introduction el civics navigate workplace environment

MiraCosta College Noncredit ESL Program 12/2/18 EL Civics Assessment 53 Navigate Workplace (Advanced) 1 Introduction EL Civics Navigate Workplace Environment/Rights Unit Unit #53 Intermediate-Low to Advanced Level This guide will take you through the Education Objective 53. The objective is to “Research, identify and utilize the skills necessary to navigate educational and workplace environments and rights.” There are three tasks for this assessment. The activities in the unit are only suggestions and can be adapted to meet your students’ specific needs. Pages 5: The first page of Task 1 contains a suggested list of activities and materials. Page 6: Vocabulary Practice. Students preview discrimination vocabulary to become familiar with types of discrimination. Pages 7-8 Identify Education and Workplace Discrimination Exercise Answer Key. Pages 9-10: Identify Education and Workplace Discrimination Exercise. Students can discuss types of discrimination and practice identifying discrimination in given situations. In Task 1, students will identify educational and workplace discrimination. Given level appropriate examples of discrimination in the workplace and/or educational institution, students will (1) label the level appropriate number of examples (IH-A=5) of discrimination with the appropriate type of discrimination such as: race, color, or national origin; religion; gender/gender identity; age; disability or genetic information, and (2) underline key words/phrases in the provided examples that identify the type of discrimination.

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Page 1: Introduction EL Civics Navigate Workplace Environment

MiraCosta College Noncredit ESL Program 12/2/18 EL Civics Assessment 53 Navigate Workplace (Advanced)


Introduction EL Civics Navigate Workplace

Environment/Rights Unit Unit #53

Intermediate-Low to Advanced Level

This guide will take you through the Education Objective 53. The objective is to “Research, identify and utilize the skills necessary to navigate educational and workplace environments and rights.”

There are three tasks for this assessment.

The activities in the unit are only suggestions and can be adapted to meet your students’ specific needs.

Pages 5: The first page of Task 1 contains a suggested list of activities and materials.

Page 6: Vocabulary Practice. Students preview discrimination vocabulary to become familiar with types of discrimination.

Pages 7-8 Identify Education and Workplace Discrimination Exercise Answer Key.

Pages 9-10: Identify Education and Workplace Discrimination Exercise. Students can discuss types of discrimination and practice identifying discrimination in given situations.

In Task 1, students will identify educational and workplace discrimination. Given level appropriate examples of discrimination in the workplace and/or educational institution, students will (1) label the level appropriate number of examples (IH-A=5) of discrimination with the appropriate type of discrimination such as: race, color, or national origin; religion; gender/gender identity; age; disability or genetic information, and (2) underline key words/phrases in the provided examples that identify the type of discrimination.

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Pages 11-12: Task 1 Assessment Answer Key: Identify Educational and Workplace Discrimination.

Pages 13-14: Task 1 Assessment: Identify Educational and Workplace Discrimination.

Page 15: Navigate Workplace Environment/Rights Rubric: Task 1 Identify Educational and Workplace Discrimination. The task is worth 16 points. The Task 1 score will be added to Tasks 2 and 3 for the final score.

Page 16: Task 1 Identify Educational and Workplace Discrimination Scoring Sheet

Page 17-18: The first page of Task 2 contains a suggested list of activities and materials.

Page 19-20: Role Play Practice Dialogue. Given a dialogue, students practice communicating a discrimination complaint to a human resources staff member in a role play.

Pages 21-23: Communicating a Discrimination Complaint Exercise 1. Given a description of an incident of discrimination, students work in pairs and practice communicating a discrimination complaint in a role-play.

Pages 24: Communicating a Discrimination Complaint Exercise 2. Given the key components of discrimination complaint, students work in pairs and practice communicating a discrimination complaint they created or recalled from previous exercises.

Pages 25-26: Task 2 Assessment Teacher Role-Play Notetaking Sheet: Communicating a Discrimination Complaint Orally. Teachers use this sheet to take notes of student responses during role-play assessment.

In Task 2, students will play the role of a student or employee making a complaint of discrimination. The examiner will play the role of a Human Resources Staff Member. Students will state 10 items: a greeting and self-introduction, a reason for the complaint, the location of the act of discrimination, the date the act occurred, the time it occurred, the details of the act, the person(s) involved, what is hoped to happen as a result of making the complaint, ask 1 question, and appropriately close the conversation.

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Page 27: Navigate Workplace Environment/Rights Rubric: Task 2 Communicate a Discrimination Complaint Orally. The task is worth 20 points. The Task 2 score will be added to Tasks 1 and 3 for the final score.

Page 28: Task 2 Communicate a Discrimination Complaint Orally Scoring Sheet.

Page 29-30: The first page of Task 3 contains a suggested list of activities and materials.

Page 31: Vocabulary Practice. Students preview written discrimination vocabulary to become familiar with vocabulary on discrimination complaint form.

Page 32: Written Discrimination Suggested Remedies. Students match an appropriate remedy to a discrimination complaint.

Page 33: Written Discrimination Complaint Models. Students review written models of a discrimination complaint.

Pages 34: Written Discrimination Practice. Given a scenario, students will practice filling out a written discrimination complaint.

Pages 35-37: Written Discrimination Complaint Sample. Sample of a written discrimination complaint.

Pages 38-40: Written Discrimination Complaint Form. Students practice filling out a discrimination complaint.

Page 41-43: Task 3 Assessment: Written Discrimination Complaint. The task is worth 20 points.

Page 44: Navigate Workplace Environment/Rights Rubric: Task 3 Written Discrimination Complaint. The task is worth 20 points. Task 2 score will be added to

In Task 3, students will complete a written discrimination complaint. Given an agency-created description of an incident of discrimination, students will fill out an agency-created digital incident report of discrimination (e.g. gender or racial discrimination), including a written narrative of at least 4 sentences. In the writing task, students will describe specific details to include 4 facts about the situation. Additionally, IH-Adv students will write one outcome expected as a result of filing the report/complaint.

