introduction to finite element analysis of pressure … · web viewthe finite element method,...

FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS Possible uses for this information will include: Providing useful information to self-learners; Providing focus for the developers of short courses, text books and other learning material; Providing a basis for the production of self-test quizzes and examinations; Providing the basis for registers of suitably qualified and experienced persons. Recommended Competences Category & Code Number STATEMENT OF COMPETENCE Standard or Advanced and EQF Level Resource Reference Code Pre- Requisites FEApr1 All learning outcomes in category MESM

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Page 1: Introduction to Finite Element Analysis of Pressure … · Web viewThe Finite Element Method, Volume 2 Solid and Fluid Mechanics Dynamics and Non-linearity, Zienkiewicz O C, Taylor


Possible uses for this information will include: Providing useful information to self-learners; Providing focus for the developers of short courses, text books and other learning material; Providing a basis for the production of self-test quizzes and examinations; Providing the basis for registers of suitably qualified and experienced persons.

Recommended Competences





EQF Level



Pre-RequisitesFEApr1 All learning outcomes in category MESM as

appropriate to industry, application and level.FEApr2 All learning outcomes in category BMPS as

appropriate to industry, application and level.Knowledge

FEAkn1 List the various steps in the analysis/simulation process. S,6 FEAref1

FEAkn2 Define the meaning of degree of freedom. S,6 FEAref2FEAkn3 List the nodal degrees of freedom and the S,6 FEAref3

Page 2: Introduction to Finite Element Analysis of Pressure … · Web viewThe Finite Element Method, Volume 2 Solid and Fluid Mechanics Dynamics and Non-linearity, Zienkiewicz O C, Taylor

associated force actions for common beam, 2D solid, 2D axisymmetric, 3D solid and shell elements, for the Displacement FEM.

FEAkn4 Define the meaning of adaptive mesh refinement. A,7 FEAref4FEAkn5 State the variational principle involved in the

formulation of the Displacement Finite Element Method and identify the solution quantity assumed within each element.

A,7 FEAref5

FEAkn6 State the variational principle involved in the formulation of the Equilibrium Finite Element Method and identify the solution quantity assumed within each element.

A,7 FEAref6

FEAkn7 Name other finite element methods. A,7 FEAref7FEAkn8 List the requirements for an axisymmetric analysis

to be valid. S,6 FEAref8

FEAkn9 List the degrees of freedom to be constrained on a symmetric boundary. S,6 FEAref9

FEAkn10 List the degrees of freedom to be constrained on a asymmetric boundary. A,7 FEAref10

FEAkn11 Sketch problems showing the various form of symmetry. S,7 FEAref11

FEAkn12 List the advantages of using symmetry. S,6 FEAref12FEAkn13 State the word length or arithmetic precision of

calculations for any system used. A,7 FEAref13

FEAkn14 List the possible advantages of applying material properties, loads and boundary conditions to underlying geometry rather than to finite element entities.

S,7 FEAref14

FEAkn15 List 2 common solvers for large sets of S,7 FEAref15

Page 3: Introduction to Finite Element Analysis of Pressure … · Web viewThe Finite Element Method, Volume 2 Solid and Fluid Mechanics Dynamics and Non-linearity, Zienkiewicz O C, Taylor

simultaneous equations.FEAkn16 List the various forms of element distortion. S,6 FEAref16FEAkn17 List the various element types commonly used in

the analysis of components within your organisation.

S,7 FEAref56

ComprehensionFEAco1 Describe the sources of error inherent in finite

element analysis, in general terms. S,6 FEAref17

FEAco2 Discuss checks that may be used post-solution to check for the presence of inaccuracy. S,6 FEAref18

FEAco3 Explain the term solution residual. A,7 FEAref19FEAco4 Explain the meaning of convergence, including h

and p types. S,6 FEAref20

FEAco5 Discuss the difficulties that can arise in using a CAD model as the basis for carrying out analysis and simulation.

