invented crime activity, field notes, crime scene notes, investigation report

Melissa Hinton CJUS 3030 Dr. Lanham Assignment 2.1—Invented Crime Activity The crime that I have invented will be one of murder. This murder will have taken place inside a newspaper publication office (The Rebels) in downtown Republic City, Georgia. Two people have been murdered; Ms. Leia Organa and Mr. Luke Skywalker. Photographs of the scene will be taken by Han Solo. There are several pieces of evidence in the crime scene which include: Bullet flight paths Body of Ms. Organa Body of Mr. Skywalker Bullet casings Bloody towel Bloody latex gloves Shoe prints First and foremost I will need to secure the scene so that no one walks through possible evidence. In order to identify the suspect the doorway will be dusted for fingerprints. Because there are no signs of forced entry, the suspect must’ve turned the doorknob in order to gain entry. After checking for fingerprints I will examine the body to determine if there is evidence to cause an immediate death. I will also note that there were 9mm casings found close to the original entry point, as well as the trajectory. I will make note of the hole in the wall behind the victims (Organa) body. After checking the desk and couch for fingerprints (none will result) I will move down towards the hall. I will make note of the 2 nd set of 9mm casings in the hallway. Making my way to the pool of blood that is on the right-hand side of the hallway I will examine the second victim (Skywalker) for bullet wounds or any wounds that would indicate whether or not the victim was shot. I will

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Crime scene including crime scene layout, field notes, crime scene notes, police reports, investigative report, and follow-up investigative report.


Page 1: Invented Crime Activity, Field Notes, Crime Scene Notes, Investigation Report

Melissa Hinton

CJUS 3030

Dr. Lanham

Assignment 2.1—Invented Crime Activity

The crime that I have invented will be one of murder. This murder will have taken place inside a newspaper publication office (The Rebels) in downtown Republic City, Georgia. Two people have been murdered; Ms. Leia Organa and Mr. Luke Skywalker. Photographs of the scene will be taken by Han Solo. There are several pieces of evidence in the crime scene which include:

Bullet flight paths Body of Ms. Organa Body of Mr. Skywalker Bullet casings

Bloody towel Bloody latex gloves Shoe prints

First and foremost I will need to secure the scene so that no one walks through possible evidence. In order to identify the suspect the doorway will be dusted for fingerprints. Because there are no signs of forced entry, the suspect must’ve turned the doorknob in order to gain entry. After checking for fingerprints I will examine the body to determine if there is evidence to cause an immediate death. I will also note that there were 9mm casings found close to the original entry point, as well as the trajectory. I will make note of the hole in the wall behind the victims (Organa) body. After checking the desk and couch for fingerprints (none will result) I will move down towards the hall. I will make note of the 2nd set of 9mm casings in the hallway. Making my way to the pool of blood that is on the right-hand side of the hallway I will examine the second victim (Skywalker) for bullet wounds or any wounds that would indicate whether or not the victim was shot. I will note the trajectory and hole in the wall immediately outside of the office where victim 2 was found. Since the shoeprints were lined in blood, I will notice that the shoeprints do not continue through the office where victim 2 was found, rather than stop in the pool of blood in the doorway. Therefore, it was not probable that the suspect entered the office. I will then turn my attention to the shoeprints which are in the direction of a lounge area. Making my way through the lounge area, after seeing no physical evidence, I will go towards the kitchen area. In the kitchen area I will find a bloody towel on the floor and bloody latex gloves in the sink. I will then search the cabinets and desks for any weapons that may be traced back to the suspect. The bodies of Organa and Skywalker will also be checked for any other DNA evidence that may identify the suspect.

In order to determine the identity of the suspect fingerprinting the entrance will be useful, however, because latex gloves were used in the crime fingerprints on the doorknob will prove useless. The latex gloves will play a vital role in identifying the suspect. By processing the inside

Page 2: Invented Crime Activity, Field Notes, Crime Scene Notes, Investigation Report

of the gloves for DNA a suspect could be identified. Shoe impressions can help link the suspect to the shooting. It can also build a timeline for the series of events. It would put the person wearing the gloves being the same person that walked through the blood of victim 2.

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Page 4: Invented Crime Activity, Field Notes, Crime Scene Notes, Investigation Report


Case #12-9987 Witness, Ben Kenobi (JANITOR), states that on his lunch break when he exited the

building, he saw a white Alderaan Cruiser parked in front of the office. He said the tag read E-3778Q-1.

Kenobi describes the driver as a white male; approximately 6’0” in height; wavy brown or black hair, shoulder length.

Kenobi states that he heard gunshots around 18:55 hours from vehicle in the employee parking lot.

