io enewsletter issue 2

International Office E-NEWSLETTER January 2014 Volume 1, Issue 2 INTERNATIONAL OFFICE NEWSLETTER ISSUE 2 ISSUE 2 Monthly Internaonal and exchange students from more than 40 different counes aended the T.R.N.C Independence Day celebraons on 15th Novem- ber, 2013. Their tradional costumes brought color and dra- ma to the Nicosia parade. The students were also able to enjoy aircraſt and parachute shows, and many others. The annual Cup of Naons Basketball tournament was held from the 9 th to 18 th December 2013 in Lala Mustafa Paşa Sports Center. This year, a record num- ber of teams parcipated - 16 in the men's category and 6 in the ladiescate- gory. The opening ceremony was con- ducted by Prof. Dr. Ülker Vancı Osam and Prof. Dr. Majid Hashemipour. Cup of Nations Basketball Tournament International Students Celebrate T.R.N.C Independence Day

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IO eNewsletter Issue 2


Page 1: IO eNewsletter Issue 2

International Office


January 2014 Volume 1, Issue 2




International and exchange students from more

than 40 different counties attended the T.R.N.C

Independence Day celebrations on 15th Novem-

ber, 2013.

Their traditional costumes brought color and dra-

ma to the Nicosia parade. The students were also

able to enjoy aircraft and parachute shows, and

many others.

The annual Cup of Nations Basketball

tournament was held from the 9th to 18th

December 2013 in Lala Mustafa Paşa

Sports Center. This year, a record num-

ber of teams participated - 16 in the

men's category and 6 in the ladies’ cate-

gory. The opening ceremony was con-

ducted by Prof. Dr. Ülker Vancı Osam and

Prof. Dr. Majid Hashemipour.

Cup of Nations Basketball Tournament

International Students Celebrate T.R.N.C Independence Day

Page 2: IO eNewsletter Issue 2

The HONET (High-Capacity Optical Networks &

Emerging/Enabling Technologies) conference was

held at Eastern Mediterranean University Rauf Raif

Denktas Culture and Congress Palace from 11th to 13th

December 2013, in cooperation with University of

North Carolina, Charlotte, USA and State University of

New York, Fredonia,. The organizers of the Confer-

ence were Prof. Dr. Aykut Hocanın and Doç. Dr. Mu-

hammed Salamah.

HONET 2013 Conference

Iranian Ambassador gave a Seminar in EMU



On 11 December 2013, Business and Eco-

nomics Faculty Political Science and Inter-

national Relations Department in conjunc-

tion with Iranian Scientific Association and

CPC (Cyprus Policy Center) held a seminar

entitled “Nuclear development of Iran” at

Mehmet Tahiroglu Hall (Blue hall). The

guest speaker of the seminar was the am-

bassador of Iran to Cyprus Ali Akbar Rezaei.

The opening of the seminar was held by the chair of the department of Political Science

and International Relations Prof Dr. Ahmet Sözen. The seminar was attended by faculty

members and students from different departments of the University.

Ali Akbar Rezaei’s presentation focused on the important developments of the nuclear

program in Iran as well as the ongoing negotiations. Rezaei stated that there is now an

interim agreement with Iran and the UN Security Council Permanent Members in addition

with Germany (P5+1). Rezaei put forth that Iran became a major power in the region in

mid-20th century when the country was rich in gas and oil. Due to its large oil and gas re-

serves it became a major player in the region. The importance of Iran in the region in-

creased with the inception of the Islamic revolution and the nuclear issue which has be-

come a focus point in the last 10 years. In order to understand the major issue of the nu-

clear program in Iran, the Rezaei drew the attention on the Treaty of Non-Proliferation of

nuclear weapons commonly known as the NPT which consists of non-proliferation, dis-

armament and the right to peaceful use of nuclear technology.

