introduction to powershell

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Introduction to powershell


Page 1: Introduction to powershell

Introduction to PowerShell

Learn it before it become URGENT

[email protected]


Page 2: Introduction to powershell


What is PowerShell ? Problems with existing scripting language (VB script) How PowerShell solves the security issues Basic commands in Powershell GUI (IDE) for Powershell How to get help in PowerShell Alias Snap-ins Cmd-lets in PowerShell Variables Understanding the pipe line Operators in PowerShell

◦ Logical Operators

Sorting, Measuring, Select, Filter and compare Export, Import, Convert Functions Regular expressions Arrays and Hash Table XML handling

Page 3: Introduction to powershell

What is PowerShell?

NEW scripting platform for Microsoft products One scripting language – Multiple products

◦ Windows Desktop OS, Server OS◦ SharePoint◦ SQL Server◦ SCOM/SCDPM/SVCMM◦ Exchange Server◦ VMWARE/Citrix

Runs on top of .net framework, 2.0+ Automate almost every thing you can do with GUI (some

times, things which are not possible with GUI) Not just command prompt or Script language, But

Command-Shell. It’s the Microsoft Way… Shell prompt, just like DOS shell, But more powerful

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Restricted - No scripting allowed unrestricted - You can any scripting

• no signing required Remote signed – good for test, dev environments

◦ only files from internet need to be signed◦ default setting

All signed - local, remote script, it should be signed.◦ user must agree to run script

PowerShell’s Execution Policy

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No common scripting for all the products◦ .Net code◦ COM Model◦ Exe◦ VBScript

Scripts are really security concern, because they do have lot of power◦ Echo “Welcome”◦ Del *.* ???

Top Concerns:◦ Integrity◦ Identity◦ Double click Run◦ Command Hijacking

PowerShell addresses this issue by introducing Executing Policy

Problems with Existing scripting languages

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“built-in” commands for PowerShell◦ “verb-noun” names

eg. get-childitem (= ls) but: new-alias, new-object

◦ extensible set: can write own cmdlets Heart and Soul of PowerShell Engine that make powershell work. They are

the small units of functionality that perform the operations.


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Basic Tour

Shell prompt Help system

◦ Getting help:

Get-help Get-help –verb get Get-help –noun file

Get-help stop-process –examples Get-help stop-process –full

Get-help “sp*

◦ Out-file Ps>file1.txt ps>>file2.txt Ps |out-file process.txt

◦ Get-content

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Powershell snap-in provides a mechanism for registering sets of cmdlets◦ Example: similar to MMC

Set of cmd-lets for a specific product◦ Eg. SharePoint

Get-pssnapin ◦ Lists the core functionality

Get-Pssnapin – registered◦ Shows the installed cmd-Lets

To Add a new PS Snapin:◦ Add-Snapin <snap-in-Name>

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Basic cmd-lets for process, services

Ask Help: help *process* Get-process > Alias ps

◦ Eg. Get-process –name calc How to get the –name parameter?

◦ Get-process | get-member◦ Stop-process -> Alias Kill◦ Stop-process –name calc ◦ Stop-process –name calc –whatif

Services◦ Get-service <service name>◦ Restart-service <service name>◦ Stop-service <service name>

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Basic cmd-lets for process, services (Cont.)

Get-service –include “Sharepoint*” Get-service –exclude “Sharepoint*”

Event log:◦ Get-eventlog

Eg. get-eventlog system –newest 10 Get-eventlog | -newest 10 format-list

IDE PowerGUI - Open source yet powerfull, FREE Powershell + Primal script ISE – PowerShell 2.0

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Powershell assigns best suited data type for variables when assigned◦ New-variable -name var –value 10


◦ $var=10◦ Remove-variable –name varIt supports Int, Datetime, Bool, string, Char, byte, decimal, array,

xml Variables are actually .net objects

◦ $test=“honeywell”◦ Can say $test.toUpper()◦ User get-member to retrieve all the member of the object

Can force the data type by ◦ [string]$var=5


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Commands manipulates and passes objects from One to another