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Task 1 for Intermediate Low – Advanced students; Task 2 will be added to Tasks 1 AND 3 for Intermediate High – Advanced students.

Instructors note the total possible points for your level. At the Intermediate High level - Advanced level, students may to score up to 56 possible points. Passing score for Advanced level is 44 points, Intermediate High level is 39 points, and Intermediate Low level is 20 points. (Please note that Intermediate Low level students complete only Tasks 1 and 2.)

REMINDER - The activities in this packet are meant to be suggestions for your use on completing the objectives. These additional assessments are not meant to be “additional work for you and your students.” They are to be incorporated into your regular classroom activities.

SEE: ADDITIONAL RESOURCES page which has been added to this unit for supplemental resources to support each task.

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Navigate Workplace Environment/Rights Objective: Task 1 Identify Educational and Workplace


Research, identify and utilize the skills necessary to navigate educational and workplace environments and rights.

Level: Intermediate High - Advanced

Task 1 Materials Suggested Activities

Given level appropriate examples of discrimination in the workplace and/or educational institution, students will (1) label examples of discrimination with the appropriate type of discrimination such as: race, color, or national origin; religion; gender/gender identity; age; disability or genetic information, and (2) underline key words/phrases in the provided examples that identify the type of discrimination.

1. Navigate Workplace Environment/Rights Rubric: Task 1

2. Video: Types of Discrimination (click on link to access video)

3. Discrimination Vocabulary

4. Identify Types of Discrimination Practice Sheet

5. Task 1 Assessment

1. Review the Navigate Workplace Environment/Rights Rubric: Task 1 so that Ss understand the requirements.

2. Put Ss in groups. Brainstorm definitions and types of discrimination.

3. Review the Discrimination Vocabulary and give examples.

4. Play the video Types of Discrimination. Discuss as a group the types of discrimination and elicit examples of each type.

5. Use the Identify Education and Workplace Discrimination Exercise to practice underlining types of discrimination. (This may be done in groups/pairs.) Discuss in pairs/teams the type of discrimination each paragraph presents.

6. Ss perform Task 1 Assessment independently.

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Discrimination Vocabulary

Word Definition

Discrimination the practice of treating one person or group of people less fairly or less well than other people or groups

Race one of the groups that people can be divided into based on certain physical qualities (such as skin color)

National origin a person’s birth nationality; whichever nation a person was born in

Gender either the male or female division of a species, especially as differentiated by social and cultural roles and behavior

Gender identity a person's internal sense of being male, female, some combination of male and female, or neither male nor female

Disability a condition (such as an illness or an injury) that damages or limits a person's physical or mental abilities; the condition of being unable to do things in the normal way

Genetic information

the hereditary information about DNA sequence, genetic sequence, genes, gene products, or inherited characteristics contained in chromosomal DNA or RNA that are derived from an individual or family member

Prohibit to formally forbid (something) by law, rule, or other authority

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972

a federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex (gender or gender identity) in any federal funded education programs or activity

Harassment unwanted, unwelcomed and uninvited behavior that demeans, threatens or offends the victim and results in a hostile environment for the victim

Hostile environment unwelcome or offensive behavior in the workplace, which causes one or more employees to feel uncomfortable, scared, or intimidated in their place of employment.

Write words you do not know here. Look up the words in your dictionary.

Word Definition

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Identify Education and Workplace Discrimination Exercise Answer


Fill in the type of discrimination in the boxes on the right. Underline key word(s) or phrase(s) in the examples that identify the type discrimination.

Example Type of


1. Matt is Mormon. During a disagreement with a classmate on the best way to approach a class project, his classmate tells Matt, “This is exactly what I mean by people like you. Maybe one of your five wives would have a better suggestion!” When Matt suggests another idea, his classmate says, “So how did you come up with that one? Did you pray for a good idea?” Matt’s classmate has also made rude remarks such as “Why don’t you go back to Utah? At least everyone there will be as close-minded as you are!”


2. Dave’s manager sometimes jokes with him in a light-hearted manner about getting older. He calls Dave the “old man” or “grandpa.” Dave didn’t think too much about it until he asked his supervisor for a recommendation for another position in the company. His manager responded that he would not provide a recommendation because the new position would be “too stressful” for a man his age. He also suggested that Dave think about working less so he could enjoy his “golden years.


3. Susan has anorexia, an eating disorder. In confidence, Susan let her manager know that she has an eating disorder because she occasionally needs to miss work for a doctor’s appointment. Recently, her manager started to make offensive remarks in the office. In front of coworkers, she told Susan that anorexia is not really a disease, but can be controlled with will power. She also embarrasses Susan at company luncheons by saying, “Susan, you know you need to eat something or you will get sick.” Susan has asked her manager to please not talk about her disorder in public, but her manager just laughed.

Disability or genetic information

4. Martin is a gay man who is HIV positive. He told his employer when he joined the company that he was HIV-

Gender/Gender identity

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positive, but did not want his co-workers to know. Somehow a co-worker found out and told other employees. Martin overheard one co-worker say that his illness was a punishment from God for being gay. Another co-worker placed a pink stapler on his desk with a note saying “I found the perfect gift in your color.” Three co-workers complained to the manager that they feared being infected from Martin. In the end, Martin’s employer was persuaded to dismiss him.

OR/AND Disability or genetic


6. Carlos is a Mexican man who worked in an office where joking is common. When he bought a new car, two of his co-workers made repeated jokes saying that he must have sold a lot of tacos to be able to afford such a nice car. The same co-workers referred to Carlos as the “Taco Cart Man” even though he has never had a “Taco Cart” before. Carlos complained to his employer about his treatment, but was ignored. One of his co-workers found out about Carlos complaining and confronted him. They began to argue loudly and Carlos was given a warning by his employer for causing problems at work.

