introducing jesus’ team. peter & andrew peter cephas = “rock born in bethsaida, lived in...

Introducing Jesus’ Team

Post on 21-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Introducing Jesus’ Team. Peter & Andrew Peter Cephas = “rock Born in Bethsaida, lived in Capernaum with his wife Fisherman


Jesus’ Team

Page 2: Introducing Jesus’ Team. Peter & Andrew Peter Cephas = “rock Born in Bethsaida, lived in Capernaum with his wife Fisherman

Peter & Andrew

Page 3: Introducing Jesus’ Team. Peter & Andrew Peter Cephas = “rock Born in Bethsaida, lived in Capernaum with his wife Fisherman


• Cephas = “rock

• Born in Bethsaida, lived in Capernaum with his wife

• Fisherman

Page 4: Introducing Jesus’ Team. Peter & Andrew Peter Cephas = “rock Born in Bethsaida, lived in Capernaum with his wife Fisherman
Page 5: Introducing Jesus’ Team. Peter & Andrew Peter Cephas = “rock Born in Bethsaida, lived in Capernaum with his wife Fisherman


• Cephas = “rock

• Born in Bethsaida, lived in Capernaum with his wife

• Fisherman

• Impulsive, brash, bold, born leader

• Part of the “inner circle”

Page 6: Introducing Jesus’ Team. Peter & Andrew Peter Cephas = “rock Born in Bethsaida, lived in Capernaum with his wife Fisherman


• Promised to never deny Jesus

• Cut off the ear of the high priest’s servant

• Denied Jesus three times

• Became the leader of the early church

• Gospel of Mark based on Peter’s testimony

• Crucified upside down

• Cephas = “rock

• Born in Bethsaida, lived in Capernaum with his wife

• Fisherman

• Impulsive, brash, bold, born leader

• Part of the “inner circle”

Page 7: Introducing Jesus’ Team. Peter & Andrew Peter Cephas = “rock Born in Bethsaida, lived in Capernaum with his wife Fisherman

Andrew• Also born in Bethsaida,

lived in Capernaum• Brother of Peter• Fisherman• Originally a follower of

John the Baptist• Inquisitive, positive• First to follow Jesus• Brought Peter to Jesus• Told Jesus of the boy

with 5 loaves and 2 fish

Page 8: Introducing Jesus’ Team. Peter & Andrew Peter Cephas = “rock Born in Bethsaida, lived in Capernaum with his wife Fisherman


• Preached in Greece, Asia Minor, and Russia

• Was crucified on an X-shaped cross

• Also born in Bethsaida, lived in Capernaum

• Brother of Peter• Fisherman• Originally a follower of

John the Baptist• Inquisitive, positive• First to follow Jesus• Brought Peter to Jesus• Told Jesus of the boy

with 5 loaves and 2 fish

Page 9: Introducing Jesus’ Team. Peter & Andrew Peter Cephas = “rock Born in Bethsaida, lived in Capernaum with his wife Fisherman

James & John

Page 10: Introducing Jesus’ Team. Peter & Andrew Peter Cephas = “rock Born in Bethsaida, lived in Capernaum with his wife Fisherman

James, son of Zebedee

• Fisherman with his father and brother, John—family well off

• Fiery, short-tempered personality

• Jesus named him and John “Sons of Thunder”

Page 11: Introducing Jesus’ Team. Peter & Andrew Peter Cephas = “rock Born in Bethsaida, lived in Capernaum with his wife Fisherman

James, son of Zebedee

• Rebuked with John for requesting God to rain fire on a Samaritan village

• One of 3 disciples in the core group of disciples

• One of the “pillars” of the church in Jerusalem

• First of the disciples to be martyred--beheaded

• Before His death, he visited Spain to preach the Gospel

• Fisherman with his father and brother, John—family well off

• Fiery, short-tempered personality

• Jesus named him and John “Sons of Thunder”

