introduction to alternative cancer treatments/ stop smoking now


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Post on 01-Nov-2014



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We believe that the best way to quit smoking is to do it once, not gradually. The reason: It is better to have some painful days, but to be free of defects, than prolonging the suffering for weeks and months. The slow torture is not pleasant. You can resolve this issue quickly and more easily than many suppose.


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Page 2: Introduction to Alternative Cancer Treatments/ Stop Smoking Now

The Medicine

Some people wonder why the "war on cancer" that President Nixon initiated in

1971/72 did not produce a cure for cancer. This article will explain why the "war

on cancer" has produced few (if any) results.

To visualize what happens in the "cancer industry" today, and to know what is

behind the scenes, here is a short story that will describe how orthodox medicine

currently treats cancer patients.

a story

Suppose you have a beautiful, comfortable home, $ 300,000, in the countryside

near a town. As you go to the store, your house catches fire. When you return to

your home, you see that two rooms are on fire and the fire is spreading. You call

the Fire Department immediately.

Twenty minutes later, three fire trucks appear.

Men and women take the first truck axes inside and run to the house and start to

bring down parts of the house are burned, but that are still smoldering without

flame. They furiously cut and cut and cut already when approximately 10% of the

parts of the house were burned up, they stopped and went back to the truck.

You note that they did nothing to prevent the fire from spreading. What they cut

out was not even burning and certainly had nothing to do with deleting the fierce


You watch the men and women in the second truck pulling a hose and start

spreading a powder in the fire. The amount of powder that they sprayed did not

seem sufficient to extinguish the fire. However, you note that while the dust is

reducing the speed at which the fire spreads, it is also severely damaging parts of

the house that are not on fire.

Puzzled, you ask the firefighters what is that powder. They say it is a very toxic

acid that is able to extinguish the fire, but they cannot spray a lot of it in the fire,

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because if they did, the whole house would be reduced to a pile of rubble, by the

action of acid. So all they can do is reduce the speed at which the fire spreads, but

they cannot prevent the fire from spreading.

More perplexing still, you ask them why they did not bring water into the truck.

They said that the school fire, they learned that the water was useless to extinguish

fire at houses. They said to use water on the fire of a house is a "history of gossips"

and that the water was not effective. They also said that the firefighters' union of

State deprives any firefighter jobs that used water to extinguish the fire of a house.

By total coincidence, you are also aware that the federal regulatory agency, the

Fire Development Administration - FDA, researched the water and declared that it

is a method "untested" erasing firehouses. The FDA says there is "insufficient

evidence" as to the effectiveness and safety of the water. You silently mutters that

there must be a strong connection between the FDA, the firefighters' union, schools

firefighters and chemical companies.

While you were talking to women and men of the second truck, five men jumped

out of a third truck. They ask him where is the couch in the living room. You aim

in the general direction of the couch in the living room; you now supposed to be on


Each of them takes a 30-06 caliber rifle and starts firing on the couch, from where

they are standing next to the fire truck to them. You cry with them and ask them

what they are doing. They respond that they learned in school fire, which is very

bad to have sofas in a house during a fire, so they are trying to shoot even leave the

couch to pieces. They comment: "We think we're doing something good."

You say that even if the couch to help spread the fire, they are opening holes in

front and behind the house trying to leave the couch into pieces for the home. Also,

very impatient, you say that the fire had already spread beyond the site where the


At the same time the speed of propagation of fire due to decreased toxic acids

within two hours you no longer have a home. Firefighters, men and women, were

very proud because they managed to douse the flames. They tell you that your

house lasted an extra hour due to their work. You doubt the accuracy of that

number. They greet victorious hands, climb on their fire trucks, and return to the

local Fire Department.

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Between fire, acid and bullets, their home was reduced to rubble. The cut of wood

that had been burned by the first truck had no effect on stopping the fire. In fact,

nothing was done the fire stopped, only slowed propagation.

You were astonished at what he saw.

You ponder why the "investigative journalists" have not jumped on this fact. Then

you realize how much money the chemical companies spend on advertising on

television and you understand why the "investigative journalists" have kept their

mouths shut.

A week later, when you pass by the fire department, you notice that all the cars in

the parking lot are very expensive cars.

A month later, you learn that they are driving very expensive cars. They sent the

bill for their services: $ 100,000. But they note in the account, the company house

insurance will pay most of the bill. You get confused when reading the policy your

home insurance and find that the insurance company does not pay the bill if the

Fire Department uses water.

You think to yourself: "What is the connection between the Fire Department, the

firefighters' union, school fire, the FDA, insurance companies, TV channels and

chemical companies"?

One thing is clear to you, you now know why all his friends think that firefighters

are heroes, TV channels constantly portray them as heroes in their programs.

As you research all the connections between these organizations, it quickly

becomes clear to you that they are all properties (or controlled by) very rich people

who are very, very friendly with each other. You acquired a new understanding of

what it means quid pro quo - you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. You

conclude that quid pro quo of this magnitude is another term for "conspiracy."

End of story

What has just been described is as "modern medicine" treats cancer metastasis.

Cancer can be compared to fire. It is a fire that will spread even kill you. But

"modern medicine" does nothing to extinguish this fire.

The first truck is surgery to cut out tumors or parts of the body where the cancer

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cells are concentrated, after the cancer has already spread throughout the body!

The third truck is radiation, which is also used to shrink tumors.

As the second truck represents chemotherapy, "progress" that chemotherapy is

doing is often judged by its ability to shrink tumors. Oncologists love to tell the

cancer patient that their tumors are shrinking.

But even that chemotherapy does not reduce the spread of cancer, and even though

she put the patient in remission, is almost always a temporary Pyrrhic victory

because cancer almost always returns.

To understand how all this is related to the spread of cancer, consider this excerpt,

written by a doctor who died recently, Dr. Philip Binzel:

"When it discovers that the patient has a tumor, the only thing the doctor

discusses with that patient is what he intends to do with the tumor. If a patient with

a tumor is receiving radiation or chemotherapy, the only question asked is, "How's

the tumor?" Nobody asks how the patient is going through. In my medical training,

I remember well when I saw patients who were being subjected to radiation and /

or chemotherapy. The tumor grew smaller and smaller, but the patients became

sicker and sicker. In autopsies, we hear, "Is not that wonderful? The tumor is gone!

"Yes, he disappeared, but the patient also. How many millions of times we will

repeat these scenarios to understand that we are treating the wrong thing?

In primary cancer, with rare exceptions, the tumor is neither hazardous to health

and even life threatening. I'll repeat that statement. In primary cancer, with rare

exceptions, the tumor is neither hazardous to health and even life threatening.

What is dangerous to health and life threatening is the spread of that disease

through the rest of the body.

There is nothing in surgery that will prevent the cancer from spreading. There is

nothing in radiation that will prevent the disease from spreading. There is nothing

in chemotherapy that will prevent the disease from spreading. How do we know?

Look at the statistics! There is a statistic known as "survival time". Survival time is

defined as the time interval between the point at which first made the diagnosis of

cancer in a given patient and the extent that patient dies of this disease. In the last

fifty years there has been tremendous progress in the early diagnosis of cancer. At

that time, there has been tremendous progress in surgical ability to remove tumors.

There has been tremendous progress in the use of radiation and chemotherapy in

their ability to shrink or destroy tumors. But the survival time of cancer patients

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today is no greater than it was fifty years ago. What does that mean? It obviously

means that we are treating the wrong thing! "

Philip Binzel, MD, Alive and Well, Chapter 14

In other words, if the cancer has not spread from the tumor, the tumor does not

present any danger to the patient (with rare exceptions, such as when a fluid in the

tumor blocks the common bile duct).

It is important to realize that the vast majority of cells in a tumor is healthy. Cancer

cells CAN NOT manufacture fabric. Thus, if the cancer was contained within the

tumor, there was no cancer cells in the body of the person is sufficient to put his

life-threatening quantity. Likewise, if a man had prostate cancer and the cancer

was contained within the prostate gland does not exist in cells within the prostate

enough to endanger the life of the patient number.

Even if the cancer cells in the tumor were killed or removed, the tumor would not

solve the problem of the spread of cancer. There would be no benefit to the patient

because it is the spread of cancer that kills cancer patients, not the cancer within

the tumor.

Still, the focus of orthodox medicine is in the shrinking of tumors.

Chemotherapy (the second fire truck, in the example) is so toxic to cancer patients

that if they gave enough to kill all the cancer cells quantity, the patient would die

immediately as a result of the side effects of chemotherapy.

Then, doctors apply chemotherapy at very low doses (although they seem very

high doses), not enough to actually cure you. Meanwhile, the cancer continues to


Chemotherapy may put a patient "in remission," but virtually every patient with

cancer who goes to the remission one day out of remission and later dies.

