introduction to molecular communication · digital communication guest lecture university of...

Introduction to Molecular Communication Introduction to Molecular Communication Adam Noel University of Erlangen-Nürnberg Institute for Digital Communications University of British Columbia Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering http: // ece. ubc. ca/ ~adamn Digital Communication Guest Lecture University of Erlangen-Nürnberg November 5, 2013

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Introduction to Molecular CommunicationIntroduction to Molecular Communication

Adam Noel

University of Erlangen-NürnbergInstitute for Digital Communications

University of British ColumbiaDepartment of Electrical and Computer Engineering

http: // ece. ubc. ca/ ~adamn

Digital Communication Guest LectureUniversity of Erlangen-Nürnberg

November 5, 2013

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1. Motivation1. Motivation

Why Study Molecular Communications?Why Study Molecular Communications?

Imagine tiny networks with many thousands of devicesSimple devices working cooperatively to complete challengingtasksUltra-sensitive to changes in the environmentFully distributed and ad hocSelf-replicating

Is this a hopeless fantasy or current reality?

Richard Feynman, Caltech, 1959“There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom”

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1. Motivation1. Motivation

Why Study Molecular Communications?Why Study Molecular Communications?

These networks already exist in biological systems!

Community of BacteriaSource: US CDC Eukaryotic Cells in a Tissue

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Single and multi-celled organisms use communication networksHow to communicate? Molecules are widely used!

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2. Introduction2. Introduction Part I: Introduction to Nanoscale CommunicationPart I: Introduction to Nanoscale Communication

Part I: Introduction to Nanoscale CommunicationPart I: Introduction to Nanoscale Communication

1 Nanometer Devices and NetworksNanomachinesNanonetworks

2 Molecular CommunicationWhat is Molecular Communication?Design Strategies

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2. Introduction2. Introduction Part II: Communicating via DiffusionPart II: Communicating via Diffusion

Part II: Communicating via DiffusionPart II: Communicating via Diffusion

3 Mathematics of DiffusionWhy Diffusion?Fick’s Second Law

4 Modeling Communication LinkSystem ModelTransmitter DesignSignal at ReceiverReceiver DesignExternal Modification

5 Open Problems in Diffusive CommunicationPhysical EnvironmentTransceiver Design

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2. Introduction2. Introduction Part III: Reaction-Diffusion SystemsPart III: Reaction-Diffusion Systems

Part III: Reaction-Diffusion SystemsPart III: Reaction-Diffusion Systems

6 Deterministic vs Stochastic Systems

7 Lattice-Based Systems

8 Particle-Based Systems

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Part I

Introduction to NanoscaleCommunication

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Introduction to Nanoscale CommunicationIntroduction to Nanoscale Communication

1 Nanometer Devices and NetworksNanomachinesNanonetworks

2 Molecular CommunicationWhat is Molecular Communication?Design Strategies

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3. Nano Devices and Networks3. Nano Devices and Networks NanomachinesNanomachines

What is a Nanomachine?What is a Nanomachine?

How exactly should we define a nanomachine?“Nano” - nanometre [nm] - 10−9mMilli 10−3, Micro 10−6, Pico 10−12

“Machine” - device performing an independent taskTasks could be mechanical, chemical, electrical, etc.

First Definition of a NanomachineA nanomachine is a machine whose largest dimension is between1 nm and 1µm

Question - Is this an appropriate definition?

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3. Nano Devices and Networks3. Nano Devices and Networks NanomachinesNanomachines

What is a Nanomachine?What is a Nanomachine?

What objects are on the order of a nanometre in size?

Biological cells - most between 1µm and 100µmSingle atoms - under 1 nm in diameter“Small” molecules - about 1 nmProteins - 5− 10 nmViruses - on the order of 100 nmCellular Organelles (subunits) - 25 nm −1µm

A nice visual resource:

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3. Nano Devices and Networks3. Nano Devices and Networks NanomachinesNanomachines

Another Nanomachine DefinitionAnother Nanomachine Definition

What is “bad” about first definition?