Race, color, or national origin

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Identify Education and Workplace Discrimination Exercise

Fill in the type of discrimination in the boxes on the right. Underline key word(s) or phrase(s) in the examples that identify the type discrimination.

Example Type of


1. Matt is Mormon. During a disagreement with a classmate on the best way to approach a class project, his classmate tells Matt, “This is exactly what I mean by people like you. Maybe one of your five wives would have a better suggestion!” When Matt suggests another idea, his classmate says, “So how did you come up with that one? Did you pray for a good idea?” Matt’s classmate has also made rude remarks such as “Why don’t you go back to Utah? At least everyone there will be as close-minded as you are!”

2. Dave’s manager sometimes jokes with him in a light-hearted manner about getting older. He calls Dave the “old man” or “grandpa.” Dave didn’t think too much about it until he asked his supervisor for a recommendation for another position in the company. His manager responded that he would not provide a recommendation because the new position would be “too stressful” for a man his age. He also suggested that Dave think about working less so he could enjoy his “golden years.

3. Susan has anorexia, an eating disorder. In confidence, Susan let her manager know that she has an eating disorder because she occasionally needs to miss work for a doctor’s appointment. Recently, her manager started to make offensive remarks in the office. In front of coworkers, she told Susan that anorexia is not really a disease, but can be controlled with will power. She also embarrasses Susan at company luncheons by saying, “Susan, you know you need to eat something or you will get sick.” Susan has asked her manager to please not talk about her disorder in public, but her manager just laughed.

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4. Martin is a gay man who is HIV positive. He told his employer when he joined the company that he was HIV-positive, but did not want his co-workers to know. Somehow a co-worker found out and told other employees. Martin overheard one co-worker say that his illness was a punishment from God for being gay. Another co-worker placed a pink stapler on his desk with a note saying “I found the perfect gift in your color.” Three co-workers complained to the manager that they feared being infected from Martin. In the end, Martin’s employer was persuaded to dismiss him.

6. Carlos is a Mexican man who worked in an office where joking is common. When he bought a new car, two of his co-workers made repeated jokes saying that he must have sold a lot of tacos to be able to afford such a nice car. The same co-workers referred to Carlos as the “Taco Cart Man” even though he has never had a “Taco Cart” before. Carlos complained to his employer about his treatment, but was ignored. One of his co-workers found out about Carlos complaining and confronted him. They began to argue loudly and Carlos was given a warning by his employer for causing problems at work.

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Task 1 Assessment Answer Key: Identify Educational and Workplace Discrimination

Using the words from the box, fill in the type of discrimination in the boxes on the right. Underline key word(s) or phrase(s) in the examples that identify the type discrimination.

Example Type of


1. Martha has been employed at ABC Manufacturing for 25 years. She has been promoted many times and is now a senior line supervisor. Since Martha is an excellent employee, she has earned many pay raises since she first started. She is one of the higher paid line supervisors at the company. Because the company is going through some financial difficulties, the company has decided to let go of some of the most senior employees because they can be replaced by younger employees at a lower salary. The company establishes a mandatory retirement age of 65, which means 69-year old Martha will be forced to retire even though she still is capable and willing to work longer.


2. After the death of a coworker, the vice-president of a small company sent an email requesting all employees meet in the conference room to pray for the coworker’s family in their time of sorrow. One employee, Eric, stated he preferred not to participate. The vice-president told him that he would be “part of the team” by participating and that it would “look bad” on his annual review. Eric is now afraid he will get a bad review.


3. Mary applies for a job at Moe’s Tire Company as a sales clerk. Although she has experience, excellent qualifications, and very positive recommendations from her previous employer, Sam’s Tire Company, she is not hired because she is told that “Some of the company’s customers are more comfortable dealing with men.”

Gender/Gender identity

4. Sarah has a classmate, Sam, who always sits next to her in her ESL class. On several occasions, he has made

Gender/Gender identity

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unwelcome comments about her body as she walks by him in class and outside in the break area. He often looks at her up and down from head to toe. Twice he has put his arm around her shoulders during their break when talking about an assignment. She has told him on several occasions that his behavior makes her uncomfortable and asked him to stop. The last time she asked him to stop, he told her, “You shouldn’t be so serious. You need to lighten up and be flattered.”

5. During an interview, a job applicant tells the potential employer that he has epilepsy but it has not interfered with any of his past jobs. The employer decides not to hire him even though is the best qualified applicant they have interviewed. They don’t hire him because they assume he will need to take a lot of time off of work due to his condition.

Disability or genetic information

6. Adam applies for a job with as math tutor at ABC Community College, but did not get the job. He decides to call Human Resources to ask why he did not get the position. The Human Resources manager tells him, “We’ve employed people from your country before as tutors and they always showed up late. We feel you don’t have the work ethic needed for the job.”

Race, color, or national origin

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Task 1 Assessment: Identify Educational and Workplace Discrimination

Using the words from the box, fill in the type of discrimination in the boxes on the right. Underline key word(s) or phrase(s) in the examples that identify the type discrimination.

Example Type of


1. Martha has been employed at ABC Manufacturing for 25 years. She has been promoted many times and is now a senior line supervisor. Since Martha is an excellent employee, she has earned many pay raises since she first started. She is one of the higher paid line supervisors at the company. Because the company is going through some financial difficulties, the company has decided to let go of some of the most senior employees because they can be replaced by younger employees at a lower salary. The company establishes a mandatory retirement age of 65, which means 69-year old Martha will be forced to retire even though she still is capable and willing to work longer.

2. After the death of a coworker, the vice-president of a small company sent an email requesting all employees meet in the conference room to pray for the coworker’s family in their time of sorrow. One employee, Eric, stated he preferred not to participate. The vice-president told him that he would be “part of the team” by participating and that it would “look bad” on his annual review. Eric is now afraid he will get a bad review.

