
101 Bible Secrets That Christians Do Not Know By Ernest L. Martin, Ph.D. From the cowardice that shrinks from new truth, From the laziness that is content with half-truths, From the arrogance that thinks it knows all truth, Oh God of Truth, deliver us. ~ Ancient Prayer All quotes in this Research Study are from the King James Version except where indicated. 101 Bible Secrets That Christians Do Not Know Associates for Scriptural Knowledge P.O. Box 25000, Portland, OR 97298-0990 USA © Ernest L. Martin, 1993, 1998, 2005 All rights reserved ISBN 0-945657-94-3 Second Printing 1998 Third Printing 2005 All rights reserved. Except for brief excerpts for review purposes, no part of this book may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means — electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems — without written permission from copyright owner. Back Cover Information This book contains “Bible Secrets” that will surprise people. The real teaching of the Bible has been hidden by the interpretations of preachers, priests, and theologians hired by the religious denominations to teach THEIR doctrines of THEIR church hierarchies. This book strips away the nonsense that prevails today in biblical interpretations and presents a fresh new look at “that good old book.” The results will be a greater respect and love for the world’s best seller. People will say: “Why haven’t we been told these things before?” Here are some of the topics covered: The Israelites actually crossed the Red Sea ON TOP OF THE WATER, not in a “canyon-like” roadway on the bottom of the sea. 1. The Flood of Noah was worldwide, but the flood waters did not cover the mountains like our oceans. 2. 101 Bible Secrets Introduction Introduction 1 of 10 10/31/2013 10:29 PM

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101 Bible Secrets That Christians Do Not Know


Ernest L. Martin, Ph.D.

From the cowardice that shrinks from new truth,

From the laziness that is content with half-truths,

From the arrogance that thinks it knows all truth,

Oh God of Truth, deliver us.

~ Ancient Prayer

All quotes in this Research Study are from the

King James Version except where indicated.

101 Bible Secrets That Christians Do Not Know

Associates for Scriptural Knowledge

P.O. Box 25000, Portland, OR 97298-0990 USA

© Ernest L. Martin, 1993, 1998, 2005

All rights reserved

ISBN 0-945657-94-3

Second Printing 1998

Third Printing 2005

All rights reserved. Except for brief excerpts for review purposes, no part of

this book may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means — electronic

or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage and

retrieval systems — without written permission from copyright owner.

Back Cover Information

This book contains “Bible Secrets” that will surprise people. The real teaching of the Bible

has been hidden by the interpretations of preachers, priests, and theologians hired by the

religious denominations to teach THEIR doctrines of THEIR church hierarchies. This book

strips away the nonsense that prevails today in biblical interpretations and presents a fresh

new look at “that good old book.” The results will be a greater respect and love for the

world’s best seller. People will say: “Why haven’t we been told these things before?” Here

are some of the topics covered:

The Israelites actually crossed the Red Sea ON TOP OF THE WATER, not in a

“canyon-like” roadway on the bottom of the sea.


The Flood of Noah was worldwide, but the flood waters did not cover the mountains

like our oceans.


101 Bible Secrets



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Churches actually depict a pagan god as being “Jesus” today, not the real Jesus of the



The order and number of the biblical books have been turned upside down from the

original order as shown in the manuscripts.


Three prophets of God went stark naked in public to present their teachings to the



Dr. Ernest L. Martin has taught history for 12 years at a college in England, been the

Chairman of the Department of Theology at another in California, has supervised over 450

college students at a major archaeological excavation in Jerusalem for two months each

year for a period of five years (and his archaeological educational program was featured in

the Education section of Time magazine for September 3, 1973). He has written four major

research books which are advertised internationally in archaeological and biblical

periodicals and over 600 Planetariums around the world annually show his astronomical

and historical material at their December showings. He has written several hundred articles

on biblical and historical matters and is listed in the current (1992–93) edition of Who’s

Who in Religion.


by Ernest L. Martin

A few years ago I went to the bookstore of a major Southern California theological

seminary and asked the clerk for any book they had on “the world’s oldest profession.”

Rather sheepishly, he answered that they did not carry such books in their bookstore

because their specialty was “theology.” I immediately informed him that this was the very

subject in which I was interested, because the world’s oldest profession is theology. This is

easily proved.

