® wlniilnj pitcher. Portman: Icalns pitch' rev- cr. MlclmcH. i

LOOAN. UUh, June 18 <xn-Thi Salt Lake Bees took both (tamn o:

)2-3 a double header’from the locaLi, hen )0-« loday by a ^core ot 12 lo 5 and S ti irot- 2, Tlic Bce. ' blR Innlni?. In the flni' fooB. (tame, was the clRhih. when they man- acrl- a^cd lo chalk up *lx njiu. Thc.scconi luble game v u limited to bul fire Innlnss Illon by agreement. y to \ F ln t Game 1, by Salt U ke AB R I t PO A II. otf Smacker, cf ...... ....... :3 I 0 3 0 (onln O'Neill, rf ...............C 3 1 3 0 t

[E S A IS T A R T S M O N ]

"S E E )


73 Molle. 2b ................. 0 2 3 0 4 :Calfcy. If .............. 0 2 4 0 0 (Jesaec. M .........- — .4 1 2 2 3. 1c ro ttlcrr-lb -------- — 4 - 2 - I - 5 - 1 - I

' Nielwn, 31j . . . 4 1 0 I 3 ' {llall. c ..................... 4 1 2 5 0 C

tc Hollcron. ir ........... 5 0 1 2 2 1ifi - ..................................... ----------------------

L ocan^ • A« R H I'O A IOearron. cf .............4 1' 2 3 0 tSchlnikl. If ......... 4 2 2 3 0 (

> Donoviin, 3b .....5 2 2 0 t tkf JClnif. rf ......... . . 5 0 0 2 0 (\ . Woodwn, c . 4 0 1 8 0 1

Woller. p .lb ........... 4 0 2 0 0 (Upcrrl. M ............. a 1 0 I I C

’iqiynii. p ........... 2 o o 0 2 (

Totnli ...............■ . 34 5 0 27 7 :

S.iU Jjik f .. ^ 1 0 1 030 ICO-l'J®” ;U(;nn^ ....................101 Oil 001-3

Summar>" .Sacrlllcca; Schliukl; tw: 11.12' h lu ; ScliliLikl, Cattcy. Wollcr: ihrce Uue lili.-i, Cattry: home ruiw;

. Hall, Schliukl: Moli-n basr, . Lciwrrl: struck out. by Glynn 5, Ilollcrson 3:

trl- ba.-« on balU, otf aiynii 7, lIollen«n nine 5: double plays: Nlcljon lo Molle lo i lO CrCi-fi-y, NK-lscn iaLCruwIEylTwlnniiii: nijle pltchrr; HollrrMii: ln.«ilnK pltclii'r; iiiiK Qlynn: lUiu mpuii^ibli' for: Olyiin )ulc 10. Woller 2; llnio 2:20: umpires: I-Vr- ,f,.p liuion and :i ------- ■

.Srrund Caiae _______

K( iFlvp .nnlnt:s by acrccineiili.Oj L'jke AI! II II PO A F. llSiiiackfr. rfi . 3 1 1 0 0 0

“ trc N T n re i— — 3 - D - - 1— o— n— o0 Molle, 2b .......3 0 0 (1 .-i 0

-,.P. c a f /0 'J f - .^ l^ — 3—2 —•■'0 ' v:3 '- i - “ *2’' ' i — 2 ~ o

0'ii. 3 b .........3 I I 0 2 00 Crowli'y, lb . . . 1 0 0 10 0 I)0 Howard, c ......... 2 0 1 4 0 0

- Wood, p ......... , 2 0 0 0 1 0

K Tot-lU............S3 5 n 15 10 0U Logan AH II 11 I’O A K0 Oeiirron. ct . . 3 0 0 2 0 ." 0O sch ln r.k 2 1 0 1 0 00 Dcnoviin, 3b .....2 1 1 0 0 0<’:K lnit."rf..............3 0 2 0 0 C

0 Wollcr, l b . ... 2 0 n 2 l 0,0 Leiwrrl, r . i .......... 2 0 0 2 1 00 Sluvpr, 2b . . . .2 0 1 0 1 0 0® — ' ■■ ' ------*■ ' '


i . . . A t l i o ]

len ' ____

5 In Twilan

IIiill G:ime, H:ilIno,n A sceiis ible „ot t,ve i'j

t FIREV?*: Everyone

To T ak e AtlvanfiiKO o f oiii :Tie iiu>tti(». W atchof


I ConW.H(' ®' T he S to re o f th e

J.I ‘T w in F a lU Di' 0 ■ •......... ...

■ ^ - n _

.E S ^R iW A Y M O R N I N G

P A G E 8 ,


t TotuU . . . . 20 2 fj l i ' . 3 0jf-- S» OOO-sa-SI LOKan .................... COO I t—2^ . Summary; Sncrlliti-. Crowlry; two

baw hlw. Jcs.«e. Ktnt;, .Siiiackrr;4 2 Mruck oul. by Wood 4. 5: base 0 0 on kjll:;, otf Wood 4. Ihui'rn 1; win- 3- 1 nlns plichf.r. Wood; 1 hour; um-

“l~ l i3irT^rI'VrKU«in Biid-l';...*------------------3 ' 0 • -- --------------------


A E !5Att ANOEXO. Teu:.. Junc IS /,? )- 0 0 Fj-sncnilc pwasure Iin'. n -uiied In-iin

® nniiL'iticc In tho vmr bci'*. cu Hio ijifi'i)• ® iind catllc men of lln- ;iiiiih\ ® For years BTliers nf >ilii tti'sl lie-

. ® ® lion have been WTavln;< ilirllk'.'s around 0 0 the dlillke Ihe caltle mni imcc had for J “ ihr lilirvp. ranchcs. ihi-y will

- 0 BlackJtone and Sl^ui.rhin- of Snn ~ ~ Angelo, one of the fe^' Im; eatile flrmfi

3 In Trxa»,.uthl:/'ycar Iwd ihe M-ruiid ft ,.i larncal wool crop In Ilir ib ir , iimt of ^ :T \V :-A rM !fn i of SuUou-cjyiiiv-who-ljad ' ^ 200.000 pounds of wool.

two "Well. I like cows U'tter, Imi slircp )llcr: niakt the most moni')',' «;i:. the ex- ruiLi: pLnailin ct N. D. DUk tone.wrrl: ----------------------m 3; WIK ClIAMl’fllNSIIIPtrsonj VICTORIA. U. C.. June Ifl le Jo Waller. Puney, Srattir )irnle.v,inn;i1. iiiink won - ihu . Pacific.. nnilli'iii.:_uiwii i:'all i :>‘er; jchamiiloiiililp wUh a t.iur ;;i; Hynniyiii owr Mortlr Duira. of Tacoma,! I‘'i’f-[v.hcn hi‘ tlnl'lied toilny wuh 11 brll- '

ilium 70, for a 237 lotni Ii.r lhe 72 holw.'

Vdrk He! - ! | --------------------------- s m ) A - \ v .

b ! — : - r ^ :D ii i i io r .= j ih O ( U

' ! So:; ; I ln lf o f F rk 'il i

0 Nl.'"' l’0lUl0L‘,S• — N ew I’ciis s il lI 0 H ol I■ ■ h UticklclKjn-y Pie II J . Io . O rramI 0 ) 1 Tt-'U ( ’of!I c ' :■

0 .G K IITRU D K H A Y S 1


)f Julydn Failse lision . Kact;.s iniil Foaliire.s fo r . ivei-yijod.v.

E W O R K S ■ '

o n e ^ l H V i t e i l " -----------------------^

o u r .Jew elry C red it ^Plnn— Dm- atchcH, S ili'cru 'dir ■

Sesse&Sonthe Diijnificd Cycilil

I D iiim oiu l Shoppe"

AC E”f G ------------3i.:r----------



TfATMilAHO'‘ Club---------------------------Won iJt.i I’it. J „ . Idaho K:vll( .. .. • .17 8 .(ii!0

sa lt Lak'r City . . 20 12 .025 OKden--------------------------17 12 JM

■'*"* Lciuil .----------------------- i;i 10 .«8 Poi-;itrlIii • . 10 113 J85

-----TW IN'FALia----------:---- -B — 21— --S'S

............... NATION,\L LKAGUi:?< I Club—------------------A-iVwi-Lukt-EctMn pliiablirKll_______ 3C 17 , -C73

"^ C h lc a ijo . V 34 25 i70J’l - New York ........... 27 27 JOO

Urcoklyn . 23 33 .441l«2i.plUhukltihlj___________ 21 31 .404

Bdlon lu 2UClncllUUMl . .20 ,30 J57

'Und 'I'Of AMi;iUCAN LEAOUK'III' Club. Wen UKt m ,-------New' York .------------------31)— I'.' “ .F«1

Chlc.iKo • . 34 2.1 -'.-GPhiladelphia . .31 25 .554WtuhlnKlin . 28 25 J28

‘ Dclroll . . .. 25 29 .4fl‘' “ ‘-Clrrrlsnd------- . ---------20- 32 -.*43

St. LoiiL. 54 30 .444'rt-l' Bottoil 15 30 .2-11

PACIFIC COAST i .k a g m :Club Won I,o;;l IVI. H

.o.ikbn-1 . 51 :<2 .(i'4 HiSicr«iiu'nu> 45 37 .543 IScaltlc .............— 41„_37, H

call Silll VrnilclH','.- - . .—41— 40 •—JUJi.-ir-lporHnnil • 40 40 .500liia.lMlMlWli , .40 42 .438irll-|Lo,s AllKCliM . 30 44 -4W:ilM.'Hollywood..................... 31 49 .188

lotei € a f r ~\VJ-UNE-19tli----------------0(^4:00#'4i()Q

Soup- ’ *I'd SpriiiK Cliickeii iL'.s i’lir.Hley H iille r S liiffe tl T om iilo S a la d , o l Koll.s

S tra w b e r ry S h o r t Cake ?nm a n d Cake C offee M ilk

— I . - - - ii.riiiiiliiinrli‘’ n,

■S H O PK W K l.L ,


All your knowledge Is Balnetl IhroUKli your five sen.seg. 85'',r b gained through tlie eye*. Tlic most Imporlant of th e » is the m iw of alghl. S e e - \ i .


149 W nl ^toln. « Phone 202 Oppo^lle Orphftim Theatre

- | l l i 6 J l [ | i l i j e M i

-T O D A Y - Matincc and Night

Sunday, June 19

_ Hillman’sIdeal Stock CompahyPresenting That Big

■Laughing Show


I A'lOO Per Cent “Comedy

THE PLAY- U In Ihrrr aeU. Thr icrne li the

, “Tumtde Inn," a qolrl lltlle spot for­ty-fire mlnnlM from llroadway where

I many th lnp happen In a Tcry short time.

! THE PLAYERS'■nBck .. -.......................... lUbt. liayleyn««ty ............. I ..................Don MuekrlMorUtnrr W rlch l..... . Alan PalUnonJohn Sm llh....................F. P, Hillman8ltas Horten . - ........... Horry Sohni

.Cranny D raw n.......... Oertmdr Ewin*, Mlu Van D yke................ Uuby Neal;A fnn .................... ...... .....Cora .SohM

Snappy -Vaudeville I Features

PRICES: Matinee, 10 and 3 5 c j Night; Bal- conyj J 5 c j _LoKet iloor, 56c, Matinee' Promptly at- 2 : 3 0 ; — Night ■ show

promptly a t 8:15Phoae yenr retemUons now. for

rrcBlni lUew. . ■ *

: m B - W

% m:7P ^ ' ___________

^ • 1— JB2tj m d d ^ ^ \ i)-pii'OO I.ike new iinil' in I'c rfi'c

0 _ L = li) 2 (L m o d e L M 0 J i!isi ‘J-piisMen^'er ( 'o i i |) i - .U n

lia r^a in .

" _L=l!)20ig..Si\-.Willv,1G -l-piisHeiiKer C oiijw lcr. 'Ii54 • tinly. A R eal Ituy .

f 1—11)2-1 5-passengcr 1,4, Kei'oyrdilioned— NiiWly ii

"■ 1-192:! StudebiilaT S

| ij-)i:i.'*;u:ii>rer Toil I'i li)'. ,N''

1—1922 .'i-passenscr '

( ir iu in iil p a in t .^lili in . n t e a i ' E i r y r - —

“ 1—1924 Studebaltei- S88 w ith C a llfo rn ta tn ii aiitl

T 1-1921! Special Si.-t Ri— ------ (StHMliiH line ),

l-1925-F ord Sedan-- N w ly-pni(ittH l'{ in<l-n-n-;

' =^fhc:aboTC~cars'ar(rsc Studebhkbr Gu

. 5 Days Trial — i

Prices .are also guiira terms you

J. A. BARRE■ Phoi

Joe-K. says:- «[ CoiidlUotu In Florida are c jherllf and hU deputies Intcrfen

r r f i l = ^ i n f-Where The Illg TUturcs ris

: T O D A Y

"The1 Here! In Twui Fai _ Army! The merri

gloom chasers tha -1 ribs.

^ Mal

y . L A U G H Sthat last' f - H J U U iS .that chill.


- The Grpheuni

’x /S ’ f e f T A r W


TheDarede\0 I n a B r c a th ta k in s R oundu

Al S tjohn Corned ’ - PatheP W ith sco n es show iiiff Jhq .n n v (

'H o n n m c n t a t s id io 'c a p i to l




lassenger Hup Sedan-^ : ,1‘c l co aditio ti.

ffiiissJinigltt____ _______{nil on ly 2il8() niilo;i. A Hurc


l y s i K n j ^ i t . , : _________________ ^Thi.>< one Ufed u s a lniite.H’ c a r

Huick Sedan—■liaiiiteil'Tilul'new tiro s . . ■' '

Special,\'eU' uilsiiiK;;.

Tourin/j— •n fine I'liiuiilinii. Thi.i c a r is • .

Specialtl lia lloon tii'e.-i.


1“ T---------------

s 6 1 d n i f a c c w a a n c e : w i t i r "luarimtee Pledge30 Day Guarantee

■anteed to be right and ” lu can meet.

MTOGO.-one 56

> ■ .'deplorable. Did you notice t lu t a

ered wlUi a lynching? Eh what?

-N O W T O D A Y -AdDiU ......... .............. 30eChildren (uniler 1 2 ) ------ lOe

~ Houn.:. 2:30. 3. 7:30, 9i3«

m; Genera I |alls with his Laughter ;; riest, Jplliest band, of ; lat ever rocked your

- A L S O -

able Normand Comedy /«

ARTISTS-WCnJM. .................... .. . . j i

M a tin e e a n d E v en in g ____t l M onday a n d T u esd ay

1 0 c — 2 5 0 — 3 0 0 ;;


^ ^ P l l ^te wonder.horsfe ' evil Don Juanilip o f ^ m a n c o ^ j u id K d tog ;

;djl “R 0PED :D fe4:t-':i' Je News ' \ ;*lliveilinff o f t f o r m b a '- i B a t t a l i O B ,'! ! f r 3 B 7 B d t I W t f r " ^ ^

pQgo T h r« S '

Page 4: ion I I^TH E C TW I[N FAvaa.s tD A H · iwurlngs. the amilsllce day celebration. ets. and the return of Uie victorioui ^ Cardinals

1< i'

; | I ■ -II* I

i ■ li;-------------

t| T - . r ............. - . - , r : '

I 'l | J T w i n F a l l s b i g s t (

— ----------------^ l i t i o n s - i i s v e A o

t h e I d a h o D e p a r t

_ t i m e a n d e f f o r t i i

Ij I t o b e u n d e r s o l d ,

; | 1 . f i n a l a n s w e r t o c

|, 'N'"' r

ilMijCrcpc d

Here U a uoiiilcrliil bargnin—Our In all (lie kwxI uludM tor drr.-ucs- colors: wIillc. blnik. inBl.-j. ]«le. roM. iiliik: j i i n l ..................................

! W a s l i a b l e C r e p e40-U)f:h pure ilyc silk crcpc: ouf

, tKsl teller In UiLa (luilltf: M m tiIn Uic nov.'crllkcslindc;> (pr tln-s*

• ws; uliatlc* suitable fqr uiidcnvc;ir.. nil In a Im v7 silk. fUsu*

I T r e v o r t e r i C r e p e•j ' ' A pebble crcpc o( clfconre njiilI I ' beaiily; miiic ot Uie uinrtr,st drrs*' ' Mil o( Ihc MOMU nre o( UiU (abrlc■' , -Bboul eljjlit shadca to clioosc (rom

il ... :..$1.98|j"j “ 1 ' ’a n c y G e o r g e t t e C r e p (

I ! iL- Uc ilrelRm; loncy (ii;orKC»c (or i.imiI mcr drc.w.i; W^lncli uldtli, r 'lllii

■|1 ............... S l . O t

I ! Hravlcr ttcli:lit RcorRctlc crcpc. ddl 1 ' . caitc nnd bcauurul color tonililnnllotu

MllliiS regularly n l $2.80; r t- j q C lO-liicli ttldtli; >urtl.............

J KAYSERH Mfje b u rt'iimrknble o(rfrinK: n

W Q p every sprliut *hadc iwllliiK rcsii

^ ? -(Bomi“iPr0aire i I Our MammI .--- -

. . . . Hf>n: I


rf” ........

j ' 1 y ' \ ^ "d rrady-to

III . , , . . . : ______You knf

I; moOcU'llii , m»dc; lij ’ / i SlbN

I '■ B!i .................... J _ l£ i ln lu b .

I ■ • K • iJiado, n' ! '■ • ' -- • ' ju n l- ; .,.

iii-Ais t o r e a n d i - e g ' i o h a l c e n t (

I n n l r n r ^ i n n f P V\n / » / \ i m o n - i w lu u l tc u n tm l V c t tw u M tg t t ia r t m e n t S t o r e a r e n o t o

t i n e v e r y m o v e m e n t t o

I d , a n d w h i l e c o m p e t i n g

0 e v e r y t h i n g , a n d e v e r j

le de Chine KOur rcsnlnr *1.43 crci* dc chInc shottn •w s-fo r undcrttcar. tic ., «-lticlt wlililu;

:•................. .................$ 1 . 0 1 )

Satin Tremaineuur A CorllcclII iniiulKr—U n lustroii

l)0«ti ‘‘" ‘I xlilny. lic.ivy wclcht u tli i crtp tjr ,,. -noUiliiij rinrr lor n dress for a' wc;ir. J’™*" '’f'■tce: nl! Ibc Koo

color* nre licrc. ItcRulur H.2

,75 ......... ,..:.$3.61Celanese Chiffon

Tills luu. been nn liniwrtAnt .(nbrl njij wiili us lliLi year; «e'vc sold :

jrp... Rrcal many drc.wii lor Btnduatloi abrlc “ ' “t brldc-lO'bc; nlwtit lei (rom culom (rom «hlcli lo cbooic; som f \ f \ rolar. Iiowcvcr liavc only n (ev y o yards,led; rcRuhr (ij-| - J f

$lJO}-aixl: yard ............ 3 ) 1 . 1«,

i epe “ Urocaded IWyoii• i.tmi. ricli MU’n dMlKni'i (or tlrcvw* nn: r 'llliii; 'l>ort ouUll^. Ih-Kiilar

Q Q tl.C9 )-arU; yard .... u> l»U U

Bunny Silli ., ddl- A bu-.troiin liibrlc lor rircsics nn; allotis, for nllia. In iilaln shades, .dark o;

. . ^ .... i 7 c

ER GLOVES:: n well known limml r.f fabric nlovc.oladc dljplayrd. sbxs 6 lu s, H d n

rcsiibrly (or DBc l U C

r l O f S l e ^ n ® imoth t)ry Goods

..... ........CHADWICKrii.wnilffd (afcl color ptliil clolli; a vco"

on: IhU la an,ouUtanrilni: value; wc liav _________ s|»wlal c l ^ -gul enable

------Dotted-Mull------ ------c dntlKl mull (or llnscrlc, a very w fl L :li in dcllcaie uliadts; rcijular 53c final, c

ru^c. nlnk. tancerlnc; - | n bd ..................... ..................... XJL p

' Page Suitingillar !n np;iranlnco to devonsbire only F lilly Hithlcr « lg li l: sirii*-.. plain nnd r c t'.: fUc children's eamicnui. etc.. ;a rd ---------------- l / . C - . y

NaifirClothla ridtb made by manufncttirvr o( Peter ^1 cloth; ihfsc look w ry preliy when lie U]) a.1 .»c Imvc liart them In the dy-to-ftcar depftxtment: regular SOc P

... ....:...,3 9 c - -Idriana Dress Lengths iI knaw. Uicsc vioDdcrful .ptlnlcd dnaa 5lhs; Kuaraniced f u l color, ready made ” ilcli to tee, iliowlns how easily they are 3' dc; Intxpcmivc yel os r.en’lceiiblc a* a M (or Uirre Ume* Ihc price; f T f l - r. otilv rnfti .. _________f .y .C .^ i

Recreation Suiting Stlub..xulUh3.-&- cloU}-«linlllar In-coh* — ictlon to -£vcrfui sulUng: juarantced •iid tub prooJ: shown In every «-anted P

do, regular Sl>c per yard; o n i «d - ; . , ........................ .......................^yC c>


y - : - .

O A I L Y N E W S , T W m F A

timiit mt e r i s o n c e m o r e p r i v i l e f

n g 4 o - « S r a n d 4 h e . 5 ^ v i n -

o n l y l o o k i n g f o r w a r d t i

) f u r t h e r d e v e l o p t h i s j

g w i t h a n y a n d a l l p r i (

• y a r g u m e n t i s o u r n e i

B a th -P ow der So'cy’ly BaUt DusUng Povidi In n lame decoralcd Un cor

;? jj tatner; iias big powtfer pufi

' P o rfu m o .T o U et W ato ri^ 7 \ Narchsc Ambrc In i new boi? & y \ tic wltli pearl effeel; o lovcl

f [;lil; regular OSc; o ln lari

08c v a lu e .............!Z -59I____J - P c rfn m a Spbo la i

- ------* 7 ^ ' ‘nriiidivW uarTwxcs: ■ nntuw

S.0...... :.. 29(| / / ^ E v e ry d a y P ri/ / Hind's Uoncy a

■ ^ / Hind's Honey aUalerlne. U oi Uslcrlne. 7 oi. Ustcrlne. 3 o t 8<iulbb's Denla Colffaie'# Dcnu Pebeco Tooth

' ' repsodenl Toot Ipana Tooth P

I W cotys Pace PoDjerrKiM Facc

I ' Vanbhln' -■ Ponds Vanlnhln

9 . F o r W a r m W e a t h e rThese. Jap paper parasoU Will cerlali l)’. ba.JtaL-u lial^'outlLwajit—Th«>u<n colorful and will add a brlclit Uuc lo your [juUll-lnriiifitilvc too—

[JIH th ild rrnB sue. regular W c'.......^ 2 5Wonitn'K Rise, rcjiular 58e .........4Q

l y Women's site, regular 7Ilc .... ..0 0

B a t h i n g S u i t s, Tlie.HC new brlBlil coolred put^ wo

UiUilnj? cult-i all nre reduced. Choo; (roia XJmdley or Columbln Knit 03

n O lrl stylc-sliea for women an-Children----------------- O A " '

- ] Dlscout

■ ' I t h o f J u l y B u n t i n g;; Trl-color~rcd, white and blue, (aj color: deeomto your home, your ca:

^ your pincc o( buslncu; h a_ van! ............................................i U (

uaT ^ali^K offi s Department[ { C H I N T Z7 finf tnnlcrlhl In prcity color contblna* ave sold Uils cloth previously a t 30c: « blcs us to Mil Ulls I H m .■nee. yard ......................' .................I g C -

--------- S e r p e n t i n e C r e p e ---------Lovely Kimono p itlerm In Uils scrvlccabi crcpe: only n (cw. paitems lefl howevci bul they're iUI new ;i q pailel colors: yard ...... ...........i y (

3 6 - I n e h P e r c a l eFiut color In Uslit or dark patUms; i remarkable quality, is usually sold every when: fnr 10c per yard:. t A ,

• j- a r d - . '.................................... ....... 1 4 (

— — - S t r i p e d - V o i l e ^ -----------Striped voUe In orclild. blue, maize; a taUi itripo rayon EVERPAST Voile: It won' (adc: Special m price, ynrd ......... ................. ..............t i l l

-----------A v i a t i o n C l o t hCommcsly called aeroplane clbUi; li use for w-omcn'a and chlldren'i garments; 1 similar to .Indian head only (Iner; In (ac more nearly libs broadclolh: O K / 30.lncti: ft spediU »lu 'e: yard .....A u (

O i l C l d t B C o v e r s ' ,J«-lneh_olU ejdiJt. lable ,cowr» :lnr.t4,B» ranvc of p a u m u ; rcsularty' . ■ nh. « c ; cacti,--....

....Worfiih’s Ted'ApWrib'Rubber apnins, rufflM /cdge uid'iiicV c lrlm ;.rahcy (loatr dKonUon! ' n H . extra \'aliie ......._________ jS t f t

alRii o -i l e g e d t o i h v i t e e v e r y n i a i

i n i a l l s ^ i i n t c j ^ G E e s - s

1 t o a h i g h l y s a t i s f a c t t t r ;

s g r e a t a r e a , a n d h a v e i

i r i c e s , i t i s a l s o a p l e a s u i

n e v e r d e v i a t i n g o n e h u n


“p « . J I s ^ L 3 9 c - ^ - - £ f l ® '- -ito rs_ _ , h? r|]|

S 59 c-iS E E ------------ P a l m G l i v e - S p e c i aaek«t.-.Btu--»^tubo-ot.gabnrQllvo.aiiavlna tmilltt’ tfor'38c alijl Rct a regular 25c ciji'd 2gC-lQUsc-AHcr--Shavb3s ToJc

P r ic e s in O ur T o ile t G oods D oparticy ami Almond Cream. $1.00 alzc.................ey and Almond'cream. SOc s lu .................i ox. bolUe, t m Mic .................................r oi, botUe, 60c »l« ............................. - .....; o t botOe, 25c alzc ......................................lental Cream ................................ .............. .Ocnlal Cream ................. .................... ..........olh Paste ................................ iJ . ............ .

TooUi Paste .............. ........ ............ !!..!..........ih Pasta ;...........................................................: PowderFacc Powder ..._ ..............i........ .................bhing, or Cold Crc.-un ................................lililng or Cold Cream. .........................

J J e s t l e s . d h o c b l a t e B iNesUes Almond Nut Bari—Uic candy made—

i L ................. ............ 2

t i ' ■ I , ......................... ;.5Vr* Extxtt .ipcclal. (p-|y 5 Kor ....... ................ .............3 ) 1 .

OfIG-o::. and 12-OL In wIdUia 20 comp.ire our price 10 I'ER CEN1

QY , . ■ r, ' ~

touch ' , P

■.2&0-4 0 c-ooo

■ »'*’■ ' f e y • 7 /:hooso K r _f h -I Day o r - . , ■

and ............. J y f \ ,

^ H f /

‘8 - .' -Tr car, /T X T

lOc „B S f l ^ j p v y

O u r well know n 08X n iim b o r f conlintioil n n d wo o f fe r n t-n -

ina. valuc.s; y o u ’ll b u y th e m by Iht :: a b o x ; p : i i r ...........................................

Our number 88X selllnjc regularly foi Thb b 'a new number, allk to the

“ ^ '- ( m e - lW - - w p r B h oihadM wi.icli are so popular now. Sale Prlcc. pair ........

T h S i h e H o s e ;Number C oo^ur regular ll.<5 »IIk

ns; u Uic MiadM ar« 'h»'dy, Uie hose U < every' Uif best for the tnohey; .■ . $ 1

Sale Prlee ............

Women'* rayon, ( « « In a ^obd « i----------- icrunem: 1|4C quaUly.tBd-irlll-tlvpuU n foelon' 'Acar;. m t i l uwon'l pair ---------.................... '

(» Women's rij-on hoM^-hM a .bH jh t I band at Uie-top; llrife qv*Utj and h pearanee o( iUk; rtjiilar. .

,« « 1 “ ■ f r .................. ........... '

W o m e n ’s R i l f e T h r e a d

j5c • .Silk tn Ihc w tlt; I V .B c r v ic n b le ond wlltioulf quntlon. an offcrlni

iiwyi ••’ouW »«U j-ountU • of-*U tho ^ - - r J i a d c s , T tsn la r.« f« : — g j

r * Womeivj puft 'dU: toU olcolors, dark coloi^ .t|l qualltlci: paft

1 — ! .Q % D i j c c o u !


^T il i a n , w o m a n a n d c h i l d i r i i

i 8 - s i j . a t t E a e t i v e , - 4 ¥ i t h 4 h f e

t i r y f a l l b u s i n e s s f o r e v e l

e a l w a y s b e e n d e e p l y i n j

s u r e t o p r o v i d e e v e r y s e i

u n d i - e d p e r c e n t M A K E 1

T U R K I S H T O W18x30 double UireatS-Uicse a i-a(ue$—you7( wan( to buy

_ ------------• ‘ dozen ................... ..........O for

18x3(1 (Irsl quUlty double threa< pure w h lto-a lovely k towel (or home use.... U (or 23x« -hirk toft-cl, an extra-I

--------------,.» .,Jtifa.-hnavy:,..a)l.purc-a'liltc;-- I . .regular 6Dc, c a c h ....-.-.r......... .

10x31 (ancy striped towel. boUiC i a l ------------ body-alH|)e-o-vefy-aUnxcUvo4oi■Vltiq Cream— _____________M 61 pi»rnr-'q” ^ » - r " " ' . ‘ ■>— = =

O C ^ 23x12 white Turk towel; hcaO D C . double U » ^ —a real home

lo « l ........................ r tm o n t 25x45 fancy towel-ln*iarfc*flbe...........8 9 b weight—only a (ew doun left...........3 7 o , o( these, regular 80c............... .................Here's Uic towel of all towt............ J i® border design, large site; gooi

*«? iiv and especblly dcdrable

’ oS

R u h h e r C j j v e r a l l AJOo Women^ rubier' TioUiclioia“ A 30o not slip forward oh Uu

OOo ru((led edce Uitn and on pocki .... ...... 40o regular 08c; now.'cach ...... .

2 S c K i d i a n a C l o t l■ T hb fine 32-lnch print Is a

n Printed In designs sulUible (oiBars and women's Rarmenta; sells n -Uie best 8*J ''(‘'>tccd (aal color;

j-ard ............... ...........—...........’...

2 9 r W o m e n ’s F a n c y A- Fancy trfaimed' rubber lioiiMhi

• O U C " skylo.only ft.levl i - / v « ' ' '“r ''“>«« w «-3»:5 1 . 0 0 ■ ■■................................... -......---------------! K O T E X - E v e r y day

DAM CANVAS •, 20 Iiich-30-lnch-t0-lnch-48.1nch-w-lnch. CENT DISCOUNT.

HOSIERKayser Hose $1.()0

ic r b;ullin(; n t $1 .69 . T hm num ber hnH I t- n - ’r id ic u lo u s p r ic c .- T h is is th e vali

....................:.....$................ ..—Kaysci*”tU6e number'IpJXmntl'

. n6t» .bciiis HlKonUnuedr^.wc o ly for tl.GO. ncU known numben a l a very I the welt, ThcM sold ,reiu tv ly a t i -ncw -light— lncludea-UrUiUT«'4rtoUr Ci«e

. $ 1 . 4 9 , S ' p S " : . , . ....... ....................Wqmcn'i (Ib6 Enttllidi rib hou a \t 'o ' popular style; wcar» wi

•Ilk hose; 8ood iooklns when on; tielb 1 U one pf tor « c :e i 9ti —.........................

.tD X .U * / g{ in-dmen'a hewi m IdV a i.- ourtlrop numbcn and odd'palr*:'ttvB-MilK___ niion liw .cptbiri.hoxi. worUi r

t t h .1 Qila l o i ^ e Price.. „ . O y ( J 1*^ .................

ih ttb io f td Chiidreh’s Cotton.Qd hM .ap- gucfl 0 to fittl.cW on Un. bla-.....a Q n Hbfatd; eur 25e

......hDM; p a i r . ' .........................................

a d S i l k W o m e n ’s P i l t e T h f c i

...................... H o s e ;able hve-'- One ot our regular Dumben liavi (crlng you . . only Uils monUi: ll's a real va tho rprinv rcfiular price.of 88c: bul now a

U of our KVcra] 09c (('uaUUes; -ii|h li«u>.....................................-------------------------

Bunt On All Other H o ^


m !i r i t h e w o n d e r f i i l - T v v i n

t h f r ^ l r e a f c i m e M e a f t f e

v e r y b o d y i b u t w e a r e i

i n t e r e s t e d i n w h a t w e

s e r v i c e f o r y o u r - O u r

E I T R I G H T p o l i c y .

3 W E L S ------------

Our Git e - $ m ) — -Vthread toweb. all 1

5 , . , $ 1 . 0 0 ...........: ............ ■lira 'la rge size— |n |B |i l i |M

“ “ i r - 3 9 c - - | H WboUi border.and 1?® va-lowcl^*JC8Ula^— ly

heavy quality;

” .... : 3 9 cj*flbe and heavy

..... 3 9 ctoweb; a lea( Utah pack green tgood for homo c a n s ..............

>lE Solid pack Utah

---------------------- Early Juno peas.I I A p r o n sillf ■Apr6K.,:'lUtr“ « M « ^ - P « ! r n t nm Uie shoulders; , ..... ..................nockef r t f \pocaei. n n .... ........

................ Beechnut cpaglicttl.l o t h ...........ts a line cloUt

S a 'S n S fS 'jr . . r tA Pierces pork and

...... — Ocean spray crar

L h o S I ® ™ ; F f ' S ' . ’l l " ' '”aifew lc(l;-re5 - ‘ n . '

, ............. 9 8 c

~ o-BA ICuncn ketchup, pli ................. ^ no adulteration ___

-lnch-T2-lnch; T h i s I s t h e

— — — a n d F t

H SheeE x t r a Q u a

.•'^81«0-(lnc-qualiiy-: 8lnicled cloth U ut t Ice; regular tl.39;

■ ■ o( Uiese;

. . . -------------------- TliL«>'ii.™ p>diy;

lO Pftir . P e q u o tTWO

haH bccii iHs*va lu e o t n il f f i S L - S S S r a ^

, , $ 1 . 0 0-nntI-104X~wn^---------- : - 9 * 4 - 4 > r ^ 0 -wo o((er Uiesc 01 or OO-lncli bleatlied very low prioc., • know Uib long cervlcljl> and $2JW:___from tlib: here1[,n.nta d e l nuiiibers. opportunlly; >-ard........

A l l O t h e r shou In nyon . 'I

,ra wtU u d b K lb rrBitlarly

....... 3 9 c I . ■ : :

.rUi mtleh morrj

- z z m r r r .— =

Tablet“ ~ I Q h ite e m ity Mfg. Co.. < ....- ......Use Sta58;, a , »xiy lov

h r e a j S i l k , s......

I havhv arrived . D u t c hal vallK ttl .U u 84-lheh. loitly-'Outch low nl Uio Balo In AlatHa: Uib b Uu-■-— — o n - — b t r ewrywlicn!;---------...... q y C regular t23!». now......

5 9 c------- w u k j utt-a lor drcsso. childrc{c: enoay white, 35-h

~ r - 54.lach: yaH .............

[ 927 : . , ; . . ' . . .

3earn F a l l s c o u n t r y t o i t s s<

a l l s 4 l a m ^ m p l e t f l d - a n f :

i n c r e a s i n g o u r f i n a n c i a

e c o n s i d e r t h e f i n e s t a g i

: b u y e r s l e a v e e a r l y - i r i J

rtojcery Departm 5Tou Money Ever]

■pie. broken slices, No. . aolilen West colC' for S 1 .3 7 Matchcs, islx bo;

Btringlcss beans. No, 2 McDonald's di..................... 0 for 7 9 c cans.....................1 tomatoes. No. 2 1-2 McOonald'a pu...................... a for COo .............- ..........I. eastern pnck, No. ? Rockwood's pure............... . - J t Jo r- a a m t - r w .Wra swccl com.,N o. ,'J_. Pure.buckwlical................... 0 (or SO c Virginia Dare w■A peaclies In njTup. No. I'enidelle rahd..................... 3 for SO c Fenidell salad d,tl. with chccsc and to- Kemdcll olive

3 for 5 3 c Klrawberr}- Jam jciins wlUi tomato sauce, berries and suj;

... 2 for 2 0 c Large Italian pibeans, small Mm ...,IOc for beans, medium caw Srcdlesa rabins........................ 0 for 4 0 c Durum bulk mi■onbcrry sauce; No. 2 Siwrt cut sikibI.................- ...... 2 3 c Proctof and Qatn styl» chilli'and-beam , Cocoa-Almond>•-.... .-..*-«**« for I S c .............rup, No. 10 cam ;...GOc 1' O white tficrto peachfs. No; in Ceeoa-Altnond................................. 5 7 c ..................... -pint botlln. no coloriD?. Lemon-cocoa 1:

..............3 for 5 3 c ; - - ................. - .....

e T i m e f o r H o t e l s , R o o

’r u d e t i t - H D u s i a w i v e s - t (

-- ------------- B i g - S u p p l y - o f

l a l i t y S h e e t s | h |

r sheets ,-ft-(Inn-con— p K J ?I will .assure lone « rv - ' I ™ i; youll waiit ceveral

$1.19 ™ ^ _________________ _ ^ V r

Ira \-alue and no doubt v S ^

tt Sheets 81-in.S I *3 Tills b an excell

..................... .......9 1 - 3 5 iiniutinl wear; 1..... ............... . 5 1 - 4 3 several #hcc sc lj......................2 9 c yard ......................

t i ' T n . 8 1 - i n . ru - l - r e q u o t ---------Ilerc'i anoUier sled liequet tlieeUnc. you in laqre quantitl ricc you're suro to gel tious(»; 11 glvca

; " ! ' - : : z r : r 4 9 c ' - S ' ! “ : ! ' “ :

s h e e t s a n d s h e e t i n g :

f r o i n V e r y l o w p r i c e

W a m s u t t a C l o t h:mool! Icaciie cIoUi. lonii cloth or BaUste, all

£inia cloth, you’ll ngrcc th b lo bo th---------------------rf< n « ‘-m»«l^-ynrd---------^

Cloths Are Cheaper In. damask pattern cloth. Rtcemary 0U7I: ovely linen (inbh cloUi; a eloUi a i you'd

9 8 c

b C l o t h s A «cry fine qual:h patttro ^loUis. .made blcrxhixl eheeUi Jie newest and haa.sotd. .work, draperiei, i

z i z r s i T ? 9 “ " J « * s S ”

T i i i S i i S - -Idren's tahnent*; oprom, uterillicd 'and X -Inch, « -lnch . • 2 g g . blue, pink, grtj-;

Page 5: ion I I^TH E C TW I[N FAvaa.s tD A H · iwurlngs. the amilsllce day celebration. ets. and the return of Uie victorioui ^ Cardinals

- S = = = = S = S S S S S = S 9 e: ^ ^ S S ! ^ K

nee Snvnal C learance Sale. W e;desi f f i - th e r o te r i^ th e ^ a lh to in s in and u pon th e Tw in F a l1 sectioiif, n o t only o f th e Ur theb ig -m ark e t-cen te rs -o f-t

------- - I -Y O U R

Popular PiWas Limited Until \


Group 1 In Uita youll find2 »or 3 3 [|,B vbca cnuh braids a.i

------ CTii-M aintw im m m nn uunp—

ii i ' ....3 3 q Gronp i . Dressy lials: fportle 10c

s r » r ' “ . . , $ 3 . 9 8 ,.......-2 0 o Cronp S. Mlbns In tmarl. 5 iwundi styles, silk nnd braid corn*........ 4Qo bliullons; dressy sUks wlUi......... 5 5 c ribbon or laco trlihs. t t J Jds ....4 3 c and M JJ ralucs; n o ‘........ 4 3 0 now........... :........

