introduction to google's cloud technologies

Introduction to Google's Cloud Technologies Chris Schalk Developer Advocate @cschalk

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Post on 20-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Introduction to Google's Cloud Technologies

Introduction to Google's Cloud TechnologiesChris SchalkDeveloper Advocate


Page 2: Introduction to Google's Cloud Technologies


● Introduction

● Introduction to Google's Cloud Technologies

● App Engine Recap

● Google's new Cloud Technologies○ Google Storage○ Prediction API○ BigQuery

● Summary Q&A

Page 3: Introduction to Google's Cloud Technologies

Google's Cloud Technologies

Google BigQuery

Google Prediction API

Google Storage

Google App Engine

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An App Engine recap...

Google App Engine

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Cloud Development in a Box

● Downloadable SDK● Application runtimes

○ Java, Python● Local development tools

○ Eclipse plugin, AppEngine Launcher

● Specialized application services

● Cloud based dashboard● Ready to scale ● Built in fault tolerance, load


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Specialized Services


Mail XMPP Task Queue

Memcache Datastore URL Fetch

User Service

But, is that it?

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Now App Engine has access to even more Specialized Cloud Services...


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Google's new Cloud Technologies

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New Google Cloud Technologies

● Google Storage○ Store your data in Google's cloud

● Prediction API○ Google's machine learning tech in an API

● BigQuery○ Hi-speed data analysis on massive scale

● SQL Service*○ Relational Database in the cloud

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Google Storage for DevelopersStore your data in Google's cloud

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What Is Google Storage?

● Store your data in Google's cloud○ any format, any amount, any time

● You control access to your data○ private, shared, or public

● Access via Google APIs or 3rd party tools/libraries

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Sample Use Cases

Static content hostinge.g. static html, images, music, video Backup and recoverye.g. personal data, business records Sharinge.g. share data with your customers Data storage for applicationse.g. used as storage backend for Android, AppEngine, Cloud based apps Storage for Computatione.g. BigQuery, Prediction API

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Google Storage Benefits

High Performance and Scalability Backed by Google infrastructure

Strong Security and Privacy Control access to your data

Easy to UseGet started fast with Google & 3rd party tools

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Google Storage Technical Details

● RESTful API ○ Verbs: GET, PUT, POST, HEAD, DELETE ○ Resources: identified by URI○ Compatible with S3

● Buckets ○ Flat containers

● Objects

○ Any type○ Size: 100 GB / object

● Access Control for Google Accounts ○ For individuals and groups

● Two Ways to Authenticate Requests ○ Sign request using access keys ○ Web browser login

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Security and Privacy Features

● Key-based authentication● Authenticated downloads from a web browser

● Sharing with individuals● Group sharing via Google Groups

● Access control for buckets and objects● Set Read/Write/List permissions

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● Tools:○ GSUtil○ GS Manager

● Upload / Download

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Google Storage usage within Google

Haiti Relief Imagery USPTO data

Partner Reporting

Google BigQuery

Google Prediction API

Partner Reporting

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Some Early Google Storage Adopters

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Google Storage - Pricing○ Free trial quota until Dec 31, 2011

■ For first project■ 5 GB of storage■ 25 GB download/upload data

■ 20 GB to Americas/EMEA, 5GB APAC■ 25K GET, HEAD requests■ 2,5K PUT, POST, LIST* requests

○ Production Storage■ $0.17/GB/Month (Location US, EU)■ Upload - $0.10/GB■ Download

■ $0.15/GB Americas / EMEA■ $0.30/GB APAC

■ Requests■ PUT, POST, LIST - $0.01 / 1000 Requests■ GET, HEAD - $0.01 / 10,000 Requests

■ Up to 99.9% SLA

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Google Storage Summary

● Store any kind of data using Google's cloud infrastructure

● Easy to Use APIs

● Many available tools and libraries○ gsutil, GS Manager○ 3rd party:

■ Boto, CloudBerry, CyberDuck, JetS3t, and more

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Google Prediction APIGoogle's prediction engine in the cloud

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Google Prediction API as a simple example

Predicts outcomes based on 'learned' patterns

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How does it work?

"english" The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.

"english" To err is human, but to really foul things up you need a computer.

"spanish" No hay mal que por bien no venga.

"spanish" La tercera es la vencida.

? To be or not to be, that is the question.

? La fe mueve montañas.

The Prediction APIfinds relevantfeatures in the sample data during training.

The Prediction APIlater searches forthose featuresduring prediction.

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A virtually endless number of applications...





Legal DocketClassification


Work RosterAssignment









... and many more ...

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Using the Prediction API

1. Upload

2. Train

Upload your training data toGoogle Storage

Build a model from your data

Make new predictions3. Predict

A simple three step process...