Entire biological machines at nanoscale are truly smallCells are outside scope of definitionMost subunits of cells are nanoscale

Second Definition of a NanomachineA nanomachine is a machine with nanoscale functional components

This definition includes cellsWe will refer to this definition

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3. Nano Devices and Networks3. Nano Devices and Networks NanomachinesNanomachines

What Can a Single Nanomachine Do?What Can a Single Nanomachine Do?

An Animal CellSource: Wikimedia Commons

Cells can be very complex structuresFood Processing, Mobility, Reproduction, SensingCommunication

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3. Nano Devices and Networks3. Nano Devices and Networks NanomachinesNanomachines

What Can a Single Nanomachine Do?What Can a Single Nanomachine Do?

Some options for synthetic nanomachine design:Modified cells (genetically altered)Artificial cells (leave out unnecessary components)Downscaled electronic devices

Why consider “bio-hybrid” (e.g. cell-based) designs?Already a “mature” technology (evolved over billions of years)Biocompatibility for devices in living systemsImprove understanding of biological systems

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3. Nano Devices and Networks3. Nano Devices and Networks NanonetworksNanonetworks

Cooperation: Making it HappenCooperation: Making it Happen

Single nanomachines may be complex but limited output

Network of Communicating Cells

A Nanonetwork is the interconnectionof nanomachinesCooperate to perform more complextasksShare different local information

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3. Nano Devices and Networks3. Nano Devices and Networks NanonetworksNanonetworks

Nanonetworks in NatureNanonetworks in Nature

Both single- and multi-celled organisms form networks

Community of BacteriaSource: US CDC Eukaryotic Cells in a Tissue

Source: Wikimedia Commons

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3. Nano Devices and Networks3. Nano Devices and Networks NanonetworksNanonetworks

What Could Synthetic Nanonetworks Do?What Could Synthetic Nanonetworks Do?

Biomedical Applications

Targeted drug delivery - cooperativelyrelease medicationHealth monitoring - identify presenceof toxic substancesRegenerative medicine - rebuilddamaged tissues, organsGenetic engineering - Manipulate DNA

DNA Double-Helix

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3. Nano Devices and Networks3. Nano Devices and Networks NanonetworksNanonetworks

What Could Synthetic Nanonetworks Do?What Could Synthetic Nanonetworks Do?

Environmental Applications

Environmental monitoring - detectionof pollutants or toxinsDegradation - safe conversion ofundesired materials

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3. Nano Devices and Networks3. Nano Devices and Networks NanonetworksNanonetworks

What Could Synthetic Nanonetworks Do?What Could Synthetic Nanonetworks Do?


Quality control - identification ofproduct defectsBottom-up formation - preciseconstruction of componentsNew functionality - integratenanonetworks into new products

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3. Nano Devices and Networks3. Nano Devices and Networks NanonetworksNanonetworks

Nanonetworking for Communications EngineersNanonetworking for Communications Engineers

We want communication systems that are:Reliable - low probability of receiver errorRealistic - achievable with current/future technologyReally fast - transmit as much data as possible

Aim of Communication AnalysisRobust network design that is not application-specific but doesconsider the envisioned capabilities of nanomachines

TX RXMessage Environment Sink

Conventional problem still exists - transmission of information

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3. Nano Devices and Networks3. Nano Devices and Networks NanonetworksNanonetworks

How to Build the Network?How to Build the Network?

Two main streams of nanonetwork design consider using either:1 Electromagnetic Radiation - a somewhat top-down design

approach2 Molecular Communication - use molecules as information

carriersMolecular communication is a more natural choice forbiologically-based nanomachines

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4. Molecular Communication4. Molecular Communication What is Molecular Communication?What is Molecular Communication?

Defining Molecular CommunicationDefining Molecular Communication

Transmitter ReceiverInformation Molecule

Molecular CommunicationA transmitter emits information molecules that are carried toan intended receiver

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4. Molecular Communication4. Molecular Communication What is Molecular Communication?What is Molecular Communication?

Molecular Communication CharacteristicsMolecular Communication Characteristics

Molecular communication presents the following advantages:Feasibility - regarded as easier to implement than otherapproaches in the near term,Scale - appropriate size for nanomachinesBio-compatibility - integration with living systems possible(though not guaranteed!)Energy Efficiency - biochemical reactions have highefficienciesFunctional Complexity - billions of years of evolution

Other advantages depend on the particular implementation

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4. Molecular Communication4. Molecular Communication What is Molecular Communication?What is Molecular Communication?

Molecular Communication CharacteristicsMolecular Communication Characteristics

Molecular communication presents the following challenges:Stochasticity - random propagation of molecules,environmental noiseDelay - propagation times very long compared to speed oflightRange - techniques can have very short practical rangesFragility - biological components can be environmentallysensitive (temperature, pH, other reagents)

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4. Molecular Communication4. Molecular Communication Design StrategiesDesign Strategies

Candidate Communication SystemsCandidate Communication Systems

List of “popular” propagation techniquesFree diffusionGap junctionsMolecular motorsBacterial motors

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4. Molecular Communication4. Molecular Communication Design StrategiesDesign Strategies

Free DiffusionFree Diffusion


Natural passive process within cell, amongst cells, or betweenorganismsProcedure:

1 Transmitter floods environment with molecules (emits)2 Molecules motion is entirely random3 Some molecules reach the receiver4 Molecules may enter receiver or bind to surface

We will return to diffusion later

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4. Molecular Communication4. Molecular Communication Design StrategiesDesign Strategies

Free DiffusionFree Diffusion


Natural passive process within cell, amongst cells, or betweenorganismsProcedure:

1 Transmitter floods environment with molecules (emits)2 Molecules motion is entirely random3 Some molecules reach the receiver4 Molecules may enter receiver or bind to surface

We will return to diffusion later

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4. Molecular Communication4. Molecular Communication Design StrategiesDesign Strategies

Free DiffusionFree Diffusion


Natural passive process within cell, amongst cells, or betweenorganismsProcedure:

1 Transmitter floods environment with molecules (emits)2 Molecules motion is entirely random3 Some molecules reach the receiver4 Molecules may enter receiver or bind to surface

We will return to diffusion later

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4. Molecular Communication4. Molecular Communication Design StrategiesDesign Strategies

Free DiffusionFree Diffusion


Natural passive process within cell, amongst cells, or betweenorganismsProcedure:

1 Transmitter floods environment with molecules (emits)2 Molecules motion is entirely random3 Some molecules reach the receiver4 Molecules may enter receiver or bind to surface

We will return to diffusion later

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4. Molecular Communication4. Molecular Communication Design StrategiesDesign Strategies

Diffusion via Gap JunctionsDiffusion via Gap Junctions

Gap junctions - channels between adjacent cellsProcedure:

1 Transmitter creates signalling molecules2 Some molecules diffuse to adjacent cell3 Positive feedback reaction amplifies signal4 Signal can propagate far distances

Intermediary cells act as relays

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4. Molecular Communication4. Molecular Communication Design StrategiesDesign Strategies

Diffusion via Gap JunctionsDiffusion via Gap Junctions

Gap junctions - channels between adjacent cellsProcedure:

1 Transmitter creates signalling molecules2 Some molecules diffuse to adjacent cell3 Positive feedback reaction amplifies signal4 Signal can propagate far distances

Intermediary cells act as relays

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4. Molecular Communication4. Molecular Communication Design StrategiesDesign Strategies

Diffusion via Gap JunctionsDiffusion via Gap Junctions

Gap junctions - channels between adjacent cellsProcedure:

1 Transmitter creates signalling molecules2 Some molecules diffuse to adjacent cell3 Positive feedback reaction amplifies signal4 Signal can propagate far distances

Intermediary cells act as relays

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4. Molecular Communication4. Molecular Communication Design StrategiesDesign Strategies

