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Invigorate Your Ministry How? JW Broadcasting May 2018

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Page 1: Invigorate Your Ministry How? JW Broadcasting May to learn their language. “For the most part, “I learned by comparing

Invigorate Your Ministry – How?

JW Broadcasting May 2018

Page 2: Invigorate Your Ministry How? JW Broadcasting May to learn their language. “For the most part, “I learned by comparing

Contents 1. Introduction ........................................................................... 1

2. Invigorate Your Ministry – How? ............................................ 1

3. Experiences ........................................................................ 10

3.1 Brazil ............................................................................... 11

4. Interview – Shane Brady ..................................................... 16

4.1 Experience 1 .................................................................. 17

4.2 Experience 2 .................................................................. 18

4.3 Experience 3 .................................................................. 20

5. Italy – Special Preaching campaign .................................... 22

5.1 Romania ........................................................................ 24

6. Sierra Leone - Juuso and Pauliina Halme ........................... 26

7. Drama Preview - Jonah ....................................................... 30

8. Preaching in home territory ................................................. 32

8.1 Experience 1 .................................................................. 32

8.2 Experience 2 .................................................................. 33

8.3 Experience 3 .................................................................. 34

9. Dramatization – Pioneer sister Adjusts approach ............... 36

10. Music Video – I’m Making a Change ................................. 40

11. Conclustion ........................................................................ 42

12. Greetings from Bosnia and Herzegovina .......................... 42

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1. Introduction

Welcome to this month’s edition of JW Broadcasting. Here are just a few highlights that we have in store for you. Do you feel that you’ve missed past opportunities to do more for Jehovah? Or do you feel that your age or present circumstances keep you from reaching out? We’ll see how one couple learned that there may be doors of activity available to those with a willing spirit. Have you ever received an assignment that you felt was overwhelming? Brother and Sister Halme, serving in West Africa, will share what helped them accept such an assignment and remain spiritually strong through difficult times. And if you’re a regular pioneer, what role do you have in strengthening the congregation? You’ll find this dramatization very insightful. Our focus is on our ministry in this May 2018 edition of JW Broadcasting! Mark Sanderson – Governing body

2. Invigorate Your Ministry – How?

To set the stage for the experiences in our program, I’d like to talk to you for a few minutes on the theme “Invigorate Your Ministry— How?”

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You dear brothers and sisters are having a regular share in the preaching work, and just think of the results. Each year, about two billion hours are spent in the ministry. Millions of Bible studies are conducted, and those being baptized number into the hundreds of thousands. If you are a Kingdom publisher, you have had a share in those thrilling statistics. But there’s a potential danger. With so much to do in our life —not just in the ministry but also with secular work, family responsibilities, for some, even health issues— we can get into a rut. It’s not always easy to detect at first, because in this age of technology we always feel busy. But what consumes our day? Watch this one-minute video, and try to detect what’s going on in the life of one brother. His life is in a rut. Try to figure out why. Would you say that this brother’s life is in a rut? Oh, he’s active all day —he always has something to do. But it’s as if his mind has been kidnapped by his devices. Have you ever had the experience of reading an e-mail while someone is trying to tell you something?

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It can be embarrassing when you realize that they’ve asked you a question, and they’re waiting for an answer, but you have no idea what they asked. It’s embarrassing, right? But what if the person who is trying to speak to you is Jehovah? Even though we aren’t doing anything wrong, our daily routine can occupy our attention so much that we are not able to hear the refreshing words of Jehovah. That can happen to any one of us. Even our spiritual activity can get into a rut. One Christian sister described it this way: “I would go out in service, “go to meetings, study, pray “—but I did it all on automatic control, never feeling anything.” Have you ever felt that way? Do you see all the happy servants of Jehovah whose experiences appear on JW Broadcasting, and you say to yourself: ‘Why can’t I find that joy? Why is my ministry in a rut?’ Perhaps you feel like a remote-control train that goes around and around on a track, working the same territory, with the same partner, saying the same thing at each door. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with being in a good routine. But being in a rut can sap our energy and take the joy out of our service. We could even come to view our ministry as boring.

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Of course, we feel invigorated when we get good results: We meet an interested person when going from door to door —we’re invigorated! An inactive person approaches the cart and wants to get in touch with the local congregation —we’re even more invigorated! We start a Bible study —we’re on top of the world! I’m sure you’ll agree, all those outcomes are good reasons for joy. The problem is that we’re not always in control of getting those outcomes. In real life, we may spend an entire morning in the door-to-door work without meeting an interested person. We may spend months making return visits without starting a study. And once again, our ministry can get into a rut. Now, don’t misunderstand. It’s not that we’re doing anything wrong, but we’re not getting the full joy out of doing what’s right. Of course, Satan would love it if our service to Jehovah were to fall into a rut. He would love it if we lost our joy. If we lose our joy, we lose hope, we lose strength, and we might even begin to feel like giving up.