3. Mary applies for a job at Moe’s Tire Company as a sales clerk. Although she has experience, excellent qualifications, and very positive recommendations from her previous employer, Sam’s Tire Company, she is not hired because she is told that “Some of the company’s customers are more comfortable dealing with men.”

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4. Sarah has a classmate, Sam, who always sits next to her in her ESL class. On several occasions, he has made unwelcome comments about her body as she walks by him in class and outside in the break area. He often looks at her up and down from head to toe. Twice he has put his arm around her shoulders during their break when talking about an assignment. She has told him on several occasions that his behavior makes her uncomfortable and asked him to stop. The last time she asked him to stop, he told her, “You shouldn’t be so serious. You need to lighten up and be flattered.”

5. During an interview, a job applicant tells the potential employer that he has epilepsy but it has not interfered with any of his past jobs. The employer decides not to hire him even though is the best qualified applicant they have interviewed. They don’t hire him because they assume he will need to take a lot of time off of work due to his condition.

6. Adam applies for a job with as math tutor at ABC Community College, but did not get the job. He decides to call Human Resources to ask why he did not get the position. The Human Resources manager tells him, “We’ve employed people from your country before as tutors and they always showed up late. We feel you don’t have the work ethic needed for the job.”

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Navigate workplace environment/rights Rubric: Task 1 Identify Educational and Workplace Discrimination

Use the rubric below to score the following:

1) Identified types of discrimination. 2) Underlined key words/phrases that identify the type of discrimination.

Each correctly identified type of discrimination is worth 2 points; underlined key words/phrases in each example that identify types of discrimination are worth 1 point.

Chart Rubric

Description: 53.1 Task 1

Identifying Educational and Workplace Discrimination Given level appropriate examples of discrimination in the workplace and/or educational institution, student will (1) identify the level appropriate number of examples (IH-A=5; IL=3) of discrimination with the appropriate type of discrimination such as: race, color, or national origin; religion; gender/gender identity; age; disability or genetic information (worth 2 points), and (2) underline key words/phrases in the provided examples that identify the type of discrimination (worth 1 point each).

Points Possible:

16 Level: Intermediate Low - Advanced

Scoring Rubric Points


90% of the items assigned to the Intermediate High-Advanced level students are correct 16

80% of the items assigned to the Intermediate High-Advanced students are correct 14

80% of the items assigned to the Intermediate Low level students are correct 12

70% of the items assigned to the Intermediate Low level students are correct 10

Less than 70% correct 0

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Task 1 Identify Educational and Workplace Discrimination Scoring Sheet

Number Underlined Label

1. 0 1 2 0 1 2

2. 0 1 2 0 1 2

3. 0 1 2 0 1 2

4. 0 1 2 0 1 2

5. 0 1 2 0 1 2

6. 0 1 2 0 1 2

Total Score: _________

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Navigate Workplace/Environment Objective:

Task 2

Research, identify and utilize the skills necessary to navigate educational and workplace environments and rights.

Level: Intermediate Low - Advanced

Task 2 Materials Suggested Activities

Students will play the role of a student or employee communicating a complaint of discrimination. The examiner will play the role of a Human Resources Staff Member. Students will state 10 items: a greeting and self-introduction, a reason for the complaint, the location of the act of discrimination, the date the act occurred, the time it occurred, the details of the act, the person(s) involved, what is hoped to happen as a result, 1 question, and an appropriate closure to the conversation.

1. Navigate Workplace Environment/Rights Rubric: Task 2

2. Discrimination Vocabulary

3. Role Play Practice Dialogue

4. Communicating a Discrimination Complaint Orally Exercise 1 Partner A

5. Communicating a Discrimination Complaint Orally Exercise 1 Partner B

6. Communicating a Discrimination Complaint Orally Exercise 1

7. Communicating a Discrimination Complaint Orally Exercise 2

8. Task 2 Assessment

1. Brainstorm . 2. Review the Navigate

Workplace Environment/Rights Rubric: Task 2 so that Ss understand the requirements.

3. Review the Discrimination Vocabulary and show examples.

4. Practice using the Role Play Practice Dialogue.

5. Model asking and answering questions on the Communicating a Discrimination Complaint Orally Exercise 1 sheet. Ss mark the text to find answers in Partner A and Partner B sheets.

6. Ss Practice role playing an oral report of discrimination with the Communicating a Discrimination Complaint Orally Exercise 1 sheet and Communicating a Discrimination Complaint Orally Exercise 1 Partner A and B sheets.

7. Ss use Communicating a Discrimination Complaint Orally Exercise 2 sheet to practice stating the 10 items on

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the cards necessary to communicate a complaint of discrimination. Ss may invent their own details for the complaint or recall details from previous exercise(s).

8. Ss perform Task 2 Assessment.

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Role Play Practice Dialogue Directions: Review the tasks in bold. Then practice the dialogue below.

Sofia: Hi, my name is Sofia. (Offer greeting, introduce self)

HR: How may I help you?

Sofia: I would like to report an incident. (State reason for meeting)

HR: Would you like to remain anonymous or give your identification?

Sofia: What is the difference? (Ask a clarifying question)

HR: If you want to remain anonymous, no one will know you were the one making the report. However, it may limit our ability to follow up or take any action.

Sofia: I don’t mind giving my identification. (State whether reporting anonymously or giving identification)

HR: Thank you for your cooperation. What is your full name, phone number, and email address?

Sofia: My full name is Sofia Lorenzo. My phone number is 760-111-2222. My email address is [email protected] (State name, phone number, and email address)

HR: So when did this incident occur?

Sofia: On January 30th this year at around 7:30 p.m. (State date and time of incident)

HR: Where did the incident occur?

Sofia: At the Community Learning Center. (State location of incident)

HR: Who was involved in the incident?

Sofia: A classmate named Mauricio Mendez and me. (State involved parties)

HR: Please tell me what happened. Keep to the facts of the incident.


My classmate, Mauricio, is constantly asking me to go out with him. I keep telling him I have a boyfriend and am not interested, but that doesn’t stop him. Once he brought me a rose and embarrassed me in front of my friends. On January 30th, he followed me to my car after class, which scared me. (State incident)

HR: Thank you for reporting this. How may we contact you to follow-up?

Sofia: You can email me. (Give contact info for follow-up)

HR: What do you hope will happen as a result of reporting this incident?

Sofia: I want Mauricio to stop bothering me. He makes me very uncomfortable. (State what is hoped to happen as a result)

HR: We will look into your report and let you know how we will proceed. Thank you for your time.

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Sofia: Your welcome. When can I expect to hear from you? (Ask a question)

HR: We will be contacting you in the next week or two.

Sofia: I appreciate your help. Good-bye. (Provide closure)

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Communicating a Discrimination Complaint Orally Exercise 1 Directions: Partner A has information about a report of gender discrimination. Partner B has information about a report of disability discrimination. Ask your partner questions to report the incident of discrimination. Write the answers below. Note: Give Partner A Communicating a Discrimination Complaint Orally Exercise 1 Partner A and give Partner B Communicating a Discrimination Complaint Orally Exercise 1 Partner B. Both A and B have this sheet to do this exercise.

1.How can I help you?

2. Would you like to remain anonymous or give your identification?

3. What is your full name, phone number, and email address?

4. So when did this incident occur?

5. Where did the incident occur?

6. Who was involved in the incident?

7. Please tell me what happened. Keep to the facts of the incident.

8. How may we contact you to follow-up?

9. What do you hope will happen as a result of reporting this incident?

10. Do you have any questions?

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Communicating a Discrimination Complaint Orally Exercise 1 Partner A You have a classmate, Sam, who always sits next to you in your ESL class at MiraCosta

Community Learning Center. On several occasions, Sam has made unwelcome

comments about your body as you walk by. On Tuesday, January 23rd at about 6:00

p.m., he looked at you up and down from head to toe and said: “You have a great

body.” Then he whistled at you as you passed to enter the classroom. The same day

during the break around 7:30 p.m., Sam put his arm around your shoulders. You told

him to please not get so close because it makes you feel uncomfortable. Sam then

replied: “You shouldn’t be so serious. You need to lighten up and be flattered.” On

Wednesday, January 24th during the break around 7:30 p.m., Sam asked you to meet

him after class. You told him you are not interested. He laughed and told a classmate

next to him: “You just watch … s/he wants me and will give in one day.” You just want

this behavior to stop.

1. When did this incident occur? (dates/times)

2. Where did the incident occur?

3. Who was involved in the incident?

4. What do you hope will happen as a result of reporting this incident?

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Communicating a Discrimination Complaint Orally Exercise 1 Partner B You have a classmate, Jane, who always sits next to you in your ESL class at MiraCosta

Community Learning Center. On several occasions, Jane has made unwelcome

comments about you being Chinese. As you entered class on Monday, January 29th at

about 6:00 p.m., she asked you: “What are you?” You responded: “Do you mean where

am I from?” Jane answered: “Speak English, I can’t understand you.” You walked into

class upset because you were speaking English. The next day, January 30th, Jane sits

next to you again and says: “You’re Chinese so you must be communist.” You respond:

“I am Buddhist.” Jane laughed and repeated what you said in a fake Chinese accent.

Again, you ignore her and change your seat after the break. Jane follows you and sits

next to you. On Wednesday, February 7th, the class shared food during the break

(around 7:30 p.m.) for Diversity Day. Jane looked at what you brought and said: “It

figures. Chinese food. I hope it’s not raw fish!” You want to either be moved to

another class or have Jane moved to another class.

1. When did this incident occur? (dates/times)

2. Where did the incident occur?

3. Who was involved in the incident?

4. What do you hope will happen as a result of reporting this incident?

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Communicating a Discrimination Complaint Orally Exercise 2

Work with a partner and one set of cards. Cut the cards apart and mix them up. Then put them in a logical order of how you would communicate a discrimination complaint orally. Student A follows the order of the cards to make a complaint while Student B listens. Student B asks clarification questions when needed.

Offer a greeting and introduce yourself.

State reason for the meeting.

State your phone number and email


State dates and times of incident.

State location of incident.

State involved parties.

State the details of the incident.

Ask a question.

State what you hope will happen as a


Close the conversation.

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Task 2 Assessment: Teacher Role-Play Notetaking Sheet

Communicating a Discrimination Complaint Orally

Student will play the role of a student or employee making a complaint of discrimination. The examiner will play the role of a Human Resources staff member. Student will provide the following: a greeting and self-introduction, a reason for the complaint, student contact information, the location of the act of discrimination, the date and time the act occurred, the details of the act, the person(s) involved, one clarifying question, what is hoped to happen as a result of the complaint, and closure to conversation. Note: Asterisked items are to be scored (see Task 2 Rubric for scoring).

Student: (Offers greeting, introduces self*)

HR: How may I help you?

Student: (States reason for inquiry*)

HR: Would you like to remain anonymous or give your identification?

Student: (May ask a clarifying question)

HR: If you want to remain anonymous, no one will know you were the one making the report. However, it may limit our ability to follow up or take any action.

Student: (States whether reporting anonymously or giving identification)

HR: Thank you for your cooperation. What is your full name, phone number, and email address?

Student: (States name, phone number and email address*)

HR: So when did this incident occur?

Student: (States date and time of incident(s)*)

HR: Where did the incident occur?

Student: (States location of incident*)

HR: Who was involved in the incident?

Student: (States involved parties*)

HR: Please tell me what happened. Keep to the facts of the incident.

Student: (States incident details*)

HR: How may we contact you to follow-up?

