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  • 7/30/2019 Inttroduction Contempory



    Human is the main resource in an organization. Without human, an organization

    cannot succeed their goal. Almost all the company are facing problem created by human. In

    order to overcome this kind of problems human resource management plays a big role in an

    organization. They have the toughest duties of a manager since human have different kind of

    attitudes, values, aspirations, motivations, assumptions, psychology and life goals.

    Looking at todays world, managerial level employees have to be up to date with the

    current situation. This will help them to ensure what kind of training and specific skill that

    needed by the lower level employees. At the same time, it will help their staff to be ready for

    the technological changes.

    Human resource management have a lot of roles to fulfil. They are not just a

    department who take care`s of companies recruitment and their labour. They also can be

    called as a guardian of an organization. Besides that they also will ensure that, the

    organization is right on track and ensure that they will reach their goal. Human resource

    management can be said as a key asset of the organisation. Even the Ministry of Labour, ask

    human resource management to promote harmony at the workplace so that there will be a

    healthy working style environment. This will make the employees to feel comfortable to do

    their job. At the same time job hunters and seekers will find such an organisation to work.

    Human resource employees need to know how to deal with stress, managing the

    emotion of the employees and also need to know how work life balance. The success or

    failure of an organisation it all depends on HR. Human resource management should have the

    capability, integrity and professionalism in order to succeed in the ever changing

    environment ( Mustapha Tannir O.G.E.R.O 2007).

  • 7/30/2019 Inttroduction Contempory


    Dealing with stress through wellbeing

    Stress is an unavoidable part of modern living comes from a simple event such as

    crossing the road. So it is very common when a worker or employee having stress in an

    organization. There are two types of stress that we need to know, Eustress and Distress.

    Eustress is a positive stress and Distress is a negative stress. Eustress is caused by continuous

    success and when expectations become higher. Distress is caused due to failure,

    disappointment, failure, threats, embarrassment and other negative experience (R. Dhanapal

    V. Ranjith Kumar, M. Ramachandran, and S. Sathish Ram, WCE 20011).

    Figure 1: Eustress and Distress

    Working system and style always changes around to be compatible with the system an

    employee must always be aware with the current situation of the working environment. When

    changes happening around it means the employee or staff need to change their working style

    too. At the same time workload at their working place will start to be more than usual, new

    kind of system need to be learnt by the employees in short time. This kind of situation is a

    common thing that will always make the staff or employee to feel stress said by Christian

    Pross and Sonja Schweitzer.

    There are few other things also makes workers to go under stress in organisation. For

    example, require the employees to work longer hours. Every human being has different kind

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    of emotion and some of them cannot really work for longer hours. When they are forced to

    work longer hours, some of them will get tired and from there they will start to feel stress.

    Besides working longer hours, some of the employees might have personal problem. For

    example having problem in working environment or having problem at their home. This kind

    of situation also can make an employee to feel stress and therefore de-motivated.

    Furthermore, selecting a wrong person to a particular job can cause delay of time at the same

    time the employee will face difficulty and discomfort. This is because the employee may not

    have experience with job that given by the organization. These are the common things that

    will make an employee to go stress. When an employee goes under stress, it will affect the

    organization at the same time. For an example absenteeism rate will increase at the same time

    turnover rate will increase too. Accident at the work place also may happen. This will affect

    the companies productivity and image.

    So as a human resource employee, we need to know how to deal with this situation at

    the same time find a salutation to minimize level of stress. There is little way we can use to

    avoid this kind of problem, for example as HR we should analyze the skill level of the

    employee first. Maybe we can use SWOAT analysis method to analyze their skill. By doing

    this we can know the capability and their knowledge of work of an employee. This will help

    us to know whether he or she needs training or not. Creating friendly environment at thework place also may reduce stress. The most important thing is upper level management must

    always communicate with the lower level management. This will help the organization to

    know the need of the employees and may reduce level of stress.

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    Managing the Emotions of Employees

    An emotion is a feeling that an individual could experience. This is a part and parcel

    of life that each person will endure in their life. There are three stages of emotions that one

    will undergo in their workplace (Michelle King). Firstly, is discrete, short- lived emotion

    such as joy, anger, fear and hatred? Then, are moods, which are longer lasting feelings and

    not necessarily tied to any particular reason. Last but not least is dispositional or called as

    personality traits which define overall approach to life. All three types of manner can be

    contagious and apparently will have impact in ones life.