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The point is this, brothers and sisters: If you feel that your ministry has fallen into a rut, don’t be discouraged and don’t give up. There are ways that we can invigorate our ministry and serve Jehovah with renewed joy. To illustrate that: Maybe you’ve had the frustrating experience of locking yourself out of your house or apartment. Of course, with a key, opening the door is simple. A locked door might seem like an obstacle, but it isn’t if you have the key. And the same is true with invigorating our ministry. If we’ve fallen into a rut and if we’ve lost that feeling of joy in our service, there are a number of keys that can help us unlock the door. Let’s look at one. Open your Bible to 1 Corinthians 16:8, 9. Now, in these verses, the apostle Paul was presented with a key of opportunity, and he used it to open a door. First Corinthians 16:8, 9 says: “But I am remaining in Ephesus “until the Festival of Pentecost, “because a large door that leads to activity has been opened to me.” Here, the apostle Paul found a key, and it didn’t require moving to another location. In this case, the key was to stay where he was and to take full advantage of an opportunity right before him.

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Sometimes, the key to getting out of a rut in our ministry is to take advantage of opportunities we have right where we are. For example, have you considered auxiliary pioneering or regular pioneering? What about learning a foreign language with the goal of helping a nearby group or congregation? Opening one door often leads to other doors of opportunity. For example, a brother named Jacob wrote this: “When I was seven, many of my classmates were Vietnamese. “I wanted to tell them about Jehovah, “so after a while I made plans to learn their language. “For the most part, “I learned by comparing the English and Vietnamese editions “of The Watchtower. “I also made friends in a nearby Vietnamese-language congregation. “When I was 18, I started pioneering. “Later, I attended the Bible School for Single Brothers. “This helped me with my present pioneer assignment, “where I am the only elder in a Vietnamese-language group. “Many Vietnamese people are amazed that I have learned their language. “They invite me in, and often I can study the Bible with them. Some have progressed to baptism.” The point is, our ministry is what we make it.

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If we allow ourselves to remain in a rut, it will be boring. If we use our keys and if we take advantage of opportunities that present themselves, we will invigorate our ministry and give it new meaning. This doesn’t always involve putting in more time in the ministry. It could mean that we simply ‘make the best use of our time’ as Ephesians 5:16 says. In fact, there’s a saying: “Don’t work harder; work smarter.” The key to working smarter could be as simple as switching things up a bit. For example: Could we work with different publishers instead of the same one all the time? Could we try a different approach to our presentation, perhaps making better use of the Bible or our videos? Could we engage in other aspects of the ministry, such as cart witnessing or phone witnessing? Could we use our time more effectively to reach people when they’re most likely to be home? Here’s something else we could do to unlock a door and invigorate our ministry. Open your Bible to Acts 16:9, 10. Now, here the apostle Paul found a unique way to unlock a door to greater joy.

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Acts 16:9, 10 says: “And during the night a vision appeared to Paul “—a Macedonian man was standing there urging him and saying: “‘Step over into Macedonia and help us.’ “As soon as he had seen the vision, “we tried to go into Macedonia, “drawing the conclusion that God had summoned us to declare the good news to them.” Notice, Paul didn’t think of all the reasons he couldn’t step into Macedonia. No, he took action as soon as he was presented with the opportunity. Paul unlocked the door to invigorate his ministry. Sometimes we think that only those who are young can reach out to pioneer or to serve where the need is greater. But that’s not always the case. You parents may be able to unlock a door of opportunity for yourselves, and think of the example you set for your children when you do so. That’s what a mother named Tara discovered: “I started pioneering when my youngest daughter was in elementary school,” she says. “It was important to me “that my children see me serving Jehovah to the best of my ability as I encouraged them to reach out.” Tara’s husband, Anthony, saw the effect that his wife’s pioneering had and, in time, he too joined the ranks.

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This is what he said: “When Tara became a pioneer, “it made an immediate impact “on daughters number one and number two, “and they became pioneers. “When I became a pioneer, “daughters number three and number four followed. “I wish I had pursued full-time service sooner, as it made a huge impact on the spirituality of the family.” I can relate to this experience because of the good example of my parents. My mother was baptized in Canada in 1940 when she was 16. Jehovah’s Witnesses had just been banned in Canada. Her father had already died, and her mother was opposed at that time. The brothers had very little money, but they encouraged my mother to pursue spiritual goals. With that encouragement, she started pioneering in 1942 while the ban was still on in Canada. In 1947, she was invited to become a special pioneer in the province of Quebec. At that time, special pioneers were required to spend 200 hours each month in the ministry. With basically no money and no family support, she accepted that assignment. This picture was taken when she and her pioneer partner were boarding the train to Quebec.

