introduction to latex - · a revolution in...

Introduction to LaTeX Instructor Prof. Navrati Saxena Associate Professor Sungkyunkwan University [email protected] TA Mamta Agiwal Ph.D Research Scholar Sungkyunkwan Univesity [email protected]

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Introduction to LaTeX


Prof. Navrati Saxena

Associate Professor

Sungkyunkwan University

[email protected]


Mamta Agiwal

Ph.D Research Scholar

Sungkyunkwan Univesity

[email protected]

Introducing LaTeX

What is TeX & LaTeX

Why use LaTeX

Options other than LaTeX

S/w required to setup LaTeX for windows

Official help/tutorials (online & offline)

Installation steps

Hands on LaTeX

Process to create a document using TeX

How to use LaTeX to create documents

Basic structure of a LaTeX document



Paper body

Lets create our own paper



Introducing LaTeX

What is TeX and LaTeX?

TeX is essentially a Markup Language (like


TeX written by Donald Knuth in 70´s

A revolution in typesetting

Latex is an extension of TeX

Macro packages to make TeX easier to use

What is TeX and LaTeX?

LaTeX is a typesetting systems suitable for producing scientific and mathematical documents.

—LaTeX enables authors to typeset and print their work at the highest typographical quality.

—LaTeX uses TeX formatter as its typesetting engine.

—TeX is popular in academia, especially for writing research papers.

Unique Advantages of LaTeX

Professional typesetting

Best output

It is the standard for scientific documents

Processing Mathematical (& other) symbols

Meaning based structuring (rather than appearance)

Knowledgeable and helpful user group


Platform independent

Disadvantages of using LaTeX

“Hard to write disorganized documents”*

Learning Curve

Customizing is tedious.

* Taken verbatim from Not so short introduction to LaTeX

Latex vs. Word Processors

High typeset quality

Easy to include math formulas

Source file format is not bounded to a particular OS or platform

Latex implementations exists for all platforms (DOS, Windows, Unices,..)

Latex is free

Latex vs. Word Processors

De facto standard for scientific publishing

Very few bugs

Good for large documents

Can run even on 386 PC


High quality

Easy to use, especially for typing mathematical formulas

Portability (Windows, Unix, Mac)

Stability and interchangeability (Office 97 Office 2000)

Most scientific journals have their LaTeX styles (justdownload and use them).

Control: LaTeX is much more clever in positioning ourimages, text and tables with a lot of common sense.

Why Use LaTeX?


J[x(×),u(×)] = F(x(t),u(t),t)dtt0


ò Word


Points to Ponder

In a LATEX environment, LATEX takes the role of the book designer and uses TEX as its typesetter.

But LATEX is “only” a program and therefore needs more guidance.

The author has to provide additional information to the text as “LATEX commands.”

What is LaTeX?

• TeX is a typesetter

•You write and TeX will place it on the page




Parts of a LaTeX Document: \documentclass

• First line of all LaTeX documents

• Specifies the type of the document

• Eg: \documentclass[journal]{IEEEtran}





Basic Classes

















Special Characters

The following symbols are reserved characters that either have a special

# $ % ^ & _ { } ~ \

meaning under LATEX or are not available in all the fonts.

If you enter them directly in your text, they will normally not print, but rather coerce LATEX to do things you did not intend.

These characters can be used in documents all the same by using a prefix backslash:

\# \$ \% \^\{ \& \_ \{ \} \~{}

# $ % ˆ & _ { } ˜ \

The backslash character \can not be entered by adding another backslash in front of it (\\); this sequence is used for line breaking. Use the \textbackslash command instead.

Special Characters

Latex File Structure

•Document Class Predefined Formats (article, report, book,..).

•Packages usedAdded Functionality (graphics, reference style,...).

•Main BodyText and Bibliography References.

Parts of a LaTeX Document: Environment

Start with \begin{. . .}

End with \end{. . .}





Example of Latex document


\title{Simple Example}

\author{Mamta Agiwal}

\date{March 2000}



Hello world!



\section{Section Title}



Options other than LaTeX

• Adobe claims to be implementing technical publishing functionality

in InDesign.

• Lout A markup language with a completely different underlying architecture

to TeX.

• Troff/Groff. Originally designed for technical documentation within AT&T

during the 1970s (actually a spinoff of the UNIX R&D work), it's still quite

widely used for this today. For quite a long time most if not all O'Reilly

books were typeset using it.

• DocBook. This is an XML tag based format for structure documentation,

and tends to work by rendering through foreign engines.

• Wordperfect. This is a venerable word processing system that is

considerably better at documentation-in-the-large than MS-Word.