Kenobi states that when he went exited his vehicle the white Alderaan Cruiser headed North on Wedge Antilles Dr., then turn West on Galactic Empire Way.


No forced entry visible around the perimeter 2 windows on office; 1 entrance/exit door Well lit office Victim #1 ~*21 years old, ~5’7” in height, brown hair, brown eyes Victim #1 found face up in northwest office (main entrance) Victim #1 gunshot wound ~1/4” in diameter right upper chest and ~1/4” in diameter to

middle of chest. A light grey circle ~1/4” surrounds the wounds Two 9 mm caliber shell casings found inside office near main entrance Two bullet holes were found wall behind victim #1 are ~1/4” in diameter each Trajectory for bullet holes by Victim #1 suggest she collapsed immediately after the 2nd

shot. Single 9 mm caliber shell casing found in hallway Single bullet hole in wall outside Victim #2 office Pool of blood in doorway where Victim #2’s body is located Victim #2 ~26 years old, ~5’9” in height, sandy blond hair, blue eyes Victim #2 single gunshot ~1/4” diameter wound to the right upper chest. A light grey

circle ~1/4” in diameter surrounds the wound. Trajectory of bullet hole by office near Victim #2’s office suggest that Victim #2 was

standing in doorway when shot. Second pool of blood near Victim #2’s feet office also confirm this assumption.

Size 12.5 bloody shoeprints found in hallway Blue latex gloves with blood on them found in the kitchen sink White hand towel with blood on it found directly behind kitchen sink in floor close to

kitchen exit1

1* ~ indicates approximate measurements

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Page 8: Invented Crime Activity, Field Notes, Crime Scene Notes, Investigation Report


WOOKIE COUNTY GEORGIA1977 Jedi Knight Rd. Republic

City, GA

Last Name of Person Killed First Name Middle Name Race Sex Age

Residence of Person Killed

Offense Serial No.

Organa Leia Carrie W F21

772 Moff Tarkin Rd.Republic City, GA


Reported By Title or Relationship

Race Sex Age

Address of Person Reporting

Phone of Person Reporting

Ben Kenobi  Janitor  W M 63

333 Chewbacca Ave.Republic City, GA


Offense as Reported After Investigation Changed to


Place of Occurrence--Street and Number or Intersection

Division Officer Making Report & I.D.

7232 Wedge Antilles Dr. Ste 3P30 S.W. George Lucas 52577

Day of Week Date of Occurrence

Time of Day

Date Reported

Time Reported Report Rec'd By


Saturday 08/30/2014 19:05 08/30/2014 23:30 General Williard



Age Height


Eyes Hair Beard


Identifying Marks/Scars


 21 5’7” ~120 Brown Brown None Fair None White Dress with Hood; Silver shoes

Coroner Notified Name of Coroner Attending-Time of Arrival AM/PM

Name of Prosecuting Attorney-Time of Arrival AM/PM

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Jabba Hutt Jabba Hutt 00:15 8/31/2014  

Details of Offense

The expired was shot in the right upper chest and in the middle chest. Witness states that he heard three gunshots and upon entering the he found Organa.

Witness Taken Into Custody Address Witness Take Into Custody Address

All witness affidavits are in Homicide office.  

Known, Suspected, or Possible Motives



Name if Known Alias


Sex Color Age



Hair Complexion

Beard Nativity


Dress and Other Marks

Cause for Suspicion

Name if Known Alias


Sex Color Age



Hair Complexion


Beard Nativity


Dress and Other Marks

Cause for Suspicion


Name if Known Alias


Sex Color Age



Hair Complexion


Beard Nativity


Dress and Other Marks

Cause for Suspicion


Persons Arrested-Name-Address Race Sex Age Arresting Officer(s) & ID

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Officers Assigned to Investigate (Include ID No) This Offense Declared

Pending □ Date Commanding Officer

Melissa Hinton 1201981 Unfounded □

Cleared by Arrest □

8/30/2014 Capt. Lanham

Case File   Disposition Code By Date

Yes □ No □  




Page 11: Invented Crime Activity, Field Notes, Crime Scene Notes, Investigation Report


WOOKIE COUNTY GEORGIA1977 Jedi Knight Rd. Republic

City, GA

Last Name of Person Killed First Name Middle Name Race Sex Age

Residence of Person Killed

Offense Serial No.

Skywalker Luke Mark W M26

2810 Stormtrooper Way.Republic City, GA


Reported By Title or Relationship

Race Sex Age

Address of Person Reporting

Phone of Person Reporting

Ben Kenobi Janitor W M63

333 Chewbacca Ave.Republic City, GA


Offense as Reported After Investigation Changed to


Place of Occurrence--Street and Number or Intersection

Division Officer Making Report & I.D.