Incredibly, doctors use radiation, the third fire truck, even after the cancer has

begun to spread. They are interested in shrinking the tumor. As stated previously,

the tumor is not the problem, the spread of cancer that is the problem.

While orthodox medicine continues to use useless treatments that only temporarily

slow the spread of cancer, many cancer patients who use alternative treatments are

not better than they are. Many practitioners of Alternative Medicine do not use the

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best treatments of cancer. They were trained to use or the highest profit, or are they

just interested in making as much money as possible, as quickly as possible.

To make matters worse, suppliers of natural supplements generally sell only their

products, so if they have a very weak product line, the patient probably will not


When a person is stricken with cancer, your chances of survival are practically nil.

If they seek orthodox medicine, they are assured that they will receive the

treatments discussed above.

But even if they seek alternative medicine they are likely to get treatments that

simply do not work.

This leaves the patient with cancer in a dilemma. No matter which way they look,

the only things that are going well are their cancers and their physicians.

Nevertheless, believe it or not, there is good news! While the pharmaceutical

industry working for the money, Mother Nature does not work for the money. And

Mother Nature is much smarter than chemical pharmaceutical industry.

Moreover, there are some people in alternative medicine that are not enriching

treating patients with cancer and they know how to cure the vast majority of


In addition, there are even a few vendors that have strong enough products for

almost all cases of cancer!

This rather long article, which is practically a small book divided into three parts,

will take the patient with cancer, or their attendants, through estupefações arising

from farces to which they have been exposed during their lives.

This article is definitely NOT an article about treatment. In no way use this article

to design a treatment program for cancer. There are dozens of articles on this

website dealing with cancer treatments. But this article is not one of them. When

you finish this article, go to the home page of that website and it will lead you to

articles on cancer treatments.

But for now, let's discuss why so many cancer patients die.

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Introduction to the key question: integrity

The question of treating cancer has more to do with integrity than science. In fact,

after four years researching this very question, it became clear to this author that

the treatment of cancer, today has nothing to do with science. Nothing at all.

It is a fact, if every person living on earth to live the "Golden Rule", as it should be

lived, cancer and various other diseases were present in the footnotes of history


For example, in 1976, the two-time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling, Ph.D., a

collaborator and doctor Ewan Cameron, published a scientific study, in Scotland,

whose results showed that vitamin C given intravenously, at doses of 10 grams per

day may increase six times or more the average period of life of a patient with

terminal cancer.

Had the medical community had any integrity, they would have quickly replicated

this study reached the same conclusion (because they would have done exactly

what he did), and would have quickly begun to give each patient with cancer,

terminal or not, 10 grams of vitamin C intravenously every day.

However, it did not.

What really happened three studies were done at the Mayo Clinic, all directly

resulting from the study Pauling / Cameron. However, these studies were not

designed to replicate the research Pauling / Cameron. Instead, they were designed

to AVOID replication protocol Pauling / Cameron, AVOID the combination of

their patients and AVOID their statistical methods. Obviously, if you do not follow

the same protocol, you can not the same results. And they failed.

Here is what the American Cancer Society (American Cancer Society - ACS) says

about this issue:

"Pauling's study has been criticized by the National Cancer Institute (National

Cancer Institute - NCI), a division of the National Institutes of Health (NIH,

English acronym), an agency of the American government, for being so poorly

delineated , and subsequent studies at the Mayo Clinic showed that patients with

advanced cancer who received the same dose of vitamin C did not survive longer

than those who did not receive the supplement. . However, the Mayo Clinic have

also been criticized for not fully addressing all issues related to the effects of

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vitamin C, which still left questions about its efficacy in the treatment of cancer

"http: //www.câ docroot / ETO / content / ETO_5_3x_Vitamin_C.asp

The ACS would have been insane to challenge the integrity of Linus Pauling (one

of his awards was the Nobel Peace Prize, the other of Chemistry). Then they quote

the totally corrupt NIH (Note: 500 NIH employees were recently caught taking

bribes from the pharmaceutical industry, which they termed "outside consulting

fees") and declare that a famous chemist worldwide, and winner of two awards

Nobel did not know how to design a scientific study !!

But they also admit that the Mayo clinic does not use the same protocol Pauling

and Cameron. So if there is still "left questions" why the ACS did not use his

millions of dollars of revenue and political power to correct the error and replicate

the study as originally made? 30 years have passed since the original study, yet no

one in orthodox medicine, with its billions of dollars in research, even the ACS or

NIH was made, said the study Pauling / Cameron.