S,7 FEAref21

FEAco6 Discuss the need for a consistent set of units in any analysis and illustrate possible pitfalls. S,6 FEAref22

FEAco7 Explain why strains and stresses are generally less accurate than displacements for any given mesh of elements, using the Displacement FEM.

S,6 FEAref23

FEAco8 Discuss the validity of using symmetry techniques to model non-symmetric problems. A,7 FEAref24

FEAco9 Explain the meaning of the term ill-conditioned when used in the context of a set of solution equations and illustrate physical situations where this might reflect reality.

A,7 FEAref25

FEAco10 Describe why incompressible or nearly-incompressible elastic media can cause

A,7 FEAref26

Page 4: Introduction to Finite Element Analysis of Pressure … · Web viewThe Finite Element Method, Volume 2 Solid and Fluid Mechanics Dynamics and Non-linearity, Zienkiewicz O C, Taylor

difficulties with analysis.FEAco11 Discuss the finite element / spring analogy. S,6 FEAref27FEAco12 Outline a common method employed to solve the

large sets of sparse symmetric common in FEA. A,7 FEAref28

FEAco13 Explain how the structural stiffness matrix is assembled from the individual element matrices. A,7 FEAref29

FEAco14 Discuss the nature of the structural stiffness matrix. S,6 FEAref30FEAco15 Discuss the integral equation for element stiffness,

highlighting the variables which it is dependent upon.

S,7 FEAref31

FEAco16 Discuss the salient features of the integral equation for Consistent Nodal Loading. S,7 FEAref32

FEAco17 Explain the process of Gaussian Quadrature and the terms Reduced Integration, Shear Locking and Mechanisms.

S,7 FEAref33

FEAco18 Explain the term Isoparametric Element. A,7 FEAref34FEAco19 Discuss the general requirements for suitable

Displacement Functions. A,7 FEAref35

FEAco20 Discuss the terms C0 and C1 Continuity. A,7 FEAref36FEAco21 Describe the Patch Test and explain its

significance. A,7 FEAref37

FEAco22 Explain why displacement elements may not always lead to a behaviour that is too stiff in practice. A,7 FEAref38

FEAco23 Explain the Equilibrium and Compatibility conditions, normally found within and between displacement elements.

A,7 FEAref39

FEAco24 Discuss the relationship between shape function and strain/stress prediction for simple 2D linear and parabolic elements.

S,6 FEAref40

Page 5: Introduction to Finite Element Analysis of Pressure … · Web viewThe Finite Element Method, Volume 2 Solid and Fluid Mechanics Dynamics and Non-linearity, Zienkiewicz O C, Taylor

FEAco25 Explain th term Bubble Function or Nodeless Variable. A,7 FEAref41

FEAco26 Discuss the significance of computer memory to solution elapse time for large models. S,7 FEAref42

FEAco27 Explain how unwanted cracks can be produced in 2D and 3D solid meshes and describe which plot type is useful in detecting these.

S,6 FEAref43

FEAco28 Explain why element distortion generally results in poorer results. A,7 FEAref44

FEAco29 Discuss the term Flying Structure or Insufficiently Constrained Structure. S,6 FEAref45

FEAco30 Explain why stress averaging is not appropriate at junctions between elements of different thickness.

S,6 FEAref46

FEAco31 Explain why most finite elements do not represent a circular boundary exactly and highlight how this approximation manifests itself.

S,6 FEAref47

FEAco32 Explain the concept of substructuring, where applicable and highlight common limitations of use.

A,7 FEAref48

FEAco33 Describe the process of nested modelling or sub-modelling. A,7 FEAref49

FEAco34 Explain the term hybrid model and highlight potential difficulties with such an approach. A,7 FEAref50

FEAco35 Discuss the terms Validation and Verification and highlight their importance. S,6 FEAref51

FEAco36 Discuss how developments in computing power and system functionality are affecting modelling strategies, highlighting techniques that are falling

A,7 FEAref52

Page 6: Introduction to Finite Element Analysis of Pressure … · Web viewThe Finite Element Method, Volume 2 Solid and Fluid Mechanics Dynamics and Non-linearity, Zienkiewicz O C, Taylor

into disuse.FEAco37 Discuss modelling issues related to wind, sea and

other relevant forms of stochastic loading. A,7 FEAref53

FEAco38 Outline how Initial Strains and Initial Stresses are commonly handled in the finite element solution. A,7 FEAref54

FEAco39 Discuss the Geometric Stiffness Matrix and highlight situations where it becomes important. A,7 FEAref55

FEAco40 Explain the rationale behind the use of 1-D, 2-D and 3-D elements used in the analysis of components within your organisation.

