
THE MORAL MURDER OF MIKE SOMMA SOMMA HAS NEVER GIVEN, GIFTED OR SOLD METRA ELECTRONICS CORPORATION STOCK The parties involved in this documentary, knowingly or unknowingly, aided William H Jones Jr in becoming President or owner of Metra Electronics Corporation. Therefore: Jones was never legally owner or President. Somma's assets and mental health has endured this most horrendous situation, which has been going on for 25 years+ and is still in court. This documentary is “The Absolute Truth” 1

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Page 1: Introduction




The parties involved in this documentary, knowingly or unknowingly, aided William H Jones Jr in becoming President or owner of Metra Electronics Corporation. Therefore: Jones was

never legally owner or President. Somma's assets and mental health has endured this

most horrendous situation, which has been going on for 25 years+ and is still in court.

This documentary is “The Absolute Truth”

Page 2: Introduction



What happens to us in life is always subject to luck and circumstance, and this is tolerable because it is random, but deliberate deceptions and injustices are cruel and forever painful. This is an account of the events that forced me out of the business I founded and nourished. It provides an accurate record of the unscrupulousness, greedy and dishonest conduct by members of my own family as well as business and legal associates.

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Using my technical knowledge, I started a small business, which became very successful. I considered myself fortunate that my skills, perseverance, and ethical business conduct were rewarding me with a standard of living I never dreamed possible, and I felt secure that I would face eventual retirement in comfort. Sadly that has not happened.

I was in a totally disoriented state of mind due to my impending divorce, a fact that was taken uncon-scionable advantage of to extract naive and imprudent concessions from me. Had I been on a more even keel, I am confident matters would have ended differently.

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I remain bitterly stung by the injustices perpetrated upon me, especially those of my daughter and son-in-law, who continue to enjoy the high level of wealth and lifestyle their deceit has denied me. They show no sense of fairness or pangs of remorse. My primary objective in publishing all the pertinent data included in this narrative, is to bring awareness to those responsible; that their sins will be remembered; to assure them that in the final tribunal they will be judged accordingly; and to leave my descendants a record of standards of behavior I pray they will never experience in their own future dealings, business or social.

Mike Somma

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The following biography of Michael M. Somma is the most incredible and unbelievable story of over $10,000,000.00 in corporate heist involving coercion, unscrupulous behavior,

ruthlessness, manipulation, counterfeiting and forgery. And. . .

as a result of this behavior a lifetime of broken families, financial misery and emotional anguish.


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This well orchestrated crime was committed by. . .

Mike’s most trustedand beloved, “son-in-law”William H. Jones, and hisaccomplices were peopleSomma trusted the most.

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The Most Trusted Person Involved In This Conspiracy

William H. Jones, Jr: Somma’s Son-In-Law. Somma hired Jones as a salesman in 1978 after he married his daughter Jan. Somma promoted Jones to Sales Manager in 1981. In 1986, Somma promoted Jones to Vice-President. Both Somma and Jones received the same annual salary of $125,000.

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Somma co-founded Metra Electonics in 1955. In 1986, Somma moved Metra Electronics from Brooklyn, NY to Daytona Beach, FL.

In 1988, Jones formed a secret board which focused on forcing Somma into retirement by fraudulently acquiring all of Somma’s stock.


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Somma’s wife, Rosemary had in her possession all the Metra Electronics shares of stock that was being held in the Somma Family Trust Fund.

(Total Shares - 174,534)

Rosemary owned 50% of the shares and was in charge of safekeeping all of them.

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Stolen Stock Nightmare

December 1988: While visiting in New York, Somma removed his Metra NY Stock Certificates from the family’s safe deposit box at Chase Manhattan Bank and put them in his briefcase.

However, unknown to Mike, his wife, Rosemary Somma removed the Stock Certificates from the briefcase without telling him.

Rosemary wanted to make certain that she protected her interest.

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Upon Somma returning to Florida from New York, Jones claimed the shares of Metra Electronic stock were “Lost."

The stocks were not really lost due to the fact that the "Trust" still contained all the Metra shares plus 40,000 shares in escrow. The "Lost Stock" was being held by Rosemary.

Attorney Larry Nixon, who represented Michael M Somma and Attorney Horace Smith, who represented Rosemary E Somma were aware these shares were in the Trust account of Somma at BYN-Mellon.

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UNFORTUNATELY, what Rosemary didn’t do was to notify Chase indicating that Stock Certificates were in her possession.

This would have prevented the STOLEN STOCK NIGHTMARE.

When Jones heard of this situation, he was advised to have the shares claimed as “Lost."

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February 7, 1989: On instructions from Jones’ Attorney, Jeffrey Dean forwarded to Susan Thomas Metra's secretary, a Letter of Instruction, a Draft Letter and Assignments that were separate from the Stock Certificates with instructions for Somma to sign.

Somma never saw the letter or signed it.

This letter was signed as a forgery.

