introducing kanban through its values (#lkna13)

@asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13 Introducing Kanban through its values Mike Burrows @asplake [email protected] [email protected]

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Post on 22-Jan-2015




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A values-based rather than practice-based or tool-based introduction to the Kanban method. See the Kanban values section on for the gist of the script.


  • 1. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Introducing Kanbanthrough its valuesMike Burrows@[email protected]

2. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13What is Kanban? 3. What is Kanban?Something from the factory floor?, 4. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13What is Kanban?A personal productivity tool? 5. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13What is Kanban?The new name for a card wallor standup meeting? 6. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13What is Kanban?A book [1], a method, a community? 7. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13What is Kanban?The textbook answer:The Kanban method is anevolutionary approach to change 8. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13What is Kanban?HereThereHow we wish change worked 9. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13What is Kanban?How change really works 10. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13What is Kanban?Evolutionary change with many small JsIncreasing fitnessIncreasing capabilityfor change 11. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13What is Kanban?Yes, butThe Kanban method is anevolutionary approach to change 12. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Kanban as fostering a better environment the right outlook things that drive us forwardviewed from its value system [2, 3]Toward a better answer 13. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Environmentunderstandingagreementrespect 14. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13FP1: Start with what you do nowEnvironment: understanding 15. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13FP1 (expanded): Start with whatyou do now, understanding [4]: how it serves and frustrates the customer how the process works and fails to work for you how change works in your organizationEnvironment: understanding 16. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13vs tampering (Deming [5])Environment: understanding 17. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13vs bravado (Collins [6])Environment: understanding 18. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13FP2: Agree to pursueincremental, evolutionarychangeEnvironment: agreement 19. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13agreement in practice,vsagreement in principleEnvironment: agreement 20. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13agreement betweenvsagreement fromEnvironment: agreement 21. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13FP3: Initially, respect current roles,responsibilities & job titlesEnvironment: respect 22. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Showing respect for people does notmean you have to like them, agreewith their views, and fail tochallenge any half baked reasoningStephen ParryEnvironment: respect 23. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Environmentunderstandingagreementrespect 24. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Outlookcustomer focusflowleadership 25. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13CP3: Manage flowOutlook: customer focus 26. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13CP3 (expanded): Manage totimely completion the smoothflow of customer-recognisedvalue over a range of timescalesOutlook: customer focus 27. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Know what youre delivering,to whom, and whyOutlook: customer focus 28. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Outlook: customer focus 29. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Outlook: customer focus 30. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Outlook: customer focus 31. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Outlook: customer focus 32. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Outlook: customer focus 33. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Outlook: customer focus 34. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Outlook: customer focus 35. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13CP3 (expanded): Manage totimely completion the smoothflow of customer-recognisedvalue over a range of timescalesOutlook: flow 36. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Paying explicit attention[7] to flow 37. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Paying explicit attention[7] to flow 38. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Paying explicit attention[7] to flow 39. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Paying explicit attention[7] to flow 40. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Paying explicit attention[7] to flow 41. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Paying explicit attention[7] to flow 42. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Paying explicit attention[7] to flow 43. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Paying explicit attention[7] to flowlearning to see it and to value it 44. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13FP4: Encourage acts ofleadership at all levels in yourorganization from individualcontributor to seniormanagementOutlook: leadership 45. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Small acts of leadership 46. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Put problems & problem-solversas close together in time &space as you can; managersprovide coaching and scopeafter Steven J. Spear [8]Outlook: leadership 47. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna131. What is the process?2. How can we see that it isworking?3. How is it improving?Outlook: leadership 48. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Outlookcustomer focusflowleadership 49. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Drivetransparencybalancecollaboration 50. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13CP1: VisualizeCP4: Make policies explicitCP5: Implement feedback loopsDrive: transparency 51. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Drive: transparency 52. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Drive: transparency020406080100120On holdProposedPrioritisedReady for DevDevTestingReady forReleaseReleasedImplemented 53. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Drive: transparency 54. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Drive: transparencyExample policy:When taking on a new piece ofwork, inform the sponsors of anyexisting work that will beimpacted as a result 55. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Drive: transparencyExample policy:Production > Test > Dev 56. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Drive: transparencyWatch for people messing with therules, because that is the earliestsign of significant changeJoel Barker 57. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Drive: transparency 58. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13CP2: Limit work-in-progress (WIP)Drive: balance 59. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Drive: balance 60. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Drive: balance 61. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Drive: balance 62. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Littles law [9]:cycle time =work-in-progress (WIP)throughputDrive: balance 63. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Drive: balancedemand vs supply 64. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Drive: balanceplanned vs interrupt-driven 65. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Drive: balanceurgency-driven vs date-driven 66. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Drive: balanceshort, medium & long term 67. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Drive: balancedelivery, improvement, experiment 68. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Drive: balancecustomer, team, organization 69. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13CP6: Improvecollaboratively, evolveexperimentally[using models[and the scientific method]]Drive: collaboration 70. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Drive: collaboration 71. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Drive: collaboration 72. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Drive: collaborationIncreasingly, the needs of businessrequire a level of collaborationimpossible at the Im great levelDavid Logan [10] 73. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13CP6: Improvecollaboratively, evolveexperimentally[using models[and the scientific method]]Drive: collaboration 74. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Drivetransparencybalancecollaboration 75. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Environment Outlook Driveunderstanding customer focus transparencyagreement flow balancerespect leadership collaboration 76. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Environment Outlook Driveunderstanding customer focus transparencyagreement flow balancerespect leadership collaboration 77. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Values shared by learning organisationsa group of people working together collectivelyto enhance their capacities to create resultsthey really care aboutSenge [11, 12]Environment Outlook Driveunderstanding customer focus transparencyagreement flow balancerespect leadership collaboration 78. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13What is Kanban?Kanban is a method for buildinglearning organisationsIn support of the ongoing pursuit ofcompetitiveness it fosters an environment for learning an outlook for improvement, and a drive for continuous transformationto the mutual benefit of customers, theorganization and the people within it 79. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Who is Kanban for?Knowledge workorganizations that needto learn fasterAdoptersofmethodX(not to scale) 80. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13Kanban through its valuesWhat is Kanban?What does it do?Who is it for? 81. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13 Which of these need more attention in yourworkplace? Which three resonate most strongly with youpersonally? Outlook Driveunderstanding customer focus transparencyagreement flow balancerespect leadership collaboration 82. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13With special thanks to:Jabe Bloom, Patrick Steyaert, Matthias Jouan, David Anderson,Dave White, Arne Roock, Bernd Schiffer, Dimitar Bakardzhiev,Greg Brougham, Hermanni Hyytil, Janice Linden-Reed, ChrisChan, Zsolt Fabok, Corinna Baldauf, Andy Carmichael, Alex Fedtke, TomCagley, Rob Ferguson, Yuval Yeret, Joseph Hurtado, John Miller, KurtHusler, Matthias Bohlen, Rodolfo Moeller, Karl Scotland, Mattias Skarin,Alan Shalloway, Pierre Nies, Fred Engel, David Shrimpton, BjrnTikkanen, Simon Thomas, Simon Marcus, Marco Melas, Jon Terry, MariaAlfreden, Torbjrn Gyllebring, Shridhar Lolla, Jim Sutton, Stephen Parry You 83. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13References[1] Kanban, Anderson[2][3][4] Thinking in Systems: A Primer, Meadows[5] Out of the Crisis, Deming[6] Good to Great, Collins[7] The Culture Game: Tools for the Agile Manager, Mezick[8] Steven J. Spear, The High Velocity Edge[9][10] Tribal Leadership: Leveraging Natural Groups to Build a Thriving Organization, Logan[11][12] The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of The Learning Organization, Senge 84. @asplake: Introducing #Kanban through its values #lkna13PhotosSlide 3: 5, 53: David J. Anderson & Associates IncSlide 65: 66: