introduction to fndr - central college nottingham

Welcome to Tom Page Email: [email protected] Tel: 0115 884 2636

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Welcome to

Tom PageEmail: [email protected]

Tel: 0115 884 2636

What is

A single interface to look at the library’s collection, both electronic and print.

Everything available from the Library Catalogue (Heritage)

Over 500 eBooks (with 3700+ more to come!)

Journals and Magazines from respected publishers

News and articles from the UK and around the world

And much more!

What is

How to Access

1.Via Staffnet / Studentnet (links will be added at half term)

2. Via Interact, using the eResources page in the Library area

3. Via a link on your own Interact pages, customised to include only resources useful for your students’ subject (please ask if you are interested in this feature).

Note: fndr content is available from anywhere you can get online.

Research Starters

fndr includes an easy starting point for over 60,000 topics.

Research Starters help students to understand their research topic, covering Keywords, Biographies and Company Profiles. Each article

also has ‘text-to-speech’ options if this is preferred.

covers more sources

fndr will include books, articles, e-books, DVDs and news articles in the search results it provides. Online content is linked to

directly, whilst library materials can be identified and reserved.

Links at the end of records will provide links to full-text copies or information on where in the library to retrieve the item from.

can help filter for relevant content

Filter out old articles and books to find the most up-to-date information

Choose to search a single database, or only items held in the Library

Show only results which can be looked at there and then by selecting e-books and articles.

Filter for results from the UK only, or from a particular publisher or journal.

Look at smaller parts of a big subject

can help filter for relevant content

Filter out old articles and books to find the most up-to-date information

Choose to search a single database, or only items held in the Library

Show only results which can be looked at there and then by selecting e-books and articles.

Filter for results from the UK only, or from a particular publisher or journal.

Look at smaller parts of a big subject

can help filter for relevant content

Filter out old articles and books to find the most up-to-date information

Choose to search a single database, or only items held in the Library

Show only results which can be looked at there and then by selecting e-books and articles.

Filter for results from the UK only, or from a particular publisher or journal.

Look at smaller parts of a big subject

can help filter for relevant content

Filter out old articles and books to find the most up-to-date information

Choose to search a single database, or only items held in the Library

Show only results which can be looked at there and then by selecting e-books and articles.

Filter for results from the UK only, or from a particular publisher or journal.

Look at smaller parts of a big subject

can help filter for relevant content

Filter out old articles and books to find the most up-to-date information

Choose to search a single database, or only items held in the Library

Show only results which can be looked at there and then by selecting e-books and articles.

Filter for results from the UK only, or from a particular publisher or journal.

Look at smaller parts of a big subject

Tom PageEmail: [email protected]

Tel: 0115 884 2636

Or ask any member of Library staff!

Welcome to