Diffusion via Gap JunctionsDiffusion via Gap Junctions

Gap junctions - channels between adjacent cellsProcedure:

1 Transmitter creates signalling molecules2 Some molecules diffuse to adjacent cell3 Positive feedback reaction amplifies signal4 Signal can propagate far distances

Intermediary cells act as relays

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4. Molecular Communication4. Molecular Communication Design StrategiesDesign Strategies

Diffusion via Gap JunctionsDiffusion via Gap Junctions

Gap junctions - channels between adjacent cellsProcedure:

1 Transmitter creates signalling molecules2 Some molecules diffuse to adjacent cell3 Positive feedback reaction amplifies signal4 Signal can propagate far distances

Intermediary cells act as relays

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4. Molecular Communication4. Molecular Communication Design StrategiesDesign Strategies

Molecular MotorsMolecular Motors


Commonly used for intracellular transport of larger moleculesDeploys a generic architectureProcedure:

1 Information molecule placed in generic motor container2 Container travels along rail3 Container “opened” at receiver

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4. Molecular Communication4. Molecular Communication Design StrategiesDesign Strategies

Molecular MotorsMolecular Motors


Commonly used for intracellular transport of larger moleculesDeploys a generic architectureProcedure:

1 Information molecule placed in generic motor container2 Container travels along rail3 Container “opened” at receiver

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4. Molecular Communication4. Molecular Communication Design StrategiesDesign Strategies

Molecular MotorsMolecular Motors


Commonly used for intracellular transport of larger moleculesDeploys a generic architectureProcedure:

1 Information molecule placed in generic motor container2 Container travels along rail3 Container “opened” at receiver

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4. Molecular Communication4. Molecular Communication Design StrategiesDesign Strategies

Molecular MotorsMolecular Motors


Commonly used for intracellular transport of larger moleculesDeploys a generic architectureProcedure:

1 Information molecule placed in generic motor container2 Container travels along rail3 Container “opened” at receiver

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4. Molecular Communication4. Molecular Communication Design StrategiesDesign Strategies

Bacterial MotorsBacterial Motors


Bacteria cells have flagella that enable propulsionProcedure:

1 Transmitter gives DNA information to bacteria2 Bacteria runs and tumbles towards receiver3 DNA information passed to receiver upon contact

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4. Molecular Communication4. Molecular Communication Design StrategiesDesign Strategies

Bacterial MotorsBacterial Motors


Bacteria cells have flagella that enable propulsionProcedure:

1 Transmitter gives DNA information to bacteria2 Bacteria runs and tumbles towards receiver3 DNA information passed to receiver upon contact

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4. Molecular Communication4. Molecular Communication Design StrategiesDesign Strategies

Bacterial MotorsBacterial Motors


Bacteria cells have flagella that enable propulsionProcedure:

1 Transmitter gives DNA information to bacteria2 Bacteria runs and tumbles towards receiver3 DNA information passed to receiver upon contact

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Part II

Communicating via Diffusion

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Communicating via DiffusionCommunicating via Diffusion

3 Mathematics of DiffusionWhy Diffusion?Fick’s Second Law

4 Modeling Communication LinkSystem ModelTransmitter DesignSignal at ReceiverReceiver DesignExternal Modification

5 Open Problems in Diffusive CommunicationPhysical EnvironmentTransceiver Design

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5. Mathematics of Diffusion5. Mathematics of Diffusion Why Diffusion?Why Diffusion?

