introduction to communication skills

Introduction to Communication Skills

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Introduction to Communication Skills. Introduction. What is communication? In simple words we can say that ““ just to convey the message ” If we go in more detail we can say that “ communication is the process of transmitting (A B) & Receiving (B A) Messages. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Introduction to Communication Skills

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Introduction• What is communication?

In simple words we can say that ““just to convey the message”

If we go in more detail we can say that “ communication is the process of transmitting (A B) & Receiving

(B A) Messages.

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receiver sender

Communication is the process of sending and receiving information among people…

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Messages not delivered due to “distortion”

Sender Receiver



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Why Communications Skills Are So Important ?• The purpose of communication is to get your

message across to others. This is a process that involves both the sender of the message and the receiver. This process leaves room for error, with messages often misinterpreted ( تفسيرها by(يساءone or more of the parties involved. This causes unnecessary confusion.

• In fact, a message is successful only when both the

sender and the receiver perceive it in the same way.

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Critical success factor for life

The majority of your perceived ability comes from how you communicate

70% How youcommunicate it

30% What you know

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Most common ways to communicate

Speaking Visual Images

WritingBody Language

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Communication Goals

To change behavior

To get action

To ensure understandingTo persuade

To get and give


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Effective Communication

• If some one can achieve the desired level of objective through communication , we can say that it is “effective communication”.

e.g. If your communication get the proper response from the receiver it means that you effectively conveyed the message.

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How to achieve effective Communication

Encourage creative and Critical ThinkingConsider audience’s information needsConsider Audience's Technical BackgroundConsider Audience's Cultural Background and GenderConsider Audience's Knowledge of the Subject

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• Physical barriers• Cultural barriers• Religious barriers• Time pressures• Distractions/interruptions• Failure to wait for feedback/response

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• Hearing only part of the message• Failure to listen• Listening with a particular mind-set/prejudice ( حكم


• Reacting emotionally• Making assumptions• Accents

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• Lack of sensitivity to emotions• Poor volume, tone, emphasis• Not acknowledging person’s experience, emotions, feelings, desires• Jumping from topic to topic• Acting phony (تصنع)

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What causes distortion?

• Speaker– Language– Wordiness (redundancy)– Semantics (meaning)– Emotions– Accent

• Listener– Perceptions (understanding)– Preconceived notions/expectations– Physical hearing problem– Speed of thought– Personal interests– Emotions– Attention span – No active listening!

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Feedback can be:

• Verbal Reactions and Non-Verbal Reactions.

• Positive feedback and Negative feedback.

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Feedback Skills

• Positive vs. Negative Feedback• Positive feedback is more readily and accurately

perceived than negative feedback• Positive feedback fits what most people wish to hear

and already believe about themselves• Negative feedback is most likely to be accepted when

it comes from a credible source if it is objective.• Subjective impressions carry weight only when they

come from a person with high status and credibility

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Types of CommunicationVerbal – Communication through language

Nonverbal – Communication other than through spoken language. More powerful messages are usually conveyed through nonverbal cues than through words themselves.

Paraverbal – Communicating not by what you say, but how you say it.

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Types of Communication (continued)Examples of nonverbal communication include:• Body language (e.g., folded arms)• Eye contact• Muscle tension • Posture ( الوقوف (وضعية• Proxemics (how close we stand when talking. In the

US, people stand between 18 inches to 2 ft. from each other; they get uncomfortable if that boundary is violated. Proxemics vary from culture to culture.

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Types of Communication (Continued)

Examples of paraverbal communication include: • Voice qualities/voice tone• Rate of speech (how fast or slow one talks)• Rhythm of voice (اإليقاع) • Volume

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Strengths and Weaknesses• Verbal Communication:

Strength - Role of Body Language.

Weakness - Not possible to give a long list of directions

• Written Communication: Strength - A proof of a communication

Weakness - Written words does not show a person’s actual feelings.

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Listening Skills

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Writing Reading Speaking Listening

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Listening is needed everywhere…

• Listening skills form the basis of:– Continued learning– Teamwork skills– Management skills– Negotiation skills

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… But not practiced effectively

• 70% of all communication is– Misunderstood– Misinterpreted– Rejected– Distorted– Not heard

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5 Basic reasons we Do Not Listen

• Listening is Hard Work• Competition• The Rush for Action (اإلندفاع)• Speed differences (120 wpm v/s 360 wpm)• Lack of Training

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Active listening is a way of listening that focuses entirely on what the other person is saying and confirms understanding of both the content of the message and the emotions and feelings underlying the message to ensure that understanding is accurate.

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Rules for good listening• Deciding in advance that what a person is saying is

not important means probably you'll tune out - and you could miss an opportunity to learn something and to strengthen a relationship.