?iiS' S Brassieresi for 2 9 c Wide silk bnsstcrcs. sizes'93D for 3 3 c lo 43: uU n. siriimi cloUi. silkQllcc co3p Jer«:]r and silk, and laco;0 for 2 9 c '-alues to Q QMlet wap M J5.................... ® l . y O3 for 2 9 c ___ Odd lot cotton brassieres. __slics 3D-aa; drop styles wIUj i


o u ses , ^ 1- a ■

ItC. 1 ^ 1

eting \id wilt kIv: \ircli: youll • \

, 3 3 c '

ting ' . , _____--------‘ l»vo r«ld

»y Eayser A Rayon

J^ U n d e rf l

“ , T to y se — ffw II • i i i H P Jlc<ulat-t0(

■ y m ' I ^ bm \ n W cm a'i Ui

0 1 \ WI v d l I W ' M aiu ins.v t

Isli. as finu 1 S L 4 9 '

, , $ 1 . 8 9 W - -----------------

Rayori Uiiderweiir -Illar lb un- Women'# bloomtn In ' ' (jhHd,

s B1. 0.«rvlcc-.beyond. <x-.. Made of i

:.... ptcUUon: all -Uw t « n In IU-------- ^ o r» such w pink. pWk.orehlhrwithiti-' -TKacn;-niTy;Tiueror—Dr-w -u ehly cund: chid. (leth. .'eoeoa. shades, U

A r t i r t. o l . Z p »W8.n o w : J D l . l '± taide. pan

- T W I N F A m P A l L - !

Sale-ETCesiire to c lear o u r tab les im riverdam rth rs irfend ii Falls fe r ti le acres, ou ts it U nited S ta tes , b u t in th if-this co iih try ran d -w e \

UR C H O I C E O F -

Priced Millihen W e P u t i n O u r D e j ) a r t n L a s t S e a s o n -

------- l J « W - Y d u .B u y - f o r , L e s 8

Group 1. Fancy straws. sUks and faruld cor tlotu. comprise this group; Uiey'rc so low they’]! sell verx quickly; resulor i

Oroop fc In tills lot are shown the banded • in mt colors; sellln; from U.98 to d>-« MJI8; now ............... ....................

1 y - T il u

; ,t [ jW i ^ B W c l V

i ' ^ J r i l ^

a —____ ] / / 'K 7 ^ 1 1 r __~y /

> M I j Ljg^ ‘I dflKI i ^ n ^ 5 s 5 5 5

V * I * ^ r. \ _________ T ^ J Vs. f

~ aV

I M iser I Silk Underoear, Q Ml UnderwearrM 2 srwear—All at|Big " ictions;y s e f I t a l i a n S i l k V e s t s . t ;r- »np «ltn hfvllro tnp- pint . wrr>iM _Uladi; f t 'to.44; regular $ U 9 :v i]u ti . bI'a i h M silk bodloe ,b p 'a n d v ^ > , «:hreid silk « id iiyon bodloe, lop; ^W v ti t m u : nesh. black >iul erp- . ^|h35< S ;M toW ;nB ular» -l. i n ‘ . “W price up lo W.iS 0 J L i 4 a

■. J{

l i i r G iv e s L o n g S e r v i c e r ; . : -'h lldron’s Women'# bldomen'lh Uoomert • w i8ht-;r»y.

o r . . t r l p « l i - “ i * -In licht-shAdes, cut bloomer; ’ colon,oreWd or peach peich. orchid, 'n tsh , , n--ttB—fl4mf:-niie;-bei5er~Tama;-- \*, tao. cerise, peaccck, ’ bUck. tu < '

y g E 3 3 i:

.Y-HEW S,TW ro.FAU^i:

3tmir J l I

s a iid shelves to m ake r IM crop conditions, t h ^ ide b f th e me.i;cantile bi! he e n tire w orld. You a p ro m ise ^ o u ^ o r- th is^ s

Jilent 1 H

Ul i Any coot dilnws Kii up to tU-SS >t QQ . Uiis low price; Ui >i.S70 In* well and ll i

wliei] this sole a: ' bo aU

• told............1^51 1*1 *• Children'sSiVA 1“ slio four. M lu

f IUgular:.'i;rlce-ft Nowonly ............

M J 1 r ■ Children’ir -O ' soft. Milan llI “ <• “U orjant!iV4H 1— *Hli hoods, ticl

i # f l ‘ 4 U -I ONB-FO

s f e f c : Paiityb:/I U iIT^ 1 Chlldrtil pini I \ I. . ' mad,(V of Amostel\\ m . and tmall design<j-\\— J 0 very pretty ns

^ ..... .

M j ^ 0 Ciiildren’s Ginghams

I iL J ’N-U .D'resiUnvc. m ntm U ia \y'( ' ^ dutch necks, « lavender, blue, p

______ lar 11,71);J / now__ ;.......

Gbrsele, T striped brocade;^ ll«hUy stayed:

\ ^ weathtr .number; 'Irn size# 3l to 38.....1 Another i stripe ___________sllghUy,,heavier;

K garicn, 33 to’«

Here'# a group of e.......... ■ 98c

,______ Ah o ther Cl

f u m m e r S iGronp i. *niU Rroup will attract alicnUc of lhe small *-omen and girl weaHnj Ifl ar 18: they bre all mall size drews in Usl Tffpcs U tt’eil MQork colored d Q( erep«: regular |4J)e; now..... .Group t Thl4 group wUl appeal to all fi Ihere are dresses-for the nila as weU f( ,Ui8 woman wearing size 42; the malerla are: crepe de, chine; cttpe mRrton. w chulle. as well as ie ^ ditses; near: every wanted shade; 16 la O; <po Ol regular tlJS to IS.9S; only ...... wO*t/(

Wotten’s Ci'epeThcM are iho cowns In uie special aj selling: we>c sold doiehs, and .dozens,of tl B big reduction durtn* UUs Clearance 8 i lle musllri.,fancy.crepes, plain, colored yoke iHihm' ; regular 'tk-,Sale'Prieft ___..........

K O T E X — fev^ory d a y ...... ...................

Wpitieii’s Rayo\-ests; hiva/WU sMu .ploot

S ,A H .O ,S U N D A Y ,M O H >

lUPe room fo r-thc la rg e s t ar e com pletion o l ou r new business . We alw ays tr; 1 a ll know it alw ays has ^ fall-stocks-that-in-sty lc,

coot marked to — '455 Is j-otjra Jor . , •• m . . . , 3; UAo are sell*

It may be U ut i ( you unn rcc lu te

‘"‘c c 7K... «>t). / ♦) f;izL‘.s for a ll: Ktoutrc'n's coat» all In Pe luve but few

.......S2.4S Women’s Een’s Hats ■

“ I’ " ? T he color com binu n o li- lllcy ''111 h a rm o n h

Dresses " -S . £ S 57,95 v „ t o , . r oMlgn print cloUi,;y nssorlmtnt to ' , ■; "I” 70g Loolt at Thesi........ Child-Not* K«yon. ■ns_ P a n ty 8li|i-ovcr or coat'eSBeS ’ '■ to I'l, rcRiilnr p ■’Mnj t rlmmliif '

colon, green’ Q Qle. peach; regu , ^ l . i 7 0 am

- $ 1 .2 9 - Group;{. Ten ulipiLSiiortnicnt: rcKiila

le le tteside; good welglii. This group of panty ai si: Ideal • warm ' cn: Included arc voile

panllca to maicli as ll;

Jh; : . . " ' i£ ! : ! hlier, lisle eliLMli

5 i r $ i : 3 ’4 $1J)8.......................... -

of exceptional value# in children's drtisea, s ; ore cf volln. print# and glnshanis; ore tUgl

soIlM and mucsed; values to S4J)5

C h ild re n ’s R o m p ers a n d '

M h r e m ]£ntlon Group 3. In Uils group nre dresses < ifl and rd materials, such m fnsl color w

n o Uie extra largo sizes. IG lo £0; Q>i . tU O regul.uly »0J3 ta $ l3 io____ __ «&

all for '[11-for Oroup f Here's a group'that inaiiy .terlab \rill nan see quickly; dresses of g(

' r » l lla l erepfe; wme In JIrutwI c«pe, nearly plain Iiowever: are shown In dressy-c » Q Q ' modrls; sizes 10 b 40; regularly C il » t / q priced »tt£l5. C om jart............. O .

pe Gowns HU assortment we'vo beenJpf UiBfl.nndj)Q»_jtiu_ctJ_______________ce 8alo; gowns arc floln lored nainsooks: *11 faney

■— 7 4 p - -Reariyerery ........- ........... ... . \iliT IV.19 lo

. Lot *. Hero..................................... 3 3 ( ! cnmp of p................... - — ■ • ond prinu:

In desirable------------------------ -----------J „ U M « lue ;

Vests- r r '«Itail .d n i b# l, resnlir . i ® , i l

OT cso tiu i -------------------,• tU f-m B ;

^HNING,JUNEvl9,1927: , ',

to Jiw bridge, th e serv ice .o fo try to b e fo u n d am ong tli IS been th e policy o f th e tic, q u a lity -a h d p rice ths

______ -•■ ------rrrrr-

: th e Iargc.Hl lo t an il w c lirg e you to l( ute <iuallly a w l n tylc you ’ll ilinRly low p rlce tl; va lues BClling reg i to u t sizcii inc luded .

CHOICE THIS ( t I A e . GROUP ' y J - 0 « 0

s Sweaters for Sports Weai Reductions

blnalionH ii\ , .HWcnterK m a k e tlicr onizc HO w ell w ith o lh e r g a rm c n tii ; «li

H n?w o n l y .......................................................s now o i i l y ........................................................K now o n l y ...... !................................................rt,now o n l y ...................................... .................s, nowi only^.:i.y.i.^...........................................

lese Children’s Sweaters—A 'fote the Low Priccs—See ThH ccn wool a w c a tc ra , G’ro ttp . 2 . F il ja t Htyle.H: «Izch 10 c ric k c t 'S ty le a ; r p r lcc $2 .49 nnd xizcrt 24 to :

? i;7 tP io -$ lT fi8

„ n , l $ 2 . 4 9 __________________ $

Hlip-ove'r s w e a te rs ; u pood co lo r K ular ? a .9 8 ; n o w ...........................................

ty arc of Ray- .'olle dresses, no H

mtroWeied | S ^jmmer>': size 2 H -flF

l e a ^ ^ 3, lo 10 ■ M ^ M ^

d ' Dresses B ^ ■

W fer^ hIMS of varl- Oroop 5. Knitted suit*, plain )r u-ashablo crepes, ihcie are ol our seasoi jlCfl«i-nQH!_mylf.v., .arittJ

« 7 QK ‘9 ^ <'•0 4 * i7 tJ JI8J5 la « 2 i 0 ..................

liiiy TOtn'eh <lH)'tip 6. TljU ghiup Is . of i ofgeorgeUe style and materials; ,the. nit tpe, mosUy a tld 't lal crepe; y«iU\lssy-or sport-w ell iiutronly styles;

< 2 0 O C seasonable: prices rai^e froiroj.yD oojo, • II

HOUSE DRESSE ___AlLEedjLcei—A good asMrtniehl of U t t This Krouj)

in u In medium colon; ' large women who m :rery-size, r e c - - Q D ^ -v-oi]e- ( jr"pH D r di

a ; Taiiie; now--------Here's a very prelt.'' • -)f printed broaddothiL . . - OU; sizes 3B (0 46:'a lt - txit-S.- StnUght Un

.U te : ii.m . ,u p i r a i l i t t i , l i i t n

$1.39• " . “Iw i 3 « vtluo

These cool looUn* ^ : ,•bnadeloU]'. .h ive m t ' .& Tatf^U

- v f K w r ' i K i - ^ w t r ^ y a - w a i u»s«. ,r illi a u n l(, il« lm ,? '. l t ik m i,jb u iw u ,» l

ecijJly atthictivf. w ^ ^^ jw ea th w ,. 1

. 1 - - .'J ,..J.i

rulyill we have ever purchs if o u r new ra ilroadj th e : th e leaders, g iving of he Idaho Depatlmerit^S th a t c an n o t be>excelle

BBR’■ § m a i pto look a t th e se valucn;

lusc ono b f th e se cos\tit; attrMti re g u la r ly u p to ?32.C0: “

. c • • Loi t_ ■ ed, all

.8 5 ■ s»j;•_____________________) im’ingi.

ear Ail a t Big '“ g

tlicn i very deHirflble, n» ® 2 9 ; s lip o v ers o r co a l s ly lc . •

$ 2 .1 9* 3 ,1 9

Vs!S rc R o e • tAHa blou

-A Size for Every *; Them Anyway ” ^F i f t e e n w ool svwealcrs,

y lea; a few have collard,j s u Jm r lti te —

" $ 1 . 4 9 . M -

............. .......... $ 2 . 9 5

ilain lusd figuredscwn'i.smarle.'i / \\\\ ffiU

"""iii.i ■ nl |\or many prlcc. / I j / f l l j | l 1|11\'

s. materials are A \ \ (1\touUxlul ily le i m jHLV, \ H \l M \

Uu colors, arr » b >j 1 III i l lfrom . $34J 5 to '1 I . I HAL rniC E


;rout) la, for the(ho wants' raj’jn. A If d rw e ^ ' well •’•I

S2.19It l i n e ; ^ itto- /I iU im '^ s s e s ; - (y

^■■:$2i89 ,

4. «o guarantee l,« id -iie# inb le ' ic*e a - t8 to . '

-S 3 .9 5 -

- ............... t ( L s 4 ,K r i l . - '" I ■


l e o w t e r s t i f i

E . m o n e y a h d

^ S t b r e i e v e r

l e d a n d t h e ; ' p

several t^ u T iS tS u * * ' : ' Wfd.-nuollt?; MceptlonallycU«o tor u . [v e 1a price-..,- ® S /w O ; ;il

t ^ik.grblib l#;incltid* ' j l - ill diiroUKf.c^U: Uier? ; Mi'

betted grade^gannenUi 1 ' Iovtly_4iuiteilili, flno___*1. ;01 i i f r S S r S a i ic - : •1 for Uils; #al*-;- , <

^ 9 5 $ ^ . 9 5 : ’ 1 9.95 S M .95 ;

m d ( i ; ; / V ■ I '

styles in' at ' I 'J brtjidcloUi. ,i^ipe4,;or \ked colon .o f.-m tm ik l ond malerli; .pbniw ' '

in III :tticktd,'veate« of ,

: i r

.S catft." , j 'ijf-riwf-.»Ulc4<batfa-o(= n = ~ = f= n ttt. f la t,-crepS ^W ^B de".chtne..-’wma .u d ; . J impend# omarii'frtnij^ J '

shQim also, ibHght atid ” ^oolon U )reU- M .« » ' l . |

r colon; U .t t^ jK lS .ONE-Tifi^b brr i | ; i

' ■ ’H

• Ffiift : i ,'

' A.LL :

\ • ...................I

JM f P I ® • ' ;

___ ____________• ■

Page 6: ion I I^TH E C TW I[N FAvaa.s tD A H · iwurlngs. the amilsllce day celebration. ets. and the return of Uie victorioui ^ Cardinals

j H - : : - —

. J- P a g o S i x ■


; l | . — i j i >.p.,■■.•,• D i5 p a fc = Bgt?re8n^#mvTt=8QnrfijTO

j p ......... - a n d W om an O ver Cow P a s - m.

I l i j ra y c B rinfjs Disclosfire o( »•

I C om p lica tio n s in T ilf ^ 1 'I. bli

' fpssljM Sniiuiiay of blwK :i) ot tliv• Jlaiiscn !<irii.Mlo v,lilrh,U_rlaiiivi ;i.s a

piiUIIc piirk- ami wtilch h;i.l Ixrti <' i li-iL'A'd by T«ln I'lill.i rotiiily clcrk to

Mrs. O. C. Lockli';ir of Hunicil for ii ' CO'* piLMurc. I’'"

Mrs. Loekltar Mirftiidcrx! ilic lca-'-C|lt it, fillLT n tlclrciitltm of llanvrti clilrjw Hi'| j | .'.ubmlltnl to thr couuly cuuimL 'UituTs | anI I Siiliirdiiy iilt'Tiiooii ii iiciliiciii and |ir»> | iul'1 ti'.'l nK;iltuM Ull' li-a;c. '

tnuiicdliil>'l)' tliLTcafli'r lliu villa^i' of | . I IIuii 'M filed Mitt 111 libirli'l court 'J aEutasi T\vtil Knlls roiiiiiy and th f l j .J 'IMln I'Jllr. ilank and Tnut comimny.

, llispulr Ovrr Cim l’j»turp ! 'I WJiDii Mr*. tx)cklc-iir carlv Hits tprlng: ,

il l>n:aii pMtitrlnB Ju t cow on n littleslri'tl In IIiinM-n, llt■ ftiarird the ;

' . cimin of clrviini’iKincM lhat bruiiklii idiiclo.vurr nf ilit' fnei ihnt ilicn' is a | “"'

I cluiid on Ilaiw n's Itllc to iLs public . . . la rk . Mrs.. Uickicar cuinplli-U allli Ihcj- 'i’Jy~ ~ ^fl'acr-orTthr-Tttlfti:t'-i><wrJAr>ttiuivlia4--il

tliut Ihr park had rrvcrioi lo ilii'jcln county for iion*|wyniPiil uf laxi-:i, .she' firs mitotlalwl u h-aio lur ihp proi>crly fnr l.Ii\ u cow imtun-: .Tlu: vtllaKc board In- the

lolfivciUi'a tcr Tlii nnd tlie Invnlluailon bniUKlii lo llKtil uiic n ^^rlM of IrnnsaclloM to wJilcli rtfiT- aro encc WiU tnndi.- In ihi? conijilalnt In bcfi (lie ncllon to [|ulct ttUc. lion

TIic coniiilalnl rccltc* llial block 20 n-AS net a|iarl nnd dedicated u n IHi

fi iiublip park by ihc Haiiscii Towmll^company In Ausiui, 1908. and w u IIU

I ^mnlntalncd by iltc towiulic companyM a parfc until ,lhe-ylllngc_’»-M -lnv___

j~ ^corporatcd In March, ifllfl. The vlllaKc nilmlnljtrfttlon took over the properly luiil h u dnce malnUlncd It u a park..

Inm tlialion Showi CloDd Cloud on Uie itllc was tmccd to n

(1m l of tn u l given by the lownsltu B n • company lo the Twin Palls bank In

September. 1017. which ftulhorlicd lhe ♦ I bank to tell Uie uiuold jiroporly In the <I townslte. Ineludlns block 20. e

Tmc4 were OMcssfd against Uie I property for lhe first time In 1931,

nnd on last Januar?' 3. lhe county I ircMurer Usued a deed Iransterrlnit J, Hansen's park to the county on ac- I ; coiml of unpaid Ia x c i. ■ I'™'f : - SlAlc law. the,' complaint iecltw, “7 I cxctnpu •public parkJ from taxaUon,I ' Tlie complaint denies validity of the

Inclusion of block 20 In .the deed of trust to the bonk, and denln also the rolldlly of lhe lax aajejsmcnl ami

I the trcMurer's tax deed. “Town Unite* In rn ite it

! Tlie petition and protest aKalnsl the1'} 'lease of the park to Mrs. L xkle tr

I I t was submitted by a delcRallon thaT f.'l*;included John Rlgney. tlmlnnan ot lhe

I, village board: Rev. Valentine DelUti.L nmlnr nf Hnn^rii rnmniiinHv fhnrrh-l *'

John Schocffer and Loul* KllngcminiV. , John H. Barnes of Twin PalU. ol- ,

I tomcy for the village, v m spokesman 'I. for Iho delcKAtlon. _, ^^^l. Locklear who hod been' ap- '

praLwl ot Uic ImpendlnB protMl wai f, ' on lund when the OeteKallon Bppcarcd In the conimls-iloncni' room. Dbcu.i- Mon deali In coa-ilderablc deUUI wlih

I the storj' at Mrs. Locklear's cow 'pw-

■ Locklear nnd the chalniian of Uvj J” *’ ! village board slioflk hands.

If . ST. l o u ¥ accords i. > ROUSING RECEPTION ™,'

--------- Jc{Continued Prom Page Onel mer

_ • ■ wer<; heaped upon the llred n u n .iiio n 4 vT=-,=Jkrojic<u±ifalhezeiidTfiljouh»e£i;^ anil

pu1)llc.jpcclalm. ■»• /I Governor Samuel A.'Uakrr w u ihpre i n i

whll the new commLuton In lln' Mlu- QH fourl naUonal ruard, elevalln.: thr **III yoiiUi who flew away n fligh; com- niandlnc captain lo n colonelcy, lhe lilRhejl grade In Uie .itnle .luivilon forcefl.

»ecr«'larv of wnr, ,j;

■' rrniy resfrve coiiimlulo" rcfrnilvflRnixl by I’rc.sldenl Coolldge. It '.I«o j,.>,wa.1 for the rank ot coloncl.. olor,

r Others listed as ^peakcrs tncliiditl! i,a'nI Harry B. Haue*. Onlird Slates siratar ,,fj.' for ML-ijoUrl. Mavor Virlor Mlll?r ami

• civic 'Icad'T^ «Uli ColoneJ Llmllx*-jli Hofxhlmneir to concluilf Uir crrrmonv. Tt

Tomorrow «m be anoUirr {till day Har\for LIndbrrKli '»H afirr thal he ttill ureahave a ehnncr 10 Krt \ome iv,'ll t r - .Svrni;er\'rd. nnd. Judcing frnm his ;i; iiv3r- frunmice, badly nrcdeil rest. . Iiiar

. -------------- --------- MD»i Chlckrii dinners «t The Or.initc Cair

Lantern. Phone appointments f.9 Kjm- pa H

I! MONEY MONlW e luive a v e ry choicc lonn

e r ty u t 7 p e r c e n t.............................• W c a lso luive a vci-y c lio ice 'la

;i * ile x es on bu.sinciiii p ro p er tie s :il a

IV . M oney 19 loan on fiifm propffooci prciKJi*nicnt privileBe.s., ^ W e / m i v e nom e good b u y s ii

jjj-------» -F ii! lfv -C iiy -p ro p c r ly ._ ------------'•...3j W c w ri te Xire, au tom ob ile ihi h in d o f in su ra n ce . /

■; l | ‘ . W c w a n t y o u r b iisincsa.

..............j : ' e ; ' w iI ’-.-:.. ‘ J> h o n o 247 .


"■ ] M D i iE D S “ O F 'F C O 0 t) ^

- - • — V IC T IM S -G O IN G .H O M E j'

icoiitliiii'il Kro:;i Page One)

on llie liv tt' !i>-;irr".l home. Trucks lake Uiiiii cn. kJ'iiin them a t ihelr

Kdoori.HrcW'3 tf i'' !^'.;tn end WTeckage 1

crfft Uu- I'vn it returned exiles. ‘ in n w iT r il~ 'r rn io t-ll ir 'r rm n a iiL - ; - |of liuiiir.s. Hi’. I I .. .m ti have carrird

lliriii, niiH-ri, more foftu-

wakcd. III -WlUi—Iurilllurc - )• Mxldcii luiil v;-,i ni. A cnslliin cf dirty

:ll! h, IIU i! i' . floors and tiirnl- ) | lurr. L ___________ ttulii I:' i:>ldeilej _______ C

bluimilni! v.iij I'lM^r.iin: croj):; ot ciirn H and cottin. yl jii .it.brol;en RttL'Ich c.t bi

I I’m'u- 111............. - lUi Uif fmil.rot (if di’:id ' 11. ;t:i' ii. IkTo und Uicre

^ Uin(li'Co:!iii:i.ii'.: luilk ot what was once *• M n co’.v. luu.r. a dtif. slckcns lhe "0 o'r- MII It 1.-. :i bitil !3 f!ix- from oo the '*

ipliiKuc. iJui u [iic rctum id refugees< It Is hum? ami ilu y v l to work. TlieIII Hi'd Cro.-.. Ii:i', them cluihing ond ' 3 1aiiiTiIi' fdu l.'iitm ;~ iircm iig~of-m OT'• i * ft

I 1 M.ii Cii-jrlnt 'V'a,v_ tj' I ' Thf iiu'n i;o tir-i iti'.a llic land where bj ‘ |I)(ath hx. hnil luj brief rclyn aiul lc : ; r k - r Ih; v.ay lor Uie return ot lhe 1>!

Cnr)u.. cf dead anlnisU nre *h “';tlirit*a~C tn,iii'i.inrep. >.allibrs and „ i roiu.. old null uml boys, work Ride by p ;M<k 10 take ilir mud from lhe hou-u-s., I lu ri'ntore llir furniture, whe.'e Ihsi Is1 j j;o;-J)jli-. lo liiiild makeahlfla for bud.i. i.a m l chalrr.: thry build trnces, looklni;; lo the rrturn uf tlielr work animals. It [. ■ liny u rte rjivnl: thry ic|>alr mil hoUK.-*... I 'n u n while yir wotiien iliid ulrls en- L

riHfTimiTtnW— ^ . icIrBninc lh e ’turnicra iilant, Il Li Uiclr • ' fln t ihDUghl-tii make a crop If pav.1- T. ■ nil cveni.s, lo produce food tor Cl. the fnmily.--^ac'm? of them also arc Mi rpSim fnf-cottonr—JOiituloU-iUiiliJYOiTX, J® ; und womrn tvurry'and work. Uul they ' arr not (tlum. 'Umlsla;^ft hiui had floods I before uiid"7nnny of ’ thtr'p'topic hive

Itono IhrouKli flood rcco'nslrucllon days. Mi

'B f F i i i L i 1 nDPicmEii:

_____ T^Ta

' B ru in S to ck h o ld e rs a n d F a n sI . do; to S e e k . D ia g n o s is a n d Rem*

, edy f6r F a ilu re of T e a m . S_____ At

dei, Tu'In PnlTs liruhu are weak In Uie D.' pllchlng department and need Iwo Ze

Ilrjii hurler* lo round oul a well Sababiiccd and elfecilve baseball ma. Ue

' clilne that will make a conslstcnl climb J., loivard lhe, lop ot ttie Ibit of Utoh- 8p

Idaho league 'dubs. lo;Tills Is one of Uic definite recom- ms

, meiidnllons submhled by Pellx Plas-' Uno; bialneis tiianager for the club, 1

who 1.1 now with the team In Idaho W., Palh. It. and oUier suggestions by P.: lhe Druliia dlrNtor^ and Twin Palls bfti• bnaebftH-fftn3.-arc tu tjc njim d r m m t t n

Pulls Ctiambcr' of Commercc lo be Wi held In Tom'i Ntonday noon. lor

n ie meeting tiM been arranged for An

trouble wlUi the Uruln,i Is. nnd how Sa! to remedy It. , CIj

r u in FacU .SubmlUed La!To this end eftort la lo be dlrccicd glr

. toward obtaining a concensus of opin* Do Ion ot the ncorly 800 stockholders In O. the tlriUiu club and ba.<ieball tans geh* rmlly. as well os lhe views of the ; club's officer* ond directors, and Invl- o” tation Is extended to evurj'one who Is tmtrp.ttcd‘tn-ba*ctalliina-cypcciiillrin *“ a winning team for Ttt-ln PnlU lo nt- tend npd take part In the niixllnK.

A whole lot of the Imtlde lil.ilory of ba.sebatl In Twin Palli seems llkuly 10 be disclosed at U1L1 inretlnR. nnd no real tan will wanl to nibu It.

John A. Darrctt. Chamber ot Com* merec director, luu been designated os the presiding officer.

' , ‘n ie .llm e i.ia .o lflock noon>tondat \■■ m «l^the^la«T i» JTom j-C olt^rB ssi^ ii-r.-

- - ----------------------- - - JI{

1 1 M I8 IS M 1 ii liBBTIlNTDISCDM:

-.»KRUeAUEHrTluftcHltt,1*paTti»-rT!s- eeni dUcover>''Ott Mount Serablt of fragments uf Uic mysterious ‘Slnal In- scrlptlorw", whleh liave pualed arcliae- oIoRiiis (or }Tor« was Uie reward of

' painstaking .work and a difficult Jour- nry Into the Interior of Slnal penin­sula by Protesson Kirsoph Lake and Itofiefi Dlake,, ot J lom rd unii'enllj-.

The protcMors. members of the Harvard-Mlchlgan expeditions, lud great difficulty In rcaehlDg 'Mount .Serablt »hlch Is. 11 dnys camel ride frum the coast mid 't-s In 'nn 'alm ost liiarce,v"ilble p<rt of lhe region.

After Uklng the lm|«<rtant find to Cairo, where Uie ln.vrlptlons were de* posited In the museum there. Uie pro-

NEY MONEY.ran on c ity re .siden lia l p ro p -

■e loan \viUi p rcp a y tn e i il p f iv - iil a ve ry low r a te o f in te re s t, p ro p e r ty a t low est r a te s nnd

y» in f a rm la n d s nnd T w in -

ile n n d n e a r ly ev ery knowTi

V H I T E189 M ain A ve. E a s t.


iiiiii'SMnMontana and Nevada Roads in un

Fair Condition Despite Spring :J iia lli«K -gasses-AK-tlpen-4i.!

-----^ • ■ 'iryn iad Intorniatlon n'cclvrd by C. E .. '

Lind, cllrrclor uf tho CliamU-T o f ; j Commtrcc. froiif Nevada und Ktuntaiia. ret

the various swtlow of Uiuse statc.i c., are oik'U ond tn uood sha]>r. nic

Tnickrr l>;i.v., nceordlim lo Nuviulal . intcrmatlon. lias been open since June . 1. and limy be. neijotlatcd without the - aid-of chains. Yuba paas Is lu 'fa lr ccndltlons. but It Is necuuary to use ,, chains at certain times. ' . . , .

Road from Wadsworth to Lovelock will tK .completed July 1. and Uio 40- mile detour neccisllated by the work j , ‘ iL ttw rtf tlJn i '- rm iJ ilk —

Monlnna state chamber of commercc. ftporu bJih the nortli and south !t,„, rjiites to Spukane lo be pavLablr, wlthT’ * ' bid strctchi's ol ruad to be encoun-! ,, icn-d on bolh. Very llttli-. If a n y .J .^ high water Is unllclpaU-d In M onlnna.'' ,, thu rejwrLi stale. I'arttculurly wnrni Treithpni-oiild-cauf*- hii)id meillng’ bl ._ uiovv. which would ndd to a temiwrary ■ . ' bad strcleli ot the roads. I ________ ____ 0

/ J i h e H o i e b l ' r. ------------ ■------- -------- ^

ROaERSON-M. P. Pool, Siwkane; i‘" ' T. U Sand. I’orlland; H. A. Caffrey.i V Cleveland; J. W. Swalberg. Salt Lakc:i‘fo Mr. and M rw ^ , W. Cole, Des Monea:iof Jack WUlls. Reno: Harry J. Wcsi6ii..Mn

iler-J. o'. Hayden, Walla Wnlla: A. V ,ilo ' WlUon. Spofciiie; Helen Davis.. Muliul; «lci> Mrs. V. P. Oarst, Mnlad: hJr. and Mrs,A.' W. Biiili. Mnlad; Mr. and Mrs. H. L L Lcager. DoUc; Mary Lenger. Boise; cca Mr. ond Mrs. C. O Crane. Dolie: M .‘" « ' Crane. Boise; Mary Moore. Nampa; laPI’ Jos. Mueller. Lon Angclei; Olen Lant.'MH Sealile. ______________________ \ "*'‘1

PERRlN&-Mn. Wood, Eden; J. C.l Redllck. Chleaso; Mrs. Grover Tanner. |N ' Three Creck; P. R. Cox. City; W. C .| _ Tatro and wife, Pocalcllo; >'ay Tnlru, I Pocalcllo; Wilfred Tehlliofer. Bow- doln. Montana; Hmtj- W. Herlebua, p Jerome; £. pnUicart, Pocatcllo; W. M. doo; Woyman, Valler, Montaim; E. Holi a n d , but wife. Calela. Illinois; .Ruth E, Holt.lthc Calelol Mr. nnd Mre. W. W. Urlggs.lmlli Aberdeen, Idaho; L. D. Puller. Aber- inh ilecn; 0 , R. Atigitslus. Salt Lake; R. [ng D. Berwick and wife, Regina; Harry the Zeldell. San Prancl&co; P. J. Sullivan.'coiv Ban Pmnclscp; C. L. Hendecsm, Seal, bee: Ue; T. D. slinlcltner nnd wife. City; mal J. J. Erie. Spokone; C. H. Word, Soda othi Springs; Charles McOcrmott. Pocatel- pici io; E. 6. Drown, Denver; A. E. Chap-i g man, Jdaho Palls, {and

PARK-C. A. Shepherd;- Salt Lake; j 0 W. C. Helms. Marlon, Wisconsin; H.:cair P. rarwworUi. Salt Loke; c . J. Dun-lpcr BftT. Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. C. O. C ftttcrraat-L.’iKer w.- u .' M5in ia iraiia~ ~~wirer-8eetUei-Hr-Web»i«r-and-wlf«,------Walla Walla; Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Tay> lor, Loi Angeles; Lottie Toylor, tx» ^ngeles; Alleen Taylor, Los Angeles;

Soli Lake; Agnes Clare, Casper; T. A.JIare, Casper; 0 . T. Peterson. Salt LAke; RuUi McGowan. Diihl; E. Ma- ;lnnson. Salt Lake; A. L. O'Neill. Uolse; W. P. Pltr^erald, Portland: P.3. Hamilton. Santn Monlco.

ieclplier them. Doclor DuUn. director )f the American school of OrlenUl ^ - «arch-in-Jen ita lem -U kovU e-U -en-. .7. laged In deciphering the tnscripUonk. _

Tlie missing link between Uie lan- (uage of pictures—hlero«l}'phlc»-4nd nt Jie language of lellcrv-the nlphabet— nay tie tn on Interpretation ol th r co- ” »lled "Moses InscrlpUoh" os Uie Slnal ]k nscrlptlons on slone slobs nre known,

. P uH in ff I t B lu n tly..j 'E ii( jii 'jo u iii j 't ..r i’! i 'W w * ? h L n i, _ HO.' Uio »af0-«if 'CliTimimtn. “gtT'fuI^ i'rnctleal n'Mulm. Wi-worship nur an-‘ cotoni III lio]H> ut dl!<:uUlng tliu fact j Uint.wc urc nut ulicying Uu'i«.“— Wathliigum Sior.

LastEarn H. S. Credits in 0

“Young MilWe new have listed ten fore- January- Ist; 1928.

for on(

|r^Busin(................. " T h e S chool T h a t J m

M . S . H o o v er, .M a n ag e r, '


■'BREVrTl-ES'\ ’ltlli H tri^N orman'B erry of Mag*

• na, Utah, formerly of Twin Paa?. Is. here for a few days visiting wlUi j

Cliarles Larson of Oakley.

Namril Couoly ClirmUl—H. L Wal- | , ler. Twill Palls, wa.% reappointed Sal*I urday by Twin PnlLi county commti* ^- i t t m c r . r t o - b ( ^ ^ c h t m h l , -

I’arentii of Son-M r, and Mrs, Wll-

_.:on born:.last-.'niunday .iLihclr""couu- l' :tr)- home soiith of 'fVln Palls.

t; Make* Extentled Vlni-Wj-nneSmtlli' i j• returned Saturday frnm an cxiended ■ vinit lo in s l a fcniTii' r \V53ilniiton7ir VC., followed by wjuiirn <it about tliree ^ •

mcnlha In southi'tn California.I ___■_____ ■ ________ mu

; Dr. Decker lmprbve«—Dr. W. S. jD ecker moiao hls nppcarance on Twin r t

Falls slrect* Saturday'fof lhe first time slnco lasl April I. when he wns

• stricken by nn otiack.of paralysis. __

.Make Vacatlmi Trip—Mr.-and-Mrs. j '” ' 'iR . P. Parry'have relumed from a va- P " -Icallon-lrlp-to-norlliorn-Wnlio-and-Uio inurthuwlcm coa.-.i. liicluilliig vblLi 10

[j.9p3kanc, Seattle r.nd Poribnd.

i Ruard lo Itevluv A^w'nmeftt*—Twin ' 'l-"atls ciunty coniiiil.'» will con* ''vcne lure'Monday. June 'il. lu cinv:.' ' fiiitw- hf-TWJfon-iiniJi .'vi«idayr. JuJ)' lln:. 18, 03 a bw rd of r<iiiallzailon to re- mil.view real propertv ta t iuw;..smenw. • acli

------ ----- ---------------------- lo ;On Trip to Sail U k r-M r. und Mrs. gal

! Clifford Kukendall. FourUi avenuq wet!rast, lutt Saturday aftrnioon on a mo* it vlor trill Ul Salt I.ake, v.ticrc Mr. Kiw parkendnll will atlend a convention of tint

jOencntl- Eleclrlo-voit:pany_rcun:iciiu- .ili t

{ Vltllon From I'uralrlti^W . C. Ta- o n i ,lro of Pccatello. ivlio n-ceiilly disposed ,of hll. hardware butlne^s Uiere. with [Mn.- Talro and diujjhter. Miss Fay

'i ib - T i i i i r r a i r u f o io - i h c i r - im c n d c a - ^ dcimrlure for. thr coast. “

Llrensed to W rd-Two liuirrlagc tt- ceases -were Issuitl Saturday a t the of-

Iflcc cf lhe county recorder here. Tlie J lapjilltonta were Richard IfcUley nnd ! Millie LltUeficlil. both of Hogcr*on. •»= land 'C harles Albert Waterhouse and i h iPnullne'McCinv.'botii'of-Fller.----------- —


Prtvolencc cf tevcr-bcirltig tlcLi docs not extend lo Sliwlione Uasln,

.but Is confined to sheep rangi-s along 'the Nevatia line n't far distant ns 50 ! miles frcm the .favored picnic and ILshlng ground.-< of the Basin, nccord­lng to pcnons who have Investigated the subject. T ils wel­comed here to' n.ianj'.persons who havr been ttccuslonicJ In ceaioai 10 make fre(iuent trips to the PIner. ami other favored places In the Bx'dn tor picnics or flslihig trips,

j Shoshone Uasln U n cattle mnnc jand naUonal forest rcscn’c.

j Get a Hniniiwltk rortabIc.lor.,your : camp, a l Unibaugh's. »IiO down. JliO I per week.—Adv.

S p c c ^ s l “

Permanent =WaveOfferSIO to $1,5till July 3.

-7—y c n r .t-u f—c x p c r ic n ( jc _ h a s . __m ade it possib le to p roduce p e rfec t p e rm a n en t wiive.s. A il wavc.s K im rnnteed— M ake np- iw in tm eh ts e a r ly o r you will

liu d i.ihppointctl.

Ber Wind Beau ” Beauty Shop

P hone 987


I Oiir Summer Schoo!

i WMted "

sn positions to fill be- 28, Let us train -you- - one, '

iiess College -r i-a if i« .y o u R ig h t" ______ ..

c r. T w in Fnll.s. Id aho .

r MORNING. JUNE.19,1927.

I (

Idaho: rolr, with («mpefafure obove Fo; normal finen B M N R P Q 'Warm weather, ol- land.