A,7 FEAref87

ApplicationFEAap1 Employ an analysis system for the determination of

stresses and strains in small displacement, linear elastic problems.

S,6 FEAref57

FEAap2 Demonstrate effective use of available results presentation facilities. S,6 FEAref58

FEAap3 Illustrate the approximate nature of finite element analysis, through examples chosen from your industry sector.

S,7 FEAref59

FEAap4 Illustrate the various steps in the Displacement Finite Element Method from assumed displacement polynomial to determination of stresses.

A,7 FEAref60

FEAap5 Illustrate possible applications of 0D, 1D, 2D and 3D elements in your industry sector. S,7 FEAref61

FEAap6 Illustrate how you might apply a moment to a model consisting of 2D or 3D solids. S,6 FEAref62

FEAap7 Employ symmetric boundary conditions effectively. S,6 FEAref63FEAap8 Employ asymmetric boundary conditions effectively. A,7 FEAref64

Page 7: Introduction to Finite Element Analysis of Pressure … · Web viewThe Finite Element Method, Volume 2 Solid and Fluid Mechanics Dynamics and Non-linearity, Zienkiewicz O C, Taylor

FEAap9 Employ cyclic symmetric boundary conditions effectively, where appropriate. A,7 FEAref65

FEAap10 Illustrate various physical situations which will result in a Stress Singularity and explain why it is not appropriate to use finite element results at such locations directly.

S,7 FEAref66

FEAap11 Illustrate consistent nodal loadings for uniform loading on a range of common linear and quadratic shell, 2D and 3D solid elements and note any unusual features.

A,7 FEAref67

FEAap12 Employ a range of post-solution checks to determine the integrity of FEA results. S,6 FEAref68

FEAap13 Conduct validation studies in support of FEA. S,7 FEAref69FEAap14 Carry out sensitivity studies. S,7 FEAref70AnalysisFEAan1 Analyse the results from small displacement, linear

static analyses and determine whether they satisfy inherent assumptions.

S,6 FEAref72

FEAan2 Compare the results from small displacement, linear elastic analyses with allowable values and comment on findings.

S,6 FEAref73

FEAan3 Analyse the results from sensitivity studies and draw conclusions from trends. A,7 FEAref74

SynthesisFEAsy1 Prepare an analysis specification, including

modelling strategy, highlighting any assumptions relating to geometry, loads, boundary conditions and material properties.

A,7 FEAref76

FEAsy2 Develop an analysis strategy that enables the A,7 FEAref75

Page 8: Introduction to Finite Element Analysis of Pressure … · Web viewThe Finite Element Method, Volume 2 Solid and Fluid Mechanics Dynamics and Non-linearity, Zienkiewicz O C, Taylor

relative significance of individual model parameters and their interactions to be evaluated

FEAsy3 Plan an analysis, specifying necessary resources and timescale. A,7 FEAref77

FEAsy4 Prepare quality assurance procedures for finite element analysis activities within an organisation. A,7 FEAref78

FEAsy5 Contribute to planning related to the effective development of analysis facilities. A,7 FEAref79

FEAsy6 Contribute to the development of a competency process that supports staff technical development.

A,7 FEAref80

FEAsy7 Formulate a series of smaller studies, benchmarks or experimental tests in support of a FEA modelling strategy.

A,7 FEAref85

FEAsy8 Prepare a validation plan in support of a FEA study. A,7 FEAref71Evaluation

FEAev1 Select appropriate idealisation(s) for components / structures, which are consistent with the objectives of the analyses.