• Microsoft Word. Not recommended for serious technical publication tasks

due to its instability on complex documents.

Softwares required to Setup LaTeX for Windows

• Download and install MikTeX

• Install Ghostscript and Gsview

• Install Acrobat Reader

• Install Editor

— WinEdt

— TexnicCenter

— Texmaker

LaTeX package

PS device driver …




For MAC Users

Official help/tutorials (online & offline)

• Learn as you go

— “The not so short introduction to LaTeX2e”

— Comprehensive TeX archive network

— Beginning LaTeX

— Online help by Texmaker

— Google

Installation steps

Step by step easy installation guide can be downloaded from

our lab website i.e. MUSIC lab website.

Following is the download link:

Hands on LaTeX

Process to Create a Document Using TeX

TeX input file


DVI file


Out input file or file.pdf

Run LaTeX


Run Device


Your source LaTeX


Device independent


> latex file.tex

> xdiv file.dvi

> dvips file.dvi

> pdflatex file.tex

Unix Commands

runs latex


creates .ps

creates .pdf directly

How to Use LaTeX to Create Documents?

• Start with a skeleton document.

• Fill stuff (text, formula, figure, table …) into your skeleton


• Run LaTeX to generate output and make modifications

The above steps have been shown in the installation guide.

Basic Structure of LaTeX Document

\documentclass [12pt]{article}

\usepackage {color}

\usepackage {graphicx}



Define the types of the document

(article, book, thesis …)

Preamble. Incorporate packages or

define macros here

Main body, stuff to be printed, title,

authors, abstract, sections,

references, ….

In the Preamble

•You specify your document class.•Document classes: letter, article, report, book, slides(beamer, prosper)• \documentclass[12pt]{article}

• Backslash – at the beginning of text markup command

•Packages: numerous packages are available• \usepackage[margin=1in]{geometry}

• \usepackage{setspace}

• \usepackage{harvard}


Suppose you want to write a paper for IEEE journals

•Download LaTeX template from IEEE website should be used for all Transactions, except for the IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, IEEE Magnetics Letters, IEEE Photonics Journal, and IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. (quoted from IEEE website mentioned above) )

•Open example LaTeX file (bare_jrnl.tex) and modify it

•No need to worry about things like margin, font, … bare_jrnl.tex

click to open it in Texmaker

Paper body



\subsection{Subsection Heading Here}


In the Body

To begin a new section

\section{}Similarly, \subsection{}, \subsubsection{}, \subsubsubsection{}

LaTeX does automatic numbering. If you don’t like it, use section*{}

\emph{}, \textbf{}

\singlespacing, \doublespacing, \onehalfspacing

\centering or \begin{centering} & \end{centering}

Lets Write our own paper!

Content for writing paper will be referred from the following reference (just for demonstration):Reis, S.R.N.; Reis, AI, "How to write your first scientific paper," Interdisciplinary Engineering Design Education Conference (IEDEC), 3rd , 4-5 March 2013


\title{How to Write Your First Scientific Paper}

Author section

\author{\IEEEauthorblockN{Simone Rosa Nunes Reis}

\IEEEauthorblockA{Instituto de Informática\\


Porto Alegre, Brasil\\

Email: [email protected]}


\IEEEauthorblockN{André Inácio Reis}

\IEEEauthorblockA{Instituto de Informática\\


Porto Alegre, Brasil\\

Email: [email protected]} }


This paper presents a method to instruct students on how to write their first scientific paper.

The method adopts a holistic approach that discusses several different aspects of paper writing.

Covered issues include the choice of the paper subject, hypothesis formulation and the design of

experiments to test it, the collection and analysis of data, and the planning and writing of the final

text. The method has been successfully used to teach graduate and undergraduate students to

write their first articles.



\begin{IEEEkeywords} \textit{\textbf{Writing; Paper Writing; Scientific Method \\}} \end{IEEEkeywords}

Writing sections and subsections

\section{Introduction} Engineers normally do not receive formal training in writing skills,

at least not extensively. This is possibly the reason why the second chapter of Carl Selinger’s

book (Stuff You Don't Learn in Engineering School [1]) is about writing. It is true that communication

skills, especially written communication skills, may affect the professional success of engineers.

\subsection{Dealing with New Knowledge} Article writing is about new knowledge, as a paper is

supposed to advance the scientific knowledge. This means that imagination plays an important

role in scientific discovery. The ability to imagine new things relies on divergent thinking [2],

which implies in being able to associate ideas that normally would not be associated.

This is difficult to admit for people starting in science, as normally students are educated in such

a way that they study a book chapter; and then they are tested to check if they have learnt the

contents of the chapter. This is done normally with a set of exercises that test if the student

understood what was taught and if (s)he is able to use the knowledge from the chapter, which

is a well established knowledge. This kind of thinking is called convergent thinking [2].

