introduction to main task

Introduction To Main Task Exploration into the music magazine industry.

Upload: antonia-montefusco

Post on 15-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Introduction To Main Task

Introduction To Main TaskExploration into the music magazine


Page 2: Introduction To Main Task
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The Exploration Of Genre.

When I was set the task of creating my own magazine, I was excited as it was a collection of my interests; music and media. I already have an interest in different genres of music as I enjoy hearing different styles and finding out music my friends listen to. Therefore, when I had to decide on a genre to focus my magazine on I thought it would be difficult and I have such a diverse music taste.

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Music Magazine Research.I began to research into the different types of music magazines such as rock, pop, RnB /Hip Hop, Indie and classical and the different conventions and style they had. I became aware of how different each of the genres are represented. For example, 'Classical music' magazine goes for a simplistic layout to highlight the sophistication of the genre and the target audience. Compared to the vibrant, bubbly and colourful look of pop magazines as their target audience is much younger.At first, I was lured in by Rock magazines such as 'Kerrang' as I had not had experience into listening to rock music or reading about this genre. I was inspired by the different style and artists which featured on the front cover due to their unusual and unique look. I also began to image creating my own rock magazine as I had an idea on a band I could have put together to feature on the front cover, as due to my research I was aware bands often feature as the main artists on the front cover. However, I was put off by my lack of knowledge of the genre compared to my knowledge of others such as Hip Hop and Pop.

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Hip Hop Vs Pop.I then began to think of my favourite genres of music, my favourite artists being Chris Brown and Trey Songz, I thought of creating a magazine such as 'XXL' or 'Vibe' as I had a high understanding and interest in this genre.However, when comparing these to 'Top Of The Pops' and 'We Love Pop' I was not as interested, I was taken by the colours and high energy fun presented to me from pop magazines and lured into finding out more. I found myself being able to relate to these magazines due to common share in interests. Also, as it is aimed at a female teenage audience I think this played a part in my attraction to the magazine also, highlighting how the magazines pay close attention to their audience and are good at luring them in in the correct way.

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Final Decision.

Therefore, from this I came to the decision that my chosen genre of music would be pop as I was excited to create such a vibrant and high energy magazine, as I believe the brand identity of the magazine reflects my personality well, allowing me to have a better understanding of how to present my magazine.