Seems to increase six times the life expectancy of patients with terminal cancer is

not important for orthodox medicine.

In fact, two other studies have replicated more approximate way to study Pauling /

Cameron than did the Mayo Clinic. Both studies showed the same results Pauling /

Cameron. For more information, see:

Article eBook: "Case Study of scientific corruption" ("Case Study of Scientific


But this is just one of many, many cases where highly effective cancer treatments

were persecuted and / or ignored.

There is in fact a pattern. A very clear pattern. The default is that natural

substances are involved, such as vitamin C, study and evidence is persecuted and /

or ignored. When natural substances are involved, gives the name of "Alternative

Medicine". It should be called "Persecuted Medicine and / or Ignored."

There are over 300 alternative cancer treatments that use natural substances, such

as vitamin C. Each of them is more effective than the Pauling / Cameron protocol.

Each is by far more effective than chemotherapy and / or radiotherapy. All are

ignored and many of them have suffered persecution.

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But, there is a clear reason why natural substances are ignored. It has nothing to do

with its effectiveness. The pharmaceutical industry can not patent and control and

therefore can not profit from natural substances. They can only charge monopoly

prices of synthetic molecules, many of which are nothing more mutations of

natural molecules.

What is happening to the cancer industry?

The newspaper USA Today, of February 22, 2006, mentioned that by the year

2015, health spending could represent 20% of GNP (Gross National Product).

Now let's be logical. Suppose that a cure for cancer was found; and suppose that a

treatment to prevent 90% of all problems with heart disease was found; and

suppose that a cure for diabetes II was found. Health spending would reach 20% of

GNP? Of course not. All these diseases are highly profitable for both the

pharmaceutical industry and for the medical industry.

So, in essence, the article from USA Today was predicting that no cure for these

diseases have been highly profitable discovery 2015 This is a safe prediction !! A

safer estimate would be that each new treatment for profitable diseases will be

more expensive and more profitable than existing treatments !! Here's a safe

prediction, the figure of 20% will be reached before 2015.

Here is yet another safe prediction: the media continue to suppress alternative

treatments for cancer, heart disease, dementia, diabetes etc. Website see this, you'll

be surprised at what alternative medicine can now prevent and cure:

Dementia, Heart Disease, Diabetes, etc. website

Make yourself the following question: "When was the last time orthodox medicine

used their massive profits to find a cure for a disease?" When was the last time a

cure for a disease that used prescribed drugs was discovered? If you said polio,

you're wrong. Polio was cured by a doctor in the 40's of last century, but the cure

was suppressed because he used a form of vitamin C, which drug companies could

not patent and control.

Have you ever wondered what would happen if someone found a cure for cancer?

You probably think that the person finding the cure would be on every television

show in the United States and who would win the Nobel Prize in Medicine. Such a

person would become rich and famous from night to day. Pure dream.

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It is difficult, if not impossible, to convince the average American that orthodox

medicine today is not only corrupt, it is more corrupt than it has ever been in the

history of medicine. This is very significant because orthodox medicine was

researching cures for diseases in the 1700s.

With Big Money, Corruption comes Lots. The more money, the greater the


Unfortunately, there are some people in alternative medicine more interested in

profits than in their patients. The biggest difference between orthodox medicine

and alternative medicine is freedom. It allows people with integrity in Alternative

Medicine a high degree of freedom to help others. However, the Food and Drug

Administration - FDA - (government agency Food and Drug Administration) is

always looking for excuses to crush people who know how to cure diseases that are

highly profitable for Big Pharma (Big Pharma) and the Big Medicine (Big


However, despite some chase for more than 300 alternative cancer treatments

currently exist. Each can cure some cancers, if one start using the treatment

immediately after being diagnosed. However, there is a very wide range of

effectiveness of these treatments, particularly when used in patients with advanced


The problem with alternative medicine is that patients are left to their own devices

to find out which treatments work for your situation - - and which do not. Unlike

orthodox medicine, which is very uniform across the country, alternative medicine

is neither organized nor uniform. The search for truth is always a winding and

rocky road, especially when money is involved.

Some people mistakenly think that doctors do not use the best alternative cancer

treatments because they do not know which treatments are really effective. While

medical schools turn doctors into nothing but salesmen, that is not the reason why

doctors do not use natural substances to treat disease. Doctors read. But they also

know that if they use one of these alternative treatments in a single cancer patient,

they will risk losing their license and go to jail !!