A,7 FEAref81

FEAev2 Assess the significance of neglecting any feature or detail in any idealisation. A,7 FEAref82

FEAev3 Assess the significance of simplifying geometry, material models, loads or boundary conditions. A,7 FEAref83

FEAev4 Manage A&S related physical and human resources within an organisation; in an effective manner. A,7 FEAref84

FEAev5 Manage verification and validation procedures in support of FEA. A,7 FEAref86

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FEAref1 Guidelines to Finite Element Practice, NAFEMS, ISBN-0-903640-16-3, 1984

FEAref2 How to Model with Finite Elements, Baguley D and Hose D R, Chapter 5.2 pp 28-40, NAFEMS, 1997

FEAref3 Using Finite Elements in Mechanical Design, JT Mottram & CT Shaw, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-709093-4, 1996.

FEAref4 How to Model with Finite Elements, Baguley D and Hose D R, Chapter 5.5 pp 50-52, NAFEMS, 1997

FEAref5 The Finite Element Method, Volume 1 Basic Formulation and Linear Problems, Zienkiewicz O C, Taylor R L, Chapter 2 pp 21-32, 4th Edition, Published by McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-084174-8, 1997

De Veubeke B F, Displacement and Equilibrium Models in the finite element method, Int J Numer. Meth. Engng 2001; 52 pp 287-342

FEAref6 De Veubeke B F, Displacement and Equilibrium Models in the finite element method, Int J Numer. Meth. Engng 2001; 52 pp 287-342

FEA7ref7 Finite Element Procedures, KJ Bathe, Prentice-Hall, ISBN 0-13-301458-4, 1996.

FEAref8 How to Model with Finite Elements, Baguley D and Hose D R, Chapter 5.2.2 pp 32-33 and Chapter 10 pp 111-123, NAFEMS, 1997

How to Interpret Finite Element Results, Baguley D and Hose D R, Chapter 6 pp 42-46, NAFEMS, 1997

FEAref9 How to Model with Finite Elements, Baguley D and Hose D R, Chapter 5 pp 23-28, NAFEMS, 1997

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FEAref10 How to Model with Finite Elements, Baguley D and Hose D R, Chapter 5 pp 23-28, NAFEMS, 1997

FEAref11 How to Model with Finite Elements, Baguley D and Hose D R, Chapter 5 pp 23-28, NAFEMS, 1997

FEAref12 How to Interpret Finite Element Results, Baguley D and Hose D R, Chapter 6 pp 42-46, NAFEMS, 1997

FEAref13 How to Interpret Finite Element Results, Baguley D and Hose D R, Chapter 8.1 p 79, NAFEMS, 1997

FEAref14 Building Better Products with Finite Element Analysis, V Adams & A Askenazi, Onward Press, ISBN 1-56690-160X, 1999. Ch6.

FEAref15 Finite Element Procedures, KJ Bathe, Prentice-Hall, ISBN 0-13-301458-4, 1996. Ch8.

FEAref16 A Finite Element Primer, Chapter 8.4 pp128-131, NAFEMS, ISBN 0-903640-17-1, 1986

How to Use Elements Effectively, Hellen T, Chapter 5 pp 67-86, Chapter 7.7 pp104-105, Chapter 7.8 pp 106-108, NAFEMS, 2003

FEAref17 How to use Elements Effectively, Hellen T, Chapter 7 pp 97-108, NAFEMS, 2003

FEAref18 How to use Elements Effectively, Hellen T, Chapter 7 pp 97-108, NAFEMS, 2003

FEAref19 The Finite Element Method, Volume 1 Basic Formulation and Linear Problems, Zienkiewicz O C, Taylor R L, Chapter 14 pp 398-435, 4th Edition, Published by McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-084174-8, 1997

How to Use Elements Effectively, Hellen T, Chapter 5 pp 67-86, Chapter 7 pp 97-108, Chapter 7.8 pp 106-108, NAFEMS, 2003

FEAref20 How to Interpret Finite Element Results, Baguley D and Hose D R, Chapter 2.8 pp 13-16, NAFEMS, 1997