Features of DiffusionFeatures of Diffusion

Random walk caused by thermal vibrations and collisionsVery fast over short distances (1µm in 1 s)Bacterial cells rely on diffusion internallyRich literature describing diffusive processes (heat transfer,fluid dynamics)Most popular method to consider in communications research(thus far)

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5. Mathematics of Diffusion5. Mathematics of Diffusion Fick’s Second LawFick’s Second Law

Foundation of DiffusionFoundation of Diffusion

Consider being a “small” molecule immersed in liquid waterOne water molecule is 0.275 nm in diameterAt 25 ◦C, water molecules move at over500m/s = 5× 105 nm/µsThere are about 33 water molecules in a 1 nm cube of purewater

A few consequences:1 There are a LOT of collisions2 The “small” molecule we added will be moved randomly3 Gravity is essentially irrelevant at this scale

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5. Mathematics of Diffusion5. Mathematics of Diffusion Fick’s Second LawFick’s Second Law

Foundation of DiffusionFoundation of Diffusion

A mathematical description is possibleAdolf Fick - observed pollen diffusing in a glassFick derived deterministic laws in 1855Based on the diffusion coefficient D (m2/s)

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5. Mathematics of Diffusion5. Mathematics of Diffusion Fick’s Second LawFick’s Second Law

Foundation of DiffusionFoundation of Diffusion

Fick’s Second Law∂C

∂t= D∇2C

Einstein Relation (Spherical particles)

D =kBT


C - concentration of diffusing molecule (molecule ·m−3)kB - Boltzmann constant (kB = 1.38× 10−23 J/K)T - temperature in kelvinη - solvent viscosity (water, blood, etc.) in kg ·m−1s−1

R - radius of diffusing molecule (m)

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5. Mathematics of Diffusion5. Mathematics of Diffusion Fick’s Second LawFick’s Second Law

Diffusion CoefficientsDiffusion Coefficients

A few more notes on diffusion coefficients:Generally not constant but we usually make this assumptionFor small biomolecules, value is on order of 10−11m2/sDisplacement of 1 molecule along one dimension is a normalrandom variable with variance 2Dt

Individual molecule motion is random but with knowndistributionCollective motion of many molecules is deterministic

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5. Mathematics of Diffusion5. Mathematics of Diffusion Fick’s Second LawFick’s Second Law

Solving DiffusionSolving Diffusion

Fick’s Second Law∂C

∂t= D∇2C

A lot of literature in solving Fick’s Second LawSolutions depend on the boundary conditions:

Shape of environment (infinite, rod, cylinder, sphere, etc.)Source of diffusing molecules (point, surface, steady vs.impulse, etc.)

Flow of solvent, variable temperature, etc., affects solutionsMany environments have no analytical solution or infinitesums

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5. Mathematics of Diffusion5. Mathematics of Diffusion Fick’s Second LawFick’s Second Law

Sample SolutionsSample Solutions

Impulsive Point Source into Infinite Environment

C =N





Impulsive Spherical Source into Infinite Environment

C(r, t) =3



(robs − r2√Dt

)+ erf

(robs + r








(−(robs + r)2


)− exp

(−(robs − r)2



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6. Communication Link6. Communication Link System ModelSystem Model

Basic Communication ModelBasic Communication Model


TX RXMessage Environment Sink

Now we willAssume transmitter (TX) has binary message for receiver (RX)Highlight analysis in a diffusive communication linkDiscuss practical challengesA. Noel – Introduction to Molecular Communication37 / 7437 / 74

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6. Communication Link6. Communication Link Transmitter DesignTransmitter Design

How Are Molecules Released?How Are Molecules Released?


Information (A) Molecules

Cells build large containers called vesiclesBiological processes can bring information molecules intovesiclesWhen triggered, vesicles can be fused to cell surfaceFusion releases contentsAlternatively - immediate release of information molecules asthey are created

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6. Communication Link6. Communication Link Transmitter DesignTransmitter Design

How to Modulate?How to Modulate?