Fig. 1 illustrates the concept that new knowledge has to be imagined outside the sum of all

human knowledge; this is the case of new idea ni2, in Fig. 1. Notice that in the more frequent cases,

a person imagines something that is new for the person, but it is not new to humankind; this is the

case of new idea ni1 in Fig. 1.

Inserting an image




\caption{New knowledge has to be imagined first}



Creating a Table•Add numbered table• \begin{table} \caption{}

•Simple tables can be produced by

• \begin{tabular}[pos]{tablespec}

• Within the {tablespec} section, one details the number of columns, the alignment, and the number of vertical lines of the table.• {lrc}, {|l|r|c}

• Then type in from left to right, the values for each cell with & in between.

• Put “\\” at the end of each row, then input another row of values if needed.

• \hline

Inserting a table


\caption{Type of knowledge and their examples}





\bf{Knowledge Form}\hspace{.5em} & \bf{Definition}\hspace{.5em} & \bf{Examples}\hspace{.5em} \\


Concept & generalized idea about something & the mole \\


Rule & set of facts & units \\


Process & a sequence of steps & equation \\




Writing mathematical equations



\lambda &= \frac{P_i}{\sum_{i=1}^{N}{P_i}}+Zipf(\theta)^i


One estimate puts the count at 1.8 million articles published each year, in about 28,000 journals.

As many as $50\%$ of papers are never read by anyone other than their authors, referees and

journal editors. $90\%$ percent of papers published are never cited.


E_0 &= mc^2 \\ E &= \frac{mc^2}{\sqrt{1-\frac{v^2}{c^2}}}




The authors would like to thank...




H.~Kopka and P.~W. Daly, \emph{A Guide to \LaTeX}, 3rd~ed.\hskip 1em plus 0.5em minus

0.4em\relax Harlow, England: Addison-Wesley, 1999.


You can also use bibTeX package to generate reference list



\cite{bibtexkey}, citeyear{bibtexkey}

It is more convenient to create a bibliography file, called bibtex file(.bib) and use it as needed.

WinEdt is capable of creating a bib file, but there are more convenient tools out there.

JabRef (

Standard Environments





\item The first item

\item The second item



\item The first item

\item The second item


Environment name (env_name) can be

document, itemize, enumerate, tabular, etc.

Cross Referencing

LaTeX generates numbers for Theorem, Equation, Section,

Figure and other environments automatically. You can access

them with \label and \ref

\section{Introduction} \label{sec:intro}


In Section \ref{sec:intro}, we ….

Adding footnote

The footnote facility is easy to use.

The command you need is: \footnote{text}.

LaTeX will obviously take care of typesetting the footnote

at the bottom of the page.

Each footnote is numbered sequentially

NOTE: Do not leave a space between the command and the

word where you wish the footnote marker to appear,

otherwise LaTeX will process that space and will leave the

output not looking as intended.

Writing an algorithm

LaTeX has several packages for

typesetting algorithms in form of


One of the simple and beautiful ways to

insert algorithms or procedures into a

LaTeX document is using the

algorithmicx package.

Simple example is given in the next slide:

Online Latex: Share Latex

Share with one person only (not sure)

Susceptible to corruption ( Take Backup)

Security issues

Alternatives (writelatex)

CDC, 2007

Writing an algorithm

% Add the packages



% Insert the algorithm


\caption{Compute sum of integers in array}




\State $sum = 0$

\For {each integer $i$ in $A$}

\State $sum = sum + i$


\State Return $sum$






In the first session we saw the brief introduction to LaTeX

LaTeX is a document preparation system and document

markup language.

It is widely used for the communication and publication of

scientific documents in many fields, including

mathematics, physics, computer science, economics, and

political science.

We saw the installation softwares and guide to install


In the second session we learnt how to create our own

research paper.

Trouble Shooting

Often times, you make a mistake when creating a

document. You will notice the log file reporting a


There are some common mistakes:

“end” doesn’t follow “begin”

$ doesn’t follow $

Using commands from packages lot defined in the preamble

Don’t forget “\”s.


Reis, S.R.N.; Reis, AI, "How to write your first scientific

paper," Interdisciplinary Engineering Design Education Conference

Introduction to LaTeX, PRISM Brownbag Series,Byungwon Woo

Introduction to LaTeX, Arun K. Subramaniyan, PurdueUniversity

The Not So Short Introduction to LATEX2, Tobias Oetiker, Hubert

Partl, Irene Hyna and Elisabeth Schlegl

Website Links:
