introduction to imsl and vni welcome to oit’s seminar on imsl numerical libraries sam gordji, weir...

Introduction to IMSL and VNI Welcome to OIT’s seminar on IMSL Numerical Libraries Sam Gordji, [email protected] Weir 107

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Accessing Fortran on sweetgum  sweetgum is a Unix server housed in the data center building  sweetgum is primarily used by researchers that have large number crunching programs  Limited knowledge of Unix system is needed to run Fortran and IMSL


Page 1: Introduction to IMSL and VNI Welcome to OIT’s seminar on IMSL Numerical Libraries Sam Gordji, Weir 107

Introduction to IMSL and VNI

Welcome to OIT’s seminar on IMSL Numerical Libraries

Sam Gordji, [email protected]

Weir 107

Page 2: Introduction to IMSL and VNI Welcome to OIT’s seminar on IMSL Numerical Libraries Sam Gordji, Weir 107

List of VNI PackagesIMSL

IMSL for Fortran is a comprehensive package containing Math, stat., and special functions

IMSL for C++ is a comprehensive package containing Math, stat., and special functions

IMSL is available only on sweetgum

IMSL is a set of subroutines called by a Fortran, Python, or C program

Page 3: Introduction to IMSL and VNI Welcome to OIT’s seminar on IMSL Numerical Libraries Sam Gordji, Weir 107

Accessing Fortran on sweetgum sweetgum is a Unix

server housed in the data center building

sweetgum is primarily used by researchers that have large number crunching programs

Limited knowledge of Unix system is needed to run Fortran and IMSL

Page 4: Introduction to IMSL and VNI Welcome to OIT’s seminar on IMSL Numerical Libraries Sam Gordji, Weir 107

Accessing Fortran on sweetgum

Fortran and IMSL may be accessed from the network.

Steps to access sweetgum from a Windows PC

– Request a sweetgum account from [email protected]

– Download/Install SSH Secure Shell Client from

– Click “Secure Shell Client”

Page 5: Introduction to IMSL and VNI Welcome to OIT’s seminar on IMSL Numerical Libraries Sam Gordji, Weir 107

Accessing Fortran on sweetgum

sweetgum is ready to execute Fortran jobs

Page 6: Introduction to IMSL and VNI Welcome to OIT’s seminar on IMSL Numerical Libraries Sam Gordji, Weir 107

A Few Useful Unix Commands

cat --- for displaying a file cd --- change directory cd 1--- to move to sub-directory 1 & so

on cp --- for copying files rm --- remove a file pico --- a Unix editor

Page 7: Introduction to IMSL and VNI Welcome to OIT’s seminar on IMSL Numerical Libraries Sam Gordji, Weir 107

A Few Useful Unix Commands “pwd” to print working directory

“ls” to list files in working directory

To view a program, enter “cat file-name.f”

To launch a Fortran program, enter “f90 file-name.f”

To attend a Unix seminar, please contact [email protected]

Page 8: Introduction to IMSL and VNI Welcome to OIT’s seminar on IMSL Numerical Libraries Sam Gordji, Weir 107

Running IMSL on a PC

IMSL PC version is available for C

Users need to have their own copy of C

Page 9: Introduction to IMSL and VNI Welcome to OIT’s seminar on IMSL Numerical Libraries Sam Gordji, Weir 107

Topics of the Day Creating a simple Fortran Program

Running a few Fortran Program w/ and w/o IMSL (nonlin.f, mcsr.f, and test.f)

Looking at some aspects of Fortran & IMSL

Download Fortran programs from sweetgum: /usr/local/appl/examples

Page 10: Introduction to IMSL and VNI Welcome to OIT’s seminar on IMSL Numerical Libraries Sam Gordji, Weir 107

Importing a Fortran Program into sweetgum

Download your Fortran program to your desktop

In sweetgum enter “ vi mcsr.f ” Press “ enter ” Enter “ i ” Copy and paste your Fortran program from

your desktop Enter “ : ” Enter “ wq ” and press enter to save your

program which you named “ mcsr.f ”

Page 11: Introduction to IMSL and VNI Welcome to OIT’s seminar on IMSL Numerical Libraries Sam Gordji, Weir 107

Text copy of mcsr.f• PARAMETER (IPATH=1, LDA=3, N=3)• REAL A(LDA,LDA), B(N), X(N)• c This is a comment line. Above 2 lines define the parameters needed for matrix

inversion• c Set values for A and B• c• c A = ( 33.0 16.0 72.0)• c (-24.0 -10.0 -57.0)• c ( 18.0 -11.0 7.0)• c Above is the Matrix A and below is the vector B• c B = (129.0 -96.0 8.5)• c• DATA A/33.0, -24.0, 18.0, 16.0, -10.0, -11.0, 72.0, -57.0, 7.0/• DATA B/129.0, -96.0, 8.5/• c Below subroutine LSLRG is called to solve the 3 by 3 equation• CALL LSLRG (N, A, LDA, B, IPATH, X)• c Print results • CALL WRRRN ('X', 1, N, X, 1, 0)• END

Page 12: Introduction to IMSL and VNI Welcome to OIT’s seminar on IMSL Numerical Libraries Sam Gordji, Weir 107

Running Fortran on sweetgum To create an executable on sweetgum enter

f90 $F90FLAGS –o mcsr mcsr.f $LINK_F90

To run a script called “mcsr", simply enter


Please note that the executable in this case is called “mcsr"

Page 13: Introduction to IMSL and VNI Welcome to OIT’s seminar on IMSL Numerical Libraries Sam Gordji, Weir 107

Output of mcsr.f The solution for the 3 by 3 system of

equations is:


1 2 3

1.000 1.500 1.000

Page 14: Introduction to IMSL and VNI Welcome to OIT’s seminar on IMSL Numerical Libraries Sam Gordji, Weir 107

General Information

IT staff will assist users to access these packages. We also assist users to find the proper procedure to analyze their data. If you need assistance please send an email to Sam Gordji at [email protected],[email protected] , [email protected]

Page 15: Introduction to IMSL and VNI Welcome to OIT’s seminar on IMSL Numerical Libraries Sam Gordji, Weir 107

General Information

Email contact– [email protected]

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