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Whenever I see this picture, it reminds me of the intrepid spirit that my mother had —not being afraid to take on a challenging assignment, but putting complete trust in Jehovah. That spirit encourages me even to this day. My father has that same spirit. In the summer of 1976, when I was 11 years old, a new arrangement was announced at our district convention —auxiliary pioneering. You could be an auxiliary pioneer if you could devote 60 hours in one month to the ministry. The month of October 1976 had five weekends. My father encouraged our whole congregation to try auxiliary pioneering that month. So many brothers and sisters, including me, decided to get a taste of pioneering. It was a wonderful experience that I will never forget. Parents, your good example will help your children to have a living ministry of their own that they will love. Brothers and sisters, if you find yourself in a rut, there is no reason to stay there. We’ve discussed several ways to reinvigorate our ministry, and with Jehovah’s help we will be successful.

3. Experiences

Now let’s meet a few brothers and sisters who’ve expanded and invigorated their ministry.

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We’re sure you’ll appreciate their stories.

3.1 Brazil

Our first experience comes from Brazil, in South America. Cristiano and Joana Souza found the key to invigorating their ministry in a congregation letter encouraging individuals to apply for the School for Kingdom Evangelizers. What new blessings did they experience by reaching out? We had our own house, a certain amount of comfort. My husband had a stable job, and I was doing a lot where we were. I had Bible studies. I was already a regular pioneer, so I thought I was doing enough. It was fine to stay there. We’d often see the younger ones going to Bethel, going to serve as special pioneers. And once we reached our 40’s, I thought that since we’re getting older, we won’t be able to reach out and do more for Jehovah. But after a letter was read to the congregations, well, that was really the starting point for us to see that we could do more for Jehovah. When I heard that there was a school for couples up to 65 years old, I said, “Cristiano, it’s now or never.”

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So immediately at the first convention that held a meeting for interested couples, we attended the meeting and realized that out of the requirements there was one that my husband didn’t meet yet, which was two years as a regular pioneer. So I thought, ‘Why not?’ After the convention, I applied to be a regular pioneer. So we made plans to attend the school. But we didn’t want to stay there waiting to be accepted, as there were no guarantees of being accepted in the same year in which we applied. We sold our house. And two weeks later, we had sold all the furniture. So we made arrangements to serve where the need was greater. We took only what was necessary in our car. But “what is necessary” is always too much. When you get to the territory, you realize you didn’t even need everything you took. We were really excited because we knew the brothers were expecting us. There was a gas station that belonged to a brother, and when we arrived, the whole congregation was waiting for us there to welcome us. Nine people!

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And that had a great impact on us, because you could see the expression on their faces; it was as if they were asking for help. They helped us a lot. I can honestly say that they helped us more than we helped them. Now they would be able to have regular meetings —a public talk every week. You know, we were in São Paulo and we had all the meetings. But in these remote areas, they need spiritual food from Jehovah so much. But there needs to be people willing to go and help. Then one day, we had a wonderful surprise. A brother called me and said, “Cristiano, have you checked your e-mails?” We’d received a letter inviting us to the school. The school really is a gift from Jehovah. I’ve encouraged others that I know to attend the school because you really feel how Jehovah cares for his organization. And a small thing we can do is simply give our best, and the school helps us do just that —find out what is our best. We were assigned to a congregation called Itiruçu. The brothers are very loving, and we’re really happy in our assignment.

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I do miss my house. It’s nice to have your own house and not to have to worry about paying rent. I miss my hairdresser. But nothing compares to the blessings and the joy that comes from serving where there’s a need. This joy helps us to combat any homesickness we feel and stops us from developing any desire to go back home. In the big city, everything’s very rushed. I would only see my wife when I got home from work. I’d be tired, and then also have to care for congregational matters. So there wasn’t much time for us to be together. Now it’s completely different. We have much more time —during the ministry, in the congregation, being together at home. So for us as a family, it has been very positive, very good. We’re not tired. We’re not old in the sense— No we’re not. —of saying that we’ve got no more to give. We really believe we can do more for Jehovah.

