introduction to hci(introduction to human computer interface)

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Page 1: Introduction to hci(Introduction to human computer Interface)

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Page 2: Introduction to hci(Introduction to human computer Interface)

Human Computer Interface/Interaction

IntroductionHuman-computer Interface (HCI) has become an area of great

interest and concern.  This course provides the concepts of HCI and user interfaces. The emphasis is on user interface design and technologies.

Human-computer interface shall be considered in terms of user-system compatibility. Concepts in human factors and interface design are covered in relation to capabilities and limitations of both humans and computers.

The course will examine the user interface design process and application of design principles to the design process. We will also focus on design topics such as help systems, interaction styles, and visual design principles. User interface prototyping and development tools (project based) as well as Usability testing.

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Human Computer Interface/Interaction

IntroductionHuman-computer Interface (HCI) has become an area of great

interest and concern.  This course provides the concepts of HCI and user interfaces. The emphasis is on user interface design and technologies.

Human-computer interface shall be considered in terms of user-system compatibility. Concepts in human factors and interface design are covered in relation to capabilities and limitations of both humans and computers.

The course will examine the user interface design process and application of design principles to the design process. We will also focus on design topics such as help systems, interaction styles, and visual design principles. User interface prototyping and development tools (project based) as well as Usability testing.

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What is Human Computer Interaction

DefinitionHCI is a discipline concerned with design, implementation and evaluation of interactive computing systems for human use and with the study of the major phenomena surrounding them.

It is about all aspects of human interaction with a computer. HCI is concerned with studying ways in which people react and interact with computers..

HCI is neither the study of Technology, nor the study of humanities, but the study of the bridge between the two. It studies ways in which we design, prototype, evaluate and implement user interfaces that are easy to learn, efficient and pleasant to use

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What is HCI

HCI is a socio-technological discipline concerned with the study of designing useful electronic messages. It is a discipline whose goal is to bring the power of computers and communications systems to people in ways and forms that are both accessible and useful in our working, learning, communicating, and recreational lives.

HCI is socio-technological because it is concerned with how people, both as individuals and as groups, use and are affected by computer and communication systems


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Page 7: Introduction to hci(Introduction to human computer Interface)

Definition of Human Computer Interaction

HCI is a multidisciplinary study that draws contributions in terms of theories, tools, models, techniques and methods from other disciplines including:» Computer science (application design and engineering of

human interfaces), » Psychology (the application of theories of cognitive

processes and the empirical analysis of user behavior), » Sociology and anthropology (interactions between

technology, work and organisation), » Management industrial design (interactive products), » Ergonomics (human factors) – safety and comfort » Linguistics – Phonology (sounds), Semantics (meaning and

syntax (correct statements )


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» Artificial intelligence, » Graphic design, » Engineering

Toward this end, technologies such as the graphical user interface, virtual environments, speech recognition, gesture and handwriting recognition, multimedia presentation, and cognitive models of human learning and understanding are developed and applied as part of HCI research agendas

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Page 10: Introduction to hci(Introduction to human computer Interface)

Why HCI is Important

Computers are used in different situations; mobile, PDA’s creative work, entertainment, education, research, health etc.

Interaction is now widely recognized to be crucial factor which explains the changing face of software designers; the reason why it is not necessarily about programmers,… designers, architects, marketing experts, management specialists.

HCI impacts on almost everyone involved in using computers systems. Computing has moved rapidly from being an area only for experts to being ubiquitous. We have a much wider range of users in terms of know-how, culture, personality, age, goals etc. This widespread use makes design decisions even more important- millions suffer because of bad software designs.

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Why is HCI Knowledge Important

HCI specific aim is to provide knowledge of human capabilities and limitations (perceptual, cognitive, task-oriented) and the potential range of interactive techniques, the programming tools used to create interfaces.

User interfaces are a major component of many computer systems – up to 50% of all code is UI code. User interfaces are hard to design.

Use is now discretionary, if people don’t like it they dump it. Poorly designed interfaces are costly, inefficient, unpleasant, dangerous.

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Why is HCI Knowledge Important

HCI is knowledge is important for:» understanding what computer systems are about, » provides an opportunity to examine the problems that

people face when using modern computer-based technology,

» appreciate what is involved in designing complex interactive systems and to

» present solutions to those problems by designing better ones..

Appreciate the importance including roles and needs of various stakeholders in the software development process.

Appreciate the institutional, social and ethical aspects of software development.

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Quality of life. Important applications of computers in medicine are possible only if they are both useful and easy to use by doctors, nurses, and aides. Similarly, use of computers in education requires that they be both useful and easy to use by students and teachers.

Computers can assist disabled individuals; at the same time, special techniques are needed to allow computers to be used by some who are disabled.

National competitiveness. Information technology is one of the drivers for increased productivity. As more and more workers use computers in their jobs, training time and ease-of-use issues become economically more and more important

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Growing Importance of HCI

Growth of the computer and communications industries. Powerful, interesting, and usable applications are the fuel for continuing growth of these industries.