While this attitude creates uniformity in orthodox medicine, it is this attitude which

also crushes progress. Orthodox medicine is a highly controlled monopoly, totally

controlled by the combination of Big Pharma to the American (American Medical

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Association - AMA) Medical Association.

The suppression of truth by Big Medicine is the reason for this, and many other

websites, exist. Nothing on this website is sold, not even information. The major

purpose of this website is to make information about alternative treatments for

cancer free and available to the public so that more and more people know which

are the strongest alternative cancer treatments.

Because some alternative cancer treatments are far superior to orthodox cancer


Throughout life, you probably learned that natural substances of Mother Nature

can not possibly be as effective against cancer as the highly potent synthetic

molecules made by drug companies. In other words, taught him that chemotherapy

drugs kill cancer cells so much better than anything that Mother Nature can form.

This is definitely not a true statement, but even if it were, it would be a moot point!

The key question is which of the two, patentable drugs or minerals and nutrients

from Mother Nature, better target cancer cells.

The fact is that chemotherapy does not target cancer cells. In fact, more

chemotherapy kills healthy cells than cancer cells.

This means that the chemotherapy should be given in much, much lower doses,

distributed over extended periods of time and must include intervals between

treatments. This flow of drugs is because too many healthy cells would be killed if

too much chemotherapy were given too rapidly.

The reason why orthodox medicine treats cancer as a chronic disease is because

orthodox treatments would kill the patient long before the treatment to kill the

cancer. This failure of orthodox medicine to kill cancer cells safely (ie, reach

cancer cells safely) is why they talk about a "cure rate in five years" rather than a

true cure rate. If they can keep a patient alive for five years they consider "cured,"

even if he dies in the sixth year.

Cancer treatments of Mother Nature, called natural cancer treatments, or more

commonly "alternative cancer treatments," generally do absolutely no harm to

healthy cells. This is because the human body, which was made by Mother Nature,

you know exactly what to do with the minerals and nutrients from Mother Nature.

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Virtually all natural cancer treatments do not kill healthy cells - even one.

That's the key - due to the fact that alternative treatments do not harm or kill

healthy cells, items from nature that can kill cancer cells can be given in much

higher doses than chemotherapy - with no gaps in treatment !!

So even if the mutations of natural molecules, called drugs, were more potent at

killing cancer cells than the original natural molecules, due to the superiority of

natural substances in targeting cancer cells and leaving healthy cells healthy,

alternative cancer treatments can be much more effective than the orthodox drugs

in cancer treatment!

Because Mother Nature does not necessarily condense the cancer-killing nutrients

found in food, some of the most potent cancer treatments are liquid ionic minerals,

certain types of ozone treatments, and other natural treatments that contain

molecules that can be condensed vitamin C such as (but not doses Pauling /


How effective are the best treatments of Mother Nature? Many alternative cancer

treatments have achieved a true cure rate consistently 50% in patients who had

given up on the Orthodox medicine and had been sent home to die!

These results are possible because these key alternative cancer treatments not only

target the cancer cells, they can be applied in a very condensed and powerful way

they do not require a catalyst, and they can be applied safely at much higher doses

than chemotherapy. Consider this very carefully!

Also ponder the true cure rate of these same treatments in cancer patients using

these treatments exclusively, which means that they have lost several months of

orthodox treatments!

However, do not assume that every alternative treatment is so effective. Very few

of the 300 + alternative cancer treatments can get anything close to the true cure

rate of 50% in patients given up on by orthodox medicine.

One of the biggest mistakes people seeking alternative cancer treatments is to

assume that if an alternative cancer treatment cure a patient, will cure all cancer

patients, regardless of the conditions in which they find themselves. This is a

dangerous assumption because very, very few of the 300 + alternative cancer

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treatments are condensed and potent enough to cure 50% of those who were sent

home to die by orthodox medicine. Very few.

Example of a potent alternative cancer treatments

There are very few minerals that can penetrate the cancer cells. Two of the

minerals that can enter the cancer cells are cesium and potassium. Since cesium

enters the cancer cell, it begins to "pull" Potassium blood into the cancer cell

(potassium supplementation is required when this treatment is used to replenish

potassium in the blood that was drawn into the cancer cells). When there is a

sufficient amount of cesium and / or potassium in the cancer cell, the entry of

glucose in the cancer cell is blocked. $2.00 Donation #Stop Smoking Now YOU will get a personal thank-you email AND your name on the

book website as a supporter. Click HERE