7232 Wedge Antilles Dr. Ste 3P30  S.W. George Lucas 52577

Day of Week Date of Occurrence

Time of Day

Day of Week

Date of Occurrence

Time of Day


Saturday 08/30/2014 19:05 Saturday 08/30/2014 19:05 23:30


Age Height


Eyes Hair Beard


Identifying Marks/Scars


26 5’9” 130 Blue Brown None Fair None Black Jeans; Black Vest; White Shirt; Black Shoes

Coroner Notified Name of Coroner Attending-Time of Arrival AM/PM

Name of Prosecuting Attorney-Time of Arrival AM/PM

Page 12: Invented Crime Activity, Field Notes, Crime Scene Notes, Investigation Report

Jabba Hutt Jabba Hutt 00:15 8/31/2014  

Details of Offense

The expired was shot in the upper, right chest. Bullet entry measures approximately 1/4” in diameter. A light grey circle surrounds the wound. 12.5” foot prints found near body of deceased.

Witness Taken Into Custody Address Witness Take Into Custody Address

All witness affidavits are in Homicide office.  

Known, Suspected, or Possible Motives



Name if Known Alias


Sex Color




Hair Complexion

Beard Nativity


Dress and Other Marks

Cause for Suspicion

Name if Known Alias


Sex Color




Hair Complexion


Beard Nativity


Dress and Other Marks

Cause for Suspicion


Name if Known Alias


Sex Color




Hair Complexion


Beard Nativity


Dress and Other Marks

Cause for Suspicion


Persons Arrested-Name-Address Race Sex Age Arresting Officer(s) & ID

Page 13: Invented Crime Activity, Field Notes, Crime Scene Notes, Investigation Report

Officers Assigned to Investigate (Include ID No) This Offense Declared

Pending □

Date Commanding Officer

 Melissa Hinton 1201981 Unfounded □

Cleared by Arrest □

 8/30/2014   Capt. Lanham

Case File   Disposition Code By Date

Yes □ No □  



Page 14: Invented Crime Activity, Field Notes, Crime Scene Notes, Investigation Report

1977 Jedi Knight Rd. Republic City, GA


Case: 12-9987

On 8/30/2014, at approximately 19:05, Officer George Lucas responded to a possible homicide at The Rebels newspaper publication located at 7232 Wedge Antilles Dr. Ste 3P30, Republic City, Georgia. Upon arriving Officer Lucas was met by janitor Ben Kenobi. At the crime scene Officer Lucas confirmed that there were two dead bodies and had Mr. Kenobi confirm that the bodies were those of Leia Organa and Luke Skywalker. The crime scene was sectioned off and crime scene investigators were then able to collect evidence.

After interviewing Mr. Kenobi, Officer Lucas determined through witness Kenobi that the vehicle at the scene was a white Alderaan Cruiser with Georgia license plate E-3778Q-1. The tag on the vehicle was not registered to the Alderaan Cruiser. The tag was registered to a black Interdiction Cruiser owned by Mr. Luke Skywalker.

Fingerprints, excluding those of victim Organa, victim Skywalker, and janitor Kenobi, were not found on the entranceway door. A DNA sample was taken from the gloves and towel located in the kitchen area and sent to New Hope Genetics. A casting of the boot prints near Solo’s body was also taken for examination. Ballistics determined that the bullet wounds Organa and Solo received were consistent with the 9 mm shell casings that were found at the scene.

The DNA from the inside of the glove matched recently released inmate Anakin Vader. The blood on the outside of the gloves belonged to victim Mr. Luke Skywalker. Wookie County Police Department filed a warrant for arrest and a search warrant against Mr. Vader. Judge Sith Sidious reviewed all evidence and granted the warrants. During the execution of the search warrant, a 9 mm handgun and boots with blood on them were recovered from the suspect’s home. Mr. Vader was taken to Wookie County Police Department for further questioning. Mr. Vader stated, “I am their father! And I had to do it because they would not join the dark side.” He continued with his confession and was charged with first degree murder.

Investigator Melissa J. Hinton, 1201981

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1977 Jedi Knight Rd. Republic City, GA


Case: 12-9987

After initial reports two pieces of evidence were also entered. A pair of boots recovered from suspect Anakin Vader’s residence confirmed that blood DNA was linked to Mr. Luke Skywalker.

Ballistics identified the bullet casings at 7232 Wedge Antilles Dr. Ste 3P30, Republic City, were consistent with the markings made by the 9 mm handgun found at the suspects residence.

Trial has been set for Mr. Anakin Vader at 9 a.m., Friday, October 24, 2014.

Investigator Melissa J. Hinton, 1201981