introduction to bilateral meetings...meetings • ensure that you will have only relevant meetings...

11 This project has received funding from the European Union‘s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No 652637 Katerina Papadouli Bio-NCP, Praxi Network-Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas International BioHorizon Brokerage Event 26/06/2018, Brussels, Belgium INTRODUCTION TO BILATERAL MEETINGS

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Page 1: Introduction to bilateral meetings...meetings • Ensure that you will have only relevant meetings during the brokerage! • Start with an elevator pitch – explain who you are, your This project has received funding from the European Union‘s Horizon 2020

Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No 652637

Katerina Papadouli Bio-NCP, Praxi Network-Foundation for Research and Technology


International BioHorizon Brokerage Event

26/06/2018, Brussels, Belgium


Page 2: Introduction to bilateral meetings...meetings • Ensure that you will have only relevant meetings during the brokerage! • Start with an elevator pitch – explain who you are, your


Find your next collaboration partner by

• talking to pre-selected participants during your pre-arranged meetings


• meeting participants for ad hoc bilateral meetings (e.g. at the meeting points)

2 #BioBrokerage

Page 3: Introduction to bilateral meetings...meetings • Ensure that you will have only relevant meetings during the brokerage! • Start with an elevator pitch – explain who you are, your

Programme of Bilateral Meetings

Bilateral Meeting Session 1: 13.00-15.00

Bilateral Meeting Session 2: 15.30-17.30

Tables 1-20: Room 2B

Tables 21-40: Room 2C

Tables 41-60: Room 2D

3 #BioBrokerage

Page 4: Introduction to bilateral meetings...meetings • Ensure that you will have only relevant meetings during the brokerage! • Start with an elevator pitch – explain who you are, your

Pre-scheduled meetings

4 #BioBrokerage

Page 5: Introduction to bilateral meetings...meetings • Ensure that you will have only relevant meetings during the brokerage! • Start with an elevator pitch – explain who you are, your


In your personalised agenda you can find all information about selected sessions and scheduled meetings with the number of the meeting table

5 #BioBrokerage

Page 6: Introduction to bilateral meetings...meetings • Ensure that you will have only relevant meetings during the brokerage! • Start with an elevator pitch – explain who you are, your

During the Brokerage Event


Check you agenda and make sure to find the right table in time before the scheduled meeting

Tables 1-20: Room 2B

Tables 21-40: Room 2C

Tables 41-60: Room 2D

Flip chart constantly updated with the names of « no show » participants


Page 7: Introduction to bilateral meetings...meetings • Ensure that you will have only relevant meetings during the brokerage! • Start with an elevator pitch – explain who you are, your

The Face2Face meeting

• 20 minutes in total:

• 18 minutes of face2face meeting

• 2 minutes for changing the table

• Start a new meeting

• No shows/no pre-arranged meetings: use meeting points to find partners for ad hoc meetings

7 #BioBrokerage

Page 8: Introduction to bilateral meetings...meetings • Ensure that you will have only relevant meetings during the brokerage! • Start with an elevator pitch – explain who you are, your

5 simple tips to make the most out of these H2020 bilateral meetings

• Ensure that you will have only relevant meetings during the brokerage!

• Start with an elevator pitch – explain who you are, your organisation, your experience in FP7/H2020, your idea / your goals for the intended project, and what you can bring to a H2020 consortium.

• Listen to the person you have in front of you! A brokerage is not about two persons presenting one after the other and then go off to the next table.

• Adapt the pitch content and style : don’t repeat the exact same pitch to a senior researcher and to an industry representative.

• End up the discussion with a view on next steps (if any interest to pursue the contact afterwards): who takes the lead in contacting the other? When? What missing information shall be provided?

8 #BioBrokerage

Page 9: Introduction to bilateral meetings...meetings • Ensure that you will have only relevant meetings during the brokerage! • Start with an elevator pitch – explain who you are, your

If you need help…

• The BioHorizon team is here to support you!

• You can find us at the registration desk or near the meeting tables

9 #BioBrokerage

Page 10: Introduction to bilateral meetings...meetings • Ensure that you will have only relevant meetings during the brokerage! • Start with an elevator pitch – explain who you are, your

Flash presentations sessions

Division of rooms for flash presentation sessions

Flash session: Sustainable Food Security – ROOM 2D

Flash session: Blue Growth + KET Biotechnology – ROOM 2B

Flash session: Rural Renaissance – ROOM 2C


Page 11: Introduction to bilateral meetings...meetings • Ensure that you will have only relevant meetings during the brokerage! • Start with an elevator pitch – explain who you are, your

[email protected]

This project has received funding from the European Union‘s Horizon 2020

Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No 652637

Katerina Papadouli

[email protected]

Wishing you successful meetings!