Eg: Get the list of process -> filter > stop ->format Get-process | where-object {$_.status –eq

“Stopped”} |format-list Get-process | out-file C:\process.txt Get-process | out-Printer <Name of the printer> Write-output vs write-host

◦ First one sends output to the pipeline, Second doesn’t Write-output “Hello” |where-object {$_.length – gt 2}

◦ We have some additional options like –foregroundcolor


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All Basic math operations: +, -, *, /, %◦ 5+5; 10-1; 8*2; 10%3; 5+(5*5)

Comparison◦ EQ

10 –eq 5◦ LT, -GT, -GE, -LE◦ String comparison: not case sensitive

“Hello” – eq “HELLO” > true Forcing case sensitive:

“Hello” – ceq “HELLO” > true

Logical operators AND OR NOT

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Sort – Measure –Select - filter

Sort◦ Get-process | sort-object VM –desc◦ Get-service |sort status

Measure◦ Get-service |measure-object◦ Get-service |measure-object –property VM –sum –

min-max –average Select

◦ Get-service | select-object displayname,status◦ Get-process | select-object –first 10

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Export-Import and compare

Export-CSV◦ Get-process |export-csv

Export-CSV◦ $process=import-csv c:\sa.csv

Compare:◦ $p1=get-process

Now open a new process, say calc◦ $p2=get-process◦ Compare-object $p1, $p2 –property name

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Logical constructs

IF, Switch, For, While◦ IF, Switch – Decision◦ For, while – looping◦ Eg IF($var –gt 100) { write-host “yes”}◦ Elseif()◦ {◦ }◦ Else◦ {◦ }

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Logical constructs

Switch◦ eg$company =“Honeywell”Switch($var){“Wipro” {write-host “wipro”}“Honeywell” {write-host “wipro”}Default {write-host “Not in list”}}

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While, Do…Until, Do..while

$var=1 While($var – lt 10)

{write-host $var

$var++} For-each

◦ Eg. $services=get-service Foreach($x in $services) { write-host $ }

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Script Block

Executes the block of code from file, variable $b={write-host “Hello”} $b >>write-host “hello” To Execute : &$b

Functions:◦ Function sayHello()

{ write-host “Hello”}sayHello

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Functions Cont.

◦ Function sayHello($SenderName){ write-host “Hello” + $senderName}sayHello “Honeywell”

• SayHello “honeywell” -> write-host “Hello” $args[0]

Return statement:function determine

{ if($var – gt 10){return $true}Else{return $false}}

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Regular expression

Standard for Pattern matching◦ Use –Match◦ Eg. “Honeywell” –match “Honey”◦ . (dot) – one char◦ * - Zero or more match “A” match “t*”◦ + - one or more match “TTT” match “^T+”◦ ? – Zero or one match◦ [AB] – either A or B◦ ^ - start ◦ $ - end eg. “Sala” –match “^s..A$”◦ \w – any word character -W –Non word◦ \s – space -S◦ \d -D◦ (n,m) eg. “TTTT” –match “^T{4, 6}”

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Strings, Arrays, Hash tables

◦ $H=“Honeywell”◦ $h.length◦ Say “hello” >> “Say “”hello”””

Array: ◦ $arr=1,2,3 or $arr=@(1,2,3)◦ $arr2=@((1,1),(2,2),(3,3))

Get : $arr2[1][1]

◦ Hash table: $Hash=@{No=1;”CName“=“Honeywell”} $ $hash[“Cname”]

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◦ $MyXML=[XML] @”◦ <addressBook>

<Person type=“personal”> <name>ABC</name> <Phone>123</phone>

</person> </addressbook> “@

$myXML.AddressBook $myXML.Person $myXML.Person[0]

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Resources Download powershell through Videos

◦ Blogs


PowerShell Installation Instructions: PowerTab by MoW - “MSH Logo” by Lee Holmes - PowerShell Community Extensions

◦ MSDN -

◦ How to create a cmdlet: Blogs

◦ PowerShell Team Blog -◦ Lee Holmes -◦ David Aiken -◦ The PowerShell Guy (MoW) -

Popular Newsgroup◦