Information (A) Molecules

Modulation dimensions include:Type of molecule (A vs B molecules)Number of molecules (i.e., pulse amplitude modulation)Time of releasePulse-shaping

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6. Communication Link6. Communication Link Signal at ReceiverSignal at Receiver

Factors Influencing # of Molecules at ReceiverFactors Influencing # of Molecules at Receiver


TX modulation schemeEnvironmental shapeDiffusion coefficient, presence of flowWhether information molecules can be added or removed fromenvironment

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6. Communication Link6. Communication Link Signal at ReceiverSignal at Receiver

Basic Receiver SignalBasic Receiver Signal

Let’s consider the simplest modulation in simplest environmentTX emits impulse of N moleculesUnbounded 3-dimensional environmentConstant diffusion and no constant flowNo change in number of molecules (i.e., no reactions)

Impulsive Point Source into Infinite Environment

C =N




)|~r| - distance from TX

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6. Communication Link6. Communication Link Signal at ReceiverSignal at Receiver

Basic Receiver SignalBasic Receiver Signal






Track expected # of molecules at RX when TX emitsLarge # of molecules emitted; only some reach RXIncrease in propagation time with square of distanceLong “tail” - long time to diffuse awayIntersymbol interference (ISI) bottlenecks communicationperformance

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6. Communication Link6. Communication Link Signal at ReceiverSignal at Receiver

Basic Receiver SignalBasic Receiver Signal







Track expected # of molecules at RX when TX emitsLarge # of molecules emitted; only some reach RXIncrease in propagation time with square of distanceLong “tail” - long time to diffuse awayIntersymbol interference (ISI) bottlenecks communicationperformance

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6. Communication Link6. Communication Link Receiver DesignReceiver Design

How to Design the Receiver?How to Design the Receiver?


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Considerations in RX design:Is RX synchronized with TX?

Synchronization could be achieved via external signalHow does the RX “see” the signal?

Molecules absorbed by a biochemical process?Molecules briefly held, facilitating some other reaction?Practically, some reaction must take place

What kind of processing is possible?

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6. Communication Link6. Communication Link Receiver DesignReceiver Design

How to Design the Receiver?How to Design the Receiver?


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Local reactions - very difficult to analyze in multipledimensionsAssume ideal passive RXRX can “count” the # of molecules that go byCounting over time gives discrete samples

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6. Communication Link6. Communication Link Receiver DesignReceiver Design

Receiver AnalysisReceiver Analysis


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What to do with the samples?Detection scheme neededUse maximum likelihood for lower bound on error probabilityTradeoff in complexity vs. practicality

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6. Communication Link6. Communication Link Receiver DesignReceiver Design

Sample Communication SchemeSample Communication Scheme

Consider following schemeTX sequence W = {W [1] ,W [2] , . . .W [B]}ON/OFF keying - NAEM

molecules for binary 1

Constant bit interval TintRX makes M samples in a bit intervalmth sample in jth interval is sj,m at time t (j,m)

sj,m are samples of received signal NAobs(t)

RX decides sequence W [j]

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6. Communication Link6. Communication Link Receiver DesignReceiver Design

Distribution of Received SignalDistribution of Received Signal

NAobs(t) has time-varying mean NAobs(t)

NAobs(t) can be calculated as function of all prior intervals(additive)Samples sj,m are Poisson distributedPDF is

Pr (NAobs(t) = ξ) =NAobs (t)

ξ exp(−NAobs (t)


CDF is

Pr (NAobs(t) < ξ) = exp(−NAobs (t)

) ξ−1∑i=0

NAobs (t)i


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6. Communication Link6. Communication Link Receiver DesignReceiver Design

Maximum Likelihood DetectionMaximum Likelihood Detection

From properties of Poisson random variables we can evaluate

Pr(NAobs) =



Pr(NAobs(t (j,m)) = sj,m

)where NAobs is the complete set of observations, givensequence W

ML detector - evaluate Pr(NAobs) for every possible W

Complexity reduced with Viterbi Algorithm, but still largememory and computation requirementsImportantly, we obtain a bound on the probability of error

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6. Communication Link6. Communication Link Receiver DesignReceiver Design

Weighted Sum DetectorWeighted Sum Detector

Weighted sum detector is likely more practicalwm - the weight of the mth sampleξ - decision thresholdDecision rule is then

W [j] =

{1 if

∑Mm=1wmNAobs(t (j,m)) ≥ ξ,

0 otherwise

Weights scaled to NAobs(t) gives matched filterEqual weights are simpler but give poorer performance