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And we want to do more for Jehovah. The school is proof that he wants us to do more. We want to use our life to the full to serve Jehovah wherever he sends us. We are willing to go. We feel it’s the only way to say a big “thank you” to Jehovah for everything he’s done for us —the territory, school, the brothers, and Bible students. What better way to thank Jehovah. Do you feel the way that Brother and Sister Souza felt —that you’ve missed the chance to do more for Jehovah? They learned there were doors of opportunity accessible to them if they were willing to reach out. Their choice to make themselves available resulted in rich blessings. But did you notice when those blessings started? Before the school, they chose to serve where the need was greater. This had a profound effect on them, deepening their appreciation for spiritual provisions. If you desire to enliven your ministry by means of theocratic education, consider ways you can prepare your heart before you attend. The Souzas’ example proves that even the road to expanding our ministry can be deeply satisfying.

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4. Interview – Shane Brady

When we’re faced with challenging assignments, reliance on Jehovah is of utmost importance. In what ways can we show that reliance? I have the pleasure of introducing you to a friend of mine, Shane Brady, who is presently serving along with his wife, Iolanda, at the branch in Finland. Brother Shane Brady and I previously worked together at the Canada branch. Shane has been involved in legally defending our brothers for the past 22 years in many countries, including Armenia, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan. Shane, it’s good to see you. How are you doing? I’m doing very well. It’s great to see you too, Mark. Shane, we want to ask you, What have been some of the challenges that you’ve faced in accepting these assignments in various countries in the world? Well, there certainly have been a few challenges. One is frequent travel. Another is language; each country that we assist has its own language.

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Some court cases are very stressful, and at times, we’ve faced firsthand the hatred of our opposers. Yes. And you know, Shane, in spite of all that, you and your wife have always been willing to go on these assignments. We appreciate your spirit so much.

4.1 Experience 1

Is there an experience that you can share with us that would give us a taste of the kinds of situations that you’ve had to deal with in these countries? Well, there have been many experiences. But one experience comes to mind. A few months ago, there was a special pioneer, and a case was started against him. And if the decision was negative, it could have had very serious consequences for our work in that country. So we did our best to present a strong defense. But as the trial progressed, things didn’t seem to be going so well. But on the last day of the trial, everything changed. We presented a motion, and we asked the judge to terminate the case against the brother. Personally, I didn’t think it would actually work.

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But one older brother who we’ve worked with over the years always told us, “We need to give Jehovah something to bless.” And so we did, and the results were quite unexpected. When we made the motion, the judge turned to the prosecutor and asked, “Well, what’s your opinion?” And to our surprise, the prosecutor agreed with our request, and he even went beyond what we asked. He said to the judge that the government official that started the case against our brother should be punished. Well, the judge agreed; the case was terminated. When we were walking out of the courtroom, I looked at the other brothers with me and we all said the same thing, “What happened?” It was obvious —Jehovah had intervened. That’s wonderful, Shane. I wish we had more time to hear many more experiences. But could you just share at least one more with us? Sure.

4.2 Experience 2

In another land where our work is not recognized, on the night of the Memorial, a number of the brothers were arrested for so-called illegal religious activity. They were all convicted at trial.

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So arrangements were made to appeal each of those cases, and they were heard before a different appeal court judge. What at first seemed quite negative, the loss at trial, turned out to be an amazing result. Let me give you just one example. In one of the appeals, as we were presenting the appeal, not long into the case, the appeal court judge stopped us, and he began to ask us many questions about the Bible and about what Jehovah’s Witnesses believe. So for quite some time, we answered these Biblical questions, and then the case continued. And then after some minutes, the judge stopped us again. And this time the judge said, “I remember reading in the Bible”— The judge said this, “I remember reading in the Bible “that Jesus said: ‘If they have persecuted me, they will persecute you also.’ ” So we said to the judge: “Yes, indeed. Jesus said that.” The judge asked, “Do you think that’s the reason why Jehovah’s Witnesses are having problems in this region?” Well, what could we say but agree with the judge. But that wasn’t the end of it. As the case continued a few minutes more, the judge stopped us again. And this time the judge said: “You know, I’m not sure if Jesus said this.

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“It’s in the Bible where he said: “‘Where there are two or three gathered together, there I am in your midst.’ ” And we assured the judge, “Indeed, those are Jesus’ words.” The judge looked out at this old courtroom, which was filled with our brothers and sisters, and he said, “Well, Jesus must be in our midst today.” We felt like breaking into applause. At the end of the court hearing, the judge ruled in our favor and acquitted the brother, and the judges in all of the other cases also acquitted our brothers. It was just a thrilling experience! Oh, that’s wonderful; that’s wonderful, Shane. Thank you so much for sharing those experiences. You know, despite the challenges that you’ve had to face, how do you feel about the way you and Iolanda have benefited from being involved in accepting these challenging assignments in various parts of the world? Well, we have benefited in so many ways, Mark. Our relationship with Jehovah has deepened. Certainly, our trust in Jehovah has been strengthened. And we’ve experienced firsthand the love of the amazing worldwide brotherhood.

