introvert speech

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  • 8/14/2019 Introvert Speech


    A very good afternoon I wish to Mdm mastura and member of the floor. Before I come to my topic

    today let us just visualize this.

    When youre on the ride in the bus and one stranger come and sits next to you. After a while, he tried to

    break the silence by wanting to have a chat with you. How would you react to this? Hes definitely not

    someone that you know. Not only you, even all of us were raised up not to talk to strangers or someonethat we dont know. Does that mean that were being cocky? Or maybe, when you are in the meeting,

    having a break and so forth, you just prefer to be silent while most of your co-workers dominate the

    conversation. Even if you engage with the conversation, do you really feel that you want to end the

    conversation so that you can bury yourself in your books or phones? If the answers for both scenarios

    are true, chances are you are an introvert.

    According to most of the psychologist, there are actually 30% of introverts in our population. That

    means in every 3 person, one person may be an introvert. Introvert is not some disease or some weird

    disorder like bipolar or split identity. They are just a normal human being like all of us.. I repeat normal

    human being like all of us except that they think and stimulate differently.

    I have also seen some of my friends who like to be alone and sometimes when I come near him/her

    trying to start a conversation I would just be dismissed right away. There are times where I would get

    offended with such behavior of these people. But soon I realize that they behave as such because they

    are introvert. Based on my reading about introverts from several academic sources such as journal

    psychology, psychology books and some journal, these introverts need time to be alone simply because

    they need to recharge themselves from the surrounding.

    Thus, today I feel it is very important to speak before you about understanding introvertsbehavior,

    problem encountered by them and the inspiration strategies to care for them in a better way. But in my

    speech today, I will only highlight about understanding their typical behavior portrayed by them.

    So lets move on to the characteristic of the introverts.

    How do you know that someone is introvert? Is it just by looking through his physical appearance, action

    like being shy and we can categorize them as introvert? That would be a very vague judgment to know

    whether someone is introvert or not. Most of us use the words shy and introvert interchangeably in

    everyday language, but they actually give different meaning respectively. While many people are both

    shy and introvert, some introverts are not shy and some shy people are in facts extroverts. What

    shyness and introversion have in common is discomfort in social situation in varying degrees for many

    different reasons.

    Introvert sometimes resembles shyness because many introverts are uncomfortable in social situations

    but the source of the discomfort is very different. As originally described by psychologist Carl Jung,

    introverts find social encounters draining, particularly those involving a lot of people. Introverts gain

    energy from the inner world of ideas, and they typically enjoy periods of solitude to rejuvenate.

    Extroverts by way of contrast draw their energy from social encounters and find prolonged solitude


  • 8/14/2019 Introvert Speech


    Because introverts recharge their batteries by pulling away from social encounters, they are often

    labeled by others as shy. Shyness at its most basic is discomfort in the presence of others, characterized

    by self-consciousness. According to Dr. Signe Dayhoff, a social psychologist specializing in self-

    presentation, shyness is a normal personality trait wherein there is inhibited behavior, a wariness of

    unfamiliar people, and timidity in situations which contain a risk of harm or failure. Nearly 50% of the

    population identify themselves as shy (a number thats increasing, according to researchers), with up to

    95% saying they are or have been shy in some circumstances. Normally, shy people are fear of judged or

    criticized and they typically dislike being in the spotlight.

    But not all introverts are, in fact, shy, and many do have good social skills. In fact, some introverts are

    quite outgoing, and many have shared their experience of being mistaken for extrovertsbut they pay a

    price in terms of energy depletion. Those social encounters can be over-stimulating, and introverts need

    to plan time to reenergize

    A second characteristic of introverts is that they process information more slowly than extroverts. The

    brains of introverts and extroverts use different pathways when processing information and the

    introvert pathway is longer. That explains why introverts speak of needing time to process information

    before they act or think, and describe encountering problems retrieving the word or thought thattheyre trying to think of. Some introvertsreport getting so caught up in the long pathway of their

    thoughts that they dont even realize they havent communicated them out loud, or theystart mid-

    thought, not realizing they havent shared the early stages oftheir thoughts.

    There are many assessments that can help identify whether someone is an introvert or extravertthe

    Myers-Briggs Type Indicator instrument being among the most prominent.


    Reflect before they talk or act

    Are energized by solitude

    Prefer socializing one-on-one to group eventsLike periods of quiet; feel depleted after a lot

    of activity

    Enjoy deep relationships with just a few select


    Frequently turn their focus to thoughts, ideas,

    the inner world

    Are characterized by depth of interest

    In psychological terms, having a preference for introversion or extroversion simply means that your

    energy more naturally flows in one direction or the other, inward or outward. Its a lot like being

    naturally right-handed (or left-handed). Assuming that you have the use of both hands, you can and douse your non-dominant hand in many activities, but it typically feels awkward to do so and more natural

    or comfortable to use your dominant hand. Most often, you use your non-dominant hand to support

    what your dominant hand is doing. As introverts, the dominant personality type draws them toward

    solitude and reflection or intimate conversations, and they learn to navigate in the outer world to

    balance their natural inclinations.


    Talk out loud as they think

    Are energized by being around peopleEnjoy large group activities

    Like a lot of activities

    Enjoy a wide circle of friendships

    Frequently turn their focus to people, things, the

    outer world

    Are characterized by breadth of interest

  • 8/14/2019 Introvert Speech


    As noted earlier, were talking about a spectrum, and there are situations where they may behave in

    more extroverted or introverted ways. Developing the versatility to apply whichever skills are most

    appropriate to the situation is one of the keys to success. Unlike shyness, you cant overcome

    introversion; but like shyness, there are choices you can make that will enable you to manage it so that

    you can function most effectively in your activities. And like shyness, youll see that there are quite a

    number of famous and successful people who have been identified as introverts. Being introverts is not

    bad after all as they say silent people have the loudest mind and this referring to the introvert would

    have the loud mind that speak inside them to gain their energy.

    I hope by sharing all these information about the characteristic of the introverts, we could understand

    them better and as for introvert, they say make lemonade out of lemon because the weak side of yours

    can be a strong value for you. Thank you.