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6. Communication Link6. Communication Link Receiver DesignReceiver Design

Detector PerformanceDetector Performance







# of Samples Per Interval M



Simulation, Matched Filter

Simulation, Equal Weight

Maximum LikelihoodExpected, Matched Filter

Expected, Equal Weight

Source: Noel et al., IEEE Trans. on Nanobiosci., submitted Jul. 2013

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6. Communication Link6. Communication Link External ModificationExternal Modification

Other Environmental InfluencesOther Environmental Influences

Additive Noise SourcesWe can add “noise” sources that generate additionalinformation moleculesAdded noise could be interference from other communicationlinks or just other biochemical processes that create the samemoleculeStraightforward to include impact of noise in current model

Molecule DegradationWhat if environment contains enzymes (molecule destroyers)?Enzymes could reduce impact of ISI and make RX designeasier

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6. Communication Link6. Communication Link External ModificationExternal Modification

Enzymes in BiologyEnzymes in Biology

Enzymes in the neuromuscular junction between the terminal axon (T)and muscle fiber (M) reduce ISI

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Break down information molecules without being consumed(i.e., enzymes are catalysts)Improve error probability or increase transmission rateNo added complexity at the TX or RX

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6. Communication Link6. Communication Link External ModificationExternal Modification

Impact of EnzymesImpact of Enzymes

0 2 4 6 8 10 12


Detection Threshold ξ (# of molecules)




SimulationExpected with No Enzyme

Simulation with No Enzyme

TB = 120 µs with no Enzyme

TB = 50 µs

TB = 120 µs

Source: Noel et al., IEEE Trans. on Nanobiosci., submitted Jan. 2013

Consider basic RX (one sample per interval compared to ξ)Enzymes enable faster data or less error

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7. Open Problems7. Open Problems Physical EnvironmentPhysical Environment

Flow Around ObjectsFlow Around Objects


Existing flow models consider flow in one directionPresence of obstacles such as the TX and RX themselves candistort how molecules can diffuse

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7. Open Problems7. Open Problems Physical EnvironmentPhysical Environment

Flow in Restricted EnvironmentsFlow in Restricted Environments

System BoundaryMotion of

Fluid Layers

Very narrow environments alter diffusionIn narrow blood vessels, flow model changes significantlyImpact of laminar flow is unstudied but realistic

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7. Open Problems7. Open Problems Physical EnvironmentPhysical Environment

Other Open Environmental ProblemsOther Open Environmental Problems

Mobility of TX and RXRelaying to improve transmission distanceMultiuser interferenceRecreating environments experimentally

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7. Open Problems7. Open Problems Transceiver DesignTransceiver Design

Open Transceiver ProblemsOpen Transceiver Problems


Learning environment (e.g. distance from TX to RX)Impact of complex biochemical mechanisms at RXSimple but adaptive RX designActual formation and control of transceivers

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Part III

Simulating Reaction-Diffusion Systems

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Reaction-Diffusion SystemsReaction-Diffusion Systems

6 Deterministic vs Stochastic Systems

7 Lattice-Based Systems

8 Particle-Based Systems

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8. Deterministic vs Stochastic8. Deterministic vs Stochastic

Reaction-Diffusion SystemReaction-Diffusion System


= DA∇2CA − k1CACE + k−1CEA


= DE∇2CE − k1CACE + k−1CEA + k2CEA


= DEA∇2CEA + k1CACE − k−1CEA − k2CEA

These are deterministic equationsWe could numerically solve deterministicallyDeterministic diffusion and reactions

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8. Deterministic vs Stochastic8. Deterministic vs Stochastic

Issue with Deterministic SimulationsIssue with Deterministic Simulations

There are a few problems with deterministic simulations:In practice we have discrete numbers of particlesDeterministic solutions only valid as # of molecules is verylargeDeterministic solutions have no variance, i.e., no probability oferrorBoth diffusion AND reaction are inherently stochastic

