introduction to html

INTRODUCTION TO HTML HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is used to create document on the World Wide Web. It is simply a collection of certain key words called ‘Tags’ that are helpful in writing the document to be displayed using a browser on Internet. It is a platform independent language that can be used on any platform such as Windows, Linux, Macintosh, and so on. To display a document in web it is essential to mark-up the different elements (headings, paragraphs, tables, and so on) of the document with the HTML tags. To view a mark-up document, user has to open the document in a browser. A browser understands and interpret the HTML tags, identifies the structure of the document (which part are which) and makes decision about presentation (how the parts look) of the document. HTML also provides tags to make the document look attractive using graphics, font size and colors. User can make a link to the other document or the different section of the same document by creating Hypertext Links also known as Hyperlinks. Common HTML Terms When getting started with HTML you are likely to hear new, and often strange, terms . Over time you will become more and more familiar with all of them but

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Page 1: Introduction to HTML


HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is used to create document on the World Wide Web. It is simply a collection of certain key words called ‘Tags’ that are helpful in writing the document to be displayed using a browser on Internet.

It is a platform independent language that can be used on any platform such as Windows, Linux, Macintosh, and so on. To display a document in web it is essential to mark-up the different elements (headings, paragraphs, tables, and so on) of the document with the HTML tags. To view a mark-up document, user has to open the document in a browser. A browser understands and interpret the HTML tags, identifies the structure of the document (which part are which) and makes decision about presentation (how the parts look) of the document.

HTML also provides tags to make the document look attractive using graphics,

font size and colors. User can make a link to the other document or the different

section of the same document by creating Hypertext Links also known as


Common HTML Terms

When getting started with HTML you are likely to hear new, and often

strange, terms. Over time you will become more and more familiar with all of them

but three terms you should learn today include tags, elements, and attributes.


Elements are designators that define objects within a page, including structure and

content. Some of the more popular elements

include h1 through h6, p, a, div, span, strong, and I.


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Elements are often made of multiple sets of tags, identified as opening and closing

tags. Opening tags mark the beginning of an element, such as <div>. Closing

tags mark the end of an element and begin with a forward slash, such as </div>.


Attributes are properties used to provide additional instruction to given elements.

More commonly, attributes are used to assign an id, class, or title to an element, to

give media elements a source (src), or to provide a hyperlink reference (href).

HTML Document Structure & Syntax

All HTML documents have a required structure that includes the following

declaration and tags: doctype, html, head, and body.

The doctype declaration is used to instruct web browsers which version of HTML

is being used and is placed at the very beginning of the HTML document.

Following the doctype declaration, html tags signify the beginning and end of the


The head of the document is used to outline any meta data, the document title, and

links to any external files. Any context included within the head tags is not

visible within the actual web page itself. All of the content visible within the web

page will fall within the body tags.

A general HTML document structure looks like the following:

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<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">


<meta charset="utf-8" />

<title>Hello World</title>



<h1>Hello World</h1>

<p>This is a website.</p>



Semantics Overview

Semantics have been mentioned a number of times thus far, so exactly what are

semantics? Semantics within HTML is the practice of giving content on the page

meaning and structure. These semantics portray the value of content on a page, and

are not solely used for styling purposes. Using semantic code provides a handful of

benefits, including giving computers, screen readers, search engines, and other

devices the ability to adequately read and understand web pages. Additionally,

semantic code is easier to manage and work with; knowing clearly what each piece

of content is about.

Divisions & Spans

Divisions, or divs, and spans are HTML elements that act as a container for

different content. As a generic container they do not come with any overarching

meaning or semantic value. Paragraphs are semantic in that when content is

wrapped within a p element it is known as a paragraph. Divs and spans do not hold

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such meaning and are simply containers. Both divs and spans, however, are

extremely valuable when building a website in that they give you the ability to

apply targeted CSS styles.

A div is block level element commonly used to identify large sections of a website,

helping build the layout and design. A span on the other hand, is an inline element

commonly used to identify smaller sections of text within a block level element,

such as a paragraph.

Block vs. Inline Elements

All elements are either block or inline level elements. What’s the difference?

Block level elements begin on a new line on a page and occupy the full available

width. Block level elements may be nested inside one another, as well as wrap

inline level elements.