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FEAref21 How to Manage Finite Element Analysis in the Design Process, Adams V, Chapter 5, pp 31-43, NAFEMS ISBN 1-847-376-12-3, 2006

Tips and Workarounds for CAD generated Models, Marks L, NAFEMS, 1999

FEAref22 How to Model with Finite Elements, Baguley D and Hose D R, Chapter 4.1 pp 16-17, NAFEMS, 1997

FEAref23 The Finite Element Method, Volume 1 Basic Formulation and Linear Problems, Zienkiewicz O C, Taylor R L, Chapter 2 pp 21-26, 4th Edition, Published by McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-084174-8, 1997

FEAref24 How to Model with Finite Elements, Baguley D and Hose D R, Chapter 5 pp 23-28, NAFEMS, 1997

FEAref25 How to Use Elements Effectively, Hellen T, Chapter 4.7 pp 50-51, NAFEMS, 2003

The Finite Element Method, Volume 1 Basic Formulation and Linear Problems, Zienkiewicz O C, Taylor R L, Chapter 2.6 p 38, 4th Edition, Published by McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-084174-8, 1997

FEAref26 The Finite Element Method for Solid and Structural Mechanics, OC Zienkiewicz & RL Taylor, 6 th ed, ISBN 0 7506 6321 9, 2005.

FEAref27 Finite Element Methods in Structural Mechanics, Ross C T F, Chapter 2 pp 64-69, Published by Ellis Horwood Ltd ISBN 0-85312-808-1, 1985

FEAref28 How to Model with Finite Elements, Baguley D and Hose D R, Chapter 8 pp 73-87, NAFEMS, 1997

FEAref29 Finite Element Methods in Structural Mechanics, Ross C T F, Chapter 3 pp 78-111, Published by Ellis Horwood Ltd ISBN 0-85312-808-1, 1985

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FEAref30 Finite Element Methods in Structural Mechanics, Ross C T F, Chapter 2 pp 64-72, Published by Ellis Horwood Ltd ISBN 0-85312-808-1, 1985

FEAref31 How to use Elements Effectively, Hellen T, Chapter 2.4 pp 15-25, NAFEMS, 2003

FEAref32 The Finite Element Method for Solid and Structural Mechanics, OC Zienkiewicz & RL Taylor, 6 th ed, ISBN 0 7506 6321 9, 2005. Sec11.3.

FEAref33 How to Use Elements Effectively, Hellen T, Chapter 2.4 pp 15-20 and Chapter 3.5 p 34, NAFEMS, 2003

FEAref34 Finite Element Methods in Structural Mechanics, Ross C T F, Chapter 6.1 pp 200-202, Published by Ellis Horwood Ltd ISBN 0-85312-808-1, 1985

How to Use Elements Effectively, Hellen T, Chapter 2 pp 5-10, NAFEMS, 2003

FEAref35 How to Use Elements Effectively, Hellen T, Chapter 2.3 pp 10-15, NAFEMS, 2003

Finite Element Methods in Structural Mechanics, Ross C T F, Chapter 6.2 pp 202-207, Published by Ellis Horwood Ltd ISBN 0-85312-808-1, 1985

The Finite Element Method, Volume 1 Basic Formulation and Linear Problems, Zienkiewicz O C, Taylor R L, Chapter 7.3 pp 114-149, 4th Edition, Published by McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-084174-8, 1997

FEAref36 The Finite Element Method, Volume 1 Basic Formulation and Linear Problems, Zienkiewicz O C, Taylor R L, Chapter 2.3 pp 32-33, Chapter 7 pp110-111 4th Edition, Published by McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-084174-8, 1997

The Finite Element Method, Volume 2 Solid and Fluid Mechanics Dynamics and Non-linearity, Zienkiewicz O C, Taylor R L, Chapter 1 pp 1-15, Chapter 7 pp110-111 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-084174-8

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FEAref37 How to Use Elements Effectively, Hellen T, Chapter 6.3 pp 88-90, NAFEMS, 2003

FEAref38 Finite Element Procedures, KJ Bathe, Prentice-Hall, ISBN 0-13-301458-4, 1996. Sec4.4.1.