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Step 1: UploadUpload your training data to Google Storage

● Training data: outputs and input features ● Data format: comma separated value format (CSV)

"english","To err is human, but to really ...""spanish","No hay mal que por bien no venga."...

Upload to Google Storagegsutil cp ${data} gs://yourbucket/${data}

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Step 2: TrainCreate a new model by training on data

To train a model:

POST prediction/v1.3/training{"id":"mybucket/mydata"}Training runs asynchronously. To see if it has finished:

GET prediction/v1.3/training/mybucket%2Fmydata

{"kind": "prediction#training",...,"training status": "DONE"}

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Step 3: PredictApply the trained model to make predictions on new data

POST prediction/v1.3/training/mybucket%2Fmydata/predict{ "data":{ "input": { "text" : [ "J'aime X! C'est le meilleur" ]}}}

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Step 3: PredictApply the trained model to make predictions on new data

POST prediction/v1.3/training/bucket%2Fdata/predict

{ "data":{ "input": { "text" : [ "J'aime X! C'est le meilleur" ]}}}

{ data : { "kind" : "prediction#output", "outputLabel":"French", "outputMulti" :[ {"label":"French", "score": x.xx} {"label":"English", "score": x.xx} {"label":"Spanish", "score": x.xx}]}}

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Step 3: PredictApply the trained model to make predictions on new data

import httplib

header = {"Content-Type" : "application/json"}#...put new data in JSON format in params variableconn = httplib.HTTPConnection("")conn.request("POST", "/prediction/v1.3/query/bucket%2Fdata/predict", params, header)print conn.getresponse()

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● Command line Demos ○ Training a model○ Checking training status○ Making predictions

● A complete Web application using the JavaScript API for Prediction

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Prediction API Capabilities

Data● Input Features: numeric or unstructured text● Output: up to hundreds of discrete categories

Training● Many machine learning techniques● Automatically selected ● Performed asynchronously

Access from many platforms:● Web app from Google App Engine● Apps Script (e.g. from Google Spreadsheet)● Desktop app

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Prediction API - key features

● Multi-category prediction○ Tag entry with multiple labels

● Continuous Output○ Finer grained prediction rankings based on multiple labels

● Mixed Inputs○ Both numeric and text inputs are now supported

Can combine continuous output with mixed inputs

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Google BigQueryInteractive analysis of large datasets in Google's cloud

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Introducing Google BigQuery

● Google's large data adhoc analysis technology○ Analyze massive amounts of data in seconds

● Simple SQL-like query language

● Flexible access○ REST APIs, JSON-RPC, Google Apps Script

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Why BigQuery?

Working with large data is a challenge

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Many Use Cases ...

Spam TrendsDetection

Web Dashboards

Network Optimization

Interactive Tools

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Key Capabilities of BigQuery

● Scalable: Billions of rows

● Fast: Response in seconds

● Simple: Queries in SQL

● Web Service○ REST○ JSON-RPC○ Google App Scripts

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Using BigQuery

1. Upload

2. Import

Upload your raw data toGoogle Storage

Import raw data into BigQuery table

Perform SQL queries on table

3. Query

Another simple three step process...

Page 40: Introduction to Google's Cloud Technologies

Writing Queries

Compact subset of SQL○ SELECT ... FROM ...


Common functions○ Math, String, Time, ...

Statistical approximations○ TOP○ COUNT DISTINCT

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BigQuery via REST

GET /bigquery/v1/tables/{table name}

GET /bigquery/v1/query?q={query}

Sample JSON Reply:{ "results": { "fields": { [ {"id":"COUNT(*)","type":"uint64"}, ... ] }, "rows": [ {"f":[{"v":"2949"}, ...]}, {"f":[{"v":"5387"}, ...]}, ... ] }}Also supports JSON-RPC

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Security and Privacy

Standard Google Authentication● Client Login● OAuth● AuthSub

HTTPS support● protects your credentials● protects your data

Relies on Google Storage to manage access

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Large Data Analysis Example

Wikimedia Revision history data from:

Wikimedia Revision History

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Using BigQuery ShellPython DB API 2.0 + B. Clapper's sqlcmd

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BigQuery from a Spreadsheet

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BigQuery from a Spreadsheet

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● Google App Engine○ Application development platform for the


● Google Storage○ High speed cloud data storage on Google's


● Prediction API○ Google's machine learning technology able to

predict outcomes based on sample data

● BigQuery○ Interactive analysis of very large data sets○ Simple SQL query language access

Page 48: Introduction to Google's Cloud Technologies

Further info available at:

● Google App Engine○

● Google Storage for Developers○

● Prediction API○

● BigQuery○

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Thank you!

Questions?● @cschalk