introduction to caa coached leadership circles 3.24.12

. Coached Leadership Circles Cheryl Alexander & Associates One Table Multiple Minds Breakthrough Conversation Profound Connections Expanded Possibilities Extraordinary Results [email protected] 6514420073

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Coached Leadership Circles

Cheryl Alexander & Associates!One Table !Multiple Minds !Breakthrough Conversation !Profound Connections !Expanded Possibilities !Extraordinary Results!  [email protected]  651-­‐442-­‐0073  

Page 2: Introduction To Caa Coached Leadership Circles 3.24.12

Cheryl Alexander & Associates (CAA) interviewed 10,000 people about what led to their career success, engagement, productivity, dissatisfaction and departure: !


 Capitalize on their strengths, values, perspectives and experiences.!

 Experience trust, respect, and desire for multiple perspectives. Their voice makes a difference.!

 Gain honest feedback, mentor one another, grow, and seek input.!

 Have practices that keep life and self in dynamic balance.!

Copyright  2012.  Cheryl  Alexander  &  Associates.  All  Rights  Reserved.  

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The Need for Peer Learning + Coaching!

“With todayʼs fast-changing technology, increasingly global, multi-cultural, and team-based work

environments, no one mentor can possibly provide the guidance, exposure, and opportunities that are

so essential to effectively managing current job challenges or preparing for future leadership roles.”!

! ! ! ! ! !- MIT Sloan Management Review!

Copyright 2012. Cheryl Alexander & Associates. All Rights Reserved

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Copyright 2012. Cheryl Alexander & Associates. All Rights Reserved

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CAA Launches Coached Leadership Circles in 2003!

 Marriage of peer and executive coaching with professional development, grounded in positive psychology and character based leadership. !

 Sustained authentic engagement through structured deep discussion about what matters. Focus on critical career competencies and core leadership behaviors. Each month new insights are embedded in action, culminating in final individual ROI impact presentations.!

 Customized 6-12 month programming. 1300 graduates.!

 Representative clients: Covidien, Medtronic, Boston Scientific, Carlson School of Management, Allianz, Flint Hills Resources, Buffalo Wild Wings, MN Recreation & Parks Association!

“The program moved me from disconnected and unmotivated ! to very engaged.”!

Copyright  2012.  Cheryl  Alexander  &  Associates.  All  Rights  Reserved.  

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ROI: Survey from 300+ Graduates (6 months – 3 years post CAA Coached Leadership Circles)

 84% Experienced Higher Engagement With Boss Or Colleagues, With Positive Outcomes!

 83% Experienced Increased Engagement In, And Enthusiasm For Their Work!

 77% Are More Proactive In Managing Their Career!

 76% Experienced Improved Leadership And Influence Skills!

 74% Received Feedback From Their Boss Indicating Improved Performance!

 70% Experienced Increased Commitment To Their Organization!

Copyright 2012. Cheryl Alexander & Associates. All Rights Reserved.

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Optional Enhancement: Involve  Par+cipants  In  Strategic  Projects    

 Provide  leadership  opportuniFes  and  addiFonal  tangible  value  to  the  organizaFon  by  involving  parFcipants  in  strategic  projects  focused  on  key  prioriFes  in  business  units.  ParFcipants  present  results  to  senior  leadership.  

 Benefits  to  the  Organiza0on:    1)  Align  high  potenFal  projects  with  future  leaders  by  creaFng  a  forum  for  parFcipants  to  link  their  experFse  to  business  success.  2)  Give  parFcipants  hands-­‐on  experience  with  proposing,  resourcing,  execuFng  and  measuring  a  strategic  project  with  relevance  to  the  greater  organizaFon.  3)  Link  parFcipants  with  visible  role  models  and  funcFonal  experts  within  the  organizaFon  to  expand  producFve  sharing  of  ideas  across  business  groups.  

*  ExecuFves,  coaches,  and  program  alum  act  as  consultants  to  each  coached  leadership  circle.  Strategic  project  skills  development  provided  in:  Project  Management;  Working  in  Virtual  Teams;  Powerful  PresentaFon  Skills.  

Copyright  2012.  Cheryl  Alexander  &  Associates.  All  Rights  Reserved.  

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As an Organization, You Benefit By:  

1)  Improving  engagement  and  retenFon.  

