introduction to factset for university of colorado at boulder

Introduction to FactSet for University of Colorado at Boulder

Upload: rosalyn-maxwell

Post on 28-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Introduction to FactSet for University of Colorado at Boulder

Introduction to FactSet for University of Colorado at Boulder

Page 2: Introduction to FactSet for University of Colorado at Boulder

Today’s Workflow

+Basics of FactSet

+Manage a Workspace

+Create Watch lists and Monitor News

+Screen for Investment Ideas

+Comps Report

+Perform Real-Time Company Analysis

+Build =FDS Codes

+Continuing Education

Page 3: Introduction to FactSet for University of Colorado at Boulder

Basics of FactSet

+Consolidation of data and analytics onto one comprehensive interface

+Real-time displays of market news, quotes, and research

+Customize data views

+Screen for companies based on investment ideas

+Perform in-depth company analysis

OA 15728, 15890

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Logging into FactSet


+Enter the Connect ID assigned to you by FactSet, then click the Continue button.

+Enter eight digit pass code that was emailed to you in text input box and click login.

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+Defining Workspace– Collection of tabs and

subtabs– Predefined workspaces to

fit workflows

+Opening and Saving– FactSet insert menu – Create new tabs– FactSearch and shortcuts

+Directories– Client directory is

accessible to everyone at the same company with the same username

– Personal directory is only accessible to one serial number

OA 15851, 15850, 15852

Manage a Workspace

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Create Watch Lists and Monitor News+Combines multiple data types in one

place to provide interactive reports and graphs by:– Creating ticker lists– Customizing displays– Adding Fundamental Analysis displays– Including News components

OA 15883

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Universal Screening

+Screening application

+Report Writing



PE <= 20

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Screen for Investment Ideas

+Universal Screening– Limit Button – narrow down your universe based

on non-financial criteria– New Parameter – add parameters to limit your

universe further based on financial data OR create non-limiting parameters to simply display the data in your report

– Group and format your results

OA 11721

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Screen for Investment Ideas

+Display parameters

+Screening parameters



FactSet Formula

Relational Operator

Test Value

Page 10: Introduction to FactSet for University of Colorado at Boulder

Screen for Investment Ideas

Test Values Can Be:

+A number– FG_MKT_VALUE>=4000

+A percentage– FG_EPS_1YGR>20

+Another formula– FG_SALES_A(0)>FG_SALES_A(-1)

+The result of a calculation– FG_PE<GAVG(FG_GICS_INDUSTRY,FG_PE)

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Let’s Create a Screen+Limit your universe to actively trading equities,

excluding things like ADRs and SDRs

+Limit your universe to US companies in the tech sector

+Create a parameter to limit to companies whose sales in the previous year were between 3 and 10 billion

+Create a parameter to limit to companies whose sales were greater this year than last year

+Create a parameter to display current market cap

+Group your report by industry and sort by market cap

+Output your screen to Excel

+Save constituents as a portfolio

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Comparables Report

+Customize Data Items

+Separates target companies from the mean and median calculations to differentiate it from its peers

+Use results from Universal Screening as the peer universe

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Perform Real-Time Company Analysis+Company Overview

– Snapshot Report

+Prices– Summary– Historical Prices– Corporate Actions

+Fundamental Analysis– Key Financial Items, Filings– Click-thru Auditing– Highlight to chart

+Estimates– All Estimates– Estimate History

OA 15131, 14827, 14828, 14859, 14839

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Build Advanced =FDS Codes



ExamplePrice for Hershey as of 12/31/2008=FDS(“HSY”,“P_PRICE(12/31/2008)”)ExamplePrice for Hershey as of 12/31/2008=FDS(A1,“P_PRICE(12/31/2008)”)

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Excel Sidebar

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Build Advanced =FDS Codes

Date Types


A date that changes as time goes on

Example - YesterdayData refreshes


A specific point in time

Example - 6/30/2008

Data remains static

Page 17: Introduction to FactSet for University of Colorado at Boulder

Continuing Education

+Online Assistant– Live page auto opens to topic of interest– Interactive webinars– Learning Tab

+Screening– Idea screening - OA 13995 - quick screening for

private companies, public companies, M&A, PE, VC and more

+Excel– =FDS Codes - OA 1967 - pull report data directly into

Excel – ActiveGraphs - OA 14514 - dynamic refreshable graphs

+News– Real Time - OA 15863 - portfolio or company level

+Events Calendar– CallStreet - OA 15025 - corporate events and


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