^ m o s l to the point of we # I H ftiltrlness, relieved fbr

II Jrief miervabi cgaln ------

Falls' pnii vlcliilty.

weaUier obser- -.>s'^SfTw"i38ralory a l Hammon's

unch. with the nuuf-

reportcd as 67 nnd 'the-m lnlm um '41 A yenr 'ago yesterday the tcmixrature tt-as recorded as flO maximum nnd 47 minimum.___________ _ _


(Continued From Page One)

Angeles with federal agents accom­panying Uie truck and later .driven here where watch wns kept for the _ craft, to a jt guard cutters Ktood by. 10 aJiLit In the Kcliure If the materials we;^ loaded tni to nny ves'cl li-avlng this country aiid Uie shlpmuiit of arms law ihercby violated. _ 0 9 3 'rnn)cat_olXiclaU^pol»u<l-.out U n ri '/a r no overt acl nao been com- milted and tha t the four men were not actually under orrcst. Tliey declined lo revival wlial Information had been gained from the men. iwo of whom were ;ald lo be only hired drivers, bul It wa.1 reported Uiat the munllloiH were part of u scries of big slil;imenu drs- llned for-scme souiliem point. I l con-

.ilitctLot.niachlnc guj«._rlfle3^ pistols, -ammunlil'?"'' '>"ti mMiinrBiTnpiii~^


(Continued from p.tge one>

Torlaerial tran.iporiall6n'from Lake. T.ihoc, California, to Twin Palls and from Ttt'ln Polls to Boise, tha l Secre­tary Jnrdlne may be nblc to Include Boise and Cnldwell In hl.-i summer L schedule. j g t



Y 6 A R 5 't t3 U N 6 E R /W H E N P I P Y o y H A I

I k a u ly a id s , h e a lth a n d hap p ir.S tan d ard goods, p ricc d fo r a safo r th is a n d th a t nnd houselioldm o th e r liapiiy- T h is is Y O U R '



Phone 178

Of Icc (jream and i'i Ready for Y(

Lota of Fruits and Nu

REAL~DAnORAIN?iN’U S ^ t J A i l i ^ £ Ford wlUi box on back, runs good, li

fine rubber and a bargain. SSO; Over- Iland. 1939; Sedan, and worth more th in pwe ore asking; Huick s ix touring, raiis &

............. | | T I | W S 7

' Golden

Summer Fro- D i s t i n c t i v e T r i r n i n i n g !

----------- E m lT fO ldery-in-brigh t col(black o r navy blue — e h sleeves, som etim es in a contt color, a re vivid d e ta ils o f the frocks. L ace and bu tto n s ar< en /a lso . - -

T h e S i l k F r o c k I s C h <

For E v e r y 0 < y » s i o

7hc wardrobe of t i t r r wor :ludes at least one (rock of silk fi tlcal imartness—georgelle. cr chine and flat crepc lailiion tli

- -• - - ita so a .- . — ■ .......................

“ ^ ■ ' ’ ■ 'S iz e s f o F W o i n e n i

M i s s e s

r t i i o I a; o / \ ( t t u A1E v o u p ^ V 5 n ) R E '

ippine-Ha nccesHorie.H. « « •

a sav ing . R em ed ies l y l n i P S iold he ln s th a t m ake )UR -Htore. P c .

tYSTO; h o s h o n l ; s t . n o r t h

o u r - W a y - H o m e - F r o m - T o

_____:an d -

ISVariei'IVuc Fruit Cream Sf You This Week-End

I Take I t on'the

r t T a k e

Homem m m MNuts Are in Tt. You Ne

“ Yes! We K Deliver in

-jjjjf-j^igd-nibtx'r-andxiilj'-SlfiQi.Bulck,------1920, Tuo-Poisenger coupe a l a sacil- fier pflce:- Overland T o u r H i ^ - ^ good, fine rubber, u'>nap.‘ *75r 1M7 Dulck Sedan, in IwUier. like new-^ce It; Fo.-d louring hi excellent condition, l l t a ; 1W7 De Luxe Sedan: the price will plca.'c you- LIND AUTO­MOBILE COMPANY.

w n m o N * - — § ^ ' -

fNEi t0—n ' i t u l o ' * ”

ftks of Silk; E f f e c t i v e ^

:h b o ra lc 1 Vitra s tin ge Sp ring \ .ire o ften 'Ifl

h o s e n .

i o n ^ 1 ^ ' ^

'oman in* II: for prac* Icrepe de Ithem thi> I

4 . 7 5 ~ ^ ~ ~ ~

By C . R . P e r ry

IE WHAT H A R PW A R .E . S E U S ^ V O U Y O U R _ l i ^ R S TO K N OC K w i t h

J A NO l lL T e L L V o u (T H A T 1 G E T M V

FACE CREAMS AND w p o w d e r s / a t

l:« v | '

Stic Pharmacyc. I lo le l Bid'},',


^ o w n ? — ------------ ^ ^ --------------


ties ^ih'erb'els

iVeek-End Trip

eed Nothing on It

i P a e k j i n A , .

a H urry”

' ■ I

Page 7: ion I I^TH E C TW I[N FAvaa.s tD A H · iwurlngs. the amilsllce day celebration. ets. and the return of Uie victorioui ^ Cardinals

- Tiii'Flisin------- DUST

M usic ian F in d s B a rrie r to E n * ,i:____________ ___________ _ !PfC=‘ '■ jo y m e n t 'o f C oncert in N oise J

G aiCTd = } y ^ hild re n ? ^ — - = - = ^ 0 ^; •• _ j _____ . Ill is I‘ ............ . j ture. I

Twin Falls-thould bc proud of lu with 1 municipal bind m a Ito uiibllc ccbccru, Charll

lor tt’iio In a IcUerJo R. E. nobler. Jllin tl I Twill i- iiia mayor. polnU oul tliat tlie menilx

nclsc made by children .during ^ -ni<

ir.nialn^cn'JOj'rfftn*i''ot'**UiB^ eon-' Raid ecn. y ' , I'lo me

In makinj pgbllo thla letter Snlur- with I clay; Uie mayor atated that itcpi «>-lll iet« 1. bc inkcn to curb Uu dbiurbimec com* Civil lilatned cf. and lie expitisvd Uie hop; over L Uia'. cniy a «-anilng would bc su(U- out o( den t to bring about tlila'result. lan Mi

Hctv Is liie le tu r In itils reb’anl re* belle ' cclved by llie maycr: bUiIcm'

- "Oolu. Idnlio, June 17. I9IT.•To the M a « r cl "twin F jlLi. . ,■'Dciir Sir: - ---------

"It WHS my Rocd fortune to b* In stlrr your city on Uic eveiilnit of June 16 backgn

____ 10 harg .tlir.ppponunll)- o l hear- R Rocrii'K Uie T w iO tl l i B3Ta*5hircotfcerr Cntnoi

UclnR 0 muMclftii. I ww BRreenbly lur* Maynai prL'<d al Uie cxccUencc o( tlili orjan- Albert laU on. n ie numbers were well ehoi- Harry en and not too heavy, Tlie director In Uie and, Ills men nre lo be complimented Tlic i Ch Uiclr work, nnd llie clly should hi* Kennet prcild of such n band wUich would be Death a credit lo a clly three lime* llie stiu world

-------^-f-Twin-Ftaiii—rnnortm oiinJinB yfan iiiR ir____every.number.,, ■ Prevl.

Fai-lnr SUpcrb.

"Tlipre wa-v .however.-a prrslslenl Roy Dt •dMurblnc-faclor lo llstcncra; and that Ian. Jo

— —«#*H hr-nolfcnat!=aipEmunnnaim n6' iFdTPB . Ihc musical numbers. On nrrlvlhg a t I t Is ai:

onr camp altcr the conwrt. It was the tomorrc lienerat opinion of all that Uie concert WM KOod. but Uiat llie noise cau.icd by Ihe clilldrcn wiu vccy annoying. Tll/I

’ "Tlic value of favorable advcrllslns |U l/{ liic city acquires from the traveling I U l l l publle cinnot b? overestimated jind I ‘ llojie Uiftl by brlnclnR Uils to your at- F l

........ lcntlun,you,wlll,, lo curtail tlic r 1dlslitrblng feature I liavc referred lo L f nnd make tlie Twin Falls band con- ci-ru even more enjoyable Uian llie one ot Thursday last."

EXillUSTllSilDllItlS Z SiiEllCiPSBEGi Idaho

— • NevidaP ftvorftb lo W e a th e r , Im proves,posiiion , M o u n ^ ln E o a d C ond ilions; WbU of ) J ' l r s t O a rs P a s s O ver j ^ i / "

Wcailier condltlom in Uie upptr f n o u ^ Weed rU tr country are tald to liave W Improvwl read conditions maWrtiUy In nijplay llic pa^t_frir days and eara are now U ii, -i pn*.>.iiiR over Oaleiui jummlt without ti ly trouble. allhoiiRh tli;rc are sllll one cr iwo wet spot*.

--------- EvcFFir^l.- Kwcelo-, wlu» Ick t 3 r |X i „ "____ ^an lcy Dailn early last w k . Is aaldifh,,

111- Oalcna summit liiLi Miwn. nl- lliounh f.lncc that lime tlie tmKIc hn.i

s'luorl Taylor anil family expect to — Irave Ihli niornlni: for Pettit lakc. o n * where they will siiend n v.efk nl ttie . ;h summer home of Dr. l l W. Wllwa Ariliur Peavey. wlUi Frank nnd Tom, »,r h J

; will also BO lo Peim Uke Sunday,where the family malnlalm a summer wr^h cnmp. Early In the week Mr, and Mn.C, E. Booth v;lll nbo leave for Uie wnip (iMilnatlon to tlnWi work on Uie

I ncoth sunrmer home and make rea d y __TJic_i, fOrtntTfii»3irMSinCiUicrIne Uriied Ktiitiio

will bc a Rucsl of tlie Taylors durlntr ntn urt tliclr o u l l ; w _ _ _ _ _ •


1 RMttrifII m L L i

13 plate, 9 0 1

Noii)- ^ 1 2

Electric Seryic(— " P h c n t r l C : ----------------------— r ~

A . J . E b o rh n rl

EBEUHARTHEAt. Tivin FaliH, Idiili

Uot Wnier and Btcain Hcillnjt 'pianU Oll-O-Maiie m nay Oil Oiitluiirt lo r’ Uc

.....\ IntiUi]1nt!oii.s a n il Rcp»

A iitom u l|c Strike

■ ~ U n t i l wis -sccnro o u r p c rm n n c n t bu ild - PM tio l8D t iH 2 i


Duster kealon—he of ihe IroKU pnli- PfC=fciuca-la-U»i-ldalia_Uicalre-to;. ^ lay In "Tlie Oenerul." Iila (treat com- ii tly spcctocla of tho eUUes. ri' <llAn-«_ni{«t_prcttntloir, effort. -Tlie| jm c rn irro st u iiroaucc anai— «»t Is BuMer's.first Unlled A rllsla.plc-____ure. placlnc lilm In Ihe some category ■ dth Mary Plckford, Gloria Swanjon, „ ,„ ,t Iharlle Ctiaplln. Douslar, ^'altbanka. ohn-C3fryiiiure~ana-Dinrr~aoniitmmi;~ llm tu rn who comprise United ArUsta nr, nembcrshlp. ...g•Tlie aenerar’ la based on actual

tald In 18C? Inspired Uie comedian ‘ “III? } make a huge comedy spectacle, ■ .lU) thousands of soldiers njul lavtsii,'«i«<i eu In , nature's studio. wlUi U ire « « ^ “ :lvll war mlltxiad engines bumplmj ver Uie Ues and Joupclng audlenccj Ul of Uirlr seaU with laugtilcr. Mar* Armo in Mack, a brunette, Is the Souihem j ' elle. for whom, the gnllani Duster ^ . 'i ^ lakes his < lilrt-lhe jr ty flannel one.

“UNKNOWN- CAVALIER- - - lanibJ Stlrrlnir drama requires Impressive w ' sckgrounds, and to when Charles . Rocers U'as prepaWn^ lo lOm T b e hm-ei nknown- Cai-allerJ,’. .jta rrln j Ken .:w ' :aynard. he Instructed tiie 'd lm C btv ])^^ . Ibert Rogcll, and Uie sugier 'bor, ijMyer' arry J. Drown, lo spare no ekpeiise p.™

Uie matter of ••locaUons."Tlic Blory. from o popular iiov'et by nriee enneU) Perkins^ lias lls climax I9 eath valley, famed an over Uic e. ‘j wld as an Inferno of heat ahd i^mh. irst. ■ 1 IllJO;Preview critics say IhC' iccnery L? pcrb. Tlie Bupponinj! Includes . aUilwii CnUlns. Dnvltl Tnrrenee. T. l l r T I jy Dames. James Mason, Otls'Iiar* | f j l n. Josef B»jcknr<1,'Jlm.^-v-llnutlwliJjri-! rdTrafSnrtneTiJm bsrhiimaii hbw . i Is allowing nl Uic Orpheum Uiealre

morrow and T^icsday.. •

m isiiifEXilUSSiPEIls

____ _ . ' - trlct ■Lesion

itry to Nevada Hijhway Ex- S "

position Leaves |n diarje of 1

Member of Fair Board. SS?• A m

— — other IIdaho will be represented In the * ■Vida Traawonllncnlfll Hli!li«-ny cn- ” slllon a t Reno by a iplendld ex- Uie Dlt of Idaho grains, seeds and gras- » fSrepared nnd cirtered bV Twin ^Jl» county, which was forwarded lurdiy to Uie exhibit by express. A oUi near the San Pmnclsco exhlljlt s .beca aecurctl. and an altracUve .

‘' “' " ' " S .il. W. Oravcs of Flier, a member of --------J county fnlr board, accompanied« o»hn.n nnri ».|)| rliim td with______i ^ ^ l t *or Uic opening 0 _____

itied with crcdenUnis of Uic counly mmhsloocrs and •q ;ln Fato Cliamr

Heeled nnd arrnnited by R. E. Dros* rd. county agent. In cooperation with D. Ahlson. slate seed commlMloner

d Newen 8. Wight: .sccretatT of rln h’nlls CImmbcr of Commerce, r. Uro.\iiard will probably attend Uie hIblUon a t a later date, as will Mr Ighl.

S ta fn c o f L ib e rtyTiiC-iliuic:iiJoiu-iif-Hn*-l.^(i,lTtf-<hr-----—iitilo <if Llli'Tty friiiii rlilii |« rraiil’11 lire J7 fci't .n IncliM nml the iSTli of tlip noiip l< -I fi-pi It Inehe.i I* Kald tlini 40 iicrFiiiin ciin BfuDd tlio liend or llils Miilue,

r t e f S f f

M U ^

O A m p .

2.00ice Stfcr - : — ^ ^ T w U rra l lf rH B h b - ---------

W r H .'lic tle i'..................

t A T I N G C O . ' •;

Id ah oianU for atiy s i i e ' building. r ’ irea\W j pUJiis, n a n 5 » .a n ^ . , '•

S c ^ if Work trikera •m ild ln jrc n l i W n ltc r R c ltc r : ------------- -r l2 6 3 ...........................


l l i i l l i i ” ! MFillKII ■

ilo ra d o S to c k Y ard H an d les

H eav y T o ta l o f Idaho L am b s binud, , r L ’ 1% I I

_______ _______ .. _'jlWC5t)ENVER. June IB (S|>ccial to •n ic '„ ,,f.‘?f «‘S>—Following saIc:.'or Idaho lambs 'Tvun.n :.icponcd-by-Dcavcr-Uulon.stock. ^,,,5

iklllcrn and others. Macon. Idaho:S lamba. welglil n pounds, price . ’ / 1 M Brmlffht: bm-pr. W itjn ancllp,-,,.,

t bcunuiiklllcni and oUicrs. Niacon. Idali^: >k. L

lambs, weight 77.4 pounds, price' |jif, .15 straight: buyer. Armour otld ’jwhy-. ■ ■ • tn bvI. Sablca. Murphy. Idaho: 500 Iambi gilt BO poundi. price $10.19: buyet,Hour and company; . .. D, Knboum. Macon.. Idaho;. C90 ibS. weight 73.8 pounds, prlcc U6.8S! ^ 1“ c r, Armour and company. • ., M n 1 , D. Knboum. Macon. Idaho. .34 lbs, «clgIU-8l pounds:-prico $U; er,.CUy. lcjH^ J . Hlhlon. Mountain Home, 110 w u ll l *: « l 8h l. IW. poilnds:, price Mj evcnbi cr. .Armpur, and eompanj^.,, . .• },tr. an

J. Hinton, btountaln Home 237 nvenuc » : ^JiV733-^unds-Tprrce$15iO: er AnMur and company. oni,^^Int NdlTonal bahk of Mountain decora' ne; W) lambs, wcljht 7J.1 pounds; |ratcm c $19.T8t buyer. Armour and com- ptj _pi( y- , ■ ■ ■ , . ■ ■ • flia'dcs,. Erickson. Cambridge, Idaho; 450 fn-.-or 1 h y wHght, flfll iwiindr .prire. Uio^xrt SO:-buytr.'Armour-and-company." cvehlni

— ......... ............... Bongs Ir r A i i i r t f i r h i n T n n r conege

IL tiflN tlrnil’ HIII'

------- fan Wlfio n n a ire s M a k e A rranfffl* len tfl fo r E n te r la in m e n t o f IclcgntoB a n d V is ito rs . p

ore Uian 100 delegates and visitors cxpcclcd,.l5 attend. KMlons here

; Wednesday evening of the dls- - . organliAllons of Ihc AiiieHcaii on nnd American Lrglon nuxlllar}-,■h will Include a bamiuet mectliitt X held a t 0:30 p. m. In Tom's

lalnerj mceUnss ol the t>vo or* luitlons will bc held In'E lks club IS afler the banquet, number of/lepartmeni officers nnd r oulsunding finuns in Uie World

vclenins' cnjanlzailon In Idaho cxpectcd to attend and take part he 8c i3lo;i3.embers cfiTTwln J^ills pont ot the .oo:aml*/rwln ra 1> tij» t» -o f lUiei llary are ccoperatlnir iti plaiu: for rUlnmcnt of Uic delegates and ors who will Includc reprc.seniA- 1 )I of velerans' organlzallcns. a l JT!. Eden, Ilasclton. Kimberly. Filer. _____I and Twin FaUs.



- *

your n / vnll

■:[ . • riiu i

A M o d e r a teD e P o s lit :K : u.,

. . - .p u a -aiw,-Bbatlily payaiMU I

cMt an rr't in . y « wWi'tt Jg j

. - . .W V ■•.Tt'B M r iM -B * M

- - A 0 0 O D

I I —

s o e i M D M s i l------------xntapo

Edited by evenlniMrs. E. B. WllUami baiile«

Phono sv'O the tli;• ■ ' _________Icwrtl

The relatives of OramlTna Mcnoli-P'^',” ' ''• . • ___ uuaxic-cn tc rT 3 incd 'ltrho ::on jrnrn i;n iilil!ih jj.r„ ^ IrUiday on SaUirday ofi-mn.'ii at ili'- j.iiv p. cine of jjrs. W, II. Ji'M'tiuiri' (mjilip h

ucal .WM Riveh ft'h£ndtrr.::ui-r r.h.i.v;,'-"’''!!'! r lina-mtrc v.ifi ft-(Ii;llBl:tf::l-iTrcmmj“ ^ “' ,• hich included a plonO :.ob by ■'/lima Clanr. a reading by y.i: -. Miir- ' :lle Wynn, a plsno :o in-hr M h t " iladys Cclner. Iwo rocal iiumbiTi; by _Inry Louis-: Dailey and a i>bnn -c-Iec. „ ‘ cn by M.l;.: Marcelle Wyim. Tlie “ y '

ruQUcUi of Harden fidwc:::, l'ti':i-iliiii; 1®' NlIP wrv;im cf rcrfrcshmeiii. f*o inve- ’h d r |i■ blrtliday cakes caeh inlcjiiuil vlili "'crnbc; 1 liny lighted candles w.ic bnr.iclnI by Mr?. McDole's Krc.11 iirinU- jughlers. Mrs. DInnclic and wcicuin I ta Wilma Beverebmc. Kiri i-cine lests w erc.prcjieni'to e:;ici)d ihelr iligntulalloav Included In wliicli w u ’■ iJTOil^rcal'KrnhdMn, Ull' !-.(jii~of:rs. Blanche L<ogan. tik,

nu roiii

Leslie Mcrgan enlertaln-il ivlili n rmiUfully appointed dlnnrr Frldny , , , •cnljjg 'a t Uie hoihf.'ol lih parcnls. . r. and Mr*. V. E. Morgau. 011 Kwirtli ‘ ' 'cnue c.ry. Tlie p ia ls wrrr mem* J :rs of DeltA c lir fratcmliy from the '"''►H'.i nlrersilv cf Idaho a l. Morrow, Table = = ■coraUons were In red and buff, the ' ' atemlty culon. and the haiid-iialnt-i x V i : .place carda were In ilir same I I J Adcs. At ecah covcr was phcfd os a vor a white carnation. Ihe Ilnwpr of I ^ 8H ^i«)la tloni-,rc llc«lng dlniifrilu l — enlng was spent singing fraimilly ngs and exchangtng'ttmlnlvenecs of f r nege days. In addition lo the host. g- »CM-wfir«-marked for-PhHlp Chrti- o^f^M jlchell.- Soiith?ft>kn‘J r m n ir iindcilcr. ot Boise. .Harold Newton

Collnx. WMhlngton. nnil Troy >* , oore. Howard Gault, Alvin lirMduiR V n o id Paul nudy. Dll of Dulil. Mr . Mor- Jl was ns.iLi»ed In serving by MKw.i .


J u n e —Urliias the. H ew, ll nl o brliisH

U l 113 griml yiiiir c(irrcci\on li

P a r r o t t O p t i c a l Cin T w in Fallfl

rctoaiitiitly located la Twin

P “

' LA D 1£;S- i

^ W e A re mI D elighted WII to announce M I ~tlmt— “—

I M r , C . E . C

| k W i l l B e H

B n w r sP P ' MONDAY, JUN

M’ ' ' R . C A R L S O N n e e d s n om n n y ftf_ y o u — A « -fo r£ m c

fv) i n g f u rr ie r o f th e In la n d E m ] I t n i z ^ a rb ite r o f f u r < tyles, M r.

' I coT^e o n e o f th e n o ta b le 6 s u r i U o f ^ fa sh io n ,

f M n Ca^bibn's pen o n U visit to this t g rea t opportunity,Jio consult bim «bou you now ow n, o r f u n jrou \vish to vnlfa bim ' '

A d v a n c e M o d e s in FAdapted From Paris Ver

ho w in use frb d y to help y o a plan c o a t o r alteration* fo r you r o ld one. A

r ^ to t fT ir iU ^ D p e rv iu rp sn o M lly :— Prii

R E D tiC E D . S u m m e r [

o n F u r W o r k. lU l BOW prm Jl la tLa.Spekaoa faelorr, i .jrau la (*el Uiat itfr. CuUaa pretecU ^ta'at adraaeH of IQCi i» 3B<;* in New Yerl 'e n n w fa n r 'V s tn 'a lM b no<t b« rvpliw b

e( Uia aarlltTf law n pr{ea*< - -

■20% D l s c b u n t o n ^ a n' S ownatThis hib

i J L . i W S ? b h d i s p l a y .

• , ; • w e l c o m e l o


LLS, IDAHO, SUNDAY MOn7Pl-McDowonrnaiir Chrtilcn 'and rlmii Morsnii,

Dorothy Mimilck entertained Uie itapochon Cnmp Firc circle Friday enlnR a t lu r home on DIue Lakes mlcrard. IIip incctlni: opened with e tliiKliig ot "Wohclo" and was' fol- _ _ >>rd by the recular tramactlon of N :il!ic:j I'l which llmc dlscuulon was p l ide-oI-UujJIuaUwhlrli-UK'-dlrb-hftve — H - rii a-'ked to plarp hi the I'ounh of J L ly p.irailc. Gamer, were iilaycd nud r hciii'.-.i xTVal daliUy relrc-'h-oii:-----C n -lf im b v .Tricniix^.'t-ihn.mi'irinH hi" tlir ' \mx\i- 'ef IlielFll'uaiq ^ p CiU.. M r i . I ’lill-niujim._wlicrc_UiCi' ----------a- fml'iiT lii-.lrii'.'tiil In the myt.lfr- Im ilI of knui ^iiii;. K;Ul.-.y' ndenioon nim ut the ^autorm m -raa .cujc ija l. ’ 'J jy 'j

rhe Rural Kederatlr-n met In the . iiliipss nnd I’roIe^■.tonal Women'sjb, ,».i;iin!i‘.v iiiu'iiium: T pii7 | ______! Nine clubi werp rciiresemctl by D dr prcilileni.i and cllrcclors tnd 17 | mibcrs wero prfieni. Seven clubs B re unrfprcscnUd, .Mn:. J. A. Mcnteh U : olccicd press rcporler., Tlih club |Icumes IntereJllnE subjecu rcpartcd B • im all Uic ckibs. Tlie next mcc'.lnit BII bc held In 'Uic city park Jiily 10.

-------- K lr f ix -P a n r a y ed ------------ --------- -Tln! eliin liiiil. In'rii iislifil l«i wrllf

rojiiy Oil klliK* mill IIiIk Ik wliiil p nelit In: Till' liinsl |iiiwerful klliu piiilh Is U‘<ir.klii-.’ ; tin* Uir.lest. Slilr-

:ik; till' wlttleM. Jii-klliR; llio iiUlPl' t. Tfihi'i:hii:i Uiu tlilniili-M. Urin- K i ili(‘ »iyi'»t, Wln.Uhi;, and Hip........ T„I.LIn- ^

m w ^ \ _

- F & F - S a le " — leaver W areliouse d ^__________________ -eret


rliiKH the nun.-ililiio—.

on In lUited lemcj.

1 Company iiifl -rwln rails 10 yean.

______ {

bcnli a W | , - i j a i > a | P s i g n

i S M B a e J H K _________ _ p r o c

' s ] ) a(

C a r l s o n

H e r e

JN E 20tii

n o in tro d u c tio n toe m o 8t m nh iiff lc tiir ;_______ __ _______ ^E m p ire a n d recog*H r. C a r lso n h a a be* ■ • • ^ r e « in th o >vorId %

iiis store is your oneibout e ilher th e fur* .I to 6m . H e h n n g t V . J

F u r C o a t sK c rs /o n splan a sm art new fur . A ll *uch w ork Mr. ■ P n n » -» in -b ,rb » d — ---------

. . S ia i;i:i r Rates o v e r

k - • chai7, A fgrUitr m ? o f I# •tecu 7oia ataliut,ll>* ................. b P t l t

•iu»b»^ jfou r*eal»a tho • ..........................

a m p le F u r s v wcA iH U j

ay. You are '

to. look. . •

CORNING. JUNE 19.1927.


8pcciat!rttratTiflonnremc iiome SDcciais! (ircat vali by sjiii'cialTiurchiiscs! Use

' f c i L '

2-Piece ParU

= = = = = = = = = 4 ^= M r3 #

Davcnpbi't and corafortab: ered In Jacquard Velour, versible and are spring fil on one side.

- ' l i . I ' A

5-Pkce Bedrot

= »Bow end bed, chest of dra jenbh. This elegant suite sign is constructed of comb splendid line and prppor )roo£.constnictiDn_withJa ipaciop drawers.

^■Piece Dining L

$150.1Ciprican walnut^Iinisli, K isting of 60-inch buffet, verlay on doors 42x54 e> hairs and one host chair, Ipanish.leathcr slip box se;

W fic jii“ CoSffLETE HOjifi 01 ' 7 7 ' 7 r E i f e S S ^

I B i G ' V " ' ' ” -"'

i-ERS—lendttijs-siivingfrorp dues niai!^ possible ~ ~ se j'our credit! ^

lor Suite

ble arm chair cbv- 'The seats are re-

tllled with tapestry

lom Suite _ _

i W iI'awers, vanity and I 3 in a beautiful de- 1 ibihation walnut in irtion. Full dust- j large_miu:ors^iuid_______ 1

Room Suite

00 _high Iightedrton- :,birds-eye. maple extension table. E ■

cHiiiiW-have blue ti! eat."

im. Ca. - J)UTriTTEHS , > I j

------~l[jng ^

l a

,.. P a g c ^ o v o u --------- -.

Page 8: ion I I^TH E C TW I[N FAvaa.s tD A H · iwurlngs. the amilsllce day celebration. ets. and the return of Uie victorioui ^ Cardinals

; EGiEiiiniiEs: FDfiTiLf.Si

: — l-FEOiLiiiC a b in e t M cm licr,' D efen d a n t ir

____ _ J \ c t i o n „ . l n s l i |u t e d .by . J w i r

-------------- ^ F a l l s - C a n a l - C o m p a n y r - P c l i .

l io n s lo r R em oval.

I I . Sccrclarv of lliu-.iRterlor iliibcrl TP---------- m rk andI In.ilUuU'iI llip Twill Falls Caiiul' ruiii|uiii}' aj:.'>crlliii; cluiin lu u:>t<Tj cn<

liTltig Snake rlvi-r bclwi-cn Amcrlraii Full.i ntid Milner. Huliirdny (IliU llicit jitlUlon for ftiiioval of the cii.-.r frum

J tlie district court licri' lo Hit: llDltcclfitntcs dlntrict eourt nl Uolw. ~ •

,} . In ft aejinrnte jietHloo t*''-' !«felnr)'i j (ll tlic -lm crlor-w tt-fortlrU in l lorali ; roaclltloas are r.iicli tlial an IniiwirlialI trlnl Ll Ulll of tin- itlic-:.lloil. .Si'vrlity-

flvp j)cr rm l <if tin- clilitns of thi' 1. coiiniy nre jiockliolcliTi In tlir cunulI company, the .sccrcinry iL-.wru, nmlI the compniiy alao fiiriibtii'S llif walo.-I .supply tor llie clly ot Twin I''.ill:i.I • Tlie-M'cretar)' of ilie Interior r«m t*' ly u'lui admliled na an adclllionnl party< ' ilcfriidanl lo llir nction, The criKlnal

S dcfcnUniiU were OoorKC N. Carter; Idnlio coinrnLuloner of irelaiuiitiaii; L uiul O. Clyde Ualdwin. Snake rlviT dl'-

p iricl waieniia.’ilcr.j, SffreUry Claim* U'alfr

(j. Wiiten ill dispute In tliLi ncllon. il; r ~ --------- irES.»rt«nj>Tm oniry!rronntr-i;Trrc-ll| ' " lary. Iinve been used by Hid lecrcUiry |^ _ ........... f or l& yenr» pasV for^lffl g a t ^ o f ie

i . ccmpaiiy jJlftiiiu itw h it U nuliletl' WI these'wafer* u lulum l Ifow of llie |l . rl\¥r, nnd botes ita elairn on tlie Fos- ,1 ler decree ot 1f»a In which wnler

iU ' rights In Hie dLitrlci were adjudicated.II Tlie motion for removal of Uie ac- ff tion 10 liie federal court wax Illed by ! H. & Itny of Qolse, United State) dbi*

irlcl allomey, and B. E.-Stoulmeyer . or Portliknd. allomey (or the Unlled

j. Stales reclamation ftcrvicc.

j - ' - H i i s m

I TDWElfflGlilTiSI A b u n ila n t I r r ig a tio n . W a te r As*II . florcfl C ro p Jn T w in F a lla

r C o u n ty : W a rm D a y s B e n ef it.

Pl SouthwMt Idaho enjoyed warm wea*It ther with pncUcally no niln(all. »c-J cording lo the United Stalea depart*In . ment of o(rlcultut« veekly weatherfl and crop immmity. Thunder idiowfn

though. wet« frequent In llie moun-iJi, talni. Twin PalU section enjoyed (Ine; Browing weather. wlUi crop condl-

li— ------------ T


"The . prico o l fame ix a j . coH.sfftn/. J r n u i ”


Buy Diamonds now! ,

A n m f k*ei it« nluf. y « Bur ia t o i t r .ttecfcrc, enjoy iUpOMtnion........fA H e roaueprivfcrii

....................................In tl^ endycun»llj:o»et bcniue you bt«c tbe idjtd

■ pkawre oTiti we no*. It no eere to buy » do-

...........................oaad-tr*6*GkwaW»icli -tUi WT under car new . DiTidBtOtfrgeSemc.

EXCLVSITE DEAIEES . for Bnstuwlck PboM graptu anil . Cnumriek-EWM!**. - - — —

-^fUrloiliaogli Co..JE W E L E R S

. j f ttgo Eight

L = _ W i l l i e J E i l l i s _J . n y iioisi:i{T q u i u e n

I 'lt^n •'Skin»».an' nir

Caiiul [n uiiat .Maliu look out of tliCll- lirn « f liJil tor dinnrr."

'ihcir (CopyrUht. 1027. ^ubllshcrs ayndlcnlc(rum --------------------------

■, Ferry Service Over S River a t Falls -Is

SiiHpejided for Tiniicuiiul I'niiiually'liljh water in Snakr

nnd • il»’T lia» forrnl dlsconHnuanri- nato: of Hie Sl»»ti'mr fall* ferry fur i, llie llrNl limp In rrcent year*. TJrr ccnt* powrrtlamoiilhe norlli side of llie liarty river al llir f»1l» l« cainplflely rov- Kinal rtrd, lliouzli It Is reporlrd In br irlerl in no dancrr.itioii; ■ Ttii< ratJrarrfmmrtftaKfy-aPOTr- d l'- Hir falU and llie falls a rr re<

porled Jn br more lirautlful llian' In reeenl jfars,. wllli Ihr tre-

n. il mrnilDU.* volume of waler ruOiInx ;rrc- —om —them.— Many—tonrisU—and— :Uiry Twin t’all. people are tlilllng tlie

till- fall» JaJ|j_l(i_Ylcw llie siKrUelfc..

' 'll,( tiotu rc[)orlnl excellent..Barley, wheat

Fos- and apples nre exceptionally good, wltli •aicr haying itarted. Irrigation water I?lied, abundant. ________ac- TIid general condition for' Ihe entire

J by i* tttvoniblc. vrltli crops Jjffai’Jer dls. than (or llic |m t (cw.seLvmii. Tliim- fj-er der sliowers were prevalent In liie illed southeast iwrtlon.

APt'OINTKt) TO IIOMH)...........D0I8E. June.ia M 'j-D r. ,W. 0 . Sum­

mer, Ilexburv, Dr. Ruthcriord U, Lundy. Wallace, nnd Dr. T. A. Jolnwon, Colse.

I jP were today appointed mcmbcrii of the j i n state board for the exnnilnnllon of np-

plleants seeking llccnsea a.» chlropnic- tors by l-Ved E. Lukens, coinmls.sloner

A s- of law enforcement. T lit first ineet- lU a ixnrd wUJ be hrid j j l here July H.

D og gono l

- --------- I f I g e t thftt l i t t l e----------

b laze o u t I 'll c e r ta in ly

SCO R o b e r ts fo r f i r e '

in su ra n c e to m o rro w I '



. you,-omjLJce_fttll_and-i-tl.-liavt. wloyr=eyvwoln7"':Itvp6yinvell"1iFI attended. B ec-


I » West Main. Phone 30:Oppoille Orpheum Theatre

f proriJe the dt-

^ parltd tl

in oery »« /. npttnin^

yourCiU m .

... laiwiMBiiMt a u r a ______


fr&,ur-nin^ • ----- ------- / ' ~ iiLa\a f l W ^the j

lie) I

' JIfr r ' ‘

^ _______

a t / V im .ill V « v ki'l

JC I -ern-1“ M R . G R A l

Black Satin SliDll- Smart looking Skinner satin allj: ly. sliniMl heels, broken line ot s \u s

” Low Heel Satin SII’* Skinner's imtln sllpjiem, flat hecU. «■ to IC.S5 ....................... - ....... -.........." Children's Slip]

play sllppen. two-tone calf con narrow wldtlis only. * lt« to l liBS vnlucs, .................................. .

I Arch Preserver I•Oemilne Arch Prewrver boou, sli nnrrow wldtlu. a i r made ot best black, ttO.OO and 112.00 value*.....

D o w n s t a i r s D e

M R. n iT T E R ______________ ;_________M RS. PROV

White Oil Clo_ _ n..r<vv weleht '.■hlle_oU-tlotli._« In

Tumblers,Safety edge tumhlcrs, llgh r welghi each .................................................

Cups and SaucersWlille Vitrified china, set of 0 cui

Nippon Plat(" “ •ImpbrtM-Wnp(mrhand-decoral«J_i

J Thermo BottI- I Quart *1« Tliermo botUe.i Includl

clnl ............................................... .....

White Bristpl \Ifilift oiwrtmeni white ennmtl

K" - -ketUei MUCH pan«,-doul>lc*boUcis..( DressiS Huge assortment of house dresses

of values to K'.OO, prlnUi or plain

■ ' L. D. s. GarmiLlRht welKlit L. D. B. gnrmenw. w

“ ' ------------------------------------------------

Rayon Hos(Clean tip on myon hose. lohR r.llk sizes lo 10, -salps race'"

C o r s e t G l o v e a n d lM ISS H O R ST

Rayon BaRayon silken bandeus. fln h or nlle

___________________________RrnsqPink brocaded branlers. medium ^

Corset SlAn fliwrtrtent of W amw ru.»t pnic cragc or matronly figures. Closr oi

Crepe GPlbse crepe gowns, plain or strt ipeclal .........------ ......................... ...

White SateenWhite » teen bloomer*. injoU a t e

Children’s RInfonu' rompers, o g u I, 3 and :

' ~ ------- infants-'Silk^Pi. r -siiErpU tt-hosletr fo r-tn fw li. »L

^ Lonjr Silk.• ‘ deonuiM of lonjH llc Blom.--Tatt

matching spring drm et. Ole&rance


_____ - l O . —reJffit

'‘• M K

J H H g


U p p e r s , $ 3 .4 .5allpiier, bolh In spike or • Wlilte. on

lte,< values to 110.00 S 3 .4 5 to Ju.ui

Slippers, $2.95 .lecU. oncstrap model, valuM , ^

................... . * 2 .0 5 bill i„ nalippers, 77ccombination, pointed toc5. o , , , .

1" « K........................................ .lU M

r B o o t s , $ 3 .4 5 ,I, slu s 4 to 8. pointed (oes, IKst quoJlty kid. Brown and Sturdy boj I ............. ............... 'U.. -9 3 .4 B " ciUn tor. i

D T e p a r t m e n t ^ “ “ H o s i

M RS. P A T Z[jO^yjsj_________________ ______

Be.qt, C)C lo lh T Z S c — ^--------- Fine quailifl IntiK!* I y t» n L 2 a c- - tg’ar., mi

■i pair lo

jrs, 5celghl glass, usual IDc valur..


; e r s , 6 f o r S O c ‘} cu]» and sa u te n ; ..... 5 0 o ^

lates, 19ct«J_plalca,jcrjLsp{clta .19(5, _ ___ '

i t t l c s , 9 8 c K 'eluding container. TCiy *pe- Summer t ____ ______ __________ 9 8 o >OTfd top

1 W a r e , 7 9 c K i d intl wore 'conslsllhg of lea ji^lf nnd ' !r»..«tc..-Extra-heaty.<lu^y . j g q mp.-.,

issea. 99cssej including odd* »nd ends Barred cf lain c s to n --------.•-------OOc to 10 yea

I -----r m e n t s , 7 9 c ' - I15. white Balbrlgan. .(UI sizes. e i,,, . ,,,j

__ 81W I l _

o s e , 2 9 c ■ y ;silken Ixjot. good colon, aU ......................................2 0 c • Olovc silk

d I n f a n t s ’ D e p a r t m e n tM R S . B E E B R

B n n d e u s , 2 5 cn lle ........................................ ......— 2 5 c

a s s i e r s , _ 3 5 c ___ ^ ^ -------------------um width, alt s izes................. ......... 3 S o

t S p e c i a l , S l . O l ) . _____ lproof corseu roadf of pink cotU for av-

w> oul ot several numben. toch t l .O O

I G o w n s , 9 8 c , ■*Wpo pattcrw. \-alue* to M25. w y .

: e n B l o o m e r ^ t 2 9 c 'tires; “saJes race" ip e c ia l---------- 2 0 c ,

s R o m p e r s , $ 1 .0 Qnd a, I ^ e of glnghtm

* P l a i t e H o s i e r y , 2 5 c - — -i^ s l2a _ l_ lo _ 01i . white, o r ,

i i t . C i o v e ^ 7 9 c-T Btoei-to-tl.sS 'lo-eolon n ltaU e for - » n e « -------------------------------------- 7 0 c


E i EEi ht d

j T t . _ . .B | L \ nioniinff a t

------------------- -------- — r/nnnr;JiiriT i--------------- ----------- ----------- An/I i/« capl


■ m f p / R E UR

. ■



W h i t e S h o e s , $ 2 .9 5•. oiie-r,irap, n c f ^buck slippers, block heels,US ..................Z...............................................

S u e d e O x f o r d s , ! $ 1 .8 5k1 house Alice, (airly good lasts, good range i 11 narrow wldliis. Values to $8.95 ..................

P a t e n t L e a t h e r P u m p s , $ 3 .8 5jrand patent leather pumps and one-stnps. Ni iroken line of sites. Block dnd medium he< 5J5 values ..... .....................................................

B o y s ’ W o r k S h o e s , $ 1 .6 9y boys’ work rJiM .marte cf heavy calf leatlie tor. panco sole...fiuM lo 3, u u a l t}.6S va lue ..

o s i e r y a n d U n d e r w e a r UeM KS. H A S D y '

t Q u a l i t y C h i f f o n H o s e , 2 ~ f o F :quality, ciilffon hose. Wayne im irb n n d . good , nil sizes, vnlucs MJJ5. "salet race" weel r lor ........ ........................... .....................

C o t t o n H o s e , 1 9 cren’s cotton liose, fine'rlb or drop sUlch, ne« or brown; “sales race" only .............. .............

J l e a v y S e r v i c e H o s e , 8 9 cf weight tertice silk. long bool, newest coton 05i special Job purchase..................... ...............

K n i t U n d e r w e a r , 3 f o r $ 1 .Wler underu’car. light weight cotton rib. all all top style, "sales racc" week, 3 for .....

[ i d d i e s H a l f H o s e , 2 3 c a n d !nnd 'Uiree*quarter length 'ho«, cotton rib, failopi;nll;}lllO_.. ....... JiJ


! h i l d r e n ’s A t h l c f i c U n i o n s , <1d cheek union suits, bloomer leg. drop set

years .... .................. ....................................... .

R i c h l i e i i U n d e r \ v e a r , $ 1 .6 5quality mercer^:^ cotton- union suits forn ...,.....................:............. ......... .....

G l o v e S i l k E n v e l o p e s , $ 1 .9 5: Silk envelopei. pink only, all sizes. U i)i value

Ready-to-, H I E S . H U R S T

r - — — -----DlA c l e a r a n c e o f s p r i n g s i ]

s e s t h a t h a v e b e e n i n s t o c

d e c h i n e s a n d g e o r g e t t e s

' ■ : ■ SALl. A l l o f o u r r e g u l a r $ 1 0 . 0 0

- .. i n g ' s a l e . - E v e r y d r e s s . r e i

a n d - a r e i n t h e w a n t e i s p i

s u r e t o f i n d a d r e s s i n t h

t h e s e e x t r a o r d i h a i y v a l u (


I St departments lined ud^nrtnientK up fo r a "sal II a t 8 :3 0 /I . 3 / . Cfi.i/i jjrircfl o re f ilr/m enf wn>»it»i/7, l» f, 2nd, and \ captain who will arraniic aUuring i n.HHMjmai baroaina. Read the 8to\

IR E .



K w J C r e p eI (0 Inches wide. pun‘' r.

I I . V^ / VollM. 30 liichM wide,

C i r ' . " R a y o i------ -je-lnchrs.-wide, full pet

B P * - - ’" p ®- .« Seamle» sl)ecu.*8litt>0,

____________ C o l o r e dColored l»ngee silk. B

D e vPa.1t colored Renfrew or plain colors.............

heels, values R b m a i .........9 2 .0 5 1

36 inehi-fl wide, guarani

inge of si»s. S i l k a n d <......... 9 1 .8 5 crepe, silk and

checks, 30 Inches ij 'lde.

! : ¥ „ i . . . W e a r i g h t P r1 heel, » « 5 Pwt colored Wearlghl | .........93 .85 19c values.. 3 yards for

! 9 . J a p C lcolored cotton citi

lu e . itJ B D ^ ®

T)?^; ATfNeedleMR

’ " s i ’. o s s t a m p e d L u n d[ Stamped luncheon sets

floss for .working, al complete .....................

- <0o S t i m p e d - L i30 Inch ccnler with *

1^0 head ready for- workii

S t a m p eStamped vanllle* on pt

1 .0 0 ........Ul sUes, tal- j— — .

^ N a t i o r

i d 3 5 c .. M I

j . p . C o a t e iV ^ . C o a w ^ iw n u ttt

S a l e o :p »eat, slM Jewelry clearance of .......— ■ elc., valuea to »lJO ....

.65 C o l l a r a nfor women. Clearance of collar and

_ many vesiets. each ....

I o r .......................... — B i a s . TI.J7J p a ,i eolorcd b lu taperalue 9 1 .0 5 for .......... ................

h W e a r Dei

-DRESSt:tEA1lA-NCEr s i l k d r e s w s , n e w s t y l e s , n

s t o c k o n l y 9 0 d a y s . I n c l u d e i

: t e s . U s u a l , $ . 1 5 . 0 0 v a l u e s , c

^LEOFSILKDRESSt) .0 0 d r e s s e s o v e r 6 0 d a y s o l

^ • e p r e s e h t e d o n t h e s e r a c k s

- s p r i n g . M d _ w l y _ . s u m m e r

1 t h i s g r o u p t h a t w n s u i t y

9,1927.', . ________

up for a “Sales Race”atea race" that licuins MomiaY~ ~ e to be dtfardcd io all clcrka iu |' S n i.jjIa tfM . Everu dcpdrtvKnt j 7 bargains. Everu customer ivim j . forj/. I

r t & t ’e0 TRADtO D S D E P A R T M E N T I

M i s s H O RN S - - . «

1 d e C h i n e , $ 1 .7 5' Bilk and pure dye. usual $2.00 values,

.... . .......... . . 9 t .7 5 --------

Voiles, 23cle, light iwlsi-weaves, y a rd ........2 3 c

o n C r e p e s , 5 9 cjcbble, bright, lustre.Jiew .colora._. 5 0 c _____

i e F S h e e t s , 7 5 c “ ^00, bleached .... .... ....- ......... ........7 5 o

1 P o n g e e S i l k , 4 9 cB, Sl W. brand, aU colors ......... 4 0 c

■ v o n s h i r e , 2 6 cw dcvonshire, 33 Inches wide, ilripe ......................................................... 2C c

any Prints, 29c ‘ ‘, large lan, Kreen. Jacquard patlerw. jileed fast colors, usual fiOc value 2 8 o

C o t t o n C r e p e , 5 9 cnd cotton combination, pink cameo le. fast colors, regular 68c ralues 5 0 c

> r i n t s , 2 y a r d s f o r 3 5 cI prints, small patterns, llghl or dark, o r ..... ....................................... ..... 3 5 c

Drepe, 2 for 35c«pe, plain colon only. Oood negllgeo for ................... ..............................-3 5 o

l e w o r l r D e p a r t m ^ f ^

R S . F U R B U S H

P i l l o w G a s c 8 , - $ l - . 0 0 ------------------s 42 inches x 3S Indian head ready

....... M. ------------------- 9 1 4 ) 0 --------

c h e o n S e t s , $ 1 .0 0 p e r s e t:U Including 38 inch cloth, 0 napkins, all of Indian head material, u t

............... ............... - ................9 1 .0 0

L u n c h e o n C l o t h s , 3 9 c1 napkins made of bleached Indian

■king ............................ ................ ...30c

l e d V a n i t i e s , 2 9 cpermanent finish Indian head, "sales

m D e p a r t m e n tiIRS. F U L L E R . . ..

e s C o t t o n T h r e a d , 4 c _ _ ^;iti^b to jS iiIic-dr:iiIflfili:aJljoo i:4o^ r

o f J e w e l r y , 4 9 c (t bead' necklaces, bar pins, choken, '

r a d C u f f S e t s , 2 5 cn j ^uff sets, linens and lace, including

T a p e , _ . ' i f o r 2 5 cipe. ail widtia In'whUc o r'co lo rt 'S ............................... .. ......................2 5 o

apartment. M R S . B A L C H

E - " -------- --------------------------- - -

n e w s p r i n g c o l o r s , d r ^ - ^

e d a r e f l a t c r e p e s , c r e p e

c l e a r a n c e ......... . . ' , . . $ 9 . 9 .')

l E S

o l d g o o u t i n t h i s s m a s h -

k s a r o n e w s p r i n g s t y l e s - ■

: r _c6 l p r s . „ Y o u .w i l l b e

y o u . C o m e i n a n S v i e w '

...... i . : ^ 5 ~ ^



Page 9: ion I I^TH E C TW I[N FAvaa.s tD A H · iwurlngs. the amilsllce day celebration. ets. and the return of Uie victorioui ^ Cardinals

Second Section.^ -

NEWS— A-- ----- ^

' I" f

'■ ■ i ^ M_______ _____ 1 . 3 E S g ^ * ?I

-' . ■’

. '■.•■■ : ' i :

■ • 'M - i ^ .

■' ■ f e p ™

^ J ®

___ _ , | ^ ^ H S ^ ' ' . v : ^

■I b

; j | H‘ n s b W i i b i t E c o s n i”■■"■ ............ .............. lIimMiIiPlos liftlir'iiJiol

?cl( Irom fliiv'fifwinp «il cii«rcil,.’B» the vuBcl i


b-QF-THi! "

f ■ ■

i ^ B /% Y

i* g S ;.* * .l \ - , ^ ■ K ^ B K -I ^ ,

■[[Im ' Pi ‘

:i;r> Ml • • “# .

■ "■-■ -W J»

i l i h

E v 7 1 H B 3 t i ' : P I H H li ^ ' ' H ^ E B K ' ' ! r r ' ^ ^ ^ H

I 15'^Knbiru ®K/ilB \ 111^11

r'.; I V

OM lN oItColoncrCirarlcH ■|iJio{(» ulbiitifb r liw iniiiiiW i’uI lioiMcc'oit II? (ir till- U. S H. Mi'tnpnis. Ii, tlic Inv Hvl'vii'ils il8 lrii>, 1) n icm U en o f Ihu (

T W I N - v F' ■ i : \ m E A I j L S ; j B A l


S w\ ^ m I i t \ i

® | i

w H S H B Il ! lv ^

II A t i o S I S i I

'iM .^'larlUMttl,' .‘ 1 •• ~A nim ci.'H -»\jalj»n '.Jicro.-lrcn!»urc< mmli!:'Tliii(**;<:rTnchFu'he: imil; jiiin- nvvcr view lio-* slibm i {nrron l liciiijr i c r e w / j j \ ' iliiV<n<(lgatl»»>f<*»


^ k s


P i ^ O N A B L E * H E R E 'S TH E ANSW ely , iftkcn o t’ onW oor.cvcnta in .tl ie Ea orRQ C. Boas; 2 .',Mrs. f lc d r s e 'D m d Ui Preling'htiyajj^^e.S^^^^^

-jlLi i ' i i i 'M i i « i < A « i j a ; ! j i . g m » i

I "I (* *a rI ^ LI

\I ' j i i ! . c o o i j ^ ^ S n i ^ c a o T ^H d e n t (nbc-a) c|ijoyiiipr ii-c cremn .H feto for.«,yclpraiisj>ii, ihc \Vliitc ]H n n i (holov) a iicwA'irw of lhe MrH ,Rnpi»l City. S., I)., u-liith ItprmnwB :Cnniiiil of ihc Unitcil S tn ln w ilh 3Ii B ' n rrlvn l there fo r n vn«ilion.‘ nM m .

I ^ _____ I



)AILY NEl^ ) l lN E -1 9 , 1927. . :


s’SW ER—These now photos o f pc n o n s proi ' G aat,.m diealo tlio trend in Snm m er &tj ll Uijaics 3.' M rj. Jo sliua a .,C o sd c u ..4 . 1 ji)o\v; G. M n.^M gQDj^BcJjnoni’’'^ '

i a j n g f f i i ^ L ii n I, iii m r r t w a g a B H ! — If g p n n p

^ i O O N a E s ' r — G o iP ■•■ > • •• ■ . . , J ln lg lilf— o n l y i ^ ^ c n •.;- vou'nsM t deep Kcn 'divi

t i e w orld..U .c’r kc« i j lo v n a t DrigLton.-KiiK. . ■ '/ I 'f - V j (laltna


fh¥ ^p - " l . - : : - ^W ' i


' sWay

w S1 ' I' i i i'^ W ? ' ' ' ' ^ i a E ^ l B i lJl MjJ

® s F tf f l

Bt"v -11 i■ ■A Mrs.


i n l

l i i K k n d lAitfutleuli r

H K E||1

^ O h I658||V*1: ■’

__________________ ^

'm■: ., r a ^ t r f l l i l

t : ;I . Second Section : , ;t

^ ' • ; - : | I

W ^ r -■. i . i .

, P i‘ ^1 ; i..

L Jr/j| K ------- I' : i

a U l ‘ g ■ ----------• r - - ‘-H |H |M r .. \

ifW ym . ^ ---- ^ — u:

HIb ' ’"-

r (I

MRr! - ’' i

^-SiiH |[ ■ i:B H r l - —■ pr..^ H | i l | i _

pBr-'^rFI 9 j r '

*Bh' ' " I

v' c •• ' i y

^ B l Jiil i i

'' i -

!T..y. •._., .,-■ u ! .;^ ^ ^ -^ v o ^ u ;!v a y rT W

Page 10: ion I I^TH E C TW I[N FAvaa.s tD A H · iwurlngs. the amilsllce day celebration. ets. and the return of Uie victorioui ^ Cardinals

! i i M ■ [ I'"

I . • • • . - BuiI --------- Itu

L |— Sfilt-Lakfl-City-Twin-Falls-Op-

' l • 'A llc n i la n c e i i P lan W o rk s O u l. cniI . I ' V • , Col

; • ■ — ' ' Colfnr K v:il.',ll.iv ati- tX:-) Stn

uf’.Cpimm-rcc’ for (iic Jay of NdUic Uikp rvrSw Ih Uilllti- fU ili-IJu lr lia'jl)all li-3i;u-. ixJuU-,

'______ iitkU4ur if'.mil■ IJndcT tlic- illU'tlioii oi ilinmbcri Kcl

• 1 (if llml <liy. K'ViTal immlr'tl t^ n l' y «ur<- i>i..l1(“l DUi ......... . purrliaij'‘ ct'uckctx. v.twulM.uid niUM ii.-mt: inw? y i ,

!i] aiiiiri'Clatiim llwi Twin I-'n!l' tHil)«1)1 bcncJll by ilic .aiiU d|uira lim y ^-o liilrnaiuu-c, imd Uml drn»lns n't«n- tiJiv tn Ifacuc IS eoniiiiMxlabl.'. A.ilier O H

" i— ■ of Ilu- •r'lilii I-.HU Cliuiubcr Wa J o f commrrrp liii'i' k'1«' a IrH-uram " ‘■, - J r t I

i'Vcrn A. Cuh-T. Clulmmn. D w ballcoimullifc, ■ Cro

*inll U iU Cily. Utalr. . Hal. ___ I'fttUi- FalU. coiiaralulsUS— your. — -

clfiiiiilHT 111 imw M and ROOd will ^I tnvi.irds boo^.lcr Kaiue lo be Hcl'

- I linld on ivK'iiiy-flrsi day of June In •I yoiir city."

>11 Uw v im MuUmtnt cx- Lwi— ^l»iiNt»«l-li>-l)»-CI«uiilH.r^ ol Cominercc Mel

; pUtomcnt lhai tlir Ipajuc Is mo«t MuiI «drthy. Ilio Sail UUc Tribune pub- Cox

ttic foUooiui:. cdllQiliil rcb iire .Dtt, to. tlic rclallnrnlilir of ba.'.elwll and Coa

biislncM:m ioulnd Ls tlic Vdltorlnl iil'prarlnii Aa<

. l a tiie.Tribuiic otj TliumJay.- Juno 115; mc<J - . „ 1 1, , „ , • . Wll

1- . in rccoiiiiltintf n ncMl'for renewed verInien-M In ban'ball in Kail Lake, meni- uillb m ot llic sa il Uiltr Chnmbw ol Too C4inmercp Indlcaiwl n dcslrr Co losttrand iia-aenc tlii: iili-asant relaUon .

3lelt lias.always txLilcd between Salt np[, ke and tlic Ul.jli and Idaho clUes whlcli coriiprLw llie Ulali-rJalio leiRUc.

ulMball may be cnlWly tofcl«n w jjj j modern bu»Uu'?\ bill tlie Inel re-inhliij lhal tl ll w liilerxoveti wlUi jjuicivic iirlde llini 11 cannol bp fciinraled q 'Ofrom imtle relatluns. .Coitimimltlcs nrc 'o j j ,bitiUKlil clo«r toiietlii'r iliruuish com* s i^ijetlllons wlilcli w nc to |ironi<ilc civic uqiprttle, and iiollilnR scrvr. bstter l!ian uj,.biiscbnll Midi os Is iirovldwl by iho g jr

I Utali-Idaho Icaiiuc- Ponfnierc ran be no doubt but wtiat In- ^vn

I icrwt in b«cbnll.'iliu!i far this neiLion. owj ll i i bctn u>nie«'lutl lame, and il qqi

li(rlhcr 6))i>arciil Uial enil UWe lias cal ' boen more lax In UtLi rtspccl tUan

tlR oUicr elUca toniprUlng Uic Ica«ue. 'I The condllloii may he.Btirlbutwl lo a nj|,

b4ckwnwI..::x;v*n.or, lo Indll/ercocc. . ., but nciUicr 'one of Uicw clcmcnu Jut- •* lUe coihUUqh. 8aU La1tf,.Ci{y,\ Uic lnntc.ll clly in itic lcaitiic.’» t» la il *#uq,

tliould Iw able lo measure up lo Ih? li:^reil displayed In other clllw of Uie IcJiRUc; I’roixT civic pride, anti manl- . Iffily ll Is llie function of llic cjjam* l w

; ber fo commcrcc la foster ihlA'splrlt,I would nmtcc a tnaierlnl ch&nge In Uie I . Ai(uatlon. Oai

Aa Ihc iradliiit cciilcr ot Um Icrrl- .q , i

I le jB ueT ir^ lhc* duty of Ball U k e lo I provide bojdwll palrona«e on a par “ =«

wUh lh a i'tn the olher cJlle*. A itowS

i gftde of biLiebill. and Uie. rcconlJwould recin to show tliai u!c Icaituc ____

I h is proviHed Uiai Uili Wason. and u ) proi>«r public tnlcrcat &hould ifuaran* j . irc UiIj mip;»rt. Wc tio not btlleve ■! u.lii llK anyone to ttwke I iiibiicy uut nl Uie cbio tif bar.ebaU

ftliidi b‘ liotv L'flna provltletl by llie ; Ulali-lilalw IraRue. bul our'sUler cities I have a riRlil lo ex)>cct a rtlu rn wlilcli

will In sonic ineiuuro conipencatc (or I 'Ujc «i>fiise.i Incurrttl In maklns Uie I irlp to Salt Lake. . |

Baseball nuch cu wc have here un- dijubtedly Is a indc atlmulant and a.publlclly medium. Local Jobbers anitlimtn f« mrn ivUl not rilienim t_U ie.------tr)ullnf; po:>albllillc.i and accompllih- tntnts ol tlite icrritory. U ihouid be apparent to tticiii that biixlncse and ' biti.eball. under UtMC condlUons. cfln-

I - ngt and will-nnt-bfr-r^tTtT-dlrtnTTil']- ~ - TJiS 'BMrrakrChanjein'^L^Ol'Cliltsrtt.I has lakfii'^he fln t step toward put-

Sttli Lake tu a propcc lljh l bf- rore her *Uicr Uiati and Idaho cltle.«

I bir armneins (nr n special chamber ot I .cdmmcrcc day nl lhe ball park next t Tuesday. 'Tills alone will not .Kutve ' 11X7 problem, but It at leasl shmild I lijfow memben llial the UlalMdalio

Ic^RUe cntlUcd tn more palronncc U«in It Is noM’ iifiilnj from Sail L3kc. If ll A-.inl:cn3 ihls Uimest.'ncN tlibr the lencue nor the chAmber vlll

nrohtfm ^

?«ctra Wanl Ads resdi lhe people you ulsli to a ttrjct.

----- t-WJJEN-A-Mi^N-OtmERS-----------|--------I "When a man nrdeni milk J cu t. can feel ccrutn thal he w.;i j 'a sk for llie v tr/ bcil on theI market." ■ |• • —taj-s Tlic Partner ooy. ;

:J :O ur mllK li r t” ~Wni(J-bMtrT— ]— — «mcii Mid romcn and- *tron;cr j • ‘ bo ji tknd Rlilr. t .Tbere’i Soch a Dl/fejcncu ______ Mia. ------------------- —

' i " Sopmor: lify■ I .P h o n o 1 1 0 2 ,

p j - - P a g o 'T w o ..................................

Individtial Batting Avi -Threc4Vcek8^Period^

Burke . ><jiuiton . . .. .. SffO « i:Tadevleh . 471 W . i:

-Crtraln----- -------- — -- -— 4«-7 .*7— i:Thmiiii'Oii ....... 330 , « I

...WdloiinUi...........;................SlUa - .218 « *CnllaKlinn . • ... iOa Tl *coiiiii5_........ ..; -W* . « .»Coleman . . .: .IM 13 ■ riStark . ^ . i< , 3

N ^ n • ... 125 10. JUM .............. ^ “ J

; TOTALS___________. ...~ J78 W 6jK c if^ d j'tr-jfij ~ r r ~ r — i s n

.SA L t LAI Pcl.' ^AB - U

CSittltwt • • w 1*

'Sa'ffey . 488 » »Molle . , . 440 103 18ftnocker . .. 437 «O’HcllI 433 i3 • .0Hoii'ard___ • ■ ■ - ■■■■_40fl_

■"WaltcS............... .................... 40* 39 JWalt) . . . . JOO w apacpkc 4M J7 3

-irollerson .....2 3 f i 17 3NclLion . .. O J a - W - UCrowley M 111Hall . - • 173 M 1

■ TOTA’La" . . .318 «ai J7J

.........."P e l . '- A B ‘ H

Ltiliibiyi . ...- V • 11McC3uI?y“ ........ 473 O 11Murpliy . ........481 J7 MCox .... 4 lJ W V.Dean .... -....... ..... ^ 414 X I tCoates ........ 404 M 13Umpe . ' .......a i l 70 17Awerkamp . . .O M W 1

■ M c C u e - .- :................431 ' 1 3 - -4Wll*on . .190 • 4S 1

Veisea • . - ............JM— TO— -11Miller ■ . . . .W7 IB . 1

■ToomSy J

• TOTALS . . 4#7 764 IB(

.P c l i ' "AB:; B- t e t j a ------------- ----- - .........^ « «

Balaiar • 31HUDI ■ • . . ;m 0 IO'Connell - ...........43# 7fl .. 1!

'O lseii . •’ ■ , 424 74 IJSlmmoni . ' . .. . JJO M , <Uolinc3 ............ 41« 19 4Benjamin 479 M Wsancet • M hPorUnan .......... J«7 IS 0Avamlno ‘ ............» 11Dwyer . ; ............. 413 *9 13D o l io i r ........................ , as9 fl» ItCallahan .......................,067 IJ I

TOTALS .373 717 inn«!ea:«l Plnyerf • 30 {

TWIN Fa| ?Ct. AB P

-AUoVtftV 310 34 I■•Uorion ..■433 78 .1'

Hoa« ......... ...........................Ml « .1;nownberB .................... 41fi 73 ll

•Candeld . ' .... r........ .......... 418 33 .'JLlal .. ....... ... ................ 470 *f IuodRc , , . . . . 403 j j 3iKrasovtich ......• 400. D6 .11Oardlner...... ......... - .............. 458 M 1'

.p o la n .......... .•.*..........................331 13 'i*Buhscfi ............ .................... 414 - ^ 4 I

1 1 1 - 1 1II nibii r-I I I ' “ "A r e m <

I I v ic tm

I I a

■ I I ' 'I I 1 ' A lw ays:

_____ l l i j _______ JOitJ&ba■ l l T j tftc smot

I I I I Atl we I

' l l i iI l l i carls")

j H l l n i / t i yo i

l l ^

r - ^ l l r ' ^ ' 7 ^I I I 220 Shp'sjiq

. a INi

...... t w in FAIjLS I)AA I L Y N E W S , T W I N F A L I

v e r a g e s f o r F i r s t ' S

n II TB au 3B im s h s b10 35 34 • 5 2 0 . a 4 13 18 21 0 1 1 0 3 g^,13' 23 39 2 3 0 0 4

-1J-. 3 3 - 3 J - . 0 . . . 3 ~ 0 — 3— 38 IS 17 2 0 0 0 4 ^

4 7 7 0 0 0 ! 08 10 J8 0 1 0 i « . w ,:

•10 iJ ..2o_ .3 : r _ i o : _ : 7 : ir i . -I 4 I 0 0 0 ; 0 ^1 1 1 0 . . J . 0 - 0 - 0 - ^

J 3 3 0 0 0 1 0 ?.'^J _ 1 _ 1 0 0 ^ J ■ ^

S8 349'198." 10 13 -1 J » ' 18 ~37 ,.3J " 43— 3-----3-----0— 0----- i,AKE •' •.•'•' ■ 'B r H TB 3B 3B HR 6H SB “ IT 30 :43 9 h i f ;0 -3 U t f ft

18 U 49 3 1 3 4 11 I I18 38 40 4 0 0 9 7 / ,Ma« U 34 3 0 1 8 13 L.0 18 20 a 0 1 O ' .1 1 1« . 13 18____ 3 _ 0 „ 1 . 1 __0 iJ L !

■« \2 21 3 0 a fr 38 3 .7 1 0 1 (J . 0 , . f ‘3 5 8 1 0 0 - 1 05 4 10 1 1 » 0 0

10 a t- 31 -• « - 1 - 0 - - T -118 33 3 7 fl 0 3 3 1 ™ '

J J l 2 * 1 -1 i J '17J 280 394 94 0 IB ' 47 M;0- 0 -.0 y 0 -fl - <0 0

« H_TB,.-2B 3B H R - 6 H - 8 & g f f i• l l - J J - T T u . : i ^3- ;l .011 31 O 7 1 1 3 3 34 34 M J 1 4 3 1 t t 2« 48 3 1 5 4 0 11 37 . 40 i 3 1 i J13 17 24 4 0 1 3 3 ^17 33 30 4 0 1 ,5 «

7 S » 1 0 1 0 1-4 - 3 - 8 0 0 - 1 - 1 - 0 ^

7 9 14 3 0 1 1 12 4 - 9 1 0 0 3 0 , h ^ .

:i8‘‘" f J ^ ^ i '• t o i -I 3 --5 -3 0 0 1 0 0 _ .6 0 0 0 0 \

IM 33t M2 M M 31 17 J10 18 31 0 0 .0 2 •< 1 Mleir ;LL0 I • • if .iti B I • U TB 3B 3B HR SH SB u,e .II 30 11 6 >U -.I ’■* 2 pntii , , i 7 t . 1 0 0 3 1 n * i .

0 3 3 1 . 0 0 .1 0 000-18 3 i . 31 . 3 ? 3 3 3 ^ ip t19 34 31 3 2 O'" 0 1 .,A ’4 ' I 10 3 0 0 . 1 1 ccAUi 4 8 8 I 1 0 . .0 0 Mtia

ts 24 38 9 3 1 3 Bult/i14 as 34 4 .1 I 4 . 8 m * '0 .4 n 0 1 0 P 0 . 0 z m

11 21 31 9 3 I B 0 srth13 19 • 24 I « 0 4 -I W «10 10 23 r 1 S. 8 0 cnlll

I- 1 .1 I ,0 . 0 0, D 0 ouert• _ i I _ - matfi

119 'IM ' 384 30 14 . IO' 33 .17 the 'fl ; 7 il j 1 J ■ 0 0 . . . 1 (lucn

aLL8R ' H TB ;3B H R ipH .U B ,9 30 31 2 0 . ®S' 11'"'’ '

14 28 4 J - '7 T a 'I 3*; 3 • 3 crdei 14. 39 M B I 8 3 1 ftreh ; j . a . a j 2 0 . 1 . 0 a « n n .1 .7 - I 0 0 0 3 0 dtpe: ■ # 13 , IB 4 0 1 3 1 Uie; ao 39 - 37 5 I - 3 4 I n . '' « as <8 , 2 3 5 . 8 lltlraP 14 M 29 5 I 0 4 8,W*' '0 3 4 I 0 0 0 0 0 « «

. v i i s s x j i ;

n e w F o i

t ^ f v e r v i b r a t i o n b

t t i o w : p ^ c e 4 f a r

i a m a rv e lfo rp o w c r and ^ l e r a l l o n , 7\r: Four' now r f a r c n n m p a r i to n - w i^ oolhest m pton known.

I ' i V isl}iat v'ou]i)/tiVE'A STAR t/ou dedde that anif other hw-prtced ' 'Ju s ta s if^ ‘‘ Theii tuylftecatlkat oU t e t

F 9 ^ i ?8 a i i d S | | e s

iflhe fe, Pjion6


Rynn L .L i :........T.! ../.l5^ I J " 1Hkkok .............. ................... .140 - M -9ApporMn ..... .........................135 37 4

' TOTALa IJ ..” .'.. " 7 T ”.7 '4 7 ^ M " i Ib" -7 te tra tea"P ia5-cn~".:T .:.-:r’~ ~ 3 i r ~ 7 '


Schlnskl ............ .................J73 83 .. 32O earron.. ............................... .311. ,00 34-

• w o i t e r r : : : „ " “ “ : '“ “ ::: '4 io » — 3"Donovan ..... .......................... .283 . 89 17Kiiv----.rr,:;.-,.-..... i . .........48?:. 04 ^McMurtry........ .......................289 20 1

• WlMcn. ...... J«3 • 19 »L *;iteri ■... ■ :.T-:7r-43fr— 81-----6rWOO(J«H ........;___ 447 77 • 14

^ o^kT -I..!,,.-;,-.!...;. .. i i « ” M ~ i rH osun .... ______________ 433 l l aO rten -------J p . ..................... ;187 3) 3

„ J r O T A L s J . ^ . i _ ; ^ - .. J81 701 139 Re!cftW.JM»yerji: „......... ...... • ' i p 20.

ilBWiPILUJAB. Turkay. 'June 18 (/P)-In earthi

.hb.vllla84 a^lUtle^wiUieted.o:<i.nmn tlerbc x .^ tu « t« t Uis pomp and. p>os&UJ« perta xne«-oL-Ui«.<;hrUllnnUy.«lili:lv-fram ^.Olu Ji0 fourlb.tor.tlie.'flftetrnth'c£hlurlu, a ahel m cinB'.b{«:icblrl'glorieavol.ilhe b pu Bjaaatlne.itmpiT*.-;!,.. n n- carvli. Patriarch >o£:'Uu OrUnUo/ Chureh, for i

i^tpe ’c f io u le ra C l i^ o i tc . 'His lUreiu Uollntss-VM«moov.Ul Is 8bom..o(„Ui« «imic»l-:»twrta . -wnith the ri)tloman by..U lullAxu. permltUii.'.the patrlarctaa.< bul funot: iUU'h()td5;Iu]l'^lrUuul m j o ru his (tealrc [lock*. .:, .s'l-, .• durintB«nt beneaU);his 7S years and CO .i

jcunds .ot.'.prlM leu liislorlo. . robu . itai&l{lcenUyi.-.uiliroldi)rtd ,i In- sold, r n C VusUlco m.coitductA uleaui m an ior i te a tv trtlilh^dand Qceeka «ho UUI residfl ln;.Coial»ntlnf)ple. u i... .. au ;

the iQQ)«k::S)utcr. Uie date ol enlerj vhlch’<loes-aol.coincide ot i-ereltJjfr.irc»tein,c)iiitch.ji.«remotiy.Ww? benut Jca t-to “ tiiafir<rhUti um U r^ l4 « -:w :«]ebral<d:7j-etirlr<.ia Uie sreat^church ,i:T1u rfSLfiophlaj bueaiibce In , the small- secrei tf bui..alsb <m«|xilftttnt.,chiirch.:of book. 3t. aoorga«'Oolden Hors. After ' Thi lolemo m usiitllitln! «hl(h-Uie gospel IIcum If .m t t i a Isitguases lo symboUtt Austll the .unlvaraUty>iOl Uie chunh .' tbe Nan Pntiiaich'-siVf* Ciui paiD tcd''G uU r tiuwi n ti-U ila jitar-tb; Die niimbex 0l'30.- Wllu WO-wlU» hbi.oMi' Jiandi.tii.Uie wor- Mlrla jhlppera. .vfs ,r.,i . . ...A ’ l ^ U n g la Uic palrlarch'c rc- KikUon.BaloQ eominemgrsla.the his- tado ,momeaU 'l9 Mav.,.IiS3,..'wben SultAU tMtkKammetl Uia Cohqiuror, Uie tu»''i>Iaalhnii>lM of 'Uis .Ohrlstian BrRli»ine:^oipll«L cave (o .U u.patri- 'ru , Bfih-flf-the-Mrhqiuid to all inlrlarcli W-eorte. the-,-riht of cdntlhued lead- cnl^p.'-m’f r i U i ^ f1uks..i .:Tbfi Con- IIIK qtjr'rQr a n d ' i u i i ^ n E aiiltuis even tell macfa' l M « - , ^ l y . money srwit^ -lo .. ihe-'p ltnaK tS'^w liose tpollllcal' In- n i fluenna u i i iaJulderable.,.unUl Uic r r dav of the T u rteli republic.,I ii Uw,-MtlAi'iilneteenlh centurv, H9

Buiun Mtiwwia* £siiKS,':'ii\c ciaiyr c rd e re tl'th i’- ttc A ilo fl 'c r the Patrl- nreh Orcsory. stctued of.lreticlieroiic _ _ connivance in ihe.O rtek w it. ol in- TTT" dcpendenoe.. .The Qretks have bantd Uie door- In lhe patriarchtl reradence In. front o( whlch^'OhcDnr.. was’huns. draped It In blncK u id ;lu t« ie t] Uiere bli'plelUTB. On . Basltr'crow tb of Oreetei bo» before the, door nnd mur. tuiu 'pra^Cift l i t ' kCQflcuic^~]00 ycard '

b u r ■ I I


j r i n p l l

' V - ' •■■ ■

' 1 J " 1 " a '0 '' 'o 0 ' .0 •9 7 '10 3 0 0 1 0 4 5 7 0 1 0 3 4 .

—3-----0— 0— 0-~~g-----0 • 0- of •-

llB *ai’3 '3 l3 ’ 38 l l 10 3o' 19- 7 — l 3 - 3 l ~ 6 3" I . " I ; rAN ..................

R U TB 3B 3B HR SH BU .. 32 31 44 0 a 0 3 8

34- 28__38 fl__ 1 0 0 - 4 ___ ’3 " tt l l 3' 0 0 0 , 0 .

17 20 -3« • 3 3 1 3 127' 35 3 1 .1 5 0

1 7 ,11 1 0 1 0 0» a .>8 ’ 0 . 6 1 0 .0

- 6 r — 8— 1 1 -^ 1 — X— P— t— 0 -------- r14 10 24 3 1 . Or 1 ' ’ 0 —;___

11 ,10 33 B 3 I S 1 a 4 '4 0 • 0. 0 0 ■ 0 3 4 7 0 0 1 0 0

139 l»7 1 t3 34 Tl 01-17— U 20. 31 « 9- 0 . r 4 0

■ =P[tftp|.E Of LQUIS Xiy

'L o n d o n . June le <,V)-What is be- ieiTd bv to be tbe cradle occuiiled pT tS u li 5 t i v '^ ' r 5 “ k i i^ w « s .n n - arthed In tho Caledonian market by lerberl P. SUb-whUe >he Wsi tm .a lertoiicaL'tour of London’s E u t End. '.'Q»"SUl .eredlQ U In' the 'fo rm o!. ahell dfsiffnctl 03 a chariot on rheitb I padded with illk ood luu elaboialB arvloca'undem ealh. - I l . a u bousbt or B 'sraftllT iin and- experts, baroJrcaiJy valued.ll-al 15.000.- ---------.JbBrCrttdltr-wBrttatttBriTEnglSHd y. .Mfldama. Tusiaud...D»ncr ,o(.;;tli6 unous u-aix worka exhlblUon recently leatroycd'by^ (ire. who. purchased II luring iho Frehch BeroluUoa.-

^ 'D c

; p " - E p s - B 0 i f S M E A p 3 p p K

.AUSTIN.. Texas..June. lB _(jp)-n ic - nlertJrlslaj tdllors o(."Caelu4" Uni- .-enlty o t' T « sa t. yearbook. ■ luedj :a . D lw iuty .M attfi lo bocal circulation o £ .......ltt~:publicfttion' ih li '’y8ar.— * ' i:Tlie wunas of Uie winners .were kept Prt l e ^ l unUl they appeared In the you- look. . 'I .■ T he. hdnors were accordcti Adelc Icusels, Vernon: . Dorothy Mansell lustm: Corrlnft WllWle. San Antonio; tO {an BcnoeU. Aaglelon; Julia Mat- iuv» i AusUq: KaUiiyn Jay. HousVon: r q Wilton Wade, WIehlla Falls: ond Mlrlati) Starrs, Granger.

------ -- - ' =1 Sa

— ■S t p p T p S E — (“

■ E Y l ' D E l E p T S VOThnt taiiae heallachCBl ilizzi- nesa a n d n e rv o u sn e ss by |m v- iiiK y o u r eyeS ' p ropC rly iit- tcm lcd . ,S e e -^ •

i)B. A. R BICHAUDg' E tE B P E O IA U S T • " ■

1(3 IVMl - ■‘..■i'lwiie 3 « i■ O p w lt t O 'rphcwir'Ibtatre

...... 1 B S

A Six

' dung good t meats cbdc ait

A nigged, dc genuine brilli power, deep,

at 1

• A braw ny i j^fiBgtiSEeS

— - . ______ -Q uict-and iaThtiliingly aJ

hoQcsdy p n a

. / A S ix b y D c

= 1 = = =

- .....M A ®Phone 450.


'MS.. . d m ih K jU o ,

nnu. um m N u w

• rsVBKTVl redaded ( u m ^

■ ■ ' • ' G A S '!D e n v e r . ^ ............5 5 M 0O niiiha o r K a n s a s ' ' 1

O ltj; 70 .3C 1E t, L o u i s ............... 7 8 ,8D i

- o h i d t t W dO .65 ■ 1Dblroit' 100,57 1

ProporUonalely lotr farcis to oU ier/^i

W P S 'L os A ogo lcs a n d H c tu rn I

( d ir o c t) ...............$ 4 8 ,0 0L os'A nffo lcB ( d i r e c t ) , ro i j tu rn ld ff th ro u g h S a n F ran* c isco 6r v icc v e r s a Sff.SO S a lt L a k e , to L o s A ngelos, to S a n '.F ra n c is c o to P o r t- la n d ■ a n tf r e t n r a o r vioo v e r s a .......................... 7 9 .1 0 !

■ For ru tlher DeUlb PI

R. U. WAONtB, T k k tl AttnV


l i l I i , I f IH p B

By D fid g e B n

od that ycstcrdiy knew—with rc ifa ic tried,'wtal and better.

I, dependable Six that performs ■ jriiliancc. ‘ Fashioned to express j Iccp-seated comfort and low-sw ; at liigh speed.' ■

liy car, d eco ra tiv e ly appoifi

d impressively< ly alert in t ta S c Honestly built priced.

’ Dodge'Brother&>

^ Fa


onalPmks J Shin /

m o m a s s i t

jp S a ia p io B u m m c cHI E tc u rs lo n P a x iL a -------------

" f r o m T w in F a lls

W a sh in g to n , D; 0 . $ 1 3 0 .5 1 ________SftU im brb ............ 1 3 6 :5 1N ew O rlea n s . . . 0 0 .8 0A t l a n t a . . ----------. 1 1 3 . 0 0 ..........P b l la d e ip h ia . . . . 1 3 0 .8 7 N ew ? o r k O ity . . 1 4 2 .3 5

^ la t i . Slopovers—DIrrne Raules.

STS a n F r a n c is c o a n d r o tu r n ,

( d i r e c t ) .............. 5 4 8 .0 0

P o r t la n d a n d r o tu m ( d i r e c t ) . . . . . . 3 0 .2 0

P o r t la n d a n d r o tu r n v ia S a n F ra n c is c o o r v ic e

v e r s a .................... 6 6 .3 5S e a tt le a n d r e tu r n . 4 0 .0 5

Fbone or CoudII >

aWPbone 021, Twlo T»)lsmm . 0

I i " ' ■ I ■ ■



5 w ith

g re a t

iw u n g

in t e d .

pccds, _________ ___________I t a rid *“

m :’a l l s / r d a h o . ___________

Page 11: ion I I^TH E C TW I[N FAvaa.s tD A H · iwurlngs. the amilsllce day celebration. ets. and the return of Uie victorioui ^ Cardinals



r , f f i : k # | >* 5 ^ T

\ \ r ^ ’ <

Drastic y j Reductions x ( |

H K Mvcrnl fl

■ ~ C h i

________________ Tor dre:

Boys’ Dress Ox- • fords, $2.98

To. U t u Dt tU th e n I&U w e’ hftve. MTomwl b ta rje m Ubte ot UuM fliu d n a a iu a i jS

■ • I t IhU low prtce-*ll «ood ity :M -m oiU ;veuib tM ;S utS '

/ ' ter Sroim tn d Poll Panb t; . Q lan o^d _ b l^ ctlf *kln; _____ “ ^ Z S 2 . 9 8 ,

f f iM ;n i■^ECC

fclvETyTteiii !i! tiie

The i’l'i! T.iff on 1 I Piece Goods. Hv-j

— evytliing'priccd'to]!— ^ dean up and malic

Fa!! Fabrics. ' S™

___ M Ic O u .N o rd c LGiiKirli un

Nl'V Siirlii't ivitU'm; anil col- I / Ii:i . Wa:-. W)ld btliAv Hit m ar. 1 ' J

A . :.. : ;i: :;5o l^ir uur Uuk' c.inl'.^ / \ •.-:i - i r - ntiinLxW . . i U C Vutlii'jv . 1 {;i;a_\ r>(> I n t ' h C V e r o n n c .s ': "i * \ ; i c w Kfniii'; iwiitnu. A ■jy iiii.r-r «oivii lii'iivy iniuiTliil, r ’ M«J for ciTLiiii ly]M'.s uf ■

i!iU|Av ; riMiibr K.r; Hvj Tai; 'ii vt<

........ W c . S S-------- ---------- llOW-Il

I'’asl Color Indian j"’ ,; Head Suitinc^

a!! c")hr. Ill tills |iiicj;i of |I.i.t Cll):' MiiiLiTial. K'vi'rA' r A - )iii-;o i.u:ii|K'il fi."t dll Q C

i=rri)}i(^v,iivw!<j?:^S}'==^40C^i r ' " - “

'rriiimph Novelty . Ray(jn

A t.'ciiiiliul ru;-o:i lutiern v.'uvcii on (iiii'.lmni i-oiuinif- { '''I-'''- lion. FiLst lolnr.i aiut new IwlliTiu-, U':;;iil:ir :;!lc value.

S S L . 15c OrJacqiian] Pattern­

ed Broadcloth ■"!'A b('.\iiilli:l riotli in a licavy jjc(iii,.iil ovprl::y. In a variety (if nvvv cohrrtl cl’ililjy dfpcLi, | rt;:ular33c Ijftiriiicni i n ''value: I-) rU'nr l U C

Rayon StripePrints------- - ....

AU alt rayan i.ttnwe.rwimlns tt >u\ lIirouKli a Kliikllium rtoUi I'lcryi prim. Vco' luvlty and ckrn

,.• and watliea nicely; uur Prrrtilar 2<c: lo rli-ar I w C | kki.-. i

daho Dej

We give only two sal in, wo_ave offeiiiig: t

Every slioe in tlie st ■shoes for men, also i the Boyd Welsh Peai

_____ line-o£-misses,-childrDon’t miss this oppc

■e are iKitsalai you c»n't nfford lo miss- qI Qur..alux3 Uwl » ld frotn «A0 In Uld Red Tog *alc a t this low prlce- eml Miort !oU ullt b« tncludrd in t]iU ffroup I sold .up to $C.Si; !f you wsni a hlslugnide c a t n' low price, look Uie.ic ovci'.

ChiHren’s Calfskin Pumps SL98

Olpnir chiliiren’fl calf akin

mj)—-tun um l bliick— dn in ty >-filrnp p n ttc r n ; a Rood shoo g | ' d rcsfl a n d fo rv ic e ; a va lu e itt

- <K1 Oft -wIq P r l c c .................. t p U V O $-1




n u a l R

R e d T a g S e l l i n g o f U a s

-------------------- S h « e s = - . = ^

— S j i o e - V a i u e s ^ p r e i ir/ slno c:i iiur ;3i'> raci. Tlilii } 111 Ijbck iiiut li'.ii Mutu.-1:1(1 i>nd cr.K I• I; (.Uullty ilico v.i-i.h ilnif linii-j tlu' (l;i' |):lu.' of Dib t.alf

O n e R a c k o f C h i l d r e n ’sil'.tlii'; (if a ininU'r t.i u'lil bu . rli.ri ,i il>iT5 III jiituil.. ij'.-d; yml I;;:i i'..!- :. licr.';, and lUhl tan u iii-Uicr.; v.ilii-:; nji ,i j- jiiM U'- i.J u i Ij;-?

. O n e R a c k o f - i ;3 .8 5 V iin't'li'.i'ii's \lim-.. Ilic-v arc ull iN-v-niiL', iiiy_ kIiwii tlini '/rrr pm on'U a: J

ill kid'.i ii'.rtl i-Ily palciii;.: imc.iiy <in.'-Mra|« in Iii;:li aii.l

rli.'c (.11 (tl..: r.ict: f(ir llir entire 4ttiiii c! 111.- :al.' lit .

> n r l h i c l n T f c R o y s ’. j k . e s )

a n d O x f o r d sV.'!:.', ;viiiL McKiyv, Ill'.li mid low hill, all liii’li Krjdf :iri;il;i'f!;. clor<d me, Ir

:c.-. IU ii.lO. n tliKf .

( n e R a c k o f M e n ’s D r e s i

a n d O x f o r d s: ; irl: lak(^ our blni;i':i ii-JiMl'jm in i: 1. Hrrr v.(; li:v,' luiiitcJ otir inlirc nlcx'

iiiiiiilx-rs and Wl- liavc t.ikcii onMill,lle.l :iiid ili.-c-tii:,'. tnd i!i,-ui.n ll;ei

Imvc of ..........

O i i r G i v e A w a y R a j;o\» 'oral u MnaU or liavr n nnvrw t ryiluy ktiuc made from ttie llimi Icatlier ■I llwiiKli_lt may U' ulljliily cm of *tyle, Oivi- Avuy Jt4(ck. nlioc un Iicre

; lo Ull' lucky flndcr’at

partmenttirfhe~MWcales each year. To reduce c the K'l' values ever gi

stock, shows a radical redu ' all the original Chippewa acock shoes, Walk-Over, C Iren’sTmd'Uoys’ sirdes, all e lovtimity to supply your sl

, Don't fall lo we the bln valiie.i ofi A) tot. Alt &UoM tlm l so\d Irom t!

KO nl $4.SS—UiU Includes nil of o:ii up numbers, tn Patenls. llglit Kid I de novelty slioes; n large assortment m

.nnd practically atf sizes.

Children’s Novelty ’ Pumps and Oxfords;

$2.98Ono large rack clilldrcn’.s fllioe.i nt clcnn*up pricc.i. This lot con- fiist.i o f ghort lotfl o f our virty .shoes. Bu.stor Brown niul Skcczi.x; fancy pump ond Iwo-

Roles; vnluM to ( ^ O D O H 5 0 ;'S n lc Price......< D ^ . S / 0

oys’ Best Grade 'C 'l - Dress Oxfords, , ".. $3.98...... ............... .....

r t t r t ' t h e m i .......• Blister Browi and H urtin drcxs oxTords to in tho M ^ l Don't t . nt this low prlco-new of Plonhelm l™ loo. «n. «toataa , Dorbor w elll^ . _wnu-^ . . .

boodj’ear'irflt~toIe*'; all

S3.98.... .... : ■'


IM T a]l E B MIT least n rp i 'i- te n t w itif

iasem ent

:iil'.-. ljnhp;i' lots hi

........................- ......

il’s S lid es’r S ' S

Valuer,.lilt', ui iv(|i piiiv'i

i c p g J i i o e s - - ^ ^

•.'.I. T.iii mill lil.icl: tly. Iriiii ilrun.t » • '5’*fW ao

■, S2.4!)

’CRS Shoes' i'.v

in rin in m .l bcv.V-:iiD.:k. c;,-.:,!..,. ,ip..

;| onr iviiiUr rati;iiieiii .;:i III UL till).S1.98

Jack -ov>- tool or Viaiit an ,atluT III tlif world ; o rityte, (luii't |u ;.i,u |i ’. - v - - - - —"S ^ M W jW

^ ■... 79c- « M H I

; Store’s , ('cyoffM%:e our stock ,ind liiake i-oom ■given in th i.i department.

duction during this sale. Fli va work shoes and Boots. A l

, Cantilever, and Wilbur Co 11 a t very attractive prices.' shoe needs-at those great £

s » “ 1 6s offered In llii5 Never before have wc im wns in IRK ' 11 1' ' BTOUll m te.115 lo W.B5'f oiir new i-prini: Pedlso Wrbcr. nnd U i•I,I Thr new paaliM l(-at ieri aiid Uiadci hricld IcaUier*.nt lo Mlecl from, . irau ,e„ ; come early i

.............' . ; Chil

l\% Ully 1 'likj Sj / ren’.'ir » M F I c a lf i

' r^ " t o clc ----liuVtTi

l o r s h e i m S h o e i

$&85 :lont M u Uiis. opportunity to eet that extrt helm slioes a t this t r e t t ' s a ^ ; every pair ) In the great sale a t .this low price-


SEME5tn tnc exception ol contr

t' 2 for 1 IlGsieffSale

••• ' 111: nii'l ravoii Iri.'j; fi)'r lV,|tl..|l—ttlilcli-M'll-ct-CH*—

» rw tv* rr« • ' I"’*''''' ' Ci'I:>l':; IliKlc. K.'cili'll

niiuikelsCOiHJ Sliijle

ciCi IwrdiT. h ill 3 iiiiiiiiit

White Turkish

H l M m i A f(.ll Value :!.’)C ltt'.Y('l, IJlir mid JH H S E B fHfv. r.iin:rii:i(nl tu dv r loti

Alt nlimiinum wnn-: ull nla.'.i.

S A iB jS f l '’I l; i'-,: ull. fancy Klai.m-arc, nil

ii:<‘l: of lioiue fiiniLililiig<

i i ' i i 'r ' . eliililrcn'r. ll‘J.^il'n', ru^f

^ 1 fl Every pair of shoes g U p . il) stock reduccd 10

Great She

)m for the big full line which t. ■ 'Flor.sheim, Walk-Over and Fi All our ladies’ high grade shi


it savings.

p r - Mwc given such values a. you Here I.i ah

TOUii-llii: very tww«t « v l« i.h m a t thII such lines as Walk*0\'cni. „ , „1 U m pf Bi™ C o .-r ,l« r . to *"pastel. ro(iebIush and stone at IlIJO,Hera. aLw patrnl and novelty French kidrly and get your choirc uf aLw patentf

hildren’s Pjay_0,’iford3; _C1 '■'$2,19

ne liirKc n sM rtrac n t of child- in’.'i oxford.s— p a te n t nnd ta n lif a n d timokc elk— m nde on In le f lk u ffe r !; w ide toe-s f e j liich givc.s lo ts o f toe ro6m :

c lean up a ll nho rt loU w e _ tvc jirrnn jrcd"on6 'm ck o t 1 a t thiH low (DO 1 Ci •icc ; S a le P rice .... Sal

e s W a l k - O y “

extra pair Oonl pass up thU Qpportunltr pair $10X0 ^ ^

.low price; o'ery pair of pur, ----------- -W B lk*O T O i'80 'tn 'thU '^ ’ « te '

..... .. 1 $fi.45

MORNING. ,IUNE 19.1927.

tra n c er?T 3= :Pilract goo(js ^

i Klirlr,. ^ ^ 2 = 7 * ^I'ciii'li jV-i'-Ti’-itr: Ale- I ___ _

19c > -i=. QosiES=OuLOutSl

and Pink Kort,]p 'l l ib u ja a VLry iK)|iiilar paticr

cli.rc l«e.i"io llic fiiclury tUijip;' iiuiiil _iitl hii'i I,..I'O i:uo ivory IxiIIki.

1-liii i r ::'te;.. Cmi|i- »a:i|i?, 11-jwl

,98''1/2 ■

illQsiiiK.-O.ut-QurJ Coin Gold

Tills, liieludca.tdil pieccs In, W, ’ ?'**' IDyal AUilrtan, Ila\arUii. ttid ot

Ciiiu IJ;tiii.-.s, iJiipiitM. IJake y '*V 1 / .tiujwA aiul Cieimccth p / 2 1‘rlcc

i;v;ry jilsliily marked. Jiiit


..'rn> In KnilMi t)liiliig^ In dr(!er to make rsam for lU'w ■nen‘.i ,u- Iuve (Ircldeil t j tuK? tolIowL-.c jilwrt;

0 0 1 / l^ “lt Ulilies, OaU: ____ t ) o / : { 5-!ii:li I’lat.

Entire Stock of P “liS Dishes Reduccd fi

10 Peri

loe Store

lich will soon bc

1 Freeman dress I shoes includingIB—oui>-9plendid-------

= | p g =

1 ah opiwrtunliy lo buy our very best*, al th ti low price. TliLi Rnrap IncluiScs )ur Peacocic slioe-i ulilch are good values iO. Everv |» lr lliLi season's style—

kid Icntheni. In the new llglii’sliades, jtentn and fancy evening shoes: don't ■CTrne-cartynmnrsc imi soon «a

_Children’s_Play_Sandal5_ and O.xfofds, $1.39

I f you w a n t a Kootl .shoe f o r the w a rm w ea llio r, you w ill f in d it in thi.H lo t— m ade on th e Sku f- f e r ln .s tr- iiil le a th e r soles, 11001/! n n d c o u n te r s ; p a te n t p u m p s ,-

- ta i r o x f o r d i r r n l l " R o - i i tn > i l f n ) n i r p r ic e ; Q Q S a le P r i c e ..................t P l . O i /

)y]er Shoes

^ »

- i


B I• _______ _ __J

----------------- - - --— I

.................— ■ - ' I

jteubenville Blue ^ — ■der Pattern ,icrn wlilcli wc am foreed lo ■;ipitl |ir'.Klnc;iii! ihci.e' pattemi :l. , •' wli, OMvy Di,itie.-. iJiiKsrs and •'i:rij;t2.".2UP3ic2zr:zr i t — r “ . ■ / ‘I ;

J a f e J t « a b ^ =•Id Ware'\V. s. aeort:c seinl-porceialn. Votliir odd pieces.kers. Covcn-d Dishes, riatlers. - - -:cf.. Plates, Uo'iilw \ /« / 2 ' " ■ u a come in' and take lialf ofi. '

luing the ; Pattern ,ninntr«Tirc -w pattiiriu coming In this fall jle this, jwltcrn and offer Uie •' V

lUiieals. Platters 0 9 1 / . > |i lies. Lens v O f Z '■ \U

Plain ahd 'Faiic^ ' for the Big Sale •Cent

Buy Now ! And Save •

A l l ' P r e c m a n r r h =

D r e s s S h o e s a n d ! ^

_____ , 0 r f p r d 8 _ _ „ . _ _lodudMl In u i i Uc 1 ' a t I ll

- - - M s —Here is b r u e opporttaltr - ' i i'.v u bu7. a raU dRCt iboe » t . . t .:'a* Ulls price. AU our iww 7re»> in ia th iM SD. ln ih li - i ik , .- T k B tn d - b lx c r a t t t tm n i^ , '

b ^ ^ U n . u d H v - i n o n coD iem tln ( t j lM .. , 'D e b t : . ' . 2 s n

faj# Threflj! ./

Page 12: ion I I^TH E C TW I[N FAvaa.s tD A H · iwurlngs. the amilsllce day celebration. ets. and the return of Uie victorioui ^ Cardinals

vfiigo Foor


. 1 ______ II »'■« •Monili------------ ------~ •« ‘

I* McunA «.1M infill iii»l"T,Alirll f, IIII, nl lh» iKiilorrirp al Toln n nU f, lilalii). undrr ili* uct u( Uiirdi 3.

iiuTied ^v^rV'VnoriUiiB rxi-nn Moniuy, ll t ln } >IU K’ck* i'ciliilxMni; Cu.. Ihl'. ,,

if ]M>ii ________

f i ■' ';l 'I fllllllrlj lu (liP u .r l.rr it ,mi|.|U Alll.ri .if ........ '-lll-JIC«r«-tllirn1rhn •Tr'IIIrd t'" H.’*r w l

' l rlSIili Ilf r<-l«ililk-4ll"ii of ■•.''fl-il «'l«' Ul I j . iftiiclun licrilii iilM rrf-rw.l. _______

• [ (AT) tnmin AMwUlr.l I-rn^_____ __j|) •’ ThV N « i li u iiimlitr of !lj" Aii'III q1 lliiflio Ilf CiiniUllo:i. fmiii lullI liilurm.illmi u* lorlfi-iiUtii ii lc

.________laltiuil iilK't) oM)llc.ill''ii. Iitli.llnl liiiiir-I ] — II

■ Mini''"• - ■ . KrapNs orsjiih'f Iiitilrltiiilr l in.ilii r. .y .

.lr|i^» , u i r n. r'llM/l.fU "

tihl',iiili.wiuj..^li7 1 ,,|KATioSAi. nr;i‘jii:i:i;N''-.‘Tivi^‘<- is

. ------N.w-Vufk.-ailtauu. IIII j el«u, I...1 Allli'lrii. lil.lllji'-

’ , f . . NOT IltilK ^

III NorlUcrn California, nolablj' qi lliroiiKliciil Moiloc iiml_sul(iyou Cwm- k 11k . nn ormy ot nn>.*J.rioi>i>fra Is inov- ni

' coI front iliouwnds ol Ject long anil tic- fr.

kIroyliiK Uic cruiM a t a nitc of ati- iJi , I viiicc ot from a (iiiirliT lo a Jmll ii ni< I j mile n tlay.1.1 ______Nl) vcallKC ot crfcn croninR crojn m

rt'iniiias. kvtry iiaruelc tt clcuncti iii» mi • U3 llie liiiccb move (onvnrd. Aiul cc

■ ............ llioiisiSiiIli of frc-'h rccniiln nrc bclnu Im,,____ to i i_ ^ - _ l t L j o l i i , 41iC-q^^^

.■ nw S'M r'To'darc'dM V nV ci’ion hasinot I I Ui^n u-ldwprcad- bul lliouiand.'! cJ

acrca .ol grain tuiiil ll ^ cl)y In llie I'alh of march and to far lio ndcquate •

' m » m )iB3 been duvtwd to xlo|> tlie a<l« q , I 'vance. mi

Tons of iMlsonctl bron and molniccs ^cj have l»en uted; fire liwi been called jy

I Into play and many other measures u„I taken. thc'iJficlcncy of ulilcli 1» haied

upon the IiaUlls cf Ihc pest. Siil lhe ab: army is nol'vanqulxhed. cct

; K U d iffl^It to comprehend Just anwhal such”a'scourBC mtiihs 10 0 coun- cgt Irjilde. Obfcn'cra declare that when bn the trasslioppers arc on tho march, fje

_>rom a 'llt lle distance the ground as>- ] ' ]tean lo be moving. Not enough men (o

can be secured lo edequately cope with of-------- thc-jnllllon»-upon-mll!lons cf-tnsecta. nu

Sxtermlnated a t one point the pest arc breaks out In .another M d wherever It am

; ' touches Iho destruction Is complcle. n 1 We of the Ttt'ln Kails Countp hap- gaiI pllyiJb' nol have to tvorry aboutr Bnuis- -ai

,i . ■ ■■ hoppers yel It were fooIlU) to ImDglnc (di th a t this or any other ceclluh Is Im- rcg I' mune from occaslcnal trouble 'In one {Hj;

’« way or anoUier. ' k jIn lhe past ilie while fly li-is de- am

. ___ ur,Upy«l.our-l>cct.croiinindjLJcis.years „ o(ICO a mere iprlnkllnc of gnuahopper»

• am a Rooa many Uiou.und Hollars'I worth of damasc. Troubles due lo ^

| r water shoruge arc happily nl itn end,'lU but there can be no ttunlion of lhe ijj] «rlousness of the iioiclous weed men- ^ IjU ace In lown and counlry..| t ' Su l nothing like Uie CalUornIn c ra u ; Ed:

hopper p « t has ever happcnd to ns. I ' Wholesale devastation Is unknown. “ <>'

wind tn d eleclrleal storms come rarely. i --------- r io o a n x c n n w rsn n i :— "I Tlie mild brccua. cloudlcM fkles. cool (; niRhts and sunny ilays of wl Idaho I Slimmer should be olvcn more conild- | J 'I eriitlon Uian Is usiinlly accord'd by the ,„ i

imthlnklnj. and when ll coniw to the I cnwlnu of crops ll li probably h fact

I IbaU^^where li^NorUu'mej'tca.b.tlicv-Jl

I I '■-thKn' rlRhl-hcn: h rU ic Twin Palls —Country.

I ' ' n iiN A

li Litely they hive been UkiiiK duuiillie barricades In EhsiiRhiJ. Tlial u lo

I Kiy. the "torclRii" rcttlcminw In llialI nrral eomnicrclal clly luvc bctn re-i ititj^in^the*ricffnse.'5’they set'tipTi'fCTr' •**P nienlh!; afia, v.ltli dramallc linpre-v.ivc-

nir.i. lo prolpct iheli' while rrjldcnla , lioin tlie "iurj- ot ypllo\i' liordr.i."

! Tlifj'' Wtrc u rifiu ird iitir ili'ciicchVs , . a . f d ihcir property parllculatly from, ih'c NallonallsH. ratfptiiK »1> from

Canlon. under Ihc Icadcrslil;} ot Clilani; ' Kal-Shelt. Thti-« Nailonallsb. Ihey loudly declared,'Wflre ciill'torctKii. red \ ' thcmKtvrt and_ damJnaiM by Il«l In­fluence, frcm -Moscow, deicnnlncd to ^

sweep Europeans into the sea ami (X‘ ],, tabllsli'ik Communlil lytlsm that would Ss miikc Chinn iiR»fe for all whiles.

Tlie Nationalists have niched * j — Bl»ne}W-«nrt*fluwed-#rourjd li-hke —

a hvff Jn .flood, ami p e p t on In pur- ciilt of Uic shlfiy norUiern -»ar lords aiid their tottered , armies. And the frigiileneti forelpien. In Shaiwhai nre • (o

_''’ ta |c ^ w '^ f^ t t i« j ,h i iy sjop'riirleking /* X « iirS ltr iH d '£ a v ics - to d c fc ^ In. ‘ rtsume business u usuiJ.

• It. U SCOT now tnoTc'cIearly Uial tlic . .srpU '/lhaiiu^^X T U acu A rs -n ^ nU;^ - -

>6iO M liorflirnm ..»s-ltoy were in 't^e ' t'Bijxtf 'inm 'em w t'of a.ffen9r>Uon ago:

: . , th k t^ 'e » ,_ « p 'n '1 o i of m U prep /

. attenUon of the p o w * ; thal liieV/ r ip rw d it joo

•.1, . .v .. ;- .. : .............. .

u o m a general way. the b « l aiplrallons . . cf modtm China; llml Moscotv has had

lar1-: ond programs lhan the world was led ‘:o lo-'lHJlcVcrthRrihc-greatcst^perll-to 'I - China hes not In ilie Canloncso move- >i'> ment, but In the nortlicm movement . ’■ for rcaclloii. led l)j men who represent Z briBnndnge am! rcscUon. ratlier tjuln

iirliiciplc anil iniclliscnl mbidcmlsmi


. Hr..' VL-)~t>.,44VUf^t-hB‘>4ieCtHlelft- uii:,ltnlcd. iitp iiu.v only about llilrty-

~ lI;iFc hour;; np.iit. Ik-rlUilsahUIcinorc lluiii that, mm .^uidon a little less.

','i[ Call ll a liay niid ii Half from America lo Eiidand, I'funcc. Germany or

■j' K KtHtroltoi by horse atui

I '' le.'cniiii foriy or'filiy miles. Improved ni iraa';xi:tniliiii lia:. increased our range ' t alfeaily lu-.irly iiiif iiuiidrcd llme.i. and

Is jleaiHb-brnmiiu; tlislnnl places still' f nearer._____________ ______

II 1.1 llmc 13 =:1: isa in the old Dlb- “ lical (|UCMiun, "Wiio Is thy neighbor?”

Already Ihc Irjiliini European iwwera ily ore nur iit-li;iibur% hi almCMl as real a n- (ense as u rrr the pcojile over In llie V- ncxl vill;ii;e in tiiir piunccr days. And 1* ~~......i..b-:..i„i, Mil. nihr|- f-rjminl ofe- frlnidly Inlrrrnurjc, la va.iUy quicker j- than trniii|)orlaIlnn. as Uie other' Is ll more jKTmeablo llian the air or water.

Evidrnlly It I.i lime for lhe develop- X. m int of a new neigliDorllncM. on a ^ MaTc Lo vast as lo have been incon- id eclvnble lo former 8cm*railow,.sweep-.IU lug away Uic prejudices based on tlielrIS. Inclt-flLcpnlact----------- ---------------------at ' ^


Tlic I'rcnch tlycrs. Nungcsscr and *• Coll, have nol been forgotten In the

mldkl ot Amcrlfa's rejolcinlf'over rc- ^ cent avlaUon triumpla Since early In

Junc a searvh from lhe air has.been . under way. which will cover evcrj-

^ square mile of the wild and liihospll- able Interior of Newfoundland., That scarcli Is to be as Intensive ns [WMlijIc

>,l and wUl not cea.-ie until ll Is definitely '■ established whether or not the two I' brave French airmen camc to carUi on >1 Newfoundland.

In Uie fneanUme, a benefit sliow Is lo be held In New York, the proceeds of Rhleh will go to llio famlllcir of

>' NuiiRUser anQ Coll. American flyers ■t arc selling the Uckets for Ihls benefitI and Intend tojiiake It a success.

■rtlese two ihW litful services arc re- ‘ gardcd by Uic men backing them as■ "America's Job." Tlie work undoubl- c (dly would hni'c b«n uni|crukon-hero■ rcgirdlefts' of Lhidbergh'c succes-nlul c fllClit and great welcome In France.

Ils carrying oul Is silll more liniMr:-• am. however. In view of J'tcncli gen-

r -------------------- -------------------r

I I th :e forum I. CAIUNO FOU Till; n . \ o

: Editor TWm Falli Ncw»: . .1. Dear Sir: M'ay*I draw your nucu­le tlon lo the sltuaUon which existed yes-

tcrday evening?I _Ycjtcrclu'.cvcnln£jlicJ?ntlcnalJ1aB J

wns left M A dceorallon after sundown.II Orneml I’ershlng recently wrote in0 article In whlcli lie statra tlial the flag

should be dlsplayctl cnly from sunrlsn to runjct. or between such hours os

® may be'dcslcnsied by proiwr authority, e I am sure this mbtakc w u unlnten* t tlonal. still care should be taken lo pre­

vent Its happening again.!8lgD cdl_-A eirangrr in.Your.Cliy,..

* ......................

1 To Enclose: ' ■ the Porch

' llvt.ble“ liii O. D. W iuj*ui Windov 1 Siilx. L<islntlltliellghi«ndtun>hln«

and kcepi out the diugrecablc things , th :t decnctM much frtjRi tht cofflfoRS >' o(yourhomc..

T h i p rice V c r iq u a ri : :I foot is on ly 2 5 c im u . Ttuly sn economtal «ra|r to purchss*

.-hcuiM (omfon and dssnllncu snd ra*k«~! forexHsroom.WtlI-nnde.ofKl»«ted [ VllrKitlfdfir and fir« quilityglsu, iKe_' -fir« fO «I. ic»n8bwt&d- • '■ ioih...uitetoiitoi Catalos

; - M j -

; O . B . W i i U A M S ^ .S a s k M d O t t o r s

• 300!< . s ^ « , ;W u k


5 }

‘ Marooned iI

By George Marsh r = = = = = = = = = = = = =

As nullirie Wl llu> triiile hnuio lo « ' M'i'l; Ills riKiiii al ruiiiiirnii's liunpllnlilo' ijunrK'ni mill imiicu hliiiielf present’ , di' ulilc for the HUppcr on wlilcli Mrs. ln- Oii(ii«rmi-wonlil-fpare-no-effert,—h#- it

tumed for-n-siiort-jtroll acrois-tho xT . rlr..rliig,_.Hp_wn>. nupronclilnc the , T,

iiilssiuii will’ll lliu fur-liooiled flguni i»of n woniiin pnMcd him .a t n short n dislancu «n n pnrullcl putli. Tlie face In Um li'iod irnK turiioil from him hutthi> Mi'liigliii; strlilo of llio iiirKcailneil tl:fi'i't arimxi'il IiIh curlimity. The white ii< wijiui'ir ri'jildi'iils of (iiirposl wulii bo coiiult.ll nil llio flngi’rH of ft hnnil, l l«yn n slraiiwr—a new iiibslonDrjr -j Ii'iirlirr (it the finiliiiii Iinjlnn school,liiiuiilii-.-'s. .\t Ute mission the paUix toiiii'l, ami Giilliriv turned vrlth a “c<kmI gi I'vi'iilnj," as tlio woniDH In Uie fur'I'lijHile eiiiiin nlirrimC, In gnap, wllh a n,

•fnriw»«lri«>uml!nrhi'nrCu'sirff looked" biiiiin Uio laugliliif cyci of Jonn Quar- furlcr. • J

"Voul llc ro r’ tic esclnliiied, gnzlng of al till- uptlilvd Iioud as If nl a glioil.

•'tVi'leoiiio to Albany, .Mr. Kxlle." j,l

•Tvo Ju«l If'fi Sirs. Ciiiiiernii, nn.l [,r l:new nf your nrrlvor with'Ilmt fphu- louK nuiuunl nf fur. Congraiulatlims ,ii

Illll. , j;,"Vnu—wInli'rlng_j>t_All«uijr,"--lio tc

ninliiiuril, ‘nml you never tuliI m e r The i-fllnr 'niso tn tlid dnrk ]lal^ on

her fiirelienil. “I found a Juli. You Ci HI! tlii'y iipodcd a numo tcrrllily, nt j r lhe sclinol." Her eyes avolilcd his >n aeari'hliiB loolt now. "Jly liMiiiVr re- y„ (urns In the sjirliig, so I decided to on

•wall for him here.""Uut whi-n I left, you weru leaviug ,f,

In n day or Iwi. fur Mooup," ho reli'nl- ,]„ Ics.siy i>i.’r»l«ied. "Ami you wrmo my ClirlHliims id le r nud iirviT Iniil me „ yon wero only ninety iiilies away," hg adiltii repniiichfully. ^

•'1—1 cmiWn’i Iniorfero with the— eh .rour light for tlio fox trade," she re- ji PHmI weiikly. ba

"Well. Iho fact Is. Mins Joiin Qunr- (c: rier," he siiid wliii ii iiiueii, •'Mini you're hen< at Albany, niiii I'm nl .\l- hany. nml I lierehy nnniiiiiiee llml I’m ,], gninc (i> stny n day, or two, or three, nud talk lo ymi." ,„|

"I'm siiri-," site said wlthj^B Inw hmr, |], "Ihnt ynu aro iiio«{ flatleflng. Hut of you fiirgct tlml my eniiildyer, Jfr. Bwun. does lint n|iprnvc or you, Kir.” ..."All Uic.wuniu.for.SwaB,.then, for I'm gniiig lo Kpc you toniorrow iiinn'i- o Ing, nfieniooii. and evening. Swim or j,a nr>*S<w'nn. 1 nm n miiFl>;rfu1 iinin nn<l "i; will huvo ui)> wny. Whiii iliue tonight dl) I km>ck on liie door of tho Ilev- yo wnd-KwnnrMVIih-iiil-tilifyes-(i«rtl. wns cnressins the faco wlilch had ,ip

-riniK^t'>.hliuUuUhiLJlrUn_U!L£212Ei Ja; fnllowol him over liie tundra of AkI- inlskl. companinned hla dn<fliii«. The nilriiclo of her heiiig hen-—lo mlk lo— Qf look at, when hif had tliuiight her ')k aiiuth ncruKS the foreiilsl Ami why , . hail she slnycd on In the dreary norllil „

"I Uilnl; you i'«iiiil roine U]> tonight." Jpnn's teeth iliihiied In nn aiiurlni suilie. "I’ll Iry lo rei'nncilo Mr. Hwne lo iho hitter iIn»o of ynur presence,

aic_itt.'c jla_iua-hcre^uuJtuuiv-Jnil« .|,j my riporleiico valuiililf."

lli-iimvlng his mlllcn. wliii a r)utcb d niovemenl (InrUi kliiijird olt Hie m il ,vl Irn of lhe surpiMil i;irl nud look hei ul liniiil. "I need .’'on here," he aniil, "n»Writ ns Swan. Klght o’clock tnnigtit r j . And wnlkiil siilflly nwsy, mad lio]>e In li!s lirnin, hi.< emotlnns nut nf nand

Why liii'l «hi‘ riiiyeiO . Wiiy hod nhe

: ------ -------- READY-M: j 'o u liavo i t wl: m en t chancc conics?

: A SnvinRii A ccoun t: Fnlhi H ank & T ruK t Co• • 1‘. iwh-sIH c' f()r. yp ii . tj s u rp lu s fu n d fo r y o u r

: ■! jior con t in te r e s t ci: nnn im ll); w ill h e lp ilI ■’ • u (ronK ’ |iank'. 'A nd ro

___ • po.<|iLH m u c lc o n o r Jjc]i ' th e m op lh , d ro w ihl

f iru t o£ th a t m o n th .'

^ a r

DAILY NEWS, TWU J FAstnyein h. ,.,.ji|)ila8.tiliwvir a ( Bthurrlifj lo Csmeron's house. . ,

• — AHllM»r-Anj.FC<iWeroiii*^CulliWi i l d r ‘" r t is c t‘aB oia friend on tbc g

-ciciirlng!tv4lght.r----------------------Tho kindly eyiit ot the factor'll wlf« i

grew quluicsl as they tact the (Inace cof her g u e s t, "filio W 8('here trhcn || m cnne clinra to tho kltctii-ii ond toldus of your succeis. W hit did you do ^to that girl laic a*I>t*mber| • Shs and t)I hare talked a lot about you tb li _

Outhrle's heart wanned lo Uic Infer- JJ ence. He fell ths blood-In hls face,

’ iiiiil atrhve to~m'ri.f~hl«>mhnrfiia»niei^ ^

come Kl stny and help that etllgy of c J a man, Rwhnf? ' • 'p Sin.' Canicron nailed. "Tlier wer*

>, drcftdfulljr In'need of snmo ono who '• had trulnlng. JinK the children had „ »• lorae-aiiDKnnuia'S ivflB'fltia-tilrvlrt- 9 werc ftfU itlt 'wliV er,iL- I suppoM Cl Juan cauldoifc-rwlsi-Uia csll,.'aaJier ^ 1 brother vag to rclum to the boy la |> t tho spring.”» "Did you meet hlmt" aikcd Oarth. , t "Oh, yes, they ato here novcral I times. V ery. luiiioriaat person—the _ » iloclorl" a5 "A h -h !"" 'T h !V fro n r Cntiierdn. j, f "W hal’s Iho niatler," laughed Oarlb. r '-Uldii'l you IlkB hlml" ! '■ "I.lke hlm t It was all I could do «• to (in'p my .lmmls oft Umt rooster," •''' ' growled Uio lord of Alhnny. ' ’He *•' I" mmio n formal protest In tvrlUng to' ilu u a m iP A B M ^ -ih r^ -^ h a r tic in n r ■' been Insulted by ynu and that you ro- ' fused tn sct-hlsslutC on Aklmlskl, hnl 1 '

I told Uicra a t iliKiio what I thought •« I of him." • »'■; Gnrth wos grateful to Cameron for <>'

hls omission of other details o( Quar- f rier# charge*, whlfli h« knew JoanI hnd .Bconifully-dcuiollslicd. - _ j ----------"J

"Well, JIlss Q uarrierls not respoii- ' sli)lo for her'brother. Could I bring

Swan'almost kirki-d mo out In Sep- “t> tcmbcr.". .

"Why, o£ coursc, Major Guthrie.. I ' was inilng to ask you to," said ilrs.' Cameron. “Tho'jKnir child haw li 1 dreary enough time with tl* Swans. "" ' Tlioy’vc been worrying ahoul her soul.■ you know, hecauio of her llbernl views' on rt;ligl0D." • ' * „

After supper Carth hiirrled over the ' Irail 10 Iho misnloii. At his knock the ’ door wns ojKned hy Ute mlssionur}'.

If (Jnrth Oiithrhi hnd .been sus-■ cejillhlo to withering looks from aI reverend gi'nlienniii whfwfl mmger *“■

framo stiffened .iinnislly In the hliick “• cloth nnd cleW .il eollsr nfrected by• Mr. Hwnn, hc.wi'Uhl .havc'heen em- *"

barrnssed a t. tho chilly rcceiillon et- J :■ tended to him whin he Mid:

•'C!o«l evenlog. >lr. Swanl I have ’ coiup to take « i« Quarrler over to• the Caiiieroris’ fiiMhe'evening." ' ' ,■ “You,-sir,"•.'.C’.ilih'nanlly replied the

misxinnury, "hnve jiut yonrself heyondI lhe pale—hnvo nn.right to Iho society .I nf pure women." - •■ - -• • • _S

llandH on hips, fnr a space Rartli smiled gnod'nmiircdly dnwn on Uie =

■ crenllr iielled .Swon, struggling he-• rolciilly with lhe jiart his cmiwienrc bade him play. Then tie snld i|iiieltyi

' ".Swan, If ynu choose to believe tl'e I nonsense wllh which Qarrler filled• your peanut Imiln, tlierc ls no luw I t

■ opportunity lo Judgo and slii- duesn'tt J u t l to a - iL . .shft ia ,Q liu . litr.»<Tn _• mistress nnd capahlfl ul determining■ ^ler own actions. 8ho Is going tu Uie■ Camerons’ with now. Tell her I'm f here I"[ ■ -The la it was sfoken with such cf>ld I vehi'iuencu Ihnl tteverend Swan In-

siincUvely ilreiv buck, fenrlng bodily I -harm. Hut the lltlle mnn wns stub.• bom. "MI-« Quarrler was pinceil uk-• dor iiiy'pmtcctlon by her hruUier, I> -hnve-iMluly' .................... .............. —

"Oil, Is llist you, Mr. dulhrleJ"‘ cnlliil n feminiiro voice from winie- ,• where In Uie hnllding. “JniH a mlii- I uio! . I'm intlllns on my ciinfc’ •' "MUs Qiinrrier," nmiouiired lhe red-

faced jiilKsi.mnry, oware, Umt Ihe ultu.' atlon'w n« swiftly slipping fnmi his

control. "I yim wiilking to tlio '

-MONEY---------------- ; 'w h en y o u r invest- •

■s? ! \

l in t w ith Uie T w in |. C o m p an y will m nko ' ' . \111 to u c c u n u ila tq 'u ’ . _ |■our o iip o r lu n ity ,_____________ :

s t com polin tled w nii* • . ' ; i l to K row ill th ia :

1 re iiio rnhcr. nil 36- ........... :J jc fo rc th e lO lh o i •ih tc re ii t f r o r t K ' i H c :

[ ' • ;

m t M \ :'lars'Seryicie: . ■ ^

n U B , IDAHO,SUNDAY:'• ■•'Oli.'Sn-.-Bffanl'Tcu can't tia realty

J*«l9!» ia_JoU -Ji. >le C ^ i ^ n «pecU m t . ’# atiil I’m 'su rt ny reputation Is good- -ejiough to aorrlra Uie v a llf Ijifro with -

Mr. authrlfc ' 8ho w sf talking as one^ coaxes a child, and Guihrlo l i t his ^ 'n lipi In an attempt to stlflo'a lough.Ill •'Miss Quarrler. jo b know tny ,,lo nlolies. If you choose lo dlsrcgord a.n

them-i." ' ' • ■ n j i_ “Mr. Guihrlo li atLCdiicfltcil geallfc. eu :

man," broko In Joan, "not a cavo tlcaman. 1 will be homo by ten o'clock, nos

ft -fl'w l night l”-And-^fow.liiii:-tW t-Uie"ntscfinitlte<l Kwaii; JunTi Qilafflcr the

)( closeil Uio door of the mission In ills cxo• face. « Koi

•« ' "If Is not ditncult' to leil trhii's on.comiiinndliig here," churkicii OuUirle.

’ "I don't Ilko to humiliate liie lllUe ^* man. 1I« means well enough- hut It ,!!;

l i i e T ^ l l ' l c m n t c a V m ^ ^' tWs counlry, and Ihe Ohlales sirong d .^ (jues. like jour frlend.iIVrc-iittus.iftiu.- xtTiT ^ the Indluns will Hock to the French."

■‘lint Cnincron tells me you^•e done ^'• wonders wllh thu orpJinn Crecs," boL' "OU yesl F'.-!' hii'ii unpful to them and’ —Ihat's why hu dousn't dare exert the ^.. ..ouUiDrlty.whlch my..liiinnrahii' brother Uie

bestowed uiKin him. Iimigliic, nursing nor■ hell

th ree 'ycnrj In Fmnct*. nnd hn rln j acci, Mr. Kwnn to guide my faltering feet I” ond• She laughed merrily, a i they swuoB

through the stinging air of the clear- N!; Ing. _ . . - Kut[- - Tlifl mnn buide her was hardly = . awnrc of his moccasins touching tho ; brlttlo snow, so lifted In spirits waa.> lie with tho nearness ot tho girl whoso

slcnnge dcdilon to winler a t Albany . delied analysis.. "I'ou didn't tell me Ihls afternoon i* ■wh7“ yoinii*eplv(!ij“ TnB~Tig~nT~T'™^ ””

whcrcnboutsJn.your.Chrtstmiistctter,';^. he iiaur'ded.[ " If 1 hnd liild you, would you hOTO I coDia-to jc f t . iu u r slia>askcd. tiuniDC ^

frank,' Impersoual gasc. f "Yftir-

•Thnt Is th e reason."[ "You mean; you didn't wnnt to see

m e r' "1 mean that you had your work to I do—ll wnuld hnvo lntcrfore<l.“

• lie wniked for a upsre In sllcnct*., then turned to her., "You nre .tha t , kind of n womnn—you understand."

"I hopo so."He wos thrilled by the thought thnt

Jonn Quarrler's frlendnhlp wns like , that, llul why hail she sinyeill CnUld •

It bo llml after lhe phoiogruphs she , had seetj a t Klkwan wlUi Uiclr In-

scrlpllona, she had sinyed iieverlhe- , less a t Alhnny hccuuso-hecausn

what? He could tell her now thnt he wns free, since his reply tn Klhcl’s letter which went out lhat aflorno«ri

L tQ.Moose..,nut whnt had his free<1om to do with the girl whose-ovi'rDliocs

I crunched tho snow bPsldo him?"I wonJd llta to a sk yon'n riuetillon."-

h t ' s i i a ^ t ^ i a g ^ ; ^ __________ _^IC onilm iM ln Dcxt usuet


Hour after -anda/

S d e n t i f i c a l l y

------------------------------- t o a a = a i i d l V

v a n a d i u m s t

w h e e l b M B —

p r o v i d e s t h e I

i n g c o m f o r t i

---------- - 4 --------- . A t e v e r v B 6 e

. t i o n — w h i l e

i n p e r f e c t a

t h a t w i l l d e l i ;

T h e C o a c h

^?r:..'695 n y H 2:,a;...*7is ^ 3

■ ^ .........

. j ^ i u » n e ’7 0 7 '

Q U A L I T ^


t S f t e e n = Y e a r a = A g o :

J w h Fal|sL _ ||; Taken From Uie Twin Falla Kewi ‘ FUcs, Thursday, Juno M, lO li

[ ' T b e .f o r tn o l 'o p c ^ of Uie bridge ‘ across Uie Salmon dam is being &r«

p j t g ^ for n u t Friday, June 36. The U ‘appro^fh ’tp the hm prof- I tlcally been completed and Ir^ tle is , now open across lhe rlvcr a t ' that

point. Only Uio finishing touclics to

’ the great bridge complcle. .A special I cxcunlon wUi leave hrrc ot D:30 for

nogeiBOn, wheree conveyances will be , on.iutn^ to uke jUie crowd to the , dam. Those'who Aake Uic trip will , lake basket lunches wlUi them and , ipcnd Uie day a la picnic. Following u Uic-luncb -l»ur-ft-number- of spcccho ‘ wUl be delivered by Malor Fm l Rccd,‘ p . 0 . MacWatten. a rcprcsentnUve of* Uic Luuiiiy buiiuiuuiuiicru lulu outers.

’ A. E Robinson. sUlc engineer, of Boise, arrived In ttie clly niursday,

I and on Friday in company with City ‘ Engineer C. H. Mull, made o trip to• Uie new Clcjtr liikcs bridge, situated [ norUi of Duhl, where a meeting was

held, a t which Uie iiecl slructure was accepted from the Minneapolis Steel ond Machinery company.

Mrs. W. P. Pike and_M RUiL W.- Kunkely liave Issued invlUiUona for-a

Ycs-W c Do Ko<

= = = ? T lv rM « AreCs

“Kodak as

Films left her finished the si

Flower FcI • F i r s t N a f i . E

{ Y fs-W c Do Pict

T rtniftrttlhn


r Hour over I h a p in Coially balanced— swung loi i^v id rths 'bsdy i’H tingen 1 steel springs 8 8 % as Ion e—the Most Beautiful C he most astonishing riding )rt ever offered in alow-pi B ^edrUt> rb l5 WItfi a surety tKat is

ile rough stretches are n< t comfort, A type of perf lelight and amaze you!

ro R < ■ Come in todsr and lee (S a a P I TourM tfihertnsrlsblsbesiS S r " f l o fihene irC hm tite tr Drin

I sndgrt the Ihrlll oflts im w

7 ^ :

1927.':,series of-SOO parties lo be Blren 'o(Uic liWie o( Uw fonner Friday. ■, .

-Dennis Holohan, who Is now. In busl-, . neis' at.-BurIey. .was.caUlns .o n .o la _ _ . Twin l ^ 'f r l e n d s Sunday. •

. Kmest L. Noxcn Jios returned from a three weeks business trip over south-

e era Idaho. ^ ' ' '

c superinlendent' O. M. EUloU lett6aturday-momlng-for-M06Cow-wliero-----

s he will spend two wec)a giving lec- • .1 tures a t Uio summer kliool nt Uio 0 University of Idaho._________

d Wilbur HIU. editor of Uio Twin Falb r Times, represented' this county o t ' a - e meeUng of the 'Eastern Idaho Press e club held hist Saturday and Sunday :l In Msckay. About 30 memben cf Uu 3 club were present from Uio souUieast- ; cm portion of Uio, stale.

I. Tlic acvctilh of Junc Is memorial'day ~ if for Uic'Odd F6lows, and on Sunday

Iccal lodV arscmbled a t the K. of P. f hall and )^arclied lo,Uie Twin Falls r, ccmctcry, where a profusion of'flow* y e n w ere strewn upon the groves of0 Uic dcccoscd members of Um* order.1 In Uie aflcrtiMn a t 3 o'clock 80 ot Uio a Odd~PciIo»-s mef'agalh a t the lull g and n marcli was formed lo Uie Chris- .] tlan church whcro Uie memorial ser­

vice WHS held. n<v. o . E. Evans de­livered Uie address and the cliolr of

' the Christian church sang a numberj of-'uiojodgojhymnsr-:— -------------------

Codak FlnlslUnc ] •

S m f t a i n s ^

l a l l i i i g

syou Go”

ire by 9 a. m.same day. . .........

^oto ShopB a n k B ld ’g .

ictiirc Framlnj. .. ._

- - . .

flfwjRoadimfort/ow to the II]riTchrome W)ng as the MChevroIet_ n lganddriv- W\priced car. //#i\thro'ttlcrit-^~--M ■ —

ts a rcvcla*’’ •legotiated // j. wrfbrmaace Ij jlj

. f o r \ " , - uucr I Jrelt f t .

w i n F a l b 'j(

W G G S ’f :


Page 13: ion I I^TH E C TW I[N FAvaa.s tD A H · iwurlngs. the amilsllce day celebration. ets. and the return of Uie victorioui ^ Cardinals

SGroiHjEip p i i

Forly-Foiir Members ficgis-

. J______ _letcd_roLTivoJVeok_OutingUndor Direction ol Jammo.

"Shoslio^e ciwip U In readliieu for llio wouu, Wld a splwidld proeram nwalU them Uioro." J. II.' Junme, dli* irlct scout executive, tald Silurday. Tlie camp wai prepared durlnj the p u t wct:)c by Mr. Jamme atid 10 Kouli. with Uic dlnln* hall prepared,

• --------------loili!o clpanDdr*nd-cflmp grounda made.'i ready « ltll the-erection of ilx large

- [lymmld typo army lent* with lloora,-----------------WHICH »H1 W U ia\nl-lTU ioT)o^—

Forty-four boys lia»o, rtglalered for llie camp. wlUi potslbly 15 more Irom Flier and matiy from Duhl and Kim­berly Intrndlns to attend either Uie first or aecond week of Die camp. ‘I'hey will leave this momlns a t 6

' - o’clock for the camp....................Pcoturca of Uie camp routine thla

tcason. according to Mr. Jamme, will be archery and leaUier-worklns, wlUi

' hlklns. campcralt and oUier scouUnsactlvlUn belns nivcn much attention.

....... .... ........■nie-6h(Mlioii(> camp-wlll-bcBlo-un.i]rr dlrrctlon of w. A. n)ompMvi.

Y ' caniplne dfrecior, Mr. Jamme and Junior offlcera climen from the .(couU, Junior offleen assisting Mr. Jamme In the manaRcment of the camp will be Tom Adams. Alfred Dunn and Edwin Colbert. Russell Osgood will bo camp bURler. Troop seven will be In attcnd-

-------------- hnw T H iscnnraorairR nBinsf-sjm it:^master W. F- Nixon, and Walt Weaver. BToutmaster of troop three, will bc In attendance «lUi his squad.

------ --------- --- Camp nefliler---------- .V—rCool^^rhttve 'been engaged for tlie

two wi'cki" camp, P r ^ Varney TwUic head cqok and Charles Wcltner assist­ant. ^ a l s will be prepar^ along

— wflLlmlanecd rations, and acampcan- teen Bt which 'each scout will bs-a]- lo;vc(l to spend but 10 centa n day for candy and oUier sweot« will be estab-

. IWied.Following arc Uiom to attend Uie

camp registered a t tho office of Mr. Jamme:

Runsell Osgood. Howard Gerrlsh. Aldo Hannon, Clarence N>‘e, Edmund Turner. Robert UemlUer; mil Demlllcr,

............ n ay -S lm i,. Illdiard -Howsman. -OlenJenkins, Lee Stettler, - John Hahn, Donald Hoosch. Carl Hollenbeck, Clar­ence Lincoln. John Bnow. Robert Ware. Raymond Hudson. PrteeHollonT.nay* mend Bwartt, LeRoy Westcott, Mlrland Sevcrln. Donald Ryan, Otli Ammons.

Dllley Dickey. Henry Wellner, Stew­a rt UroATi, Leon Jaeobs, Kenneth Kail,

' Wilkins Nuttol, MertdlUi Dickerson. Reolto Klmes, Bert Larson. Bryant Woll, Owen Keefer. James Keel Jr„ Craig Coleman. Howard Oerrtsh. Har­old Dunn. Leslie Murphy, Jim Colbert. Rlclurd Vomey, Tom Adams. Charles

J Wellner.v.' , .



MISSOULA, June 18 {/!>)-J ’lvc rrllglous groups and 10 natlonall- tlM arc represented In Uie Intema- l lonal Club ot Montana State Unlver- r<Uy. organlted four years ago by fiev, W. U Young. Interchurch university

--------------- pastor,-M-ft-moaiu-of-geltlng-Ute-na-llonallUes acquainted.

'‘Above all nftUoni Is humanlty"'U the club slocui.' M^mbeta hope to spread Uie doctrine t^ n te n u U o n a l friendship when they muiTi to Uielr naUve lands.'

Countries represented ouUlde of the United States Include Japaii. Ohlno, Switzerland. Selglum. Italy, Ensland. noliemla. Russia and Uic Philippine Islands,

Explaining M e teo r* ' Metwirs nr? never se«n from tho

esrlli cxcrpt when Uiey come In con* fact wllh Ihe enrtb'i alinoJphere. Tlirlr rpecd throosh lha almoiirhflrt cniiKc.i them I'l lum anil pmOucc the Hchl whlcli we see. T he; are (hen within the clulclics of the cmrllT '■f

J • till' PArili nml nlwuys fall'toward II

: lo £ilrwcathtf orfoul, - - iMo nlgHtijo^ r foV; hftie.Klvsyi..

------- ---------- — fo u o d th a m T a ir iOifia , .{nitantly and p c tfo n n i ' perfectly with Cham* ;

g | P ^


■ 1 .................. .

- - • s o n .t o w t s ’a t n u u L - u o u t . .____ ,^ H L ,_Jpn«_ lB ._ t6peclil_ to_21 i

r N ^ i - M r . and Mrs. w. O. Kcarle , — a n d .U i^ .M n ,^ a Kewley. .nrrtv#i n i r >"-I>uhf-yHt«nlay to rn Lns Ang«l« 1 m . where Mr. nnd Mn. W. 0 . Kearle J I I , spent Uie winter. 8. C. Ktkrl'ey Is

. praetlcln* .aUomty ,ln -Palm Deuel Florida, vnd rUltcd In Im APsele* in then came up here; for a few dayi

SgiS- He visited ia Uuhl for about six •. 11 yew* ago .w a m»dc many. friend

liln g <m»nit his stty here.' .

me. lyiniir Tn nOPIIllI 711

I iillDISTiit the '•d 10 .

N prlhy ]ow _G r.anseJ(an ies .C on i

S . ' ! n ill lc e io C o n ie r W iih C eda

S i „ D ra w on P ro p o s it io n .from _____Kim- , :-------r Uie BUHL, June 18 (/i>)-A commlttc :amp. was appointed a t the meeUng of Ui a t 8 Northvlew grange last night for th

•• purpose- of eonferrJnr-with-w-almlla this delegation from Cedar Draw distrlcl

, will In the organization.of a highway dls wlUi trlct oul of a part of Uie present Duh

uUng hlghn-ay district and Uie Filer hlghwa' itlon. district. The, men named are Oeorgi ,-un. H art._D_O.^Cmnngton, and~A.,.apson. Madsejj, ------ -------

and As soon as 'Uiese two districts havi «uU, agreed upon boundary limits and cUie: le In details the? will petition lor a sep'II be orate rood district.dwin Tlie matter of forming Uic mutua »m p power company for the purpose o. «nd- creaUng elertrlclty a t the falls in Ce :miF tIfl^T)r#w*5«J’6ff^'« i'aEo*aEcuEed aver. I t was decided, however, to postponi )C In action until a Joint meeting of thi

two Rranges s l a later dale.

m l ; E A R ( ( I N Q - A B I b l T - r - I S ^

S ; ID E N T IC A L A T 6 AND 6Ccan- — —r a l - WABHfNQTON, Ju n e -IB ' M>)—Tht I for ability to leam BtUlns ll peak Ir lUb- human beings a t between 23 and 31

yean of ogs. Dr. Edward Lee Thom' Uie dike of Columbia University 1ms con' Mr. eluded after a two-year survey, th(

’ results of which are announc^ b} Tish. the NaUonal Horae Study council, lund Tft-o }'eart ago Dr. Tliomdlke wai lller, commissioned by the Carnegie Foun' Qlen daUon to mBke'B-flve-}Tnrsurvey or Ahn, how rapidly adulu team. His firsi 'lar- and 'p a ^ a l report Is the result of eX' ^ore, perlmeht wllh a numlwr of groups lay- Including graduate students, conVlctj land at Sing Bing, and evening school pU' 3ns. pits In New. York, tew- "Taking (he ages between 23 and 21 Kail, as a basis and rating It ns 100 pei rton. cent efficient In ebUlty to leani." sap yant announcement of Uie result. "Dr

Jr„ Thorndike finds Uiat after Uie agittar- ________________________________bert. ------------------------------------------- -------arlea

lES■ A \ - J

lall- ^ JS h 0 *ma-

flcvTrslty ____________

“T s - ** ' / j C s k ^onul . Jielr ................

thelliu , .and, ^

I'J;; ■ IbtWtnr nf ' T b it e x tn r u n Ii It. a d tw id ee i'c tju t!

“ ' ' -InC T cryphaM ofivwtft ^cttwayj to i (topping'acdon of in all lanEes of pei

' ■ ’Vyh{itrfi,d««fopl.. _________________ csfliBtJ io th e c m i


— conw . . . '.'.'.W orJd'i G n S a

rvM^ ■ Stoiu

- '-HoiiM

■ ■ . '■ '. ' j .

^ , V. J E N S E i l ^ - A■ ■ i ! u SepoaJ-A v#;'Jto rlli ]

- T W IN F A U g

ind • / • • • ' • _____ .

S W. A; Gi;ay Uses 6l».Rod§ ,ol

!^2v<o^-Vyiro:in4ial(lnB-Rocil lor Big St’ructui'o at Biihl.

k— BUUL. June 18 '(Special lo -Tli^ ■I Nbws}—TTie mauimoth spUd etllar'be- 11 Ing copsiructed west of Uie deirat by • W. A .'^ray Is practically ready for Uie

slraw and carUi roof, the last of Uie woven wire being stapled In pisce lo­

r n . day. The cellar Is 70x300 feet, wllhtwo-drtv8TBy*-rvnnlnB-UiCTtnU«>

Inr length. Storage will be In bins, eocli!°L hBYing rnri vrntllntlnn--------------- -------

The cellar is long .enough so Uiat the too yard straightway could be run under im f.' The building is near­ly large enough (or an Indoor field

:tce meet. Some have remarked tha l Jf the the naUonal tournament (or glrb' bas- the kel ball wtre held In Buhl, tills cellar liar woukl-easUy.-XumisluseaUng-capaclty Id . (or the crowd.,lls- Six hundred rods of woven wire uhl wero used on the roof, according to ray Mr. Gray, and as soon as Uie field of rge wheat adjoining ts threshed Uie straw - a . will be_ blown , upon Uic root of the

■ buIJdfnjr,»ve Mr. Oray will leave In n (ew daj-j tier to vUlt In Uio Idnho Falls counlry and tp- oUicr places where' spuds a rt grown

extensively wlUi n view of obtaining uat Informatlen on Uie latest sorters now of In use. Mr. Gray will Install aft elec-

> • trie sorter liaving b web belt Uuil will W jTTlIirTl)lidrint<rtJitrcarTPlth6tit*

me handling. Tlte sorter may be moved the from place lo placc over Uie building.

The capacity of storage will be MS carloads of polalocs.

M S l i f f i i ' t s s i f t o s iONE-THOUSANITDOllL'A'RS

■he v ' . _____^ OEOROCroWK. Kentucky. Juno 18 M W>>—An IB year old freshman of

Georgelown College lias just won tho 'ft- IIW l prize offered lo Uie first year

collegc , student by the American >>y Chemical Society for the be«l essay

Oft the "Relation of Chemistry to NaUonal Defense."

in- C ulbertnutcnbcr. .needed. a n : Eng- O'! llsli Uicme and hearing of the essay

contcsl decldcd to uw the same' work ■*' (or boUL. J!e Intends to become, not I“ . a chemist, but a mlnbter. cts ■IU-

of 39 Uie peretnuige u pe ri unUI at 20 Uie age of 60 the adult Is on Uio some

jer level • w llh ' a six-ycar-old child—In t)'s olher words, Uie ability to absorb Dr. knowledge Is the same In a person ige of eO'and 'a child of sU.“ . - •

r a P o imlwitifbfiiigmootl\ u d ictiritjr of Hudlon power, as'every oi id v e 'b the 8uper-S(X principle. 'I t can acvi

if 'perfomiuiei th«fe li e ffonlttt e ite ,0 ftutained high soeed, and back to the toft of ia four wheel brakei. lo tmo< Krformance that you are tcarcely contciout

ipnientl|id |!ncrtated capacityofithe Supci »d^nof»cn»trisenpneeredinevefydetailto rM opom i^Iyror the speed, power, and tafet

ivitjgfl you,.iriih.die increa«ipg-thautat)ji;R tf Y J u e . " ...... - •


wdarA MtxUU, Cotcb, lU IS i Sedan, IIU ! OutomJiuUtMotkUt



' ' i~ ’


v : ■ ^ W I T R 'f l t W r B r A C r B A S S

n W -QllAND-RAPID8.Mleh_Junel8-M'J II U Conutock Purk hatchery. Uie U l l first place hi Uie country where small

mouUi • black ' baas weru successfully spawned :ln captivity, will lumlsh

. . ( IWOWO of the (Isli 10 .lock Inland > 0* waton 'for Michigan's ijaac Waltons

loot ^ « ra fa l-p ro p « |« !k 'i i< jf ilje fh h w M, Li crwllWl to , Dwight Lydell. Michigan u n it naturalist, who speiii many summers

__«iiutvin» Ihelr habit." ' .

KTSOFGIGInUre ............... ; — . .— ,.______________

N in e ty P a rgQ ln Sprvfid a t,.B a n ., Uiat q u o t. P recfld ing I n to r c j t l n s

be P ro g ra m a t Open M ooting .

tlcld KIMBERLY. June 18-Tlie Excelsior ‘I Jt grahge held open nKrtir.g last fVlday

at Uie'school hmise and vrved u bon- cllor quet to about 90 mpiiibt-rs ojid kucsIs wity In-honcr • cf - Donald Hoi.kliis. eighth

Rrade graduate and Nur.i c iiti. Merle wire Qynun and Bertha Nrwinan. hlgli I to school graduates thU Mirtni;. The ban- d of quet was In elitrge ol Mrs. James tniw webih. Mrs. Jolm Van Hook and Mrs.

'*>c Charles CoMver. I t um a bouullful repast. FBlJoirintr'Wii* Innqttet, the fcllowliiK program wi» ciVcii: Plano

and tolo by Norma Haynes: reading, by own Paul Conover: seleciloti and encore

by male <i«»rt«t .comiioscd of Johti now Van Hook. J. E. Lowr)'. Frank Schle- :lec- |[e| nnd Mr, ‘mornas. a dLwusslon on will Uie question, “Do Wonifri Have the

loOf Rit|iit“t(rpxpeet-Men-H>!ks-to-B<M>n Time to Meals as a General Tiling?"

llnB- by Mrs. 0. Hopkins. Mrs. Junies Welsh 1*5 and Mra. Joe Olsh; n i>lano solo by

Zeola Lowry; a reailtni; and encore by Mrs. Floyd McKee: a iita;io duet Ijy

~ Mi»iarrt=i»iid-^BeTlI5;=Rewm4n!^* S ^ readlojt and encore by Mrs. Ralph

‘RS remainder o( the evening was apcnb In dancing. Tlie next meeting

9 18 will w a palrloUc proKmni July 1,of -----------------------


l e a n ------------------------------ -- ■ ■ - ]

"S YOU INVITEajg. Ill.lienU h unconscioualy, w hen uay you ncK'Icct eyo (icrcctit, und fork w eaken y o u r tttrrvouR syatom .

I t p a y s well to hnve y o u r eycB ^ p ro p e r ly attend,yiJ. Sec—

J ; DR. A. B. RICHARDS- I n E Y S S P S O IA U S Twrb 149 « '„ t Main. - Phone 102

Opposite Orpbeum Thrslrr

________ - ___________

I n,|

w e r? ^? ^ n e s s ^

ry one knowi, ire Acver be confused .

,'ffotn iB tuiooth,: toft inttintaneoul smoothly delhrered Hout o f i t

iuM fSix prindoleailtoprovidesafeVi tafetyof the motor,

m t e * U U u h . _ _ 4 Z _ __________

I1M5. \ / ) > j L

Sk' V

*'•••- . .

C O . , D e ^ l e i r s


iiiillullynlsh -___ . 1 . . .= , P Aw a s ----------------------------------------- ---------------igan

' . - p '

P .i ig c p c rf rp c ll i c )B AttCC n d t h c l a s t l 2 (

____ L_: b u ild i f ig bc

n p o n rng . va lu e th a t} '

Wor W c t i f K c y tday • y o u b li) ’. ]“ li lin n d ju s t uhth - ......... f i ic n t m c a jierle

T h e r e is nonics ___ e x p e r im e n t

. a rc th o ro u Rl i l t ___ ____________________ 5ucl) ]:it e ;j)“”o ‘. 's i le n t clTain^ io n c d c iu tc lohn H y d l^ u l ic *

Y o u w ill bc-oil -------- ________ . -.^— ttc c e p t.a -d c ig?"•Uh ..................................... T " ' ■




S . . ATW(3H T w in 'F a l ls , Id ab o .

s . . .

■ ' ' . r

T h i

-- ISfd

; z = 3 t Y e S t U l sO v e r 1 1 0 , 0 0 0 w i

r a p s i u t t o t h e s e g r e a t e r r o o m t a i

= ■ =

Saperior Qaality Ntw Low Pricet

---------------- ----------- -----------

C o u l. '6 2 5 *795 T o u r in y 6 2 5 7 6 5 R o « d i te r 6 9 S 8 2 6 C o u p o ' 6 2 S 7 9 5

. S e d a n 7 2 5 8 7 5 L a n d a u 7 5 5 9 2 5

' S a S E s S S

V h tM '


ro fttard ltip ira

A I (

p f i E f o a a f t a a e e

P e rfo rm a n ce b a s b c to m e ir a d i t i r s tic c c is fu l y e a r s o f PniKC n ia n u fa 12 n f y e a r s h a v e b e e n c o iio

K b e t te r " S i . v c s " . ________ ___

su it IS l l ic p e r f o rm a n c e , d e p cn tla l a t y o u f in d in t l i c P a ig e “ S ix es"

' c y o u to d r iv e o n e o f tlie se P a y . F o r w e w a n t y o u to ap p rc ci 1st w h a i 12 y e a r s o f r e r m c m e n ta n l e a j i - i n - th e -w a y -p f-e n t is fy in g - pc

is n o th in g u n l r ie t ! , t tn p ro v c d , o r n c n ta l a b o u t tb e s c la te s t P a ig e s , ro u g h ly m o d e r n i n e v e ry d e ta il , te » )b d ).m ic :i l im p r o v e m e n t s a s n [ iain u n i in g , b T o iuc^b 'ac Iccd ’ bcin la tc h e s , b a la n c e d p r o p e l l e r sh a fts tlic 4 - w h e e l b ra k e s .

II b c u n d e r n o o b lig a t io n to b u y -L d c m o n s tr a t i o n s o p n ^ , ^ ____

_________ _


14% G ain in R egistrations

T his increwe in W illy tO v w lin d n lca t year it even more i m p ^ v e w h a a jo p K

. w ith the the indu ttry u a w b

aYear AlW U ppcti th e O n t.jre a r.i

lese g reat advantagei—r a r i m tneii and the laletjr al:< ■ M oit.econamlcal_fi|■ H o l d < l h i : A A A . a a i t « . ( H 110,000ownen attotits (mu H L ow est p riced ca r ^ b rakes—ln fact, the oc

1 thic neccsaaiy ^cty fcptuic (Kjuipmcnc.

m - S p e y e r , t o O y S S m ilt g j ^ i v r i rJaiiTtc ^ f e n g g c t o n i P o r e .

* 5 2 . ■ ' A & e l t t a t l o i i — F rijm .5 ' , m l3 B e c b n d s .W o t c h a W

L o w e r c e n t e r o i g r ajU ty - d r iv in g a t a ll speeds.

N a r r o w b o d y p o t t o 'af j g t f _ _ v i t jnn ..T h o d a n g c rg it^ M ln

•7 9 5 ' O y e r f l i e b a l l o o i i i - T7 6 5 m c iit Q m o d e m c a r calls fa

^ S n n b b e r t — F o r Q iaxin

8 7 5 F o i w e ^ e e d l u b r l e a t U 9 2 5 c ars $ 1 0 0 0 o r m ore.

A d i i i f t a b l e t t e e r l ^. cnyO D ecotnfortablc.w licn 'C

X a r w R :


io n o \5 6 4 j .“v;i;Vv ! .'’ '

1927. - ' ' ...........

Q Ee J = = = = = = = = = = = —

in n a l d u r in g " ifac tu re — a n d ic c n tr a te d o n

la b len e ss a h d ^s " .

i’a iges b e fo re : c ia t t a t f irs t ] n d im p r o v e -p c rfo rm a B c e . -—

ir in a n y w a y :s. Y e t th e y 1, e m b o d y in g n i r d c a f j e n ^

^ i i r g v c d s l ? * * * t s a n d P a lg c -

r— w o n ’t y o u

PANYP h o n o 2 3 0 .

«M ) .

1 ' -

g thi* -------- -pared/ h d t '* ^ ................•■ ■■

•‘SMA= =Jieaid'sh o w tt«_JiiM !c’s 4 - } H b a a ^ t ^ ■

» r In Amerfco --><Coast econom y r e c o f ^ , -----------maTin gsaso lin c m ilcny ..

ir w itl i 4 *wh«elonly lig h t o r oS ering tic os natioD al s ta n d u d

ilc s a n lioup a re a ll w o ' -y . - ......... :■----- -------—■■ . .

5 to 3 b m i lc 9 w 'K i : w ‘V K p p e t i a traffic.

raWty—InBures s a t e

I — F o r grea ter. d r iv iM '| lT id t iY t" t i f l in i in a tr tL ------- -------

•T he m o d e m tire equip-for., _______________ ____

im u m r id in g c o m fo r t.

Ing ty ttem -A s on ■e. ,

^ w . h e ^ ' ■ ■ ■[•driving. ' ' ' '

t L £ N p ~

m s m r n m ^ j

..... ................ ^ "

Page 14: ion I I^TH E C TW I[N FAvaa.s tD A H · iwurlngs. the amilsllce day celebration. ets. and the return of Uie victorioui ^ Cardinals

:■ J ' pQyo' E li

F e i i l F -|r—iPirtiiieI I I ' —I I R a in s in H a rv e s t R egion and

. j j j _________llf l l a v ii ta li le _ C J iii ti_ A ilv ic c s -

■ j|i . S e n d Q u o ta tio n s H iijlier. j

| l . ClIICACO. Juii.' in iV -I!am; i:if ' llic ttliwl hiirviAi ri'i:Wi cil ilii'i

I . ' ia;i':hcr v.nii iintiadjMbli';1 com cr<;it aclviri-;. ti'd to iii)tiirrii luta;1 Ixjlli lor n)ic-ai juii n ini c li> .'ilI firm c 10 Ic iii'i ccni .r lo

\ c ll)), 0.V.3 p.l ’.c i:j '.f aclvaiiri.' and11 (irovWom iiiicliaii' lo ic lo'.vir;______

- 1-. ' . • U’tinit—ffnccn: nii,'AVj—ii jn n u u f '' i 'ni'ncusricis over rrporn o( KniMs

mini bcliiK NO heavy iliir. tloTdn tttrc Ihrcstciicc! and lhat river bnnk.s ii-tT belnu ilynanillcd. Word aivi iva.s

'• ' rwlved tlmi in (ilaiv; t!n- do.vnioiir iitnwinU-d to 5’.- Inriii'.s ai;i' Hut lii

J iw.i’.'rn Kan'an liarW-.-.iini: lind iK'tn 11. Mnii|n'(l. Sliav.rry wc.ilhiT oviT cprlni:

Jm , ulirui lorniory mxhIi iiitd n«rili !?J Caimdlan buinulary ’.vas al'.r. cui- If iiriicd In M'liii' ()iinr:ri;i a:; htilit’li uih*

M) iixj wts r. Wiimlpi'i; rtiri:: ilr.-.i U -l tv.nii -Jmooa nnd 3.000,00(1 a w v l . imli'd ill Canada Jimi- I. wcMltllf,, n'i|iilru vciy laviT:.b!c v.valltvr Id ma-);.,.

|ip iin -in liirn . .Shiiiirr. js3

n Jn nddll'lrn I<> llic fact that tlic ||j', rninr rlioi.rni over a rwnl inr: ol till’ '

Y ' iriiviTniwnl. fiircra;! Mi|;i;i'5lfd iiiihtI- ' I rnrn belt, ri'nrurd btiylni; in tlie corji j'.

j l • nmrki't ivxi itlvfii a itlniiilin ilirmi;;Ii______ llu- clrnim.sMnre puH Liic.MicniLmii . '!!

i r . (if crop iicn;; ttiLt bullhli uwi'iji from JJ . T«'xa.v A iik'inber'W one oM hc hri:-'>1 I'M i;ratii Ilnnn In Clili-iiu irirjrltd af-) l ler a |)ciT.unal survey of tlic caiimry| j ' frcm Clilcai!0._l0 a t. Loulj tJial the

‘,!oI Ini!" and llml Uien* are Inindrccli ol

. fli'lil.1 vlilcli will bc oul' of f*rVlctf. Ad- vIcM wciT dlw ftl hand ilm t tlifbuitlri “ mil a larKC aecilcn ot Iowa, llic ban-

. ner com mnte, fully 50 p it cenl ot tfie croj) ns yet Is jioi over llir?!- Indies

r tall. Oat« iradc v.-a.i sliiBchh and-tlif i; I market i« s govrriifd alnioil ciillrely

by iIiG action ot ccrii. h>i|I’rovlslnai were held strady by tlrni- ?'•,

iicM of the liou'market.I _____ to

W hea t- Open lUtli t-nw ( lo vJuly ...........U l 'j Mr>\ 14< H5''. . pSepl. ....u r ; H3>. MI’, H 2^ '(!orn— *=

< July ........... tKI 101', 00 100’; _tt Sept.............. lOi IDS’. 1(H loaR OaLix

L .My ........... iV , « S». ac|it............ « ' i 48-\ «> . -IB'.

L CASH CHAIN 1*„i CHICAOO. -June 18 (4>>-wheftt- rrIf No m Im reported,

Com-No, 2 mixed ItOO’l; No, 2 ciI yellow t l J P . to tli)3>i. ' ul ff O»t«-No. 2 wliltc 61' ,c to 52c: No.L, a wlille «8C to « ', c .

i nye—Not ri' rlry-« lc 10 05lV- Timothy ff«l-M .75 to $S,

irl-— -----01ow -9eed-i20-to M5. - ---------■ 'I.( ,' Urd-»I2.C5.

roTiTr.ANn ou a in

\ -------n m r-h n rt-» W tt-$ liS ;-l ia rd -w lilU ‘Hluc Sl«m Kuan J1.M: Kcderatlon. soft wlilte, western wliltc » I.« ; hard

II wliilcr 11,40: noriliern iprlnr: $1,4:; fl' wcslcra red IU 5, .

, ^^Today-i^car weclpls: Wlicat 0. tloiir

M .........OMAHA r.HAIN ■i OMAHA. June 18 m -W h e a i-N o ,

•' ', 1 hard l l . « to jl,41S ; No, 2 '* 1 .« ; llca ,V : No, 2 mUcd dunim »U 0 to $u n , Uitl'

, Com-No, 3 while Ole to DCc: No. Lesl* 87c: No. 2 yellow 57c lo ®7>4C: No. Cocl

___ 3JlCeJo07e. DrolOaU-Nb. 3 '« ,iinp '« 'Jc:'N cr3M S’n:r Broi

— UrolToT.cno 6pri

TOLKDO, June IB i/P )-W ieal-N o, BprI 2 red I I ,« to H.I1 aias

Ccrn-No. 3 yrllou- tl.04 to tl,OS, Oat*-No. 3 white M';C to 53'jC. « - flyc-No, 2 Jl.lO, NoClo\'cr tecd-C aili Imporlwl Sia.JO Kn

bid: Oclolxr tlC.Bd bid: December do- niesUc $I6.U Ud.

n--.'..-::'Al£U:er:Aiiguita icg :B i(r:---* - — ^jl » - - . . . . I . Ho.V \ ■ CHICAGO rRODUCE Nb.

CHICAOO, June IB OP>-Poultr>'- Allve. tinner: n-celpw one car: fowU uo 15c 10,30c: sprtiigs :Sc lo 3Dc; brollera ^o' 20c to 2Sc: turkeys 20c: roajtera I3e: ducks 22c to 23c: Rre%e 23c 10 26c.

Buller-Unchnneed: rt?celpt.\ li.7»l- tubs,------- . ...................... No.

---------.faB^ l f t t l im - r e c ^ ^ t r SUpJ

I to 31c: slorarc packet! exints 23 \c ;'I ttoraRC packed flrsu 23''jc.'IJ I■olalo<■»-l^^cel| t. new 3B. olil ISL. ram: on track, nwe 64. old 20: total nutt- :l V United Stales shlpmrnU. ne* 1041, Uutb

ojd 23; ■ Canada 3 ears: new .Mock Ejg*I trading clov; markel weak: North i v nI Carolina barrel Iri*h cobblers Icr- sales I S7 lo $7.25; Oklahoma &nd A rkanm New I racked n ilu Triumphs S4 to t4.25: nctin

tcvc fancy liljh tr: old stock, too few r.aIe5'to quote. . Cane


Builer—92 score « c : SO Kore.4oc. Bran F^n^-u, 8, No. 1 extfM 24c: t;, .i, stock

___medlum.20c:.-U„fl_«mill.lCe.--------- eiockCliccjc-Callfomla fancy tlat,s 2fc-,


Rlpts 425, Including 73 market and Omp 3S3 OokUnd packm : bulk rtcclpu strtkv

• toJd'lala f tid iy i l l h drive-lti IlghU « Polai tO.IO U> $9.20; early tradlnc ^>dity dull Polat with drl\Y-lnt quotable around tO lo Corrc

• ip,15. ■> CibbiC«((le—KecelpU 44 fc^ market; LelUi

week'* receipts 1010; maxkei for week: C*uU Beet sleen stroncer; oUier clasMi Celcr

^>--4teadjr:. loud, medium to eood Utah Spliu i . Steen (9.25 off con; good helteii $7.40 Avpu

to $<;. medium to good c cm $SiO tb RuUi ' ' $7; culten and common cows $3 tQ Derm : ’ $3iS ; bulls n lo $8; real caIvu $9 to Onlot

__________________ ... .Sheep—R tolpU 207C. Including 10 Butte

- m u te t. 371, Omaha u id 2400 to Chi- Bulte cago; no cany tales. . Eggs

K -


. . 1 .......................................



--------------- D iPP E nE w ruv~A 5’0 0 T “! PRO SeCU TlO M .O P TM

_ J __________ Q PPE M PgR g THAMI U d 'w i-UCE r e WAS"

111; ■ w o n a 'E O ABOUT THE i|''i OUTCOME, w e IS


STA TCS A'T^rORfMEV^ 19 .k.s lM TeRG <5TeD .

iir J . yy r ■

I.. -J--------- 1— ..................

,..j OMAIIA 1.IVKST0('K i'>-'1 O.MAUA, Jun.’ lU (^Vi-IIocs-Ilc- ''''ri'ljiin I'M : i;i'inr.dly i.lcady: ICO to

jiuilnil woii;ius Jb,75 lu-jajO : lup |$3!Ki: 2JD lo IliO pound buichc!-,.

,ISil.70 lo SBflj; |i,u'klni; M>wk *7,50 to I', $».I0.11 C.iUl('-H»cel|il.'. 100: coinpirtd wUh

II iici'k ncu: F»1 Dicers and ycartlnir.'. j, 2.‘c ii> lOc 1iU;ut; slic-5iock uneven:

hcllrrj 25c: lilKlie.-; choice caws about I, .naiiy.^iIilniTY i-JdcaToTlT^oridw r ' .• er; (.Kireiiiei off more; ball.i Mcady;

veal.s ^lrunK ‘lo SOc lilnMcr; iilockers .. and feeilers steady; ulaunhlcr steers ' ia ,7510 »12i lonK yearhnttj $12.15; me-

, I4orixmnds-$l3:-licifcrs'$i;'to‘ $lo.5o;'. Ijfcl cow.1 8pi0 to 16,50; tew low $3,75 I to $0.25; fill cullers $4.25'tO' $5,50;. mrairum tails $<Uio to $7: pracilcal lop a , venU $13,501 few $13; stockers and , fecden $7.75 to JO; feeders $0,55, f Sliccp-RecelpLi nolle; compared _ y wllli. a wei-k aso: .Lambs and y e ar-- ,,

hngi $1.75 lo $2 lower: sheep 50c low- . cr; fcedcra 75c to $I lower; closliiif X]

bulks tullQiv: Fat ranse lamb) $15.3. •, to SI5iO; clwlnR top $1550; ted ycar- linm $12.35 .to $12.M: slaughter ewes „

'' » 10 $5.50; teedlnK Iambi S12.C0 lo \ I 513.75. |}'

' 15


Tlirap iirlci'a are nhlalncil dally al rli 4 L'rliK-k In iJir nfl*m<Nin *«il «r" Itilrml'd in m c r unlv th,> avrtntc of

. Iirler*.- Whrrr rrriain dralirn for nhurl rrTl<N|> flflrr mnn- llian tlici

, >|iicii<sl prli'-a IIU ,'>Icirl In mmln in In-■ : S ; t r i ; ; i r s r . . r K ' ' , r , : ” «

MI n,i,l Dioiiia liul Im nc'-rplcsl i» r o l!< nmiiiit rKlrcmnii u( «librr l>l«li ur er low |M-lcr«. II,,

Paid to rredflctr* S5

The T>in M lJ markcLn yaterday ]w were as tollowi; im

■1, 0 , . ............. .................................n ith n iea v y irac i ........... ............ - .$8,00—

' Heavy H o p s n . o o■ Co*'s.............. .... .............$4X» to $Si«J . '

Helfcrii.... ............ ........ .,,.$350 lo $050 Cf!Steen .......................... _.$fl,00 to $7J0 celVeal Calves---------------- $5Xfl to $7.00 buYearling U m b s______ $8.00'lo $10.00 2I<Spring Lambs .... .................... $13,00 30i

«- •• ' mHeavy h e n s f f t pounds and up ... IScLlRlit hena,ainder 4!i pounds :..... lieLealiom lie n s ...... ...........................OnCock.f ...................... ......................I>c 5,^Drolltn .................. .................. 15cBnjllcr*-lce!0fttlHH-lb,-t0-3-«»;)-He-ll8 Urullera (Leghorn. IS Ib. to 21b.) 12cSprings (colored) ............... - ......... 14c W.iSprings (Leghorns) — ................ Oe (Slags ............................. .................10c we

I)re « d Turkey* " 'iNo. I tu rkeys............ .................... 37cNo. 3 tu rkeys_________________31oNo, I old tom s------------- ---- ------ ®*®-iiel

U re Tnmeys ' be No,-l turkya-;.... ........ . ......... :,.-20o- clo

Nb. I old ‘toms ____________z — 15c f„.l i r e Caponi ' to

No, 1 ___ ___________________ 220 extNo, 2 ______________ _________I7o wel

Dreotd Capons ] " [ 'No. 1 ------------------------------------ 30C *No. 2 ________________________3 ic -* ”fiUp^-llv#.,— — ..................... „ -IJo - ii*Slip*, drcuod------------------ ----------20c,Diick.1 lOc IOcc.« lOc........................D»lr7 ................

Butterfat. sw eet________________ 40clButterlat. bout----------- J ----------- 37c ,Eggs ica ih ),..................................... H e ' ™Ekrs (local s to re ) ........ ................ IS c I:,^

Beans and Potatoes |* ? fNew stock potatoes, Ib, ............ . 5cBeans (Great Northem)..,15^0 to $5£01 “™'

SDgai>-WboIeiale tV.cane _____ ; ________________ U7.73!*” ;Deet _ . __ „ 4703

■■■•■\raearahd M'lllreed • ' '' - IrmWheat. No. 2 or b e tte r________ $ m .l» wB r a n d t -------------------------------- >l.fl3::'wiBran. 500 lb. lo ta _____________ $1^0. to 'Slock food. 100 lb s .--------;---------11,85 »13JSlock food. 800 lb. loU „ . , _ u i _ 4 t i O ” '

Betoll Pricts Bilemons, d o t .... - ...............3Dc and 35e;the.Qninges, do r.------------------30o and 60c InerO rapefrult_______________ J for 25o‘pertatrawbcrrici ........ . ............ I0cl*'ooiPolalocs, old stodc. lb.________ scPotatoes, new stock, lb____ ____ ioe!ln ICarrot*, bunch ________________ lOc h»viCabbage _____________________ 7c;ruthLettuce, head (CalUomU)______ lOc • *hCaulUlower (CtlUomla) I b ,_____20c ICeleiT. tiuoch_________________l6oSpinach, 3 potmdi---------------------23e DlAsparagus. 3 Ib* -I______________ 2Sc'd«kRadlshea, bunch ---------------------- 6o courBermudA OnloD$. po istd -------- lOo Im iOnloni btmch,---------- - .Be ubu.. ....... PW48C# ....... . l»TiButur i r ta c h ) ----- :--------------- --- J ic H tS iButter (crcamerrJ —----------------« c , t o $E ft. ---------------------- -15c|m»I

DAILY KEV'3. TWIN FAI............ ^ ------------------------------------------

/ N O V .:ix / 0 0 v o u WAMT \HAS TO 00, PBOSECUTE ^ k EE >■ CODA p o n . .IM Tl-^ ABOUCTIWO OM.S5 ________ t^ K C E Z a - MOW ^ A T H

TWAT , W E / UMCl• X ^H A V e H lM 7 ^ y \^ C I Q (

■5 p^E 1


‘--tNRW--VORK^lMlrF^Tirn»Hifrr-Ui-i‘"talL% In Hso^.jIamU'd. cn

Uond!.-iilt'U(ly: $(».00c.()l>0 Culom- bbii loan i-xii.-ctcd nexl week.

l-'ori’iijn exelianc«—.Mtxcil: Jap- anc;.c yen iriiii 10 pjlni.v jp.

Cuiton—Steady: lep-rl;; Inwci damage, .{fcc-Hullday._____ldl>

CHICACO -wnn:=K inirr—rritir- [w< lCan!.as. * n i

Corn--Hl«laT: decn-asc In Use f'l'-acrcji;c-e,-.tlni3tii3-------------;— t* .— id c'■■■Calllo-lrrci'ViIiirr— ------------------- 1ni

JIqks—Steady, w: _________________________________ 1.0


-Reeelnta 5200 for v.wk: cteliiK 25c ‘•hi ' to 35c higher liian Mo:idjy or 15e to 25c Jower than week ago; cIojIiik loji Tl' S11J5: bulk 150 lb 190 psund welclit-'i'Un $11 to $1U5: packini: wws ja.50 to $3.'clo

Cttttlc-IloceJpUi 4303: for week: Oood grades active; Meady: oilier: '''' ilow. weak; bulk itc cn $7,75 lo JC M ;!'’’ tllali baby beef $11,50; biilk'she-stock 15 to $0.75; top heifers $7.50; all c ;i:-; Itic te n $2.75 lo $450; bulls $5,25 lo $3, nn

Sheep-Recelpts 851; fnr wee/;;!"* steady; deck 70 pound lambs $13,50|*'>“ wltli 10 per cenl sort $11; deck nom -!f'“ man $11,50; two decks, cull cvvc.< M50; "P; choice riuoled lo $G50.


(/}>)-WeeklX|ri-cclpti 3210. dtn'Ct 1,500; ih,,c generally steady; buHr ewtem bulcli- j» - ers $10,75 to $10,85; clailiiij lop $10.70; r,.c medium Callfonil.-u $10,65,■ Sheep-Weekly rccelpui 2100. d irec t'koi. 550;iom parcd week ni[o: California, i U. ; 2 3 j6 n kleady: half dcek cliola< 73 U. l»und $1350; Kood 73 to 78 iwundi lambn $13,25; medium $12J5 tu $1150;' two decks CO |Mund feeden $11 to 1/ $UJ0Miw*(k-quoled-MJ0-to-«30^------ j-H"

CHICAGO LIVESTOCK 1 . CHICAOO, June 18 (/T j-H ogs-R e.;

celpU 3000; generally steady: trcsh re - , celpls practically jiaU direct; top JD.20; : bulk .100 to 200 iwunds $8M) {o $9.15; i 210 10 250 pcmidi $8.80 lo $9.10; 2C0 lo ‘300 pounds $fl.GO to $8i5; few blR SC' weight butchers downward lo $B50 or txlow; most tiacklng cou's $7.75 to $8,10: E Ijraeiically no market nn pigs; sh lppm took 1000: esttmaled hold over 3000; i c Heavy weight hogs $8i0 to $8i5; me­dium $8,75 lo $9J0; llRlit $8.00 lo $0J0; llShLligtlti.S7^.lo4!UQupaclili^aow* —v 17J5 to $8J0: slauBliter pigs $7,C0 ;o 18.C0.

Cattle—Receipts 500; compared wltli *eek ago: Oraln fed .iieers und ycar-|o ,ij lugs 35c to SOc higher; new high prices' fcr or season; In between grades niatur<-d ' tea iteers and all yearlings rhowlng niM! * cf 1 idvance; snappy irade on mixed ana E’m lelfer yearlings; gftln fed cows anti ■ Der lielfers after early advance reacted, llam

;Ulter» steady tu. wwli; stockera aiiilj M eeden steady, bul Inactive: bulls 25c fron o 40c off; ^-ealen 50c to 75c higher; lied extreme top heavy steers $14; medium ' Mor I'elglits $13.70; long yearlings $12.10; iUIni iglit ycarlliigs $12: heifer yearlings | hom 111.40; bulk price* heavy steera $13 to ' Tl U3.65; yearlings $1030 lo $12J5; stock J V - 1 •rs.$7,75.tQ.$8,75: ;9A3; grass cw s and he lfen 'M .R d? i7J0.and $7Jfl lo $8.50. resi>ectlvely:||'“ ■ :lilten $4,75 to $5.75; vealer* $1225)0 $1350. I l'f* ' Sheep— Receipt* -3000:-prft£llcally; , * '

one on sale today; for week 74 double* 1*'',“ rom feeding *t«tlons, 24 JOO d lr« t; fal i imbs and yeailings cloilng $325 to350 lower: cull* $250 to $350 down: ^ tieep off 50c to 75c; feeding lambs h-i^ round SOc lower: week'* lop pricea: ™ , leep range lambs $17.C0; native lambs , . . t . 17; yearlings $1450; fat ewes $050; w ' ;edlng. lambs $13,75; bulk prices: fat inge lamb* $10,7S-to $i750i nallve Th imbs $15 to $1050; culls $10 to $12; and H»ll!ng«_J10_ioJllJULJnLfwo^55Q oLJl1 $950; range feeding lamos $13't o noy 1350. _ _ E .Q

............ ............ C. MBOSTON WOOL of L

BOSTON. June J t W>,-The tone of TTiur le.wool market.Is.quiet.checrtuLand homt icrcft*ed activity I* more generally rc- H. E, jrted on linn for boUi worsted and were oolen mills; Domestic fine wool* are game ore active oa line* that can bo » Id Scott . the original bags.- Medium wooU o'cloc kve steady *ale but tho volume is coun ther moderate. Prices are steady to bowla •hade higher. IL

------- SteeLDENVER SHEEP Clly.

DENVER. June 18 M»>—Shee[>—Pour wecki <ki ew o"and-lam b*-tliT ough' to •Mr untrjr; salable offerings all Idaho Lowe mbs; nothing told: p a ^ e n ta iu n g guett fiund 2Sc lower; for week: Pat Iamb* l i i . i

to 1150 lower: top. $1055;.buUc Mleki UO to $1135: thorn jrearllnct I I I JS (nom

$1350: fat ewe* 75c to I t lower; to t1 jstljr IS ,to |3 ,S . ftmU


— ^ G A S O M N E - A h h & Y ^



I STRENGTH ON MARKET{'■^'iSv’ YO.'lK. Juiiti la (/r-i-An imUcr to cn n tn i of u:tren;;iU ran through .o- Ti- (lay's atcck niorkei d•■. lllu• railier Heavy 1 we;'k end profit i;iUii>': a.'uU hlLim m i. l l i crime cf a fev/ weak r.ivjis by bear trad- en cri. Operators fur the. ndvanic en- cvi couraged by Uie Ullcf .hat the etock Tu markel will draw a r.ub:tanllal iiari ol Ihc-$550,000,000. I i-Ih' dUtrtbutcd in dividend cn^ Inleri-'it paymentu ne;:l

lwcm:iJi:a*cil.bullL:i.dau«tiilmtl!iuaiLi;l^II fria-tcd assoVlm'-nl cf rall.n r.nd ipe- eiiililes iie.irly a :cu;e of-whlch were' I

[dcvnlctl-lo riyprrl lilidi levels. Trad- I;wo3-<atrir-h?aiT=tor»half^TOIian'a £7

wiotcn. the - day’i rale; agcreKilliiK 1.071,000 slnrea :

With call itionpy available lhe(^'' ' ouUlde m arker iis loiv os 3 \ ))cr cent.j

; tiK'Culaiors for Uie lulvancc believe th a l ' c they have nothlnR Li feaf from iiny lin- j ) mediate change In ilie credit, situation,'^ ''' I 'T lie weekly'fedcrnl re-.erve report of j*'' ;■ brokers' loans to Ik- lv,ue<l after th e ;” '* .'clo-v Mondiiy will be awaited wllh li'i-IJ" • tercil, OJ lanl wetk'; I'ltal wa.i oieeitl-1 *! i ed only by Ihe nvord brejklnii volume ; |ln llie' early part of 1D2B. In vlci-,' of: n! [ laal Tiiesdiy'B *|urp rcactlcn and ih e ! ,■**. ,;fftct tha t the fl^iirei covcr the w eck^*

ended Inst Wtdnt.ilr.y. n decline Li k' H- . Icrally cxpectcd a lthouth 'lt i coiiccdnlLa,

11 thal the flnanclni: of new security, |-jf . I flotallonv the totnl of which Is haril lo | j

nppri:>:lmale. may itpsa catculalion;, It],,,----- ^ frcj

LtllERTV BONDS CocNEW YORK. June 18 f;pj-L1bcrty

<l;rnd9 clo.'«l IcxMy ns follows:‘ 3’is .... •- .. . • . .. . $100.28 cr.iHecuncl 4* ...................... lOO.a XPlrsl 4’is . ". ....... , ■ IO2J0 ClllSecond 4‘;» . : . ....... 100.13

iTliIrd 4<;*.................................... 100.28 ■=Fourth 4'.» . ..: .............. liU,2J

IU. S, treisiiry 3 ' .* ............. -lOS.OOU. 8, ircaiury 4a ................ 112.28

I ------------------------

lilH ltilt:riEl«IE|tollS e v e n ty P e rso n s Tal<e P a r t in

E n ioyab ie A lla i r lo r B.enelit

o l C luircii C a rp e t F u n d .

-K IM B ^^L^TJlm n8=M o^e-tnaI^Ttr — perwns ailendcd tho tea given on Wedni-Jday ;.lu-rnoon a t the home nf Mrs, W. ,8, Mirtln and $10.75 wa.'s

I added lo the lund that Is b.'lng ralvd I fer the church cartwt. Tlie calendar ; lea for July will be held at Uie home [cf Mr*.-L. L Million wlih Mcsdame.i Elmer .Requa, J, C. Claiborne. A. Me- Dcrmid. L. Urundon, O. Bernard, Wil- llam Van Hmilen. Mrs, Ruth Adamn

LandLMi.'-rMftmiirsuinit:-------- tI Mrs. Slcwart Diimi, alidTdillilren ‘ : 'u I from Uie Vineyard ranch, Nevada, vis- I Ued her parent^. Mr. and Mrs. .M. D,' Morgan, the p in week. Ray and 1 Ulna Morgan accompanied Ihelr sister I home Ihe latter |>art of the w-eek.' Tlie Hev, j . Elliott Sllmp of Klmber-Jy, p*»lar.of-ilie-Ohrbllan e h u rc h -o f-----Kimberly, .Mj.'.glven n delightful ju r - _prtM paHv on Wed'nesdBy evening, a t ......

'ii^ Home In Twin Pall, by more than 100 of Ills Kimberly friends, who mo- tcrcd to Twin Fall*, the ocea-slon being hli birthdayanniTmary, Oftmes.'mu- " " sic and Ringing uere enjoyed Uirough­out the ei-enlnir. At Uic close refrcsh- mcnu were wr\c-d by the Kimberly women,

M n. L. L. ^tl|]lon and daughter Hattie relumed week from Kan­sas Clly, where Mrs. Million was called early In Ntay by the serious lllnc.M of her mother,

Bridte Club EnUrtalned ^The Kimberly imdge club m em » n

and (tuciU, incluiitng Mr*. R.F-Boblernf Tft-in Fiilh, ".lfK,.p,-W.-Sft)tt,-Mr»r ____noy D, Scoll. Mn. c . E. Teater. Mn.E. aJIa«er,-M r« W.-M^Amold. M n. - - - C. M. Flslicr and Miss MerldlUi Jto lm of Los Angeles were entertained on TTiursday afternoon a t Uie countryhome.of-M n.. G .-P„st«clH nlU u-U r».-------H. E. Powen and Mn. Glenn' WhlUiey were awarded high »corcs In Utefame# maf.wcrt plaj-efl.and M n. Hiyr ........Bcott reeelted the eutst prlie. At-4;30 j'clock M n SterlsmlUi *cn-cd-» two- »urae lunrlicon, the table* haring jowls of yellow rwes for eentcijileces.

IL d. Sulmlller, faUier of Mr*. O. P. , 3teeI*mlUi. left Thursday for Bcott*:ily. Kansa*. to visit relaUvr* for two s-eck*.

M i*rM 4y--r'M Ittclw aIl a n i ton [/jwell of Twin Pall* were dinner ruett* Tuesday night a t Uie home 'of ktr. and Mn. Olenn VThitney. Mn. illekelwalt u d son left Wednesday nom lnj for Albuquerque.-New Mexico.0 rltlt Ur. and Mn. Ed Paal and amlly (or two veeki and on ittu m -





AND SACRIFICING TH E___/ MME . OCS HE H A S OIVEM WAV / ,TWE REA MEAM A GREAT DEAL \ O P , ALU IIM. v n n fir iM iT / V ' TROL ^ N T wiM T O y 7 ' % ' ^ U - ^ ^ E P E A T ^ r : ; W ^

Inc uNl vbll relatives In Iowa and err: . Nebrxika. They art- maklUK the trip 23,

overland, W. aJrfit-aud..Mrs.;R. E, ;.TcflteL.iin>taildjl>r^' r lo Wentlell Friday misnlng. M n ]* ‘ay . Ti-ater will return home Sunday, I >'<■>■• ,• Tlie Ladles cf ihe O, A. R. a iid j'"^"’ ■ 111- non of i r.m.en nml IliHf f-mlllr-J • enjoyed a delUhtlul afternoon andj'^''-''' . cvciilni; a t ihelr annual picnic oi *'• c TucJday a l llie lione of Mr, nnd M n “5“' 1 .Mca'an Ilibliwon. Mure lin n 7fi ^ HU!'.::; and mtmbers were pm en l and ; ciijcyed tiaHKn, murie and n rJicrt flag . m 1’d y ' prcKrani. and a ^uhi!>f.-o'j.i plrnlc

i ' Mr:;. C. E To*n ol Lft-. Ang»!ei; wlio . Is vislllni: her parents, Mr. and M."s, , „ J - J _ lL S iC I_ t 'l .K J n i^ , .w a s u i:ru , sudrtcniy-lil-TtftTKl*yi-'-Xlrfledl. aI<I

' li-ai summoned and her candlllon a ^ .reporti-d Unproved, -

Wayside Club I'lcnle >rrni[ ' Tile Wayalde elub cf Klmbrrly, In- were .; dueling Mr. and Mra, O. A. Patterson, the i iMr, nnd Mn, Lloyd Jone:;. Mr. nnd Qliea

; Mrs, W. O. Koch. Mr. and Mra, Leo Ha .; Venable, Mr, nnd Mrs. C, A, Johnson. W, / ; j Mr. and Mn, Henry Knutson. Mr. and dent , 'Mrs. C, i:. Sallee. Mr. and Mrs, Janiea venl , Snilee r<iid Mr. and Mrs, Tlionia.'i Bal- cd t . )Urd,'motored to ArlcMan Clly in the llir t jli tc afternoon on Wednesdoy and en- Mr

.jioyed 0 picnic luncli un the lawn nnd dauj; ' a swim In llie naUtorlum, West

Mra. Ell Plslier was hosteu on Prl> MLss [day t)ficmoon a t her home south of and l I Kimberly for members of the Royal were

'jNelKlibors of America. At the close of A. ■>. Ilhe meeting Mn, Fisher sen-ed- re- Ml; frcshment* oai:Lsted by her niece, Mbd Mn.Cooper, . ................ . ’ . . , . lliue.

Mre. Albert Copsy of Harucn and ccnv: Mra. Ttionics Crowe visited their moth- lllnes er. Mrs. John.Plscun, on Friday.. Tlie Kiiin Join Us class' o f . ihc Ne Christian cliurcli, wUl hold an ice wisli


^ M p R E ^ O l

S e e t h i s 1

Z l . — — _ ^ e y e r - u s «

T r u c k s i

C p m p a r

e v e r b u i l


» 6 7 r ^ 8 8H T O N ' •;,* J'TOJ

' , C h

M A G E L A U TP H Q N E - 5 4 0 .......

m ' -

OiNG TO WHAT A R E ^' a H 5A RT- \N O U OOINQ A eoU l AEART TALK H E R ? 1 THIMK » W M ' VJE HAVE A3RROW, , - <STRONG C A ^ - E L .T H A T . .. .ACAiN«5T HER •_5C T A V E .[S_ _lE_i!JE_W A N l_TQ . r e a l c a u s e . PUI5H IT.

7 ^ - ' ^ M - l

I V ' i

cream rccinl ou t’jiiinlny nli:h;. Jun; 23, In KImbiTly. ,

Mtii» Kl/ifr Ounn wn.1 pleasAnlly .'.ur- J|)rlscd-cn.U undw ,;|t-'bclnt.Jw;blrU ;-. Tday annlvcisary. when a number of I her- KlmU'rly friends' inuiarrJ to he.- 'heme u lth well filled baskets for r.. |m.inday picnic diniici-, Prwenl were .

| f . a>n-arin.icn. Harold Shelun,' c! Jciie.i, ML.-; V/liiiiii llcvititanib.'^ ol Filer and Cesll Fcltv of T a'Iii f J i l i

Ccmplimcnt Vounn Couple T|ic licnie cf Mr. and M.--, Charkv

l:inac v.-aj Uie K en: of a merry luriy

b<-r of i'elghb:rhowl friends molo.-ed lo Uiclr home for nn .!>eniic of fun of gainer,'inujle. da:uin« iin-.' i.tunv lionorira:. Mr. aiid Mrj. Kr.\iik_iKrii Jr.; cf-Hiihr-wlio-Tferc'Tn-iTTlnl-Tni^ day afiernocn in Twin Falls. At mld­nlghl Ih! company ivas w n ^ l ">nu hv 111" grown and relrcshmcnls were served by Mn. Hrnac. Muilc fi;r the evening w«i furnlihed by Me.vr.i, Qheuley und Wilson of Hamen.

Harwood Stowe, son cf Mr. and Mn.W, A. L. Slowe, who ha.1 been a -stu­dent the past thrre years a t Ihc Uni* venlly of MadLwn. Whe.msln. rciur:i- cd lo Kimberly We<ln<'»tav lu ti>::ul llif tuminer vacation with hL'. turrnl.-:, *

Mr, and Mrs. H. T. Wesl. Sr,. nnd dauiiliter Gloria, Mr. und Mrs, H->riy West. Jr„ nnd daughter Marcia Mne. MLss McridlUi.Hiihn of Los AnKcIe.'i and MlM Madeline Lacey of Twin FnlLs were supper cucsls on Friday a t thi!A. v/ilscn home,

ML-a Fmnccs Slyter is slaying wllh Mn. Ocrald Douglxsj for an Indefinite lliue. while Miss Iloueiia Shoemaker Is ccnvale.scltiK from a recent attack of Ihiess.

News Want Ads reach the jmiple vou #lsli to atlr^cL

« » = .

W E R - M O R R A C C E L E R i > N 0 ^ « M 0 1 I

lis new engine—the fi isjffIm-Grahani3rot s and Commercial C

)are it w ith any enj uilt into any track! ,


8 5 ^ 1 2 4 5I.TON . IH 'T O N

Chcuti^ pHetsif. o> h, Detroit

j f O M O B l L E C............. T W IN Fi

. - - . ....... i

■I' • . -

N A ir^ L L y 6 0 * XUT \ 0LA.0 TO GET \ •



l.y_Q CTA V E_l.?_CQ t;iB j______________■y[ NOW AND ' DON'T

THINK SHE iS . r.OlMG TO SHOW ________ /

V '’ l \ AWAV. LET'S ^I . f \ LET IT DROP / '


- •

- - -

: Nc;>vr. vVunl Ad:, nsich the [leople you «1;J| (<i iiUr:w;L

■' H 1 ‘‘SUPnEa:CAtlTHORtTY'* 1 _ _



: R DICTIONARY ^r - f l ----=Ttttr-ME{imAM-WKI>Sm— .. _____

1 - .C c c a u f i; .- -------HonJrcJt of Sunreme Court lud.’ci CMiicur in liliihnt pralu

• 7•ThcrreilJenit'ofallttsdlngUnl- vcnfilti, Gillcgn, and Normal Schools give ihelr hesity ImfiTrje-

1 AI1 Slates (hit have tdopted ■IiTge dicilonary si lumfaru have Mleotd Wcbiicf’i Niw Iniems- lionil. • ' • ■ '.TIieScIinollHokiofilie Coumty rJKrre (o ihe Merriim'Webiter

* lyvem of diicriiicsl mstkt.The CovtrTMticnt Mntlng OiSre st Wuliingiun met ll tsauiKoriry. wnm: hi • Iinrlt r«n of ih* N r,

I *"■*

w fIE S P E E D A T IO Nf U E x Y A H I E - ^

f i n e s t _______

i t h e r s . . . . —

C a r s !

i g b e

( ^

THERSI - " ------------

r ’ I 4 4 52 JI0 N


Page 15: ion I I^TH E C TW I[N FAvaa.s tD A H · iwurlngs. the amilsllce day celebration. ets. and the return of Uie victorioui ^ Cardinals

JliP-SllSlK- lllJ E S lfIB -

N atio n a l- G eo g rap h ic S o o ic lj

, C o m p a re s B a ttle T o rn Clii-

r o s e S e c tio n to ' .E a iL

WAGIIINQTON. I). C.. June 11- 'Cli!n»‘i> war iiwp can be spread hui (in tlic c u lcn i halt ol lli'c Uiilic:! GlatM lo allow v.ljy the nmrltic^ Imvi:

• gene in TIeiiLslii." w y t a biillcilii from tlic WailiTniiloii. D. C-. niiorlcrj' cf. lhe NsUonil GciRnpliic ccelciy. . ...... .....................

Nftf n rlrnnr h»_Sliniuhai r.; , -----lhe mouth of llie YbhkUc. H\ifn S;.

'U uls be llttiiloa-. Hrttiotiahit irospt ijavbB eapturjcl Rli.inuhal nirt

■ Hanko-.v arc moving northcail oh P c tclDj rbc! T.cnUla 'nicM iwo clllcs lit: In Ihc rcblivc |« 3llloir ot PJll;- burBh.nnd.Uftlllmcrc: the mdlcal n i - . . . . . lluiallsU are advnticlng Irom 61. • Lciils (HiHikow) rn I’lli-.btjrBh (I’c-

• kInR). wlille OiP coriwrrailvc lu tionil.■ I.sIa are fighllnff llicif'iiTiy'rioKiraloiii' "i m

Uve ratiiwid and Uie Orund canal (toiw Al, Now Orleans (SlmiiRhal) to naliliiiori' flUl (TleMis)n). Tlie United Slates .nsrlnea li;»ve failed up lhe coast, around Flor-

. . . liU-lStwnttjiisj'^niii-iulai inlo 'Cncii^ - — iiMkc bay tOuU t'. cmiiU)'.

* •To comprehend tlie ■.•menrcncy which hovera over tl;e Ameriean col- pj^g

ncceaary lo awume that lhe mllrOTd from PliLiburth to Daltlmorc com- M mands Peking's only pnlh«-ny lo Uic cccan and ils only road lo Manchuria 111 llic north. ' .

Clly ila» Two rorU 'T lenuln cften go:» by ihs ilile ot '

====spetl=ol'P*klw iJ--li;LJU cnt»ln iw ll--------- Laa-two porii. .Tah'sku and ClilnR.- ,A

M-anstaa While, Ticnlaln straddles the . km,, IfnMIti, ^ p

' lit llnert. dare not croM ilio bar. In- , jitead they drop paistiigenj and fi\'lRlit . . . Into IlBliters whlcli ply lo Tnngku nl (Ile rlver'9 inoutli from wliencc trains ._,i run 27 mlIcK up lo Tlentiln. Pcklnir lies 87 inllen beyond TlenUIn ut ilic (col cf the mauninlns. Chingn-nnBtao i,..y

......... lo .llic iic rJi-ujcd-lO -bc-lhe-w lnler. _,on,ijx rl unlit the Hal river took a lunj leap Inio niodernltm by acquiring an Mr Ice breaker.

-Landins cf American troops recalls g_ . n Iei& pleaiani delnrkailun of Amer- ciilld'

IcaiM 37 n -an ai;o. Tne jecrel society ^.jitrc o ( ' the fbUi ot illghu-ous Harmony, belter known as Uie Ooxers, liad In- monil nstneil China anger loward ihc been foreigner, toward trciiy parts, .'all- jjt, reads, schools and cJiurches. Finally inp i n deiachmeni from Uie allied wnrsltlps jene, ctandlng guard olf Tlenisln b c ^ n a wkii

. . . . marcli U). relieve the foreign colony111 the capital whlcli had been Isolau i;n , i cd where rlolcra cut lh9 Tlenmn*Pe- Sstu: king raUroad. , i „ : • fr.ot,

i •Tliey Jouttht tholttwojrjo wlUiln 33 Mr*,} mllM cf PeUlnB. T lie odol'.were'wo bedfa . sreal. They b:Kan to reire.n. T i? for t.

whole civilized wcrld u'ss on edge by njowly Ihls lime for no new cam ! frcm Clio Mr (Ictacliment. All the allied csmman- a . Dc (leri cxcepl the American ihen -le- lunch mandcd )Knnl.v;lon to occuuy Taku home forts wlilch defend Ihe Hnl Ilo mouUi. -nic

(liiced tJie mud forts, 'i lil^ attack was and :-------- n-!tlsn;»j-fcr-U ic-m :blli:r.!on of .f t j i i n

lariic forelgii-drllled imiy uhlcli fonRhl mill l u t a bloody btttle Ii, ' tt'lih the .fleet fcrccs In Tlcntiln llsclf. fr.r. F •nial Bllled vlclory and tlw s<<ond r.r.a PtilLi succeutul march on Peking broke (lie tron.'Kback cf tho Doxer rebellion. ___ He e'l

•'Slnw Tientsin becime a ireaty 4. pen In IflCO fortlgnerj have been busl- Tlie ly occupied In making It on? t ' Uic evcnlr

. mcst catmcpcUlnn of elilcs. ' Vlllielm!i c Kinv'-'4 In Tlcnitln r c u Inio'Vleicria iile. Urcjil tthlch beeome.i Rue dii France pecpli V.tiiupichl Oal ot lhe Jnpin^se bund pint, frcntace, lollowa llie river'; eur^e U Bjtl

•------- wlierc n'TrrdRC croMeTlnio Barjif TwinCrfkf.m Sira-'*? of the fomrcr Auiirla- '»llh Himewy quitter, becomes VU VlUcrlo i ’ts. i I'^llanuelIe, In Uie Italian qitarlent and Prei ft fpu' block* fartlier Pelcrsburs Road of the Ruulan settlement. There li Mia no avenue-of (he United States tn Ih'* >i this Chinese elty of many nations be* caiiiic AnicrlcfJM content ihemMlvcs 'w n wltli llvlns In tlic French nnd Engllih fluirters. Delelum alio has large com- day. mcrclal interesls In TlenUIn but ^ r

~ i re iirc te iiI iU v a '.Jw v e r iH 5 ^- ^ onl streetc. «•

/ •Tlentiiln affords aplcndld cppjrtu- M nliles fcr an airblllom real estate ®- A.

fale.<mnn. No rosy plclum cf ^xpin* ninml 7 r.!on.c3uld b« loo phik for TlenUln J prcr.p«ta. Even now II lia3 a popu- Mr.

- laUon-of'm .000.—T he-O rand-canaJ e n t« ' ’ tcmilna Tientsin and It hn.i been ^

f.upplemcflied % the mare ImiMrlAnt TlenlAin-Pukow line over whlcli Clilna's cnicit Blue train usii.illy nins Irom Shanghai. Uj,.rtk!i«._EroducU«

• Maiichurln and all north nnd ncrth- Mr* wc.-;l China u 'i Tientsin to hantUe * ’ 5n

- Uielr export buslncM. Hair neta, Chi- Eva r nesc ciTi«l*. cgjs, IreiOi. dry and oUi- ^ crs'Lv:. furs for Fifth avenue, and. pig liristlcs, already eome to Uic United Stales from T ltnb ln In lame (luanU- ' t<es. nuslneis vaJucj have already " '7 ’’

/ loiichcd J5 per square foat, which Is J h!rh for Chins." . . . . .


Y nR A I|lll C H A gT E R SESSIO M J S l ?

- ■ K O L L ie-^rJune .IB -M r. -and M rs.^lU i i ‘ John iw n d ly . Jr-..M r*...F rcd..auM iM ii;

nnd Mrs. Kov'cll. n-ho attended Grand .1. i Clinpier. O. E 8 . la DclV! .thit .Wftk. niptcn luve relumwCnome- • • doy.

Mrs. E E. Lawrence 'and Mr*. Cecil Mrs. HnrrU moicrcd to T*’ln Falls Tliur,: Bll«

;.'_.;dav-cvcninf.u_-_'.-'.:..:;-_------fjirL .Mils Virginia MorehouM ,hai bMn Umvei

vWilM hcrauh^ Mw. J. LV "M ni■ Tiv:n Fal» o 'few 'daw . - i v ' -upcit

■ Mrs. Charlodo MpCorkle of P^ajer- Is nipi son vhlled-M rt O ertlarT uesdarand

■ Wednesday. • • . . • • • . • • • ■ m»j9TMlu AMns O trlltr Is spending the county

— rwdek-inrTwn 'nUJs tlsitini-reliUTfx- - o r r '•v' ' n iitlrand M ltli Troiidly have been and ( I vUllIng Uiclr aunt, Mr*. Bertha Sulll- delen A \iih in Jtrome. • • U)^l(c

Mr*. Nygcrd. Oscar Nj-gord. A. J, a t Id*- . MIcDcnald, Mr*. Prank HarrU and .. Df.

' M&9 Alvina Gcrllar. WBre .T»la FjUs mown . ritltora Wednesday. . tend t


|~T6V . / - 1 '


F i r s l R a ce H o rs e s A rriv e a n d ___liug iii 'iT ia ls o n T r a c k ; P a in t y . M achlno in A ction , . •

-------- ------ [FILER, June 19—Tlie county"fa?r

grounds nre*(»ie stene of increasing £ ncllvliy. A new palntln;; maclilne has arrlvctl niW Um buildings arc receiv­ing the palming needed, Race horses m are coming In e\ury uay aiid~lC'TT ~ thtrtighl ih m will be n iryoul Sunday. ,

and enjoy me nnnual rose fesllval. junMr, and Mn. O: J. Clillds entertain- ber

c<l at dinner Soturday evening for Mr. fucand Afrs. T. K Moore ond Mr. nnd cf iM n R. K. Dllllnnham nnd daughter j)asiLucy Adele. Mrs. Dllllnglum and mLucy Adele cx|wct to leave Sunday ||ymomlng-for-Pomona; Kansas,-for-3 Anv several weeks vLsIl M.'llh rclaUves.

Mr. and ^^r». E 0 . Walten. Mes- nnd dames E. S. Ln Hue. E. H. Snvdcr.r . E. Mere, R. K. Dillingham, O. J. callChilds relumed Thursday from Boise, iicru'lierc they utlended Kmnd chapter. ji

Cliarles .Dwight returned Frldoy s ,ti monilng frcm Geallle wh»rc he Iulsbeen nllendlnR Uir Unlvcnliy. • nie

Ilerberl Deal who lias been attend-Ing lhe Unlv<T*llv of f ir rn n nt F->. i„Rene, arrived Wednesday for a visit m „ wllli Ills sister. Mm. Dcwpv Sliowem.

Mr. and Mr*. Dewey Showers nnd mciisn, acccmpanled by Herbert Deni left g(ucEftturdav evcnlnt; bv iiuio for Bbck- (-o. fr.ot, where Uiriy will visit Rev. amiMr*, C, E. Deal. Rev. Deal han been jiurbedfast wllh Inflnmmnlory rheumatL'aii ^tor itcverol weeks bul Ls recovering (icbOowly. h .f

Mn. T. S. NlcMol.wft ami Mrs, *£, ‘- j jA. Deem Inve l.ssueci Invliallons for n jon luncliccn to be Riven Tliuradny a l Uie i,on- liome of Ihrfom ier.