4.3 Experience 3

Could I just share one experience about that?

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Please, please do. Two years ago, we were involved in a case where police had raided a congregation meeting in one country. They had brutally beaten the brothers and threatened the sisters. It was just terrible! Some weeks later in the court case that started against the brothers (that the police brought against the brothers), during that court case, the police repeatedly tried to arrest me and another brother I was working with. Over two days they were trying to arrest us. Even in the courthouse, they tried to detain and arrest us. And all through this, my wife, Iolanda, was watching what was happening. But do you know what was so remarkable? It was that despite the brutal treatment our brothers and sisters had endured just a few weeks earlier at the hands of these very same police officers, those dear brothers and sisters came to our aid. They were like a wall of protection around us, and they would not leave our side until the ordeal was done. It was love in action. So to answer your question, we have benefited in so many ways.

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We don’t regret for a moment accepting this thrilling assignment. Well, thank you so much, Shane. Please give our love to Iolanda as well. We appreciate the tremendous work that you’re accomplishing, and may Jehovah’s spirit continue to be with you. It’s our privilege. We look forward to continuing to work with you, Mark. Well, now, what if getting yourself out of a rut takes longer than expected?

5. Italy – Special Preaching campaign

We’re going to meet a couple from Italy who had the goal to participate in a special preaching campaign. These campaigns can be a life-changing experience for the publishers involved, pushing them, sometimes, far out of their comfort zone. However, the Di Giacintos faced trying circumstances that prevented them from participating, but they did not stop knocking on this door of opportunity. We live in a beautiful, quiet town in central Italy, between the sea and the mountains. We have many friends, some of whom are good cooks. We have been serving for some years in a Romanian-language congregation, and we preach to people who have moved to Italy to seek a better life.

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When we heard the announcement about the special campaign, we looked at each other and said, “Let’s go!” ‘A large door of activity’ was opening up to us. But there was a problem—my job. I would need a month’s leave of absence, and that would be difficult. We prayed, and we did research. And during family worship, we decided that in order to participate, I would ask for a one-month leave from work. But Jehovah had something else in mind that would create the right circumstances for us. When I arrived at work the next day, I found an unexpected situation. Because of the failing economy, my boss gave me and some other employees a letter of dismissal. I was not at all worried. I trusted in Jehovah, and I knew that this new situation would allow me to participate in the campaign. Participating in this campaign is a dream come true. We wanted to participate in 2013, but unfortunately things in life do not always go as we would like. We received some truly shocking news. My father had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

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Emotionally, it was not easy. The tranquillity we had dreamed and hoped for was almost gone. The only thing that could help me at that moment was the hope for what Jehovah promises us. In addition to my father’s death, I began to experience panic attacks. I was afraid of something that didn’t exist —afraid of not being able to move on. It’s the kind of emotion that leaves a lump in your throat, and you can’t even breathe. I realized that only Jehovah could help me fill the void that I felt. After a family worship, Fabio and I decided to turn in our regular pioneer applications. I felt Jehovah at my side, embracing and supporting me. In the end, they turned out to be the three most beautiful years of our lives, which also allowed us to participate in this beautiful campaign.

5.1 Romania

In Romania, there are many isolated territories that local brothers cannot work because of the great distances to be covered. It is really exciting to reach many people by traveling on dirt roads that are often muddy.

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The people are generous, hospitable, and genuine. They almost always invite us into their homes and are willing to talk to us. Talking to people who do not know Jehovah and who are still very much interested in doctrinal topics is really exciting. Experiencing firsthand a culture different from ours, seeing people who live a more simple life, and trying to understand their needs is an experience that we will take with us. And it will help us to preach more effectively in our assigned congregation’s territory in Italy. Now we are stronger than when we left home. This experience has made us love the ministry even more. We look forward to returning to our home territory with renewed zeal. We are certain that Jehovah will guide us to further service opportunities in order to help others know his wonderful purposes. What blessings did this couple experience by staying focused on their goal? It brought them the joy of full-time service. Not even the threat of unemployment caused them to waver in their determination to participate. After the campaign, they returned to their home territory with a renewed energy and zeal.

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When we stay focused on Jehovah, even in the most trying of circumstances, it will strengthen our resolve to serve him faithfully.