The Finite Element Method, Volume 1 The Basis, Zienkiewicz O C, Taylor R L, 5 th Edition, Butterworth, ISBN 0-7506-5049-4, 2000. Section 2.8.

FEAref39 A Finite Element Primer, Chapter 2.1 pp 9-13, NAFEMS, 1986, ISBN-0-903640-17-1

FEAref40 How to Use Elements Effectively, Hellen T, Chapter 2.3 pp 10-15, NAFEMS, 2003The Finite Element Method, Volume 2 Solid and Fluid Mechanics Dynamics and Non-linearity, Zienkiewicz O C, Taylor R L, Chapter 7 pp 110-132, 4th Edition, Published by McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-084174-8

FEAref41 How to Use Elements Effectively, Hellen T, Chapter 3.5 pp 34-37, NAFEMS, 2003

FEAref42 Building Better Products with Finite Element Analysis, V Adams & A Askenazi, Onward Press, ISBN 1-56690-160X, 1999. Ch20.

FEAref43 Building Better Products with Finite Element Analysis, V Adams & A Askenazi, Onward Press, ISBN 1-56690-160X, 1999. Ch7.

FEAref44 How to use Elements Effectively, Hellen T, Chapter 5 pp 67-85, NAFEMS, 2003

FEAref45 How to Model with Finite Elements, Baguley D and Hose D R, Chapter 6, NAFEMS, 1997

FEAref46 How to Interpret Finite Element Results, Baguley D and Hose D R, Chapter 3.3 pp 24-28, NAFEMS, 1997

How to use Beam, Plate and Shell Elements, Hellen T, Chapter 5.4.3 pp74-80, NAFEMS, 2007

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FEAref47 How to Model with Finite Elements, Baguley D and Hose D R, Chapter 5.2.3 p 35, NAFEMS, 1997

FEAref48 How to Model with Finite Elements, Baguley D and Hose D R, Chapter 5.6 p 52, NAFEMS, 1997

Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis. RD Cook, DS Malkus, ME Plesha & RJ Witt, 4 th Ed, John Wiley, ISBN 0-471-35605-0, 2002. Section 10.11.

FEAref49 Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis. RD Cook, DS Malkus, ME Plesha & RJ Witt, 4 th Ed, John Wiley, ISBN 0-471-35605-0, 2002. Section 10.10.

FEAref50 A Finite Element Primer, Chapter 12.10 p249, NAFEMS, 1986, ISBN-0-903640-17-1

FEAref51 Guide for Verification and Validation in Computational Solid Mechanics, Chapters 4 and 5 pp 12-19, ASME V&V 10-2006

NAFEMS QSS 001:2007, Engineering Simulation, Quality Management Systems, Requirements, Chapter 3 p9

What is Verification and Validation?; ASME and NAFEMS; 2009.

FEAref52 Building Better Products with Finite Element Analysis, V Adams & A Askenazi, Onward Press, ISBN 1-56690-160X, 1999. Ch21.

FEAref53 Pressure Vessel Design Manual, D Moss, 3rd Ed., Gulf Professional Publishing, ISBN 0-7506-7740-6, 2004. Ch3.

Wind Loading of Structures. JD Holmes, Spon Press, ISBN 0-203-30164-1, 2001.

FEAref54 How to Model with Finite Elements, Baguley D and Hose D R, Chapter 7.2 pp 69-71, NAFEMS, 1997

A Finite Element Primer, Chapter 5.6 pp 65-67 and Chapter 12.12 p260, NAFEMS, 1986, ISBN-0-903640-17-1

Page 15: Introduction to Finite Element Analysis of Pressure … · Web viewThe Finite Element Method, Volume 2 Solid and Fluid Mechanics Dynamics and Non-linearity, Zienkiewicz O C, Taylor

The Finite Element Method, Volume 1 Basic Formulation and Linear Problems, Zienkiewicz O C, Taylor R L, Chapter 3.2.3 pp 48-50, 4th Edition, Published by McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-084174-8, 1997

FEAref55 A Finite Element Primer, Chapter 11.2 pp 217-224, NAFEMS 1986, ISBN-0-903640-17-1

FEAref56 System User Manuals and suitable experiential learning in an industrial context and environment.