Student: (States contact info for follow-up)

HR: What do you hope will happen as a result of reporting this incident?

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Student: (States what is hoped to happen as a result*)

HR: We will look into your report and let you know how we will proceed. Thank you for your time. Do you have any questions?

Student: (Asks a question*)

HR: (Answer question.)

Student: (Provides closure*)

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Navigate workplace environment/rights Rubric: Task 2 Communicating a Discrimination Complaint Orally

Oral Complaint Rubric

Description: 53.1 Task 2

Communicating a Discrimination Complaint Orally (10 items, 2 points each)

Students will play the role of a student or employee making a complaint of discrimination. The examiner will play the role of a Human Resources Staff Member. Student will state up to 10 items: 1. a greeting and self-introduction, 2. a reason for the complaint, 3. the location of the act of discrimination, 4. the date the act occurred, 5. the time it occurred, 6. the details of the act, 7. the person(s) involved, 8. what is hoped to happen as a result of making the complaint, 9. ask 1 clarifying question, and 10. appropriately close the conversation. (IL = 1-7 and 10; IH-A 1-10)

Points Possible:

20 Level: Intermediate Low- Advanced

Scoring Rubric


Complaint is appropriate, clear and has correct content. All 10 items are addressed. Ideas are well stated, clearly expressed, well-organized and supported with concrete, relevant detail. No inference is required. There may be errors, but they do not interfere with meaning.


Complaint is appropriate, clear and has correct content. At least 9 items are addressed. Some ideas may not be well stated. Contains some relevant detail and is adequately organized. May require minimal inference. There may be errors, but they do not interfere with meaning.


Complaint is appropriate, clear and has correct content. At least 8 items are addressed. Some ideas may not be well stated. Contains some relevant detail and is adequately organized. May require minimal inference. There may be errors, but they do not interfere with meaning.


Complaint is appropriate and has correct content, but may lack clarity. At least 7 items are addressed. Many ideas may not be well stated. May lack appropriate or sufficient detail or clear focus. May require some inference. There may be errors, but they do not interfere with meaning.


Complaint has correct content, but lacks clarity. At least 6 items are addressed. May be unfocused with little or no supporting detail. May require a substantial degree of inference. There may be errors that do interfere with meaning, but the response can be understood with inference.


Complaint has incorrect content, fewer than 6 items are addressed or errors interfere with meaning and cannot be understood with inference.


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Task 2 Communicating a Discrimination Complaint Orally

Scoring Sheet

Number Item Score

1. Offers greeting, introduces self 0 2

2. States reason for inquiry 0 2

3. States name, phone number and email address 0 2

4. States date(s) and time(s) of incident(s) 0 2

5. States location(s) of incident(s) 0 2

6. States involved parties 0 2

7. States incident details 0 2

8. States what is hoped to happen as a result 0 2

9. Asks a clarifying question 0 2

10. Provides closure 0 2

Total Score: ________

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Navigate Workplace/Environment Objective:

Task 3 Complete a Written Discrimination Complaint

Research, identify and utilize the skills necessary to navigate educational and workplace environments and rights.

Level: Intermediate Low to Advanced

Task 3 Materials Suggested Activities

Students will complete a written discrimination complaint. Given an agency-created description of an incident of discrimination, students will fill out a digital incident report of discrimination (e.g. gender or racial discrimination), including a written narrative of at least 4 sentences. In the writing task, students will describe specific details to include 4 facts about the situation. Additionally, students will write one outcome expected as a result of filing the report/complaint.

1. Navigate Workplace Environment/Rights Rubric: Task 3

2. Written Discrimination Vocabulary

3. Written Discrimination Complaint Exercise using information from Task 1 Role Play.

4. Task 3 Assessment: use a digital Google Form (also found in Additional Resources) or use the paper assessment.

1. Review the Navigate Workplace Environment/Rights Rubric: Task 3 so that Ss understand the requirements.

2. Review the Written Discrimination Vocabulary and give examples

3. Practice matching discrimination complaint with suggested remedies using Written Discrimination Suggested Remedies

4. Review model answers of how to fill out a written description and remedy using Written Discrimination Complaint Models.

5. Given a scenario, students practicefilling out Written Discrimination Complaint Practice form using a copy of the Google Form or a paper copy.

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6. Ss perform Task 3 Assessment independently.

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Written Discrimination Vocabulary

Word Definition

threat/threatening a communicated intent to inflict harm or cause damage to another person

disruption disturbance or problems which interrupt an event or activity

misconduct unacceptable or improper behavior, especially by an employee or professional person

academic dishonesty any type of cheating that occurs in an academic exercise

alleged a person who is accused of having done something illegally or wrong

witness a person who saw an event, typically a crime or accident, take place

victim a person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action

parties a person or people forming one side of an agreement or dispute (disagreement/argument)

FYI for your information

non-urgent not critical; not requiring immediate action or attention

critical urgent; requiring immediate action or attention

remedy to make right what is wrong; a successful way of dealing with a problem

Write words you do not know here. Look up the words in your dictionary.

Word Definition

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Written Discrimination Suggested Remedies Problem solve and match an appropriate remedy to the following discrimination complaints. There may be more than one appropriate remedy. ___ 1. A student from another class is making unwelcome comments about your body.

a. You would like the campus security to walk you to your car after class.

___ 2. A classmate is saying you get the “dirty jobs” at work because you are Mexican.

b. You would like to change to another class.

___ 3. A teacher puts his/her arm around you and asks you to meet him/her for a margarita after class.

c. You would like to speak with the dean about the problem.

___ 4. A counselor says that you should study nursing instead of engineering because engineering is more of a “man’s job”.

d. You would like the student to be told to stop the inappropriate behavior.

___ 5. Someone keeps following you after class to your car.

e. You would like the student to be moved to another class.

___ 6. You see a male student grabbing another female student inappropriately.

f. You would like someone to observe the student’s behavior.