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Turkish Cypriot Fashion Design-

er Abdullah Öztoprak held a per-

formance entitled “Tek Şahidi

Cümbezdi” hosted by Eastern

Mediterranean University on

December 24, Tuesday night at

Rauf Raif Denktas Culture and

Congress Palace. Cocktails were

served at 19:30 followed by the

show at 21:00

On the 26th December 2013, our Christian students

celebrated Christmas in the EMU Rauf Raif Denktas

Culture and Congress Palace. An impressive variety of

performances, dances, Christmas songs and acts were

enjoyed by students of all cultural and religious back-



International Office Christmas Party

EMU Fashion Show

Eastern Mediterranean University International Office is

running shows at the EMU Rauf Raif Denktas Culture

and Congress Palace every Monday to bring the many

cultures and traditions represented at E.M.U together.

This has already led to some unique fusions such as

mixed Azerbaijani and Nigerian dance performances.

We have also enjoyed spectacular performances from

the Arab countries, Russia, Kazakhstan, North Iraq and

many more. At the end of the semester, the EMU Inter-

national Office will present special awards for the best


EMU Showcases Students’ Cultures

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All Nigerian Award Night



Majority of African students from various univer-

sities around Cyprus celebrated A.N.A.N on 26th

December in the E.M.U Rauf Raif Denktas Culture

and Congress Palace.

EMU celebrated the first Jordanian night in the E.M.U Rauf Raif Denktas Culture and Congress Palace on 6th January, 2014. Highlights included an Arabic song from one of our Kosovo stu-dents, the ‘Dabke’ line dance, performed by our Russian students with the Jordanian students, as well traditional Jordanian danc-es, poems, and glimpses into history. A special statement of thanks was given by the students to Prof. Dr. Muhammed Salamah for all his support to Arab students.

Robert Morris University Seminar on

Student Mobility Programme.

Robert Morris University, U.S.A, visited EMU on 30th Decem-ber, 2013. They gave a seminar on student exchange. There was extensive interest from our students and many questions about different aspects of Robert Morris University. Associate Prof. Helena Vanhala, Director of the Center for Global En-gagement answered the questions and provided further in-sights into opportunities for our students.

The First Jordanian Night

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On the 20th of January, 2014, the Vice

Rector for International and Administra-

tive Affairs – Prof. Dr. Majid Hashemipour

–Visited Pakistan. During his visit, he was

a keynote speaker for a conference held

at Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan. In

the conference he met Prof. Dr. Syeh Imti-

az H. of Higher Education Commission

who presented him a plaque. He also

signed a memorandum of understanding

with the National University of Sciences &

Technology (NUST) in Pakistan. This col-

laboration will enable academic exchange

programs between EMU and NUST.


EMU Collaborates with NUST Pakistan

L-R: Prof. Dr. Majid Hashemipour – EMU and Prof. Dr.

Muhammad Asghar – rector of National University of Science &

Technology Pakistan

Prof. Dr. Syeh Imtiaz H. awarding Prof. Dr.

Majid Hashemipour a Plaque

New Graduates

Congratulations to our MSc Graduates from the

last exam board: Ramin Layeghi, Sanaz Sar-

tipizadeh and Akunna Ochulor. Especial congrat-

ulations to Akunna, who has been awarded one

of the 2013 University of Warwick WMG Departmental prizes for her outstanding performance and

distinction award on the programme at EMU.

New Students

We welcome new students to the MSc in Supply Chain and Logistics Management, and Engineering

Business Management from Nigeria, Libya, and Pakistan this semester.

Further information about the University of Warwick programme at EMU is available through the In-

ternational Office, or on our web-site at:

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Student Leadership Seminar


On the 3rd and 4th of February a Student Leadership Seminar

was held in EMU themed “Virtuous Youth”. This seminar was

geared towards promoting academic excellence by moti-

vating old and new student to grow their virtues to the opti-

mum whereby they can become world standards. Dr. Philips

O. Agboola a graduate of EMU who is currently an Assistant

Professor in King Saud University—Saudi Arabia, spoke on the

topic “A Virtuous Student”. This has been an initiative of

some voluntary students campus family called JESUS SAVES

which has served as a medium to encourage youths to turn

from vice to virtue in order to impact the world starting from

their immediate society, EMU.

Dr. Philips O. Agboola

Come and join us at the Cultural Center every Monday to share cultures, traditions and talents.

These shows is for all students who wish to take the stage to show us their culture and talents

and for students to watch great performances.

***For further details please contact our International Office***

Tanya Serenli: 630 2686 or Hillary Konuralp: 630 1520