FEAref57 System User Manuals and suitable experiential learning in an industrial context and environment.

NAFEMS QSS 001:2007 : Engineering Simulation – Quality Management Systems – Requirements, 1st Edition, NAFEMS Ltd. 2007.

Quality Management in Engineering Simulation, A Primer for the NAFEMS QSS, J M Smith, NAFEMS Ltd, 2008.

FEAref58 System User Manuals and suitable experiential learning in an industrial context and environment.

Building Better Products with Finite Element Analysis, V Adams & A Askenazi, Onward Press, ISBN 1-56690-160X, 1999. Ch11.

FEAref59 System User Manuals and suitable experiential learning in an industrial context and environment.

FEAref60 Finite Element Methods in Structural Mechanics, Ross C T F, Chapter 5 pp 147-198, Published by Ellis Horwood Ltd ISBN 0-85312-808-1, 1985

The Finite Element Method, Volume 1 Basic Formulation and Linear Problems, Zienkiewicz O C, Taylor R L, Chapter 2.2 pp 23-30, 4th Edition, Published by McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-084174-8, 1997

Page 16: Introduction to Finite Element Analysis of Pressure … · Web viewThe Finite Element Method, Volume 2 Solid and Fluid Mechanics Dynamics and Non-linearity, Zienkiewicz O C, Taylor

FEAref61 Suitable experiential learning in an industrial context and environment.

The Application of Finite Element Modelling to Pressure Vessel Design Codes, Warrior, N A, and Durrant J C, NAFEMS Ltd. 2000.

FEAref62 Building Better Products with Finite Element Analysis, V Adams & A Askenazi, Onward Press, ISBN 1-56690-160X, 1999. p292.

FEAref63 How to Model with Finite Elements, Baguley D and Hose D R, Chapter 5 pp 23-28, NAFEMS, 1997

FEAref64 How to Model with Finite Elements, Baguley D and Hose D R, Chapter 5 pp 23-28, NAFEMS, 1997

FEAref65 How to Model with Finite Elements, Baguley D and Hose D R, Chapter 5 pp 23-28 and Chapter 6.4 pp 62-63, NAFEMS, 1997

FEAref66 Linear elastic fracture mechanics benchmarks: 2D finite element test cases, Pang HLJ, Journal of Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol 44, No 5, pp 741-751, 1993.

FEAref67 A Finite Element Primer, Chapter 9.9 p165, Chapter 12.12 pp 257-261, NAFEMS, 1986, ISBN 0-903640-17-1

How to Model with Finite Elements, Baguley D and Hose D R, Chapter 7 pp 66-69, NAFEMS, 1997

FEAref68 How to Interpret Finite Element Results, Baguley D and Hose D R, Chapter 4 pp 29-34, NAFEMS, 1997

Guide for Verification and Validation in Computational Solid Mechanics, ASME V&V 10-2006

NAFEMS QSS 001:2007, Engineering Simulation, Quality Management Systems, Requirements

FEAref69 What is Verification and Validation?; ASME and NAFEMS; 2009.

Page 17: Introduction to Finite Element Analysis of Pressure … · Web viewThe Finite Element Method, Volume 2 Solid and Fluid Mechanics Dynamics and Non-linearity, Zienkiewicz O C, Taylor

Competences as specified in this module and identified pre-requisite modules; Suitable product knowledge.

FEAref70 Guide for Verification and Validation in Computational Solid Mechanics, Chapters 3.5 p 11, ASME V&V 10-2006

FEAref71 What is Verification and Validation?; ASME and NAFEMS; 2009.Competences as specified in this module and identified pre-requisite modules; Suitable product knowledge.