Inline level elements do not begin on a new line and fall into the normal flow of a

document, maintaining their necessary width. Inline level elements cannot nest a

block level element; however they can nest another inline level element.

Divs and spans can have added value when given a class or id. A class or id is

typically added for styling purposes and to signify the difference between

another div or span. Choosing a class or id name is where semantics can come into

play. When choosing a class or id attribute value it is important to choose

something that has value to the actual context of that element.

For example, if you have a div with an orange background that contains social

media links your first inclination might be to give the div a class of “orange.” What

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happens if that orange background is later changed to blue? Having a class of

“orange” no longer makes sense. A better, more semantic, choice for a class would

be “social” as it pertains to the contents of the div not the style.


A large amount of content online is strictly text based. Many different forms of

media and context exist online, however text rules the majority. There are a

number of different elements to display text on a web page within HTML. We will

focus on the most popular, and more semantic, elements within this lesson.


Headings are block level elements that come in six different

rankings, h1 through h6, and are key identifiers for users reading a page. Headings

help to quickly break up content and provide hierarchy. They are also used to help

search engines index and determine the value of content on a page.

Headings should be used in the order relevant to the content. The primary heading

of a page or section should be coded with h1 and subsequent headings should

use h2 on as necessary. Headings should be reserved for true classification and not

used to make text bold or big.

<h1>This is a Level 1 Heading</h1>

<h2>This is a Level 2 Heading</h2>

<h3>This is a Level 3 Heading</h3>


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Headings are often followed with supporting paragraphs. Paragraphs are defined

by using the p block level element. Numerous paragraphs can appear one after the

other, adding information to a page.

Bold Text with Strong

To make text bold, and to note it as important, the strong inline level element is

used. It is important to understand these mantic difference between strong and b,

both of which will make text bold. Strong is semantically used to denote text with

a strong importance, as is mostly the case when wanting to bold text. b on the

other hand semantically means stylistically offset, which isn’t always the best case

for text deserving prominent attention. Gauge the significance of the text you are

looking to set as bold and choose an element accordingly.

Italicize Text with Emphasis

To italicize text and place a stressed emphasis on it the I inline level element is

used. As with strong, there are two different tags used to italicize text, each with a

slightly different semantic meaning. I semantically mean to place a stressed

emphasis on text and thus is the most popular option for italicizing text. The other

option is i, which semantically values text to be rendered in an alternate voice.

Again, you will need to gauge the significance of the text you want to italicize and

choose an element accordingly.


One of the core elements of the internet is the hyperlink, established by using an

anchor. Hyperlinks are defined using the a inline element however they require a

source to direct the link. The href attribute, known as hyperlink reference, is used

to set the destination of a link.

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To accompany the href attribute it is always good practice to include

the title attribute as well. The title attribute is used to help browsers, screen readers,

search engines, and other devices obtain a little more context to what the link is

about. Generally speaking, the title shouldn’t mimic that of the anchor text, it

should provide additional support.

By nature the a element is an inline element, however with the introduction of

HTML5, a elements now have the ability to wrap block or inline level elements.

This is a break from the standard convention yet permissible to turn entire blocks

of content on a page into a link.

<a href="" title="Yahoo Website">Yahoo</a>

Relative & Absolute Paths

The two most common types of links include links to other pages within a website

and links to other websites. How these links are identified is by their path, also

known as the value of their href attribute.

Links pointing to other pages within the same website should have a relative path,

in which the domain is not in thehref attribute value. Since the link is pointing to

another page on the same website the href attribute value only needs to include the

page being linked to, /about.html for example. Should the page being linked to

reside within a subdirectory the href attribute value needs to reflect this as well.

Say the about.html page resides within the pagesdirectory, the relative path would

then be /pages/about.html.

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Linking to other websites outside of the current one requires an absolute path,

where the href attribute value must include the full domain. A link to Google

would need the href attribute value of, starting with http and

including the domain, .com in this case.

<!-- Relative Path -->

<a href="/about-us.html" title="About Code Academy">About Us</a>

<!-- Absolute Path -->

<a href="" title="Google Search Engine">Google</a>

Linking to an Email Address

Occasionally you will encounter a link to an email address. When clicked, this link

opens the default email client and populates some information. At a minimum the

the email address where the message is being sent is populated, however other

information such as a subject and body text may also be populated.

