introduction to psychology prof.: dr. myriam mongrain music: “one” u2 interpreted by adam...

Introductio n to Psychology Prof.: Dr. Myriam Mongrain Music: “One” U2 Interpreted by Adam Lambert

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Introduction to Psychology Prof.: Dr. Myriam Mongrain

Music: “One” U2

Interpreted by Adam Lambert

PSYC 1010G: Today’s Agenda

A. Ground Rules B. Course Information C. Short Lecture:

1) Formal Definition of Psychology 2) Goals of Psychology 3 ) Careers in Psychology

A. Ground Rules When the music stops

We begin! i.e. Stop talking 1 hour lecture followed by break (get a snack!) Another 1 hour lecture followed by brief films Exams held in class Tutorials:

Optional Student questions Review of text/ Multiple choice questions

Official times and locations will be posted next week

B. Course Information Your TAs:

Ritu, Eric, Paula, Jacqueline, Susan, Michelle, Genevieve, Adi, Marwan

Exams Policy on Academic Honesty (see course outline) Missed exams: Consult course outline Grades:

Minimum grade for Psych. Majors Text

Weiten & McCann (2010). Psychology: Themes and Variations, 2nd Canadian Edition (comes with study guide --optional)

C. Short Lecture (p. 24-28 of text)

1) Formal definition of Psychology 2) Goals of Psychology 3) Careers in Psychology

C. 1) Formal Definition Psychology: “Scientific study of behaviour and its causes.”

Overt (directly observable) and covert behaviours Psychologists study:

How you act (behaviour/overt) How you think (mental/covert) How you feel (covert & overt) How your brain and body respond (physiological/covert)

C. 2) Goals of Psychology i) Measure and describe behaviour objectivel

e.g. Extraversion ii) Understand (explain) and predict behaviour

using the scientific method Rudimentary statistics demonstrated with astrology

iii) Modify behaviour to improve quality of life and increase well-being

C. 2) Pick your letter: Birthdays March 21st - Sept. 22nd

A. The Homebody

Nurturing, traditional,

emotional, shy, good memory

A. The Homebody

Nurturing, traditional,

emotional, shy, good memory

B. The HedonistIndulgent, creature of

comfort, independent,

persistent, reliable

B. The HedonistIndulgent, creature of

comfort, independent,

persistent, reliable

C. The Intellectual

Witty, intelligent, restless, adaptive,

curious, wishy-washy

C. The Intellectual

Witty, intelligent, restless, adaptive,

curious, wishy-washy

D. The Perfectionist

Detail-oriented, hard-working, modest, logical, critical

D. The Perfectionist

Detail-oriented, hard-working, modest, logical, critical E. The Leader

Energetic, driven, fearless, bossy, blunt

E. The LeaderEnergetic, driven,

fearless, bossy, blunt

F. The ExtravertAmbitious, creative,

dramatic, overbearing,


F. The ExtravertAmbitious, creative,

dramatic, overbearing,


C. 2) Birthdays After Sept. 22nd and before March 18th

G. The IntrovertSpiritual, private, imaginative, easy-

going, self-sacrificing

G. The IntrovertSpiritual, private, imaginative, easy-

going, self-sacrificing H. The Detective

Solution-focused, intuitive, resourceful,

need for control

H. The DetectiveSolution-focused,

intuitive, resourceful, need for control

I. The PhilosopherOpen-minded,

meaning-seeking, argumentative, like

to explore

I. The PhilosopherOpen-minded,

meaning-seeking, argumentative, like

to explore

J. The HumanitarianVisionary, social,

unconventional, clever

J. The HumanitarianVisionary, social,

unconventional, clever

K. The Peacekeeper

Just, objective, enjoy company, dislike


K. The Peacekeeper

Just, objective, enjoy company, dislike


L. The WorkerDetermined,

industrious, strive to succeed, disciplined

L. The WorkerDetermined,

industrious, strive to succeed, disciplined

3.) What’s your sign?E – The Leader Aries (March 21 – April 19)

B – The Hedonist Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

C – The Intellectual Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

A – The Homebody Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

F – The Extravert Leo (July 23 – August 22)

D – The Perfectionist Virgo (August 23 – September 23)

K – The Peacekeeper Libra (September 23 – October 22)

H – The Detective Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

I – The Philosopher Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

L – The Worker Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

J – The Humanitarian Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

G – The Introvert Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

C. 3) Careers in Psychology

i) Professional Practice: Clinical/Counseling

Clinical Psychologists (vs. psychiatrists, psychoanalysts)

Educational/School Psychology Industrial/Organizational

C. 3) Careers in Psychology ii) Research/Academia:

Developmental Social Experimental Physiological Cognitive Personality Psychometrics Abnormal/Clinical Health

See you next week…