6. Sierra Leone - Juuso and Pauliina Halme

Juuso and Pauliina Halme, a couple from Finland, now serving in Sierra Leone, in West Africa, were invited to accept an assignment that seemed overwhelming. What happened when some of their worst fears came true? How did Jehovah provide “the power beyond what is normal” to help them to endure? Worrying doesn’t help us. There is no need, really, to worry about what could happen. Even if it happens, let Jehovah show how he can handle the situation. He can actually do it in ways you could never expect. We are Juuso and Pauliina Halme. We loved our assignment in the Finland branch. We had wonderful friends. Our families, they were very close. We had time to be with them often. In 2014, we got the Yearbook and that had an account of Sierra Leone.

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And I was reading that account, and I remember saying a couple of times to Pauliina, “This would be a tough place.” After coming back from Gilead, I couldn’t believe it; we got a letter saying that we had been reassigned to Sierra Leone branch. And it was a huge change for us. Then what we did is we Googled Sierra Leone and what we saw was only about a civil war that took place years ago. An Ebola outbreak was starting in West Africa. Some of our relatives were worried about that. That was our impression, first impression, about the country. We were terrified, and we couldn’t sleep. We just prayed the whole night. And really, with the reassignment, our greatest fear was my father. He had been terminally ill for about two years, and we knew that at some point it would get worse. He would need more help and also Juuso’s mother. So were we able to travel back to Finland? It’s so expensive, and we didn’t have savings. Although we had all those fears, after praying about it a lot, we just realized that we could not say no. And we realized that this assignment was from Jehovah.

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Let’s go there. Let’s get to work. Let’s give our best to it. Then actually in three months, our greatest fear came true. It really happened that Juuso’s mom called us and she told us that Juuso’s father’s situation had changed. So we immediately started to check flights. And then the next call was that he had passed away. We were able to get flights, fly back home, support my mother, and help with the funeral. We were so happy when we finally got back to Sierra Leone. And now we thought that we could focus on our assignment and on our work at Bethel. Then one day, we got another Skype call from my father. And then he told us that he was diagnosed with an extremely aggressive cancer, and he’s in hospital now, and he asked us to come back to Finland for a visit. We had a beautiful ten days together with my father. Then, finally, he passed away. Yeah, that was really the lowest point in our life. That came out of the blue; we were not expecting it.

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We had two widows to take care of. So we were really wondering if we could continue in our assignment in Sierra Leone. At that time, one of our favorite scriptures was Isaiah 30:15 that “your strength will be in keeping calm and showing trust.” And when we poured our hearts to Jehovah in prayer, we could see so well how Jehovah helped us to stay calm and have peace. And we got some good advice here from mature brothers not to make any quick decisions. So we put our trust in Jehovah, and we could just see that it was Jehovah’s will that we continue in our assignment in Sierra Leone. The fact is that, really, the blessings always surpass any of the challenges. And we have come to love our assignment in Sierra Leone. Our brothers and sisters, they are so faithful in Sierra Leone despite their problems and challenges. They give beautiful examples for us. Being in a country where there is a lot of potential, a lot of work, . . . . . . you can have as many Bible studies as you can conduct, so it’s just a preaching paradise. Going through these experiences, we are so happy that Jehovah is the Writer of our story. And, for sure, there’s a happy end.

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If he wants to take you there, go there; see what Jehovah has in mind for you. And then you can really “taste and see that Jehovah is good.” Despite heartbreaking challenges, the Halmes saw Jehovah’s loving support and they did not give up! When we extend ourselves for Jehovah, we can be confident that he will help us in good times and in difficult times. We learn that we are safe with Jehovah, come what may. What quality do you need to serve in a foreign land, like Brother and Sister Di Giacinto, or to face the fear of the unknown, like Brother and Sister Halme? We need courage. As was announced last year, courage is this year’s regional convention theme. The drama presentation will focus on a Bible character that needed great courage to accomplish his ministry.

7. Drama Preview - Jonah

It’s our pleasure to present a preview of the drama The Story of Jonah —A Lesson in Courage and Mercy. Papa says you are a prophet. I was a prophet. I tried to run away from Jehovah. But when has Jehovah ever asked a prophet to go to a foreign land to preach judgment against it?

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What about the people? They worship gods of war. What do you think they’re like? So, what will you do now? You need to go back inside, Joanna. No! We can talk to Father! Joanna! I can’t go to Nineveh. I just can’t do it. You’re Jehovah’s prophet. Not anymore. Go home, Joanna. O Jehovah, out of the depths of the Grave, I cry to you for help. What will become of me? No doubt you eagerly anticipate this year’s regional convention program held around the world starting this month. Many of the segments on our program thus far have featured some aspect of preaching in a foreign land.

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8. Preaching in home territory

If current circumstances don’t permit you to serve in this capacity, be assured that there’s much you can do in your home territory to revive your ministry. For example— Out of the over 100,000 publishers in South Korea, there are more than 40,000 zealous regular pioneers. What efforts have they made to reach more people in frequently worked territory? Let’s find out.