Attorney, Dean explained to Thomas in this letter that the Stock Certificates should be transferred back into the Somma Family Trust and the other shares to the Jones’.

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These documents were to be forwarded to Mr. Emmanual Galfo at the Chase Manhattan Bank (BNY-MELLON) as the transfer agent for Metra NY, who requested replacement certificates be issued for Somma's "lost" Stock Certificates.

Dean's confusing instructions confused Mr. Galfo.

Therefore, Galfo sent the replacement certificates directly to Metra.

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Susan Thomas received the “replacement” Stock Certificates (NU1172, NU1175, NU1176 and NU1179) which contained approximately 190,000 shares.

Thomas also received replacement certificates (NU1159 - NU1169) which totaled 133,534 shares. 40,000 shares were in the escrow account.

Thomas gave the Stock Certificates to Jones. Somma never saw any of these Stock Certificates.

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Jones endorsed all the certificates and sent them to Galfo (Chase Manhattan now BNY-Mellon) with instructions to have the new shares of Metra Electronics Corp NY transferred to Jones.

Mellon should never have produced these “counterfeit” Stock Certificates because they were shares without value.

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Mellon’s February 6, 2007 letter illustrates that all Somma’s shares in his account were debited to Jones without any supportive documentation.

The creation of these new stock certificates was part of the conspiracy by Jones to eventually declare himself Owner and President of Metra.

The Jones account at Mellon most likely has the same shares (debited from Somma and credited to Jones).

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Mellon Investor Services P.O. Box 3333 South Hackensack, NJ 07606


Dear Mr. Somma:

Company Name


Account Key

SOMMA---- MICHMO0A0 Control Number

200701050002578 Telephone


February 6, 2007

Michael M. Somma 19 Pine Brook Drive Palm Coast, FL 32164-7053

This is in response to your letter of January 3, 2007 to Mr. Robert P. Kelly, Chairman and CEO of Mellon Financial Corporation, in respect to your Metra Electronics Corporation investment. Your inquiry was forwarded to the undersigned for review and reply.

Our records show that all of your Metra shares were cancelled and debited from both your individual and trust accounts.


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We have attached account transcripts showing the credit and debit dates for your individual accounts and a summary of credit and debit information for your trust accounts. These constitute all available records relating to your Metra holdings. All documentation for these transactions is 16-18 years old, well beyond relevant record retention periods.

Should you feel we might be of assistance with respect to future transactions, please feel free to contact me directly at 1-201-680-3222. If you are responding to this letter, please evidence the control number provided at the top of this letter.


Page 20: Introduction

Registration Certificate # Shares Issue Date Debit Date Michael M Somma Tr Ua Oct NU1172 48,53

4 3/13/8

9 3/13/8

9 3 88 The Michael M Somma




3/13/89 Family Trust

Michael M Somma Tr Ua Oct NU1176 48,53

4 3/13/8

9 4/11/8

9 3 88 The Michael M Somma NU1179 45,03

4 4/11/8

9 6/14/9

1 Revocable Family Trust

The above stocks are the only legal stock certificates for the Michael M Somma Trust (190,636). The signature was forged by William H Jones and replaced by new Metra Electronics Corp stock certificates by BNY-Mellon. Metra Electronics’ shares in the Somma account were counterfeit shares produced by Mellon (NU 1160 to NU 1169, NU 1159, NU 1219 - Tota1: 173, 534 shares). These shares were also forged by William H Jones and replaced by new Metra Electronics Corp stock certificates by BNY-Mellon. There are a total of 42 stock certificates which Mellon and Jones have failed to submit after much communication "Where's The Stock" over the past 25 years. THE STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS STARTS AT THE SUBMISSION OF THESE DOCUMENTS.


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Metra Electronics Corporation Account Key JONES-WILLHO0A0 Control Number 20070105000 William H Jones

Certificate # Shares Issue Date Debit Date

NU 1172 48,534 03/13/1989 03/13/1989 NU 1175 48,534 03/13/1989 03/13/1989 NU 1176 48,534 03/13/1989 04/11/1989 NU 1179 45,034 04/11/1989 04/11/1989

The four backs of these Metra Electronics Stock Certificates were forged by Jones and guaranteed by Paul Steiner, VP of Sun-Trust Bank.

There were two additional certificate backs only, with Somma’s signature forged by Jones and guaranteed by Paul Steiner, which had the following:

One had a forged signature without a date (a template for other stocks) One had a forged signature with a date (this is the only forged and

dated stock certificate found in the records)

These Metra Electronics Corporation stock certificates issued by Mellon for the Michael M Somma Trust fund were stocks sent to Metra (back had signature forged by Jones). Mellon replaced these stocks in the name of William H Jones.