    Figure 2 Emotions

    Emotion plays a big role in working environment. All human being have different

    kind of attitude and physical. We cant judge a person emotion by seeing them. We can only

    know them when we are communicating each other. Some people do not exactly show their

    real emotion, they prefer to pretend as they are normal. These kinds of people are really

    dangerous in working environment. Sometimes it may turn to a positive outcome to the

    organisation but if its turn to be negative, than the organisation will face lots of problem. Foran example absenteeism rate will increase, turnover rate will increase; there will not be

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    quality productivity in the company at the same time the working environment will be not

    healthy. Situation like this can bring bad reputation towards the company. Job seekers and

    hunters will not apply job to this kind of organisation. They will be scared that, they might

    have conflict with their working pears or having other kind of problem.

    In order to minimize this kind of negative emotions problem in an organization, we

    have to come up with a solution to help this kind of employees that have problem. One of the

    ways is by having EAP (Employee Assistance Program). Program like this will help the

    employees to share and manage themselves. Other than that, employees always get frustrated

    or tension when they are not equally or fairly treated. The upper level management must

    always remember that, they must not be bias. At the same time, they must always have direct

    communication with the employees. If there is aproblem with an employees attitude, higher

    level management must not have a discussion at open working area. They should always have

    a close door discussion, so may make the employee feel embarrass in front of his or her

    colleagues. By doing this the employee will share more things and feel more comfortable to


    Other way that an organization can do is to have an open door policy among all

    management staff. This may help the organisation to know, why they are not productive.

    Besides that, having a roundtable discussion with the employees will be an effective way to

    know their problems. This kind of discussion will give chance for them to pour out their

    feelings. It may help to reduce their negative emotion towards the organisation. Another

    effective way is have a weekend activities among co-workers like rock climbing, bowling,

    hiking or other activities that promote togetherness and conversation.

    An organization also can use AET (Affective Event Theory) to know in detail about

    their employees. AET is model founded by organizational psychologist Howard M.Weiss and

    Russell Cropanzanno. The reason to find this theory is to explain how emotion and moods

    influence job performance and job satisfaction. It explains the linkages between employee

    internal influence and their reaction towards the incident that occur at their working place. At

    the same time, we can also know the employees performance, organizational commitment

    and job satisfaction were affected or not. Managing employees emotion is one of the hardest

    jobs for an organization. This kind solution may help the organization to minimize the


  • 7/30/2019 Inttroduction Contempory


    Ensuring Work Life Balance is fair for All Employees

    Choose a job you like and you will never have to work a day in life has been quoted

    by the great philosopher, Confucius during (551-479 BC). This shows even folks during

    those past centuries have given prime priorities in ensuring work life balance generally.

    Narrowing down to work life balance, it shows that it has to be fairly applied for all employee

    across the nation as it is said to be an interaction between salaried work and auxiliary

    activities which are unpaid work in families and the community, leisure, and personal

    development too. Besides above interpretation of work life balance, it also matters about

    creating a gratifying work culture where the promising tension between work and alternative

    quantum of peoples lives is compromisingly attenuated. Practicing the 'exact' combo of

    participation in salaried work and other aspects of their lives will facilitate them in

    maintaining a balanced healthy lifestyle in their daily life. This blend will not remain

    constant, but may expose to manipulation and fluctuation over the time.

    In depth, work life balance is rounded by numerous distinguished principles which

    administer employees the dexterity to uphold their responsibilities internally and externally of

    work while developing self worth and self respect. These principles can be made into practice

    by assorted ways.

    First and foremost, flexibility in work environment should be largely enforced by

    organizations fairly among all employees. Practicing flexibility in most organizations is not

    easy but putting it into compromising test is much reliable as they can assuage their out of

    work obligations. For an instance leaving their office early to fetch their kids from school,

    allowing employees to work from home via Internet when employees are exposed to home

    responsibilities like construction at home, baby sitting ill elderly ones at home and etc.

    Perhaps necessity of work life balance is merely not something that you can add an actual

    number to as it solely depends on the time requirement of personal life as far as professional

    life investment. Flexibility at work place and home can assure a professional time and life

    management by all working adults if it is practiced often.