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Written Discrimination Complaint Models Involved Parties Please provide specific details, and include only the facts in the situation. If you have any supporting documentation, you may upload those to help the case manager evaluate the situation.

Model 1

16. Write the details below (Required):*

In my Level 7 ESL class, my classmate Sam Mendez always sits next to me. He says inappropriate things about my body when I walk by him. Last week, he put his arm around me and put his body close to mine during the break. Everyone was looking and I felt uncomfortable. Yesterday (September 16) I asked him to stop doing this, but he told me I was being stupid.

18. Briefly describe what kind of remedy you are seeking. What do you hope

will happen as a result of filing this form? (Required):*

I want Sam to stop bothering me. Please talk to him or move him to another class. I think he is doing this to other girls, too. Model 2

16. Write the details below (Required):*

Last Thursday, September 18, a man followed me to my car after my ESL Level 6 class. He asked me if I could give him a few dollars. I said I didn’t have any money and he walked away. It was around 9:15 p.m. I was scared because this was the third time this happened. It also happened on Thursday, September 11 and Tuesday, September 16. He keeps asking for money. I do not know the man, but he was wearing a black jacket with a hoodie.

18. Briefly describe what kind of remedy you are seeking. What do you hope

will happen as a result of filing this form? (Required):*

I want to talk to campus security and have campus security walk me to my car. I also want security to ask other students if this has happened to them.

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Written Discrimination Complaint Practice

Given the following scenario, practice filling out the Written Discrimination Complaint Form (Written Discrimination Practice).

You have a classmate, Jane Jackson, who always sits next to you in your ESL class in

Room 104 at MiraCosta Community Learning Center. On several occasions, Jane has

made unwelcome comments about you being Chinese. As you entered class on Monday,

January 29th at about 6:00 p.m., she asked you: “What are you?” You responded: “Do

you mean where am I from?” Jane answered: “Speak English, I can’t understand you.”

You walked into class upset because you were speaking English. The next day, January

30th, Jane sits next to you again and says: “You’re Chinese so you must be communist.”

You respond: “I am Buddhist.” Jane laughed and repeated what you said in a fake

Chinese accent. Again, you ignore her and change your seat after the break. Jane

follows you and sits next to you. On Wednesday, February 7th, the class shared food

during the break (around 7:30 p.m.) for Diversity Day. Jane looked at what you brought

and said: “It figures. Chinese food. I hope it’s not raw fish!” You want to either be

moved to another class or have Jane moved to another class.

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Written Discrimination Complaint Practice Key (Sample of possible answers.)

While anonymous reports will be accepted, it may limit our ability to respond to them. *Required to fill out

Reporter’s Information

1. Your full name: __(student’s name)______________________________________

2. Your phone number: ____(student’s phone number)________________________

3. Your email address: __(student’s email address)____________________________

4. Your physical address: ___(student’s address)_______________________________

5. Nature of this report (Required):* Mark only one oval.

Public Safety (immediate threat)

Concerning/Threatening Behavior


Sexual Misconduct

Academic Dishonesty

FYI (Non-urgent)

6. Urgency of this report: Mark only one oval.


FYI (No further action needed)


7. Date of Incident (Required):* _____January 29, 2018___________________ Example: December 15, 2012

8. Time of incident: ___Around 6:00 p.m._________________________

9. Location of incident: Mark only one oval.

Community Learning Center

Oceanside Campus

San Elijo Campus

Off Campus

Online Class

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10. Specific location: __Room 104.________________________________________

Involved Parties

First and Last Name: ___(student’s name)_________________________________

11. Role Mark only one oval.





13. ID # (07XXXXXX): _(student’s ID#)__________________________________

14. Phone number: __(student’s phone number)_______________________

15. Email address: ____(student’s email address__________________

11. First and Last Name: ___Jane Jackson_________________________________

12. Role Mark only one oval.





13. ID # (07XXXXXX): ____(leave blank if unknown)_________________________

14. Phone number: __(leave blank if unknown)______________________________

15. Email address: __(leave blank if unknown)______________________________

Involved Parties Please provide specific details, and include only the facts in the situation. If you have any supporting documentation, you may upload those to help the case manager evaluate the situation.

16. Write the details below (Required):*

My classmate, Jane Jackson, always sits next to you in your ESL class in Room 104 at

the MiraCosta Community Learning Center. On Monday, January 29th at about 6:00 p.m.,

she asked me: “What are you?” I asked her, “Do you mean where am I from?” Jane

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answered, “Speak English, I can’t understand you.” The next day, on January 30th, Jane

told me, “You’re Chinese so you must be communist.” I told her I was Buddhist. She

laughed and repeated what I said in a Chinese accent. On Wednesday, February 7th, our

class shared food during the break (around 7:30 p.m.) for Diversity Day. Jane looked at

my food and said: “It figures. Chinese food. I hope it’s not raw fish!”

17. How would you prefer to receive follow-up? (Required)* Mark only one oval.



18. Briefly describe what kind of remedy you are seeking. What do you hope

will happen as a result of filing this form? (Required):*

I want Jane to be moved to another class or for someone to talk to her about her

inappropriate remarks. If it does not stop, I want to be moved to another class.





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Written Discrimination Complaint Practice Form While anonymous reports will be accepted, it may limit our ability to respond to them. *Required to fill out

Reporter’s Information

1. Your full name: _________________________________________

2. Your phone number: ____________________________________

3. Your email address: _____________________________________

4. Your physical address: _________________________________________________

5. Nature of this report (Required):* Mark only one oval.

Public Safety (immediate threat)

Concerning/Threatening Behavior


Sexual Misconduct

Academic Dishonesty

FYI (Non-urgent)

6. Urgency of this report: Mark only one oval.


FYI (No further action needed)


7. Date of Incident (Required):* _______________________________________ Example: December 15, 2012

8. Time of incident: ___________________________________

9. Location of incident: Mark only one oval.

Community Learning Center

Oceanside Campus

San Elijo Campus

Off Campus

Online Class

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10. Specific location: ___________________________________________________

Involved Parties

11. First and Last Name: _______________________________________________

12. Role Mark only one oval.





13. ID # (07XXXXXX): ___________________________________

14. Phone number: _________________________

15. Email address: ______________________

Involved Parties Please provide specific details, and include only the facts in the situation. If you have any supporting documentation, you may upload those to help the case manager evaluate the situation.