Page 22: Introduction

Metra Electronics CorporationAccount Key JONES-WILLHO0A0Control Number 20070105000William H Jones

Certificate # Shares Issue Date Debit Date

NU 1169 26667 03/09/1989 03/13/1989 NU 1159 66667 03/07/1989 03/13/1989 NU 1168 200 03/07/1989 03/13/1989 NU 1167 5000 03/07/1989 03/13/1989 NU 1166 5000 03/07/1989 03/13/1989 NU 1165 5000 03/07/1989 03/13/1989 NU 1164 5000 03/07/1989 03/13/1989 NU 1163 5000 03/07/1989 03/13/1989 NU 1162 5000 03/07/1989 03/13/1989 NU 1161 5000 03/07/1989 03/13/1989 NU 1160 5000 03/07/1989 03/13/1989 NU 1219 40000 08/03/1990 06/14/1991

These 10 Metra Electronics Corp stock certificates issued by Mellon for the Michael M Somma Trust Fund were replacement (counterfeit) stocks sent to Metra (forged by Jones) and returned to Mellon. The stocks were replaced by Mellon for Metra stocks in the name of William H Jones.


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The Somma Family Trust Fund had approximately 190,000 shares: NU 1172 - 1179.

The Jones account contained the replacement shares totaling 173,534 shares: NU1159 - NU1169 and NU1219. These were counterfeit stock which were not a part of the Michael M Somma Trust fund.

The Jones account is invalid because the stocks have no value and were generated by BNY-Mellon who did not have any authority to produce them. Mellon was probably not aware of what they had done.

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Neither Jones or Mellon have ever provided copies of the fronts and backs of The Somma Family Trust Stock Certificates or the new Metra shares in the name of William H. Jones, Jr.

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Letter to Jones


Dear Billy:

Having worked for over forty years, I accumulated $10,000,000 that I intended for my retirement and for the purposes of helping my children, relatives and friends. You ruthlessly took it away with no reason, no motivation and no explanation..

This letter is part of my story. The deed is done. What you did to the Somma family was a premeditated destruction of a family. The only missing piece is why.

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But that's what you do when you have complete (blind) trust in someone. I never believed that you would betray that trust. You coerced Metra's executive secretary, Sue Thomas, to do unscrupulous things behind my back as part of the steps you were taking to steal Metra from me and lock me out of my own business. She told me that the last time you threatened her to do as you instructed, you would fire her if she didn’t do it. Because she had integrity, she couldn't stand it anymore, refused to do it and quit. She said she enjoyed working for me, respected me and regrets her actions that were detrimental to me.

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Jim Napolitano was Metra's accountant and a close friend. However, as Metra's accountant, he was also working for you. He was "The Architect of My Debacle." Did you make him CFO of Metra in 1996 as his reward for assembling papers for you that would enable you to secure all of my assets-stocks, properties and Metra?

Jeffrey Dean, whom I also trusted, composed a letter to Chase-Manhattan (Mellon-Bank of NY).

Paul E Steiner,VP-SouthTrust Bank of Volusia County witnessed forged Metra Electronics Corp stock certificates of The Michael M Somma Trust Fund on 4/19/91.

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The fact that Attorney Vukelja was prevented from deposing you is suggestive of the fact that you had something substantial to hide. This was legal manipula-tions resulting in the failure to require you to submit critical evidence. Evidence took the form of the Metra Electronics Corp of NY stock certificates for The Michael M Somma Trust Fund.Counterfeiting and forging were the main issue. After over twenty years of many requests to produce copies, Mellon has refused to submit them. Dennis Manion of Mellon Investor Services refers (conveniently) to the Statute of Limitations. Because no evidence was produced, how could a Statute of Limitation be in effect?

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Rosey, Linda and Michael are all suffering financially while you and Jan have two homes, luxury cars, property, etc. Your actions have caused a bitter rift in our family. Rosey and Michael are estranged from me because of this. Why should you and Jan have all the money and they have none?

They have asked me this repeatedly. It all boils down to this: I trusted the wrong people: you, Jan, Jeffery Dean, Jim Napolitano, Sue Thomas and Larry Nixon, who turned over my properties to you. I cannot give my other children money to help them in their need because I don't have it to give! You have it all.

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Your net worth in 1989 was less than $1,000,000 and less than 20,000 shares.(10,000 shares acquired with my help) of the Metra Electronics Corp of NY.At present, your net worth is multimillions of dollars. How? As a result of the fraudulent acquisition of my assets.You were never President or Owner of Metra Electronics Corp of NY or any other Metra.This brings to the fact, THAT ANY DOCUMENTS THAT YOU SIGNED AS PRESIDENT WERE A FRAUD.This especially includes the agreement of June 14, 1995.

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Who or what created this condition is a mystery to me and my readers of the Moral Murder Documentary.

My guess is that the state of New York and the state of Florida, together with you and the transfer of documents, contain the answer.

If anyone can explain HOW YOU GOT IT ALL, it will be short of a miracle. How you can live with yourself is a greater mystery.

IS THERE ANYONE WHO CAN REALLY EXPLAIN IT? More importantly, how can you live with yourself knowing what you’ve done?