• It's difficult to listen if you're too tired, or preoccupied with something else - in those situations, it's best to set aside another time agreeable to both, when you are able to give your full attention.

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• Preconceived ideas about what someone is saying will block communication. When you keep an open mind, you are ready to learn something new.

• Eye contact reassures (يطمئن) the person speaking that you are listening, and builds trust in a relationship.

• Don't judge a book by its cover - important information can come from anyone, regardless of the package.

• Matching your body language with your words through eye contact, a pleasant tone of voice and a warm smile conveys interest and respect. This reassures the person speaking that you feel he/she is important.

Rules for good listening

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• Asking questions will help the person clarify what he/she is telling you. You can show you understand by paraphrasing - repeating in your own words what the person has said.

Rules for good listening

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How to be an active listener

• Set the stage– Choose an appropriate physical environment– Remove distractions– Be open and accessible– Maintain relaxed, open posture that shows concentration

• Ensure mutual understanding– Reflect feelings– Offer acknowledgements (say “uh-huh”)– Paraphrase main ideas– Interrupt to clarify

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How to be an active listener

• Understand body language– Observe position and posturing– Make eye contact– Consider expression and gestures

• Suspend judgment– Concentrate– Keep an open mind– Hear the person out

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Give Feedback• Repeat back or summarize to ensure that you


• Restate what you think you heard and ask, "Have I understood you correctly?"

How to be an active listener

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Paraphrasing, Summarizing and


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Techniques to improve listening skills


Restate what was said in your own words


Pull together the main points of a speaker


Challenge speaker to think further, clarifying both your and their understanding

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Practice Paraphrasing

• Paraphrasing is simply restating what another person has said in your own words.

• Use phrases such as:

– In other words…– I gather that…– If I understand what you are saying…– What I hear you saying is…– Pardon my interruption, but let me see if I

understand you correctly…

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Practice Summarizing

• Summarizing pulls important ideas, facts or data together.• Useful for emphasizing key points and setting the stage for

further discussion.• The person summarizing must listen carefully in order to

organize the information systematically.

• Try out these summarizing phrases:– “If I understand you correctly, your main concerns

are…”– “These seem to be the key ideas you have

expressed… ”

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Two basic types of questions

1. Closed questions: – Get a one-word response and inhibit thought.– Questions begin with who, when and which

2. Open-ended questions:– Invite unique thought, reflection or an explanation.– Questions begin with how, what and how come.

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Practice Questioning

• Rephrase the following closed questions to make them open-ended:

1. Are you feeling tired?2. Was the last activity useful?3. Is there anything bothering you?

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Active Listening (not!)

• Behaviors that prevent effective listening– Act distracted (look at your watch!)– Tell your own story without acknowledging theirs– Give no response– Invalidate response, be negative– Interrupt– Criticize– Give advice/solutions quickly– Change the subject– Quickly agreeing with client before they finish


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Conversation Skills

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How to improve my conversation skills? Don’t be shy! خجول Communication errors can be solved. A conversation is an interactive activity

involving listening and speaking from both parties.

It’s all about listening and asking questions. Lulls ( الهدوء فترات أو .are normal (السكتات If a conversation is going wrong, it may not

be your fault.

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How to introduce myself?

Greet with smile Maintain eye contact Give a firm handshake Tell your name Ask for the other person’s name Repeat the other person’s name Never draw a negative picture of yourself

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How to have a great conversation?

Relax and forget about yourself Listen Ask questions Use a friendly tone Choose your words and questions carefully Neither interrupt a person in the middle of his

thought, nor speak on top of it Compliment (جامل ) the other person Thank for a great conversation

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How to handle a difficult question?

Personal questionI’m sorry, but I’d prefer not to answer this question. Question you don’t know the answerI have no idea. Question you didn’t catchCan you repeat the question? Question you don’t understand because of unfamiliar

words or question structureI’m sorry, but I don’t understand your question. Would you

mind telling it in different words?/What do you mean by…?/What does…mean?

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How to improve speaking?

Listening and reading aloud Writing Networking and making friends Greeting people on the street Having small talks in public Watching foreign movies with English

subtitles Joining one-on-one conversations,

conversation and common interest groups

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How to improve listening?

• Speaking to English speakers• Watching TV and movies• Listening to radio• Reading audio books• Singing English songs• Practicing pronunciation• Joining conversation groups/one-on-one


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How to improve comprehension?

Reading picture books or comics Reading newspapers and magazines Asking questions during conversations Watching TV and movies Browsing English websites Consulting dictionaries Constantly learning new words Clarifying meaning of slang and idioms Knowing grammar