The current growth cycle is the direct consequence of the graphical user interface developed by Xerox and commercialized by Apple and Microsoft, and of the lower computer costs made possible by the microprocessor.

The resulting mass market supports commoditypricing for both hardware and software

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Importance of HCI

Widespread use. HCI impacts on almost everyone involved in using computers systems, designing computer systems.

Computing is moving rapidly from being an area only for experts to being ubiquitous. A much wider range of users in terms of know-how, culture, personality, age, goals etc. Computers are used in different situations; mobile, PDA’s creative work.

This widespread use makes design decisions even more important- millions suffer because of bad software designs. Use is now discretionary, if people don’t like it they dump it

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Importance ctd Changing society. designers now face ethical questions.

Interaction is now widely recognized to be crucial factor which explains the changing face of software designers; the reason why it is not necessarily about programmers,… designers, architects, marketing experts, management specialists.

User Interface. not just screen design! The whole system from the user’s viewpointusable. easy to do things, does the right thingsUsed. pretty, available, acceptable to organisationUseful. functional, does things

User interfaces are a major component of many computer systems – up to 50% of all code is UI code.

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Communication vs. computation. The real issue: Ensuring usability

» Ease of learning» Speed of user task performance» User error rate» Subjective user satisfaction» Retention over time

Motivation for Usability Usability “in the large”: ease of use, plus

usefulness. User interfaces are hard to design while poorly designed interfaces are costly, inefficient, unpleasant, dangerous.

A significant cause of poor usability in product is lack of understanding of proper development process.

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Motivation for Usability

Increasing user productivity Avoiding disaster Reducing user overhead

» Help desk, customer support, documentation (on-line or paper versions), and time for one person to get help from another.

Goals for Professionals The HCI professionals should:

» Influence research» Produce techniques and tools for user interaction development» To raise computer consciousness of the general public.

Evolution of good design requires product (content, human factors of an interaction design) and Process (techniques and tools for developing an interaction design)

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Importance of HCI

Future growth cycles will in part be driven by current HCI research, which will lead to new applications that are increasingly easy to use.

National security. Computer-based command, control, communications, and intelligence systems are at the heart of our military infrastructure.

Interfaces between operators and computers are found in cockpits, on the bridge, and in the field.

To be effective, these systems must have high-quality human-computer interfaces

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Importance of User Interface Design

Costs of hardware and software is less expensive vs. cost of “personware”. To users, the interface is the system. The main objective is ensuring usability. i.e.» Increasing subjective user satisfaction through ease of

learning» Improving speed of user task performance by Increasing

user productivity, reducing user error rate, avoiding disaster by focusing on communication vs computation.

Reducing user overhead, that is: help desk, customer support, documentation (on-line or paper versions), and time for one person to get help from another intention over time

Usability “in the large” is about ease of use, plus usefulness.

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Importance of User Interface Design

Increased concern for usability of several key types of applications.» Life critical systems» Industrial and commercial uses» Office, home, and entertainment applications» Exploratory, creative and cooperative systems

Accommodating human differences» Physical abilities» Physical environments and ergonomics» Cognitive and perceptual differences» Personality differences» Cultural and international diversity» Users with disabilities and elderly

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Goals For Professionals The human-computer interaction professionals is

to:» Influence research» Produce techniques and tools for user interaction

development» To raise computer consciousness of the general public.

Evolution of good design requires product (content, human factors of an interaction design) and Process (techniques and tools for developing an interaction design)

A significant cause of poor usability in product is lack of understanding of proper development process.

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HCI specific aim is to provide knowledge of human capabilities and limitations (perceptual, cognitive, task-oriented) and the potential range of interactive techniques, the programming tools used to create interfaces.

HCI is knowledge is important for understanding what computer systems are about… and designing better ones. The computer/communications revolution in which we are all

participating both enables and requires advances in human-computer interaction.

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The revolution requires advances in HCI in order that the sophistication and power of computers be made widely available for use by the millions of people who simply want to do their jobs or play computer games or explore the World Wide Web without having to be computer experts.

The continuing growth of the computer and communications industries will be moderated without further developments in HCI to create more useful and usable applications.

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Why – design and commercial context

What is good user interface design?

It is not just the screen BUT the whole system from the user’s viewpoint:

usable» easy to do things, does the right things

used» pretty, available, acceptable to organisation

useful» functional, does things

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you never get it right first time if at first you don’t succeed …

moving little by little … but to where need a good start point need to understand what is wrongKnow your User: who are they? probably not like you! talk to them, watch them, use your imagination

prototype evaluatedesign



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Scenarios and more ...

what will they want to do with your system?

step-by-step walkthroughs» what can they see (sketches, screen shots)» what do they do (keyboard, mouse etc.)» what are they thinking?

use them throughout design (c.f. use cases)

Human–Computer Interaction (HCI) = loads of theory and methods