8.1 Experience 1

I started pioneering less than a year after I got baptized, so I was eager to sharpen my preaching skills. I really wanted to share my hope with others. But it’s so hard to meet people at their homes during the day. And even if we do meet them, it’s not easy to start a conversation. Our congregation organized convenience store witnessing from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. , so I thought this might be a good way to reach people and have meaningful conversations. But the thing is that I’m not a morning person, so getting up early was not easy. So I had to make some adjustments. I tried not to make plans or to stay up late the night before. The sample presentations from our meetings were also very helpful.

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In the past, I hardly got the chance to open the Bible while I was preaching, but now I have a few Bible studies. Even the time we spend traveling from one convenience store to the next is very uplifting spiritually because we use that time to share our preaching skills and build each other up. Having a regular share in convenience store witnessing has allowed me to be more productive in the ministry. I feel like I’m progressing spiritually and becoming a better minister of the good news.

8.2 Experience 2

On weekdays, I work to support my family. So I would usually go out in field service on the weekends. But it wasn’t easy to find people at their homes because they usually make plans and go out. And you know, it’s hard to get excited about the preaching work when you’re not meeting many people. I wanted to set a good example for my family, but I found it a real challenge to maintain my zeal for the ministry. So I began to regularly participate in evening witnessing on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays. I usually get off work around 5:00 p.m. After a long day at work, it’s not always easy to get dressed to go out in the field ministry.

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But I kept up with my return visits and had some really encouraging experiences. A young man I had been visiting accepted a Bible study, and he’s making fine progress. My children are able to see how much joy I get from the ministry, and so now they too are able to give a bold witness in their own words, even in the face of opposition. I am very proud of my children. Training and teaching them how to make effective return visits and Bible studies brings me great joy.

8.3 Experience 3

We serve in a small rural town where many leave home early in the morning to work in the field, and they return late at night. So it’s not easy to find people at home during the daytime. And even if we do find them at their doors, it’s not easy to develop a meaningful Bible-based conversation, let alone make return visits and conduct Bible studies with them. After returning home from preaching at night, I would ask myself, ‘Did I have a meaningful share in the ministry today?’ It’s a small rural town. So many people are concerned about what their neighbors would think if they talked with us. So even those who were interested in learning more about the Bible were reluctant to have Bible discussions with us. It was really unfortunate.

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We tried to figure out the right time to call on people, and we found out that many householders are more relaxed and willing to talk about the Bible if we visit them around nine or ten o’clock in the evening. I gave much thought on how I could help my Bible students have a regular intake of spiritual food. One of my students worked from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. , so I asked her if we could arrange to study early in the morning. She agreed. I often tell my Bible students, ‘Just call me whenever you have a little time to talk.’ When I get those calls, no matter what time it is, it’s time to rush out that door. There was one elderly lady who was in her early 80’s who had attended church all her life. To accommodate her needs, I visited her around nine or ten o’clock in the evening for our Bible studies. I would come home feeling tired and hungry, but the satisfaction of knowing that I’ve helped her learn more about the truth enables me to maintain my joy. Now I am able to conduct about 12 Bible studies. I try to “become all things to people of all sorts” in order to look after their needs. And it brings me great satisfaction and joy to see my studies make progress because that’s really how Jehovah wants us to be carrying out our ministry.

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You might feel that you’ve worked every corner of your home territory. But just like a literal fisherman adapts to the time when the fish are biting, we need to work when people can be found. Cast your nets into productive waters! Our sister arranged her schedule to call on her Bible student at nine or ten in the evening. Of course, we want to use good judgment to call at times that are both practical and safe for our territory. But by being adaptable to when, where, or how we preach the good news, we may yield good results like those of our fellow Witnesses in South Korea. This will help us to have a meaningful share in the all-important work of finding those who are “rightly disposed for everlasting life.” Regular pioneers work in a powerful way to help their brothers and sisters get the most out of their ministry. But does that mean that they’re impervious to being in a rut, as mentioned earlier?

9. Dramatization – Pioneer sister Adjusts approach

In the following dramatization, see how one pioneer sister comes to realize the need to adjust her approach to the field ministry. It was really nice of Maria to invite me in service.

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But I already have plans with Sarah. We have similar service schedules, and we really enjoy working together. I try to get most of my time during the week, . . . Anyone made plans to work together? . . . though I do meet with the group sometimes on Saturday. Sister Martin, can you work with Rachel today? Thanks, everyone. Anyone made plans to work together? OK. Joanna, you can work with Sarah. Anyone made plans to work together? Sarah, do you want to go with me to a Bible study? Could I work with Alisha? Uh-huh. OK, let’s work together. Joanna, could you two work together, please? Um, I’d love to. But I’ve just arranged to work with Sarah. I’m so sorry.