I informed the clerk that the first discourse ever recorded in history between two

professional individuals (or at least they considered themselves professionals or they would

not have been discussing the subjects they did) was the conversation between the serpent

and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Indeed, it was the serpent who started the conversation by

asking Eve a question about God. The serpent asked: “Yea, has God said?” Thus, we are

informed that the first professional question in all history was given by the serpent and it

concerned God. The serpent then proceeded to answer his own question that he himself

had proposed. The dialogue that evolved was a theological one. And since that time the

prime questions discussed throughout all history have been ones involving theology. People

are very curious to know about God.

With my explanation of “the world’s oldest profession,” the clerk at the bookstore smilingly

told me they had over 10,000 books on the “oldest profession” and he would gladly sell me

any of them. The clerk liked my appraisal of the theological profession and he began to tell

the other clerks in the bookstore that he had finally found out what “the world’s oldest

profession” really was. He and the others were so friendly to me that I bought four books

about that profession.

In this book we are going to study some interesting matters concerning “the world’s oldest

profession.” In 101 Bible Secrets that Christians Do Not Know, we are going to observe

some little known (but often profoundly important) biblical teachings about God and his

written word that are often overlooked, misunderstood, misapplied, misused or deliberately

abused by people who have occupied themselves with trying to understand the Bible. The

truth is, however, if people would genuinely ask questions about God and His ways (not in


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the manner the serpent proposed) then patiently wait to read or hear the answers as

revealed in the Bible (and then believe what they read), most questions about God would

have been thoroughly answered and understood centuries ago.

The problem with most of us, and I am including myself in this category, is the fact that we

approach the reading of the Bible with such preconceived ideas of what the Bible is

supposed to teach that it is no wonder that most of us (in one way or another) have looked

right over the biblical answers to our questions. What God shows in simple terms that a

child could understand, we have complicated with our preconceived theological beliefs to

the place of not being able to recognize even the simplest of biblical truths.

But in this book I ask a very small favor of all my readers and myself. I am asking that all

of us slow down a little and read what the Bible says on 101 subjects (some very important

and others that may appear trivial at first). By slowing down just a little and if we can get

rid of our preconceived ideas (this is difficult to do with any of us), we will be amazed at

what the Bible does in fact say to mankind. Indeed, by studying the Bible for what it

actually says, the Bible for the first time may begin to make sense to all who read these

101 biblical “secrets.”

Believe me, I have been as guilty of approaching biblical study with preconceived ideas as

anyone. We are told to grow in grace and in knowledge, and that is what I have tried to do.

I am amazed at some of the absurd beliefs I used to hold about the Bible (supported by

what many mainline denominational leaders have taught) that are nowhere near what the

Bible actually teaches. I have had to give up such nonsense in the 35 years I have been in

the theological profession. In that time I have taught history for 12 years at a college in

England, been Chairman of the Department of Theology at another in the United States,

and I have supervised over 450 college students at a major archaeological excavation in

Jerusalem for two months each summer for a period of five years. I have also written

several major books which were advertised internationally in archaeological and biblical

periodicals, and over 600 Planetariums around the world feature my historical and

astronomical material at their December showings. For matters of reference, I am also

listed in the current (1992–93) edition of Who’s Who in Religion.

Now that I have mentioned some of the things I have done for reference purposes, let me

now assure you of what I am not trying to do. I am not endeavoring in this book to get

anyone into any church or Christian group. My objective is far different. I am only

interested in trying to promote a profound respect among the general public for biblical

studies and to show some excellent teachings of the Bible.

What will be discovered in this book is the fact that those so-called 101 “secrets” are not

“secrets” at all. They are just plain and simple teachings that the preachers, priests and

theologians (and also all ordinary lay persons) should never have got mixed-up about in

the first place. All it requires to rectify this situation is for all of us to slow down a little. We

simply need to read carefully what the Bible does in fact say. When this is done (and I will

help you just a little with literary suggestions and advice in the pages of this book), people

will be in for some real surprises concerning the teachings of the Bible.

The Bible can truly be understood, and what it teaches is often quite the opposite of what

people think the Bible teaches. In many cases the real biblical teaching is diametrically

opposed to what professional preachers and priests over the centuries have taught us

about what the Bible is supposed to teach. This even includes university professors. The

essential problem with the theologians who teach in the universities is their penchant to

defend in an active sense the teachings of their church denominations rather than look at

the teachings of the Bible in a fresh and independent way. After all, they want to keep

their salaries (which is a strong incentive to teach what their employers want and demand)

and they find it difficult to be open about what the Bible actually teaches.


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This book, however, will bring to light 101 “Bible secrets” that not only most ordinary

Christians do not know, but even preachers, priests and theologians do not recognize. My

only appeal to you while you read this book is this: Do not simply rely on the teachings

that the world has been given over the centuries by those who have been the “professors”

employed within the traditional denominations. What we will do in this book is to return to

the good old book itself for some simple answers. And we will slow down a little in doing it.

When we do, we will discover that the Bible will tell us things very different from what we

are being told by most preachers, priests, evangelists, and theologians who are active

within “the world’s oldest profession.”

Instructions to the Reader

by Ernest L. Martin

The approach of study in this book is different than those who wish to rely on the teachings

of the denominational preachers, priests, and theologians. The sole authority will be what

the Bible says about itself and its teachings. There are three biblical principles in

understanding the Bible that we will follow in this book.

We will not go outside the Bible to define the meanings of biblical words. The Bible is

its own best interpreter, and it gives plain and simple answers.


We will not introduce Gentile philosophical or religious principles or alien ideas into

the Bible to explain biblical doctrines. This is what the preachers and priests have

done with disastrous results.


We will let plain biblical statements on the condition of the dead guide us and not

allegorical or poetic renderings that the dead are alive (the Bible teaches the

resurrection from the dead at the second advent of Christ, not a continuation of life

at death). Those who have died are completely dead and awaiting the resurrection

from the dead at Christ’s Second Advent. They know nothing of what is going on in

earth, under the earth, or in heaven today. Only Christ has been resurrected from

the dead to be at the right hand of the Father in heaven. All others are dead —

completely and thoroughly unconscious and absolutely unaware of anything in the

world of the living (Ecclesiastes 9:5). The importance of knowing this central biblical

truth will be evident in several doctrinal sections of this book.


Ernest L. Martin, 1998

David Sielaff, 2005


Introduction (see above)

Instructions to the Reader (see above)

Chapter One“Hollywood Theology”


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Secret 1 The Ten Commandments Were Pocket Size

Secret 2 Hollywood Knows Nothing about Stirrups

Secret 3 A New Creation of Animals after Noah

Secret 4 Red Sea Was Crossed on an Ice Bridge

Secret 5 The Long-Haired “Jesus” Is a Pagan God

Chapter TwoQuestions about God

Secret 6 What Does God Eat for Breakfast?

Secret 7 Is the Spirit a Personality?

Secret 8 What Kind of Body Does God Have?

Secret 9 Is God Totally a Spirit?

Secret 10 Is the Godhead a Plural Entity?

Secret 11 Are Angels a Part of the Godhead?

Secret 12 Does God Commit Evil?

Secret 13 Does God Ever Lie?

Secret 14 Does God Have a Wife?

Secret 15 Is God Circumcised?

Secret 16 Can God Die?

Secret 17 What Should Man Call God?

Chapter ThreeQuestions about the Bible

Secret 18 Modern Bibles Are All Mixed-Up

Secret 19 The True Old Testament Order

Secret 20 The Real New Testament Order

Secret 21 The Original Bible Divisions

Secret 22 Books that Do Not Mention God

Secret 23 Hidden Names of God

Secret 24 The Seven Churches of Paul

Secret 25 The Forty-Nine Bible Books


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Secret 26 The Wrong Number of Books

Chapter FourQuestions about Chronology

Secret 27 Jacob’s Old Age at Marriage

Secret 28 Abraham’s Legal Wives

Secret 29 The 400 Years of Bondage

Secret 30 The 450 Years of Paul

Secret 31 The Exact Day of Christ’s Birth

Secret 32 Christ Born on New Year’s Day

Secret 33 An Eclipse at the Crucifixion?

Secret 34 When Was Christ Resurrected?

Secret 35 What Weekday Was Christ’s Death?

Secret 36 Has the Resurrection Already Occurred?

Secret 37 Are There Two Second Advents?

Secret 38 The Pre-Tribulation Rapture

Chapter Five“Let Us Now Go to Hell”

Secret 39 Just Where Is Hell?

Secret 40 Is Hell a Burning Punishment?

Secret 41 Can People Live in Hell?

Secret 42 Where Is the Lake of Fire?

Secret 43 Did Christ Preach While Dead?

Secret 44 All People Go to Hell

Secret 45 Does Hell Last Forever?

Secret 46 Did Peter Say “Go to Hell?”

Chapter SixQuestions about Prophecy

Secret 47 Death of the Two Witnesses

Secret 48 Is a Day Always a Year?


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Secret 49 A Major Contradiction?

Secret 50 The Real Meaning of 666

Secret 51 Vatican Hill and Prophecy

Secret 52 What Does Antichrist Mean?

Secret 53 Will Many Christs Soon Arrive?

Secret 54 Why Methuselah Lived So Long

Chapter SevenQuestions about Sexual Themes

Secret 55 What Men Prophesied Stark Naked?

Secret 56 Abraham Swore on the Testes

Secret 57 The Castration of Ham

Secret 58 Never Touch a Woman’s Hand

Secret 59 Canaanites Wanted Sexual Organs

Secret 60 Israel and Phallic Worship

Secret 61 Paul Recommended Emasculation

Secret 62 Having Many Women without Adultery

Secret 63 Did Baal Relieve Himself?

Chapter EightQuestions about Christian Doctrines

Secret 64 Should One Turn the Cheek?

Secret 65 People Are Ordered to Swear

Secret 66 Are Christians “Born Again”?

Secret 67 Were Christians Communists?

Secret 68 Could Paul Lose Salvation?

Secret 69 When Were You Saved?

Secret 70 How Many Are to be Saved?

Secret 71 People Can Lose Out

Secret 72 Will Mustard Seed Faith Do?

Secret 73 Does Satan Know Your Thoughts?

Secret 74 Does Satan Cause One to Sin?


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Secret 75 Are Prophets Infallible?

Chapter NineQuestions about Rituals and Salvation

Secret 76 Was the Passover Always a Lamb?

Secret 77 Can Passover Be Kept Anywhere?

Secret 78 Are Entrails Proper to Eat?

Secret 79 How Young Were Animals Eaten?

Secret 80 What Day Was the Passover?

Secret 81 Should Christians Keep Feasts?

Secret 82 Does God Always Follow Rules?

Chapter TenQuestions about History

Secret 83 Did Enoch and Elijah Die?

Secret 84 Was Incest Justified?

Secret 85 The Women of Christ’s Genealogy

Secret 86 Who Was Judas Iscariot?

Secret 87 What Prophet Was Deformed?

Secret 88 Who Was the First Gentile Saved?

Secret 89 What Prophet Called God a Liar?

Secret 90 Who Was the Author of Psalm 119?

Secret 91 Did Moses Stutter?

Secret 92 What Was Joseph’s Colored Coat?

Secret 93 Why Did Rachel Steal Images?

Secret 94 No Circumcision in the Wilderness

Secret 95 Israel’s Population at the Exodus

Chapter ElevenThe Garden of Eden and Noah’s Flood

Secret 96 Where Was the Garden of Eden?

Secret 97 Did the Flood Cover Mountains?


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Secret 98 Did Noah Have a Rain Gauge?

Secret 99 The Earth Once Had Ice Rings

Secret 100 Did Water Come From the Temple?

Chapter Twelve

Secret 101 Political Bible Translations

Appendix 1 More on Crossing the Red Sea

Appendix 2 The Error of the Long-haired Jesus

Appendix 3 The Holy Spirit — Person or Power?

Appendix 4 How the Bible Is Inspired

Appendix 5 Where Is the Lake of Fire?

Appendix 6 The Population at the Exodus

Appendix 7 The Secret of the Number 666

Other books by Dr. Ernest L. Martin

Restoring the Original Bible

Online free at

The Star that Astonished the World

Online free at

Essentials of New Testament Doctrine

Online free at

The People That History Forgot

Online free at

ABC’s of the Gospel

Online free at

The Tithing Dilemma

Online free at

Secrets of Golgotha

The Temples That Jerusalem Forgot

All books can be purchased in bound paperback form on the Internet at

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