    Achievement is a component in work life balance in an employees life as well. The

    existence of balance between life and work will simultaneously result in achieving success in

    their profession. As mentioned above, achievement can only be attained if the employee is

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    able to perform satisfyingly, internally and externally of work where this effort will be bear

    fruits of performance achievement both internal and external reasons of work. Through this,

    an employee can design their own doom aligned with work life balance in achieving balance

    in home and carrier as well.

    Moreover, enjoyment is also classified as a component involved in work life balance.

    Enjoyment is described as a particular source of pleasure that employees can carry out to

    make work life applicable in their daily life. Applying enjoyment will ensure continues

    success as employees will be able to work in an ambience that they will not only succeed but

    also enjoy their success. Hence, productive work can be hands on if an employee enjoys work

    n life as one dot. Happy employees are always able to produce outstanding performances

    through elevated energy level which is said to be an added advantage to maintain to the

    organizations profit elevator which the employee is attached too. The employee itself has

    always been a valuable asset to the organization upon recruitment.

    Norms of life has never been neglected regardless in any occurrence of life as pros

    and cons are parts and partials of life. This norm is also apropos to the work life balance. The

    advantages of applying and practicing work life balance will lead to elevated work

    endowment, low turnover rate, increased employee loyalty, establishment of more enjoyable

    work environment, more creative and innovative ideas of employees, and so forth. These

    claimed pros of practicing work life balance will assure higher competitive benefit which

    enables the organization to meet the objectives, goals, vision and mission of the organization.

    On the other hand, the most significant disadvantage is the effort evolved in setting up the

    appropriate work life balance practices such as, allowing an employee to work from home via

    Internet is practical but upon identifying any errors in the work compilation a superior will

    not be able to have personal communication with the responsible employee as reel

    communication (via telecommunication mode) is ineffective compared to real

    communication (face to face in person communication). This will somehow decrease the

    productivity of the organization.

    Few approaches have been indentified to promote work life balance in lives of all

    employees which are through educational policies and leave policies. Educational policies

    enable entitled employees to further their education which are within the organizat ions

    scheme. Examples of educational schemes are conflict management, business strategy and

    etc. Meanwhile, leave policies are policies which ensure benefits to the employees while on

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    certain leaves such as, paid leave for pregnancy, family tragedy and more. Those two

    approaches will more or less help in applying work life balance in a more stable manner.

    Organizations should also eliminate certain habits in practice which are instead being work

    load oriented, organizations should be more client oriented. Despite, prioritizing end result

    should also be eliminated as an option to promote healthy work life balance. Concentrating

    more on end result will not balance work and life as the first placement will always be given

    to the work. Therefore, listed approaches as above will definitely promote a healthy work life


    In sum, work life balance has to be made into habit and followed by practices to

    generate a healthy work and life environment. Cultivating work life balance will ensure a

    more productive employee, organization and last but not least the nation too.

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    Shaping human resource management in an organisation involves all the matters

    above. In order to be a profitable organisation, today an organisation should start looking into

    their human resource management. Employees are the organisations assets and they are

    taken care by the human resource in an organisation. If the quality of the assets deteriorates,

    human resource management is to be blamed. Human resource management needs to handle

    the employees in the way that the employees like it to be. They should conduct seminars for

    the managers, so that the managers will know how to handle their team. This is very

    important because the managers are the one closer to the employees in their department. If

    every single aspect of the work place is being taken care the employees will feel at home at

    their work place and they will not feel the work stress. Work life balance is important, human

    resource management should be aware of this and implement it. There should be any gender

    discrimination, where the bosses are only male and the female employees will not get

    promoted. There should be proper appraisal conducted. The organisation should always have

    gatherings and activities to know more about their employees. In this way, the employees will

    feel that they are giving priority rather than only focusing on productivity of the organisation.

    This will lead to increase in productivity or profit of the company, decrease in turnover rates

    and absenteeism also will reduce. Managing emotions of employees is another importantaspect and many of them as neglected this in an organisation. If it is a positive emotion, there

    would not be a problem for the organisation and if it is a negative emotion, the human

    resource should look into the matter. Human resource management should closely

    communicate with the employees with emotions problems and if needed they should be given

    counselling. To avoid these things to happen, from time to time the human resource

    management should organize motivation talks for the employees to have positive energy. All

    these matter shows how important is Human Resource Management in an organisation, they

    are the only one who can help an organisation to face globalization challenges and save the

    organisations assets.