FEAref72 System User Manuals and suitable experiential learning in an industrial context and environment.

FEAref73 System User Manuals and suitable experiential learning in an industrial context and environment.

Relevant pressure vessel Codes of Practice.

FEAref74 How to Interpret Finite Element Results, Baguley D and Hose D R, Chapter 4 pp 29-34, NAFEMS, 1997

Response Surface Methodology, Process and Product Optimization Using Designed Experiments, Myers RH, Montgomery DC, Wiley Interscience Publication, ISBN 0-471-58100-3, 1995

Building Better Products with Finite Element Analysis, V Adams & A Askenazi, Onward Press, ISBN 1-56690-160X, 1999. p261.

FEAref75 Response Surface Methodology, Process and Product Optimization Using Designed Experiments, Myers RH, Montgomery DC, Wiley Interscience Publication, ISBN 0-471-58100-3, 1995

FEAref76 NAFEMS QSS 001:2007 : Engineering Simulation – Quality Management Systems – Requirements, 1st Edition, NAFEMS Ltd. 2007.

Page 18: Introduction to Finite Element Analysis of Pressure … · Web viewThe Finite Element Method, Volume 2 Solid and Fluid Mechanics Dynamics and Non-linearity, Zienkiewicz O C, Taylor

Quality Management in Engineering Simulation, A Primer for the NAFEMS QSS, J M Smith, NAFEMS Ltd, 2008.

FEAref77 NAFEMS QSS 001:2007 : Engineering Simulation – Quality Management Systems – Requirements, 1st Edition, NAFEMS Ltd. 2007.

Quality Management in Engineering Simulation, A Primer for the NAFEMS QSS, J M Smith, NAFEMS Ltd, 2008.

FEAref78 NAFEMS QSS 001:2007 : Engineering Simulation – Quality Management Systems – Requirements, 1st Edition, NAFEMS Ltd. 2007.

Quality Management in Engineering Simulation, A Primer for the NAFEMS QSS, J M Smith, NAFEMS Ltd, 2008.

FEAref79 NAFEMS QSS 001:2007 : Engineering Simulation – Quality Management Systems – Requirements, 1st Edition, NAFEMS Ltd. 2007.

Quality Management in Engineering Simulation, A Primer for the NAFEMS QSS, J M Smith, NAFEMS Ltd, 2008.

FEAref80 NAFEMS QSS 001:2007 : Engineering Simulation – Quality Management Systems – Requirements, 1st Edition, NAFEMS Ltd. 2007.

Quality Management in Engineering Simulation, A Primer for the NAFEMS QSS, J M Smith, NAFEMS Ltd, 2008.

FEAref81 How to Model with Finite Elements, Baguley D and Hose D R, NAFEMS, 1997

FEAref82 How to Model with Finite Elements, Baguley D and Hose D R, NAFEMS, 1997

FEAref83 How to Model with Finite Elements, Baguley D and Hose D R, NAFEMS, 1997

FEAref84 NAFEMS QSS 001:2007 : Engineering Simulation – Quality Management Systems – Requirements, 1st Edition, NAFEMS Ltd. 2007.

Page 19: Introduction to Finite Element Analysis of Pressure … · Web viewThe Finite Element Method, Volume 2 Solid and Fluid Mechanics Dynamics and Non-linearity, Zienkiewicz O C, Taylor

Quality Management in Engineering Simulation, A Primer for the NAFEMS QSS, J M Smith, NAFEMS Ltd, 2008.

How to Manage Finite Element Analysis in the Design Process, V. Adams, ISBN 1874376123, NAFEMS 2006.

FEAref85 Competences as specified in this module and identified pre-requisite modules; Suitable product knowledge.

How to Manage Finite Element Analysis in the Design Process, Chapter 4, V. Adams, ISBN 1874376123, NAFEMS 2006.

FEAref86 What is Verification and Validation?; ASME and NAFEMS; 2009.Competences as specified in this module and identified pre-requisite modules; Suitable product knowledge.

FEAref87 System User Manuals and suitable experiential learning in an industrial context and environment.