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Uh-huh. No problem. Maria, could you work with this sister? While doing my Bible reading that night, I was really affected by the words found at 2 Corinthians 6:12, 13: “You are restricted in your own tender affections . . . Open your hearts wide.” It struck me that some in the congregation missed out on a beautiful blessing by drawing away from the apostle Paul. I realized I was limiting my joy as well by not working with more in the ministry. I was going through the motions of pioneering, but I was stuck in the same routine. How are you, Maria? Good. And you? Let me ask you something. Could you join me on a Bible study Saturday? Oh, I’d love that! Uh-huh. That’s great. So later we’ll make the arrangements.

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OK? The meeting is starting. We’d like to invite everyone to take your seats because our meeting is about to begin. My student liked Maria and Isabelle so much. I really learned a lot from them. I started going out regularly on the weekends . . . Anyone made plans to work together? . . . and working with different ones in the ministry. And I learned more about Sister Martin after one day in the ministry than I had in years of seeing her at meetings. Sarah and I still enjoy working together. But I’ve found that by working with a variety of friends, my own joy has increased. I’m so glad I ‘opened my heart wide.’ Joanna came to realize that her privilege of full-time service was more than just hours and a schedule. By working with a variety of sisters in the ministry and supporting her field service group, she could strengthen and encourage others. It was within her power to help. But with what result? It rejuvenated her ministry!

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We truly appreciate the love and sacrifice of our pioneers. Have you been inspired to make a change in your ministry? Whether big or small, at home or abroad, we can find the satisfaction that comes from reinvigorating our ministry.

10. Music Video – I’m Making a Change

That’s the theme featured in the music video entitled I’m Making a Change. Been thinking it over— Each day it seems My serving Jehovah Falls into the same routine. The things that I’m doing now I’ve always done. So it’s clear that I need to break out— Out of my comfort zone. Now I’m making a change starting from today. I’m turning a page, yes, I’m on my way. Jehovah, I see what I need to do. I’m changing direction and trusting in you. It’s gonna take courage, But now I see How changing my thinking Renews and refreshes me. I’m trying some new things, and I’m energized. There were doors that were opening wide, But I never realized. So I’m making a change, and I’m on my way. I’m turning a page each and ev’ry day.

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Jehovah, I see what I need to do. I’m changing direction and trusting in you. Back then, I remember when It seemed it wouldn’t happen. Some days, well, I have to say, I didn’t know why. But now I can see just how My boldness led to blessings. I’m sure there’ll be many more As time goes rolling by. Now I’m turning a page each and ev’ry day. I’m making some changes along the way. Jehovah, I saw what I had to do, And you gave me your blessing for trusting in you. So I’m making a change starting from today. I’m turning a page, yes, I’m on my way. Jehovah, I see what I need to do. I’m changing direction. So I’m making a change, and I’m on my way. I’m turning a page each and ev’ry day. Jehovah, I see what I need to do. I’m changing direction and trusting in you— Trusting in you.

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11. Conclustion

The Governing Body deeply appreciates the work of each Kingdom publisher. You dear brothers and sisters are having a regular share in the preaching work, and we commend you for that. You can be sure that “God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work and the love you showed for his name,” as the Bible says at Hebrews 6:10. Just knowing that can help us to take a fresh look at our ministry and can invigorate us to participate to the fullest extent.

12. Greetings from Bosnia and Herzegovina

To conclude, we bring you greetings from Bosnia and Herzegovina. This mountainous region has a rich history as a traditional meeting place between eastern and western cultures; it dates from the Middle Ages. Because of the diverse religious beliefs within the country, the 1,160 publishers must adapt their preaching methods to appeal to the hearts of those who listen. This is the city of Mostar, which sits on the Neretva River. The Neretva River flows for nearly 230 kilometers, or almost 143 miles. Mostar was a former front line during the wars of the 1990’s, and many buildings still bear the marks of the intense fighting that took place. Likewise, the aftermath left many people in this region with emotional and mental scars.

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Our brothers and sisters are working hard to bring the hope of something good to those in need. In the 1930’s, a pioneer brother named Alfred Tucek spearheaded the preaching work in the city of Mostar. He was actually one of the first in the former Yugoslavia to pioneer. Today, the congregation in Mostar has about 60 publishers, including nine pioneers and four field missionaries. They bring their warm love and greetings to all of us around the world! This is JW Broadcasting from the world headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses.