iof small charity conference - getting started with online fundraising

Getting started with online fundraising IoF conference: Fundraising in a small charity Michelle Fortune Charity Support Specialist [email protected]

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Getting started with online fundraising

IoF conference: Fundraising in a small charity

Michelle Fortune

Charity Support Specialist

[email protected]

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What we’re going to cover today

1. Why fundraise online?

2. Setting up a basic online profile with JustGiving

3. Promote online fundraising & attract supporters

4. Drive traffic to your page

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Why fundraise online?

You’ll be where the people are

& make it easy for people to give

In 2012, 80% of all UK households had internet access

50m mobile phone users are ready to give instantly and spontaneously

Through JustGiving, they can give online or via their mobile phone straightaway.

A third of people on JustGiving find us through social networks.

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Why fundraise online?

Percentage of households with Internet access

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Why fundraise online?

You'll raise more money

People are more generous when they give through a website. The average online donation is £30, compared to £15 offline.

A whopping 85% of online donations are eligible for Gift Aid, compared to only 43% offline.

People can now donate for abroad in their local currency too

Over £1 billion has been donated

via JustGiving

In January 2013, 40% of all donations came

via mobile phones & tablets

People have more ways to give e.g. Credit card, PayPal, Direct Debit, text donation

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Why fundraise online?

Loads of fundraising tools

Your own profile page



Mobile optimised view

Comprehensive charity account

Social media fundraising & sharing

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Setting up a basic online profile with JustGiving

This is your charity’s dedicated area on JustGiving – it’s just like a mini website.

Promote this profile to your community so potential supporters can easily find your charity online.

Here they can make a donation, set-up a monthly direct debit or create a fundraising page.

A third of people on JustGiving find us through social networks, and they’re looking for charities to support!


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Setting up a basic online profile

Step 1 - Add your charity’s logo and a description of what your charity does.

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Setting up a basic online profile with JustGiving

Step 2 - Personalise your thank you message

A thank you message is sent to everyone who makes a donation through JustGiving.

This is sent as part of an email receipt and can be personalised so your charity can use its own words to thank the people who donate

Personalising a thank-you message for your supporters lets them know how much their donation means to your charity.

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Setting up a basic online profile with JustGiving

Step 4 – Use the features & tools percentage tracker in your charity account to make sure you’re getting the most out of JustGiving!

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Promote online fundraising & attract supporters

Add compelling stories, share information & add our donation app. Get people to ‘like’ your page.

According to the people at Facebook, they have over 1 billion active monthly users.

Use social media

It’s where the people are!

....and it’s free!

In 2012, facebook drove over 1.8 million donors to Justgiving, 50% more than 2011

They gave over £34 million, up 44% on 2011

Our Facebook app generated over £680,000

Create your own charity page on


68% of the UK population is on Facebook.

Not forgetting the 200 million active Twitter users around the world

Share & promote stories of fundraisers & supporters.

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Case Study – Reverse Rett Research

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Promote online fundraising & attract supporters

Support your fundraisers by providing tips, suggestions and advice

The JustGiving blog offers tips and information for fundraisers at

Think about developing your own fundraiser ‘pack’ – it could include

a fundraising tips leaflet

contact details for further support

How to create their page

Ideas on how to spread the word

about their fundraising

Links to the JustGiving blog

T-shirts or wristbands

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Case study – Tree of Hope Children’s Charity

JustGiving lets you know each time that new fundraising page is rated in support of your charity. We’ll also give you the email address of that new fundraiser

Tree of Hope Children’s Charity uses these emails to contact their new fundraisers and welcome them to the charity.

The charity sends a welcome email, thanking the fundraiser for choosing to raise money for them.

They offer fundraising tips & information on how to make the most of JustGiving

They also contact the fundraiser when their activities are finished to say thanks

A brilliant statistic:

Tree of Hope fundraisers have raised over £14,000 in text donations alone since June 2011. The charity encourages their fundraisers to use this facility.

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Another great idea.....

We let you know when a fundraising page has expired because the activities are complete.....

Many charities use this as an opportunity to thank the fundraiser for their support.

As part of this, some charities choose to let the fundraiser know how they’ll be using the money they raised and tell tem the difference it will make.

People are more likely to support you again if they know that they are making a difference.

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Promote online fundraising & attract supporters

Fundraisers who’ve had a good experience will be more likely to come back and fundraise again,

Local press articles, on your website, at events, nominate them for awards

Champion your supporters!

Sing their praises, thank & recognise them publicly

Champion their activities online via social media – shout about how brilliant they are on Twitter & Facebook

Thank and encourage them for everything they’re doing

Use a charity facebook page to say how well your fundraiser is doing & share their pages. Give an update on how much they’ve raised so far or mention their brilliant ideas.

they’ll also promote your charity to others, make a financial donation or even consider leaving a legacy

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Case study – Positive East

Positive East is a great advocate for its supporters. They use social media to promote and celebrate the achievements of their fundraisers.

Using social media in this way is a great idea, with so many people using it. It’s a cost-effective way to share information widely about your brilliant fundraisers

Positive East has a ‘fundraiser of the week’ whose efforts get promoted on Twitter and Facebook.

They welcome any new runners with a ‘welcome’ tweet

A brilliant quote:

“A retweet or a Facebook call-out is a simple way to start building a relationship with your followers and you’d be amazed how much they’ll appreciate it”.

Mark Butcher – Positive East

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Drive traffic to your page

How do you get more people to take notice? Tell a great story!

It’s not about you, it’s what you do

Make your story inclusive – involve your supporters

Get your beneficiaries to talk on your behalf

Be authentic (that’s the easy part)

Share that story EVERYWHERE!

Keep it short and snappy where you can then link to a larger story if you need to

Give easy next 

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Drive traffic to your page

So, you’ve told an amazing story & promoted it EVERYWHERE! Now people want to support you....

Use our buttons on your website, blogs, e-flyers and emails.

Give a link to your JustGiving page on Facebook, Twitter and anywhere else you’re telling your story.

To support us or make a donation, visit

...How do they do that? Easy, offer a great ‘call to action’

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Drive traffic to your page

You’ll raise significantly more than you would with a web address alone.

A few great things about buttons....

Charities using JustGiving buttons on their website raise 58% more than charities that use links

They‘re quick and easy to add – we offer step by step instructions

There’s a selection of ready made buttons for you to choose from

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Case study – The Neuroblastoma Alliance UK

Many charities are using buttons to drive traffic to their page - in a single click, your supporter is taken to donate to your charity on JustGiving

A charity recognising the impact of JustGiving buttons is The Neuroblastoma Alliance UK. The charity works with families, running appeals to raise funds for life-saving treatments.

Add ‘make a page’ buttons to their website to help people start the process of fundraising online

They also provide the families with buttons to add to their own blogs

A brilliant quote:

“Buttons are much clearer to see on out web pages than complicated links and there’s less confusion from our supporters, which saves us time. JustGiving buttons simplify the process. If people want to set up a page or donate, they can just click on a button and it will take them exactly where they need to be”

Marta Hofstrom– The Neuroblastoma Alliance UK

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Summary – What we’ve covered

1. Why fundraise online?Be where your supporters are – 80 of all UK households are online

2. Setting up a basic online profile with JustGivinglet the world know it’s you!

3. Promote online fundraising & attract supportersUse social media, support & champion your fundraisers

4. Drive traffic to your pagecraft a compelling reason to support you & use buttons to take people to your page!

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