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8. Deterministic vs Stochastic8. Deterministic vs Stochastic

Stochastic Reaction-DiffusionStochastic Reaction-Diffusion

Stochastic DiffusionDisplacement of 1 molecule along one dimension is a normalrandom variable with variance 2Dt

Stochastic ReactionReaction coefficient k relates to probability of a reaction occuring

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9. Lattice-Based Systems9. Lattice-Based Systems

Gillespie AlgorithmGillespie Algorithm

Individual Reaction Times


Models every individual reactionEvery execution is a feasible “trajectory”Stochastically exact - high accuracyLong computation time neededConcentrations of reactants must be uniform (no diffusionmodeled)

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9. Lattice-Based Systems9. Lattice-Based Systems



Individual Reaction Times

Accelerate simulation time by leapingAssume reactant concentrations constant for τSimultaneously execute whatever reactions occur within τTradeoff accuracy with speed with selection of τStill assumes uniform concentrations (no diffusion)

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9. Lattice-Based Systems9. Lattice-Based Systems

Lattices in SpaceLattices in Space

Implement diffusion as a reactionDivide environment into “bins”Discrete in spaceDiffusion reaction is movement from one bin to an adjacent binTreat diffusion the same as a reactionNeed uniform concentration in each bin

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10. Particle-Based Systems10. Particle-Based Systems

Introduction of Particle-Based SystemsIntroduction of Particle-Based Systems

With diffusion alone, lattice-based systems are sufficient formolecular communicationIn our model, we cannot satisfy uniform concentration inpractical bin sizesMust model exact coordinates of every moleculeParticle-based simulation framework requiredDiscrete in time, continuous in space

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10. Particle-Based Systems10. Particle-Based Systems

Workflow of Particle-Based SimulationWorkflow of Particle-Based Simulation

1) 2)


1 Move all molecules based on generation of normal randomvariables

2 Check whether reactions occurUnimolecular reactions - reaction occurs with probability basedon kBimolecular reactions - If molecules are close enough, thenreact

3 Advance system time by constant time step

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Part IV


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9 Conclusions

10 Further Reading

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11. Conclusions11. Conclusions


Exciting applications motivate study in the design of syntheticnanonetworks

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11. Conclusions11. Conclusions

Molecular CommunicationMolecular Communication

Community of BacteriaSource: US CDC

Nature has provided mechanisms to facilitate communicationbetween small, independent devices

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11. Conclusions11. Conclusions

Communication AnalysisCommunication Analysis

Transmitter ReceiverInformation Molecule

Molecular communication has many interesting problems forcommunication engineers

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12. Further Reading12. Further Reading

Surveys in Molecular and Nanoscale CommunicationSurveys in Molecular and Nanoscale Communication

I. F. Akyildiz, F. Brunetti, and C. Blazquez, “Nanonetworks: Anew communication paradigm,” Computer Networks, vol. 52,no. 12, pp. 2260–2279, May 2008.T. Nakano, M. J. Moore, F. Wei, A. V. Vasilakos, andJ. Shuai, “Molecular communication and networking:Opportunities and challenges,” IEEE Trans. Nanobiosci.,vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 135–148, Jun. 2012.

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12. Further Reading12. Further Reading

Biology and DiffusionBiology and Diffusion

H. C. Berg, “Random Walks in Biology,” Princeton UniversityPress, 1993.P. Nelson, “Biological physics: Energy, information, life,”updated 1st ed., W.H. Freeman and Company, 2008.J. Crank, “The Mathematics of Diffusion,” 2nd Ed., OxfordUniversity Press, 1980.

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Introduction to Molecular CommunicationIntroduction to Molecular Communication

Adam Noel

University of Erlangen-NürnbergInstitute for Digital Communications

University of British ColumbiaDepartment of Electrical and Computer Engineering

http: // ece. ubc. ca/ ~adamn

Digital Communication Guest LectureUniversity of Erlangen-Nürnberg

November 5, 2013