i/o device

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  • 7/29/2019 I/O DEVICE


    Accessing I/O Devices

    I/O Device 1 I/O Device 2

    Processor Memory


  • 7/29/2019 I/O DEVICE


    Parallel I/O

    I/O devices connect to processor through PORTS

    Ports are:

    registers (part of the I/O interface)

    8, 16, or 32 bits wide

    Addressed in the range 0000-FFFFhAccessed with 2 instructionsIN, OUT

  • 7/29/2019 I/O DEVICE


    Modes of I/O Instructions

    Direct I/Othe port address is one of the operands.

    Address must be 00-FFh.

    IN AL, 27h

    Data flows through the accumulator

    MOV AX, BX OUT 26h, AX ; move 16-bit data from AX to port

    ; 26h (AL to 26h and AH to 27h)

    Indirect I/Othe port address is preloaded into DX

    Address can be 0000-FFFFh

    String I/Oallows data to pass directly through the

    accumulator (from I/O device to memory)

  • 7/29/2019 I/O DEVICE


    80x86 I/O InstructionsType Instruction Description

    Direct IN AL, port input data to accumulator

    IN AX, port port must be in range 00-FFh

    IN EAX, port

    OUT port, AL output data from accumulator

    OUT port, AX port must be in range 00-FFh

    OUT port, EAX

    Indirect IN AL, DX input data to accumulator

    IN AX, DX port address in DX must be in range 0000-FFFFh

    IN EAX, DX

    OUT DX, AL output data from accumulator

    OUT DX, AX port address in DX must be in range 0000-FFFFh


    String INSB input data to memory location DS:SI or DS:ESI

    INSW port address in DX must be in range 0000-FFFFh


    OUTSB output data from memory location DS:SI or DS:ESI

    OUTSW port address in DX must be in range 0000-FFFFh


  • 7/29/2019 I/O DEVICE


    Ways to Differentiate I/O

    Memory-Mapped versus I/O-Mapped Ports

    address of 80x86 processors is divided into 1M, 4GB,

    or 64GB of memory space and 64K of I/O space.

    With memory-mapped I/O, because I/O ports are

    mapped to a memory address, any of the memoryread/write instructions are available to use. Address

    can be computed using any of the addressing modes.

    With I/O mapped ports, restricted to simple IN/OUT

    instructions. Address must be in DX.

    Memory Space





    M/IO = 1

    I/O Space



    M/IO = 0

  • 7/29/2019 I/O DEVICE


    Memory-Mapped I/O

    I/O Devices and memory share the sameaddress space. Each I/O Device is assigned a unique set of addresses.

    When the processor places a particular address on theaddress lines, the device recognizing this address

    responds to the commands on the control lines. The processor requests either a read or a write

    operation, and the requested data is transferred over thedata lines.

    Any machine instruction that can access memory can

    be used to transfer data to/from I/O devices. Mov datain, R0

  • 7/29/2019 I/O DEVICE


    Intel Architecture

    Intel processors have a separate 16-bit addressbus for I/O devices

    Designer has the option of

    connecting I/O devices to use special address space

    or simply incorporating them as part of the memoryaddress space.

    The later approach leads to simpler software.

    One advantage of a separate address bus for I/O is

    reduced number of address lines needed for I/Odevices.

    Not physically separate address lines on processor.Special signal (I/OR or I/OW, MemR or MemW)

  • 7/29/2019 I/O DEVICE


    Ways to Drive Hardware Devices

    using Parallel Buses Programmed I/O through I/O ports

    Interrupt I/O using (hardware) interrupts

    Direct Memory Access

  • 7/29/2019 I/O DEVICE


    Programmed I/O(driving Hardware devices through I/O ports)

    External devices are almost always connected not

    directly to the system bus but to an INTERFACE.

    Registers in the interface allow for a wide range

    of possibilities for the designer to determine how

    it is to interface to the bus.

    TO avoid confusion with the main registers in the8086, peripheral interface chip registers are

    usually referred to as PORTS.

  • 7/29/2019 I/O DEVICE


    Interface Ports

    Typically consists of three registers Control Port - the setting of which will determine if the

    interface is to send or receive.

    Data Portfor the data element to be transmitted or tohold a data element received.

    Status Portused to obtain information such asprinter out of paper, dont send any more data or, fora serial transmission, all the bits of the data element

    havent yet been received Simple interfaces may have status and control

    combined into one port; sophisticated ports may havemultiple control and status ports.

  • 7/29/2019 I/O DEVICE


    I/O Interface for an Input Device





    Data and

    Status Registers

    Input Device

    Address Lines

    Data Lines

    Control Lines

    I/O Interface

  • 7/29/2019 I/O DEVICE


    I/O Device Speeds

    Processors can operate at speeds that are vastly

    different than I/O speeds.

    When a human is entering characters on a keyboard,the processor can execute millions of instructions

    between successive character entries.

    So, how does the processor handle I/O inputs..

  • 7/29/2019 I/O DEVICE


    Three types of I/O Strategies

    Polled I/O

    Interrupt Driven I/O

    DMA I/O

  • 7/29/2019 I/O DEVICE


    Polled IO versus Interrupt Driven I/O

    Polled IOprocessor continually checks IO

    device to see if it is ready for data transfer

    Inefficient, processor wastes time checking for readycondition

    Interrupt Driven IOIO device interrupts

    processor when it is ready for data transfer

    Processor can be doing other tasks while waiting forlast data transfer to completevery efficient.

  • 7/29/2019 I/O DEVICE


    I/O Interfacing

    A lot of handshaking is required between

    the CPU and most I/O devices.

    All I/O devices operate asynchronously

    with respect to the CPU. The events that

    determine when an input device has data

    available or when an output device needsdata are independent of the CPU.

  • 7/29/2019 I/O DEVICE


    Three I/O strategies

    Must be capable of data rates fast enough to

    keep up with the demands of the device, but

    must not be allowed to transfer data fasterthan the device can process it.

    Polled waiting loops

    Interrupt-driven I/O Direct memory Access (DMA)

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    The CPU must have some way of checking

    the status of the device and waiting until it

    is ready to transfer

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    Transfer Rate

    A measure of the number of bytes per

    second transferred between the CPU and an

    external device. Maximum transfer ratea measure of the

    bandwidth capability of a particular method

    of doing I/O.

  • 7/29/2019 I/O DEVICE


    Comparison of transfer rates

    Polled waiting loops provide data rates that are a

    bit slower, but still quite reasonable.

    Interrupt-driven I/O requires overhead of savingand restoring the machine state (significantly

    degrades data rates unless more than one byte can

    be transferred per interrupt.

    DMA has fastest transfer rates (additional

    hardware complexity needed.

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    Measure of the delay from the instant that

    the device is ready until the time the first

    data byte is transferred. Latency isequivalent to the response time

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    Comparison of Latency

    Polled Waiting Loopslatency can be veryhigh (the computer may not even be

    checking the device for new data when itarrives).

    Interrupt-driven I/Odramatically lowerthan polled, but still imposes a software


    DMAvery low (lower than the others)

  • 7/29/2019 I/O DEVICE


    Polled Waiting I/O

    Use software to test the status of a

    device,before transferring each data byte.

    Continuously checking the peripheralsBUSY/READY flag

    Ties up the CPUno other tasks can be