2)  Expanding  the  capacity,  impact,  influence  and  resilience  of  your  leaders.  

3)  Broadening  collaboraFon  and  innovaFve  thinking.  

4)  Enhancing  the  reputaFon  of  your  organizaFon  as  a  great  place  to  work.  

5)  Bringing  your  organizaFonal  core  values  to  life.  

6)  Increasing  effecFveness  with  diverse  colleagues  and  teams,  supporFng  organizaFonal  cohesion  while  driving  business  success.  

   ! Copyright  2012.  Cheryl  Alexander  &  Associates.  All  Rights  Reserved.  

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Executive Sponsor Feedback

“CAA mentor circles fundamentally changed the landscape for women at this company.” !

“We are in the fourth wave of CAA coached leadership circles for our field sales talent. This is a critical program for us that must continue because it has measurably impacted engagement and retention while closing the communication gap between corporate and the field.” !

“The CAA leadership exchange prepared our high potential employees to excel in the leadership roles we need them for, and gives them visibility with senior management.”!

Copyright 2012. Cheryl Alexander & Associates. All Rights Reserved.

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As a Participant, You Benefit By:  

1)  Becoming  part  of  a  deeply  connected  community,  with  renewed  clarity,  energy,  engagement  and  passion.  

2)  Linking  life  vision,  relaFonships,  and  career  to  reach  professional  and  personal  goals,  with  tools  enabling  you  to  be  at  your  best  more  of  the  Fme,  so  you  can  thrive  and  remain  whole  even  in  the  midst  of  chaos.  

3)  Tackling  your  current  business,  leadership  and  life  issues  with  new  insight,  skills  and  perspecFve,  to  address  rapidly  changing  technology,  shi]ing  organizaFonal  structures,  and  unse^led  global  marketplace  dynamics.  

4)  CreaFng  your  own  map  to  guide  you  through  the  o]en  turbulent  waters  of  managing  in  the  office  and  at  home,  into  the  calmness  of  leading  with  authenFcity  and  increased  capacity.  

   !Copyright  2012.  Cheryl  Alexander  &  Associates.  All  Rights  Reserved.  

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Representative Participant Feedback

“This program became my anchor in the storms. It gave me courage, strength and the platform from which I take greater risks, and step forward: I am leading on a new level.”  CEO!

“This is my oasis in the midst of the insanity of life.” VP!

“Because of this program I now stop, reflect and shift focus before entering key meetings. I mentor and lead differently, helping people think on their own. In the other participants I have seen more intentional networking, leveraging of time, and speaking up with heightened impact. This has given me great confidence in the quality of our future leaders.” VP!

Copyright 2012. Cheryl Alexander & Associates. All Rights Reserved.

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What Makes CAA Coached Leadership Circles Unique!

 Role of the coaches ! Rapidly builds trust and authentic dialogue! Content customized to fit strategic objectives ! Monthly participant commitments to action! Participant ROI presentation ! Rapid and large roll-out! Participants cascade learning into their team! Program rigor! Data proving program outcome! Combines executive coaching with peer learning and leadership development! Takes the ordinary out of leadership conversation! Opportunity to forge powerful connections between executives and high potential leaders!

Copyright  2012.  Cheryl  Alexander  &  Associates.  All  Rights  Reserved.  

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Why Coach-Led is Key!

 Creating and maintaining a safe environment! Motivating all participants to go deep, fast! Asking powerful questions at the right time! Keeping participants in meaningful structured dialogue ! Maintaining positivity and talk from the inside out! Safeguarding focus on the topic and on possibilities! Adjusting continually to what the group needs while providing

consistency of experience across groups! Moving participants forward toward achievable goals ! Teaching peer mentoring, coaching, and listening skills! Holding participants accountable ! Managing the air time, flow, agenda, and fun! Moving the group toward self sustainability!

Copyright  2012.  Cheryl  Alexander  &  Associates.  All  Rights  Reserved.  

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Ques0ons?                                                                                                Thank  You!  

Our  innovaFve,  coached  leadership  circles  boldly  stand  out  in  a  crowded  marketplace  of  mediocrity.    

We  welcome  you.  

Let’s  Talk  

Cheryl  Alexander  &  Associates,  Inc  [email protected]  