Tlic families of C. A. Love. RonakI uDmca_Ilai’i»axul.Crave*,-Fi-<7pGmm- ^nnd R. 8. Lis Hue, molored to Amerl- ing•£jnrPiinrTintf'«iurirEaiidav:--------- "nn

Takes Eihllill (o Reno - rl ,H, W. Or.vra left Saturday evening m

tr.r.Reno where he takes Uie Tu’ln j^iyFnlLs county exhibit lo Uie Ne\-atla i,mi.ran.'wcntlnenlnr hlghvavs exiKslUea g[(vHe, expects .W.bc awai' Ull ofUr July- ,

Tlie bind c-nccri plveh Thuwday ^om ;venlnc ftl Flier bv the Duhl band I t s cnloyetl l>)' a larRc crowd 'of peo- odn ;ile. Tlis .store* b*lnR open, counlry people were enabled to do Uielr shop- iln(. fijit

Betty Jo_and_Jiitilar _Jnh jiM n_of__jrwfii rails are tpendln*' Uie' week jj g rllh their cmnd psrenis. Mr. and r '.,, v’lts. R. E. Ruucr. JS

Fred Conatil nnd sister. Eitclla nre ., |n 'XDCCteU home frnm SealUe thi* week. m _ Mis* Enlelta recenlly gmduated from cau' ;h» imlsTrsliy n t Ui«t place.

Lola Thompson who wm opemteil dinr ipon recentl.v a l thn Twin Pall* rounty hospital, .relumed home Tues-

c’lnude Swlck nf.TuUa, Oklahonu. Is Hllj

M” p-d Mif R~“'H ' i d Mrs.B. A. Beem left by auto Thursday , • mnmlng for nnd olher coasl joints.

Mr. m d Mn. H. K. HummerquUt U ls :nlert»1ned at dinner 8unda»-for Mr. - 'g , ind Mn. GeoTRr Avnnt and fnmllv. n“w r*m avrfiO T ;trc sT «T -B r^T O W;in U Vl4iuna her panmts. Mr. ontl ^fr*. M. J. MiiCnn. Mr. CArlcr will H/irrlve I n te r ,__ ___________________ OccJ

Mr*; cinrrncp H nis and M r. Alice brul: =ttt3n of pie*sHiit Valley. lisISM Mr*. Mis =:ra nrtenfleld Fridav. . frlgli

OIrl Reirpvei a t Corferenp" h e r : ■NtlMT-s VlrKlnla finvder. JpwleJflnd- Ml

-cUi. Lnrene. Uaukln:. Helen Daud. Bcul cemc De M«s. June Ennl* and Marv buslr

•cp'rtiosnlpd by. Mr*. ,W. D. H.- 31111s left Tuesdav for Payeiie L*k»* Bro« " niunH Ui<> V. W. C. A. convention, day i rhey Mil return June Ti. aeotse E. mi >tnman.ani1 fl. E. Ih«kln» anpompinl- ion I d'U iem lo BoIn*. Mr. IJawkln* eon- Hot Ini'od wlUi his losd to PKyr.lte Lake*, bathi rhilr~M rr-iyjm an -^ent - iur r f ar - ag —m Jplw. ihcM ir<rl3 remalnlnfi over ntoht Pello VlUi BoIm glrr.rei'rs’e* and complcW- memn« Uielr-lournov-by i lM e .- '- ------- Rer..

.1. A. Dement and. O.- J, Clilld* Uie-,i BnmMU.atid.rntum'.Sim- duee< lay. ■•. .. • . rtatcMr*. O orcP E’hardt'-niot/ired to otfla

Jll« WedriPMlsy to mcot, her vjn |n£_ ;n L . who..h»*-b«cn. attcnilint.-.the yanc JnWeMUjt at, Moscow. V wib'-'M rai'C .'E . datdcr-wlid wis o w m lrt reeoi' ipCit aJ: tho eauntv,hospital aund»y «en-e I reportrd dolmi nicely. miui

e."B artO T-nubm ltted'to 'a -M l: nkj9T ..bperatlan ■nutoday • Uic d a y ounly hopslloL >. h ten•DT.-M.vtrr<3acdf.-Raymcnd'OravM trorto ,nd C. A. Love Ins? been cleoM - Th leleiaWa.frtw.Uie nic?.Kl»,nnlA dub fuUy. o^altepd lUi'a dUtrlct convenUon, held licoa it^daho JWl»Ja..AUguit. • • Mr*; .D r. U. J. O oode-tnd ^daughter Folio aouse(l.taPocMcUo-Wedne9dAiLU).u. sku , end Uie *Ute denUl connnUon. abou;


- — — r n

- ’ A J a

i i i s ’m ii VI

----------------------------- f H'erne La Monte Goes to Fort Douglas (or’ Military Drill _ and Athletics.--.............

MAROA. .J u n e 18—Verne l a Monle, -----an of Mr. and Mrs. A. 'C *ta“ Monte “ HE

in Pert P p u g to aJ t^ u m d irc'’"citGc?r*"mTliiarj' '■ i'niSni:!B'*canrprune 17 lo July 10. Hcwu* a mem- WAtcr of-Uie crtiduallng class of the ne:Her rural lilRh school and captain 3S3-ft Uie Wildcat foot bill team of Uie CX5ast year, »d'Mr. und Mrs. Noah Sharp, and fam- „niicy nnd D. T. Shani drove lo (he mcui.nierltati Fall*'dam,, Bunrfay. - - Mrs. B. C. Huffman and daugliler:

nd Miss Grace. Detwellcr drove -to inmciUTliursday. Mn. Huffman was illed 10 Fjnmett by llie Illness ofcr father. C«n;Inviuuons are oul for a lunclieon LADl

aturday wlUi Mra. T, S. tOcholicn Ad<nd Mrs. Arthur Been as hu tc ix* . ot portu1C home of Mrs. Nlctiolsoa cnce.Mrs. T. S. Nicholson wll ita ri o class Buali

I china palntlne at the home of -----Irs. James Dement at Filer, June 33.Ire. Nlcliolson Is o gradualc of ML W/fcrrls eollcge art dp|urimeiil. also clai :udlcd a t the Arl Auditorium, Chica-0. and for a year stiitled under and _ , crkcd wlUi Mrs. Dennison, Elgin, I illnclfl. ‘ '* ' I »al(Mrs. E N. Jolinston of North riatte. I—cbnukn. Is a ftucsl ot (tie tiaine of ■ =cr nephew, o'. C. Johnston. r.M..Mr. and Mrs, Wilbur Ilnrrlscn and rUIin of Tn'ln Fall* were callers a t llic ~ — ome of L. K. Brosin Wednesday;enlng. ta« Leslie Wllllcmsoii Is homo trnnJnnd /rwlUtiRtcci. wtwre tw t\ai been teacl\- FOR

Mn. W. J. Fcnwlck Is convalciceln; Falls' [Icr a severe ielge of flu, Bo T-Mr, ond Mrs. Richard JVcbsier and ;n» of Moolcllc. Nevada, who have i , Z , ren vUlllng her mother, Mr*. Bertha lever, the past week, have relumed ^I their home.' - • - • •Mr. and Mrs. L .-0 , Newmnn arc ••)me after vlsltlnA Mr. Ncs-man’s pir>Its ond Mr. nnd Mrs. Ell Borlntt al men, Mrs. W. M. R sh and two PARf nn of Wftteni, Oklahoma have been Fal jlU nj Mr. and Mr*. Austin Grimm.- iJ jg f -M r, and Mra.-B.-N,-^Dalier^nd Mr; - 'M u 0 . Huffman were fishing Bundiy at ^ c o .

:ise«'orUi and got a 'n ice catch, . im f i 1ST, and Mr*. 8 . O, Caughey enter- Ined o t dinner Sunday for Mr. and -J ;, r*. Will CauRhey and family; Dewey ^ sughey ahd family. Leonard Peter- MON. n and family and Andrew swen- >*>o< nner and ton KelUi. - thur :

----------------------- '*•

l i i i E i_____ ' • tcIPc

Iss F ra n c o s O oollorl H ocolves . u id S c r a tc h e s a n d BrniBos W hon tho UD ra ffffa d -b y -H o rsO i---------------- to w t

, -------- , m yHA2ELT0N. June 18-Mlis Prancci 1 ? —xJlcrt-w as-paJnlully-Jcratclied-jiad-------ulacd. Prldiy. wlien one of Uie hor*M s Via drlvin* lo a harrow beeamo Ffihleiied. throwing her and dragsln'B ___r several feci. . ., n r n nMiss Helen Dunn lett Friday 'for „ ,uldcr. Cola, where slie wilj .enter sln*-ss collesp,H.- Ej-cn. W, 6. Dann. and Cluii « = own drwre to American Pall*. Sun- n i c e y on bu.slnpss roattf.x U itloIlls* Alice Seller* v id Mr*. Tlicmp- .U l 1 left Wednesday morning for Lava ■ i Sprlnii. where they wUl taktf Uie .. ths for rheumfltlim. - HAII'uKdiy cieiiuui. Uie n u t n ^ o s a Uow*.. iind-.IV>>»l»b la d g i- held imortAl service* ot-Uielr hftB hetr. C a«y r -A . a , Pjortcn of Twin PilU- w u y, prtnclp*! iipciikqr and 'Wii* Ihlio- " “n ' ec<J by. Prof. • Gilmore. -A#ionip 'Uie 1 Itora pre.*4:nl w re Uiese grand lodge leers. A *horl ptopaln. codiUt- hfc die l_ c t two vocal.dueia; b y ..a ;..s . ^Tcloi nc*-and-W .-& Ouhn-nnd-fr-plM o body-s b'-bf-.Mn. H. K.'.’Delment WMjwtll •«iV«f #fter whlcH Ui»-commits# R P iJ %Td'refreshments', lo' tboiit forfa 'Ml*. 1 I l ’^- • •kllM'Marlon Leahy.apU td'W edna- ._ , . rxven lng from Solse.:ihere aho - ^ 1 “ tnUr.iook Uie lU ii board cum ln»; r tklcr'huhes; ' j I - - , ' ” m e Udle* Aid- *ocleiy wai delight- , , W ir.. eoienalned Wednesda|^Aflec> . Thn on bT Mr*. D. O..Lon»enberw* 'SS(-*;.H. !£:■ Delmont aUUMtr,ihda<( -* llowlng.-an Interwllng buslneo w n,.-iafrc*hm caU -Jsem ..j*oeil...U . .1" ‘i'i’ w ; flfleeri.


'T rE -& im ~ p ~ s^T ? rE -.

' i ' . I T 'S A

. , \ h o t -i g

w fflllsl- ODE CENT PER WORf l —


All Wanl M% allTo.anil attire ra id - Uiey brfltig ilie bujcr.

Phene 32 ALFAI I’lio

-HECP"VfSNTED=«Snror^= = - -FEMALE-: PoiF

__________________ _______,------- tablWANTED-CHERRV PICKEP^ FOR r o i f ;

next week. Cnll Blue U ke; Ranch. i„ n 353-R-l. jjifpiiLAUIBj. M A kfjSS T0'»50 WilEKlJV

addrcfilnb' cards a t home; cxpcrlcnce compa umicctJMr>', 2c stanip brliiiu full par- /j-t,-;/ tlcular^ H..IU(ili_ .:Kew-Cft5ik..lnd— A'dENl-S SELl dX sirU ALU D N , m Abstrt

per cent proHl. Your midrrss on , :ans. No take, ouanmtpi-d product.Free particulars nnd proof. U' Fcbvre - ” Company, Alexandria, Ont.. Cnn.ida, L a>IE S-sa.»50~"W feE iaY EASY'.

AddresslriR mall at, home. Oood op- , portunlly. No canv-iMlnc or expert- cnce. Partleulnr* 2 e '' stnmp. Home ' Business Ecrslcc Bureau, HolI.ind.-Ind, "^s— --------- _____ rooi h

-------------- I FOR ;WANTED; Salesmon for hlslr jiqh, class arid v.cll-kfiawn'llnc of Motor' F ru it; T rucks.' CojiimlaJa^ prop*,lUon. jave.*i Tills U un opportunity for a real — ^ jaleunan. Address 3b. carc News.


Uuch East AdrtlUon. Twin Foils Title j

?6 R ~ 6 At;^-KOONV"RElilDENCli; MATE

Fall* Tltfi* and Alutract Co. itOO.N roK“ flA ia> -B T o w N E iirW H o 'ifl ,

movln*: to counio'. 8«>d modem KfEP lome. fine locaUon. Priced rlglil fcr Rent juick sale. Tenns. Phono IflO, wHV

------ ~ T llft

, LOANS - "’A im UJAK3. t r „ S'VIM J; CO. W iS r O T D ^ iT V ~ * A m —

Fall* TlUe and A ttrac t Co. _ !?SOTLMii5it L O A N S -i i iS u e a j -Mte. no sleek to buy. Arlliur LTEwim ‘T i f t c o . ______liSFlEY -foXOAN-i-'AILM A Sd CTfV

property. Potter, llcal li:3talc, Twin

3'(5REY 'i-oii& rTrA iciTlf"i^N s"^^ Fans!" , modem houses In T>i'ln Falls. Ar-hur L. Swim As Cj . • _________ . _ ' JM £ A C " T T l iS rT S A N r = n N -T . nuteri

ratfl 6W per ccnt. See J.y} . McDow- jjo , 7j Jl, Twin Falls, Route 2. phteo 577-J-l,

rcityiproijvjt',. "bttiiu |)iiTata money r^ccnd a (mm* of from .'i03 to IMOO now on Hf. 5., land. Irrigated L.iiul* Company, Ho- j„nual cl Perrlne, IIS Sho-.lione *1. w it . " S S " o F m Q N o a 'v e r \ ' " c h e a p cne-thi u id deslrablojM in loan. I Uibk it you gr-i

ho U st farmlonn proposlllon'cver'cr-' partlcii m H ;na-UMiJttteJ j l l i I f ' ' iil rCow—fay you to sec me lx.toro pbcing ynur tiui^i, » n . C, A. Robliuin.__________ __ WE~T


lERRIES. AN-y OliAOE YOU '.VAKT. any amount you 'vani. Ed V:i:;;e. o p e n f

ublU Market [b-io,,,’ ----- :............ ............. .......... = 3 culture


HAILEY, June Ifr^E- H. McCon- ^

i'liVfiT. ditd-JhUTsday aomSiiB aV ilie ^ — arey hwpltal from effects bf Injuries p n i tcelved front 0 rcfractory horse. The one kicked'-him and »raaihed his pQ„ , ght.le5..B «.W u..tak«L^.U ie.hctpl. ..1 whert Uio 1« i . 'a anipuuted but, t died toon after, He tlilmed 6e* ' rclftllve of Qovemot. McConnell Hi* sdy.wu.hrought.lo.»UUe)r:Xor burial, pcrg*.


Friday. J u » ‘ 17D « ed -n t« tc 'o t D. B,B urlcy la A.. Craven'OW NE N i^ .P « 13.l(L

:w M i e i r w M l i a f v M t ■Thft-pTOtttiil ou ^K H *tha-W M t« r r g ^

Pinntls nl Woiihlft«<in f i' ap- , rhliw l'nt f iay « ,f"9 r.T |ip rJ0 Jit'rcs oircaal I ititf plot «ero crlslnnlly puretum-d p a ta - rr‘?i;tX10,'■ ■■ ion, IJI

MORNING, JUNE 1 9 , 1 3 2 7 .

t t e t ^ c h : a i i t t y ,


*K.. r

l i A l l^mAU-44ISGEttANEGUS-F6fHiaddle r o iT s V L E T liH c w B lz r 'lA'ITEillKa TOU t'OHDS, h'lV.. S3.B5 ,^ ^ 7 7 cx. E, O. Haveius patiery Co, a“ 111

lERHY CRATKS AtrD_HO.\E3. EU. y u l . - u ' Vniice. Public Mr.rkel.

:L K A m ~ lA V ~ lC rD E L lV E iu a 5, cUffortPlione 678-W. Mclntvrc.

JEW ANU SECO.VD'HA^DTP'iP^'Sri (ry*. i tale a t Idalio Junk Upmm. :uWw.__1

K > ii-aA L tt-.iK F A T .W ^iT ^fN O ' r o r r * s table nnd baulnctte. phone 1032-W, f^ys ct

^iTsTLE=bNEllXia-rN~DltCHEn‘ Fisher. I In good coiidtlon. S35, T. F.'Caiml Co. acCREI

M l-liO V E S r^ n 'P ^ P * CAR AWN’* liom J liiffs. »3i0 per pair. Lind Automobile Caldwell

ompany. n • C, Lecho lj 'i f iR f iA v A T ia r B T O C ir^ ^ ='-ralls Canat Co.-Ts'in FtUU Tltlo 'a: Quarry.' ibstmrt Co. 'O'- _O li SA LF/^bO D HAY RACK AND t'ATE Ii tt-agon, 1\ miles nofUi Hansen. « l esi

iw^W onacolt, _ ccntageiAY W i r 8 A tjj“ AT~TirE MARY Alice PMk, $10 in thft field or »13£0 ,

cllvered, Pliom 8 1 5 ,____________•OR SAI.E-CO dAlLO.'J LARD BAR- Hundred rtLs and ketcliup bottks; fine for queen Ii

ool beer. Tlie Poppy. . , dcrful ,DR 'SALE-^POLDINa'PlNT UERRY chicks, hollocks, olM crates. Inquire Pacific rii-id In

Vult nnd Produce Co'. Phone CGSr iUi tcflicd c ve. *eulh. • blood tesa.-i-.i.j.*:- • fiicea ri

MISCELLANEOUS.'A D biS"lIO RSiS FOB BALE OR1,1. riiDjnMi.__________ ________ “•0«S. UKAI'r; JOICE UOITLES l-XJit n tiier tn*«'« nl __________________ ieh fronUSTOM'"SPRAYlNa DONE JCEA- cacti, 3wnalilp. Phone 037, __ _ .saU.sfact

lATEHNl'n* NUKSE-^Mlta. JACoff men, I( J to r a n . Ph^n,.inT^ - _ _ .onleed. 1 XX).M ASb UOAlib. PHONE nwW. ERY.231 KO Sceond ave. norUi. _

:tEP YOUR H M L tii, Riufc o u i i c n f l 'Rcnlle Mdaie lio n a . Pliwe COI. ;

/HV NOr u uyT O h ick k n UANCiu SACRW Tlift prlee is lo 'j:~Tloxm '*^'fn Fal ls : ' iiupmi

Babbel. the taller, new location over 1 looth's,'- - 6PECI,pR RENT-VACUUM CLEAMEIta wlUi nltachmeiiu, E uy Wtulilns J®”

lachlne Co.S iiQ m N rN Q _ c S im H a ju iu £ & :: per hanging.. F. A. Roa-an, 2Ti OUi ]g..3 re. C.UI. Phone 303-J, _ v£iiiuiE~Y O iJi~cibn-EVijt'’’ AND jnifl p-Jrify your drmkliiR water wllh D. IC. 1038 arrow Bros, Seed U Supply Co.. Twin 1535 ^ l ^ ____________________

mer's Arsenale of Lead for *pray alerla}*. Coil phono 050-W, P, O.

154._30j_2n^ave. north;_____W D -filE E IF PLANTED TO DA~nuii^:~;g nllnnr-;;hv<£n -- -'hOR-cchd y-ear.' ' t s m onthly.wlir[34nt ___re atrcs, tttlilch should i»y JISOO prollt POR REmunlly. Reliable ccmpanlcs will cul- home,inle r.nd market your bananas for fy>i{ nj;le-thlrd.. Bananas ripen every day nnd doje lU gr-t your check every pO dain...Forirllculan 'a ild fa i'jan th a I'lnnwilon „ 'V i^ •« :^ p lr e r r9 te r : i ) to d r 8 3 ir n a s = -IT^I, Pa, _ ____'E"TEA"CH~lilirQREAt'~'MA'STER coi:r7.e in jjc a u ly cultiir*- unilcr Uie , ,d niislncrntic Oriental ny»iem. Am ^ £ !! L 1 pr(Ki;lliiR the Phoenix- School of ^ R iti :uty culture curt Uie Orlnilnl sys- ticiise. ni cf Chlrago. Illinois. Will iasue K" plcma* under either or bolh r.ystems, icratcR who da lrc toilcani Uic m ji- FOR Rl :lous touch of Ihe Orient In beauty house, !lure wilt have Uip Kreate^t ctiancs M3;S‘rc<

Ihelr hvrs to Icam cs'crylhing in lioiiso ne' auty culture. The mysterlei of the Plione 45 cat Orifiit where nti real ber.uty p o ffR S i mes .from.. Am glvlns special.rate reason* r next 35 dojT For InformaUon buslncsj, 11 RoRcrton Hotel after 4 P. m. Wed-

~ wa.oui'ft

FOR SALE—FURNiTUHE ')R^T a' le^ m' o n A fi c i f ne*.-A bargain. 750 Main jouUi. P0JV“U£ )R BA LE^M Alii E 'L E C T R IC ^lflg^ ilm w t ntw. CaU' a t War-

)R '3 A t^ k ^ ; f« R fA B i i" £ i2 C 3 . 'Irlc tea-ing machtae, a .bargUn. otrln Falls Kardwarc. • ' “ — 'm aA L b-,i.D W B im o HoiTs-E FOR•leclrlc range, slightly used. »8J. Dla- _____ind Hardware Co, FOR SA>R“ 6A C iw ftt’o “ pin’2“ R0t r s T ^ _(rcsh.*c >ne matUttt. Inquire 161 8th ave. rth. ItTLHirTy-Aiwood. FOR SAt□ y f iS H 6 L f t W i u H f W r t j f t -* r tm n.ale: *alnu{ dlnlni w nm K t. 3 piece*. 3 a rcaesion-w tlnul--b«l-n>om-set.-3 K)R-9A1 n*;.UoO'6iairaonibed. IL lL B rat- .JT u riuo1 IJIJ l-.lh ate. ea*t. . dally. ^

•i ■

, " s , - .

p ___________ ____________________

l i l l6R-^ L E-P6Bf c f n ? f f i - T~~

EGGSB Y Cl HCKS; \V R ira?O ri pr Tc' S LsUll Pouilry Vord.s. Qgden. JJtnh,; K F— ORPltjUlXXN-lllATCmUCi ,. Bgs, $3 I)0P JOO. Phone 512-R-I3. p.. ■ fford Denney;iP s A C ^ r tb D S ^ W A W r t r E t J — O’*. 23c lb. Earl Prtuice, H igh land___

iR^S^AL'E^lNETlHObE'TSLAtiD ry» cvpry day cxcepl Sundayi W.M. ''■ * her. N(f. Blue Lake. Phone 1307-J. :C R E bntD O. A."b,'WHri'E LEG- 10m pullets. 6 neck* old, iiatclied ot Idwcll Ilatchcry, 05c each. 400 O. A, J- H- Lechom hens; 200 3-year*oIds, 00c o. c . Ji; 200 yrnrllnm 75e ench, J. D. jo ij ] arry.-Klmberiy. ‘I-mllc-wcst-Nun* —x n '- mvf-'TE~l!ATCH“ciHCi<aTlAy"LAifa'- Ida 3l cRgs nnd produce Uie blgRczt t>er- - - - ilage of iiullets. And you gel Uic IS when c rr priccs are highest. Write Tiedlatcly for our spcclol low prices •~~- latc hatches of Leghomsi ^ I. Reds, ered Rock*, and Block Mlnorcj«. ndrcds of cnihiislriatic lettcn from ccn llotelico' custemera lell of won- p^,'ful success wlUi Q. H. o u a llty ------cks. All Q. H. flocks are subject to id lns]>cction and culling and our ted chicks nb" from 100 per cent od tested flocks with oil while dinr- :ea reactors rpjnoved, World's R ^ - I Slmln W. L. Chick* wlUi Uio blood _ _ t ’l of (he fnmou* (lOOOTodd cockcrel. V 117 per 100. I^ I. Red or Barred N r ck Chicks now Ii.'i per' lOO, Non- i i m led W. I., Ohlcks now $13 jw 100. u,;. ler prices In proportion, W. L. Pul- . mi I from sclcclcd stock, 8 weeks. 51.15 -sr=: tl. 3 monUui, $U5. Twenty years' i-?fMl<'a_Knli:tJo_NJiv.-Pouiuj!i II, 100 per ccnt live delivery guar- ^*^0- eed. Free caUlon, QUEEN HATCH- .Y. 23M Second Ave.. ScotncT ^VAll ------------------- ---------------------------- age


5 R O T 0 s ^ a u i - ^ A i r " .S c n x ^ - , . k lupmobllefilr Sedan; might conald- mioll ear. Inquire 202 7Ui nvc. cas(.

......................, - " ' - " T ' " 1 Wld 1PECIAL VALUES IN USED CARS

1023 Dodge Tnick, iWAIIKM Ford Coupe, 1'------1030 Ford Roadster, jWANl92ft-Ohcsrrolct-Coach;---------------- ^-t« r.1023 Chevrolet Coujte, . iw / ,192-1 SUidebakrr RoadiUr, I forJMfl Oldsmoblle. ipjion1028 Sedan, '1S25 Chevfolct Touring. '


-. Phone 1(1 reoi' 1122.

iOR.RENt-TrFURNlSHED^^i 'R E tn ^ - " R b b M T > r ^ S w o i : w an ome. Phone KDJ. Pou:t RENT-ROOM, AU50 JiOARD; ose In. 315 2nd nve. norUi. WAN".i Iia< t-^ 5 !lE ^■ IN o“ no'o^fR^]^ '■"t-K. f.irnM'>-.| Jp,.-- .PIIU--:

rr« S T :;^ A R 'G E 'F H tS r FLW Mrtnipnt with s.ln-plni; iwrcti. pT.n'v^ 357. J.-— .............X i t f5 iT .^ fo o 'M i--ji;NUiiiED p -,,.- :ii:e. JIB; fnnll {iiritl;litri hcuw. ,; ■ good unfumUlinl C-room. -om._S37.50. -A. N. Phun: « .I r ^ - 3 - r 6 o m ■ fur.n -isued ' ' mse, IIOJO; 6-ro;m modtm h5U.1 'J .'' 4-rcom moiltm hniw, 520 ; 3-rocm ‘

» not-modem. «12,5D, A. N. Lone, n e « . .fR S iT n p i^ A S A N T T S o W E fS asoriable. for young lady student or ncsj, glrl:.ftls(» mwl-m tuo room poR£

------------- ^i,i- - ' -- PJ

)R; RENT~APARTMENTS. t a nt^ U ^ ^ T O R T - 'E R O o ilT ^ R .ilu 4 B^KU^ent. Bungalow Apart- r;-----u \3 n d avQ. east. SSiiiU ED BLECTiNU RQOlTB', ntlcmfoVpnrftfred.'' 2} i :3rd -f t« . YOUN h. Phono J44-J. • - .>

■OR SALE-LiVESpCK ^rS A L E ^ O O D JFj G e y ' x OW. ah .«eoOc-J. ,k'.Rulr,rt<iiie._PhM»

.'SA L & ia'M dN tH S OLO'iRXsil : ~ 'w, i t t raa^T iuft.' priono^so-j-s, b t- ___n 3 aoil-4 • WANT.“ SALfe-bNk-THOROUOKBfeD - t o p iriuoucox , giving 1 sallpiH.mlit; ' outfLi '. t o A. B. ^ U l . Hansen. I d a ^ f L. B

P flge Bovon .......


— i

I _ I


iECIOfifj— P R O F E s s i o m r — — j


" T 'i n i w S A t r o H i c M M t o S r s md f. SmlUi'-Rlce BullJlhg. ' _ ' IAUilt)Uail^,'Roonu'4lixid'87B“^md Trust Bldg. Phone 0 ________11. H A K?3£s^vcr Barber Shoe Oo.

irN 'w ro i^ ilA M -lJ tt^ ^ . Bonk i l _______■misnsidg.—ptiono'Djy-'w. . ■ . . k'EELEY”* 8\VEELEY-Law o /i i o i idotio Power Building.


iTolN 8\5uA N CE-nro,Thclt,Prop- rrty. Damage, Publlo LlobllKy. 0 . S.- | i’olter. Real EsUite. PhMO 37t___ • ,


rTTiro^V-GLASS-Wlnddlleld*^ » « • •iel work. Moon'* Shop. Phono 8.'

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

)ME PLU.MUi!^d V ilEATINO co l '.'cw location. 135 3rd nve. cast. il,U\N'r?NE PLUaiUlNG A USAT« ng Co. For heating trouble*. Fbooe r3l-W............. - ....................... . — ----------

TO AN 'sra;

^rallng, storage and Uberty CooLV IlBnia tilANSITO-AND B IO B----------ige Co.. Coat and wood. Phone 141 MCHULS T llA N sm t & STOBAdk' -Qarbago hnulcd dally. Phone'309. . . .


ioEB^N w o o m t H o f 'A M ^ C Aets In I. O, 0 . F. hali every i t to u i ,,1 fgurUi V/cdnesday., • . ». •

ANTED-MISCELLANEOUS'iNTSD-POULTRY; " i t C, MlfN- ’ ior.-l>tion«.oo3-'VV.------- 1- -------------.;--------- i». MODEL 1-X3IID COUPE BOOV (or 4-door Scdaii, 1020 or 1031 mode). I one 32S.J-1, BulU. IlN m > :T 0 RE N T -K U R N lsO aj' IlOusc, wlien scliool is out. Ptwos . . {-J. . IINt £d t o UUY-NICE & OR~0 Iw m jiou jc. good locaUoa Phone j

Limishcti* moilciii-hoti3(^iit'Roud'lt^' &

iNTTO TO'DUY-ALL 'iaN D a OP IoulUy: hlKhir.i cash price, Phono . f . M. O. Caiiadx .. j:S r s ix ic ic -T O - PACTUilET-TWO:Ulca nsrih of (lie Waslilnglon scliool • ------

)R RENT-UNFURNISHED .f fN th T tr i^ '^ V T T ^ tT f jiy m ^ ^ trn _____Iores. CcKcrt Real Estate. ' ! jir R E tn '—' f iv e .'rocwi ■m odBIN , . juu-r, t;i;ii tidny, 310 3rd live; liorUi.-- - ■!h c t a ' Fo ii lin N T -fN b w 'iiA V E ’ Iir rent over my store, one large front • I,:i, a sulle of three rooms in front, iicne large well lighted room In Uib '• j

T115S5 arc Uio best ofOccj In Uio j far the money, W. H, EldrldRC. ' ‘ jl

“ T o F s A L p S r ^ . . . ll


r - 5 A a ? ^ o 6 E r '^ 6 D '^ c o ‘ffT r. nnone 1333-W. . » 1 ■ •• • H I'HAlijVAUbU^^^^,.75 per cwt, H. E. Roberts, l i nortJj, •« reit-H.inien brldce*^— t — - ——«sp fflE ^ ^ n •' IJNQTVOXtWrWITHTWO L n U X B T "" B rli'« 'aiils .'work houskecping; icaih'-' - A ;. Phone 68J-J2. between 3 a ^ jt "

.cnCA L n u r s e "WANTS ' J ojTncnt; oUirr work , aectplibU -'.. : ' , 1 evenings ond mornings. ,.430 W ih ■ -/ff s t ; - PhCTO Jjl B S - W . - - , — - 1

W W e O - i W E S f O C K ; . . 1 . J

i r o A N D ' ; C A i |5 3 ' '3 ’« ( ^ t l p u t cPT»ature.-7 lw p iirB -l» a ill» ■ '•■•a ji

------------ ------ ----------^

Page 16: ion I I^TH E C TW I[N FAvaa.s tD A H · iwurlngs. the amilsllce day celebration. ets. and the return of Uie victorioui ^ Cardinals

■ ; : . T O

Every Hat in st Schobleand

*/3_____________ ?8.00-Hate-foi^™,™^

$7.00 Hate f o r ..............IJ6.00 Hats f o r ........ ...,$5.00 HaLs for ~ ....... :$3.B0 Hats f o r ...... .......

" - ■ V -■ To'Clean Out for-the

Every Shirt in Stoch _____ one of the three (

Artistic Shirte.A t g S ^ , all s

; . A t f l » - | ^ i : ; aii$: ^ a lls

““ . All Spring s

1/395c Knit U nions........

' 79e Nainsook Unions ..______ 95e Broadcloth Unions------- - 95c Shoulder Button ,Ui

96c Rayon Stripe Athle 79c Knit Button over S




Ptt e


NOTRv)2ry item in

_//__________ [h miiiccd fiH I■« y . with lilt; (ixct;|;, 4 caiiva.H/K. ''liirts mui wnr■ \ > s ' _____—

M Tiie 1■ I ThcbiK'tv™

L, , r when cvofy', .outcniiekly,

-------- --— ,Ve;il‘s how Ifii' .sl.vle.s anil IU

-W SliiHs. Iteidl


f I ------- lt:lrt Scliiil'i’r!' fi all ilrastioalb: / . o fF allsly lo

!/ •" 219. i " — — - —

S to ck -S te tso n ^ id Ferry--cut ^

/ 3 . ’

............ ................$4.67..........................r a o —

z r = r r = s 3 ; 3 4 - —

-................. ^.......S2.34the-New-Fall Styles.

)ck w ill be found in e d ra s tic cu t p rice

ill shirts up to $1.65. ,

II $1.95 Shirts. f ?ill'$2;45;Sh'ifts"-

11 $2.95 Shirts ill $3.25 Shirts ,11 $3.95 Shirts

g an d S u m m ff Underw

6.......... ..................... 63c‘S - - ........................5.SCm s .............. ..........................

1 U nions..........:l-----6.Sc WW etic....■ Shoulder Union sS c /ll

g w ear R educed



TICE1 thi.s big .slock I VI in <mr custom_____cption'of over* . ~

([lovo.i, work irk ho.' p. iLf

Big Semi-Ani Sale In 1

ico a yejiV (•leaji-iip . o cmj'-i? ■'item iiTliiis high gi’adc j , 'I'hc oiiu hip sale that ha; liusulTaie.s hay^huon y()ur U‘W valiiM in tho c-uriimui: ll.-y Sv.vaUr;'., Miinf in-'AViui

i’noF & 'Hai'XTS inshinierr ly cut to (‘lean oiil'iii oxac -• rav.l valiin .o’>iu(is i.*vci‘ IimKDT . " ~ ~

' i f S 1 6 .8 8 -

I $25.13-

^ ^ g ’ S 3 7 . 5 0

- J8ei j! val

R p- - - ' ■ - AU


OhlL. <>-<9’*** I Pojan______ Sk.-cK ilJ fl

^ j IPftJan

j VT'-'A i

/ f W f \ s ‘


Mill/ ll . \ t \W ' ! iniISSc Ifor .35c r

___- - lor ._________ w n

tor ._____ .. -........-......... 750-Jiv e a rC u t- S°i.-

• ■ j for .

« TfEve


H r Imflnti

D E P A R T M l

iinua! Red -IThe Mens ;

iS'erly awa'li.'d .n'li’p Tv/in T le ‘stocl;' c r i‘ii'-i!';; ur.ti'.iii'r ;v has tile fviil n iii'idi.-tia' of in- Kreiites.'in , r: ikc tnr Iji J ix-ason. !:;i. S, afi'm :• ; rair, Allen i,: ,.il :'.-,it

M-rBleber ic.r \V.’i:'hf.i;j;-( :;ictly I'l <i-iy:, lo make roiim assembled in tliii; sloi c.

125r : rcnmloui ' . ____

1 -' .$22.50 ff . t f S u i tn . «D / $29.51) (P

/ SuiK;. «D $33.50 ff

^ Suits:.«■ ^ "$ 3 9 .5 0 ~ (E

t A w ^r \ .^■15 r il

Beit Back Suits; reg-ulai’ | values $19.95 and $35.00


S 5 .0 0 i_ j ...............■ ____ ______ i;

2 0 % ^OFF ALL I

• -Handkorchiefsr Tie.s jartei-s, Glovea,~BilkFolds‘r -

Etc.' ■ ■ ' !

\11 Sleeping Wear Inolud- init Brichten-earlsbad

Less 20%Z . ...... _.$1.19'J.4S Pajamiz and (P*! no |-lliihlslilru , ...................u)1*7D195 Pajamu and (9nJl*ht»Iilrt3 ....•....... -..,.<Da *o D 13.50 Pajoiiia} atid On OA I Jljtilililru .. ...... .......... ®ii.OU

3vety^Paic3£0VIeh’sl)rcs8!f - Sose in the House Incliid- ing Allen-A Less 20%S • 20c

.... .......... 28c!- ^ - -

60c.. .......... :..80c

Every Suit in our Men’s' ■ Summer Clothing stock

cut ' I l/„ One-Third -' . 1 / , .

• -OFF .___ ^ L .Eveiy Straw.Hat Your

Choice a t " - ■VL OHe'^Half ' \ L


NOTICErerjr i te m Iq j th o d e p a r tm e n t n o t d n tio n e d h e ro U k o i a t J e a i t a ro<

d n c tio ii ' o f f ro m .

I E . N T . S T O I

ALLS, IDAHO, SUNDAY IVf m o r n in g :,TUNE 19,1927.

■ IT’S OUR PARTYY oli're Inv ited to help_w i d u r Reml-nnnifnl d e a n -u p

V sp r in g atylcH to m nke rotTor th e b ig flood o f fall, mi

V ^ V - c liard ifie ..

/ .

-Tag QearaiK S to T ^ -

n Fi'.l[fi_(' -ii-iii. j in Ktv iV.ti’ riii'Tii;'.lJi'i'j?.i’iii cul. ta.i):

if th.'i l.uyiii.ti: iiulille. jFiii- £ fljoili.i;' .sliov.’Ti iiothinK l..ut n :■ and'i'.ian; iiUiihin;T, .Arli;:

,it thf I.Ai- IVii- M .l:iv;:,'

iTija-ls-nnd T:.TSlnv-itrtmTT^ mm for the I. D.’s bift-n'e. t sto

. ..-amTS-cm'—

S 1 5 « 0 0 , S 1 9 . 6 f i / S 2 2 .3 4

m 3 ' 4 . / Z $ 3 3 ,3 4 ^



j L$oiilt

B- t

' U s

j m$14 5

.$29.{ ■ V '$30.(

1 ----------------------------------

« Every Item ir


* 1 / Everj


;t y L ' Ip_wiiii_i_— i-up of \ V ,! room \ - J11 mer-

nee / i %y, T \ k / ii.pas.-i \ ! \ {!• five-----it new ^ J f r!i;:ti.' \

^ to d ^ * ~ : y I ' , ^

5verv S pring S w ea ter Ir.cludin '; B rad ley’i

1 2 5 % ,This Means Jo

2.98 Sweatersor ........................................8.50 Sweatei’K •I'V............................ ..........4.95 Sweatei's__________o r ...........'............................5.45-Sweatei:8----------------or V....’...................................5.95 Sweatersor ............ ............................

14*Day Cleanup to.maicp room

T he E n tire S tock o f P R educed

2 0 %5c Suit Cases for .:..........2.45 Suit Cases for ...........3.95.SuitCaseaJor-.,;......„..6.95-Suifeases for12.95 Suit Cases for ......TlQ-XninksJoL................14.25 Trunks for ...............32;60WaMr61)esfor;..:.....14;45-Ladies’ H at Boxes29.60 Fitted C ases......:....30.00 Gladstones f o r .........

n in the Finest Stock of B( lines in Twin Falls Takes

EYory Boy's fl ne anit in atod one Ion; and one folf knlcker lei

revy Boy’s suit in stock 1 golf knickers cut one-hal:

Every pair of boys’ long sers reduced one-'fif

. Erary Item In onr Boyi’ .T um i

I Department rtidnoed onb-fli

)27. ; . ■ .


, ~r^

r in the lioune, r’s, Reducsd

;o Voii

$ 2 . 2 4 ;.... '$ 2 .6 3 _ _

— $ 3 # l - = - - i z i r . $ t G 9 — ^

J 4 4 6>m for. the now styles. ••


... ........ 76c.........--$1.96

:...<55,5fi ■ ,

.......... S10.26.....................$6.00 . ’S'.......... $11.40 I..............................$26;oo '

... -■— - -$23.60 : .

.......... $24.00 -Soys’ Clothing and ss Drastic Cuts« ^ \ ) / 0 I

with two 1 / -• i tif price 7 2 .

5 J""-2 0 %

- " 2 0 %