16. Write the details below (Required):*













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17. How would you prefer to receive follow-up? (Required)* Mark only one oval.



18. Briefly describe what kind of remedy you are seeking. What do you hope

will happen as a result of filing this form? (Required):*






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Task 3 Assessment: Written Discrimination Complaint

While anonymous reports will be accepted, it may limit our ability to respond to them. *Required to fill out

Reporter’s Information

1. Your full name: _________________________________________

2. Your phone number: ____________________________________

3. Your email address: _____________________________________

4. Your physical address: _________________________________________________

5. Nature of this report (Required):* Mark only one oval.

Public Safety (immediate threat)

Concerning/Threatening Behavior


Sexual Misconduct

Academic Dishonesty

FYI (Non-urgent)

6. Urgency of this report: Mark only one oval.


FYI (No further action needed)


7. Date of Incident (Required):* _______________________________________ Example: December 15, 2012

8. Time of incident: ___________________________________

9. Location of incident: Mark only one oval.

Community Learning Center

Oceanside Campus

San Elijo Campus

Off Campus

Online Class

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10. Specific location: ___________________________________________________

Involved Parties

11. First and Last Name: _______________________________________________

12. Role Mark only one oval.





13. ID # (07XXXXXX): ___________________________________

14. Phone number: _________________________

15. Email address: ______________________

Involved Parties Please provide specific details, and include only the facts in the situation. If you have any supporting documentation, you may upload those to help the case manager evaluate the situation.

16. Write the details below (Required):*












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17. How would you prefer to receive follow-up? (Required)* Mark only one oval.



18. Briefly describe what kind of remedy you are seeking. What do you hope

will happen as a result of filing this form? (Required):*






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Navigate workplace environment/rights Rubric: Task 3 Complete a Written Discrimination Complaint

Writing Task Rubric

Description: 53.1 Task 3 Complete a Written Discrimination Complaint Given an agency-created description of an incident of discrimination, students (IL-A) will fill out all required information in an agency-created digital incident report of discrimination (e.g. gender or racial discrimination). The required information includes: A. 4 introductory items such as: 1. Nature of the report, 1. Date of the incident, 3. Location of the incident, 4. How to receive follow up and B. A narrative description of the incident composed one paragraph of at least 4 sentences which include at least 4 facts about the incident. C. Additionally, student (IH-A) will write one outcome expected as a result of filing the report/complaint.

Points Possible:

20 Level: Intermediate High - Advanced

Scoring Rubric Points


Addresses all parts of the task effectively. Ideas are well stated, clearly expressed, and supported with concrete, relevant detail. No inference is required. Written in a well-organized paragraph of at least 4 sentences and 4 facts. Includes one outcome expected as a result of filing the report/complaint.


Addresses all parts of the task adequately. Some ideas may not be well stated. Contains some relevant detail. May require minimal inference. Written in an adequately-organized paragraph of at least 4 sentences and 4 facts. Includes one outcome expected as a result of filing the report/complaint.


Addresses the task in a general way but may have gaps. Many ideas may not be well stated. May lack appropriate or sufficient detail or clear focus. May require some inference. May be written in loosely-organized paragraph of at least 4 sentences and 4 facts.


Addresses the task in a general way but may have gaps. Many ideas may not be well stated. May lack appropriate or sufficient detail or clear focus. May require some inference. May be written in a loosely-organized paragraph of at least 3 sentences and 3 facts. May not Include one outcome expected as a result of filing the report/complaint.


Nothing written or content is incomprehensible or inappropriate. 0

Grammar, Structure and Mechanics

Almost no errors in grammar, structure, spelling, capitalization, or punctuation. 4

Some errors in grammar, structure, spelling, capitalization, or punctuation that do not distract the reader.


Many errors in grammar, structure, spelling, capitalization, or punctuation that may require the reader to infer meaning.


Errors make the writing difficult to understand even with inference. 0

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Task 3 Complete a Written Discrimination Complaint Scoring Sheet

Scoring Points

Content (0 – 16 points)

Grammar, structure, mechanics (0 – 4 points)

Total Score: _________

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EL Civics Navigate Workplace Environment Cumulative Scoring Sheet Student Name: ___________________ Class: __________________

Instructor: _______________________

Passing Scores

Advanced: 44 points Intermediate-High: 39 points Intermediate-Low: 20 points

Pass/No Pass _________

Task Score



3* *only IH-Adv

do Task 3

Total Points

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Additional Resources (click on the links to access):

Resources to Introduce the Topic

• These short clips from "What Would You Do?" may be used to introduce the topic and/or have students identify the type of discrimination.

Female bartender harassed Discrimination against Hispanic waiter

• Use this questionnaire to see what students know about discrimination:

What do you know about laws regarding discrimination against immigrants in the workplace?

Resources for Legal Definitions of Discrimination

• This video defines types of discrimination. This may be used as an introduction to vocabulary in Task 1:

Types of Discrimination

Make a Google copy of this student note taking sheet for students to use while watching the video:

Student Note Taking Sheet

• Click on the following link for a slide show that reviews the legal definitions of three types of sexual harassment and gives situational examples of each.

Sexual Harassment: The Three Types

Google Form of Assessment Digital Google Form of assessment for Task 3: Complete a Written Discrimination Complaint. Make a copy of this Google Form, then share the form with students to complete Task 3.