To create an email link the href attribute value needs to start with mailto: followed

by the email address to where the email should be sent. To create an email link to

[email protected] the href attribute value would

bemailto:[email protected].

Additionally, a subject and body text for the email can also be populated. To add a

subject line include the subject=parameter following the email address. Multiple

words within a subject line require spaces to be encode using %20. Adding body

text works very similar to that of the subject, using the body= parameter in

the href attribute value. Again, spaces must be encoded using %20 and line breaks

must be encoded using %0A.

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Opening Links in a New Window

One feature available with hyperlinks is the ability to determine where the link is

opened once clicked. Typically links open in the same window from which they

are clicked, however links may open in a new window. To trigger the action of

opening a link in a new window the target attribute is used with a value of _blank.

The target attribute determines where the link is displayed, and the _blank value

specifies a new window.

<a href="" title="Yahoo

Website" target="_blank">Yahoo</a>

Linking to Elements within the Same Page

Periodically you will see links that simply link to another portion of the same page.

In the case of this guide, links found within the “In this Lesson” section link down

the page to the appropriate section. Perhaps more commonly found online are

“Back to Top” links that return users to the top of a page.

Creating an on page link is accomplished by specifying an ID on the element you

wish to link to. Then, using the ID of that element in a links href attribute value. As

an example, putting the main ID on the body element allows you to link to the top

of a page using the href value of #main.

HTML5 Structural Elements

HTML5 provides a handful of new elements, all of which are focused around

improving semantics. Before, if you wanted to declare a block level section of a

page you were likely to use a div. With HTML5 you have a handful of new block

level elements that allow you to write more semantic code.

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Fig. 2.01The new HTML5 structural elements outline.


The header, just as it sounds, is used to identify the heading of a page, article,

section, or other segment of a page. In general, a header may include a heading,

introduction text, or navigation. You can use more than one header on a page.

Depending on the website, you will ideally include a header at the beginning of the

page. Additionally, a header may reappear as the header of an article or section as



Clarification on the header Element

The header element should not be confused with the head or

headings, h1 through h6.

The header element is a structural element that outlines a heading on a page, of

which falls within the body element on a page. The head element is not displayed

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on the page and is used to outline meta data, the document title, and links to

external files.

Headings, h1 through h6, are used to represent multiple levels of text headings

throughout a page.


The nav is a block level element used to denote a section of major navigational

links on a page. Not all links should be wrapped within a nav element.

The nav should be reserved for primary navigation sections including universal

navigation, a table of contents, breadcrumbs, previous/next links, or other

noteworthy groups of links.

Most commonly links included within the nav element will link to other parts of

the same website or web page. Miscellaneous one off links should not be wrapped

within the nav element, and should only use the a element.



<li><a href="#" title="Link">...</a></li>

<li><a href="#" title="Link">...</a></li>




The article block level element is very similar to that of a div or section however it

is specifically defined as an element which should include independent, self-

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contained content that may be independently distributable or reusable. Most

often article will fall within blogs and other publishing websites as a block of

published content. When deciding to use the article element determine if the

content within the element could be replicated elsewhere without any confusion.

The content within the article alone must make sense, and be able to be distrbuted

elsewhere, such as within an RSS feed.



A section is more likely to get confused with a div than an article. As a block level

element, section is defined to represent a generic document or application section.

Where a section differentiates itself from a div is that a section is not to be used as

a convenience for styling or scripting purposes.

That said – you can apply styles to a section however you shouldn’t be using

a section aimlessly with the sole purpose of adding styles. Reserve

the section element for large parts of a page worthy of the element.


Deciding When to Use a section or div

The best way to determine when to use a section versus a div is to look at the

actual content at hand. If the block of content could exist as a record within a

database and isn’t explicitly needed as a CSS styling hook then the section element

is most applicable. Sections should be used to break a page up, providing a natural

hierarchy, and most commonly will have a proper heading.

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A div on the other hand may be used to specifically tie styles to a block of content.

As an example, if a couple paragraphs need to stand out above the rest of the

content on on a page they should be wrapped in a div. That div then may have the

proper styles applied to it, perhaps a background, border, or the alike.