Page 12: Introducing Jesus’ Team. Peter & Andrew Peter Cephas = “rock Born in Bethsaida, lived in Capernaum with his wife Fisherman


• Fisherman with his father and his older brother, James

• “The beloved disciple”• Along with Peter & James

formed the “inner circle”• Brash & aggressive• John, along with his

brother, asked to sit at Jesus’ right and left hand

• Was given responsibility to take care of Mary, Jesus’ mother

Page 13: Introducing Jesus’ Team. Peter & Andrew Peter Cephas = “rock Born in Bethsaida, lived in Capernaum with his wife Fisherman


• Pastor of church in Ephesus—had Mary with him

• Exiled to island of Patmos• Wrote the Gospel of John,

I, II, & III John, and Revelation

• John died in Ephesus around AD 100—only disciple to die a natural death

• Fisherman with his father and his older brother, James

• “The beloved disciple”• Along with Peter & James

formed the “inner circle”• Brash & aggressive• John, along with his

brother, asked to sit at Jesus’ right and left hand

• Was given responsibility to take care of Mary, Jesus’ mother

Page 14: Introducing Jesus’ Team. Peter & Andrew Peter Cephas = “rock Born in Bethsaida, lived in Capernaum with his wife Fisherman

Philip & Bartholomew

Page 15: Introducing Jesus’ Team. Peter & Andrew Peter Cephas = “rock Born in Bethsaida, lived in Capernaum with his wife Fisherman


• Born in Bethsaida• Well versed in scripture• The third disciple Jesus

called• Practical, helpful• Brought Bartholomew

(Nathanael) to Jesus

Page 16: Introducing Jesus’ Team. Peter & Andrew Peter Cephas = “rock Born in Bethsaida, lived in Capernaum with his wife Fisherman

Philip• Informed Jesus that

several Greeks wanted to see Him

• Lived and preached in modern day Ukraine

• Also labored in what is modern day Turkey

• Healed the wife of the Roman proconsul—she became a Christian, he then ordered Philip to be put to death

• Was crucified on a cross

• Born in Bethsaida• Well versed in scripture• The third disciple Jesus

called• Practical, helpful• Brought Bartholomew

(Nathanael) to Jesus

Page 17: Introducing Jesus’ Team. Peter & Andrew Peter Cephas = “rock Born in Bethsaida, lived in Capernaum with his wife Fisherman


• Also called Nathanael• Born and/or raised in

Cana of Galilee

Page 18: Introducing Jesus’ Team. Peter & Andrew Peter Cephas = “rock Born in Bethsaida, lived in Capernaum with his wife Fisherman
Page 19: Introducing Jesus’ Team. Peter & Andrew Peter Cephas = “rock Born in Bethsaida, lived in Capernaum with his wife Fisherman


• Also called Nathanael• Born and/or raised in

Cana of Galilee • Friend of Philip, brought

to Jesus by Philip• Skeptical, “Can anything

good come out of Nazareth?”

• Jesus said he was an honest man

• Nathanael said Jesus was the “Son of God” and “King of Israel”

Page 20: Introducing Jesus’ Team. Peter & Andrew Peter Cephas = “rock Born in Bethsaida, lived in Capernaum with his wife Fisherman


• The Armenian church claims him as their founder

• Crucified in Armenia

• Also called Nathanael• Born and/or raised in

Cana of Galilee • Friend of Philip, brought

to Jesus by Philip• Skeptical, “Can anything

good come out of Nazareth?”

• Jesus said he was an honest man

• Nathanael said Jesus was the “Son of God” and “King of Israel”

Page 21: Introducing Jesus’ Team. Peter & Andrew Peter Cephas = “rock Born in Bethsaida, lived in Capernaum with his wife Fisherman

Thomas & Matthew

Page 22: Introducing Jesus’ Team. Peter & Andrew Peter Cephas = “rock Born in Bethsaida, lived in Capernaum with his wife Fisherman


• Didymus = “the twin”• Doubtful—called

“Doubting Thomas” • Courageous—

encouraged disciples to go to Bethany in spite of danger

• Affirmed Jesus was “Lord and God” when saw Him after the resurrection

• Traveled to India and founded the Christian church there

• Was killed by a spear for his faith and was buried in India

Page 23: Introducing Jesus’ Team. Peter & Andrew Peter Cephas = “rock Born in Bethsaida, lived in Capernaum with his wife Fisherman


• Levi, the son of Alphaeus• From Capernaum• Tax collector in Galilee,in

the service of Herod—collected duty on all the merchandise that was transported in and out of the area

• Considered to be a traitor• Penitent and Hospitable—

invited Jesus to a dinner with him and his friends

Page 24: Introducing Jesus’ Team. Peter & Andrew Peter Cephas = “rock Born in Bethsaida, lived in Capernaum with his wife Fisherman


• Wrote the Gospel of Matthew—perhaps the best educated of the disciples

• Ministered to Persia, Macedonia, Syria, and Ethiopia

• Killed by an ax in Ethiopia

• Levi, the son of Alphaeus• From Capernaum• Tax collector in Galilee,in

the service of Herod—collected duty on all the merchandise that was transported in and out of the area

• Considered to be a traitor• Penitent and Hospitable—

invited Jesus to a dinner with him and his friends

Page 25: Introducing Jesus’ Team. Peter & Andrew Peter Cephas = “rock Born in Bethsaida, lived in Capernaum with his wife Fisherman

James, son of Alphaeus & Thaddeus

Page 26: Introducing Jesus’ Team. Peter & Andrew Peter Cephas = “rock Born in Bethsaida, lived in Capernaum with his wife Fisherman

James, son of Alphaeus

• “James, the Less”• Possible brother of

Matthew• Is often confused with

James the brother of Jesus

• Was with the group in the upper room praying after Jesus’ ascension—so faithfully continued to follow

• Stoned and clubbed to death in Jerusalem

Page 27: Introducing Jesus’ Team. Peter & Andrew Peter Cephas = “rock Born in Bethsaida, lived in Capernaum with his wife Fisherman


• Also known as Judas the son of James, or Jude

• Name means “beloved” or “dear to the heart”

• Inquisitive• Asked Jesus how he would

reveal himself to his followers and not to the world

• May have authored the book of Jude

• Was crucified

Page 28: Introducing Jesus’ Team. Peter & Andrew Peter Cephas = “rock Born in Bethsaida, lived in Capernaum with his wife Fisherman

Simon the Zealot & Judas Iscariot

Page 29: Introducing Jesus’ Team. Peter & Andrew Peter Cephas = “rock Born in Bethsaida, lived in Capernaum with his wife Fisherman

Simon, the Zealot

• Was a zealot, fanatical opponents of the Romans—may have been the reason he followed Jesus in the first place

• Patriotic• Loyal• Passionate• May have been a

missionary to Persia and then in modern day Britain

• Crucified in Britain

Page 30: Introducing Jesus’ Team. Peter & Andrew Peter Cephas = “rock Born in Bethsaida, lived in Capernaum with his wife Fisherman

Judas Iscariot

• From Kerioth in Judea—only disciple not from Galilee

Page 31: Introducing Jesus’ Team. Peter & Andrew Peter Cephas = “rock Born in Bethsaida, lived in Capernaum with his wife Fisherman
Page 32: Introducing Jesus’ Team. Peter & Andrew Peter Cephas = “rock Born in Bethsaida, lived in Capernaum with his wife Fisherman

Judas Iscariot

• From Kerioth in Judea—only disciple not from Galilee

• Treasurer for the group of disciples

• Greedy & deceitful• As keeper of the

moneybag, he oftentimes helped himself

• Criticized Mary for anointing Jesus with expensive perfume

• Betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver, felt remorse, threw the blood money in the temple and hanged himself